MArch Design Realisation Report (2022)

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Ghost of the Forbidden City Design Realisation Report 建筑设计报批流程

ARCT 1063 Emily Chan (曾钰梅) Unit 18 1

目录 Contents Section 1A

Section 1B

Chapter 1 - Project & Site Introduction Ghost of the Forbidden City Project Masterplan Damaging Disparity in China Moving Water from South to North Source of Domestic Instability Extreme Water Scarcity in Beijing Water Management in Beijing The Forbidden City Project Site in Beijing Yuyuantan Park & Site Photos Yuyuantan Park Past & Present


Sunpath & Shadow Analysis Wind Analysis Soil and Topography Seismic Risks Access to Site and Internal Circulation Existing Subway Line Existing Development Construction Near Hospital 20




Chapter 6 - Client The Client(s) and Stakeholder(s) Future Water Management Ltd. Client Ambitions About the Project Client Ambitions for LETI Ownership Project Financing


Chapter 7 - Procurement Routes

Conclusion - Section 1A Conclusion on Site

Chapter 3 - Planning Opportunities & Constraints AAAA-level Scenic Spot Site of Special Scientific Interest Biodiversity - Trees & Birds

Introduction to Hierachies Planning Argument Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects Planning Application Process

Chapter 4 - Physical Opportunities & Constraints

Chapter 2 - Site Context Climate and Weather Yuyuantan Park Facilities Surrounding Context Governmental Institutions Beijing and Local Biodiversity Height Distribution

Chapter 5 - Planning Permission and Arguments

Building In and On Water Limitation of Building Height Easements - Right to Light


Procurement: Design Team Procurement: Contraction Phases Procurement Routes Procurement Organisation Program: RIBA Plan of Works Program: LETI Ambitions and Actions Program: Timeline and Planning Program: Risks Client Risks and Mitigation Health and Safety


Conclusion - Section 1B Conclusion on Planning



目录 Contents Section 2 Chapter 8 - General Arrangement The Process and Experience Original Site Plan Plan A - Roof Plan Original Site Section New Site Section Plan B Render: Overall View Render: View of the Celestial Pillar and Water Harvesting Roof Render: View on the Lake Render: Water Harvesting Buds

Chapter 11 - Construction Strategy 71


Chapter 10 - Structural Strategy Introduction to Structure Structural Breakdown Key Structural Components Foundations Loads


LETI Conclusion


References Bibliography Figure of Illustrations


Chapter 12 - Performance Strategy

Chapter 9 - Material Strategy Material Overview Material Design Intent LETI - Main Components Material Performance

Overall Detail Plan and Section Detail A - Water Harvesting Roof Detail B - Solar Harvesting Roof Detail C - Horizontal Water Tank Detail D - Steel Truss System LETI Construction Audit Sequence of Assembly

Conclusion - Section 2


Introduction Water Supply Strategy (1) - Water Collection Water Supply Strategy (2) - Ensuring Circular Economy Power Strategy - Generation & Storage Seismic Strategy Flood Defence Strategy Part L vs LETI Building Fabric as Environmental Control Detail Recap Building Orientation Lighting Strategy - Natural & Artificial Heating & Cooling Strategy Ventilation Strategy Building Regulations Introduction Building Regulations Overview Fire Strategy - Part B Accessibility Strategy - Part M Health and Safety



Section 1A Site Analysis (Context, Opportunities and Constraints Survey)


