Can Therapeutic massage American Fork can help prevent improper activities? – Body Balance Massage And Float Strenuous exercise of repetitive muscles is not confined to professional athletes, but to all those who engage in physical activity involving re-activation of the same muscle group. In many cases, these are people who work with a computer, with professionals such as musicians, carpenters and colors, or those who work in the gym without proper training, playing tennis or table tennis. Of course, any such abnormal activity may lead to a different tendon injury, resulting from the nature of the activity. You may have encountered shoulder pain, such as shoulder cuff infection, tendonitis, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, golf elbow, or carpal tunnel syndrome. Any such medical problem results from a different tendon injury due to different physical activity. Have you heard about 'Round shoulders? That’s basically caused by sitting in front of a computer, and at Body Balance Massage & Float we treat a lot of clients that sit on the computer most days. To those wondering what to do with shoulder pain and to operate with a computer, we explain that the common inflammation of the spina-spintos tendon is caused by a phenomenon known as round shoulders. It is a natural tendency to bend shoulders forward while sitting in front of a computer, which causes pressure on the sphincter-spintus muscle at the top of the shoulder blade and attaches to the shoulder through the tendon. This muscle is an important part of the muscles that move the shoulder. Prolonged stress eventually causes pain and inflammation of the tendon that connects the muscle to the shoulder area. In general, the tendon is prone to a more chronic inflammatory disorder than the muscle itself due to the relatively low blood supply it receives, compared to the blood supply received by the muscle. The result is shoulder pain and the creation of a movement restriction as the arm moves (mainly lifting). Improper handling of the mouse, poor motion, or poor typing may lead to inflammation and pain. For example a 'tennis elbow' characterized by pain in the muscles of the forearm near the upper part of the elbow, or carpal tunnel syndrome characterized by problems in the wrist. Accurate medical diagnosis of shoulder and hand problems is critical, and at Body Balance Massage & Float we diagnose it as early as possible, when you come to a Therapeutic massage in our American Fork clinic. Most of us delay the treatment of the problem until the pain becomes unbearable and the movement becomes more severe. The range of solutions depends on the cause of the problem and its nature, and here is the place to emphasize the importance of accurate medical diagnosis. Shoulder pain, for example, may result from a very wide variety of medical conditions, which must be distinguished. Shoulder pain resulting from neck problems will be treated differently from pain caused by inflammation in one of the tendons attached to the shoulder. Assuming that this is a particular sinus infection, of course we will strive to relieve the pain first. The traditional conservative treatment includes analgesics, cooling the place, and resting the muscle to which the tendon is connected.