Bring Your Talent tool kit

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Bring Your Talent Contest

Contest starts April 30, 2012 and ends July 31, 2012

Dear Emeritus Community, We are excited to present you with the 3in4 Tour Campaign. This campaign was designed to increase traffic to your community by hosting an event that is part of a very high-profile national campaign. Your event will include a presentation by a nationally renowned elder-care expert and author who will discuss the importance of long term care planning. The event will also feature a Bring Your Talent show – which is open to all residents, as well as any local seniors and caregivers. Talent show winners can win FREE Rent for a year or a free week-long respite stay. These events are only taking place at 24 select Emeritus communities between April 30 and July 31, so you will want to act quickly to begin your promotions. In this packet you will find several resources to help you formally promote the 3in4 Needs More campaign to your professional referral sources, general public and families of prospective residents. To get you started you should have received the following marketing tool in the mail:  50 11x17 customized flyers to promote your Bring Your Talent Contest event (flyer can also be used as a poster to display around town at community centers, doctor’s offices and within your community) You will also be receiving the following marketing materials via email:  Bring Your Talent toolkit, including tips on how to effectively market this campaign  49”x96” banner graphics promoting the campaign to print locally  36” x 24” poster graphics to get printed locally onto foam board and posted on an easel in your lobby to promote to residents, staff and customers We encourage you to work with your Regional Director of Sales and Marketing if you need assistance to roll this program out. This is a huge opportunity to differentiate your community from your competitors. We hope you find these tools to be a valuable resource. Thanks, Seattle Sales & Marketing

Bring Your Talent Contest Tips for Successful Marketing Event Execution: • Follow the ED/CRD checklist provided in this toolkit, with week-by-week instructions! • Make sure all community staff know and understand the 3 in 4 Need More/Bring Your Talent event – talk up the 3 in 4 Need More promotion as part of your daily stand-up, and weekly leadership meetings. • Mail out 3 in 4 Need More/Bring Your Talent flyer to all leads and referrals in your Connects database. • Use this event as a great reason for follow up calls to leads that have not yet toured your community. • Set up a community call blitz two weeks before the event to remind folks of the event. Make a special invitation to former respite residents! • Include 3 in 4 Need More/Bring Your Talent flyer in all your community collateral. • Take advantage of all the visitors in your communities during the Spring/Summer season to promote the event: families, friends, local community groups. • Hand deliver event flyer to key TOP 20 professional referrals: SNF-Admission, D/C Planners, Home Care , Hospital Case Managers and Physicians. • Set up a community contest between managers who drop off the most flyers/posters to local area businesses, churches, etc. and obtain a business card of the person they talked to about the 3 in 4 Need More/Bring Your Talent promotion. • Contact your Chamber of Commerce and see what it costs to send an email blast out to all members communicating this campaign. • Follow up with your own local press contacts with the media list forwarded to you by Mary Beth Dagg ( • Hang your banner either inside or outside your community to promote the event • Include 3 in 4 Need More/Bring Your Talent in your personalized emails to your April, May, June and July internet leads, highlighting and inviting them to the event. • Call your top internet and referral sources to announce the event: APFM Reps, and any referral agencies. • Make sure model rooms are showcase ready! • Have plenty of staff available for tours, with a little extra gift card incentive for Priority Reservations that day! And remember, the key to success with any event marketing: FOLLOW UP! FOLLOW UP! FOLLOW UP! With leads, families, residents and referral sources!

Bring Your Talent Contest Emeritus 3in4 Community Events ED and CRD Planning and Logistics Checklist Every selected community will host a community event that features “3in4 Need More” nationally recognized elder care expert, Dr. Marion, and a “Bring Your Talent” show for all current residents, families and general public interested in entering the Emeritus Facebook talent contest. The talent show will coincide with the “3in4 Need More” bus tour stop at your community. At the end of the bus tour, a national winner will be selected and win one free year’s rent. Additionally, 11 runner-up entries will receive a free week of rent. EDs and CRDs will help to organize and market the event in your community. The LEDs will be in charge of organizing and stage managing the “Bring Your Talent” show portion of the event. This event is a great opportunity to welcome prospective residents and their families into your community, provide important information, and encourage residents to share their talents and have some fun! Here is a quick planning guide for you to follow in conjunction with the rest of the team coordinating the “3in4 Need More” Event.

