Emersons Green Voice November 2020

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emersonsgreenvoice www.emersonsgreenvoice.co.uk

November, 2020 — ISSUE 47


Have your say on South Gloucestershire Council Budget SOUTH Gloucestershire Council is inviting residents, council tax and business rate payers to have their say on its budget and council tax for 2021/22.This is your opportunity to comment on the council’s priorities, council tax and its proposals to improve services and increase efficiency.

Changes To ensure sustainable services that continue to provide value for money, the council is proposing to repeat last year’s council tax increase of 1.99 per cent. This will help cover increased costs in providing services, coupled with an expected adult social care precept of two per cent. This will help meet the continued growth in demand for services, particularly those that support the most vulnerable. These changes will mean an increase of approximately £61.58 per year in overall council tax bills (equivalent to £5.13 per month) for a Band D household.

Better value for money By the end of 2021/22, the council will have made cumulative savings of over £100m in annual spending through efficiency measures. Wherever possible, this work has prioritised protecting frontline services from spending reductions, while delivering better value for money to residents. The council is continuing to implement a Transformation and Savings Programme to help meet the budget challenges ahead but

even assuming the full savings plan is achieved, there is still a predicted budget gap of £22.5m by 2022/23. The council is identifying further potential savings to balance the books. It continues to make the case to Government for additional funding for areas of work where demand and costs of delivering those services are rising significantly.

View from the Leader of South Gloucestershire Council, Cllr Toby Savage

Balancing the books South Gloucestershire Council Cabinet Member for Resources, Councillor Ben Burton, said: “Our top priorities are to deliver the best possible educational outcomes for all of our young people; to maintain and improve the places where we live; and to achieve the very best value for money. “We have been delivering millions in support to residents and to businesses who are impacted by Covid-19 and it will have an ongoing effect on our budget. This draft budget sets out how we would like South Gloucestershire to recover from Covid-19 and to continue to be such a wonderful place to live, work and visit. As demand for services needed by the most vulnerable, the young and the old increases, we need to deliver those services and ensure we get value for every pound we spend, and balance the books. This why each year we ask residents to have their say as we plan for the future.” Continued on next page.

WELCOME - We’re very proud to partner with The Voice, a great local business, for this special edition. We bring you news on our budget and council tax and invite you to have your say. We have also included our new Council Plan and update you on support for those struggling with Covid-19. Unfortunately, coronavirus cases are rising here and if we are to avoid stricter measures, protect ourselves and our loved ones and keep South Gloucestershire safe, we must follow government guidance. Remember: Hands, Face, Space. Thank you all for your hard work so far and continuing support.



How to have your say on the budget: View the budget at www.southglos.gov.uk/budget and then send your comments by 3 January 2021: • By email: consultation@southglos.gov.uk • By completing a survey (available online or download from the council website: www.southglos.gov.uk/budget) • By writing to: Freepost RTXL-YJXJ-BXEX, South Gloucestershire Council, Corporate Research & Consultation Team, Council Offices, Badminton Road, Yate, Bristol, BS37 5AF • By telephoning 01454 868154. A full council meeting on 10 February 2021 will consider the consultation responses and decide the council’s budget.

Ambitious new Council Plan in place SOUTH Gloucestershire Council now has a new Council Plan for the next four years. The priorities and commitments the council is outlining in this plan will help to ensure our district remains a great place to live, work and visit. The plan offers a new means of demonstrating how the council is making a difference for you, delivering ‘real value for money’ services.

• Promoting sustainable inclusive communities, infrastructure and growth • Realising the full potential of people and delivering value for money.

Your feedback

Action Plans

The council ran a public consultation on the draft plan earlier this year. The feedback from this consultation has shaped a really exciting and ambitious new plan.

Key priorities Building on your responses, the plan sets out four key priorities: • Creating the best start in life for children and young people • Identifying and supporting those most in need and helping people to help themselves

Wash your hands regularly.

Delivering value for money, addressing the climate emergency and promoting equality of opportunity are ‘threads’ that run through the plan.

In November, the council will approve 20 commitments and associated Action Plans setting out how it acts on these challenges and how progress is measured. Firstly, it will work with its partners and communities to create the best possible start in life for children and young people. By focusing on outcomes such as raising educational attainment, the council can make the biggest long-term cross generational impact. The second priority is to identify and support those most

*Wear a face covering in all shops, indoor and hospitality venues, on public transport & taxis.

Keep your distance from others.

*Exemptions include: ● children under the age of 11 ● people with breathing difficulties ● people living with a disability

Stop the spread. Do the right thing.

in need, with a focus on helping people to help themselves. Thirdly, the council wants to promote sustainable, inclusive communities, infrastructure and growth. It has a significant role to play in shaping future places. It’s making real progress on a Climate Emergency Action Plan to ensure that growth ambitions are delivered whilst maintaining a strong commitment to protecting the environment. Fourthly, it has set a priority to realise the full potential of its staff and services, to keep value for

money front of mind. The timing of this Council Plan is important. It takes into consideration the significant challenges that were evident long before Covid-19. The council has also drawn on lessons learnt from the response to the pandemic such as keeping residents better informed, and working with those who have stepped up to help communities play an active role in finding answers to local issues. Find out more about the plan at www.southglos.gov.uk/ councilplan

Test and Trace Support Payment THE Government’s new national Test and Trace Support scheme makes payments of £500 to those who are struggling to self-isolate because of financial constraints. To be eligible, you will need to have received notification from NHS Test and Trace to self-isolate, started self-isolation on or after 28 September 2020, and meet certain other criteria. The scheme is here to ensure that people on low incomes selfisolate when they test positive or are identified as a contact, and to encourage more people to get tested. This will help reduce the transmission of Covid-19 and avoid further social and economic restrictions, including local lockdowns. To be eligible for the Test and Trace Support Payment, you must have been asked to self-isolate by NHS Test and Trace either because you’ve tested positive for Covid-19 or have recently been in close contact with someone who has tested positive, and be employed or self-employed and unable to work from home and will lose income as a result. You will also need to be currently receiving one or more of the following: Universal Credit, Working Tax Credit, income based Employment and Support Allowance, income based Jobseeker’s Allowance, Income Support, Housing benefit, or Pension Credit. To find out more, including whether you are eligible, and how to apply, visit www.southglos.gov.uk/apply-test-and-trace-supportpayment or call the South Glos team on 01454 434087.


November, 2020 — ISSUE 47



Councillor Rachael Hunt at Emersons Green Library with children who completed the South Gloucestershire Summer Reading Challenge. More than 2,000 children across the district took part in the 2020 challenge, entitled Silly Squad.

Peacocks store faces closure EMERSONS Green’s Peacocks clothing store could face closure after its owner said it intended to call in administrators. PAGE 10

Family welcomes inquiry verdict

Warning as Covid cases rise CHILDREN in a school's reception classes have been told to self-isolate after a pupil tested positive for Covid-19. The decision to keep everyone in the youngest year group 'bubble' at Lyde Green Primary School at home comes as the number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Emersons Green and the surrounding area

continues to rise. The latest figures from the Office for National Statistics, as the Voice went to press, showed that during the week to October 15 there had been 10 new confirmed cases in Emersons Green, 7 in Mangotsfield, 9 in Pucklechurch and Westerleigh, and 4 in Downend. Four weeks earlier there had

been 3 new cases in Emersons Green, 6 in Pucklechurch and Westerleigh and 4 in Mangotsfield, although Downend cases were slightly higher, at 5. A South Gloucestershire Council spokesperson confirmed that the confirmed case of Covid-19 at Lyde Green primary involved a pupil who was tested Turn to Page 4

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AN independent review has concluded that the death of Oliver McGowan, 18, at Southmead Hospital was potentially avoidable. PAGE 5

Surgery to act on phone problems Severe problems with the phone system at Emersons Green Medical Practice and Leap Valley Surgery could soon be at an end. PAGE 7

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emersonsgreenvoice Publisher Gary Brindle 0117 907 8585 07799 461169 Follow us on Twitter @ emersonsgreenvoice

Journalist Linda Tanner 0777 0700579 Journalist Ken McCormick 07715 770377

ADVERTISING sales@emersonsgreenvoice. co.uk Tel: 0117 907 8585 Tel 07799 461169 EDITORIAL news@emersonsgreenvoice. co.uk Letters to the publication can be sent to the above e-mail address or by post to Letters, Emersons Green Voice, 6 Elkstone Walk, Bitton, Bristol BS30 6JT. The editor reserves the right to edit your letter. DEADLINES December edition deadline is November 11. LOCAL INFORMATION South Gloucestershire Council www.southglos.gov.uk 01454 868009 Police www.avonandsomersetpolice.uk general enquiries: 101 Emergency: 999 Fire www.avonfire.gov.uk General enquiries: 0117 926 2061 Emergency: 999

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November, 2020


Covid cases on the rise

From Page 3 on October 15. The child had not been in school since October 13, which means other children at the school have to self-isolate until October 29 and those who do not show any symptoms will be able to return to school when term starts again on November 2. The school shared details of the case with parents on Sunday October 18, advising parents of children in the three reception classes not to send them to school the following day. The school remained open for all other pupils until the halfterm holiday began. Parents of children told to self-isolate are being advised to arrange a test only if the child develops one or more of the three most common symptoms of Covid-19: a new continuous cough, a high temperature or loss of, or change in, his or her normal sense of taste or smell. Tests are arranged via the

NHS online portal or by phoning 119. The households of those awaiting a test result should isolate until they receive the result - and continue in isolation if that result is positive. Other people living with any of the children told to self-isolate because of their contact with the confirmed Covid-19 case do not have to self-isolate, unless their child develops symptoms. In total, since the outbreak of the pandemic, there had been 1,700 confirmed Covid-19 cases in South Gloucestershire by October 20 – 739 higher than four weeks previously. The overall infection rate stood at 596.3 per 100,000 population. However, as of October 9 - the latest date for which figures were available - there had been no deaths of South Gloucestershire residents from Covid-19 for six weeks, with the total deaths reported with Covid-19 since the start of the pandemic standing at 171.

