tejiendo domino

Page 1

Vivian H¢xbro Translated by Carol Huebscher Rhoades

:ftft;) I NTE~WEAVE PRESS® 110- www.mterweave.com

Translation. Carol Huehscher Rhoades Design and Layout: Dean Howes Chans and Drawings: Vivian H0xbro Photography: Bjorn Jakobsen

© 2000 originally published in 01orwegian by JW C:appelens Forlag © 2002 English translation published by Interweave Press. Inc.

-·-· -·-·,.,.. 110

-~·p)· Interweave Press

20 l East Founh Street Loveland, Colorado 80537 USA www.Jnterwcave.com

Pnnted and hound m China through Asia Pacific Offset Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data H0xbro, Vivian. Domino knitting I Vi\·1an Hoxbro. p. em. Includes index. ISBN 1-931 499-11-X I . Knnting. 2. Kmttmg-Pauerns. I. Title. TT820 .118 15 2002 746.43'20432-dc21 2002005720

10 11 R 7 6 5 4 '3

Thank you to all those vvho have knitted the pieces for the book and to my friends who served as photo models. fhanks also to t-.1asai Clothing for kind!) loaning the garmems for the photographs.


Table Mat .... .. ... .


Tools for Domino Knitting .... vi i

Coffeepot Cover. . . . .

. 4-l

What is Domino Knitting?

Learn While You Knit ......... 1 Potholders and Headbands ... .. ... .. l BasiC Squares . . ................. . 2 Pot ho lder I . .... . .


Pot holder 2 .. . .... .......... .

.. 9

Pot holdcr 3 . . ... . .

. 12

Pot holder 4 .. . ... . ..... ..... .... 1'5 Headband or Turban . .

. . . ... 19

Strips-Potholdcr '5-Joming l . .

. . 23

Potholdcr 6-Joining 2

....... 26

Potholdcr ?-Joining 3

....... . . . 29

POLholdcr 8 ...

. ........... 32

Baskets fo r a Lillie of E\路erything ..... -!6 Pot Cover .

. .. 1-8

Denim Backpack and Pencil Case

.. . 49

Star Cap and Scarf ........ .

. . '54

路 Scarf Knitted in Strips .. . . . .


Wristwarmers .. . ... .

. . .... . 59

Flower Caps for Child ren and Adu lts. . . . . . . . . . . .

. .... 62

Vest fo r Morher and Baby and Poncho. Soul-Warming Shrug. Striped Shawl .. ... .. .. .

. . .. 66 . .. 75 . ' .. 79

Domino Projects You Can Knit

Design Your Own Domino Sweater . . . . . . .. ... .. 83

Shawl. Throw, or Scarf. . . .......... 16

Resource and Yarn List .. ..... 86

Square Pillow .. .

. . . ..... 39

Abbreviations .. ..... .. . .. .... 87

Rectangular Pillow. . . . . . ......... 39

Index ...... . .... . ... '' .. ' '' . 88

BY SUBJECT Techniques Are the Edge Slllches too Loose ...... 40 Bcgmnmg sllll:h (Beg st) . . . . . ..... 40 Binding off on l:,trips .............. 31 Changmg Stzcs ........ .. ........ 70 Colors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Counting Rows and Ridges . . . . . . . 28 Coummg Thread . . . . .......... 26 Culling Yarn Ends .... .... . .... ... 21 Diagrams . . . . . . ............... 38 Edge stitches (edge sts) ............. 8 End Stitch (end st) ................ 5 hord on Two 'Jecdles. . . . . .. ..... 40 Increase by Making 1 in Sutch Below . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 38 joining Stnpes-number of sutches ...... 26 joinmg Squares in. Pyramids . ... .... 22 jommg 3m Garter Stitch. . ...... . 31 Knitted Cast-On (K-CO) .......... 4 Kmtted Pompon . . . . ......... 68 Leftover Yarn . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 70 P1cking up and Kniuing sts . . . ...... 8 ~ammg \\ith Mattress St. ...... 72 Slip 1 (51 1 kwise or Sl 1 pwisc) ...... 21 ~quares wnh a Decreasing Number of sutches ............. 58 ':iuffening Kniued Pteces . . ........ 46 Stnnging Beads onto Yam ... . ...... 61

Strips in Pallerns other than Garter Sutch . . . . . ............ 31 Tnangles .................. 19 Wea\ing in Yam Tails. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 What is a Ridge? ................. 33

Borders Knitted "Mouse Teeth~ Picot ......... 9 Log Cabin Border ................ 11 1-cord Border . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Ganer Stttch Border. .............. 82 Ribbed Border . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Sawtooth Border . . . . . . . . .. .. .... 30 Purl Stitch Rolled Edging. . ........ 33

Finishing and Care Changing Sizes .................. 70 Pressing-Or?..... . .... ........ 84 \\1th ~lattress Sm<.h ........ 72 Suffening KmtLed Pteces . . . . . . . . . 46 Washing Wool ................... 83 ~earning

Miscellaneous Destgn Your Own Domino Sweater ..................... 83 Yam ........................... 84 Gauge ......................... 85 Ke) to Yarn Selection . . . . • . . . .... 86

WHAT IS DOMINO KNITTING? 1993, I WAS ATTENDING a handcraft lair m Gcm1any and nouced a huge crowd at one stand. 1 could just barely see a bearded man demonstratmg a diiTerent way ro knit. That man was Horst Schulz. Later, 1 travelled to Berlin and took a course wnh him. It was on "the new knitung" as he called it, and was lively and enthralling. The Danish knittmg guild, Gavstrik. sponsored a contest to select a name for the technique The winner was "Dornmo Knitting." a fine and amusing name which has stuck. In domino knitung, pieces are kniued together whtle the work progresses, just as one "p•eces" the tiles m dominoes. for more than a century, people have knitLed th1s way. They knitted shawls with domino patterns on the Faroe Islands and pieced coverlets m the same manner in Canada and England. In the United States, I found a copy of a pamphlet from 1946 with the sweetest pckct , knilled in domino squares hy Virginia Woods Bellamy. In 1952, she published a book on the technique, called IN

Number Knitt1n,~.

From the first momcm l saw the domino knitting techniques demonstrated , I was imnguecl by the many possibilities of this kniuing method. I have worked \>.rith domino


kniuing in a simple, Nordic way and feel that it is very important that the garments l make will be comfortable to wear and will look nice with simple accessories. Domino kniuing is not as stressful on the kniuer's arms and shoulders as other kinds of kniuing. Domino is kniued on short, preferably wooden, needles or circular needles, and you knit with only a few stiLches at a time. Even if you are kmuing a large blanket, you only tum the short needles anclthe little section you are working on when you shift from right to vvrong side. There is no getting away from the fact that domino knitting is slower but who says that we have to knit quickly? We knit for the sake of enjoyment today, don't we? Who wants something fun to end quickly? Not l! With this book, I hope to share my enthusiasm with everyone who would like to partake of it. lt is so much fun to knit small pieces with short needles and to see the work growing up and out. Domino knitLings poss1hilities are endless. But wait! Once you're hooked, you're caught. Domino knitung is addictive. Vivian



hmd w yoursd(-tmly the bt•sl eqwp-

Bmt'nt rs good enough! Needles

A parr of dommo needles rs absolutely indispensable. The needles are on ly about 8" (20 em) lo ng, with a knob on one end. !>O that the needle ends won't get :;tuck in your clothes or your knnung You can buy them or you can usc double- po inted needles with 'l bead llgh tl y fas tened onto one end of calh \1y needles arc rosewood, a wonderful, nextble wood which the stitches g!Jdc across. You w ill also need a nrcu lar needle and a short needle (use a wooden needle about 4" [ l 0 em] long or a table needle) for crossrng the cables W hy domino need le::.? With long

needles, you use more arm mowmcnt when turnmg the work Wn h short needles, you reduce th1s movement to a mmimu m.

Other Things You Will Nerd Sutch markers. blunt tapestr)' needles. some safet) pins. measunng tape. a (<lhle needle. cotton tackmg thread, a crochet hook, sc1ssors, and a pen arc all useful items to have on hand. lf >·ou are followmg a chan or d1agram for the kmumg, you tan make a photocopy, LUI out the chan ;md put 11 with the other t h mgs. Keep 11 neat and handy in a plasttc sleeve so 11 IS easy to carr) around On page 8-+. you can rl·ad about yarn and gauge.


LEARN WHILE Y 00 KNIT POTHOLDERS AND HEADBANDS t'amrng Jocsn't need to l1t· boring. In this scdJOII , yuu will be llllmduccd ln tilt' (,•dlllitJII<'S of domino /muting 1vhile you knit thr /t'~lil'(' potho/Jn ~ made 11'lth SlfUW1'S t~nd slnps. a smt~n turban, or a headband .for yoursdf or a luc/1_\' child in thcfmmly. Then . you urc ''t·duwtcd" und tcl/1 jcJI).;c ahead WJ!h largn pn~jccts , worhing cilhCI from vow 0\\'11 wwg11wlion 01 .from the pullcrns in the lmok.


You don 'L need to knit all the potholders. The sect inn, "Tcchmque." m each pauern

tells you v.:h1ch pot bolder demonstrates the techniques needed for that pattern. If the pattern refers to a pot holder you hm·cn 't knitted yet, you s hould do Jt hdo re you begin the larger piece. Potholders l-4 show how yo u knit squares and how you knit them togethe r. Turban/Headband show·s huw squares are knitted together in a ri ng. Potholders 5-8 shL)W ho\v suips arc kmtted toget her. Borders: Each of the eight potholdcrs has its own border wh1ch can he used on many ot her ncms.



BASIC SQUARES hese squares are the starling pointfor many wonderful hours 4 knitting, so rcadv, set, go! Here you have instructions for nirw different squares. The first is explained completely: the other squares arc vanations (~( thcfir.~t. Knit squares 1 and 2 plus one or more of the others. so tlwt you'll understand hnll' Liley work. Then you will be ready to contimtc hy learning howlo)oin tile sqtwres wlulc VOll /mit.


Yarn: Usc what you have on hand. The squares in the photos are knn tecl with a thtck cotton yarn, "Pans" from Garn smd io. Colors: For these squares, I've used curry, orange, rust, pmk, burgundy, <llld redVIOlet.

Needles: Dn (or dpn) in a size su itable for the ya rn. Technique: Basic Squares 1-9. umber of stitches: 25.

Basic Square 1 Garter stitch, single color Color: Curry fhis square is <1 Simple, garter stitch square. For abbr<Yiations, see page 87. K-CO (page 4) 2"5 sts on dn (= domi no needles) 2

Loops from Cast-on Row

the Corner

I\ow 1 (WS): Knit to the last st, pI Mark

the center 3 sts. Raw 2 (RS): (NOTE: The yarn tail hangs at the right side) 51 1 kwise, knit to marker before center 3 sts (= klO), sl I kwise, k2tog, psso. knit to the last st {= 10 sts), pl (= 23 sts). Ruw 3 and all wrong side rows: Sl 1 kwise, kn it to last st, end pl. Row 4: 51 1 kwise, knit to marke r before center 3 sts {= k9), s1 1, k2tog, psso, knit to last st (= k9 ), end pl {= 21 sts) Row 6: Sl l kwise, kn it to ma rker before center 3 sts (= k8) , sl l , k2 tog, psso, kn it to last st (= k8), pI (= 19 sts). Row 8: 51 1 kv.ise, knit to marke r before cente r 3 sts (= k7), sl l , k2tog, psso, kni t tO last Sl (= 7 StS), p l (= ]7 StS).

... .. _ .,. . ..


C{11111nuc m th1s manner unul 1 Sb remam Next lOll (\\'5): ~ I I kwise, kl, pi Nc.\l lo w. Sl l , k2Lng, psso (= 1 st). Cut yarn and pull the tail through the su11:h hut do not pull it tighL Th1s la~t stll<.h IS a "n:uscable" sti tch wh1ch will be used <1g<lln "hen the squares are kn111cd together It 1s called an 路'end swch" (end st). !he hN end 1s nm wo\路en m The instruclltm" for Bas1c Square 2 tell you when >t1U should weave m the ends while knitung (sec page 6). Th1s \\ay of weaving

m the ends wlll be revolut1onar} for you if you haven't done 11 th1s way hdore In the next squares, most of the tails are woven m while you kni1.

Basic Square 2 Garter stitch, 2 colors, st,.-iped Colors: Rust and pmk This square 1s sun liar to the first one except that it IS stnpcd K-CO and kn11 the first row with ru:.t (the wlor which is listed fi rst), and conunut: kn1w ng the .3


<IIU.'rtl<lllng 2 rows 11.151 wn h 2 ro\\ s pmk. \V('a\'c t h(" tails 111 \Vhile you work, clning ll lust on Row 2 where the rust CO wll1s kniued in. The pink tail can be \\'ll\"Cn 111 on Row 4 (wea\-c m the ta1ls, using the method explained on page 6) NOTF..: On the right s1de of the square, you nm carry the yarn u p between color


changes. Be sure that the yarn<; arc not pulled ton tightly o r the square will be distorted.

Basic Square 3 Garter stitch with a " wiug" Colors: Burgundy and curry Knit as for Basic Square l, with

Lt:ARN WHILE YOU K NIT bur~und) exccp1 IN Row~ 2 and 3 wh1ch an.• knmc·d wuh curr~


~ quare


Cartel ~titch with a square "spot" Colors: Rcd-v•o lct and orange "n•ncd a~ lnr BasiC Square l \\'lth red' lclkl untd there arc 7 ndgc:, on RS Change lt) t)range on RS and knn the rest of the '-qtt.trc \\'llh orange

Bas ic '.,quare 5 Altcnwtcly .~tocllillette and garter stitch, 2 color!>

Color!>. Curry and rust. K-CO 2'3 s1s '''ll h curry Ro11 I (\\'.'>•. Curry Knn w the la~t st. pl. ~lark the ccmcr 1 sts. R011 2 <fb Rust. '>I I kw1se. knn to the tcnlt:'

1 sts

= K I 0), sl

l. k2wg, ps~t),

knll w thc last st~= kJO). pl (= 23 ~ts) . Ro11 J · Ru~t Sl 1 h'1se. purl to end ol row. Ro11 -1: Curry. Sl l k\\1se, knll to thl' u:nter 3 sb (= k9), sl 1, k2tog, psso. knll to the last ~~ t- KY), p 1 (= 21 sts). Roll' 'i: CulT}' Sl 1 kvnsc, knll to the l.t'>l st,

pl. 6: Ru:-t Sl I kwise, kmt to center 3 ~ls (= kH), ::.1 l . k2tog psso kmt to b~t sl (= kH), pi(= 19 sts)


7: Ru~l. Sl l kw1se, purl to end l)f 1'0\\ . Conunuc. alternating 2 garter ~t row~ wnh t UIT}' ,md 2 ~tockmcuc rnw-. \\ 11 h




rust (as IM RL)WS 4-7). \nth a deL reasmg numht路r l)f Sb, unul 3 sts remam .\'c:>-.1 row: Sl I kw1se. p2 Nc\1 "'"'路 Sl I, k2wg. psso {= I st) <. ut Y<1rn, pull the tail through the las1

::.t hu1 c.lo not pull tight


Basic Square 6 Alternating srocllincrtc and ganer stitch, single color Color: Pmk. Kniued as lor BasiL Square 5 but in one color.


Basic <;quare 7

Ba'>ic ~quare 9

2 colo1 vadation Colors: Red-vinkt ;lnd cu rry Knit ;b for Baslt Square I With red,.lolct unul there are 5 ndgrs on RS. Then work 2 rows stn<:kmclle w it h c urry ( the lst TO\\ h knitted tm RS); 2 knit rows "11h red-nolct, 2 Stolklnt:tte row-, with cuny a nd the rest of the ~quare IS kn med (garter st) wnh n:d-\·tolct At the same time. the center 3 sts are w0rked sl l. k2tog. ps~tl on all nght side fO\\ s.

" Beaded," 2 colors Colors: Red \'lllkt a nd l urry 1\nllled as for Bas1c 'quare 1 wnh red' wlct and hl'<lds" on Rows 2 and 1. Row 2 (RS): Curry. prcfcmbly a litt le th ic ker yarn than the mam color or use larger needle-, Sl 1 k'' l'>l' (kl. sl I pw1se With yarn held hehmd work nn \:\'S) 5 tunes. sl I , k2tog. psso, \sl I pwise \\'II h y,lrn hchmd work. kl) 5 llll1C'> pl. Ro11 3: Curr). Begin '' llh sl 1 kw1~e. end with pi and between these s ts. knit t he Lurry sts and slip thl· red-nolet sts wuh yarn behmd work(= WS of work).




With ey elets, single color Color: Orange Kmt as for Ba~ll Square I except for 2 rows wnh eyelet~. Row 2 (RS): Sl 1 kw1se, (k2tog. yo)') ti mes. sl I k2tog. psso ~yo. k2wg) 5 umcs, pl Row .3 and till wrong srdc row.~: ')] 1 kw1sc, knit tll last st pl. Ro11 4 "' I k\\lSe. kntt to the center 3 sts, sl 1. k2tog, psso, k nit to Ia 'it st. pI. Row 6. '>I l kwise. (k2tog, yo), 4 times, sl 1. k2tog. psso. ()l), k2wg) 4 times. pI. The re":>t of the square 1s knllled as for Basic Sq ua re 1

In Summary SQl':\RF BA<,ICS E'liD STJTCII (D;o .,


• K-CO a.., many or as few ..,t.., as you des in·. hut alway ... usc an uneven numb er of stitch e... • Knit tlw pattern you want ( Basic Squan·s 1- 9). • Alway.. work douhlc d ecn·a..,c over the 3 rentn ..,!'> (sl I . k2tog. psso ) on a ll r ight .;ide row.; (= every other row ).

• Always ..,lip tlu· first st knitwise and purl the last ..,, (= edgl' sts).




Technique: Basil "tJI.ue I, page 2. Number of stitchc~: 7'5 Border: \illtbl' kl'th Knttted Picot.

Instructi ons Nleasurcmcnts: 73' x 7.5" ( JL) x J L) em) '' ttlwut the borckr, 8" x 8" ( 20 X 20 un) with bt~rdcr. Yarn : Dl-\ llt'l,(:lll cotwn yar 11 Co l or~: Rt~se, fuchs1a and \lllkt. t\ecdlcs: Dn 4 (3.5 mm' Cmuhu needle 4 ( > 'i mm) for the bt1rde1



K-CO 75 sts nn dn .md knit a square with 9 rose ndge~. I fuch:-. ta, I rose, 10 luchs1a, 1 ,路wkt, I ludbl,t mlge .md the rest w11h vit)let \\'hen >~ts remain, knit a 21.:-2r," {6-7 on) long ~tnp for the hangmg loop Turn the loop to the wrong ::.tde and SC\\ 11 down neatly

LEARN WHILE YOU KNIT ~CC lti\1/'UClrtliiS Ill SCjLHIIl'S, pa,I!,C







;\leasurements: 7 '·"X 7z" tl H x 18 un) w11hout border: 8'1" x 8';," (20.5 x 20 '>em' \\ tth lx)rder Yarn: Dl< 11 crghc cotcon \'U/ n. Colors: fuchsia, Lt)rn;uo, ru!:>t, rose. old [l)Sl'

Needles: Dn 4 (3 5 mm) Technique: Hasic Square 2. pngc 3. 'umber of !>titchc!>: 2"> Construct ion: \'erucal panel~ . Border: Log Cabin

Border- Knitted "Mou!>e Teeth" Picot \\' th Circular nul. ro~. and rt)!_ht Silk facmg. p1ek up ;llld kn11 75- 76 ~ts in th.: sts l)f the CO n1w Knit 1 row. .\'r\1 1011 • L smg the tn-.t st on the nccdk a" the beg st, K-CO 2 new sb, BO 4 st:-., tnti\L' the~~" t1n the right ndlttl the kit ndl*, repc,ll · Cut ~.trn and pullt,ul thmugh la~t slllch.