Event Logistics • The 3in4 Tour Bus will show up at your community between 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. to set up for the event and the Talent show • Dr. Marion will speak from 1-1:30 p.m. and take questions from 1:30-2 p.m. • At 2 p.m., Dr. Marion will MC the talent show. The LED will choose a back-up MC, just in case Dr. Marion can’t do it. • The LEDs will schedule residents and families to perform first, then schedule any general public who stop in to perform, afterwards • The talent show will occur in the same place as Dr. Marion’s scheduled talk, which will make it easier for the production crew to set-up cameras, lights, etc.

Bring Your Talent Contest Details • Any senior or their caregiver can enter the talent contest – including current residents and their families. Employees are not allowed to participate. • In order to win, talent show contestants must either: ○○ Submit a 2-minute or less video on the Emeritus Facebook page showcasing their talent. At the end of the video, contestant must answer the question: “Why is winning this contest important to you?” ○○ Attend the event, where performances will be videotaped and uploaded to the Emeritus Facebook page by the “3in4 Need More” video team. Again, at the end of the video, talent show entrants will also be asked to answer the question: “Why is winning this contest important to you?” • Free year’s rent or respite stays do not include level of care, and SNFs and seniors on Medicaid are NOT eligible to participate • The contest will run from April 30th through July 31st, 2012 • Emeritus Facebook Fan likes will determine the finalists. A panel of judges from Emeritus and the 3in4 team will determine the Grand Prize and second place winners. • Winners will be announced on August 15th

Bring Your Talent Contest Emeritus 3in4 Community Events ED and CRD Planning and Logistics Checklist...continued Seattle Corporate Marketing Will: • Post the “3in4 Need More” event and Bring Your Talent contest on the Emeritus homepage, with landing page and supporting details • Post the contest on Facebook and Twitter • Post a banner on communities’ individual website homepages • Post the event and talent contest on communities’ on-line partner sites • Send out national press release announcing the 3in4 event and the Bring Your Talent contest • Send out local community press releases announcing the event and contest • Help communities secure media/PR attention with targeted media lists • Send out electronic email blasts to community leadbanks prior and throughout the contest

ED and CRD Responsibilities 4 weeks prior to event 1. Confirm date, time and room for the event. Every community participating in the event will have the following schedule: a. 1 – 2 p.m. Dr. Marion b. 2 – 3 p.m. “Bring Your Talent” Show 2. Promotional flyers will be shipped to you directly from the printer. Check for accuracy! 3. Include a flyer in resident/family bills that go out on the 20th, if timing is appropriate to the event date. 4. Conduct a phone blitz to hot and warm leads to attend the event 5. Hang banner outside community 6. Corporate Marketing will list the event on your web pages, and on major online listing websites. 7. LEDs will add the event to the community calendar and include information in the newsletter 8. LEDs will reserve necessary equipment to support the talent show, such as PA system, microphones, piano or other instruments needed for musical talent, etc. 9. LEDs will meet with DSD to arrange refreshments and snacks and where food will be set-up in the community 3 weeks prior to event 1. Distribute/mail flyers out to prospects and referrals 2. Post flyers and posters in local community 3. Post flyers and posters around the neighborhood community businesses, churches, library, coffee shops, etc.

Bring Your Talent Contest Emeritus 3in4 Community Events ED and CRD Planning and Logistics Checklist...continued 2 weeks prior to event 1. Follow up with leads 2. Follow up with referral sources 3. Follow up with media contacts 4. Order refreshments/snacks for the event 1 week prior to event 1. Meet with LEDs to make sure the planning and talent sign up is running smoothly. They should have the talent schedule, refreshments and equipment details, and set up/cleanup crews selected. 2. Make sure all community staff know and understand the event and the Talent Show program. 3. Review and assign any final details. 4. Make sure model rooms are showcase ready, and plenty of staff available for tours. Day of Event • Greet guests • Help Dr. Marion get to the right place • Be available to meet and tour new prospects and their families. • Have a FUN and SUCCESSFUL EVENT! Take photos and tell us all about it!

Bring Your Talent Contest Emeritus 3in4 Community Events LED Planning and Logistics Checklist Every community will host a Bring Your Talent show in the community for all current residents, families and general public interested in entering the Bring Your Talent contest. The talent show will coincide with the 3in4 bus tour stop at your community. At the end of the bus tour a national winner will be selected and win one free year’s rent. Additionally, eleven runner-up entries will receive a free week of rent. As LED you will help to organize the actual talent show in your community. This event is a great opportunity to encourage residents to share their talents and have some fun! Here is a quick planning guide for you to follow in conjunction with the rest of the team coordinating the 3in4 event.

