WEEK 1 Experimenting and manipulating finished scripts
Inside the Manipulated Geometry
Original File
Manipulated Geometry
1.1 Voronoi Mapping Beginning with the simple voronoi cells wrapped around a cylindrical shape, I changed the input sizes of the curves to create a cone shape instead. I also enlarged the components to create a different pattern with larger cell sizes.
Inside the Manipulated Geometry
Original Geometry
Manipulated Geometry
1.2 Multi Agent Mesh When opening the file, some points were missing for components so I plugged in the points generated from the hexagonal voronoi components and achieved a box mesh. I then added number sliders to adjust the size of the geometry.
WEEK 2 Experimenting and manipulating finished scripts
Shapes along the face of the geometry
Manipulated Geometry
2.1 Initial Structure For this geometry, I changed the sliders to make the leaves bigger and the overall shape larger. I also plugged more sliders into other parameters to see the effect.
Close up of manipulated geometry
Manipulated Geometry
2.2 Kangaroo Again, I changed the sliders and created more bumps on the geometry. This created a more varied shape. I also disabled some of the parameters that were not working properly and tried changing the shape of the overall shape but this failed. Probably because I did not understand which outputs were required.
Close up of manipulated geometry
Manipulated Geometry
2.3 Cocoon I changed the sliders to make the pipes fatter in the geometry. I also added more pipes which did not produce something that could be baked in Rhino. I changed the sliders again subtracting the number of pipes creating bigger gaps which created this outcome.
Close up of manipulated geometry
Manipulated Geometry
2.4 Karamba There was a parameter in this definition that was failing due to the test version of karamba being installed. I wonder if this prevented the geometry from becoming 3-dimensional. None of the lofting or piping tools were working but I did manage to change the sliders and the number of boxes in the final geometry.
WEEK 3 Experimenting and manipulating finished scripts
Close up of manipulated geometry
Manipulated Geometry
3.1 Boid Using the Boid tutorial script, I using the points created to make a polyline through these points. Then, I piped the outcome to create a complex array of geometry in Rhino which I enlarged and manipulated once again.
Close up of manipulated geometry
Manipulated Geometry
3.2 Boid I did the same thing, usin the same tutorial definitions but instead of using the pipe command, I used loft which ended up with some completely different geometry. I then deleted some of the panels in Rhino to neaten it up.
Close up of manipulated geometry
Manipulated Geometry
3.3 Boid Finally, using the same definition as well as a copy from the cocoon definition last week, I used a rail revolution to create the spiky geometry effect.
WEEK 4 Developing different scripts
Close up of manipulated geometry
Manipulated Geometry
4.1 Creating a Gridshell I created a grid of points along a set of curves and interpolated curves through these points. I then created a pipe to give the geometry some thickness.
Close up of manipulated geometry
Manipulated Geometry
4.2 Graph Mappers Manipulating graph mappers created strange and different patterns. These controllers output different numbers and could be used for variations in other files.
Close up of manipulated geometry
Manipulated Geometry
4.3 Interpolate Curve I set a number of curves and divided them into points. Then, using the interpolate curve and graph mapper I created a 3-dimensional form.
WEEK 5 Kangaroo and Weaverbird
Close up of manipulated geometry
Manipulated Geometry
5.1 Kangaroo The voronoi mesh began as a 2-dimensional form but I plugged in a 3-dimensional voronoi component to change the geometry. Then, plauuging in a graph mapper, I could chang he variation of sizes and shapes in the form.
Close up of manipulated geometry
Manipulated Geometry
5.2 Kangaroo Using the same method as before, I made the holes in the geometry bigger to create a different kind of mesh.
Close up of manipulated geometry
Manipulated Geometry
5.3 Weaverbird As well as changing the diameter of the pipes and the number of points to make up the mesh, I applied the geometry to different surfaces created in rhino in different ways. The first two are made from lofted curves and the third is made from a closed curve mesh where I manipulated the control points.
WEEK 6 Millipede and Panelling
6.1 Millipede I simply changed the inputs and outputs of the definition to create the geometry. I moved the geometry around and baked it to create the shape. However Millipede ran slow and kept crashing during baking so I only created one iteration.
Using a polygon instead of rectangles for geometry
Applying the rectangle geometry to a sphere
Manipulated Geometry
6.2 Panelling I used the simple panelling definition and manipulated it to apply to different geometries.
WEEK 7 Panelling and Weaverbird
Using the Radial grid to create a panel
Using the triangular grid to create a panel
Manipulated Geometry
7.1 Panelling There was a slider that could be used to choose different grids so I manipulated this to explore different forms. I also changed the surfaces that the geometry could be applied to.
Applying the weaverbird piping to a sphere
Joints of the weaverbird patt tailed with spheres
Applying weaverbird piping with a thicker radius to a surface
Applying weaverbird piping wi us
Manipulated Geometry
terning are de-
th a thinner radi-
7.2 Weaverbird For this definition, I changed the radius sliders and added in sliders to change the grid points. I also changed this element to create different patterns ad applied these to different surfaces.