Massage Therapy or Acupuncture, which one is better? Utah Massage Therapy is a full treatment for both shoulder and hand pain through a combination of acupuncture and touch therapy. Before resorting to drug solutions or invasive solutions, you may want to consider additional solutions with complementary medicine. It is advisable to consult a conventional doctor who specializes in complementary medicine. Complementary medicine provides effective and safe tools for solving the problem, both short and long term. A combination of acupuncture and manual therapy such as osteopathy, chiropractic, tuina, and deep tissue massage can be very helpful. Acupuncture, which has shown remarkable effectiveness in the treatment of tendon inflammation, can contribute to pain reduction almost immediately, and within a limited number of treatments, lead to the disappearance of inflammation and the removal of the restriction of movement. On the one hand, the body produces pain-blocking substances (such as endorphins and serotonin) on the nervous system, while reducing the inflammatory response by altering the amount of inflammatory mediators (prostaglandins, leukotriens, etc.). Utah Massage Therapy will reduce pain, contribute to the elimination of inflammation by increasing blood flow to the tendon and promote healing and recovery processes of the affected tendon. Depending on the case, and especially in the chronic condition (inflammation that continued), the massage will contribute to the "opening of adhesions" at the point of connection between the tendon and the muscle and will restore the range of movement to the previous one.+ You can of course take complementary medicine to prevent recurrence of the problem - and will be happy to recommend the right medicine according to your problems and medical history. When talking about complementary medicine, the treatment does not end with eliminating the symptoms of the problem, but also in preventing recurrence. If the problem is due to incorrect posture or muscle dysfunction, there is a risk that the problem will recur. Once the diagnosis has been identified, the consultant will recommend how to avoid it in the future, or refer to professionals who will guide the patient. In the case of spinal stress caused by the phenomenon of "round shoulders" when sitting in front of a computer, it will be recommended to correct the posture in front of the computer and a series of simple exercises to perform at home. also offers a pregnant woman a natural treatment package for the period of pregnancy, to relieve a variety of symptoms and symptoms. One of the common treatments that help pregnant women is acupuncture.
Our senior Chinese medicine practitioner in, describes the many advantages of acupuncture to treat a variety of symptoms characteristic of one of the most significant periods in life. Pregnancy is a period in which women experience many changes, as part of the changes preparing the body to support fetal development and towards the expected birth. For many women, this is an exciting period of significant changes that require coping with symptoms such as heartburn, nausea and vomiting, fatigue and weakness, various pains and more. Even when other medical conditions such as pain arise, there is a preference for natural and less drug treatments during this period, so as not to harm the fetus.