Bring Your Talent Show Logistics • Talent show will be scheduled to occur from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. at each community • Community residents and families should be scheduled to perform first, general public who stop in to perform in order to enter contest should perform afterwards • Limit performances to 2 to 3 minutes each • Dr. Marion will be the emcee of the event, but a back-up should be prepared to take over if she is unable to emcee • Talent show should occur in the same place as Dr. Marion’s scheduled talk. Having the entire event occur in one area will make it easier for the production crew to set-up cameras, lights, etc. • Performances will be videotaped and uploaded as entries into the contest

4 to 6 weeks prior to event 1. Reserve necessary equipment to support talent show such as PA system, microphones, piano or other instruments needed for musical talent, etc. 2. Confirm date and time of community talent show. Every community participating in the event will have the following schedule: a. 1 – 2 p.m. Dr. Marion b. 2 – 3 p.m. “Bring Your Talent” Show 3. Post fliers throughout the community to help get the word out to the residents and families 4. Include talent show on activity calendar and write article promoting event in newsletter 5. All entries will be videotaped and uploaded for entry into the Emeritus Facebook contest in which residents can win either free rent for one year or free rent for one week.

3 weeks prior to event 1. Begin to confirm “talent” for contest a. All residents and families are eligible to participate b. Consider reaching out to residents personally who you know have talent and would like to enjoy sharing – singing, dancing, playing an instrument, telling jokes, reading poetry, etc. c. Call LED’s in sister Emeritus communities to recruit residents from their communities to participate in the show 2. Meet with DSD to plan simple refreshments and beverages to be served during the talent show 3. Continue to reach out to residents and families to confirm entries for the talent show

Bring Your Talent Contest Emeritus 3in4 Community Events LED Planning and Logistics Checklist...continued 2 weeks prior to event 1. Begin to create schedule for event a. Who will perform and at what time b. Remember, you will need to leave time for general public “drop in” talent that will want to perform in order to enter the contest 2. Continue to advertise to residents and families in order to line up “talent” 3. Continue to reach out to LED’s in sister communities to recruit talent and enlist help for day of event 4. Share event details with department head team and review what help will be needed on the day of the event a. Set-up crew b. Staff who will help residents get “dressed up” for their performance c. Clean-up crew

1 week prior to event 1. Confirm rental equipment and deliver date and time a. Work with Maintenance Director to arrange for extension cords, power strips, etc. that will be needed (rental company should tell you what is needed for PA, microphones, etc.) b. Confirm with Maintenance Director to be there when equipment arrives and help set-up as needed 3. Provide residents, families and LED from sister communities who will be performing with a schedule for event day a. What time they need to be at the community b. What time they are scheduled to perform c. Any other logistics 4. Meet with DSD to confirm final details for refreshments and snacks and where food will be set-up in the community 5. Confirm with Department Heads what will be needed for set-up and tear-down for event 6. Continue to recruit performers amongst residents and families 7. Consider purchasing small “thank you” items for everyone who participates in talent show a. Bouquet of flowers for residents b. Chocolates or other sweet treats

Bring Your Talent Contest Emeritus 3in4 Community Events LED Planning and Logistics Checklist...continued Event Checklist Utilize this checklist on the day of the event to make sure you have everything you need.


Stage set-up Equipment • Microphone • PA • Extension cords • Power strips • Lighting (if necessary depending on show location in community) Confirm that all talent participants know: • What time to arrive at the community • What time they are scheduled to perform • Who will be helping residents “get ready” (make-up, hair, etc.) Confirm who will be assisting residents with getting ready (hair, make-up, etc.) and what time Confirm with DSD that refreshments and snacks are ready and where it will be set-up during the event Coordinate other department heads to help with set-up, during event and clean-up Finalize list of participants for Dr. Marion to announce as the emcee

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• Name of residents • Type of talent they will be doing • Listed in order of appearance Recognize & thank residents for participating

Bring Your Talent Contest Sample Marketing Pieces

Bring Your Talent Contest Sample Press Release

Corporate Marketing will send out on behalf of community (Community Logo) FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

Media Contact: (Name) (Title) (Community Name) (phone) (email address)