PUBLISHER’S NOTE Emersons Green Voice is independent. We cannot take responsibility for content or accuracy of adverts, and it is advertisers’ responsibility to conform to all relevant legislation. We cannot vouch for any services offered. Opinions are not necessarily those of the editor. Fishponds Voice is distributed each month to local residents. If for some reason you do not get a copy, please get in touch or collect one from local pick-up points. Feedback is welcomed, call Gary Brindle on 0117 907 8585 or news@fishpondsvoice.co.uk.

COMPLAINTS Despite our best efforts, we sometimes get things wrong. We always try to resolve issues informally at first but we also have a formal complaints procedure. If you have a complaint about anything in the Emersons Green Voice, contact the publisher using the details below. We aspire to follow the Code of Conduct of the NUJ (National Union of Journalists), which holds journalists to a high standard of behaviour. Further details of the complaints process can be found on the Voice website here, or can be obtained by contacting the Publisher.

NHS 111 Safer Stronger team sscg@southglos.gov.uk 01454 868009 Anti social behaviour team asbreporting@southglos.gov.uk

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November, 2020



Review finds that Oliver’s hospital death was potentially avoidable AN independent review into the death of an Emersons Green teenager at Southmead Hospital has ruled that it was "potentially avoidable". Oliver McGowan, who was 18, was given an anti-psychotic drug after suffering a partial seizure in 2016, even though both he and his parents told staff he had previously had an adverse reaction and his medical records confirmed this. The drug caused his brain to swell, causing massive, irreparable damage: his life support machine was later turned off after doctors told the family there was no hope of recovery. Oliver's parents Paula and Thomas fought for an independent report into his death after a conclusion that it was avoidable was removed from an official review produced locally. The independent review, for NHS England and NHS Improvement, has found that the initial Learning Disabilities Mortality Review (LeDeR) was "mismanaged, poorly monitored and allowed to progress without due rigour or any independent oversight". Oliver had a mild learning disability, epilepsy and highfunctioning autism, and the LeDeR was part of a programme to improve the standard and quality of care for people with learning disabilities. But the independent report found that the local clinical commissioning group responsible for the LeDeR gave it to a new employee "still on induction" who had never undertaken one before, something the panel said was "highly inappropriate". The reviewer, who was not named in the independent report, was not given enough dedicated time to complete it and said she "felt bullied, overworked and overly stressed". The key question of whether to record Oliver's death as

Oliver McGowan potentially avoidable was discussed at a meeting only after his parents had left: they were invited only to the first two hours, "despite the LeDeR documentation advocating that families should be central to the process". The NHS review said "four individuals" had decided that Oliver’s death should not be recorded as potentially avoidable "at the end of the meeting after all other participants had left". The review, chaired by an independent consultant and working with Oliver's parents and experts from the health, social care and voluntary sectors, concluded "unanimously that Oliver’s death was potentially avoidable". Oliver's parents, Paula and Tom, welcomed the results of the review and said: "We have always known that Oliver’s death was avoidable. "He was a healthy, fit teenage boy who walked into Southmead hospital having absence type seizures and left in the back of a coroners' van, headed for the local mortuary. "It is our opinion that Oliver died as a result of the combined ignorance and arrogance of doctors who were treating him, doctors who refused to listen to

Oliver’s direct instructions and us, his parents, who knew him best." They said they hoped the NHS would treat the results of the review "with the due diligence they deserve and act upon them in a meaningful way", adding: "The lives of learning disabled people depend upon it." Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group, which carried out the initial review, said: "It remains a deep source of regret to us that the McGowan family’s experience of LeDeR was so poor. "In the three years since Oliver’s review was completed we have significantly improved our processes and will continue to do so on an ongoing basis." Andrea Young, chief executive of North Bristol NHS Trust,

which runs Southmead Hospital, said: "The staff who cared for Oliver did their very best in managing his complex needs as his health was deteriorating. “They made decisions, as they do on a daily basis, to weigh up all the risks and sought to give him the best possible treatment. “Sadly Oliver died in our hospital and we are sorry for his loss. “We are determined to offer exceptional care for individuals with learning disabilities and autism and we have significantly improved training and support for staff. “We are committed to continue learning and will act on this report.” In July Avon and Somerset police confirmed that they are carrying out an inquiry into Oliver's death.

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Covid-19 test centre set up as Nightingale changes considered A CORONAVIRUS testing centre has been set up at UWE's Frenchay campus. The drive-through facility, which opened on October 1, is in the car park by the university's business school. It is a stone's throw from UWE's exhibition centre, which was transformed into a Nightingale hospital to treat Covid-19 patients earlier this year but has so far not been used. The unit, which is open six days a week, is the first community testing facility to open in South Gloucestershire and will serve both residents and students, who will have a self-contained "walk-through service". It is being managed by finance and professional services company Deloitte on behalf of the Department for Health and Social Care. The council requested it "because people in South Gloucestershire were having to

An ambulance at the NHS Nightingale Hospital Bristol travel quite lengthy distances to be tested". Tests are by appointment only, for people with coronavirus symptoms. Bookings are made via the nhs. uk/coronavirus website, or by calling 119. Signs directing people to the centre, which is accessed via the campus North Entrance, off the A4174, are in place from the M32 and Abbeywood roundabouts. In a statement, South Gloucestershire Council said:

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"You must not turn up at the site if you have not booked an appointment. Anyone who turns up without an appointment will be turned away. "The council requested the additional capacity for South Gloucestershire as part of its ongoing work with partners to monitor and stop the spread of Covid-19 in the district." The council says the facility is "self-contained", which means people arriving by car for tests will not need to mix with students using the centre on foot or go into university buildings. Council cabinet member for public health Ben Stokes and director of public health Sara Blackmore issued a joint statement, which said: “We are pleased to have additional testing facilities locally because people in South Gloucestershire were having to travel quite lengthy distances to be tested." UWE vice-chancellor Professor Steve West said: “As the centre is completely segregated, members of the public will not need to access any university buildings and students will not be required to leave our

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Covid-secure campus to receive their free swab test." The testing centre opened as it emerged that University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Trust (UHBW) was planning to use part of the NHS Nightingale Bristol hospital as additional capacity for Bristol Eye Hospital, which has had to significantly reduce its space because of social distancing rules and beds for Covid-19 cases. The Nightingale hospital opened in April after being created in three weeks but has remained on standby since June, although work has recently been carried out to ensure the building and surrounding site can be safely used through the winter. A report to the UHBW trust board at the end of September 29, said part of the hospital could become an ophthalmology “diagnostic hub”, at a cost of £2 million, to provide diagnostic services for glaucoma, cornea, and medical retina patients. The eye hospital’s A&E was expanded at the start of the pandemic to care for patients with coronavirus, which reduced the capacity for outpatients. UHBW director of strategy and transformation Paula Clarke said: “We are very actively in discussions with a number of services, including the eye hospital and paediatrics, to establish if we can make really good use of the facility in the interim with the assurance that it could be stood down if we needed to trigger reopening the Nightingale for critical care.” Additional reporting by Adam Postans, Local Democracy Reporting Service

Got News? Call Jayne On 0788 0731148


November, 2020

n NEWS A PHONE system used by two of the area's biggest surgeries is being replaced after a deluge of complaints. Patients of Green Valleys Health, which runs Emersons Green Medical Centre and Leap Valley Surgery, say they can spend hours trying to get through to book appointments. A year ago doctors wrote to patients admitting that the phone service was "not acceptable". But there has been no improvement since then, with complaints continuing on the NHS ratings and reviews site of "poor service", as patients describe being repeatedly unable to get through, being put on hold for 10 minutes at a time and suddenly being disconnected. Now Green Valleys Health says it is working to get a new system in place by the end of the year as a "top priority". In this year's NHS patient satisfaction survey, 48% of Leap Valley and 52% of Emersons Green patients described their experience of booking appointments as "poor".


Surgeries promise solution to patients’ phone nightmare And a recent critical report by the Care Quality Commission also highlighted the issue. Ray Govier, from Bromley Heath, told the Voice he has waited for more than two hours at a time to get through to the surgery. He described his most recent experience of arranging for a blood test and receiving the results as "absolutely hopeless". Ray said: "You dial the number but you don't get a reply – you occasionally get a recorded voice coming on, then that collapses and dies and you get a ringing tone and no answer. "I couldn't get hold of a human being. A friend of mine decided to listen to the ringing tone and count the times it rang, but stopped after 100." Ray, who is 93, ended up driving to the surgery after not

receiving a promised call to tell him the test results, then waited outside, as the waiting area was closed due to coronavirus restrictions. Ray said that as he waited, a woman came to the door of the surgery to beg for an appointment after failing to get through on the phone. He said: "She was screaming into the intercom, saying 'you've got to help me', but there was a notice on the door saying appointments would not be made there. "There's no connection between the patients and the surgery." Green Valleys Health has now announced that it is buying a new phone system. GP partner Dr Jonathan Evans said: “We are deeply sorry to hear about these experiences

and for the frustration caused to those involved. "We are aware of the ongoing issues relating to our telephone lines and improving this is a top priority. "We are in the process purchasing a new telephone system, which will better meet our needs and reduce waiting times for our patients. "We would like to reassure patients that we are focused on getting this new system in place by the end of the year. “Once again, we offer our heartfelt apologies for the distress and frustration caused to both our staff and patients by our telephone system. Access to good telephony is now more important than ever and we are committed to improving the systems so that our patients receive a better service.”

