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Other Regional Information Sources
Thailand Red Cross Society • Web: https://english.redcross.or.th/ ; https:// www.redcross.or.th/home/ • Tel: +66 2 256 4000 / +66 2256 4037- 8 / +66 2256 4048, 1664 • Twitter: @ThaiRedCross
Viet Nam Red Cross Society (Hội Chữ thập đỏ Việt Nam) • Web: http://redcross.org.vn/ • Email: vanphongctd@gmail.com • Tel: +84 24 3822 4030 • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ redcross.org.vn/
Humanitarian Response
Humanitarian Response is a platform providing the humanitarian community a means to aid in coordination of operational information and related activities. Website: https://www.humanitarianresponse.info
Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System (GDACS)
GDACS is a cooperation framework between the UN, the European Commission, and disaster managers worldwide to improve alerts, information exchange, and coordination in the first phase after major sudden-onset disasters. Website: https://www.gdacs.org/alerts/
Virtual OSOCC
The Virtual OSOCC is a real-time online coordination tool for disaster response professionals from urban search and rescue (USAR) teams, national authorities, as well as regional and international organizations at a global level. • Website: https://vosocc.unocha.org/ • The latest alerts can be found here: http:// www.gdacs.org/Alerts/default.aspx • To subscribe: http://www.gdacs.org/About/ contactus.aspx
ThinkHazard! is a website that provides detailed information on a country. Information is provided for the ASEAN member-states regarding hazards, country assessments, projects, early warning systems, and other resources. Website: http://thinkhazard.org
Humanitarian Country Teams (HCT)
HCT is a strategic and operational decision making and oversight forum established and led by the Humanitarian Coordinator in each country. It is generally comprised of representatives from UN agencies including the International Organization for Migration (IOM), international NGOs, and the IFRC as well as the respective Red Cross/Crescent National Society in the country. During a disaster response, HCTs often produce a Situation Report (SitRep), usually in conjunction with OCHA. Most HCT SitReps can be found through ReliefWeb: https://reliefweb.int/
Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX)
HDX is an open platform for sharing data across crises and organizations. It was launched in 2014 with the goal of centralizing humanitarian data for easy access and analysis. HDX is managed by OCHA’s Center for Humanitarian Data in The Hague. Website: https://data.humdata.org/
Changi Regional HADR Coordination Centre (RHCC)
The Changi Regional HADR Coordinating Center (RHCC) was launched on 12 September 2014 by the Singapore Ministry of Defence. The Changi RHCC seeks to facilitate military-tomilitary coordination in international disaster responses by supporting the military of an affected state by helping to coordinate assistance from other foreign militaries. It aims to provide open, inclusive, and flexible platforms that allow both regional and extra-regional militaries to work together effectively in a multinational disaster response. It accomplishes this in part with liaison officers, deploying coordination