3IN4 NEED MORE AND ELDER CARE EXPERT DR. MARION CELEBRATE AGING AND SHARE PRACTICAL ADVICE TO PREPARE FOR LONG-TERM HEALTH NEEDS CITY, STATE – MONTH XX, 2012 – The [city] leg of a nationwide senior talent competition and long-term care awareness tour is coming to [Emeritus community] on [date and time]. Non-profit group 3in4 Association and its spokesperson, elder care expert & author Dr. Marion, recently partnered with Emeritus to launch the “Bring Your Talent” contest, a search to find America’s most talented seniors and caregivers. The winner will receive one free year of rent at any Emeritus community, with 11 runners-up each receiving one free week. The contest is part of the national 3in4 Need More campaign, an educational initiative to raise awareness about the need for Americans to better prepare for their long-term health care needs. According to the US Department of Health & Human Services, nearly 70% of Americans over 65 will need some form of long-term care. Yet most are unprepared for its financial and emotional impact. Dr. Marion is driving across the US in the 3in4 Need More bus to give Americans a wake-up call to the realities of long-term care, and how they can better prepare for it. Her message is simple – she’s sending out an SOS: • S = SITUATION. It’s a fact: we’re getting older and living longer than ever before. If you don’t need long-term care, your parent, spouse, or other loved one might. • O = OPTIONS. Long-term care take on many forms, all of which can cost into the thousands. Consider your options now so you won’t be shocked later. Check the calculator at to find long-term care costs in every state. • S = SOLUTIONS. Traditional insurance and Medicare will not cover most long-term care costs. Research alternatives - like financial planning, government support, family support, long-term care insurance, reverse mortgages, and more. Dr. Marion will be at [Emeritus community] to share her tips and advice – and to emcee an open call for auditions, inviting the most talented seniors and caregivers in [city] to showcase their abilities for a chance to win. Can’t make it in person? Anyone across the country can enter via Facebook on the Emeritus Senior Living page. Visit for more information. Dr. Marion’s talk starts at [time] in the [room] at [Emeritus community, address]. The talent auditions will immediately follow. To reserve a spot, or to interview Dr. Marion and/or [Emeritus community contact?], please contact [local contact – phone/email].

Bring Your Talent Contest Sample Press Release...continued

Corporate Marketing will send out on behalf of community About 3in4 Association and Dr. Marion The 3in4 Need More campaign ( is a public service and the educational component of the 3in4 Association (3in4), a nonprofit 501(c) (6) corporation. 3in4 Need More is a nationwide movement exclusively dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of planning for one’s long-term care needs. Members of the campaign cross all industries, genders and age groups. 3in4 Need More’s national spokesperson is elder care expert and author Dr. Marion Somers (http://www.drmarion. com), a leading authority on aging and caregiving. Dr. Marion has worked with seniors and their caregivers for over 40 years, and helped millions of Americans through her books, website, syndicated columns, media appearances, speaking tours, iPhone apps, and more. About Emeritus Emeritus Senior Living is the nation’s largest assisted living and memory care provider, with the ability to serve approximately 49,700 residents. More than 28,000 employees support 478 communities throughout 44 states coast to coast. Emeritus offers the spectrum of senior residential choices, care options and life enrichment programs that fulfill individual needs and promote purposeful living throughout the aging process. Its experts provide insights on senior living, care, wellness, brain health, caregiving and family topics at, which also offers details on the organization’s services. Emeritus’ common stock is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol ESC. ###

Bring Your Talent Contest Sample Flyer for Prospects/Referral Sources You will be receiving 50 11”x17” flyers (flyer can also be used as a poster to display around town at community centers, doctor’s offices and within your community)

Bring Your Talent Contest Sample Poster - will be emailed to community 36� x 24� poster graphics to get printed locally onto foam board and posted on an easel in your lobby to promote to residents, staff and customers

Bring Your Talent Contest Sample Banner - will be emailed to community 49� x 96� banner graphics to get printed locally and post on building exterior

Bring Your Talent Contest Sample Email Campaign Corporate Marketing will send to database leads/referrals on behalf of community

Bring Your Talent Contest Sample Advertisement In order to customize this ad for your community, please work with your RDSM/ RDO to complete the Advertisement Request form on the Smart Store.

Bring Your Talent Contest Online Marketing Promotion

Bring Your Talent Contest Homepage Banner & Landing Page

Bring Your Talent Contest Community Specific Landing Page

Bring Your Talent Contest Contest Website

3131 Elliott Avenue, Suite 500 Seattle, WA 98121

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