Section 1A - Site Analysis

1. Project and Site Introduction

Ghost of the Forbidden City Beijing, the capital city of China, is one of the most water scarce cities in the world. Today, the city relies on “borrowed” water sent through interstate megacanals from the south to the north of China. With the memory of the sacrifices made by hundreds of thousands of people in the South forcibly displaced and losing their livelihoods to the megacanal, many Chinese water and climate activists have resonated with the opinions of an ex-minister of the Chinese government who publically questioned the justification for the project. Although the costly hydroengineering infrastructure helps sustain Beijing, it is also actively reinforcing the capital city’s artificial water supply market. Furthermore, the megacanal remains as a temporary solution to Beijing’s impending water crisis and continues to deplete the water resource of the South. Therefore, before the country sees its water demand outstrip supply in 2030 (as predicted by experts), the Chinese government looks to tackle the surprising lack of collective urgency to conserve water amongst residents of Beijing, whereby the largest sector of water usage is domestic use. To manifest this, the state government has enlisted the help of a client body and various stakeholders who will work with them to develop and run a city-wide pilot water management system. At the heart of the new system is a water infrastructure masterplan located on Yuyuantan Lake & Park in Central Beijing, and its ambitions are two-fold: (i) to mould a water conservative society out of Central Beijing and (ii) to become a barometer for Beijing’s past, present and future in its war with water. Its three key programs are as outlined below: Central Beijing Water Control Center (Infrastructure)

National Water Technology Research Lab (Infrastructure & Internal)

National Museum for the Conquest of Water (Internal)

This is the new base and head office of key governmental water authorities and is the core of the pilot and experimental water system. They will monitor and regulate the city’s water supply. An interactive visual barometer for water usage is introduced to engage and feedback real-time water usage data to the city.

A new water technology research lab to be used by the government’s new research group with esteemed water technology researchers and scientists. The research lab is unique as it is equipped with nature (Yuyuantan Lake) as its R&D lab.

A museum that aims to raise awareness for water scarcity through educating the public on China’s long and ancient history with water. The museum will also highlight and memorialize the sacrifices made by countless of its citizens in the country’s pursuit for control over the element.

Engage / Present

Innovate / Future

Educate / Past

The client body, led by the government, share a united design vision of drawing attention to the infrastructure and the message it holds. The design of the scheme - Ghost of the Forbidden City - is a reponse to the site’s adjacent ancient imperial palace which is central to Chinese history and culture today, the Forbidden City. The infrastructure disrupts and imposes itself onto the city as China’s new cultural monument, and acts as a daily reminder for water conservation as well as water appreciation. It serves to become a place of historical and cultural significance as it shines the spotlight on China’s ancient war with water, thus, bringing water to the forefront of China and Beijing’s cultural identity, If Beijing is victorious in its fight against water scarcity, the structure is a monument to its success. However, if Beijing falters against water scarcity, the monument will thus represent a shell of what Beijing once was. The masterplan scheme explored in the initial section of this report will reflect these ideas in its design, detailing and programmatic strategies, with a focus on the whole. In later sections, the project will focus only on the infrastructure.


Section 1A - Site Analysis

Pilot Water Management System

1. Project and Site Introduction

Project Masterplan

Water Credit Center


Perimeter Walkway

Steam Balloons

1. Culture enriched (Museum & Monument) 2. Technology empowered (Experimental Lab) 3. Environmental Friendly (Water Conservation)

Waterfall Curtain

Water Control Centers

Central Beijing Water Control Center (Infrastructure)

Horizontal Water Tank

Pillars - Visual Barometer for City’s Water Usage Structural Water Pipes


Monitoring Hall

Office for Government Water Authority

Solar Roof

National Water Technology Research Lab (Celestial Pillars & Outdoors) Pump Station & Filter

Central Beijing Water Control Center (Infrastructure)

Water Harvesting Buds

Beijing’s Present

Study Area Offices

Water Research Laboratories

Equipment Room Research Labs Library Archive


National Water Technology Research Lab Celestial Pillars & Outdoors

National Museum for the Conquest of Water (Internal)

Beijing’s Future

Beijing’s Past

Staff Office Exhibition Halls

The project design driver for the proposed scheme is to have a low footprint physically and environmentally despite taking up a vast expansive volume on site. As a cultural monument for water, the scheme takes massing inspiration from the cloud, which is made of water, albeit in its gaseous form. Like a cloud, the scheme will sit on the site lightly. It plays with translucency and transparency of a cloud, becoming a ghostly apparition. Depending on the water usage of the city, the cloud will appear when water usage is high and disappear when it is not needed during low water usage.