PO I I 10 I D F R


lilt' "/Utllt'' urc hniucd

N tul panels

togethn rn rcrfl

1vorf1cd {wm the hotllltn to riH

top of t'clth stnp and Ull'/1 {im<.ht·d wuh u lo,~ cabin hot~fn: The potholdo is made ll'lth ga11e1 \llllh stnpcd sqtwtc' /Basic .'>£(11dl'l' 2-

Instructions: A-1st squarc-1 st panel Colors: Rtl!>l' and tom;Ho 9


.\'()It. rht' hrsr wll)r (w~~) hst~d ·~the first. K-CO .md knn th~ lir~t

<llll' lt' u~~

and K-CO 12 Ill'\\ :,quar<'. fond ..,t-2.



2 ') sts \. Knu a

l"l''' ''

nh ..,,~,·and knu a B.blt :-;quar~ 2. \\'t'.l\ ~ 111 t•nd-, \\'hlle knllllng .md l1111~h tht· '>t(Ll<lll.' wuh end st-2,



C-Jrd square-ht panel Colors: Rust nntl rt1sc . Kniut.'d as lor B over B. End st-3.

c A



A 8- 2nd square-1st panel Fuchs1a and tomato PI.Kt' square.\ as shown in the tlrawing hl'lo''· l's<.' rnd st on A as the lir!>t st .md th~n pllk up and knn I I -..t.., along the lOp <'I ,\ wnh luchs1a, gomg 111 thl' d1recr1on thl' ncnlk pomts unscn ndlthrough htlth loops of each st \ (on "around the (lllllCl," at the IuLie Color~:


"klh't" .md p1ck up

and kmt I ~t m the Cl) ww st nearest the kn,,t (\ nn the drawing ,1hnvc): turn work 10


I st panel

D 0

2nd panel

0-lst square-2nd panel Colors: rudN~\ and old rose. K-CO 12 st-. \\llh lud1s1a. then. holdmg the nul Wllh tht• SIS 111 the nght hand. go ··around tht.' corner" at the little knot and pick up and knn I st in the nearest CD row st 111 the lower nght comer on A (0 on the dn1w1ngl . anti p1ck up and kn11 12 ;,ts along thr nght side ol A(= 25 sts\ Kn11 a square.

E-2nd square-2nd panel Colors: Old rose and tomato Usc end SLOil D .lnd ptck up anu knll


II ::-h •'\L'l' n ~= 12 ::-h 1•11,11\ wnh old l'O~l. knn I ;,t 1111he tup nghth~1ntl corner ol A. whl'J'r A w.ts lin islh:tl, ,111d pkk up anti kntt 12 :-.ts along thr nght stdr of B (= 2) sbL Kn11 a squ<tll


f - Jrd square-2nd panel Color'>: lw.:hsta and Ltll11<11l1 Knlltcd as lor 1: ,n c1 f· \\hen the sts an: ptckcd up and knHtcd . the final stts Lhl· end ..,l End ~~- 3


2nd panel. J\o\\ ) •m han- 9












2nd panel





JOined together


E Lug Cabin Burclcr




J st panel




Knn alnng tll1t' :-.tdc at a umc ,,.11 hnuL lULLing yarn. 1st s ide: Bcg111 where square I was fintshed and ptlk up and knit abt'lll 37 ;,b .1long 1. r. .md <. Knn 3 rl)\\·s and BO.

but leaw the hN st


the nell and do

1101 CUI )<11'11

G, II, I- I sr, 2nd, arrcl Jrd squarcs-Jrcl panel

Colors: 1st ~q uare: Tomaltl and tl ld rose 2nd ~quare: Ru-.1 .md fulh~ta 3rd ~quare: Ro~ .md ttHnaw. End st-4 Klllltcd .1s f,,r bt, 2nd, 3rd squares tn

2nd side: Pkk up .md knit sts along 1he edge and then .tltmg C:. B, and A until you haH' ahnut -+0 sts on the ndl. Kn11 as for the hr-;L ..,ttk 3rd s ide: '>amc <15 the 2nd stde ex(cpt along the edges of.-\. D. and(,, 4th s ide: Ptck up ;md kmt sts along the II


ed)!.l" L•f G. H .md I <..tlllltnumg along the short edge llf the l st stde u nttl you haw <lhoUL 4 3 sts. Knn 3 row-; and BO all htll th~ last 3 sts Loop: l<nll .t s tnp 1n ganer .,t about 2Y."

( 7 Llll) for thl' hangmg loop. Turn it tc• the "ttlllg s11.k .md sew ll do\\ n secure!) .


,md old ro::.c :-\eedles: Dn 4 t3 5 mm), 2 dpn 6 (-t mm) lor the border. Technique : B.tSIL Square I. p<tge 2 :-\umber of stitches: 19 Construction: Out"vards Irom the centcl. Border: !-cord

1 II { ) I D l· R )

s111:.:k ,o/m ~<(lllllf~ an hllltl<'d togcrlln l~utwards.f,om rhc ll'nln and then cd,l!,nl ull-mvwul with 1-nnd. The polholdrr



" made ll/ 4 ukntrwl bloff~, of -1 -;qtulll'\ <'dlh Measurements: 71!,." x 7'/," ( 18 x 1Hem) wrthout border 7 .;' x 7 ," (19 '5 x 19.5 1.'111) wl!h border


Yarn: 01--: l\l'l,l!,h! <"Olton \'<1111. Colors: Curry, s un ydlt1w, ro::-c, tl)lllato

Inst ructions A, B, C. and 0-lst bloch Kntt wgethcr 4 single color squares, t\ (rose\, B (curr\). C (sun ydll'~\\) and 0 (tomaw). as t\, B. D, and Eon PtHholdn 2. ~quare D ends wnh end st-4. NOTE: The renter of the potlwlder 1s marked on

the dr<1wing w1th a em lc.






E, F, G, and H-2nd bloch

1, ] , K, and L-Jrd blocl1

Turn the work as shown in the drawing abon.' and knit squares E (curry) and F (old rose) as C and D were knitted on to A and B Knit G (sun yellow) and H (tomato) omo E and F in the same way.

Turn the work again and knit 4 squares, 1 (tomato), J (cu rry), K (su n yellow) and L (rose), in the same way as fo r the 2nd block.








v a

z 0





M, N, 0 , and P-4th bloch Turn the work again and knit M (sun yellow) between A and l. Kn it N (rose) between M and K. Knit 0 (old rose) between Band M, and P (curry) between 0 and N. NOTE: Note the fine star-patterned structure th1s pot holder has.







l\t >'(Wilt'\


cmdfour (lfclll~ft'~ <ilc'IWII/t'd

111 ditlgwwlf'cilld~ fo r £111 ,,, LLI-


The j,,,ltlcl IS lmruc·d dltltllld 111 ,t:Wil'l The· /'<ltlwldu ht/\ \lllpd ,t:<IIICI 'tilth "/ll<lrt'' lllll h,·d <h {01 B<'''' ScftHirt' 2 ht'<' 111\(/lltl/llll\ Ill lht' \Cdl!l/1 (1/1 the lJU.\It 'quarn, f'tl,l!,t' 2 lind lllclll..;/t's. /'Lif,f I<))

umber of <;titches: 29 Right- and le ft -leaning triangles: 15 sh. Open top and bottom 1riangles: N !>h Construction : Diagonal p,mels. Border: Ga rt t'l ::.t itch kn itted rn dw 1\'Llnd.

'Ill< h.

Measurements: 8 X~ \2l~ x 20 un\ \\llhl,UI htHdcr: H1," X R,," (22.'5 x 22 5 t:m\ \\llh bonk r Yarn: D/, 1\'t'l.~htccllltlll yc1111 Colors: lut ~.sun ydlo\\, orang~-. rtbC, <md l'ld wo.,c Needles: Dn-+ 1,3.5 mm ) 16" (40 ~·rn) t'irwl.tr needle 4 d ') ntrnl for thL bcwder. Technique: B.brc ~quar~' 2. page )

Instructio ns A-1st panel, a square Colors: Curn and orang, ~orr I he lnk)r hstcd ltrst (curry) th.ll \\'hKh rs used (irsl. !<n it a Basic ~quare



B- 1st panel, n left-leaning triangle Co lor: Curry

L£jt-lraning 11 ianglc Garter stitclr , joined along one side Number of sliLchcs: I 5. '>H it,tbte lnr ,1 square l,f .N "'"


lst panel 15


Plhllltlll ~yuarc A sot hal thl' end Sl IS at the wp nglu cornn Use the end st as the first :-.t, then pick up and knit 13 sts along thc wp left <>Ide tlf A t 1 <.t m e;ll h edgc st); go around Lhe l'Mner'' nt Lhe Ill tie "knot" m the corner and p1ck up and knn 1 st m the nearest CO rtlW st (x nn the drawmg on prc\iLlll'> page) (= 15 .:,ts)_ R(m I (\\'S). -.,1 l kw1se, knu Ill last st, Pl. Row 2: Sl l kwise, kniL unul 3 sts remam, :-I I. k 1 psso PI RepeaLthese two rows unul 3 sts rt'main Nnt nm (W'lJ. Sl I kwisc路, kl, pl . Xt'\1 mil' -.,1 1 kw1sc. p2tog. Nl'\t nm. '>I 1 kw1se, pl Nc\1 mw '-til, kl psso rnd st-3.

D-2nd panel, a sttuare Colors: Sun }路ello\\ and Lurrr Use end Sl from C, then pick up and knit I 3 sts along the LOp ldL s1de of C, go awund Lhc corner路 on C and mscn the nell into both the nearest CO sL ,1nd 111 the wm:-;pondmg CO ..,t "around the comer on A (see arrow on the photo below), pick up and knu 1 st through these lllops Then p1ck up and knit 14 sts akmg the Lop nght s1de of A (- 29) sts. Knn a syuare

C-2nd panel, a square Colors: Old roSL .md ~un yello\\. Kn 11 n sq1arate squan:.


D ,.


lst panel

c 2nd panel


E-2nd panel, a square Colors: Rose and sun yellow. Use end st from D. then piCk up and knit 13 sts along the top ldt side of D. P1ck up and kmt I st 111 the top corner of A and 14 sts along the top nght s1de o l B. Kmt a square


F-Jrd panel, a right-leaning triangle Color: Orange Right-kaning triangle Carte• stitciJ,joined along one side.

F Js u 11 wnr,lc on the right side nf the square C. Number of s titches: 15, suitable for

II'Otll ,

hnittniiH' \'1 to

~quares Llf 29 sts.








Next 1'011 (\\'5) '>I I kwtsc, kl. pl Ncxt row· Sl 1 k\\1St'. p2tog Nrxl roll'· 51 l kwtse. p 1. Next roll': 51 1. k 1. pss11 G-3rd panel, a square Colors: Rose and curry. Pick up and knll a total o l 29 sts in the notch between F and [) wnh the center st tn the corner of C and knll a square. H-3rd panel, a top triangle Colors: ~un yello\\


lop triangle, OtJCII-29 SIS .Joined along 2 stdc5. The triangle ends with sts on the ndl which you can use to continue knllting. These triangles can be worked upwards or Ull\\'nwards.

3rd panel 2nd panel

uo "around the corner" on C and plt k up and knn I st in the COst nearest the knot. then p1ck up and knit 14 sts aiL)ng the top nght stdc of C (= 15 sts). Rlm I (\\'.Sl: Sll kw1se. kmt to last st. pl R011 2 (R'>I ..:.1 l kwtse, K2tog, knit 111 1;151 Sl,

B A 1Sl panel







Repeat the..,c 2 wws decreasing 0n c,·cry R':> Hm unul 3 sts remain .


2nd panel



3rd panel



'umhcr of .,titchc!> 2~ s~ the end"' 1'1 l•.th~·n pllk up ,md knit I 3 <.ts .ll,mg tht• top ll'ft Mdl' ol ( '· ptl k up .llld knll I ::01 1111 the Cllrnl'l (II n •md I')~· .. ,llllllg tb '•'P lght <.tdl· (If r . .md . llnall). ll'>C t h ~. end.,, o l [· (• 2q -.!'> \. l~c111 I (\\'~J Knit 111 the It·,, ~1. pI R,,,, 2t~:::>J' I k\\ IS\.', kl2. k2tllg, (hso. k I I, pl. lllrn \WI k, k.t\ 111~ l.tSI '>l





"'"',d(.,t., \'


till ,1 -.(Itch

htllder 01



) .1111 , /ltll/(}111


Colm "t n ) '"''" Turn the \\ork up:.tdt• d.m n 18

11111t.h hl'l \\l'Cil :-4U.\Il'" (. ,111d :\


R!'ll 3 "II k\\lx. k21. pi, wrn \H'rk. k.l\ mg l.ht -,1 on ndl Rtlll ·1 "II k\\"b<-'. kl(\sll. k2111g p-.s.,, k9. pl. turn \\ork Rc111 'i ~I I k'' bL', k 1':), p 1, tum ,,,11 k. R,,l, '' ::.-1 I kwt ...~.·. kH. ~1 I. k2tng. p:-"''· k7, p 1, turn \\ork. Rclll' 7' ...,1 1 k\\ l '-,t', k I "i. p I . lll1 11 \\tl rk R,m H. "I I k" ~-o~. k6. sl I k211'~· fb"o. k'1. pl. turn work R''" •I "II k\\b•'. kll. pi turn ''ork R'"' 10 "' I k'""t', k4. -.1 I, k2i•'g. fh''''· k~ pi.IUtn\\Mk Rn11 II '>II k\\t ...,•. kl. pl. tum \\llrk R''" 12· ::.-1 I kwt-.c, k2. !>1 I, k2tng. lh:.<', k I, p 1. turn \\llrk. Roll' 13. "1 I kwi...,·. k 3 pl. I U I Il R''" H "I I k" 1..,,., sl l, k21•'g. ps:,tl (= I~


houom tn.mgk l= top tn.mgld m tht·




Bollo111 tr-imtnlc. opcn-29 'Is .-\ ht'llllll 1r ••uH 11 s k It It'd rn the :-.trne '' ay asthl" L•'P Lri.mgk ahtl\l' buttht'rL' 1..; no end -.L w hrg111 M end \\ 11 h Here. ) ou prck up .md l·alll ::.tslwm tht• CO fl\\\ Bordcr--(;mtn '' 111 the wund \\ nh llllULII nd I .md -.un ,·ellu\\ pit k up and knn .tlwul 1 ~ -.b d,"'d~ .,p,tl<.'d al0ng the Olllt' l edge 11l cad1 squard tnanglc = ahtiU\ 1 12 !iL:-) \\,nk (I purl rnd I knn rnd on \\ ht L h ) ll U lil t l :-t at l'<1Lh ,,f tlw H 1rn~ ... 1''tee. pllll I rnd .md Lhl·n BO Loop: P1ck up .md knit ) .,,., .u the top llf L .'othokler .md kn11 ,, ~.lrll'l -.111dl ::..trtp2,"(7~m)long BO.turnthe lt'"P to till'" rnng :-tdl' :md , ..." n dtl\\ n ':>Cturdy.

1.1 \ R"i WIIJLE YOU t\NI1

IIEADB \:'\:D OR rcRBA:\



I\ Ilk


Will U\t'

1\ llfl II

lith 1\111


hrl'c >c IJ 01 t~lmllrt'c/

han d-o t lmll it \Hitdlo tl't tl ht'tltll•tllhl I IJ,· lt'l hmqth' 1111 t>h ,., '1/lftllc'' t'lau·d dltlllt<•nd1\ ,, ••


<1 1 Ill,~ <111d

l•'lllc'd 1\'llhPul 't'llrn.~

S1:c: Ch ld (aduh ). ~l ca!> urcmcnts : Tot.lllii\.Umf.:l\'nrc '' ,\10tH I i't." \ 1-> r,") (4'1 l"lll] till) (unstn·~o.:h.:d mra~urt•m.:nt ); 11 .,tretch.·:- tlUI \\ uh u~l' . Yarn : f lllC wool VII I 11. 1 J'i m/.'iL1 .~. Colors fo r child\ ~ i :c P.tru.tl 'kems t)r charco,d gra\ '' h Hl' p111 k, .md ••ran).:t Colors for adult .,i:c. P.1rual ~kt'llb ,)1 h.m. '· I .~r.1 ,, J· • gra) ..md ~oiJro\Hl Needles : On 2 ( ~ mm) For th~: mlkd ·dgm~"> .b~· I h" (4l) em) CJrcul.lr ndl

2Umml Technique : Bas,, "'qu.ur 2. p.tgc 3. Number of s titches: 2.1 Open to p/bo ttom trian ~l c: 2'J -.ts Cons tructio n: In a nng \\Hh th.: squares .;ct tlianwnd "'''"

Gauge: -\ :>qll<lrl' :-hould m.:.t-.ur,· I ." H 7 em) 111 "1dth .md hc1ght .md 2 t." (b. 7 em) d1agon.1ll) from cnrn.:r to lOrtll I Border : ({,,Jicd l'dg.: m purl stilt h. 19



hand·· and knit a sixth (sewnth) square m the notch whtch rt'lll<lllls. Now }'OU have a nng consisting of 2 rounds with 6 (7) squares m eaLh round

Till headband IS knllled m st nped squ,tres \\"hich are kn1ued together 111 a nng ll\'Cr each other.

Round 3 Colors: Gray. charcoal gra>'· For the child's ~ 1zc, the headband should be narrow so don t knit R0tmd 3. For the adult size· Kmt a square 111 each notch.

Round I Colors: \Vhnc and charcoal gray (gray, l han.:oal gra}) Knit (1 (7) separ;ue but tdenttcal ~qu,uc ... Round 2 Colore;: Charcoal gray and whue {l harcoal gr<l\, '"hitc) Plan· all o (7) squares m a nw. wit h the W I nn::, "hand in hand," so that a li the end sts po1nt upwards and the cornns with the CO I\lWs arr at the bouom Bet ween 1\\'t) squares there b .1 nlnch ami thiS Is'' hen: you \\111 knu in the ne" ::.quare ~ce Ptllholder 4. whne square D Is kmttcd between A and C Knu ,1 total of 5 (b) squ,trcs. l1ne m each notch. t\rrange the ptece imo a nng ''here the first and the last squares are ''hand m






Round 4 Colo r: Pink (gold-brown). Kmt an open top tnangle wllh 25 sts in each notch. Row 1 (WS): KH, pI Row 2 (R5). Sl 1 kwisc. klO, sl I . k2tog, psso. k9. pJ. turn work, leaving last st on ndl. Row3: Sll k\-.1sc. kl9, pl. turn work, leanng last st on ndl R011 -1:511 kwtsc. k8, sll, kl. psso, k7. pl. turn. Row 5: Sl l kwtse, klS. pl, turn. Row 6: 51 1 kwisc, k6, sl 1 k2tog, psso, k5, p 1, turn.