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A PODCAST set up by three friends has survived personal tragedy to pass its 30,000th download. Patrick 'Patch' Warner, Rich Brown and Mike Pedley were described as three peas in a pod when they worked together at Bristol finance firm Hargreaves Lansdown in the early 2000s. Five years ago they turned their chat and banter into a podcast – a downloadable spoken-word show – and named it 3 Peaps In A PodCast. Usually recorded in Patch's home in Emersons Green, with the occasional special event on location, the weekly show has been gathering momentum ever since. But in May this year Mike, who lived in Longwell Green, died after a three-year battle with cancer. The 39-year-old had had several operations and chemotherapy since he was first diagnosed with stomach cancer and had appeared to have beaten the disease before it returned last summer and spread to his liver. Patch said: "Although one of the Peaps has passed away we are still carrying it on in his name. The show must go on, which was Mike’s wish, and with each podcast we record we will remember him." Patch and Rich have continued the format of informal chat and "tangent-heavy witty banter", passing 30,000 downloads in September and now heading towards 32,000.

Show goes on despite tragedy

The 3 Peaps in a Podcast team – Rich Brown, Patch Warner and Mike Pedley in 2018, before Mike lost his battle with cancer Shows include an ever-changing variety of content alongside regular segments including the Room of Doom, a play on the BBC One

show Room 101, and Rich’s Rant, which Patch described as "a platform for Rich to get his latest bugbears off his chest in true grumpy-old man style". The Peaps have also had a number of guests, many of whom either live or have grown up in Bristol, from TV personalities, sports stars and musicians to influencers, restaurateurs and a poet. During lockdown they ventured away from Bristol-based guests, including a notable interview with Sky Sports presenting legend Jeff Stelling, but Patch says their "fantasy booking" would be Hanham-born comedian, actor and director Stephen Merchant. The podcast, which can be downloaded via Apple and Google Podcasts, Spotify and Amazon, has also reviewed events, cook books, go-karting venues, theme parks and restaurants. It has been featured on BBC Radio Bristol and had been due to record Episode 100 in the BBC studios before the lockdown forced the session to be postponed. There is also a spin-off Bonus Show devoted to Bristol City and a post-match reaction show co-hosted by Bristol Post writer Matthew Withers.

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New Headteacher The governors are pleased to announce that Carol Bond has been appointed the permanent Headteacher of Elm Park School. Mrs Bond has been part of The Elm Park community for ten years, most recently as Acting Head and she is delighted to be the permanent Headteacher, leading Elm Park through its next exciting phase.

Got News? Call Jayne On 0788 0731148


November, 2020



A nature-rich meadow in Emersons Green Local naturalist Ed Drewitt discovers a surprisingly rich meadow right in the middle of our community THE triangle of land where Emersons Green Lane divides marked the heart of the original Emersons Green area. It would have been used for grazing sheep, cows and horses and was probably unchanged for many centuries. Up until late in the 20th century, the area was devoted to farming and market gardening, the present park was grazing fields and the woodland corridor known as Green Lane was a drove road, a connecting track where farmers could move their cows between fields. Even after all the recent changes that have happened to the surrounding landscape, the green triangle bordering Emersons Green Lane remains much as it always was. It is now a remarkable gem, snuggled in the area closely connected to the drove road and the park. Being largely unchanged, the green has been unimproved, which means it has never had any chemicals such as fertilisers applied (apart from occasional cow dung!). This has meant that wildflowers have not been outcompeted by competitive grasses and flowering plants that have been here for hundreds of years are still growing in swathes across the green. This is so special that it is part of only 3% of wild flower meadows left in the UK since

Ed Drewitt on Emersons Green common. Photo Chris Sunderland

Small skipper on red clover

Meadow cranesbill

World War Two. Earlier this year, I had the privilege of viewing and surveying the area and I was blown away by how rich the green was. It was covered in meadow cranesbill, a geranium that today is often limited to roadside verges, knapweed, birds-foot trefoil, quaking grass, wild onion and sneezewort, amongst others. Even where there are richer soils and hogweed, grasses and horseradish dominate, and the meadow cranesbill still thrives. For the people of Emersons Green today, this green is a huge asset and a green space to be cherished, loved and admired. It also needs to be cared for in a way that ensures it remains unimproved. Emersons Green Town Council have been cutting the green just once a year, which is good practice and I am recommending that, in the future, the cut material is removed to ensure that it doesn’t form a thatch, rot down and fertilise the soil. We want the soil

to be low in nutrients. The green will also be divided into four sections, and three out of four sections will be cut each year. On rotation, one section will remain uncut. This is to allow a refuge for wildlife, for example, grasshoppers, bush crickets and moth/butterfly caterpillars, so they have longer vegetation left to spend the winter. It also allows eggs and

pupae of invertebrates to remain intact and on site, ready to emerge in the spring. The ecology survey reported in this article was an initiative by Friends of Emersons Green Park that has included training local people to monitor wildlife in the area. It was funded by South Gloucestershire Councillor Judy Adams’ members award funding.

Emersons Green Common

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CHILDREN at Mangotsfield School have been given a taste of life as a musician. The 120 Year 7 pupils met a range of musicians from South Gloucestershire Music Hub, with the aim of encouraging them to aspire to possible career and learning opportunities. School head of music Zoe Giblin said: “Music at Mangotsfield School has had such a fantastic history, and we only wish for that to grow. "We hope that bringing talented musicians from our local area into our school inspires students to pick up an instrument and have a go. "With some difficult and isolating experiences in the past year, learning an instrument can have a huge impact on mental health and well-being, not to mention their aspirations for the future. "We hope that more of our students will feel excited and

Music inspires Mangotsfield pupils orchestras, bands and ensembles at three music centres, giving 4,000 children each week education and opportunities in music. Hub music progression and participation leader Kathryn Harris said: "Music is a vital experience for all of us. It helps us to be creative, builds confidence and relieves stress. "Over the months of lockdown, we have seen time and time again the restorative power of music and I’m delighted that South Gloucestershire Music Hub is able to support Mangotsfield School in joining more than 50% of schools in South Gloucestershire working hard to bring a wide range of musical experiences safely to their pupils."

Mangotsfield School pupils get to grips with some wind intruments motivated to learn a musical instrument, based on these wonderful performances.”

Keep on singing! BRISTOL’S Military Wives Choir is preparing to take part in a second virtual concert. The choir, which draws many of its members from Emersons Green, has been unable to practice at its Mangotsfield base or stage concerts since lockdown. But members kept on singing via Zoom, and on November 1 from 7.30pm they will take part in a concert on YouTube performing to an online audience. Choirshow 2 aims to build on the success of the first virtual concert in July, which featured more than 250 singers in 13 choirs, was watched by 1,300 people raised more than £1,000 for charity and also featured the Bristol Military Wives Choir. Tickets for Choirshow 2 are available online at choirshow2. eventbrite.co.uk. Add the BMWC promo code to receive a discount. Choir spokesperson Sue Reason said: “We are still keeping our spirits up and we are still ‘stronger together’.” The Choirshow concert will also include some online community singing, led by the choirs.

South Gloucestershire Music Hub provides instrumental and vocal lessons in schools and runs

Peacocks faces closure EMERSONS Green's Peacocks clothing store could face closure after its owner said it intended to call in administrators. The store at the Emersons Green Retail Park has "closing down sale" posters in its windows. Owner Edinburgh Woollen Mill Group has filed a notice of intention to appoint administrators, which provides protection from its creditors for 10 days.It operates about 1,100 stores, which also include Jaeger, Ponden Home and the Edinburgh Woollen Mill brand. EWM Group's media representatives did not respond

to a request from the Voice to confirm whether a closing date for the store had been set. As the Voice went to print unconfirmed reports in industry newspaper Retail Gazette said a deal to rescue Peacocks separately from the rest of the group was being discussed. Business advisors FRP, who have been called in by EWM Group, said: "Our team is working with the directors of a number of the Edinburgh Woollen Mill Group subsidiaries to explore all options for the future of its retail brands Edinburgh Woollen Mill, Jaeger, Ponden Mill, and Peacocks.”


for anything Join us for a Virtual Visit this term

redmaidshigh.co.uk To advertise, contact Gary on 07799 461169

Email: sales@emersonsgreenvoice.co.uk

Got News? Call Jayne On 0788 0731148

November, 2020


Metrobus services change BUS company First is changing metrobus services and late-night buses to the Downend area. The company has reinstated the metrobus m3 service, which is running from Lyde Green to the city centre via Stoke Gifford every 20 minutes on Monday to Friday. It means that the m3x, which travels direct down the M32 from the Avon Ring Road, will be restricted to a 7.30am service only on weekdays. The m3x will continue to operate on Saturday and Sundays. The change means staff and students using the service to go to UWE's Frenchay campus will be able to use the metrobus again, although the route of the m3 has been adjusted to use nearby Coldharbour Lane instead of travelling through the campus itself. The service will continue to serve Stoke Lane and Begbrook. First is also adding extra evening journeys up to 10.30pm and a Sunday daytime service to the 48a, which runs through Fishponds to UWE's Glenside campus, while cutting back some late evening journeys on the 48 and 49 serving Downend, Staple Hill, Mangotsfield, Emersons Green and Lyde Green. First says the changes are being made "to match customer demand", and customers are advised to carefully check timetables before travelling. Managing director James Freeman said: “We are still operating in a very fluid environment due to the pandemic. As circumstances continue to change, we are regularly monitoring what is required to meet the needs of our customers, especially now students are returning for the autumn term. “Currently, we are carrying about half the number of passengers compared to pre-lockdown. However, we still have the challenge of social distancing which means we are running more vehicles on some routes than normal." First is encouraging passengers to check its website, use the Bookmybusride.com site and its new "Tap & Cap" contactless payment system, which caps total payments at £5 per day, regardless of how many trips are made. *Police are appealing for witnesses to a "racially-aggravated public order incident" on September 29, in which a woman was verbally abused on the number 17 service between Fishponds and Southmead between 6.30am and 7am, to come forward. Passengers who boarded the service in Staple Hill and might have seen the incident, which involved two other women, should call the police on 101 and quote the crime reference number 5220 220 856.


