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and training to ASEAN member-states and Timor-Leste, and it focuses on connectivity, sustainable development, and regional resilience. Since the establishment of the TCTP program, the U.S. and Singapore have jointly organized 30 workshops and trained over 1,000 ASEAN member-state government officials in the areas of trade, environment, health, urban planning, and DM.213

Disaster Risk


Singapore is somewhat insulated from natural hazards. The country is nominally exposed to earthquake, tsunami, and cyclones; however, there is little historic data suggesting large-scale incidents caused by these kinds of hazards. Singapore commonly experiences flooding due to heavy rainfall, high tides, and drainage challenges in low-lying areas.214

National DM Framework

The Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) provides the main capacity for ready response to crises at all levels. The Civil Defence Act, updated in 2011, provides the legal framework for declaring a state of emergency and mobilizing and deploying the SCDF. The SCDF has responsibility at all levels of administration. It is Singapore’s national focal point for the AHA Centre.215

The Civil Defence Act (updated in 2011)

A series of laws underpins DRR in Singapore. The Civil Defence Act (updated in 2011) provides the legal framework for the declaration of a state of emergency and the mobilization and deployment of SCDF. Three other key laws are the Fire Safety Act, the Civil Defence Shelter Act, and the Infectious Disease Act.216

Thailand was a founding member of ASEAN in 1967.217 Thailand’s contribution to ASEAN includes filling the role of Chair in 2008-2009 and again in 2019. One important document adopted under Thailand’s tenure in 2009 is the Roadmap for an ASEAN Community (20092015). Thailand has also played an important role in the promotion and protection of human rights in the region, as testified to by the establishment of the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights, also in 2009. Thailand supported the involvement of relevant stakeholders in the region in the drafting process of the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration, which was adopted by ASEAN Leaders at the 21st ASEAN Summit.218 Since 2014, Thailand has also hosted the ASEAN Centre for Military Medicine (ACMM), which allows ASEAN member-states to build practical and sustainable cooperation among their military medical services to facilitate coordination and cooperation during a disaster response.219

Disaster Risk

Thailand is exposed to recurring hazards such as storms, floods, landslides, and droughts. The country also experiences earthquakes, tsunamis, heat waves, forest fires, and epidemics. Thailand is exposed to technological hazards, including large-scale industrial accidents, especially in areas characterized by widespread industrial activity. In addition, climate change is intensifying the adverse effects of natural hazards. Thailand has undergone observed changes in the seasons, characterized by the delayed onset of rainfall, which has further exacerbated flashfloods and landslides due to additional rainfall accumulation in a shorter time.220

National DM Framework

Thailand’s DM system is comprised of policy-level and operational-level agencies. At the policy-level, the inter-ministerial National Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Committee (NDPMC), chaired by the Prime Minister or Deputy Prime Minister, is the top policy body for DRM. The Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (DDPM) is the secretariat for the NDPMC.221

Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Act 2007

The Disaster Response Management system

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