Auditorium Hall

National Museum for the Conquest of Water (Internal)






A Waterfall Curtain

D Horizontal Water Tank

B Yuyuantan Lake

E Steam Balloon

C Water Harvesting Roof

F Celestial Pillar

Ghost of the Forbidden City Render - Overall View


Waterfall Curtain Celestial Pillars carry the twin Forbidden City at each corner

Existing Tower

“Forbidden City” raised in the air An exact 1:1 size of the original’s boundary walls

Museum for the Conquest of Water (To be designed)

Water Harvesting Buds

Section is a Supersceded Design

960 meters

120 meters

Yuyuantan Lake

Ghost of the Forbidden City Proposal

Steam Balloons

Water Harvesting Buds Main Gateway

“Forbidden City” Horizontal Water Tank

Existing China Millenium Monument

Grand vista


Waterfall Curtain

Section 1A - Site Analysis

1. Project and Site Introduction

Damaging Disparity in China Modern China has only 7% of the world’s freshwater to sustain 20% of the world’s population. However, about 80% of freshwater is concentrated in South China despite the North being the core of national development and agricultural farmlands. The country’s uneven resource distribution and water pollution further exacerbates water scarcity. With increasing population and rural-urban migration from the poorer west to the richer cities in the east, water scarcity is undeniably a huge threat to the future of China.

Water Resources, Population, Cultivated Land and Economy in the North in 2017 Fig. 1 (CWR, 2022)

Fig 1 - 2 : A comparison of water resources in relation to population, economy and arable land between the North and South of China in 2017.

Water Resources, Population, Cultivated Land and Economy in the South in 2017 Fig. 2 (CWR, 2022)

Fig 5 - 6: As population drastically increases, amount of renewable water resources per capita reflect a similarly drastic decline.

Fig. 3 (own)

Fig. 4 (own)

Fig 3-4: Modern China has 7% of the world’s freshwater to sustain 20% of the world’s population.

China Population Growth Fig. 5 (Google Images, 2010)

China Renewable Water Resources per Capita (1960 - 2017) Fig. 6 (, 2021)


Section 1A - Site Analysis

1. Project and Site Introduction

Moving Water from the South to North To cope with the uneven water distribution, China has relied on the construction of hyrdroengineering structures such as interstate canals and record-breaking dams to hold and move water from the South to the North - the main infrastructure being the South North Water Diversion Project (SNWDP). However, experts such as Chinese Minister, Ma Jun, have criticised the $62 billion project (now over budget) to be an expensive yet temporary solution to a massive impending problem. To date, two of the three canals have been built. The Western route is in discussion to be built and is expected to cost the most. Experts and commentators of the topic suggest that China should look to other solutions to tackle the Northern water scarcity. Other reasonable alternatives given were to increase water prices, privatize the industry, improve water use efficiency through innovative strategies, and tackle water pollution. Many agree that hydraulics have helped China, however, they also believe that there should not be an over-reliance on it to solve China’s water problems.

Opportunity: Could there be a cheaper way to tackle this issue? Should China look to other innovative strategies?

Map of China’s Main Water Bodies and the SNWDP Fig. 7 (own)

Fig. 8 (Circle of Blue, 2022) Fig. 7 - 10 : Images of the SNWDP


Fig. 9 (Google Images, 2022)

Fig. 10 (Google Images, 2022)

Section 1A - Site Analysis

1. Project and Site Introduction

Source of Domestic Instability The Northern cities maintain their livelihoods whilst Southern cities are given the short end of the stick. Their huge sacrifices in light of the uneven spread of wealth does not go unnoticed. As reported by several watchdogs of the issue, there has been several revolts and protests against the government’s actions. With water in the rivers steadily decreasing through the years, the concern for regional domestic public discontentment against the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) has its merits.

Fig. 14

Fig. 15

Coercive relocation and displacement of Destruction hundreds of thousands of people farmlands

This is reflected in a quote from Chinese environmental journalist, Dai Qing, in an article by Probe International (2016): “But what about them? Northern China needs water, but Southern China suddenly doesn’t need it? How can you take something others also need just because you’re the capital? This is not just.”