Round 1

Hand in Hand

Round 2



Row 7: Sl 1 k\\1'<C, kll , pi, turn Row H· Sl I kwtse. k4. :-.11, k2tog, ps"o.

bottom mangles wnh orange lgoldbrown) in the notches tm the <llha stde, ,md fimsh wnh a border tn t ht same wa) as for the top .

k3. pI . turn Sll kwts~·. k7. pl. turn Rtm JO· 'll 1 kw1-.e, k2 , sl I k2 tog, pssn,


kJ, pi, turn. Row 11 "' 1 k\\ 1-.e. U. pI , turn Row 12. :.1 1 kw1se -.1 I k2tog. psso

t'= 13 ~ts) Border: Place all rcmainmg sts on a urcular ndl ( 13 ~ls per tnangk) and purl 5 rmb. prckmg up and knuung l :.t between ca1.h triangle on the fir!:>t rnd BO lol1sely 111 purl l'urn the work ups1de dllW!1 and knit


Cll~U:~I.Gii)'A.~~ &"ill$

. ·


·.-...-.,- ·----~ ~. ~~~"':~--~- ·~~~.-~"=--"". -- ~ --- --- - ~-------1 .t,~ Sll kw.ise ,;,q;lip ont: ns if 10 knit J


4ftt-,t'~~~e,a\ilngi~, ..~·.nds wh.ileJmit~ }~1,ncans 'tl~at ):Oll li nse.n the ttr.t:dlr. into

ting·;lkitit,~,gqt.lplc :o1Qtr. ro~·s·bef~u:. ·l~~he ~~itch ltS ·,i fH• knit; that is, fnmt ruttin.:S th~ cnih•• CLU );~rn., :lt:~~,IT.i; .~ '~~tont hl :backan(l'ithe~t slip h to 'lhc

(·1 · .'~.).· :t·'.'.i~. yc;.-.t~

~~:~.ltl.· tcr ~te~.·.d~.e -withoutknitting :anotht·.r

't" . lf.. . ·(jll..t •.he. t._.ai·l·li..·. too short, ·~ht:y 1can wm~qhrun,gh·!P,ll.t~ right ~icle.:\Vh•:n the g,ar:nu~Jjt:is '\\~9.m• SUI' ONU



t~tnch mto 11 . ~ ~-·. Sl ] pwise

= slip <•ne as if :to puri '"'.Jtneurt~ that vou ins1:rt the nt~edle intu


' · :_. ·.·.::~~~·~._.~'lthr. stitch a; if'Hil'ut I; that is,imo :tl•e

1lh~&.'ii~~~!·\~.;~I)l~~il}~Uf;.~H:P.:i( · · ·::~"$thch :frt:im ba(ik tll ftom ancl ··h r.nsHp stitdf~ifa!JhC.~!.~p•i!1~7·~l~t : }:'1 ~<,: _· >~ ··:.~ 1lt to the other nf'.edl~ without •puding .. ·.. ', .....· . ~. ··.; ·-.,-:... ·'.. . . ..._a not'herst .uc'h lllHI ' _,. :;,. c>-••,. •• ··.: .·~·-=·>· ;.. ·:·· - • it. A

I j





1 '•

~~~;;.::~i~t=~~~~~~_;~i_·~ :~..: !·~~J~> -~.~~ ~~c a_~'~ ..







·....·~ '·


''''"' ~

·.. "~

... :~~~ ..






\II lpn/ 'II lfl·' Wl/h 2 lOWs(~{ /nut :-.{.\ hrllnTil rc1<h .:-.111p (!m/ u nl>hcd />o~tlo ma,..;l< nt·n/rc/1



·.- ,......

~ ·~:~M::-

... '··- -~ "-'-"" . ··-·.·

::~~. .... .,_~

~teasurement ~: b

"x 6Y.'' ( 17 x 17 em) Wtthtlllt 11t~rdl.'r. th, • X 81. • l21 X 21 llll)

w11h htlrdl.'r \arn : 0/>.. IICI,..;hltt•lloll \'Wil. Colors: 'n'lln'' ·green. green, and CUlT)' Need les: Dpn-+ d ') mm) ; l6" v+O un) n rnilar mil-+ 0.5 rnm) for the htlrtkr. Technique: '> trips Jo tning l. Pattern : \tnpcd Caner Stuch (= checknhnard \ Border: Rtbhmg "orked in the round Tip: \\ t'tl\ ,. 111 '" ltl<lll_\' ends as pcJSsihk 11 luk lmtlllll,..;.

Ins tructions lsi Strip Colors: Yl'llnw gn:cn, green, cu rry \\'ith ydln11-grecn and dpn , l<-(() 7 :-.b RPII' 1 'R~ 1 r-nu to the last st. end pI Ro11· 2 (\\\ I '>I I ~,:,, tsc. knit to la::;t -.t. l'nd


~~ ~~ -~~:~~-: ~-~ ..~:-·.::~' ~~ . ... ....- ~...:-;: ..-.<",. .•• ·. .... ·;.V~~ ....---~ _,. ~-~ -: ... ~ ··"" ~........., :-.·~ \.' .."·'*"' ...,.. :~~ '-·'-'·,•"" ~ .. , .. _,-(" ., . ...... .....•_

:::-.~: :~~~ ~-.........



~-:· ~~::: ...."$if. ~


.......1t ~': ~--~-~~= ......- :~

~ : .. :,··· :..:..~~ ·--~ .......... ~~:\': ......: -....~........'::. -~=~~~ ·:: ~~~~-"\ ..... '" ... ,, '

(=end st- 3) When you hind oil. there arc 3-t ridges on both nght <tnd \\TLmg

.\'OTE: End "I ro; at the ttlp nght

arc on RS rows.

~, ...

·-~ ·-__ ,:2 •.

RcpC<1 l the second n1\\ until )'OU have knitted a wtal of 6 rid ge~ on RS; then knit 1 ndge t = 2 rO\\'~) wu h gt\'\'11. 6 curry ndgcs. 1 green. n) clln\\'grecn. I green. 6 ntrr), I green. and. hnall}. 5 ridgl.'~ .md I nm Lll1 R.\ \\lth ydlow-~rccn 1'\n\\ there should be 33 nd~L'.S on RS ,md H on \\'S BOon \\'S. u11 }•1rn and pull end through lnst st (end st), hut dn not pull the thread 1ight

\ '0 1t. I he ) arn end hangs on tlw ldt yt)ll


::·~-~: t~ ~it~ -.:

.... ..... ~'" .... ,"


stdl "hln



sides and H ,·dgc ~h


joining l 1st joining strip£·-a garta st ridge Color: c.rcen Thts Jllmmg -.tn)X' Is a \Crllcal ndge of garte r st llll tht' nght ~•de of the l st stnp l"se a dpn or circular ndl and green yarn. Bcgmnmg .11 the houom. go ..around the CL1rncr" on the nght side of the knot and pick up and knn I st::. on RS 111 the nc<l rest C 0 st.

Then pKk up and knn 34 ~I s, 1 111 each edge st. 111!>Crtlng ndlunder both loop::, o f l'illh edge Sl along the 1st stnp and end1ng wnh l tn 1he loose end s L l = 16 sts' Pull 1he Lim: ad th n1ugh the end st.

Now _you have 2 sts mon: them there arc ddges and edge sts. These 2 extra sts ''ill be climinotcd lalel: lurn the work and knit back, sl I kwtsc knll unul 24

2 st:-. remam, p2tog Vi sts) Now one of the extra sis has been eliminated and thc1e is only onP extra st left. It will be eliminated on the 2nd strip. Cut ) arn


2nd !>trip Colors: Curry. g reen. ye !low-green Knn a nc\\ garter sutc h strip together Wtth sllld1es from 1he hrst Jmnmg smpe US) Cse the ltlwest )Sst (Jtlming stripe stllch) as the beg sl and K-CO 7 nn\ sts ,,;th curry cxtendmg tlllt from JS. Row I <R.SJ: Ko, p2LOg ( I ~t from the stnp and l JS~t ). Turn "llrk. Roll' 2. Sl l kwtsc. kmt to last st pl Ro11 J. Sl I k\\1se. k5, p2tog ( I st from stnp ami l J~st). turn work.

Repeat Rows 2 and ) m stnpes as for tlw first


nght and wrong s1de~ . \ \ 'c ;t\ l' 111 all ends except the curry end st tall

2nd joining stripe As lor the l st Jl)i nmg stn pe.

stnp, hlll 111 th is color order: ··o curry ndgc:-., 1 green, 6 ycllo\\ -green, I green" . Repeat "·* unul 2 green JSsts n.'lll<Hn. 1\nu one W\\ l)l' \ \ ' ' Xext ro11 IR'> ' '' I k\\ 1se. k'), p3tog (I gnTn .md 2 )CliO\\ -green sts 1 :'\ow the last of the 2 extra sts has been eliminated. BO 1)11 wwng ' lck Leave the end st ILlLlSC NPw thuc arc 34 ridges on both

Jrd strip With yelll)\\ -green, 0 7 sts and kn1t as for the 2nd stnp hUl \\ nh the same Cl)lor sequence as m smp I.

l' (

Jrcl joining stripe As for the first JOII1mg stnpe 4tlr stlip As for the 2nd stn p. -ft h joining stripe

As for the 1st JOimng ::.tnpe. 5tiJ Stlip As for the 3rd strip . Border-Ribbing worllcd i11 rl1e round With green ya rn and un:ular mll, ptck up and knit about 3'5 sts e'en l) spaced along each o f the four s1des and I st 111 l'ach corner. Purl l rnd, knit J rnd and 1hm \\'Ork

3 rnds k 1, p 1 nbhmg On the hrst rnd of nbbmg, me 1 st lm each '>ide of each corner st BO in nhhmg. Loop: PILk up and J.:nn 4 -.b 111 one cnrner· kmt a <>tnp about 2 ;t.'' (7 un ) long and BO. Se\\ tht· loop .:.ecurdr on the wrong side.



PO IIIOLDLR h)01!\JI!\i(, 2 ~dllCI ~tilth

and 2 pallcm-lmJUtci

1 lmu row /letwecn . Sur3 rounding thl'm prruy useful slnp' with







Measurements: 6 Y." X OY." tl7. 5 x


17.5 em) wnhout border. 8 /." x 8 / " (20 5 x 20.5 em) with border. Yarn: 01..: W<'ighl wtton yarn. Colors: Turquo1sc , cuny. and mint. Needles: Dpn 4 l3 5 mm). 16" (40 em) circular needle 4 (15 mm) for the border Techniques: Snips. .Joinmg 2. Patterns: (;ancr stitc h and 2-color knit and purl stripes. Border: Narrow strip.


111 calh cdgl' :;t,lhrough b,1th klOJh .•111d hn 1sh wu h k I 111 r 11d o.,t (- 3H q.,) Now there arc 2 st~> more than the number ridges Or edge SIS. 1 hc">e c'tra l\\0 sts "ill be eliminated later. Ct.t' ,....


lnst ructions ht \llip ( olor lurquo1::.r 1-- ( l) 7 :-ts ,1nd knn .1 .,tnp a., fo1 tht· lu~l -.1 11p <1tl PPthPidc l ') hut hnc there ~hlltlld he )) ndgc:, o n R'> hr lon: :llld 311 ndgc::. ,1ftcr hmdmg ,111 ht and Jrd joining \II ipn---<1 krtu ""' ( olm : ( un; I he ln<.t Jl)llllng ::.tnpc ,... ,1 \erll~:ll kmttl·d nl\\ wn1 ked on the nght ...ide Lll the 111.,1 ...111[1 L\111g a dpn tH l·m.:ula1 nn·dk . hrgm ,\1 tht' ltmt•r cdgl·, go ~awund the wrru.·1 \Ill the ngh1 ::.1de of the knot .md piCk up ,md knn I s1 on R~ m the nc.uc"t (L) :-t Then. pllk up .md knn 36 ::.t.;, I st

2riCI :.trip Colors: C u1 r\ .llld mHlL Usc the lowc-.t -.t o n thl· jo1ning ..,ll'llk' .1 ... the beg st and 1-- CO 8 nn' ..,t., '' 11 h l ur1; cxtl·ndmg PUt frtlm JS. ROI\ I (R'I). K7, p2tog (I st from strrp .md I j"-st' lurn "ork Rm' 2 Sl I k" be. kmt to ,,1st <.t. pI . Rc11v 3 Sl I k"l"l ptl p3 tog (I '>l from thr stn p and I J"st) rurn \\01 k Now the fir'>l of the 2 extra '>I S ha!> been eliminated and there is only one extra st. R •1 ~ - Sl I k\\t::.C, knn tlll,bt ..t, pi Rtll\' 5· ~hnt-"-1 I kwtsc. kn. p2 tll)!. !urn work Row(,· Sl I kv.:i-.c. purllll end ,,f n,w Ro11 7 CuiT)-:-..1 I kwisl', kn, p2 lllP, lu111 work. Rcll\ S. A!> fl,r Ro" 2 R,111 q 51 I k\\1o,('. knn ttl last .,t, pI Rep.:at Ruw-. 4 t,, 9 lnr the r<·.,tl,f thl· .,tnp Fln1.,h tln \V::, wht•n 2 JS:;ts Ilm.un. :·o.Jnt roll' (R.'il '>I I k" ISl' k6, p3 tog. Now the ht~>t of the 2 e ... Ira st'> ha., been eliminated 13() tl\1 \\..., Do ll<ll pull t lL tatlthmugh l nd -.t I'\ow thae .1rc >o cdgl..' ::.bon the nght .,Ide ag,un



2rrd and 4th j oirrirrg stripes Color: Ttt i lllltli~C

\.\ 'orked


lor the h rst jommg stJJ pc.

Jrd strip Color: TurqU\ll~t' . K-CO I <.h c\tcndmg out fwm .JS. Ro11 1 (RS): p2wg (1 st from the !>Lrip and 1 JS:,t ). hun \\ ork. Row 2 Sl 1 kw1sc, k5. pl. Ruw .3: ~ I I kw1sc, k5. p3 tog. Tum work. Now the first of the 2 extra S l!> has been eliminated and there is only 1 extra s t left . Row -f: As fl1r RO\\ 2


Row 5: Sl I k" 1~c . k5. p2tog. Turn Wlll路k Repeat Row:, 4 and '5 unt il 2 sts nl thc 2nd JOming stn pc remam. The last row is knnted 011 the R:-.. Next rmv (\\'.) l '>I I kwise. k"i , pI "\ext row Sl l kw1se K5. p3 wg Now the las t extra st has been eliminated . BOon W<:., :-low

there arc Vi ridges on eal h s1de.

4th strip



for 2nd


5th strip

\Vorked as for 3rd st n p. Border irr a narrow strip

With mmt <lnd urcular nell. pick up and knit ::.ts e\'enly di,路ided around. about 15-36 sts along each sldl' and 1 st at ealh wmn 28


!'UJI I ~"'''' l:h.mgc

w cutT) Usl' 1he last the lliUtlar ndl as the bq~ st. Kl (.) ) Sb In l.UII) l''\lt'tKirng tlUI fr,,m ::.h lll1 the nrcular mil L'.....- a dpn 111 hdp. Rlnl I. K2. p2 '''g ~ = I curry .1nu I mint mmt "'



rll rn


Rm,· 2: 1,2. p 1 Rm1 3 ~1 1 k" r ~c. kl, p2tog \ lcurry .md I mn\1 ..,, '· fum W11rk. Rqx.ll R,,,, :- 2 .tnd 3 Mound untrl all the mrnt sts h,wc been knmnl a" a) Dtl tltll cut \ .un 111' B<.) l .oop Knit 2 y,-3" t7~'4 un) ~Lrarght up ewer 1he ) curn sh BO fum lollp ltl \\'-,and -.ew sct.urc lv '' ith duplit<Hc st.

PO I HOI Dl R 7jOI'\ol~(, )


lnstruct ions

stotluncll<' lmlltcd sllrprll tlt'Cl ullur'. wl/h tlllt'\1


\lllplmw,·d drrcctly cllllt>lhc /11~! 4




rh,· pitlltll'

Measurements: 6,." x 6,' \17 x 17


wrthouL hl'rdn. 8" x 8" (20 x 20 un)

,,,th h~..ll-cln Yarn: Dl\ tlnghr wllon \WI! Colors: l tgh t blue, mint, ltght gn:cn 1\ccdlcs: nn -f ( 1.5 mm). 16" t-fO em) urlUiar mil -+ \ ~ 5 mm) ft1r the b,1rdcr. Technique: '-.tnp,. ]llmtng 3. Pau ern: '-IlK krnt'llc Bord er: """ tnoth cdgmg.

l si strip Color!>: I rght blue .md mint \\'nh ltght blue and dn 1---t. 0 I lJ ~Ls. Roll' I (R5) Knrt w !.1st st. pi Rml' 2 (\\'.)1.' Sl 1 kv..1se, purl to l' lld uf 1(\\\ Repc3t Rows 1 and 2 a tLllJiol 12 11 nw~ = 24 l"ll\\~ Ch.mge lllll1tnt .mtl \\11rk ,Uhlllllr 25 rows.

BO l1n \\') cut yarn. pulltarlthrtlugh bst -.L tend ~~) but OLIIl.t pull II ttght \= ,·nd -.1- )) There ar\' 1111w '10 rtdge-. L'il \\'S lll work.\·\ rth R'- fal ing. thl' U) L.lll h;mg~ ,m the ldt boll om corner amlthl' Ht) wtl r ~ in the uppa nght corner.



Joining 3 2nd strip-without a joining stripe Colors: Light green anJ light blue.

There is no joining ~tripe between the two strips. Using the last COst 111 the CO row at the lovver right hand corner of the l si stri p a~ the beg st, K-CO 19 new sts with light green. Row 1 (R5} K18, p2tog (the last hght green st and the beg st). Turn work. Ro111 2 (\VSJ. Sl I kwise , purl to end or row. Turn Wl)rk. 1nsen the end ol the needle closest 10 the l st strip into the se<:ond edge st-skipping first edge st. The neetlle is inseneclthrough both loops of the edge st. go1 ng !rom back to lmnt of work-see pho to, abo\'e. Slitle nell hack int o posit ion fo r workmg next row Row 3 (RS): Sl l kwise, k I 7, p2 tog (the


next light blue st and the edge st, through both 1\)0ps. Tu rn work. Roll'-+ (WS): 51 l kwise, purl to end of row. Turn work, insert the end of the needle l路loscstto the lst slnp mto the next edge st. J'.:cedle is inserted through both loops ol edge st, gomg fn~m hack 10 frnn t of work. Sl ide nell back mto posn ion lor wurking next row

Repeat Rows 1 and -+ unul I light blue edge st remains (or 24 rows). Change 10 hght hlue and cont mue umil l mint edge sl remams. Sk1p over ll and . instead, work the last rm~ this way: Ncxr row: Sll kwise. kl 7, p2tng lthe last st and end st on the l st snip). Turn work and BO. Cut yam. Sawtooth Border 'vVith circular ndl 4 (3 5 mm) and lighL blue yarn, pick up ancllmiL 2-+ sts along each or the 4 sides and purl l row.


1I iciiiJ:IC\~ Rttll I \\ nh h~ht grct'11-tl~' ,\ Jpn ltl help d lll'L~·.,s.•r:· L'..,t• dw lust li).!,hl hlue ~t ,,.., hq:?, ~~ and K-l () I light ~rcen ~~ K2 (I hght ~n-cn .1nd I lt,l!.ht blul' ..,t) lurn ,,t,rk Rt''' 2 Kl, pi Ro11 l '>I I k\\ 1::-c. k2 \ 1ltght gtcen ::.b) I urn'' ,,rk. Rm1 -1 K2 pI ~~~~~~ 'i· -..) I k\\15<.', k ~ (4 h)!.ht green ::.b) ltllll \\ l'l'k Ro11


K1. pI

Ro\\ 7 -..) I kw1sc, k-f ('i hght gn:en st-.) I urn '' 11rk


YOl K"jiT

RPII 8. 1\-f. p 1 R"'' 9. BO 4 -,ts lt'''~·l) " .1nd knn I 111(lll' hght blue st. Tum \\Olk Rq>e<U Rm' s 2-ll up l•' thl· ", n, m ) 1'll han' 3 hght green tn:ln)!.k". <. h<lll\!.l' tn mlllt .md knn 1 hght blue ... Turn ''ork .mJ


R''" ~ 2-ll .tg.1111 0lo\\ there .ln:'


nunt tn;mgks .md (1 t11angles llll,tl .1long lllll' ~Ilk. Conunue 111 the ....unc m•tnncr on tlw nc:-.t :.Jdl', knntmg (1 tnangle~ Repc.lt tlw.,c 2 "Ilks tm the foll,,wmg 2 srdc:.. Loop:\\ 1th mmt, l'n b.ll.k ol \\(·tk ptlk up .nd ~nit 4 ..,,., and ktw ·' q: ·p about 2 : l7 em) long "C\\ U0\\1 lo••p ..e.. urd) \\ llh duphL.Ill' <.t




PO I Ill H I >l R H tllltl 'tlldl 'll'f'·' .md c,,hf,·, 1\'Hh 2 lm11 rmn Ill /J,·!IIt't'/1 1he· /l,H!kt '-' 1\tll llcci11J ,, ' ' ' ' ' '1«\hllll'lll' /h,·f't!lh,,/d,·t "lmuted <b /•'' p,,tlwltkr 'i, hut llw 2nd and -lth '!I iJl' ha1, t11/1/, ptlll•lll\ Measurement!>: b ." X br." ( 17 x 17 em) wulwut ht,n.kr 7 r." x 7'1." ( I(),5 x ]() '5 ll1l) \\llh ht,rdn Yarn : D" lll'l,o;;lu clllfclll_\'1111!. Color!>: tvtmL. dark b iLl\.', <111d bluL' Needle~: Dpn 4 ( 3 '5 mm ). C1hle ndl. 16''


(40 em) ctrcular nd l 4 ().'5 mrn) lor

htwdrl Tfchniquc:

~ lnps

)11111111g 1. Pattern~ : l •artcl ~l. Cables lnllow 1ng Lh.m <. lun i-. ll'JW<Hed throughLllll. Border: Purl 'ilitch lt)lkd L'dging








;.. -~


... ..-

...... .,_.r


......·........ .,_.... ~-


'-"'"" ........ .........



··==·~ .;. '·"'::... ........ ~:-.::: ....... ...•:::: ~

..,, . !-: ~- '







1st sttip Color: ~1mt As fnr Pl1tlwkkr '5. hut LIOC cokn


1st, 2nd, Jrd, and 4th in-between s tripe~ Color: Dark biUl .\s k1r PtlLlwkk r 'l 2nd and 4th strips--atbln Color: Blur. Use the IO\\ \.'St J'>~L a~ thl' lxg -.t ,lnd KCO 9 ne\\ Sl'> Roll' J (R'i): K8. p2tLlg \ I ~t fwm ~t np <11Hi

l.JSst ): turn. Rows l. ancl-1. Sl l kw1sc , pu 1l 1n end row.