Arts trail goes festive AN outdoor arts trail featuring talented artists, designers and makers is coming back – in time for Christmas shopping. The BSpoke16 Festive Trail will take place across the BS16 postcode area, including Downend, Soundwell, Emersons Green and Fishponds, on November 27, 28 and 29, from 10am-4pm each day. The trail is the idea of BSpoke16 founders Karen Davies and Catherine Williams, who organised their first art fair for Emersons Green six years ago. It is the second outdoor trail this year, after an "overwhelming and fantastically successful" summer trail in July. Karen, a Downend-based paper artist and designer who sells intricate paper cuts, prints and cards under the name Mustard Cuts, said: "It was great to see so many people safely browsing and having a wonderful time cycling, walking or driving between venues. "The response from the

public and locals was way beyond expectations, exhibitors were ecstatic with the general feedback, encouragement and sales. "Our festive trail will be a perfect time to browse for those special bespoke gifts, cards and decorations with a festive feel leading up to the Christmas period." The trail already has 60 exhibitors, with more expected to sign up. A trail map will be available from mid-November online at www.bspoke16.co.uk, where you can also see some of exhibitors already signed up. Anyone who is interested in exhibiting should email bspoke16@gmail.com for further details. And BSpoke16 traders are also showing their wares at a weekly pop-up shop at the Wooden Walls micro pub in Broad Street, Staple Hill, from 10am to 4pm every Tuesday.

artistS, makerS and designerS trail

27th - 29th november Plan your route in advance and enjoy browsing in a safe environment, outside your local maker’s home

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It’s all about


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To advertise, contact Gary on 07799 461169

Email: sales@emersonsgreenvoice.co.uk

Got News? Call Linda On 0777 0700579

The Mangotsfield area has been covered by a Parish Council since 1894 when Parish Councils were first introduced. Following a Community Governance Review in 2015, due to the considerable development in the area, the Council changed its name from Mangotsfield Rural Parish Council to Emersons Green Town Council. We now cover the areas of Emersons Green, Lyde Green and small parts of Mangotsfield and Downend, as demonstrated by the map to the right. The Council has 16 Town Councillors, representing the three ward areas of Emersons Green, Blackhorse, Pomphrey and Badminton. We currently have a councillor vacancy in the Emersons Green ward.

What does a Town Council do? •

Discuss issues of interest to the town or parish

Has specific powers relating to: • Planning • Provision of recreational facilities and halls • Crime prevention • Community transport • Public toilets • Tourism • Allotments • Footpaths and commons

We maintain much of the Common Land within the Emersons Green area and have a large allotment site at Dibden Lane in Mangotsfield. We have several bus shelters and some street furniture within these areas that we also maintain. The Council is a Statutory Consultee to South Gloucestershire Council for planning applications within our boundary and our Planning Committee meet fortnightly. We also have the ability to award grants to fund local community groups with our boundary, for the benefit of residents. Details of the criteria and application form can be found on our website.

We run an Outreach Youth Service in the Emersons Green area providing activities for young people. More details can be found on our website and Facebook page. Improving facilities and provision for young people in the area is a particular focus of the Town Council. If you are a young person who would be interested in working with us to shape any future projects, please do get in touch!

The Town Mayor and Chairman of the Town Council is Councillor Simon Budd. Simon has served for many years, representing the Emersons Green Ward. He took on the role of the Chairman of the Town Council in May 2019, having been the Vice Chairman for the previous four years.

Councillor Simon Budd

Simon has lived in the local area since 1982 and is married with three grown up children and three grandchildren. Simon is an active member of our local community, volunteering with many local organisations including the local food bank, a local toddlers group and Mangotsfield Village Festival where Simon has been a committee member since it was first formed twenty five years ago.

Simon is also Group Scout Leader for a local Scout group, having been involved with the Scouting movement for fifty years and is also a keen supporter of Mangotsfield United Football Club and Bristol Rovers.


November, 2020



Memories of school days set in stone

A PERMANENT memorial to the school where generations of Mangotsfield children were educated has been officially unveiled. Four former pupils of Mangotsfield Church of England Primary School pulled the cover from a sculpture of a boy and girl reading on a bench, which stands at the gateway used by pupils for more than a century to enter the school from St James Street. The ÂŁ15,000 cost of the project has been paid for by Cotswold Homes, the developer which built new homes on the site of the school after it was demolished in 2018. Staple Hill and Mangotsfield ward councillor Michael Bell and the Mangotsfield Residents Association pushed for a permanent memorial to the school, which was open from 1876 until 1999, when staff and children moved to a new school in Emersons Green.

The sculpture marking the site of the former Mangotsfield C of E School At a socially-distanced ceremony to unveil the statue on October 12, Michael thanked Cotswold Homes director Liam Rinn, who worked with him

to ensure the school received a fitting memorial after the development of 21 homes was finished in March. Liam said the firm felt it

was important to ensure the school was remembered in the community and said: "Hopefully it's something which will be there for generations to come." Residents association chair and community pastor Clive Heath dedicated the memorial and highlighted the school's importance, not only as a seat of learning but also in teaching Christian beliefs after it replaced the nearby Dame School, and as "a big part of Mangotsfield history". The sculpture was created by Tom Whitehead, who grew up in South Gloucestershire but is now based in Yorkshire. He was unable to attend due to having a child self-isolating under Covid-19 rules. Clive paid tribute to his "fantastic" work. • Did you attend the old Mangotsfield Co f E Primary School? If our article has brought back memories, write to news@ emersonsgreenvoice.co.uk

Emersons Green Town Councillors are always keen to engage with members of our community and would welcome any feedback or suggestions. Badminton Ward (3 members) Judy Adams judy.adams@emersonsgreen-tc.gov.uk James Hunt james.hunt@emersonsgreen-tc.gov.uk Rachael Hunt rachael.hunt@emersonsgreen-tc.gov.uk Blackhorse Ward (3 members) Sadik Al-Hassan sadik.al-hassan@emersonsgreen-tc.gov.uk Phil Todd phil.todd@emersonsgreen-tc.gov.uk Catherine Wilkins catherine.wilkins@emersonsgreen-tc.gov.uk Emersons Green Ward (7 members) Stephen Bassett stephen.bassett@emersonsgreen-tc.gov.uk Simon Budd simon.budd@emersonsgreen-tc.gov.uk Caroline Johnson caroline.johnson@emersonsgreen-tc.gov.uk Pat Morgan pat.morgan@emersonsgreen-tc.gov.uk Matthew Palmer matt.palmer@emersonsgreen-tc.gov.uk John Sweeney john.sweeney@emersonsgreen-tc.gov.uk VACANCY Pomphrey Ward (3 members) Sally Hill sally.hill@emersonsgreen-tc.gov.uk Rich Nichols rich.nichols@emersonsgreen-tc.gov.uk Dave Somers dave.somers@emersonsgreen-tc.gov.uk

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Email: sales@emersonsgreenvoice.co.uk

Due to the current Covid-19 situation, Emersons Green Town Council offices are closed to walk-in visitors. Staff are available on email, or via phone to answer any queries. If you would like to visit staff at the office, please email or phone in advance to make an appointment. Tel: 0117 3026989 clerk@emersonsgreen-tc.gov.uk www.emersonsgreen-tc.gov.uk 198 Westerleigh Road, Emersons Green, BS16 7AN

Got News? Call Linda On 0777 0700579






Christmas at St Aldams








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November, 2020


n CRAFT COLUMN Heart-shaped door handle bumper With Liz Freke of Hattie’s Hooray’s DO you have a door handle that is forever bumping into a surface or knocking into a piece of furniture? With the cold nights now drawing in, here is a make that is part cosy decoration but mostly serves as a practical bumper! You will need: Oddments of fabric • Fabric scissors • Sewing machine • Sewing needle Sewing thread • Fabric glue • Small pieces of elastic • Toy wadding Card • Pen/pencil • Sewing pins

1. Measure your door handle – this will determine how many heart shapes you will need (although you can use any shapes you like!) Divide this measurement by 3 - you will need this figure in the next part. Now draw your heart shape freehand onto a piece of card, made slightly wider than your measurement, cut out. Draw round the template and cut out 6 hearts from your fabric.