Fig. 17

Death of rivers due to diversion of water

Fig. 16

and Centuries of heritage and antiquities destroyed

Fig. 18

Fig. 19

Increased risks and occurences of droughts Loss of Lives in the South

Opportunity: Recognition of sacrifices made would allow those affected to feel seen and could help quell some internal dissatisfaction against the CCP.

Fig. 20

China Uncommon Prosperity 2015 Fig. 13 (The Economist, 2015)

Environmental and ecological Disaster

Fig. 21

Loss of relationships and social circles

Fig. 23

Southern farmers may sometimes lose Structures access to water landslides

Structures increase seismic reactivity

Fig. 24



Fig. 22

Fig. 25

and Insufficient compensation and lack of employment opportunities in new cities


Section 1A - Site Analysis

1. Project and Site Introduction

Extreme Water Scarcity in Beijing Beijing is a global city and is undoubtedly one of the world’s leading centres for culture, politics, business, technological innovation and more. As a megacity, Beijing is the second largest city by urban population after Shanghai. However, water scarcity is especially prevalent here. According to the UN Worldbank classification, Beijing is an ‘absolute water scarce’ city. This can be attributed to several factor such as: 1. Unsustainable water usage to run economy 2. Extensive pollution of resources 3. Societal lack of awareness and urgency to conserve water 4. Reinforced Artificial Water-Economy 5. Naturally & increasingly dry Northern climate and weather 6. Increasing population due to rural-urban migration Opportunity: Domestic use takes up the most water in Beijing. Could increased public awareness and incentivized water conservation help Beijing become a more water-efficient city?

Water Use in Beijing for 2003 - 2018 Fig. 26 (Long, D. et al., 2020)

China Renewable Water Resources 2012 Fig. 28 (The Economist, 2012) Fig. 27 (CWR, 2019)


Section 1A - Site Analysis

1. Project and Site Introduction

Water Management in Beijing Experts have predicted that if China does not reign in the unsustainable water usage, the nation’s demands for water will outstrip supply by 2030. This would cause domestic and global instability. In the dry and water scarce capital city, the Beijing Municipality has tried to tackle the water crisis in multiple ways. However, whilst efforts are commendable and progress have been made, some experts question the validity of fiscally, socially and environmentally expensive mega-hydroengineering projects to bring in water from the South into Beijing when it could be done through encouraging and enforcing water conservation amongst the Beijing population. Opportunities: - Beijing is currently one of the most water scarce cities in China. As the capital city, Central Beijing could use this opportunity to lead by example in engaging with water conservation for other provinces to follow. - The SNWTP is not only extremely expensive, it is also seen as a temporary solution to water scarcity. My project wishes to approach water scarcity in Beijing through regulating and increasing awareness in the the highest sector of water usage: domestic water usage. If China invests its remaining budget for the unbuilt Western route into pushing for innovation and increased water conservation, this could be a cheaper and more effective solution. Constraints: - If Beijing wishes to regulate domestic water usage using algocracy (eg: social credit system), these systems needs to be put in place throughout the central city. The project envisions that Beijing would have this in place by 2023. The Ghost of the Forbidden City wishes to become the control centre for water usage in the central city of Beijing. - Beijing has invested in many methods to tackle the water crisis. This project has to prove its long-term viability in tackling the issue in order to be approved and funded by the government (also the client). This must be discussed and considered in planning argument.

Fig. 29

Hydroengineering Projects (SNWTP East & Central Route cost more than $79 billion)

Fig. 32

Population Management in Beijing (Population Capped at 23 Million by 2020)

Fig. 35

Seawater Desalination Projects, Water Recycling Programs and Technologies

Fig. 30

Formulation and Implementation of Laws and Regulations for Water (Industrial & Agricultural Water Use Permit)

Fig. 31

Encouraging Surveillance and Accountability within the system (River Chief Mechanism)

Fig. 33

Formulation and Implementation of Laws and Regulations for Pollution Management (Water Discharge Permit)

Fig. 34

Moving Water or Pollution Heavy Industries Out of Beijing and into Neighbouring Areas

Fig. 36

Heavy investment into water-saving renewable energy and reduction in waterconsuming energy such as coal production

Fig. 37

Water Tariffs (comparatively still much cheaper than other capital cities globally)

By Wang Yue, a reporter in chinadialogue’s Beijing office February 26, 2014

South-North Water Transfer ‘Not Sustainable,’ Official Says If Beijing Alone Could Save More Water, the Project Would be Unnecessary As quoted in this article, Qiu Baoxing, vice minister of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development expresses: “(SNWTP) would be rendered irrelevant if one-third of buildings in Beijing could collect more rainwater and recycle more wastewater,” and “If we try to solve our water crisis by diverting water, then new Fig. 38

ecological problems will emerge. This is not sustainable at all.”