~~~)~ ·~~ ..~ , .......... .

~::::~~ ....., .....

Stockmette : Kn1t on RS and purl onWS.

"'""'' ......-.





:~~t~ ..._,






Place 3 sts on a cable ndl beh.nd work. k3. knit stS from cable ndl. Place 3 sts on cable ndl en front of work. k3. kmt sts from cable ndl.


Rtll\ 3 Sl I kwhc me 2 ~ts (m~ "ith \II b) even I> ~rac<.>d pvc r 1he ncx 1 7 sts l whllh .m:- kmucd'. p2 wg l= ll st~):

BO 2 srs on lb. 130 Llll WS.

Jrcl aud 51 h swipt>. Color: l\l1tll -\s ltlr Pothtllda '5 .


Ro11 )· Sl I kw•~•·. the nc't 9 st-> an· the IsL ltl\\' on the Lh.m (bcgm at arm\\'), p2 wg; turn (..,mti!Hh.: workmg Llw paucrn folltl\\'-

mg the chart for the 9 ll'ntcr ~ts, knll the stnp:. last :.t tog wtth J"-;t and "tWk I cd~c st on tlw lice stck. When 2 )S~t-; rcmam,

Pud Stitch Rolled fdging \\ tth urcular mil and d;trk blue, pttk up ami knll sts art1lllld the whole potholdcr ~ '' nh 1h, ::.a me numhc1 of ~b t1ll eadl stdd K-CO 8 sts t1tl one cornc1 for thl loop and purl 4 rtl\\s. BO purlwN'. Turn the edging lll WS and sew down






0 0 1'11NO 1\NIITIN(i

SHA\\ 1., TIIRO\\, OR SC ARI cJlt' Hlo'cl.\ ,!J<11d. Malle· II l'lt' tilt'

slw l ll' l


llh/IUdlflll\jlll <I /tillS: <111</ 11<1110\lt'l'

a \<£11 fell l on.~c' l


ancl 1vitit'l" for

a tlliOl\.

Width: 2 ~ • (flll em). Length: b/" t2bl un) pluo; 1.1s~b Yarn: Sptll I llt'r.~ill ,,,,,,( )tllli. Colors: ') 10 g unbk,tdll J '' h11~ and small •tmounts nl yam -. 111 shades )'llU desire lo t the shawl l ine we H used rust. hl'tgc. yelkl\\ ·green lllll ). pale )Tiki\\, ami hght green Ynu'll lll'Cd ll \ arn ll1r a st.trl and mort' h11 ;l thrtl\\ :-.:ecdlcs. nn 2 t) mm) Tcchmqm· n.bll' "qu.n c I, p 2. plus .I \"an.llllm ,,lth~-o •l'l' lwl'''' :'\umber of '>titchc'>: 2 1 Right- and left-leaning triangle!>: p. I I.J. J 5


Con!>truct ion : Dt.lgPnnl p.mc b .•ts for 1\Hhl)ldl'f -l. p I ') Gauge: .-\ -.quarl· ~hnuld mcasurt• 2 1t'o Ull l m '' rdth .md hctght .111d 3/" !oi. 5 L~, dt<h:pn.tll) fmrn comer w l'('mcr. Gauge swatch: Knu pand~ l. 2 .•md ) II)\\ rr .... 1. chan and m.:-a... urc the g.tugc nn the ll'llll'l .;qu.trl'






lnstructions The whole shawl is knnted with unbkadlt'd '' hne 1\nn the ~quarcs folkl\ving the cllagram The th.tgram shows the enure ~ha\\ I Begin'' tth the first panel. then the 2nd panel. etc. .•ts for panels t\-E on PLHh,1ldc1 4 . 3rd panel. 3rd square b ,1 ::.qual\' \\'llh , swckmL·LLe ndge on the nglu s1de , :'L'e diagram . rhe square 1<: kniLLt·d as lex B.hic Square I. hut Row 3 \ 'v\''>) is kninetl >IS lotlows: Sl 1 k\1 1sr. k 13. purl wend of ww. 5th panel, 8th square 1s ,1 square '' nh StLlLkilh.'lll' ndge on tl11. left SldC. SCL' th,lgram J'he Sljuare 1s kntttcd <b for Baste ~quare 1, h\11 Row 3 (\V'>) is worked as follllWs: '>1 1 k\1ise. p 12. knn to last st. p 1. Finishing \\'hen }'llU h<we firmhcd knming the shawl, usc du plicate st tll embrmckr 1 -2 rows 11 llh 12 colored duphcate sts centered on cad1 <lnd cwry tll the swckmcue row~ nn the ~quare::.'' h~eh .m.: marked \\Hh d tagm1al nght- and kit kanmg streaks un the cl!agram. Di,·idc the colors l'\'tnly Ll\'l'l the enure shawl. f\..1akc 1asscls and sn1 them fm11l) tm the corner of each ::.quaiL' along hLllh of the shawl'.; shtm ends



\\llh unbleached whlll' l) th, 2r t. md 4th quarters. rt.'\l' l ~t.· th.: color <;cqth'I1LL"

SQL \Rr Pll I 0\\





I ,,, "' llttllllt'\ Kllil '•/lltllt'\ /10/ll Llh'

/lit' I tll!{\lllld\, 1111 II

>I.~ \ltft• 1111d



IIIli II ttl



1\ka'>urcmcnts: H 1" x H1" (17 x >7 em). 'arn /11 ..:•·"' • 1 u,..;llt 1\ClOI Hll 11. "•fk,' 1\h·,·d lwm Garn~t ucl 1o ( olor-. n'S g gramrl L''i g unhleadlcu \\hill .

\/ccdk-.: Dn 2 0 nun) ' 'll "Ill ab,) nt:~.·d ,, p•ll•l\\" form .tl Jc,,..,t 2" (5 t.lll) largct th.m th.:- ptll•'" ':, Ill .bill 'lldlb .

rl·chnique: [b;,Jl ~qu.m.: '5, p. 5. \/umhcr of !>titche!>: )') ( onst ruction: rr..,m tilt: n'Jitl'r .md uut" r a... I • PothoiJa 3, p 12. c•.mgc l )n,· ...qu.uc ...h,luld mca...urc .tbout J "1 t. m) m '' 1dth .md ltct~ht .md 3" (7 ') llll) JJ.tgon,tl/y ft\1111 U1fllCT to l.llllll'l'

lmishing Cardulh pre~:> the \\ ork furn dtl' cor· rwr:. rn hn\ards C".ldt othcr ''"the" rt.m~ ... rdc olthc ptllt.l\\ and Sl'\\ them together \\ Jth m.lltrc::.!> ~t tlh nn the right Silt ._t,llt · rr1g at the corn..r-. and out lt.1 all 4 ''de-. llll\\'l'\·t.·r lean .10 t.1p,·mng ft.ll' tht prlltl\\ lor m. Mtcr rn~l'tllng tht.• lixm, ::.e\\ the opcnmg wgcthcr rhcn ~w a huttnn on thrt.mgh allla)·l'l"



PI LI .O\\ t.ahk-paurr "''",,.,tum 111 tht.· uuto '' lmutccl frr.\1 and tlh'll rhr /'lllltTlt~ loth,· ' •IJI w-.· IHn-hc.! 11 rrb ~~ 111'1 n'l,~t·~ 111 --yi1<


Twn tltr 1vor /1 tllld Jmrl a maldrrng on thr 11lht'r ''"~" Thr 1-uml f,,Hdt'l

llt'lll't'l'll. \l'ttum

ha, lmol\ lll cadr tPIIIll .



!Ill ptlkm IS knttted h,ll,l\vtng the same pnncrplc:- ;b for ~\,tholckr 3 but C;tdl hind~ h.t~ '5 pam• b \\'It h '5 "qliMC!> I !1 l'.llh ''''' (= 2'5 squar'l':-). Un the l~t and >rd l{lt:tttcr-; (t.h.lP,l'll<tlly 11\ cr each otht:r ), )'•'ll t.t~t ,m .uH.I kmt t hl.' gartl'r ndgl.' ... wtth grannc and the Mo~.km,·tLe row-;

Measurement'> 2r..• x 16!." (32 x 42 ~.m ) Yarn: fut.~<·nn~ 11 ,·,~Itt 11 tl<ll yw n \rlkt.• fi.\Ct.d fmm (.,,,rn ... tuJrL). Colors: I r. oz ( "iO g) unbleached willlt.'. I o: (2'5 gl gr.tnllt.', V: o: ll 0) g) ht.·rgl'. N{·cdles: Dn and H" (Nl em) urLul.u ndl ) l1 mm) and :t cahk ndl 2 Jpn 4 l} 5 mm) £or the bt.,rdt.·r


D OMINO KNIHI NG Yl'll \nil also need ,1 ptllcl\\" [urm at least 2" ( "i em ) larger than the ptlkl\v Ccl\Cf and ,, ptccc ll[ fabnc large c路nough tel co,路cr the h.K k lll the pillow + seam allowance rec:hnique: '>t n ps. jommg 1' a~ kll' 1\ll ho lclcr 5, p. 23 Patterns: All the patt e rn ~ an: knntcd folkl\vtng the charts. Bcgm on R~ .11 the amm. The sccuon withm ht.:a\'}' dark lmes 1:; the pauern rcpc.ll whtch IS rt.:po..'ated. workmg upward~ ll1r length l,r . .mp Border: 1-cord. see Potholdcr 3, p. 12.


Instructions lsi strip-- CCIIICI Color: l. nblcachcd '' hnc K-CO -1- 1 sh <lnd work l 2't' l32 em) with Pattern I wit h 1 edge st at each s1dc. BO. ConllmH', w o 1king to the nght, alte 1 nating a JOining stn pc ,md a strip. A joini11g su路ipc Color: Unbleached whnc

Sec Plllholdcr "i and knit as fc)r the 1st ]Ot11111g Stripe


Pattern I

Pall£'rn 2

• •

• Pattern 3

• •

• • • •

• •


.. • •.-• ··---·..·......... .........



• • • • ••


=Knit on RS and purl on WS.

=Knit on WS and purl on RS.

Yo. Sl I st. k2tog. psso. Place I st on cable ndl behind work. k2• knit st on cable ndl.

Place 2 sts on cable ndl in front of work. k I. knit sts from cable ndl. Place 2 sts on cable ndl in front of work, p I. knit sts from cable ndl.

Pattern 4

Place I st on cable ndl behind work, k2 . purl st on cable ndl.

Pattern 5

...•.•.. •. ·j· .•••• ... • • • •

+ ••••


•• •• .-·. ••

Place 3 sts on cable ndl behind work, k2, knit sts on cable ndl.


• •••

• • • ~.

Place 3 sts on cable ndl behind work. k3, knit sts on cable ndl. Place 3 sts on cable ndl in front of work, k3. knit sts on cable ndl. Place 4 Sts on cable ndl behind work. k4, knit sts on cable ndl.



211cl stl'ip Color: Granite. tO sb. Knit tht::, stnp utllo the fOIIl tng stnpc J< . CO lO sts extendmg out from the JS (at the ltrst stnp's east-on). Kntt r>attem 2 with 1 edge stat each side, one ol wh ich will be used fur the join ing Fin i::,h with K3LOg when 2 jSsts remam. join the following strips .,,路ith edge ::.ts m the same way Jrcl strip

Color: Betge. K-CO 12 sts and work Pattern 3.

4tlt sllip Color: Unbleached white. K-CO 9 sts and work Pallern +. 5th strip Color: Grantte K-CO 1+sts and work Pattern 5 You


haw now finishl'clthe nght side. Turn 1he work and work the other s1dc m the same way. Using a ste;un 1rnn. steam the p1cce. shapmg 11 so 1hat edges are stra ig ht but do not press clown nn the kmumg or the pat 路

terns wtllllatten out. Bon:ler-1-cord with knots Knll an 1-cord border (See Pothnlder 1) olong all +sides, but, in each corner, knu a 2/"-2'!.." (6-7 em) long piece without connect ing 11 to the ptllow. Pb ce the srs nn a safety pm (do not cut )am) and make a knot m rhc cord. Se\\ 1he border (ends ol the cord) toget her w11h duplicate st.

finishing Sew the fabric backing to the cover but leave an opening for the p11low cushton. Insert cushiOn and sew the opening together.



1\lca<>uremcnt". I -12tll11 Yam: I It-a\\

," x I 1' " ( 10 x

illlt'll \tllll ~lnllum

u lt ll >n ) .1 r 11 I \Ill

.d...,> work Color: l'i'> g unhkat hL路d '' hu.: Needle<;: P1 2 \) 111111 l Technique: fl.hiL "qu.lll' H. p 7


Number of stitches: 2) Right- and left-leaning triangles: I' 19, 11 SIS. Construction: Dl<i1!,L'Ilal pan.:!-.. a-. l111 Pot holder -1 p I '> (;augc: \ SC(lUfl' ::.htltdd nll'~bliiL' 2'' 1 =:i L m' 111 '' t(hh .md hetght .md ~" (}.5tm) d1.1gt'nall) fn1rn L<'llll'l 111 lt)flll'f

Instructions rnJlll\1 the dwgram, U-.111)!_ tlW ..,<\111l pnnupk::. as f'tllholder 4 lhc numht路r-. .,h11\\ the ordrr in wh1Lh thl' palwl-. -.hPtdd he knitted: the lcuers 1nd 1tall' the ''1de 1 ''' the :>(j Ll<lrl'::. in a panrJ. !"he f1 rs1 hint k Il l the 5th p.md is .1 rrght -lcanmg 1nangll'



COI;FI:EPOT COVI:R u•/lt't'f'<'lllll.~hl llt't'.! t1 ·,tid I" I<' llt't'fl II IVtll rl1 Tim (0/ft't'f'OI t cl\'1"1 1\ /loth {till


'' uh tlw n'I<'IS "llll:h arc listed ne\t w thl' di;lgrarn.


/c• brr/ <llltl Iliff /<l/p(JJI <II und(lh a t!l/11/lltlll c olfccput Height: 11 ," (30 t1n \ C ircumference: 19. '' {'JO Lml 'l arn: ftllt'llllcn \'clrll C olor•> 1 o:: ( lOL1 g) whne .tnd ' ' o:: \1\10 g' hLlLk.

Needles: Dn l (2.-J mm) 1llll \\til a !so need 2 butttlll:. .111d .1 ptL'll' 11l l )y," x 2 3/,." (35 x 60 un) lin ing labnl'. 'Jcchniquc: Baste ~quares I attd 2 p. 2. Numhcr of stitches: 27 Open top triangle: 27 sts. ...,t npcd "quares and tnangle.., l'tck up and knu :-t' and work Ro\\ I \\ 11 h hlal k, and then alternately '' tlfk 2 fll\\-. "hue and 2 t\1\\'> blalk. Right- and left-leaning triangles: p. l Y, 14 o., ts Construction: From the l'L'Iller and n ut wards, as lor Potho ldns 2 and ) ,\nd -.tandmg on the1r cLJrncrs dt.mwnd" hl' as for Headband. p I <J. Gauge: A ...quare sht,uld tnt'<blll'<' 2'1." "> 1 un) 111 \\'Jtith and hetght and 1t" \K un' dtagonallr frt'lll nlfncr t<' n'rner Diagram: ~nit the squares .1nd t riangks 111 th( tlrder mdtc.ut•d h)· the numbers and 44

Instructions Sl'l' tlt<lgram <11\d kn tl squares l. 2. 3. and-+ togL'tha, <1<. lnr Potholder 2 (.-\, B. 11. E). in stratght 1'(1\\'..,, starting at the bottom. rhen knit squ.U'L's ), 6. 7. and R together Ill st ratght I'll\\:-.. It nm the center out \\·ards. as for Potholder ) Turn the dtagram upstde dt'" n .1nd knu square Y bel\wen square-. I and '5, 10 hl'tween l) and 7. II bet ween 2 and <:l <1nd 12 bet ween 11 and 10. 0io1\ the tnp has ) blocks with-+ squarl'::. l'ach. Then kntl '-((llill't' 13 next to 6 and 3, l -f next Ill 10 and 7. '\!ext to square 11 kntl a striped righ t-k<1ning tnanglc and a stn ped ldt-lean tng trianglt' ne't to 2. Then contimtl' knnung m the sequence shmm on the diagram Thl' lrl<111)!.kS at the bottom of the Ctl\l'r {43-48) <lre opl'n top triangles \lith 27 st~ . Row 1 (\\'Sl K26. p l Row 2 (RSl: Sl I kwt'>e , k ll . sl l. k2tog, psso. k 10, p 1: turn work and leaving I st on thl' ndl. RowJ: 51 1 kwtst', k2 1. pl. turn work. ll'<l\ mg last st on nell Row -1. <;J 1 kwt.;c, kY. sl l. k2tog, pS,;O, k8. p 1 turn \\llTk Row 5. '>I l k\\ tse. k 17. p 1. turn work Row 6. Sl l kw~'>e. k7. sl 1. k2tog. pssn. k6, p l, lllrn work.


