Taking inspiration from the life and style of the iconic Diana Vreeland, this projects was the starting point for my MA graduate collection. Vreeland’s social grace, intuition and energy made her become one of the most influential figures in fashion and has inspired and influenced many in her days and still continues to do so today. This collection is about fierceness and elegance between imaginatioon and reality.
“Does anyone read a picturebook from the beginning? I know I don’t. The eye has to travel.”
MA graduate collection styling project A s t y l i ng exerci se to defy the mood, th e at ti t u d e and the message of the final c o l l e c t ion , bef ore any gar ment was m ade . I n t h is styl i ng I appealed to the innoc e n c e a n d e ff ortl ess b e auty that we can r e l at e to t h r o ugh to p er spective of a child’s e y e .