2. Pair up each heart so that you have 3 pairs. With right sides facing, pin each heart together.

3. Now machine stitch around the edge of each heart, leaving a small gap so that you can turn the heart right side out.

6. Now take your length of elastic and measure around the width of your door handle. Cut the elastic a little longer and overlap each edge in place slightly so that you have created a circle. Repeat with another piece of elastic (this bit can be fiddly so take your time!)

4. Push toy wadding into each heart, getting it into each part of the shape so it bulks up.

5. Take one heart and fold each raw edge in on each other at the opening. Now either secure the edges together with fabric glue or hand stitch the edges closed. Repeat with the other two hearts. Taking your needle and thread, use a few hand stitches to secure each heart next to each other.

7. Use either hand stitching or fabric glue to sew a ‘ring’ of elastic on the reverse of your heart row at each end. 8. Your door handle bumper is now ready to use! Slip it onto your door handle and you have created a stylish yet very practical piece of homeware!


JOIN US AT OUR SIXTH FORM INFORMATION EVENING Tuesday 3rd November from 6pm To register your interest visit: www.colstons.org/welcome-to-sixth-form To advertise, contact Gary on 07799 461169

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Our purpose is leading improvement in policing, victim support and criminal justice services on behalf of local people.

ABOUT POLICE AND CRIME COMMISSIONERS Police and Crime Commissioners (PCC) are elected to be the voice of local people in policing and to hold the Chief Constable to account PCCs ensure the delivery of an effective and efficient police service while enabling the Chief Constable and police to operate independently The PCC works in partnership with a range of local and national agencies to ensure there is a unified approach to prevent crime, support victims and reduce reoffending

YOUR PCC Until the 2021 elections, PCC Sue Mountstevens will continue to focus on the following key priorities: - Protect the most vulnerable from harm - Strengthen and improve local communities - Ensure the police service has the right people, right culture, right capabilities - Work together effectively with other police forces and key partners to deliver better services to local people

As a result of the coronavirus, there are particular areas under those priorities that the PCC wants to focus on, including: - Overseeing the work of the Violence Reduction Units (VRUs) to tackle serious violence - Oversight of the efficiency of the CJS to ensure victims and witnesses are supported - Supporting local victim services with a particular focus on domestic abuse and sexual violence victims - Engaging with local communities to ensure they are supported during the ongoing health emergency

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November, 2020



n AROUND THE WIs Beechmere Belles WI BEECHMERE Belles had an interesting and entertaining evening hosted by a speaker from East Bristol Auctions via Zoom at our last ‘meeting’. We heard about the new ways that Auction Houses are connecting to collectors. Using the world wide web has been the biggest shift in one of the oldest professions around. This medium allows a massive audience to search for anything they can think of, and this is how Gandhi’s glasses were brought to the attention of the American gentleman that bought them. We were also let into a little secret about an item coming up for auction that belonged to a very famous person. I’m sure we will be hearing about it in the papers when the time comes. During the meeting we were given the choice of three items, told a little bit about each one and then we had to vote for the cheapest, mid-range and most expensive. Well, we’ve all watched

that famous TV show about antiques, surely we’ve learnt a few things along the way. I obviously haven’t, as I got it wrong every time. Not that we want to wish the time away, but the committee are already sorting out the calendar of events for next year. We only have one month to confirm, the rest are filled with events and speakers that we hope the members will enjoy and be inspired by. Hopefully we will be able to actually get together once a month; if not, then we carry on with the virtual of way life that allows us to keep in touch and gives us something to look forward to. Well it’s definitely beginning to look a lot like Christmas. The committee members are working hard to make the last evening of the year a little bit special. Beechmere Belles take their month’s break in December, so for us it’s all about getting into the Christmas spirit a little bit earlier than everyone else. Our November meetings are usually craft-

orientated and this is when we get to sit around tables making our Christmas ‘whatevers’, and having a lovely chat and laugh with each other. This year will be different, but change can be good, and I’m sure we will be able to create a sense of fun and enthusiasm for the festive season. The festive season is when we ask the local charity that we support, Feed The Homeless Bristol, what they would like us to do for their Christmas Winter Warmer. This year, due to the pandemic, things are going to have to be very different, so we are just waiting to hear how we can help out. Last year we baked cakes and individually wrapped them in portion sizes. We were also able to supply clothes, underwear and hand-knitted scarves. Please feel free to have a look at our Facebook Page Beechmere Belles – Emersons Green & Lyde Green WI

Send us your group’s report: news@emersonsgreenvoice.co.uk

AL M R O N S A OPEN National Award winners of the Good Garage Scheme

‘School street’ plans dropped PLANS for a 'school street' scheme to ban traffic outside Barley Close primary school have been scrapped. South Gloucestershire Council announced plans for an experimental traffic order to stop traffic entering Barley Close at drop-off and pick-up times during the summer. An initial online consultation held at the end of July had a strongly negative response, with 92% or respondents saying closures would affect them negatively. The scheme had been due to come into force in September but was put on hold, with a view to revising it in time for the return from the half-term holiday in November. The council is now writing to residents to tell them the scheme has been cancelled, after it reviewed public comments and liaised with the school.


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To advertise, contact Gary on 07799 461169

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Got News? Call Linda On 0777 0700579



November, 2020

n LYDE GREEN COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION LGCA supports local businesses through Covid comeback DID you know that our resident cafe at Lyde Green Community Centre is actually a local start-up business? Set up in 2017 after being the winning choice during our cafe tender process, Coffee At Lyde was born and is now serving a full range of breakfast and lunch options, as well as the coffee and home-made cakes we have all grown to love! We couldn’t be more proud of how far the business has already progressed in such a short time. Despite the changes and adaptations they have had to make since reopening, the team have taken it in their stride and continue to make LGCC a great and unique place to visit. Lyde Green residents Kelly and Kane from the Coffee at Lyde team had this to say: “Just like many other small businesses, Covid-19 has been devastating for us. “Thankfully, the trustees and the staff at LGCA have really empathised and helped us back on to our feet during these hard times. “We are truly grateful for their ongoing guidance and support, which has really been the fuel in our fight to build back a better and stronger cafe for our community and beyond.” Look out for their Halloween and Christmas

events coming soon! LGCA are also proud to be supporting local graffiti artist group Graffarty, whose amazing specially-commissioned piece is now on display in LGCC. Bristol based Graffarty, who had been due to work with the community on a piece at the Summer Sizzler 2020, were devastated when the much-loved annual LGCA event was unable to go ahead due to Covid-19. LGCA were determined to support them during this challenging time, so commissioned the artwork and also intend to stay in touch for future community-based artwork when the opportunity to do so returns, so watch this space! Steve Fitzpatrick from Graffarty said: “It

was an absolute pleasure to paint the canvas for LGCC. Not only was everyone that I came into contact with during the process, starting with Lilly, absolutely lovely to deal with, but what I found really moving was at a time when everyone was cancelling events due to Covid-19, you guys went in the opposite direction. “Even though you knew the Summer Sizzler wouldn’t be able to go ahead, you still went ahead and hired me to create the artwork. “At the time when business felt like it was falling off a cliff, that genuinely touched me. So thank you to all concerned – your support meant a lot to me.” Why not pop along to the centre to check it out?

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To advertise, contact Gary on 07799 461169

All work carried out will be following government guidelines regarding social distancing


Email: sales@emersonsgreenvoice.co.uk

Got News? Call Jayne On 0788 0731148


November, 2020



Group is folding but the work goes on SOME of you will know that there have been a lot of unexpected changes for the Lyde Green Open Space group this year. We had lots planned for 2020 including wildlife and community events, but sadly none of this was able to take place due to lockdown and other Covid-19 restrictions. Our committee members and volunteers also struggled with increased workloads, shielding, and life changes. It’s been difficult to meet with people so the group hasn’t been able to develop and grow as we’d hoped. All of this has had a knock-on effect, and we no longer have a committee to take the group forward. We’ve approached other local groups with similar environmental ethos to see if we could merge to pool resources, but this hasn’t been possible. This means the group will be disbanding, at least for now. Since the group formed 2-3 years ago, we’ve achieved a lot. You only have to look back through our Facebook page to see the numerous projects and activities we’ve worked on.

For example, we’ve challenged the Council, Consortium, and GreenSquare to improve public open spaces including the Park and replace dead/damaged trees around the site. We’ve worked with local council and management companies to reduce litter, improve bin emptying, and increase bin capacity as well as holding several litter picks. We asked for planters instead of extra bollards on School Square and volunteers have been keeping them looking bright and cheery with year-round floral displays. We’ve held several community planting and wildlife events, such as the ‘Help Our Hedgehogs’ event with South Glos Hedgehog Rescue last October, and local walks. Alongside St James Church Mangotsfield, we’ve planted Remembrance poppies at LGCC two years in a row and have also held a rogationtide walk at Lyde Green Common. We’ve also worked with South Gloucestershire Council and other partners to build the foundations of a future management plan for Lyde Green Common which we

London Marathon - in Emersons Green! RUNNERS braved torrential rain to compete in the virtual London Marathon by completing a route through Page Park, along the cycle path passing Mangotsfield Station, Shortwood and Lyde Green, before returning through Emersons Green and Mangotsfield. The team from Staple Hill Runners completed a 5.2 mile circuit, five times, which enabled them to visit a food and drink station at the end of each loop. The London Marathon had been due to take place on April 26 but was cancelled because of the pandemic. It had been rearranged for October 4 but due to ongoing restrictions, thousands of competitors ended up running the 26.2 miles virtually on a course of their choice.