1~<111' 7: ~I 1 k'' I'>C,

k 14, p 1 turn '' ~Hk 8. \l I k\\i~t:. k5 ~1 1 , k2tog, P~"o, k4, pl. turn \\ ork Rt•ll 9: -;1 I kwtsc. k9 pl. l ll l tl work Rt111 Jtl: \I l k\\ 1se. k 1, sl I, k2tog. p;.so, k2 . pi, turn wo rk. Ro11 ll \II kwlse,k') pl,tUrn\H1rk Row 12: :,I 1 kw1se, k 1, sl I , k2LOg, psso, pI . LUrn Wllrk. Roll' JJ· :-.1 l kw1sc, ld, p 1, turn. Rt•ll' H : ~I l kw1se. sl 1, k 1. p:-;so t = H ~ts) Fmish by wo rking 4 row~ m stod<inettc wnh wh1te m the sts from 1he botlllll1 tnnngles. RPII

Finishing Fold the coffeepot LOver mto thu·Js and usl' tt w mcaslll\' the hn ing. lJse thl' outlmc to cut out three p1eccs 111 the S)nthelll hnmg labnc 0\'erlap the edges about ';.;" ( '5 em) t msteau of pial ing them nght :>tdes faLmg) and SC\\ them wgethcr wnh

: ig:ag stilL h. Place the lming 111Lo till' knu ted p1en ltlmlll)?. it <;()that the stratght cd)?,e is <tgamst the wrong s1dl· .mel over thl' lmmg: SC\\ edges together. jom the knntcd p1l'LC and lmmg With I at kmg th read here and there and along the u penmg for the handle wnh baL kstitch. Buttonhole loop: \V1th bla<.k K-CO 12 sts and then BO. Turn the end d~..1wn and sl'\\' it SCLUrely tl1 the wrong s1de. tkm n onto sq uare 3o. SC\\· a hu Ltlm at the correspondmg hc1ght on thc opposne stdc of the openmg. Repeat on the squart above Loop: \\'nh bla<:k K-CO 5 Sl~ ~md knn a 3/," (8 em) long stnp with an edge st at cach :.Ide BO and form ll 11110 a llll1p whtch 1s then sewn ~ccu rcl y to the to p of thc L:lwer

To p ~ 'i tripcd ~quare •

Black ~quare




Botto m 45


BASKETS FOR A Lll TLE 01· EVERYTI liNG v ou urn iwi1 th,·s,· /!asl?cl\ qwtl1l_v and usc l tltcmJor a lrulr of ntTv!lun,g. Plan· u ,~/(1" ltl't' 01 t1 ,dus' in the tall l>usl<cl (.l/ld tl\<' 11 tl' u nrsr or to h(>/d \'our lmrt/111,~ lll't'd/c:-.. A 'nw/1 gla." rn the /lasl?t't 1s just rip,llljor hold Ill,~ U lt'£1 ullldlr.

Measuremen ts: f-iLs a square-bollnmccl fnrrn 2!," X 2t," {7 X 7 em) (alter stiffenmg. it fits a Lme quan/litcr milk car1L1n) The height depends on ht1\\ man~ rounds }'llU knit YL1u L·an change the sr:e Lll1 the baskets hy knHung nwrc tll' lcwc-r slltt ht?s in the squares and h) strctchmg ;md '>tillenmg them on brger or smaller bases or something sunilar Ytlll L·an usc hnt h round and squar-e shapes h1r formrng the hJ~kct::.. Yarn: Pine lrncn \'£11 11. fine cotton thread em also be used. Color : 31 o:: ll 00 g) "' enough ror several haskcts Needles: Dn 0 l2 rnm ). Techniq ue: 11asic Square l, p 2. Numher o f s titch es: 25. Cons tructi on : from the n:nter outwards as for Pntlwldcr 3. p 12 and in a ring with 1he squares standing diamond46

Stiffening Knitted Pieces ~ Use potato flour. Mix 2 table,j :' spoons potato flour in 'h'-1 cup (.1--'2 , :dl).cold water. Pour it slowly' into ;·' boiling water, stirring until it has the ...~ f~ consistency of paste. Let cooh 'bit: '. ;i ~ Rl!ice the knitted' piece into the:~stiff.:',..< :; cniiig agent so that it becomes thor~ ; i iOllghiy saturated. Remove kand i'i :,~squeezc 'oUL the water. Blockit pver ··~ '~' a fomi and pjn or.sew itdown~ j~~i'~'it'<t t dry complctciy, ,finisli by ·covering•, ·. . ,;

~~~~~ ·gecoupa&fJl~teto make the _ ~: r'f·~5~;to~l,l ysuff: ~




wrse tm 1hcir l·orner ptlints as for Headband. p. 19. Gauge lbcfnre st ilfenmg) A ~quart: should measure I y)' (-t.5 em) in width and herght and 2 '; " (6.5 ern) dtagtll1ally from corner tt) corner.

Instructions Bottom (A, B, C, and D): Knit A and Bas separate squares. Then knit C in bc1wecn Band 1\ in the loops tlr the CO SIS and then D bet ween A and B so that the squares arc placed like the+ center

squares on Pot holder 3




\ 'nt !>ctuarc (E): &gm m llw l' lld ~~ of B 1r d pllk up and kmt 12 sts, '' orkmg to llw kft .dong B. 1 st bet\\ cen B .md C and 12 ~IS along C f':n tl S<-(U,\rt' f here. Knll r along c and 1\ Ill the ~<l l llt' W<1}. I hen knn squares <llong A. D, <1nd D. B. 1\ o\\ }'Ull shou ld see how the basket ts taktng furm. '(ou ha\'e abt) now knttted a rnund. !-'rom th rs pomt, umti nuc knnung m rounds. Each round cons1sts nf 4 squares. one m each tlt)ldl . Small Basket C..onststs nf a bollom and 2 rounds ( = 12 ~qua res l.

large Basket <..nnsrsts of a bottom and 4 rou nds l 20 sqtt,1rcs) finbhing BaLkwards Lrochet along the edges. Baclnvards Crochet: ( t\)l het as fo r -.1nglc Lwchct but work Irom kl t to nght. ur "backwards." Place the basket in the -;r ifren tng .lgt•nt (sec "'>ttffening·· in box. p.1ge 46). Then ..,hapc the basket 0\er a square 01 n'und llmn \\'(-haw used milk canons hac Hold the corners m P<hlltllfl wrth T-pub or basil' m posillon \\'11 h SC\\ mg thrL'.td while the suffcning agent dncs


POT COVER Yarn: 6-ph /!Ill' yw 11. Needles: 10 (nmm) Km ucd 111 the same way as the baskets to 1he ldt. !"he pot t.:ow r consists of 1 hot tom , '+ squares and then-+ open Lop triangles. see p. I CJ. Pl<ll'C the sts on a long pu~ce of yarn (JUte ) <lrn is t.>astcst to use) and adJUSt the Wtdlh With the rarn .



Cc'll!-tructrtlll Kn11 lhl' 'Yli.Hc~" 111 tht' order mdrc.rcd b\ lhl." nurnhcrs cm thl' d1agram

AND PE"\CIL CASE /lad;f'tlc h /cll a lurk llllht• jwnrh '' ~c:w clll a ,,,,k "'malic rt cr ,/l!ltlltlc·t /lei.~. 1 If

K ..;rll

tlrl\ t

Ulc ckmm


Measure ment<;. The backpack mca-.urcs

ll t," X 1)'/," ()l) X 39 till). 'arn: DK 11rr~hr Ct'IIOII ya111 Pt·n-:-.1-Knn fwm t ,,lrlhiUdrc> Colo r., I , o: ('50 g) dark .md 8 Y. o: {21tl g' lrgh1 indrg,, blue "leed le., Dn 4 0 "i mm) and 16" (-tO nn) err


mil 4

0 ')


)ou will :tlstl need a : rppe r. wrth n nng, long enough for II op,·r mg. ,1 hatk· pat k -.t r.tp .lhc)lll I yd/m long and a pq~ h.1pcd huuon. lccbmque: 2-tnlnr ...quare '\umber of ~litche., 29. Open top and bottom trian gl e~: '-cc rn~ l run r on~. pagc 19 Construc u on: lr t

n~ \\H. ~qu.m•:;

standmg dramond \\'15( on thcrr <.:Ornt·r~ as lm I kadband. p 19 Gauge: .\ !->t[Uarc should mc~hun.· 2Y." m w1dth .md hergh1 and 4 • lllcm dr.lg<mall) Irom tl>lllcr lc' Llmll'r Diagram : Tlw bag,., knittt·d m cllll' precc. orr• d n a nng. hut the dragr.tm r:. "spH·ad clUl. ~ :-.1.1kc a photc1copy. cut rt out .md 1.1pc t<l)!.l."thcr till srdco; :.o 1h.u it i.; t'asin to undnstand 1he IMg's

Ins tru c tion~

2-w lor ~q uart• \Vit h hght blue and dn. K·LO 2ll -.ts Ro11 1 (\\'Sl. 1\nll to l.bt st. pi Mark the .:cnu.:r 3 sts. Rnw 2 (RS): Sl I kwbc. knrt to tht' tenter 3 5ts, sl I, k2tog. ps.,o. knn to l.~:ot st, pi /~cl\1 .3: $1 1 kw r<;C, knll tn last ~l. p 1. Repeat Row-. 2 and 3, 2 ume~. w11h a dcuc:asm~ m.·nbcr (lf sts unulthcrc are 4 rrdgcs ,m R~ Rc1w 8: Dark) .un-Sl I kwbc, knn to the ) Cl'lltl'f Sh, sJ-J, k2tog, p~s(), knrtto l.lSl '>l, pJ Rnw 9 '>I 1 kwr..,e pttr l 10 end of r(l\\', 10 "amt: 1-. Row 8 9. Rclll' 12: l rght yarn-same as Row 2 Rc1w JJ· ~~lml .1-; Row 3 Rq1cat Rl1ws 12 and I 3 w11h a dcncasmg numhtT tlr "h. umrl 3 s1s rcma n Nc'\l 1'0\1' (\\'~). '->1 1 k WhC, k 1' p i ,\'t'\1 n111 '-I I ~ 2tog, psso (= I -.t Cut y.nn. pulltmlthmugh :.t:- .md pull Rc111·

Rc>ll' JJ· ..,,lmt a., Row

t r~hl ~rngl e

color \t/ttarc \:. k1r 2-nllnr squ.ITt', but 11 nnly wnh hght \.trn.







Bo ll om

Squarl''> I and 2 : 1\rllt 2 ::;~·parat~ 2-u•ILll -.qu.rrv-. l'l,lLt I he :-quare:>. ,,·uh l'nd "'" up" .lltb, ,r-. !-> h 0\\11 on thl' d ragr;un Squarr 3: '> 111gk cnlnr-Kn1t ...quai L' ) 111 dw 11 \llLh lx t\\l'Cn sqll<lre-. I .1nd 2. Squa rr -t: "mgk tolnr-r'1ck up and knu 1-t ""' .d11ng the 111p k it edge t1 tl "tlll.uc 1 g•• ",twund 1lw cllrntT .md p1rk up .md knu I ... t 111 1he l.t:.t <. 0 "I nn -.qu.rre 1. 1urn \\llll .md K-CO H nc\\ ""' l w,l\ y Ime' Pn d1.1gram 1 Kn11 ..;qu.nc -f hl're .md l.lll ~ arn . Turn" ,,rk .uHf dra gl.lfll liJbrtk dP\\ n Squa re 5: ..,111glr n >l(lr -Pit k up and knn 1-t ""' 111 the loops t) r CO row alnng ''Il l' o., rtk 111 '-lJtl.liT 4 (wavy lines), I -.1 111 l hl' l.<llllt'l ul o.;qu<l lt' 4 t~nd p1tk up and k nil 1-f "" rn the t t 1 J,,L'fb t~ km g n1w "'tk ,,r "lJli.IIL I ldt>llcd land Knil a ... qu.1JL' Squarl' 6: ..., ngle whw-P1tk up and kn11 14 '~'L'•'P" (ll CU W\\ .lllmg .ml' -,1tk Ill "lJtl.m.: I tslash Ime~\, I ~~ rn Ll'IIIL'I ,,f :-quare 3 and p1..:k up .md knn 1-t ..,r... rn the l 0 Inops alt•ng Lml' srdc , >I -.qu.ut· 2 (., I.J~h lr ncs). Kn rt a "LIU<11\'. Square 7: '>111gle t:Pinr- Pick up ::md kn11 14 ""' 111 the <. l) Inops along orw srtk o l "ljll.liL' 2 tdL•lled !mel. kn n I s l rn llw nc.Ht' "l ( () !-<lt•n the kl'1 ::.ide llf >qU;H,· 2. turn ""rk and J..:-CO HIlL'\\-""' 1\n I .l





6 £




"lJU,II"t..' .

Square H: "Jngk Lolor- KI1ltted a~ [,,r squ uc 7 111 the same wa) ;b :-qu.trc 5 wa~ k n n~t·tlt•\T r s4uare 4

Back 51


Bag )nu ha,路e n,),, knlltl.'d thl.' b~lttom ~,r the ha,kp.Kk and rhe 1st round C.tmtmue Sll aight up 111 rounds t)f 6 -.,quare~ L'ach lt)lltl\\ mg the dtagram. 1-mt~h With (l Lop lll,ln).!.les m the 6 notches. 1 Top Tria11gk

Wnh hght yarn and dn 2l3 mm), r11:k up and knn 29 sts a~ for <I ~quare Ro11 I. Sl I h\tSc, k27, pl. R,n, 2. ~II k\\tse. kl2 sll, k2wg. psso, k II, pi turn /~oil' .3 . .SI I kwise, k23, p 1, llll n Row 4. Sl I kwise, k l 0. ::.1 1. k2tog. rsso, kY, pi. turn. R<M 5: ~I I kwise. K19. pl.tu 1n Rt>ll' (>:'-.I 1 kv.. ise. k8. sl l, k2tog. psso, k7.rt.turn R,,,,. 7: ~I I k" tse. k 15. p 1. turn R<lh' X: Sl I kwtse, k6, sl 1, k2tog, p::.so. k'5. pI. turn. Row l) Sl I k\\1SC, k 11 p 1, tllrn /~,,w 1()路 '.I I kw1sc. k4, sl 1, k2tllg, psso.

H '>I 1 k" N', sl 1, k2tog. psso. and plale all sts on;\ holder or waste yarn Knn the n~路:-;t '5 tnanglcs m the same way. Do not t ut yam on la::.t triangle, but place all sts nn nrntlar ntll 2 (3 mm) and work 6 rows, altcl n,llmg a purl row with a knit row (reve rse slLH:kmcLLc). BO loosely 111 purl



Spread out b.Kkpack as m the d1agram and SC\\ a zipper 111 the opening so that the Oap turns d0\\'l1\\ards Fold the strap so that tt is clnublcd and <;('\\ tt securely as shown on the thagram.

U. pi, turn. R01v I I.


I kwtse , k7, pl. turn.


I 2. Sl I kwtsc. k2, sl 1, k2wg, psso, kl ,p l , turn. Row /.3: Sl I kwtse. k1. p 1. turn


Backpack front

Backpack back




t>ll ulll t'mll\' Jmrr su If>' _lor a porttl case to go in yow hrwpsw l1or malu路up her~.

Measurement~ : 4 ." x R!. 02 x 21 l'm l. Yarn: Dt.: ll't'rght turton yar rt. Den t--.1 Knu lrorn C,<Hibtudio. Colors: 1 hall lrght <lnd ,, partial ball d.1rk rmhgt) hlul' Needles: Dpn and urt"ubr ndl 4 05 mm) and a c,lhlc m-edic. You wrll ab11 ncl'd an R" (20 em) long zipper" uh .1 nng lcchnique, pattern and joining: t\., lor Pot11\)kkr H. p. 32. Gauge: The flr~t stnp ..hnuld measure 1 /,"

Ins tructions !<nit the first 3 stnp::. .HHIJoming strrpcs as for Pot holder 8. Onl> the colors, number l>r stllchc:-. and length nrc d ifferen t. I st Strip-li.~ltt IJ/ue-1 0 'litdrcs. Length: 71 ndgcs on R\ hdl11T bmdrng L>ff-74 ndgcYcdgc sts afterwards (= 151," (4l) Lm)).

1st joining stlipc-darh /Jluc . Add 2 sts 10 the 74 (- 7b sts). Knn ,,

JOrnrng strrpc on crrctrlar nel l.

2nd soip--cablcs-light hluc-9 sh 2nd joining so ipc As for first jornmg Slripl'. Jrd strip-light /Jiuc- 10 \1\.

v+ 5 on ) m \\ Kh h


Turn the prec<: with nght srdcs fanng t:<lch other and !>e\\' wgether along tlw ~lwn srde of the I st stnp and on thl' hl'lllli11. Sew a : rppcr in the open mg.

'\ \


Shoulder Bag If you want a shoulder hag, CO I L)- 12 '>I s and knit n garter stitch pircc long enough to go O\'er the '>ht)uldcr. Sn\ 11 outside the 2 lips \\路hcrl路 1hl' :1pper bq~ms and ends so that zipper lrl's rnsidc the hag.


00~11 NO




llrl,\i ulfh "''' ,n·r

r11-.·d ,.,,,,.,,,,111~.

lot•/: <II tfu, .-1,·,\illlll <Ill</ dr/)<'l<'l;ltdf' 1 Ill:,· 11 ''"' A ,, w (. 1d11dr '' a/,o oul of


tflt' <ll.flll<l", 1 lllllf'lt'lt'\ t/lt \tl

:'<h:.I'-.Url'ml'nh: ht-. llltl~l pl'tlpk fhc '>

I If I


( olor.,:

2ntlmunt/ Color: ltl.t) 2•1 "'' · "'" gr.1) knn douhk· o;qu.Ul''> l )n R'-. ptd;. up .md kntt 2•> .,.._ alt>ng, >Ill' , h.uu,,tJ ~1'.1) .;qu.m· m loops,,£ C0 .,,c; Knn .1 :'t.!ll.lrl.


lltt"l,iilll'"-..'' \IIIII I • ,,;: t '1L) ~\ gr .1y, Jll"l lllHl'r .m

2'i ~) 1. h.u-...o.ll gr ·'} .md p.uual h,1ll-. ''' rt•d .utd red-\ 1uk1 'lt·l'dil'-. I)n 2 \ \ 111111 I dp11 I t2 'i mm i .ntd Jc, {·h l nn l , rtutl,1r ntll 2 l ' lllnl)

Tt·lhrHqm· : ll.~>•lt ~qta.trc« I .md 1. pp 2 .md 1 "'umlll'r of ~lllthl''> ' I .md 1r,,,.r ·'' tlw \\tllk

\\ uh lh.u,oal gr.l), knll :4 "4U.tll'" <,I.Ul· mg "nh 21.) -..1::. ,.,,tlr

),,u no\\ h.1n· .t dnuhle :-qu.ur Rqw.u unttlthcrl· .trt' :-> d11ublc s4u.1r••., Jrclmum/

Colors: 1\,·d-v rnkt and g ta}. 2') .,,.., I' .llc I '' dt>uhlc ... qu.trl'~ "11h Llw gr.t~ 5ttk• up..,,, th.u llw ,,)rm·r.., .unlcnd .,I., poltll ttp\\.trd-. .llld then pte k up .tlld k1111


Opt•n ho11om

1rian~le :





( lHl">lnttllon: In .1 nng \\llh squ.ur<; .tnd dt.li!Wild \\ l"\.' Pll 1h1.•tt llll"ni.'!"<;

... for I k.1dh.md . p 1'> Patt<.'rn : c••tncr stttth c•.mg<.': A 29-<;lllth <.<jU.m: ..hnuld llll'.bllrl 2." 1(1un) 111 "tdth .llld lwt~ht .llld 3," IS '>till) d1.1gtm.1ll} frt>m u1;nn to lllflll'r



I,, lOll lid ( olor· 54


''·"' ''·d gr:t). 2•1





.;t:-. tn the ntltches Wnh red 路\ tolct , ptck up .md knn 14 ::.b along the top left t:dgt: of a -,qu.H\' 111 tht: gray row. then knn I :-.1 1hwugh htllh the left corner on tllll' ~quare and the nght corner of the next "CJllilre and ptck up and kntt H sts along the top nght edge t'l thts. Kntt a sq uare, hut on the l st ww, det 2 sts evenly clivtdctltll1 each stele tll thl ct:nter Ltlllttnue workmg unulthere are -,quare:-- 111 all 7 notches. Bnng corner:-ltl~l'thcr and then kmt a square m the last lltllt h. so that the ptecc lornb a nng. -ft h


CoiM: loray, 21 sts. k.tttt n square 111 each of the 8 tllltches. fkgtn by ptcking up and knitttng 2 '5 st~ .md then deL to 21 sts on tht: first rtl\\'. )IIJ 101111c/

( olor: (.ra\路, 17 sts. k.nn a square m each of 1he H lltllches. lkgtn b) p~tkmg up and knnung 21 sb .liHit hen dec to 17 sts on the lir:-.t ro\\


6th round

Color: Red. 13 sts. Knn a squ.m: m each of the 8 notches Begin b) pttklllg up and knntmg 17 sts and 1hen det to 13 -.b on the first row. Finish wn h end st-3, but do not cut )arn on the 8th square. Stalk Place .111 8 st~ ln1111 the red squares onttl a dpn wtth the last ...quare<. end st farthest to the ldt on the ndl '>hde sts tWer to the other end tlf thl' nell, \nth yam behmd work pulln and knn all the Sl<> Repeat rrom *- '* until the p1ccc ~~ 1!," (1 em) long. Then \\.'Ork K2tog acn'~~ unttl 2 sts remain. Pas~ the one slo\'CI' the tlthct and finish. Wem路e in ends. 1urn the t路ap upside down and, wnh gra). knit open hnunm triangles in the notches bet,n:cn the th<trcoal gray squares Place all ::.ts tll1 urcul;u nell ;md work tknll 1 m\\. purl! ww) 2 11mcs: at the same lime. on row 2, me~~~ 110-120 sts \\llh mcs n-cnly spaced around I hen work 7 row~ in kl. pl ribbmg 80 ltll''-cly m nhhmg.


SC ARF KNI r fi:D I~

S rRIPS Mca<;urements: 7, 11 lll) till) \\'Ide and 71 11 1 I K\1 un) long. measmcd from CtJrner ''' ,.,,rncr. Yarn : "1'•'11 IWI,">:Itt 1n'''' \'till! Colors: A little le~~ th.111 .111 tlLIIKc (2'5 g) '"'' h red and red-\ tokt, )';. oz ( 10\l g) gr;1y

Nccdlec;: Dn and 24 11 t6L) un) Ull'tllar ndb 2 I \ 111111 'TechniqUeS: ~tnp:-. , }lllnltlg 2. a5 for p,,llwlder (1_ p 26. Patt ern: (,aner slltlh Gauge: A stn p after JO II1 111)1. ~hnuld mcasme 2,. 11 ( 6 em) '' 1dc

R(l\1 /.

51 l K\\ ISC' k 3 p 1

Roii'H: ')I I h\ isc. t\'llh, ld. pl. R011 <J: Sl I kw1sc, k-+. p 1. Rm1 /0: Sl l kwl'-1.' . l\11 h. k-+. pI. Rt'll' JJ· Sl I k'' lsl', k5. pl

C.nntmuc m the :-.•111ll' manner, mcr.-.1'>ls1 s1 aha l·dge sltJO all\\'...; W\\ s unulthere arc .1 l•llalt•f 1'5 sb. Thl' fa..,l I'll\\ 1::. an tnc 1\)\\ nn \\S . ln -/Jc/ll'ft'n p1ccc Change to gray. Nc.'\/ rm•· IR.'l/. '-I I kw1se, kn1t w last st. 111)1. tlH

pi R~peat

this rem unllltherc ,trt' 53 ~ra) ndgcs 1111 R...,, 1h~ la"t I'll\\' i::. "tlrknlt'll \\'S I tl\l JlOll1/: Change 111 red. Nn/ ltJW IR.'i): '>I I kw1sc>, knit to last ">l.

pl "'I I kw1"~· kmt Lll l.bt ) pI . Rl pt'<ll thc~e 2 1'11\\':-. un11l 3 sts rcm.un \t'\110\\': Sl I kw1"c. p2tog. 1'-lf \l 1(11\': 51 I J.,,, I~C. p 1 Nt' \/ row: Sl I kw i~c. k 1. p.tss slipjwd st over 1he kmucd st CUI \'arn .mJ pull tail throui!-h l;lSI ~~

.\'t'.\1 row 1\\ 'S I ::-b. k2to~,

Instructions I !>I !>II ip

rlw s1np bcgms and cntb \\llh a j)P1111

hr ,, pt>HII \\'ith red-\ltllct and dn, K-CO 2 ::-ls . • R, )\\ I (R..'> I K l. p I. Ro11 2 «\\'\> '-I l k\\'I'>C , ~1lb (t>n nght ..,,,k ''' st), p l lh1s lir:-t ttll.' 1~ a hu lc I I'll k).

Rt>w 3 (R_'Jl. ~11 kwisc, kl . pl. R,n,•-f (\\''' ::-.11 K\\lse t\1lh, k l . pi l= 4


:-.1 l kwbe, k2. pl. (• · "' l KWbC ;-.II h. kl , pI

Ro11 .)· R(ll\

(= ') Sb)

Joining stripe W11h gra\ )am .md urcular ndl jllt k up .111tl kn1L sts <llong tht: nght s1de ol 1he sl np. beginnmg .11 1hL· red ·\'Inlet corner ( ,\, ",unund the Llll'llL I nn the nutern1t'Sl u>rncr and p1Lk up I ~~ 111 1hr bs1 ln•'P hd11re the y.1rn tall. g•llll tlw ngh1 nf the end .tnd p1ck up and knll I -.1 tn every red-\ 1,1kt



,·dc,e "'· ~Pill~ 1hwugh lwth lonp::. (= a h1t,tl,11 I~ -..~-.1 Th~·n pt~k up .md knn I :-l in ,\IIIII th,· _1!.1'.1)' hlJb \= ')) ~tsl. hut pl.ttc 111.1 in .titer ~~ ,,1f till'S..' '53 !>b) ( hl't<' ,]wuld lx oH -.,Is 011 ndl.


Nnt n111 ~I I kwJSl' . k I. P~'"" siippl'd sl ()\l'l

Cut yarn and pul l tad thrnugh

1.1~1 sl

211d joi11i11g so ip(' \-; ftll

lir"' J<'llling :-tnpt'

211d !>lrip f '' '' /'•'HI I h1111 a red <nrn~ 1 point

.h ln1 tlw ht ;-.lllp fr<>lll • w Place thl' C<lr· ncr'.., st:-. 1111 a ctr~· ular nd],m thL· rcc.J\ lllkt end /rrJiliii,IC, 'll tpr l hangl' 111 gra> . .\',·_,/ lcll •R'> ...,1 I h'L"'<', h. I>. p2tPg \till· [.,..,, red"' .mu Llw hr!>t ,...,..,, l lutn \\'<11 k .md knit h,,, h. Sc.\l Iolii' Sl I h.\\bl', !.>mtll• l.1sl "'· pl .~nt lclll. ~I I k\""''· ld ) p2tng \1 he b,.,t ,.l .md tlw next l""'l Iurn ''PI md knll haLk . Rqk',ll tlw f.l..;t 2 '"'''" Ullltl all ISsts h,\\1.' hL'l'n l.'limm.ttL·tl. hut. \\hen >•)U '''11W ''' tlw m.ukL' 1 clung,· to r, d-,·wkt .tnd dl'~ .ttthc L·nd ,,1 all r,,,,.s lt'l'lll \\':-. ,\S lor tlw 1::-L ~111p .•11 the ~allll' time knitling -.h lL1g \\ llh thl' )<1111111~ Slfl(ll Ullll ) red ..,,., .md ) gra~ I<.,.:,ts rc mam 0 11 WS .\'r.\1 m11 tR)l· ~I I kwt,.,e, k I. p2tng. turn St'\1 rem. ::-.1 k\\ bl', p2h•g. l~l'.\1 I(JI\'" Sl kwt:-.<', p2tL•g, 1urn k" ,._,.. pI ,\'t'.\1 lcrll'. ~~


Jrcl st ril' •\s IPr 2nd ... tnp hut 111 tlw ..,am~ ~·1lor,.. <l!-> Lhc li rsL ::.111 p Repc<ll the 2 nJ and ) rd -.tnp.;, •• nd lIt 1'-st lt1Lll I L) umcs. '" unul the gr~ty yarn ,.., used up.

Squares with a Decreasing Number of Stitches When you arc kniHing smaller and smaller squares as the work progresses, you can either pick up fewer stitches in the notch, or pick up as many sts as there arc edge s1s. Adjust the stitch l~ount on the first row, so that there is l s1 in the center and an equal number sts on each side of center st.

0 0 1'11:'!0 PKO JEC T"> '\ Ol ( \ N Kl'\11

t4 2 un) diagon.tll) fmmlorna "'




I ''/11!/1 lilt' I\ Clll' ~111' tlllcJ/}It'\t !Ill

,.,,,,., hl//1' lt•lt'h. T/it'jl<ltlt'lll


rh,· ~•{lltllt'' •ll•'lllllltt'.l flu /l,·"d' tlll' \IIIII'~ ,,,, t1 tlrt.·c;d .md Jwruc.l JrJ d/ll'l "'"II ~~~~~ h /lllll,~Hit' lht'"' II I l\f 11'111 lllt'l \ !I\ /Itt l'c/,t;· 111g 11/tclt-1 d lan.~-,/,.,., c" /!!,ttl: \11 •'ella m cb 'til/' ll'tth the fldlllh tw t!I'!IUf' '"''''"'"" /''"' c•f g/ctlt'~ <1,

\t ea..,urcnwnt~:

( trllunfc·rcn~.c R, " length ·L ''(II "i 1.111) II Hlll \\,1111 ... m.tlkr '' n-.t\\.lnttcr ... knn tlw ''lll.ll''" 11 1th k\1cr o;( ll chc~ .utd fl'wn

lnsl ructions



- - -=------------