FOLLOWING ALL GOVERNMENT CORONAVIRUS GUIDELINES Mon - Wed 9-5.30 | Thursday 9-8 Friday 9-6 | Saturday 9-4 earlier appointments on request 108 Emerson Way Emersons Green

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hope can be implemented in the future. We entered the RHS It’s Your Neighbourhood scheme and won two awards which we’re really proud of. We’re sure this won’t be the end of Lyde Green Open Space projects, as we know there are lots of residents out there who care about our open spaces. We’ll be handing over information to Lyde Green Community Association in lieu of a future Community Development Worker, who we hope will be able to work with the community to reform the group and continue improving local open spaces. If you’d like to be part of new group, please complete our online form to leave your details: https:// forms.gle/PANYyTqB94eWrYB68 This list will be given to Lyde Green Community Association to look after until a new group can be formed. If you’d like to help make this happen, please make a note on

the form, or get in touch with Lyde Green Community Association directly (info@lydegreenca.org). In the meantime, we’re working with LiveWest, Lyde Green Community Association and Community Centre to ensure remaining funding from LiveWest and local councillors will be used for the benefit of the community, environment and wildlife so you’ll see one or two more open space focused projects this year. Finally, we’d like to say a big thank you to all the volunteers, residents, partners and funders who have supported the group’s projects – we couldn’t have done any of it without you. We look forward to hearing about a new Lyde Green Open Spaces group in the future who can continue our work to protect and improve local open spaces including Lyde Green Common, for the benefit of all green space users. Lyde Green Open Space Group

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November, 2020


Could it be magic?





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To advertise, contact Gary on 07799 461169

HIS month I’ve had a little more time to read than I usually do. It’s been interesting, and some of the things I've shared from my reading has certainly raised a few eyebrows in our house! The first ‘magic’ I read about is an eye drop that you can take, that claims to help your eyes focus up close, even past middle age (no quips please - it’s approaching some of us all too fast). The idea is that the drops help stop the impact of the natural firming of the eye’s lens that would normally make seeing close up a bit trickier as the years tick by. Now this process has been happening since man first walked the earth, so it’s a perfectly normal human (ageing) process that starts to have an impact for most of us anywhere from our 40’s to our 50’s. The clever thing about these drops, and yes I’m still going on about them, is that they make our pupils smaller, giving a pinhole effect. Now if you’ve ever tried to make a pinhole camera you will know that making light focus through a smaller gap keeps it in better focus. This sounds amazing right! Let’s all take the drops now eh. Before we get carried away though I should say that these drops are not new to us eye specialists. We’ve used these in our clinics for years to treat a rapid onset type of glaucoma - a condition that can rob you of your vision. Sounds great I hear you say, drops that mean we don’t need reading glasses and we don’t get glaucoma either. Give them to us all now! However, as with all magic, there is surely more than meets the eye. In this case, these drops achieve better near focus by making a muscle in the eye tight, and like any muscle tightening it can ache after a while. In fact sometimes the ache can induce a persistent dull headache or even a migraine, perhaps an acceptable side effect if the alternative is dramatic loss of vision from glaucoma, but is it worth it to just reduce the need for reading glasses? No doubt

Email: sales@emersonsgreenvoice.co.uk

Turners Eye Care Ltd T/A Turners Opticians Incorporated in England & Wales Reg No. 8201460 Subject to availability, T&C’s apply.

you will all have an opinion on this, and it may well be “give me the drops!” I read with interest a quote from a leading London eye surgeon who said “as these drops can cause headache and eye ache, as well as stopping you seeing clearly for driving at night, why not just wear glasses for reading which are safe and effective”. Let the discussion roll on eh! In the meantime, as these drops are not available, perhaps we’ll just keep wearing glasses to help roll back the years and keep our eyes feeling young. Our MAXX glasses are designed for just this reason, we can see clearly far and close, and stay looking young too! You & your loved ones are most welcome to come and see us whatever your eye care needs. Whether you wear glasses for near, far or both, our expert team is ready & waiting to help you! We just ask that you telephone first to book a time to come in, to help us keep you all safe. Please call our Henleaze practice on 0117 962 2474 or our Fishponds practice on 0117 965 4434.

We look forward to seeing you soon!


Peter Turner is a Senior Optometrist at Turners Opticians in Bristol, and also works part time as a Senior Optometrist at the Bristol Eye Hospital.

Got News? Call Jayne On 0788 0731148

November, 2020




Plan for slip road at tip moves forward WORK on a scheme aimed at cutting queues at the Mangotsfield Sort It recycling centre could be under way within a year. South Gloucestershire Council says the scheme has "made a key step forward" after it bought land to build a new slip road for queuing vehicles next to the tip in Carsons Road. The council has declined to reveal how much it has paid for the 2.33 acres of land, which will also be used to relocate its current waste collection vehicle depot from Warmley to Mangotsfield. A report to the council's cabinet when it approved a revamp of its waste collection services put the cost of the slip road project at £600,000. The council said building the slip road and depot would "help us create efficiencies in the service, save money and reduce carbon emissions through less vehicle movements, thereby contributing towards our climate emergency declaration ambitions". Queuing traffic at the site has been the subject of years of complaints by residents, particularly those living in the neighbouring Siston Hill estate. The council says it has put "various

A new slip road will be built at the entrance to the Mangotsfield Sort It centre measures" into place over recent years to improve traffic management but the extra slip road was needed to improve traffic flow and prevent queues backing up on to Carsons Road. Cabinet member for communities Rachael Hunt said: “We are delighted that this land acquisition has now been completed and that we are able to progress with our plans at Mangotsfield. We have been working to find a solution to the access issues at the site for some time, as we know local people have been frustrated with the traffic queues at peak times.

“These improvements will also help us to continue to support our residents to do the right thing for the environment by reducing, reusing and recycling items.” The council aims to submit a planning application for the slip road by the end of the year, with a view to starting work during the autumn of 2021. The base for refuse vehicles would be built within the next two years after that, with a separate planning application, after which the fleet would be moved from its current site at Cowhorn Hill, Warmley, which will be sold to help fund the project. Residents of the Siston Hill estate nearby criticised the plans when they first emerged last year, claiming that the council's plans did not tackle the source of the current problems and could actually make things worse. New Cheltenham ward councillor Kim Scudamore questioned the expenditure on the scheme at a meeting last year after an officers' report said the council was planning to buy the land at "above market value". But council leader Toby Savage said it was “value for money when you consider the strategy in its entirety".

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November, 2020



News from Emersons Green, Downend, and Staple Hill libraries Support for Mental Health and Wellbeing at Downend, Emersons Green and Staple Hill Libraries

All the titles on all of these lists are available in all South Gloucestershire libraries. They can be reserved for free at www.librarieswest.org.uk or ask staff for more details.

Over the past few months many of us have found solace in reading in general. Downend, Emersons Green and Staple Hill libraries stock collections of self-help books on a variety of health & wellbeing subjects which are endorsed by GPs and mental health professionals. These are the Reading Well booklists, which since their launch, have supported 1.2 million people nationally, with over 2.3 million copies of these books being borrowed from public libraries. The most recent Reading Well list contains of 33 titles and is targeted at primary aged children. It includes books on a range of issues that children may face including managing your feelings, dealing with worries, tough times and other stressful situations children may face.

Current staffed opening hours from October 2020 (Open Access not currently available). Mondays – Downend Library 10am – 4.30pm, Staple Hill 10am – 5.30pm Tuesdays – Emersons Green Library 10am - 5pm, Staple Hill Library 10am – 5.30pm Wednesdays – Downend Library 10am – 4.30pm Thursdays – Emersons Green Library 10am – 5pm, Staple Hill Library 10am – 5.30pm Fridays – Downend Library 10am – 4.30pm, Emersons Green Library 10am – 5pm Saturdays – Downend, Emersons Green & Staple Hill libraries - all 9.30am – 1pm

There are also four other Reading Well booklists: (see also www.readingagency.org.uk) • Reading Well for mental health • Reading Well for young people • Reading Well for dementia • Reading Well for long term conditions


Road rage appeal POLICE are trying to trace witnesses and dashcam footage after a road rage incident on the M32. Two women in a car which was leaving the motorway at the Hambrook junction told officers a man driving a silver VW Golf accelerated and pulled alongside them, shouting at them aggressively, making threats and trying to swerve into their vehicle. A police spokesperson said: "The victims were unharmed but left distressed by the incident, which appears to have been unprovoked." The Golf driver was aged between 25 and 30, with olive skin, dark hair and a dark beard, wearing a cap. The incident happened at about 10.30pm on September 29 and anyone who can help should call 101 and quote the crime reference number 5220 221 626.

Other support is available in South Gloucestershire There is also lots of information and advice around adults and children’s mental health, including local help and resources, at www.southglos.gov.uk/ mindyou.

Consultation on new

Traffic Clean Air Zone options The city’s air quality needs to meet legal limits of air quality in the shortest possible time. If we can build on the cleaner ways we’ve been travelling since Covid 19 lockdown we could achieve clean air standards without putting a charging zone in place. Find out more: www.bristol.gov.uk/caz2020 Consultation closes 22 November.