"tnng 2H bt'.ltb <1111<1 1he ) ,\111 Kmt .1 Ba'll ~quare 1. out. tm r,)\\' 1 \\\'::,), knn tn In ht·.Hb, l lwad .1ft a {',It h .,, t'\ct'Jll r,~, th.: la:'t :.-1. On row 7. knit tn 12 h,-;"b Kn1t a wtal ,,J .:; sclu.uc ....md pl.tcc tlwrn "h.1nd 111 hand" wah the l'nd ~h upward-.

~21 \.111).



\arn : h'I.~·Ifn,..; 11.r.~Ju "''''I \trill (c)lnr: p.Htt.tl -..kl'lll <II hl,1d: You 11 til .11.,,, nc.:-d .1 lmlc p.Kkct ,,f snull t.:<IPJX't hc,tds ~~ th111 Si'\\lng <ll hr<H.lmg Ill'l'dk <llld :.ewmg thrc,td for :.lrln~mg !lw hc.td-.. nnl•' the· yam "Jccdks

l) • )


Tcchntquc; ll.l'oi<.


I, p. 2. 11 1lh


'-umhcr of .,lltchc.., I ~ Open top and bo11um triangle<> s,·\.· I , h..J Construction : In .1 nng \\llh -..4uarc~ ~1111d 1P .II mwnd-11 tx on then corner.; .l!'ltl J tlk· l k.ld h. tr1d p lq Paucrn : l•<llll'l !'>Ill< h G.mge·: t\ :>tJU.m: !'oih•llld nn',burc 111,1\ I" l2 7 llll) 111 "tthh .md hrtght .utd 1 ,_.

2ntf ICIUIJd r-.;,,w knit 4 :'tlll.llt'S 111 till' n,,,, h.:s fo r

cadt of the~ .,qu.trcs, u-..c 12 hc.td ... On Rn11 I knlltn IH bc.tds.md nn Rm1 '\, 1·1 he.td., l'mm the p1ccc mtt• .Inn~. <;c'l th.ll tin· bt .md 'ith stlu.ncs fwm tlw I~~ 1\lUild go "h.111d m h.md", and kn11 Llw 'it!I ">qu.Ht: m the• l.15t n,,,, h

Jn/ t01111d "nil ) '>l.lll.trc-... tlllt' 111 l'.1d1 n•llt h •. md knit Ill I~ hc.1do; c'n Row I (•n e.tdl of tlw "tlllolr\.'-.,,

.ftlt anti 5th rouncls "nil ...quar., wnh••ttt h,•,ld'> m ;til the notchc" (liiJ 1 ouncl


I l•'P


,,f Ill -.h 111 <'.It h






Row I 1.\\'Sl· 1\ 18. pi Ro11 2 R.:·i• \I I k\\ "L, k7 sl I k2wg. p::-~11, ko, pI, turn worl;., leavmg 1 ston ndl Row 3. ~I I kwisc. k I), pi . turn work, lea\'lng 1 ..,L on ntll Ro11 1. ..,II k\\ISC, k'S. sll, k2wg. psso. k4 pI, wrn w~) l k Rtlll 5 ...,, 1 k\\ 1se. kl}, pl. turn Row 6: Sl l kw1sc, k ~. sl l . k2wg. psso, k2 pi turn\\wk Row i: ~ I 1 k\\ 1sc, k"i. pl. turn. R1111 8. ')11 k\\lse, kl sll k2tog. ps~o. pl. turn Rtm 9 ...,, 1 kwise. k I , pl turn. Ro11 ll1. ~I 1, k I, pssl''l l= ll1 sts)

Ribbed edgi r~g Ot\'Ltk <lllthe Sl s rrom the lOp lt'langlcs evenh onto 4 dpn I) l2 mm) and \\ Mk o rows I\ 1. p 1 nbbmg, at the same Lllne. on row 1 dccre,1sc evenly around lL1 "in sts RO m nbhmg.






he, cllllc

c>hc,,,·tf11 Hh

1\(llltkl/ll/ Cdfl\ r/r('lt

lmrlllll)oi tht',t' ,(r/c'\ of

(II(' /ll'(l

UJ'IW nc·d I rwn.~lt' rc(~mg I he Ctl['

11 rcm.~l,· c,(~rn.~

~rzc .

Turned-up triangle edge r J"o,[ knll a flllllld \\ llh 7 hk•l.'k-- ll'll· 'olSttng L>l '3 ~mall 1t1 incd -.qu,11 c~ c.1d1.

l st -;quare-A \\ rth dn "·LU I 1 ""' Knrl .1 Ba-.iL' ~quMc 1 hut Lh,mgc l<'l'n ~11\l'l thc 1st 10\\ <11\d kt il thl ICSt t'f till' -.quart: \\ ith 1hr 'o\'lL' Il d Lt'kll

i., \'L'l> l'l~1~lll

\arn: "1'''" '' cr~hr '"''·I nnn Colors: I he ,·~t p Gill bc kn iLLcd 111 l\\o .. h.K., .. ltk, .llhc,k,rb' rd ''tth .11h rd tt1 lt1l t111 ll'P 1W 111 tt>lll'·t'l1 ·ll'll l' her I \

"'I r Needle~:


,1 )!.1\'t'll


Dn 2 \) mnr' h11 ,1 n>lkd cclgmg. .~· •. In'' ·H1 on l urutl.tr mil 2 1 nun) 2 dpn I (2 'i mml l t~r the stal k ll·chnique: E "'' "q ,lrt· I p 2 Numbcr of o;tttchl''>: '>cc tlblll.tl.ltnn'>, )i.lgl ("\=j

Open bottom triangle : 2' (23 stsL ( onstruction In r n~: "nh "llll· rc" ::.t.111drng di.unnnd ·\\ t'ol' illl their cni ncr., ,lo., fp 1-iL,ll h.md j) ll) (oauge: ,\ :;qu,trc t11 2 'i ~t'o .,J1 t1tdd ill\.'.l'olli'C 1 i-+ 1 ._r 1\ Ill wrdt h rml h~.: ght .rnd 2t" \(1)

un\ dt~l)!.tliUil)' irt1111LLHI1CI' lt1

'''I ill r Border: Rt>lkd cdgt' 62

On I> <\dulL

ll'r/h lhr

z, ,r;:c,/ cmh Jnr !1£/tclh

S t:e: <. nrtd ,l\1 th • '\oleasurcmeruo,: Thl' l·ap·~ l'itnm11crcmr is .tbt,utiLJ t10ut \2~1,"l321..'m)!) .mel



ulp, clllc' 11 Hh" Iell/"/ c ,/,~,· !llltithc c>fht'lll Hit llll

C \P \\ llll I RJ.\:'\:GII· l.DC.I

o,quarc-B \ ... ll'r ...quarc t\ PLKL' B lll':\t lt> ,\ \\'llh 1h,· ttlrrlL'I ~ dt>\\ m' ard~ ;15 111 t hl' d rawmg. 2nd


A )< B

c Ax B

Dm11NO PHO.JrCT~ YOlJ (AN K"tll


3rd <,quare-(

2nd round: .\-.lor the bt rtlUnd. hut '' 1th

n~lt "1l~n

::.qu.m: C tl\ 1:1 A .md B Ntl\\' }'\'Ll haw ,1 hlod.; whtt:h nlll'>l'>h ,,1 ) ... nl.lll squ.u~:s . Knn .I ltllal or 7 ~LH.il bk"K k .... Pl.tn~ tht<; m fwnt ~1f ytlu '' uh the 2 turners tkl\\1\\\,trd ... ·"' m the dra" mg. •md ahgn the bhxk:. · h.md m hand "1111 .1




A ~ B



A x_ B

Kn11 a l.ugc s1ngk c,, j,,, squ.1rc D \\ 11h 2.'; ::.ISm C.Kh lh11l'h b<.'l\\"('l'll Lhl' 7 block::.. ft,rm the p1cn· mil' .1 nng, so th,ntlw 2. l'li1Crn1o::.t lOrncrs nr~: "h.md m hand • 1\nll a 7th "l\U<Hl' 111 1h1: llOICh WhKh rt'I 1.11 ns rhc ptl'lt' I!> Ill I\\ a JOlllcd n ng, and the tu1ncd ·u p ntl f 1~ fimshcd. 1 11111 ptl'll so \\'!:. IS I.Hlllg llllt \\ uh 25 !>bIll ('.ll.:h ,, the - t11thcs frtHll the tn.mgk edge


21 ..,ls t ''11llr1Ul'll1 wunds wuh 2 fc,, t r n 1 c ::.qua res. a., foliO\\.,


4th round· It> sts .

5th IOIIIlcl I ':.L!> 6th round: I '> ... h . 7th IOIIIId: I ) Sh On not Ull yarn l'n b-.1 ~quart• Stalll


hr mund: "011 .1 :>qu~Hl'


Jrd round:"" fl1r tht• 1st rliUnd. but \\llh

Plal:c all the end sts ln1111 dw "4ll<llt'~ m thl' 7th round tlntO a dpn Knn a -.talk lor the top on 2 dpn. hr..,t knit 1 IO\\ over alltht "'"'· dl' not turn \\lit k hut shdc <lllt11l sts w the other end ol ndl. bnng \'<lrn lwhmd \\'Ork and pullw ughtcn . Kn11 .mother r''"' (lllllllllll' 111 this mJnrwr unulthe stalk mt'.t-.urc" i.- 1'1." (2- 3 em).

\'ext"''' (10 tog) 3 time ... Kl (.. 4 ,~-.) K2tog, "2tog, pass one ::.lilt h nvcr the other .md hnt ... h ofl "e\\ St',l!ll'> between c.1ch square llO Ja.,l round rf de..,rred


CAP WITH ROLLED EDGL路 For bOth child and adult s1zes.

Instructions 1st round: Knit 6 ( 7) smgle color squares WLth 23 (25) StS.

2nd round: 23 (23) sts. Jrd round: 21 (21) sts. 4th round: 19 (19) sts. 5th round: 17 { I 7) Sb. 6th round: 15 (15) sts. 7th round: l3 (13) sts. Stalh: Same as for the stalk on the cap with triangle edging. Open bottom triangles Turn the cap upside down and knit open bottom triangles (see below) with 23 (25) sts (as for Headband , p. 19) in each of the 6 ( 7) no tches. Place the sts from the triangles onto a waste yarn lor the rolled edge .

Open botto111 triangle, 23 sts. Row 1 (WS): K22, pl. Row 2 (l~S): Sl 1 kwise, k9, sl L k2tog,

psso, k8, pl, turn work lea\'ing l st on ndl Row 3: Sl l kwise, kl7, pl. turn work leaving 1 st on ndl Row 4:51 1 kwise, k7, sl 1, k2tog, psso , k6, p 1, turn. Row 5: 51 l kwise, k 13, p 1, turn. Row 6: 51 l k\.vise, '5, sl 1, k2tog, psso, k4, p l , lltrn. Row 7: Sl l kwise, k9 , pl. turn work. Row 8: Sl l kwise, k3, sl 1, k2tog, psso. k2, p l, tum. Row 9: $1 1 kwise, k'5. pi, turn. Row !Q.路 Sl l kw1se , k 1, sl 1, k2tog, psso, pl, turn. Row II: Sl 1 kwise, kl, pl. turn. Row 12: Sl l , k l, psso (= 12 sts).

Simple rolled edge Knit 14 rows in the round (= stockinette), but, on Row 2, inc to about 90 (105) sts, wnh incs even ly cli,'ided around. BO loosely Let the edging roll up.


001'11NO 1\NJTIJN(r

VEST FOR iviOTHER AND BABY AND A PONCllO oc tllr th.· 111'1' llllhlll' for t'\tlllll,t:. t'tl\\'


tllldlllllNcllf ~t/1 11!011\ /mtllftf II lllz


\c(lii/IC\ tl 1\l,/,• t




t1 llt111lllll111lldl t<lll

/,u,..;,c 1

q:::c~ tllld <I llltllt II -

III,~ \'t'\lfor

h(//11' /11 cH/,/rtltlll, tflt It I\ WI rlr~tllll f'Oilt he• 1\ !u, h ulll ttl~o he u,t'tfth t1 ,fr,ml un.l.·1 ,,, ,,,,., ti<••<~L In sh,••l. !I ,~tlllllt"lll II lllz Ill(II!\ /'''"lht/itrt'S .



\111,'<,/t tO/tiJ, /lid


fldllt'llll'tl ''(tttllt '· ,/)lltl\[' tl\ t 111

.or .~llllt'l



l't'\l flth £1 \tt/111111111/1


l••tt \1<111 to

11h11/1 flllllt Ill \'tiiiJ'ft'/CI "11'111,'<,\."

tfl,· />t~hl



It'\(, til '\fltll\."

Technique: lb.;ll "quan:s I {-,mgk LLllurl .md >, l 11 ng~") or 4 { "lwh ' pp. 2

.tnd ·-'l

I. \h'l \I "I Size:

t 1tw -.1.:~·.

If you

1\\1111 ,t l.tl")~cl 'IZt'

h.tl11 l't:sl l.;n11 I;H_I!,n -,qual\'s. R..:m.:mh· 1 L•' 1n~rcasc 1hl·


numhc·r of Sllll h~·~



10 cOIII.'"/)<tlld

\\ id th : 12," ( U em' I cngth: L), • 124 un \ 't a rn: \\;•"/ fJ,tf,,· ltllll Colo rs: 2 hall., red - mam c-olor and a lit tle orange ( \) \l' llm1 (B). and p111 k (C). If ,·ou knll .tlargcr size lt:.,l vou "dl need mon· 1-.trn. '\lccdles: Dn .md llr~ubr ndls I l2 ') mm)


'\umber o l '>lltche!>: 2) Right- and left -leaning triangle'>. 2 ,-ts Sec p JL) Co n ~t rm:t i on : Dl;lgt•nal p~m,· l -. ,,.., h' l rot lw ldl'l 4 p. 15 Deta il!>: 1\,mpt)n ... sec sidebar <'II p.1gc 6R Gauge: \ '-tJLI~lrL' "hould mcasuh' 1, • -t l n' 111 \\ lthh ;lntl he1ght .md 2," (t) ll11) dt,\~1111,111) frclnl llHihT htlLlrJleL

\\ 01\IAr\ \ \I<; I Size: t )Ill' 11 1dth. 4 length-, \\idth : ) I" ~ l)+ L'lll \. Length : 21," (2 ), •·. 2!"\,.", 32") ['1'5 64, 12 ~I unl




'a .un " t ''n.,ht l~tlt.!l " " n C nlurs: -till) (4'50) 500 \ '5'5t1) g 1\tam colo1 1 1\1( ) HI l 'J g l'J~h of ) p.lllcrn Cl)ll'r~

\ B. •md 0 . ct.·dlc .. : nn and cirud.H mil.., 2 t 3 mm). Tt.•l'hniquc. Ba!>K "qu.n~-. I l mgk nliM)

and )

l \l'lrlg<')

or-\ ( "<;pnt ~ ), pp 2

.llld 4 ")



or sutchcs: 2lJ

Right- and lcft-lcilning triangles: 11 ~h '>np IJ Construcuon: D1.tglmal p.meb a' for p,,tholdlr 4 p. 15. Dctai Is: P llll1 pon-,, "t.'t.' below. Gauge: A S(.J.I,ln.. <1nuld llll'<lSur~ 2. " t6 1.111) 111 w1dth .111d hl'ighLand 3Y.." (l'l '5 em) tilagmulh ln)m n1rnt:r w l'IJn1l r




IO -.t 110. VI~ I . Sc ARr Size: One ~1ze. Width: 37" ( 9-t L'l11) I ength: 38't" l9H em) mc<bttrecl at n·n1rr had: and 32" (HI em) tr,,m the fron1 Yarn : )p;11l llt·i~ht '''~'1 ymn.

Colore;: 550 g ~lam n,J,,r (~!C) and 2 5 g cal h ,1r 3 pattnn u1l0b (A. B. and C).

:\eedles, Lechniquc, number of <;t nche!>, triangle!>: ~ee Womans \'est ·· Construct ion: 1\ ccnn bm<H ion of '> ll':11p,ht panels worked startmg at the hol£<)111 and d1,tg011<1i panels as for 1\>th<)ltkr:-. 2 and 4 pp l) and I 5 Detail: Pomp,m:-., p 68 Gauge: Sec '\\'oman's \'est

Square 4, wit/1 "spots" K-CO 23 (2<J) -;ts and knH a-: lo1 BasK :,quare l, but, when C) ll3) sts rcm.un. LHl a RS row. change w 1hc color noll'd on the d1agram and knn 1hc n.'sl of the :-;quare \\'llh 1hal colo1.

FfliA~GI~~.;~ r··· ·· ...... :. You can change a size. on a domino ·design knitted with squares simply by making the squares smaller or .larger. This \\ill change both the heighth and width. LEFTOVER YARN

Domino knitling is an ideal way to usc up leftover yams. for example, usc them to 'knit a sweater with striped squares. TIP: Choose one color and usc it. as one of the. colors on every square. That makes a calming background so that you can use as many other ,colors as )'OU want in the squares without the sweater looking too garish. 70

l>O!'II:'!O I'RO.lt:CTS YOll C.\!"t K"ll


001'11NO K "'iiTTIN(J

B \lrt/\\ 0\1 \-...; ' " \ I " I


PO < I h.} Dtagram : fnlh'" thl· dJJgr.un . Therc arc dta~•pms h11 the h.tby ' .....,t, \Hllll.ln 's c-.


pt~tll htl.

\Voman'<> vc-.t: lhc th1.


l' llltrc

dt.lgram slww ...

·.;t\\hiLh<. t'll :>bb<lfJ~t •

<lngk" t•n C'<tt h sldt•, the ne\t l.ngest h,,.., 1t1tll.mgll.'~. th<.' rw:-..t H . .md tlw sh~.~n ­ l.'~t I 1 \II Garment'>' I ht• hbnk "lJll<lrc-; 111 the d.. m , Ka..;tl ::Ot.JU<HC I , kn111cd wll h \ IC .md squ.lt cs "11 h t\. l~ • .md < Jrc I bit "quan·-.. 1 or 4, "h11.h .uc

l·mtt ·d \\ ll' \IC 1 1.1thc1 .nn,.. or Sj)llt ' pat t<.' l n in t h ~.· t·olo t mdtt.ltt•d (11\ t~e d .:ra ( olorc;: lt•r t hc~c tn.,truUWib, 1\t• u ...ed ) col..~ r..~r . ,, tng.<." lll ·::.p •I " Ol eour.;;c. y~.1u ...m tt'-l' mor~.· 1.>1 kwt'l l'tll\''' 1f you wish I suggc"t th.lt ~ t)ll m.tkc ,1 phot,•· tOp) ..,f thl.' d1.1gr.un .1nd u >k•r Ill the ... qll.lll'" \\ ttlt the n•l11rs )'llll want

Back and Front Ponclw

1-oll(l\\ tlw d1;1gram .md I nil tht• ltrst ) .,qu.m:... 111 pan~.·b 1. 2 md 1 ((} squ.n~.·s .tltll!!,Cthn) a~ lllr PotlH1ldn ' .md rm·aslll<. th<.' g,aug~.· Ftntsh "l•rk1ng p.md I , hen p.111cl 2. etc. l lw last block 111 pan ~ I I tS ,, lclt -leantng.tnangk and the ltr:..t hh \.k 1 the 12t h panelt-. J nght -bmtng tn.tngk


tel \\ OIIWil 's \1' \f thl· ... t:c and hcgi11 wnh p.mcl I 1 h\.n "mk the lnd 1 nd. , l· p. l'l\. \\'l,rk r~~lhl\nng 1he dt.tgram \1 ea~tlll' the u~ ntcr ...qu;ue \\hen th1.· 3rd p.md 1 lm,..,hed. I he 2nd hk•l'k 111 th<.' 1~t parwlt~ ,, kh-lcalung tn:mgle. I he hN hlol.'k 111 the Nh {bah) )/12th ( \H•man':-.) p.melt::. ,, nght kanmg tnangk (II

C h lhl..,l'

I inislti11g-Baby Vt'!>l

Borders:\\ tth r~.d pt~.k up .md knn -..~:> rfl~nt edge~ . Iront .\lid balk 11Cl. k ( II ~ts ],,r ead1 tnangl~.· .md I "l 11'' ~.·ach

.llllllg tlh

























/ / / /














/ ('

v /







/ B


iB A


A ,md


fon h










I [7











+ •

/ /


. (_



/ it.


















edge s1 m tht.> neck) Knn 1 rows and me I :,1 m 1he corner of the V-neck on RS. BO loosely. Work the bordu.., on each side along tht: tnangles m tht' ...ame way. Sew together 1'/; tnangles m e<.llh side s1anmg at tht' houom. I\ lake 9 pomptms usmg only one yard/meter yarn m each and sev. them absolutely securely ttl each corner at the bottom as the first th ing a baby will do i~ put these pompon!> mto the mouth. Finislting-Womcm!. vest Borders: \Vnh I\1C.. piCk up and knn sts along the front edges and around the


neck (20 sts for each triangle and I st for each edge st on back neck). Knn 2 rows and 130 loo!:>c ly on WS. Work edge!> m the same way on each stde along the triangles. Sew together 1 (4) '5 (6) triangle!> on each stde, startmg <ll the houom. Then make 21 pompons and sew them securely al the corners on the bouom. Finishing-Poncho You don't need to knit borders on the poncho. Make 11 pompons and se\v them securely on the corners of the front <lnd m 3 of the mrners on the back.





f-1r~t knn a gaugr sw.uch .h :-hm\ n 1n the drawmg wnh pand 1 (at 1hl· <llltl\\ I under the d1agram), whtch Ctllbt:-ts nf 2 squares of 29 SlS with l'tlk)p., r and B. panel 2 has 3 ~quare:- and thl• 3rd p.mel has 4 squares. fo.lc<tsurc thr g.lllgc tlll the m1ddlc square. knmrd wtth color B 1r gauge b ctlrrect. l.'ontmur wtnkmg I he gauge swatch IS thr stanmg pl)lnt lur p.mels I, 2. and 3 nn the chan M

hr shill_!: ha, ltad a lllltliS'tmcc-dnd 11 b ~' '"''''' 111 '"\(" h'tlf'tl\tt'k 'J he "/tuun 011 thr 'ltY\t'' 1/r,rca"' 111 ,,;:,· as o11r 1\0r b f rom ,/wu/tln to 11 mr. ant/111 1111, ll'tl\; thr


\/t't'W\ Wt' !IUIOIIItlll((l/1\' ,IJ,tflt't/

Size: t 1nl st-.:1. Measurement-. '5H"'" (14R em) lrlllll \\TISl lLl \\'l l._l

Yarn: "I"" t 11 n.:ht VII/II Colors: (.,ra) l ll;.C (t\), IOSI.' (1\), rd itlWrose ~U. kh.1kt (D), rcll,m gre~.·n (E) and green(!"), I Y. ''"('50 g) of l'<tdl collll

Needle<.. Dn .111d em ular ndb 2 Ornm). Dpn 2 (3 111111) f111 the cu ll-. Technique: B.Nl ~qu.uc l. page 2 Number of s tit ches: Nand then graclualh ~m tllu 1 om.: \\ Mk!> lh'" n thl

Bach and Front Knit the rest nf the back <llld front t the center scctll)n marked tlfl b} d.trk lrncs on the chagmm, p:1ncls I .).) t\ll thc squares stan \\1th 29 ""'· t:o ltll'~ arc 1111.11cated on the d1agram. Left Slene Round 1: 27 s ts-t urn the wmk and lh,tgram so that the stdl· wtth the numhcr

... tcl'H'

(,auge S"'atch

Construc tion : OtJ!!,tlll,ll r•mds on the front ·mcl h.tl k a-, ltlr Pot holder 4, page I "i. Squ.1rcs tlll the skC\'C" .Ire arr.mg~.·d cucularly wtth squares meet-

ing .u the ct~rncrs ·'"on the Headband. pag.. 19 Details: Pompon~. p.tge 68. Gauge: -:,quare D ~hould mta..urc 2Y." (6 em) m wu.lth and hetght .md 1Y." [8.5 ~:m)]) ~.llagon.tlh from corner to corner.

B E l



~ 75




N tm the d t;tgram (=had~) pnmts 111 the kit .md 'Trn111'. pomts right. The direct kin or knitt mg changes. (sec draw mg. \\here 1he yc II ow squares arc turned m the new dirccllc'>n). ~cc "begin ske\ c'' on the diagram. Kntt the center 4 squares m the 4 notches. Then kn it the ou1e1 nght square at "hcgm ske\'e .. \\'II h ~_nlnr [ as tnl lnws K-CJ) l ) sts, ptlk up ;mel knit I Sl m the ou1ermost cornc1 tllthc square kmuccl wnh color A (;\l the end st) and then p1Ck up and knn 14 SIS ;llnng square A. \!c:--1. kmt the ;;quare .11 lar left wuh color f as lollll\\S: Ptck up and kn11 I 1 s1s along the squ;uc ,m the hack, knit 1 st 111 the U'~ r­ ner of the lirst square in panel l . LUrn the work and K-CO I 1 sts. Knll '' square. Round 2: 27 sts-loin the p1ece sn 1hat the li rst and last syunrcs 111 thi:=; ro\\' gt\ "hand in hand" ([and ron the



One square wtth n1k1r .-\ One square with CL)Ior 8

One square with color C

•• On<.' square with colllr IJ •• 1

One sq uare\\ ith color r:


One square wtth lOlor F


........ ...... ..... .... 77


d1.m 111g) Kn11 a square 111l':llh notd1 .tllthe \\'.1)' ,tround. ComtnUl' knntmg 111 the n1und tn the ~.tme war (a-."'' the I k.tdb.md) \\'lth fe\\l·r st~ -.,,l thl numhl'l nl ~~~1m thl ldt s1dl· ,,r tlw d1.1n In 1ht~ way. thl :>let.'\' Is o;h;tpl.'d and lwrnmc., narrov.n as \llll' Wtll k.., th>\\ n li' fin1~h. kmt a rou11d 1,f hnllt111l tnanp.lr ... wnh u1lor E 111 the lll1tdws at till' h1'1 1\llll Llll'<Kh ~ll'C\'c as lt1llows: PICk up and kmt I> sb m a notch Rt•ll I. >I I kwt~l'. k 11, pI, turn work. leanng 1:1-.t ~t tm mil Rctll 2. >I I kw1~e. k4, ~1 l, k2wg. ps'>tl, k 3, pI. 1urn work, lca\·mg la.-.t sh 1lfl

mil J. Sl I