For a paper copy or an alternative format email transport.engagement@bristol.gov.uk or leave a message on 07775 115 909

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Email: sales@emersonsgreenvoice.co.uk

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November, 2020


We need to give children the best start in life


Chris Skidmore writes for

Emersons Green Voice

HIS month I am writing this column jointly with my colleague and neighbouring MP, for Thornbury and Yate, Luke Hall. As local members of Parliament, each representing half of the Lyde Green community, we are absolutely determined to ensure that education provision keeps up with the rate of this new area’s growth. In recent months, we have been ramping up our campaigning efforts. We met the Secretary of State for Education, Gavin Williamson MP, to champion the need for a new school to serve the growing Lyde Green community and to support South Gloucestershire Council’s bid to secure the necessary government funding. It was exciting to see the council begin consultation this summer on the design for the

new ‘all-through’ Lyde Green School, which will have a 420-pupil primary phase and a 900-pupil secondary phase, aiming to take its first pupils in 2022. The school facilities, including its sports pitches, will be available for community use outside of school hours. The new buildings will also be constructed to high environmental standards that seek to minimise carbon emissions. Most recently, we were able to secure a Parliamentary debate on the same subject – with the Schools Minister Nick Gibb MP agreeing that there is “an increasing need for places for secondary school-age pupils in this part of South Gloucestershire”. We are expecting any decisions from government later this term. We have also been pleased to showcase South Gloucestershire Council’s trailblazing ‘Recovery

Curriculum’, designed to help all students returning to school after the disruption of the past few months to get back into learning. Finally this month, we have welcomed the council’s investment to improve school buildings – 17 improvement projects have been carried out over recent weeks. Projects already completed include roof repairs at Courtney School in Kingswood. The Ridge Juniors in Yate, Iron Acton Primary and St Barnabas Primary’s extension in North Common have all had new boilers fitted. Other notable projects include the re-roofing of Barley Close Primary School and improvements at Chipping Sodbury School. This is all about helping to provide the learning environments and support that will inspire local children and give them the best possible start in life.


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To advertise, contact Gary on 07799 461169

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Email: sales@emersonsgreenvoice.co.uk

Got News? Call Jayne On 0788 0731148


November, 2020



Coming on in leaps and bounds

Carson’s & Mangotsfield CC member James Ward

Steve Bellamy Ctta eeetllsllaam S e myy S ev vre epB B


IT had been 25 years since I’d put the pads on, but my son James, aged nine, was keen to play England’s national sport. With many good teams in the Downend and Mangotsfield area we plumped for Carson’s & Mangotsfield as we were impressed with the emphasis on youth. In the seven years since there has been improvement every year, both on and off the pitch. Personal highlights are joining James in the middle requiring a dozen to win and knocking them off, and watching him in two Gloucestershire Youth finals. It’s testament to the youth and family ethos that in the inter-club tournament on August Bank Holiday, there were eight pairs of fathers and sons playing, as well as a grandfather and grandson. Having four teams allows a mixed range of abilities to play and enjoy against team of your level. Off the pitch, the club has come on in leaps and bounds. The three all-weather nets and bowling machine are of high quality and are constantly used during summer months. With the updating of the two cricket squares, the spectator barriers for Bromley Heath Football Club and the new children’s play area, Pomphrey Hill is a real positive place to be. With indoor nets starting in February, restrictions permitting, it will not be long before the new season starts. Something to look forward to in these times of lockdown. Alan Ward


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To advertise, contact Gary on 07799 461169

Email: sales@emersonsgreenvoice.co.uk

Got News? Call Jayne On 0788 0731148


vet 26

November, 2020



S we all age things aren’t as easy as they used to be, whether that’s walking long distances, climbing a flight of stairs, or bending over to pick something up. The same is true for your pet! Is my pet old? Due to breed variations there is no true fixed age that a pet is ‘old’. Your pet is considered to be entering ‘old age’ if they are over 7 years old for dogs and 10 years old for cats. As animals age, their joints wear and can become sore and inflamed. ‘Arthritis’ is a latin word Your formed Vet and of ‘Arthro-’ which translates as ‘joint’ and ‘-itis’ which translates Practice Owner: to ‘inflammation’. Furthermore, Carla‘Arthritis’ Puimemeans Costoya ‘inflamed joints’, a painful condition. There can MRCVS be many causes of arthritis, such as; injuries, infections or joint abnormalities present from birth, or it can be simply be due to old e Pets atage. Home, It can be difficult to notice Green, Bristol, BS16 7AEarthritis in our signs of age-related furry companions as it is a slow com/bristol-emersons-green progressive condition. Due to the gradual nature it is not always 5pm Sat, 10.30am - 4.30pmsoSun something we recognise, here are some things to look out for!

s Green

Is your pet slowing down? Here’s how to get back that spring in the step Some signs of arthritis are more obvious: • Difficulty going up or down stairs or jumping onto beds (or surfaces for cats) • Slowing down on walks and reluctance to do longer walks • An obvious limp or abnormal gait • Vocalisation/whining when getting up or moving • Weight gain (due to inactivity) Some more subtle signs of arthritis include: •Sleeping more or spending more time in a sedentary state •Behavioural changes, such as being more irritable or grumpy and less sociable/more withdrawn • Muscle loss, particularly in the back legs

• Long nails where they are not worn down (particularly in cats these can become ingrown) •Difficulty going to the toilet •Licking or chewing over areas of arthritic pain •Lying on cold floors, pacing, restlessness and unable to settle into a comfortable position What can be done? Don’t worry, with advances in Veterinary medicines and technology there are lots of ways to ease your pets arthritic pain and manage the condition. Such as; • Medications (anti-inflammatories and pain relief ) • Joint supplements • Weight loss (keeping your pet slim

puts less stress on their joints) • Regular routine exercise (20-30 minutes maximum a day, try not to have rest days) • Massage, hydrotherapy or laser therapy If you think your pet may be suffering from arthritis then please don’t hesitate to contact the practice and book an appointment with one of our vets who can discuss the most suitable management and treatment strategies for you and your pet so that they can have the best quality of life in their later years. Vets4Pets, Emersons Green. Tel: 0117 9109352.

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To advertise, contact Gary on 07799 461169

Email: sales@emersonsgreenvoice.co.uk

Got News? Call Jayne On 0788 0731148


November, 2020



Success story


CONSIDER myself very lucky to have a job where, on a daily basis, I’m helping other people feel better about themselves. Chiropractors are a very important part of this country’s healthcare system and sometimes we can reach other parts that others might find tricky to negotiate. It’s always nice to pass on a success story that is a little bit different but nonetheless very rewarding – both for me and the patient. I’ve recently been treating a 40-year-old man who still enjoys playing football and running even though he’s been suffering with a lot of pain. I discovered that he had one leg anatomically shorter than the other, so it’s no wonder that he was struggling. Fortunately there was a relatively straightforward fix. I gave him a 9-millimetre heel lift and “voila”, 20 years of hip, low back and groin pain had disappeared. He was so pleased he bought four heel lifts and put them in all of his shoes! It just goes to show that,

sometimes, the solutions to someone’s particular problems are discovered in the most unusual and unexpected of ways. We all know that our “normal” lives continue to change and it seems that nothing is the same any more, at least for the time being. But it’s great that some professional sport is up and running and, for me, that means a busy time with the Bristol Rovers players. The more League One games Rovers face, the more work there is for me to do, hopefully playing an important part in making sure they stay fit and raring to go – and, after a shaky start to the season, they’re seeing some better results. Let’s hope that at least some of the fans will soon be back at The Mem to cheer them on in these difficult times. With a smattering of local team sport back in action, too, there’s plenty of new patients coming into the clinic seeking our help to get back in action as soon as they possibly can. Unfortunately, the NHS is still

struggling with catching up on physiotherapy appointments. In some cases, I’m hearing about 12-month waiting lists and many consultations are having to take place by telephone conversation. Consequently, we’re seeing a surge in patients at this clinic who need help and can’t wait that long to get it. Clearly no-one really knows how long this virus will take to get under control, or when a vaccine might become available. But I can reassure patients that, whatever happens with any future lockdown, Cleve Chiropractic will be able to stay open. That’s because we are healthcare professionals who have all the necessary risk assessments and PPE in place, no matter the level of lockdown. Since we reopened after the initial lockdown, we have taken all the recommended precautions – and more – to ensure staff and visitors stay safe. Anyone who visits us on a regular basis will know that our team continue to go that extra mile

with Tim Button, Doctor of Chiropractic at Cleve Chiropractic and Next Step in Mangotsfield

0117 957 5388

drtimbutton@ clevechiropractic.com www.clevechiropractic.com facebook.com/clevechiro twitter.com/clevechiro

to ensure patients are looked after in the best possible way. Yes, we are living in extraordinary times. But we’re here for you whenever you need help with your health and well-being. Give us a try – we certainly won’t let you down.

n MANGOTSFIELD RESIDENTS ASS'N IT’S rather frustrating that we are still unable to get together but there is absolutely no doubt that we all need to work together to minimise the impact of COVID-19 by following the guidance, even if we aren’t convinced by it. The South Gloucestershire Council Community Engagement Forum for Staple Hill, Mangotsfield and New Cheltenham met virtually on October 13 and the above message was stressed by the council’s public health team. Local numbers are rising fast, and whilst we are at a lower infection level than the national figure, there is no room for complacency. We will share the full minutes of the meeting when we have them. The residents association will shortly be starting two consultations with local residents. The first will be on whether we turn part of Mangotsfield Common, the green space by the Lamb Inn, over to wild flower planting. We will share a plan and invite comment. The second is for a piece of interpretation artwork in the Dame School garden. There are a number of ways we can do this and, again, we will share them and invite comment.

Once comments have been received we will share the final plan with everyone. As you may have seen on local social media, the Mangotsfield Remembrance Service will be virtual this year and will be available to watch online at staplehillrbl.org.uk on Sunday November 8 at midday. And on the subject of Remembrance, I recently saw this on local social media: "During lockdown we all put rainbows on our windows. "Due to the remembrance parades being cancelled, why don't we all colour a poppy picture in, and put them in our window – lest we forget?" What a fantastic idea: it would be great if lots of people could do this. Finally, the more people get involved, the more we can do, so if you are interested in getting involved in the future or need any help then please get in touch at mangotsfieldourvillage@gmail.com, via the ever popular Mangotsfield Matters Facebook page or by calling 07507 168700. Take care and stay safe

To advertise, contact Gary on 07799 461169

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Email: sales@emersonsgreenvoice.co.uk

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November, 2020


Young side await reward for valiant efforts DESPITE valiant efforts, Mangotsfield United’s young charges are still looking for their first point of the season, after losing 2-1 at home to Willand Rovers at Cossham Street before going down 3-0 away to Larkhall Athletic in Bath. And their losing streak continued with a narrow FA Trophy defeat at home to Cinderford Town. Against Willand there was little to choose between the sides until a fierce 25-yard drive by Harry Simons flew into the net on 44 minutes to give the Mangos the lead. But Willand came out strongly after the break and were soon level, then on 56 minutes made it 2-1 when a neat move was finished off by Archie Reay, who turned the ball home from close range after a header was palmed away. Mangotsfield tried hard to get back into the game but the visitors stood firm despite seeing defender Cormac Pike sent off on 86 minutes for a 2nd yellow card. A few days later, a vastly more experienced and physically stronger Larkhall side featuring eight or nine former Mangotsfield players in the squad was too much for the Mangos youngsters to contend with.

Mangotsfield United in action against Cinderford Town in the FA Trophy. Photo: Dave Smale As ever, there was no lack of enthusiasm or effort from the Mangos and for the first 30 minutes or so they battled to keep the Larks at bay. However, on 32 minutes, following a disputed handball incident, Lewis Powell opened the scoring for Larkhall from the penalty spot. A loss of concentration saw the hosts increase their lead through Mike Baker

before a neat one-two on the edge of the Mangotsfield area saw Joe Tumelty put the home side into a commanding 3-0 lead after 37 minutes. The Mangos kept going after the break to try and make a game of it, but Larkhall defended their lead until the final whistle. At home to Cinderford on October 17 Mangos keeper Jakob Glover twice blocked goal-bound efforts on the line before Cinderford took the lead with a low shot from Will Gibbons, doubling it when Matt MacDonald scored from a corner. The second half saw Mangotsfield begin strongly, as substitute Harry Haughton saw his 20-yard strike tipped around the post by visiting keeper Nick Jones on 47 minutes. The Mangos were back in the game on 77 minutes when Matthew Binding netted from close range following a corner to make it 2-1, and a frantic finale saw them trying their best to save the game, as substitute George Neill fired over from 15 yards and then Olaoluwakitan Jaiyeoba fired wide, after a darting run through the visitors’ defence, in added time. Dave Smale

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e ur Emqualified We are a highly Out and insured Local2Tree 4 HoenSurgery cy Call g r e aspects of garden and tree work... Em l Out r l HouCa

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aspects of garden and Orders tree work... •Felling Site Clearance • Coppicing • TPO ••Site Clearance • Bird & Bat Surveys • Coppicing • TPO Orders • Pruning • Lawn Managemen •• Felling Garden Clearance • Pruning • Lawn Management Hedge Trimming • Felling & Bat Surveys Trimming & Bat Surveys Some of• Bird the• Bird services we offer:•••Hedge Tree Reports • Stump Grinding •• Pruning Tree Planting • Tree Reports • Stump Grinding• Pruning ••Garden Garden Clearance • Lawn Management • Lawn Management Contact us Today for aClearance FREE NOClearance OBLIGAT • Site • Coppicing • TPO Orders ••Tree Planting • Tree Reports • Stump Grinding Tree Planting • Tree Reports • Stump Grinding Contact us •Today for aTrimmin FREE NO O Hedge • Felling • Bird & Bat Surveys Contact us Today for a FREE NO OBLIGATION QUOTE us Today for a• FREE NOManagement OBLIGATION QUOTE • Garden Clearanbr •Contact Pruning Lawn bristoltre 382 5463QUOTE - 07985 285157 Contact us Today for a FREE 0117 NO OBLIGATION • twitter Tree Planting b • Tree find us on facebook and • Stump Grinding bristoltreedoc@gmail.com find-Reports us on facebook and twitter 382 5463 07985 285157 bristoltreedoc@gmail.com 0117 382 5463 - 07985 2851570117 bristoltreedoc@gmail.com ...and see our feedback ...andandsee our feedback bristoltreedoc@gmail.com find us on facebook twitter 07985 285157 us on facebook and twitter 0117 382 5463 bristoltreeservices.co.uk ...and see our feedback find us on facebook find bristoltreeservices.co.uk andsee twitter ...and our feedback Contact find us on facebook and twitter us Today for a FREE NO OBLIGATION QUOTE

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Got News? Call Jayne On 0788 0731148


Responding to the Climate Emergency Working with residents, businesses and organisations across the district, South Gloucestershire Council is continuing to tackle the increasing challenges of climate change. As an area we are: • Reducing our carbon emissions to become carbon neutral by 2030 • Restoring nature • Adapting to the local impacts of a changing climate.

What is the council doing? The council set out an action plan and is delivering this work in partnership with others. You can read details of this plan on the council website. Current projects include an area-wide study of renewable energy opportunities, upgrading the energy efficiency of new school buildings, a study looking at rural needs for electric


vehicle infrastructure, trials of managing highway verges to increase biodiversity, and flood water risk mapping. Each December, the council will review progress and set out a plan for the next year. To deliver the 2030 goal, it needs to work with everyone in the area.

What can you do now? Sign the South Gloucestershire Climate Emergency Pledge here: www.southglos.gov.uk/ climatepledge Retrofit your home to save energy: The following schemes can support you: • Green Homes GrantVouchers for energy efficiency improvements or low carbon heating up to £10,000 • ECO Funding - Grants for insulation for those on low incomes • Warm Homes Fund – Grant funded scheme to install first time central heating • Renewable Heat Incentive - Payments for low carbon heating systems • Lendology - Low-cost council funded loans for energy efficiency and renewables. To find the right scheme for you, call Severn Wye who run our council-funded service on 0800 500 3076 or visit www. warmandwell.co.uk Support nature: Autumn and winter are a great time for planting trees, putting out bird food, and building insect and hedgehog homes. Your local Wildlife Trust has lots of useful tips and guidance. Visit www. avonwildlifetrust.org.uk/ or call 0117 9177270.

Making better choices today can have a big impact on your physical and mental health. One You South Gloucestershire is here to help you get healthier and feel better with free tips, tools and support. Whether it's moving more, eating more healthily or checking yourself, the One You team can help you make small, practical changes that fit in with your life. It’s offering services

Cabinet Member for Communities, Cllr Rachael Hunt, next to one of the new solar powered bins on Kingswood high street

Climate emergency volunteering: Join the Conservation Volunteers who do amazing work in our area. Visit www.tcv.org.uk or call 01302 388 883. Be prepared for severe weather: In the South West, winters are likely to be considerably wetter and summers hotter. Check out the Met Office’s Weather Ready website for advice on preparing

for and coping with severe weather here: www.metoffice.gov.uk/ weatherready Join a climate emergency group: Our area-wide Climate Emergency Community Engagement group meets every three months. To sign up to this group email: www.climate. emergency@southglos.gov.uk or call 01454 868004.

Looking after your wellbeing such as courses online and advice on the telephone. The team is here and ready to help you take the next step in improving your health. To find out more visit www.oneyou.

southglos.gov.uk or call us on 01454 865337. For anyone who is choosing to shield at this time because you are clinically vulnerable to the effects of covid-19, you can still contact us for support on 0800 953 7778.



Can you help?

Redundancy support The Covid-19 pandemic has created a lot of uncertainty for people and for many they are now facing the challenge of redundancy from their jobs. If this applies to you, there is support and information available to help you find a new job, look at training options available to you, understand what benefits you can claim and provide you with useful sources of information Visit www.southglos.gov.uk/ redundancysupport Or call: 01454 868009.

Allie from Swagger Gifts wears a face covering and has made her shop Covid-secure. She’s doing everything she can to keep herself and her customers safe. Please be like Allie and do everything you can to Keep South Gloucestershire Safe.

Subscribe for the latest news Sign up to receive a weekly update on South Gloucestershire Covid-19 cases and advice, and council service updates including waste and recycling news. Register for our enewsletter at: www.southglos.gov.uk/covid19newsletter or if you would like a printed copy please let us know on 01454 868009.

Residents, you can help stop the spread of Covid-19 by sharing South Gloucestershire Council’s Twitter, Facebook and Instagram messages on your own social media channels. If you are on the Nextdoor app, be sure to recommend it to your neighbours so the council can continue to grow its South Gloucestershire online community and share messages of specific importance to your area. Businesses and community groups will find images, posters and flyers to share online or download and print. Visit www.southglos.gov.uk/ covid19resources

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