kwi~c k7, pI, turn. Roll' '1. Sl I kwt~. k2. ~1 I klt11g, ps-,o, kl, pI, tu111. Row5 ~II kwt::.c,k3,pl,turn. Roll' h. "I I kwt~e. sl I, k2tog, (b"L', k1thl (c 7 ::.ts) C onttnllL' knnung tn:mglcs 111 the s.unc w.l)', \\ 11h c.1ch tn.mgk '''the kit of tht• Rc•ll'


prent,us t'ne \\'mk .uound unul you haw a total of 6tnangks. Contmuc. ll->tng dpn, plaung 14 sb ontlll'<llh t'l 3 ndls ( = 42 sts) ,md knn ..,toL klltl'lll' m 1hl' r,mnd knn every rD\\) Kn11 12 rows and BO looscl> \\'can: in ,Ill) IonS(' l.'nds .md let the cdgmg roll up.

Knn the tllher skew m the same\\<\\ usmg the n,J,,rs <h mdll'<lll'd on the than Rolled edg111g \\'uh wll1r B, nrn1la• mil. and bcginntng at H llll the ch.m, prck up and kn11 sts ;~long the !>qll,ltl's tn till'\' on the frLlllt. Ftn1sh at the yclltl\\ squ.uc wnh 4 xs m 11 Workmg h.lt:k and illrth. kntt 1 row(\\'~) The lirst row is knlltl·d nn RS: dec evenly acrt\ss ro\\ .,,, that there ,\IT 12 sts per ~qu;~rc and I cxt l;l ~~ atl'at'h end(= 146 :'Is rhen \\llfk H 11 1\lfC Ill\\~ in <.tocktnclle and BO lot,sdy \\'t'.l\·e tn any lot)o;e end-. Let nlgtn):'. ml h..111 I pompon wnh n•lor A. 2 wnh wlt'r B .111d 2 \\llh lolor C. and :;cw them Ill the ') n1rncrs tll1 the hack.


STRIPED SllA\VL ay l~liS shawl decoratn·dy over _vow 11 cl/ound the nak w. an <'\tltlllg scmf 1\'llh 'lwr-.tep edges. ,'Yollu thalthr stripes nm auos\ on the front and lcn,l!thwrsr on the bath

L ,/wultlers or drapr

Size: One size. Measurements: 6 )" ( 160 em) for the longt'st stnp and 21.}, " ( 75 em) at the t-enter Yarn: Sport wcrght 11'<)<)1 yarn Colo rs 13 oz (350 g) manne-blue (t-.1), I oz (25 g) each red-violet (R), lemon (:-, ), gray-green (G), olive (0), beige (B), and ICC-blue (l). eedles: 32" or -+0" (HO or 100 em) long ortUlar ndl 2 (3 mm) and 2 dpn sr;:e 2 (3 mm) for the 1-cord border. Technique: Stnps. jorning 2, Potholdcr 6, p. 26. Pattern : Garter stitch in stripes. Gauge: 2-t sts and 26 ridges(= 52 rows) = of" x -+" (10 x 10 em) m garter st. Fi rst Strip

rolkm the dtagram. t\rrow 1 shows where the lst stnp begins. With red-violet anti dpn 2 (3 mm) or cln, K-CO 30 sts. Row I (RS): K29. pl Row 2 Sl I kwist k28. pl Ro11 3 t>.lanne-bluc, ~I I kw1se, k28. pl. Rm1-f Sll kw1sc, k28. pl.

Row 5: Red-\'JOlct, <;J I kwise, k2H, pI Repeat Rows 2-5 until there arcH rcd\'iolet ridges with 7 marine-blw.· ridges in between (a towl of 15 ndges) Now you h;.we knttted a striped block (R) Nm' kntt 25 manne-blue ndges (=the bl,mk square on the d1agram). Conunuc, alternately kmtting stnpcd and plain manncblue blocks, fo llnwmg the diagram Fi nish wi th be rge after 11 stnpcd and l 0 marine-blue blocks. BOon R~ alter the 8th betge 'itrrpc on the 11th slrlpt•d block. I st j oining stripe

Place the 1st strip as on the d1agrnm wnh the red-violet end (CO row) wrned towards you and RS facing. Sktp over the red-\'iolet stnped block, count '5 ndge-. up in the first manne-blue block along the first stnp and place a marker between the 5th and 6th ridges. With mannc-blue and circular nel l, p1ck up and knn l st rn each edge st along the 1st strips nght stele Begin at the marker After 16 sts place a marker (5 ndges before a colored hlol k), ·pick up and knn 25 sts (along 5 marine-blue ndges), place a marker. p1rk up and knn 1'5 sts (along 5 ridges 11n both side of the l '5 SlS in the manne-blue block), place a mmkcr ~. Repeat from - and rinish wnh l6 sts; the 16th st is 4 ndgcs before the IJ~t smped block (= 377 sts). Cut >arn fk sure that the number o[ sts het\\Cl'rl the 79




markers 1s correct, so thm there arc l''<Ktl) 25 sts along the marinc-bluc bh.:ks and 15 sts along the st n pcd blocks. It IS absolutd)路 nccess::~ ry that the slltch count be CLlrrect; tlthcnnse the stripes will not matt. h. 2nd str路ip

l.lse the ll rst st Ill the JOtn mg stn pe as the hcg st and K-C:U 10 ~ t s wit h beige cxtcnumg l)Ul lrom the Jnming ">tri pe l= 177 mannc-hluc and 10 beige sts tm mill Rt>t~ J路 K29, p2tng lthc last hctge st \\ ith the first marine-bluest on the JOinmg st ri pe), turn work. Holl' 2 Sl I kwtse, k2H, pI. Row .3: f\larine-bluc, Sl I kwisc, k28, p1tng, turn. Row -1 Sl I k\\'tse, k2R, pI. Row 5: Beige, Sl l kwtsc, k28 , p2 tog, turn. Row 6: Sl 1 kwtsc, k2H, pI. l~ow I. f\larinc-bluc, Sl I kwisc, k2B, p2tog. turn. Repeat Rows 4-7 unul thc llrst stn pcd block ts timshed. C.nntinuc, lollowmg the d1agram and jo inmg on the left side unt II al l J:-.sts arc eltmmated, and you have knitted 10 stn ped ancl 9 manne-hlue b locks. Cunun ue join ing the 2nd strip with the first in thts way.

BOon RS and, ,ll the same lllllL'. purlmg the last :-.t tog\\ ith the last mannc-bluL'

St i'rmn the )nt lli ng stripe and bmd



2nd joining stlipc Kniued as the fi r:>lJL'in ing ,;tri pe anJ begun as it wa~ bcl\\ecn the 5t h and Nh ridge t20 n dgcs up). Ptck up and knit a total of 33 7 sts.

Jrd Strip 1\s for 2nd ~t ri p; begin with gray-green.

3rd joining stripe

As for 2nd joming :>tripe, 297 ::.t~

4th Strip A!> for 2nd st ri p; begin with red-nolct. 4th joining stripe As for 2nd jommg stnpc, 2"57 sts 5th Strip As fo r 2nd strip; begm with beige. 5th joining stripe As for 2nd joinmg smpe, 217 sts.

6th Strip As for 2nd stnp: bcgm with gray-green. Finishing

Wcavc m al l loose ends. I-eoni Border Knit an 1-cord wit h -t sts along the llmgcst s1clc w1th coln t \1.



Gmler ~111d1 Ltl~t' \long thl ~Uir"llp~ .tmltht• :>tr•ught silk .1t tlw hack . knit .1 garter .;tnch hllrder Begm whrrl' you fm~:;hed the 1-cMd 1111 RS \\'ith m.mne-hhtt' and Clrcubr ndl 2 (1 mm) (you Will need ~wral cmular

m•cdlcs). p1ck up .md kntt 10 -.ts along the CO row on the bt stnp. 21 sb .1long the :-.tdc ( I st tn e.tc h l'dgc st ), 10 =-•s allmg the 2nd stnp, 21 "b 111 the sldl'. 30 sts all1ng t hr 3rd St np. etc On the lcmg sale wnhnut till' 1-nml, piLk up and knu I .,t m l'ach ~.:dg~ .t thwugh h1Hh loops. and. along tht last .;tal~'>tc·p s1de , pi( k up and kntt 30 o;t., 111 thL nth -.tnp along the BO row, 2 I ~~ s nn t hL· "'de . 30 .,ls a hmg the 5th stnp , L'll' "1111 1 rLl\\ m·cr all sls and BO l(l(lsl'l)


OESIG"'' YOUR 0\\N 1)01'111'10 SWEATER

DESIGI'\ YOCR ()\\tN DO~li~O 5 \V£~\ fl· R l\:m' that ) \lll h;tve lt>ar ned tht· D11mtno knrttrng tcchntqu~:;. you .Ul' read\ to make your llwn p.lltcrn .md try ,1 lntlc l.!rgn proJeCt tiO\\ \\Ould 11 lx to" ork out ymtr own dcstgn lor a ""cater) The mfom1atron hd11\\ gutdt·-. \\Ill through the prot:cs::-. It '" p1'ssthk t11 dt•stgn by kntttmg t11gcthcr "LJU.Ill'" and sn1p.., haph;t;:ardly but ll ts t'.IStcst t11 sketLh and u1unt a hull·

first. St.ut wit~,. -.\\..:atcr whu:h Ins \\ell and ust' tl as thl pattern. ~lc;\surc .md draw 11 l1ll graph papl r I or exampk•. 4 x 4 squares

= 4" (10 em). \\'tile I'~Utt hc mt'<bllll'lllent~ on .1 mc~unng skctLh. DeL .dl tf )'l'U "ant w kntt <,tnps 1..1 '>quares-ur ,1 combm.. u;'' If you ''ant t11 knn squares n1u must tkc.tde 1f thC}' wtll lie in vcrliL<li p.meb or with the pomh up dwmond-'' isc. If y1)U want ll' knn '>trip~ . \'OU :-h1lllld deLtdl· t11l the pauan .md '' tdt h ol l h1· -.trt p-. The col or~ arl' tmponant. :;11 hae 1s ~llnle ad\ILC to hdp. Put ;l h<bkct wnh the Lolt,rs rou want to h<Wl' 111 y<'ll r tll'.'l.l proJcllln tlw ltvtng wom l ct thl· ba-.ht 'It nut ftlr '-C\'l'l~ll days \Valk around the ll1lors and, d -.omc Clllor sn·m., \Hlmg. 1.1kl ll out and put 111 anodwr ~.:olnr Oft~ n one gt1l''- hy the yarns\\ II hout

Washing Wool \\'oul garml·nto, don't need to hl· washed too often. berau-.e woul has .,eJf-dcaning properties. Instead . hang the garment outside on a dry day to air out for a nmph: of hour'>. If there arc .,pots on thl' garml·nt . you em wash it hy hand in a large tub of water and spt·rial wool washing '>Oil(>. Be "llfl' that you use tht· '-<line lemperatun.· water for washing and rinsing. II is ht·ller to wash in watt·r that is too n1olthan

\\atn '' hirh i.., too hot. ( enlrifugt· or -.pin the garmt·nt in the wa.,hing machine, ..,pread il out to tht· t·orrt-rt mt·a.,un·ml·nt-. and hang it up on a hroad pole. Sh;lkt· it a bit whenewr you go hy so that il rq~ain'> the natural hounn~ and <;pring of wool. If you don't ha\T a <.Tntrifuge . you <.· an qui<.'kly '>quct·ze (not wring) out as mudt watt•r a., possible. l.ay lht· garment out on a h;mdtowel and let it dry llat.


DO"liNO KNtTitN<J 1\'.lll~

k1t1kmg .lt tht·m hut suddenly sees ltuughttn lw ,\lwav!> deudt' ltr;.t h,n,· tht neckline ,hnt.ld lut1k l<nn a \!_.mgl· ''l.ltl h '' nh thr) arn )'LlU ~IlL' t hmkmg ,1( tt-.m~. ~ka:--UI\' tlw gauge. t h;\1 1~. the '' 1dt h. h,·ight and d J;lgonal Llf a 'llll.Hc, the w1dth ,,n a stnp .md perh.lp-. .tbn h,n, m.m) -.llleh~.·s .md nm., there .uc



-t" \ILl

Llll )

g.trment tlll graph p;tpcr;\nd rememhl' l 1<1 hegm \\'ilh !Itt' IH.Tklincl t\1,1\ be thl't\' h -.,lnk·thing whid1 doesn't nr.l\\ l he

'' ,,rk wnh yo ttl 1dea. Y11U, ;111 redo the ..,ketch or change the st:e-; nit he ::.quare-.. .111d. Llf L\lUr-..c. ) tlll must k1 1l 1 new ''''HLh IJesJgnmg takes rC\\(llklllg sc\·l'r,lltim.:s 111 ,1nkr to re<ll'h tlw ,ks1n:d rcsu iL. Sl1 dnn'1 \\'lll ry. fight tll1,

YARN Before) tlll hegm to kmt.) ''ll n.:cd ttl the nght p 111 L'ndc1 'Y;1 1 n" .11 the hc~mning t1l e.tLh paucrn. n tells you '' hiLh yarn''·'" u::.cd Ill tlw .lllualmodcl. )!.L't

Pressing, Or? You have now finished making a garment but there is a little care which needs to he dum· before you can wear it. Begin hy \'erifying exactly what kind of matcri<tl you have, than decide on the proper finishing method. Yarn companies must always be sure that the yarn has what it promises. therefore the handling they recommend should always he carefully considered. Always read the yarn label or pattern instructions. Often the label says handwash and no ironing. l lowever, I dare tO say that most qualities of wool yarn (e:\ccpt superwash) l'an be ironed . I don't mean that the work


should be pressed flat , but , holding a steam iron a little bit above the piece. you can smooth the work with your hands and spread it out into the correct shape. Be sure that you don't burn your hands with the steam! I don't ha\'e much e., pcriencc with superwash and synthetic fibers , so you should try these yourself. Always usc the gentlest way first. Mal.;e sure it hasn't caused <~ny harm before you dare t<tke the ne:-..t step. I would always keep the steam iron totally away from these materials. Instead, dampen tlw pieces, stretch them out into cmTct·t form and block them to measurements.


It ,1(.,._, S.l)'S, lor C.'\,11Hplt', 'fl''' I II t'I,,IH li t •o/ Hllll Rrkr lllthc Re<.ourcc .md Yam lrst on pag~ So lor )·lrn ~our\.cs .md ;;cub:-utuuonc,. l\,,, .dl l rrll' \"'''' y.nn.; haH' the same thrcklk'>S "nil a :-\\',lit h ~o that )Lllll':tll he Ct'Jt.m· •h.11 till' ).lrn ynu h,I\'C d111~L'n r~ Mlll.1hk for till· p.tll~.·m ~1.111~ ,,f the garm\Cnts m tht<. h,l,,k ,,,,. knlltl'd \\ rlh ~n,t­ llsh M ~lwtl.md lwl'nl \22'5m/'50g m 150 )dslo:) ''lud1 b spun b) a l\\c,·d o;pmncl")' Ill ::.cotl.md flllm .1 wrr hill' WOlll ,\II or the llll'dd., 1..111 be· m.1d1. \\llh othl'l' n1lms ih:tn thn-,l' ~llll\1' 11 m thL· h,,Pk I he yarn kn:- ,ITt' pa1 k.tged m .t h.l!-' "nh y~rr n. llbtnll.ttm~<>, .md ptllllll' In the chan ,,n (l.lg,· ~t1, yNt ~..m :-c,· th~.· n.1mcs ,,f) .1rn .md yarn c.hnps II yuu u..,,. a not her ) a1n thanth:n fC'llllnmcndC'd mthe lll~ll1.1lllllns. kC'cp m mmd that th~ )'.ml.tg_l' em '31")

GAUGE Th~.: .' 1 .~L detfrnlmco:; hu\\ l.tr~c )'''ur ptcu: will hc. II Y•'ll .Ire kniumg tlw !>hrug 1111 (l /), II IS \Cry 111 1(11111.1111 that \t1ll get 1he n .aLI gaugt'. hu1 11 )'llll knn !111.' p1.111Cho Olo


1:>1'1 ll l'o 11\.ll,IS 11llptlll,1111 [':t>lll.lltl'T

what ) ou do, } nu mu!>t knn J g.1ug<' .,w,ud1 befMc )'Oll h<-gm knnung

SQUAR[S li,lur o;.unp•c. you h,I\C kmlll'd .1 g.lllge s\\<llth lor llw sh.1" f,m p. 17 .. 111d 1hc :-quan: I!> l.trgn ,1r sm.tlkr 1h.tn !Ill' .,,;:,• sp.:~. ilied Ill 1he pawn n. )'-'ll L.1n J11 1hc

full11wmg: I ll'>l' sm.lllt· 1 11 r larger 111. vd ks 2 u;;;1 fim r 1'1 hcancr ~ 01111 J usc fe\\Cr or mon.• :-.Ill\ hC':: p.:r :-.qu.u,· 4 knu fl'wer ,1r more -.qu.tre' m the length and \\ itll h. Thl' squ.m•s .1rc pr.lCll!..ll hcl.lll!'>i.'. tl ,,,m.1ke the ptl'll' -.mallei th.m ytnt had 1huugln ahou1 a 1 1he bcgm 111ng. )'t'U l.lll kn11 squar~.·s 2 """ sm.1llt:r In th.ll \\:I), the piece wtll be snulkr m h,,,h length and '' tdth

)'llll \\ Jnl

STRIPS H ·:o1 .. ~r~. kiillling '>lrlp'> :md h:t\C fc,\cr th.,,t '•'ll h.1d pl.tnncd on )'ll ll (;1 11 I I')' lt'(ll llllllCild, tl lllllS 1 llf 2 ahnH'. y,,u u1uld abo U'l' lc\\l'r nr llh11\' stlld1l'S per stnp m k111tthc <;tnp.., -.lwtll'r u1 kmgi'r. 01 Jnt1rc ... litllll.



SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT Vivian invites you to visit her website at www.viv.dk. \!.my nf thl' sp~ctltc yarn<; .1nd ktt- fc•r the;;e prnJCCb .Ire ;t\'3\)abk thi<IUgh the ftJJinwm~ U '- shops.

/>,1hv wc>ol, dl1 ''''''' und <<'ll<'ll. J,·r;rrn, <>Item,

Neitzie'" ~ook l.!" \hll '-t Rn,tol, PA I Qt\17 w\\w nen;tctw<•k , ,,m

'i Northern Blvd ,\mhcr>t, t\ H llllH I

1pcntwetght \V(ltll


tNU) 886-1041 ··-m.nl w[ib~r,(<llanl.rom www kmnow.m


Yarn Exprcs~ion'

79 H <; Menwn.1l Pkw y .<tB" HuntS\ lie AI. V1Ht12 l&'\tl) 283-t\4\.)<l

Garnstudio/Aurora Yarns PO &x 30bR ~loss Beach, C·\ <Htl38 t65l)) 728-2730 lax {650\ 728-R~ N

<'-mat! auroray.trns<!Dpacbell.net The following ~hop-. or dtstnbutor' 'upply some o l I he }"ilnlS U>ed 111 I he pauerns \lf <·MTV ,1 )'~rn that ynu ran eastly >llb,lltuw


.fm•· ~<c>oh Schoolhouse Press

fmr W(l{l/,, '/''" fl\f't.>:hr "''"'!'. ,111 hOol and rorwns. fin•· and hr:cn·v Imen Crystal Palace Yarns ,, dt\151011 of Straw Into Gold , Inc· 2 320 Btssell .-\vc Rtchm,,nd, C.-\ Q-H~04 {'\IOl H7-998H Ia-. {510) 237-9HOQ W\\'W.>traw.cnm

l><lby wool, bal>1 wtttm, cll1 •n>OI untl• oJtton. spomvet!(ht


Dale of '<orway '"16 \\'23 3QO "tonendge Dr, "te ,\ Waukesha, WI 'i 3188 (800) 441 -dalc www.dale .no


Janncson & 'imnh '>hetland \\"ool b899 Cary Bluff

Pntsville. W I 'H 4b6 {800) 968-'iMH

Janueson & Smuh www shetland-wool-brokers zetnet

n' uk


ABBREVIATIONS I Ill' abbreviations usl·d in this book an· li.,tl·d hdow. Soml· of tlw abbreviations arc n.plained in another place in the book. Gotothl· page indicated for more infom1ation about till' techniqut:: "ee. for example. Mlb on pagl· 1H.

beg hegst


begin beginning stitch = the 'ititch used for starting the knitted east-on. It can he a whole ne\\ '>litdl which is cast on. a stitch which is already on the needle. or a loop in the work: "ee page 40. hind off (British cast ufl)


contra'>! color





dec dn dpn

end st


denease domino needle double-pointed needles (British double-ended needles ) end •Hitch. see page 5 ligure






joining stripe

JSst K


kniued east-on . .,ee page 4 .


knit two togethn



mctt:r(s) makt: I in stitch helm\, '>ee page JH.


main color




mi II imeter(s)

mil o:: I'

P2tng RS

need It: ounce(s) purl purl 2 together righ t side

-.II kwi'>e

.,Jip one st a.'> if to knit

sll pwi.,e

.,lip one as if to purl

.,, I . Kl . psso

..1 I , Kltog. ps<;o


'>lip one. knit one. pa.,., .,Jip stover slip one. knit two together. pass slip .,t over .,titeh

joining st ripe stitch








INDEX Abbreviations :-<7 Bac kpac k. De mm. -r9-'> 1\a~K

.;;qu.uv;, 2-t K)


, 4t> 41\

lk)!lllllJn.~ '-litLh, •· f\)


~lnp' . ~I

S.•rdcr t o,lrlo.'J ' ll kh.

ll>g l thll

1<11lll<'d PI< ll




Rrhhfd, 25 "·"' It ll>( h )l)

Cap, Flnwl'r, 62-h'i

( .1p '>tar .111d ~L".III 54-'il1 (. .1'>..:', rcn,·!l 51 ( ·'"l<•n, knntcd 4 7 (., •I. 'P·. R) ( <Hll tllng l

'11 .:r


an d ndgc.;. 2R

l <>llccp<11 +t-4 'i

l.<>Vl'r, p,,l, 4H

Dcc.. rcao:;c 'lH


''I ,·atcr, K~-84

Dta~ram.; ,


11<>1ll llh1 klllll lll)!.. I I

rdgc stitc h .)-\ -h' ldgrng



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Garter <>tilrh hlg.n~:..

K2 l<'rnrng. >1, H

"tn pp,·tl 7t)-H2. ...,b ·ug. '-oul-wcnnung. /'i-78 '>t ee'> dl.i ll_~illlll, r 1 :-.utd'l 21 :->qu a re~. H'i fbSlL, 2-7


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jommg. 22

C.aug, H'i

'>tnpt:~. 1t'111ll1g.

llcadhand, 19-21

:->tl lp:>. W5

1-cord, I+,

HtnLllngt•ll. 11 jomm~ . 2 3-)4 l'atlct ns. 31 Table ~I at . 4 3

4 (1

hllrtJ.,., 38


f\. k1u~r


KtH l ~l lllh n 11ln l 7H


'>nffcnm~. 4o &·.HI-.. ~lllllg_lll~. I> I B111dm~

C.tncr 'lillh H2 P·tr -,tnrh r,,,Jc,,

Joining, 34 \lallrl'<;S stitch,/!. Needle!>, I'll Pick-up ~Litch . ~ l'rlltm-. N-42 1\•mp<HI t>8 1\mtlw. t1t>-t> 7. 70-7·1 1\•th<•kkr,.. 1-IH. 2 >-B l'res-.111)1., tH 1'1ramrtls. Jtl111rng, 22 Ridge.,, S) Cuunu ng, 2H

Scarf, 'i4-'it> 'i7-"i~. 7ll. ~·,·

also '>hawl l ·'I anu "I tr )-!-'it>

'>eammg, wn h nuun s-, ' Litd1, 72 '>ha11 I, \b- 3H, -,ce ai-.P '-~arf


Thread, rntllllmg, 2(, T"HllW. T,,,, ~:,

st'<' ~hawl

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Tr mglc". 14 Tur hc1n, , ..,. ll eadh.mJ Vc'it , for 1\lother and Bah} ()6-6K, 7L)-74

\Vool. wa~l1ing. H~ \\ n .. t wannl r-.. ')()-o I Yarn,H4-H1

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I abcls. iH I dttw,·t 7L1

key. H(l laib. w(.\nng. t>

'>l'le c l Hlll



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