Section 1A - Site Analysis Proposed Project Site

1. Project and Site Introduction


The Forbidden City The project begins with the Forbidden City. Constructed from 1406 to 1420, the Forbidden City is a palace complex that sits in the centre of the Imperial City of Beijing. It served as the home of Chinese emperors and their households, and continued on to become the ceremonial and political center of the Chinese government for over 500 years. Today, the city has grown past its ancient city walls with additional outer ring roads for expansion. The Forbidden City is now a World Heritage Site and for many, it is a time capsule for China’s past and an educational institute for the public to learn and appreciate the history and beauty of China’s culture. Its architecture is imbued with the culture, traditions and history of ancient China. Opportunity: - The project looks to borrow the Forbidden City’s cultural relevance through its physicality in order to make tangible and raise awareness for the conservation and appreciation for the city’s scarce water resources.

Plan of Forbidden City and its moat Fig. 39 (Wikipedia, 2022)

Map of Peking - Forbidden City in ancient city walls Fig. 40 (Library of Congress, 2022)

Map of Central City of Beijing (Ring Roads) Fig. 41 (SCMP, 2014)


Forbidden City

Fig. 42 (Google Images, 2022)

Meridian Gate of the Forbidden City Fig. 43 (Google Images, 2022)

Map of Beijing

Fig. 44 (Beijing Municipal Commission of Planning and Natural Resources, 2018)


Section 1A - Site Analysis


1. Project and Site Introduction

Project Site in Beijing In order to gain cultural relevance and monumentality, the project looks to physically juxtapose and connect itself with the Forbidden City. Hence, the chosen project site is Yuyuantan Park which sits directly west of the Forbidden City. Notably, the park and its main entrance is located on the same main road (Chang’an Avenue) as the Forbidden City. The site is one of 11 major urban parks in the city of Beijing and covers a territory of about 137 hectares, 61 of which is of water area, and 74.44 hectares of green space.

Yuyuantan Park

The Forbidden City

Chang’an Avenue

Opportunities: - Yuyuantan Park’s location allows for the project to impose the form of the Forbidden City parallel and on the same main axis as the Forbidden City. This allows for connection of the new and existing cultural monument. - Yuyuantan Park’s water bodies provide the project localized water resources to design and experiment with. It allows the project to highlight China’s deep history with water. - Project is likely to be more visible to citizens of Beijing when placed closer to the centre of city. In this case, the structure is sitting within ring road 2 and 3. Although not completely centered, building in ring road 1 or 2 would require conformity to more restrictions as it is within the walls of ancient Beijing. Hence, Yuyuantan Park’s location is ideal.


Terrain Map of Central Beijing - Forbidden City is marked in red and the project site is marked in white Fig. 45 (Google Maps, 2022)


Ce nt ra l Ax is

Constraints: - Central Beijing is very densely populated. It will not be easy to make space for a large infrastructure without touching multiple existing structures and buildings. Planning process would need actions such as negotiations with the public, population relocation and funds will be needed to obtain lands. This can be done provided resources are available. - Beijing is an ancient city with many important sites of heritage. These may be protected and will be difficult to gain approval for planning permission.


Section 1A - Site Analysis

1. Project and Site Introduction


Yuyuantan Park & Site Photos Yuyuantan Park is the chosen site for this project. From site maps and photos, the context of the park and its surroundings can be observed. There are various components to the existing scheme of the Yuyuantan Park and they should be considered, alongside development surrounding the park. - Central to the park is its water bodies, the main being Yuyuantan Lake. It functions as a recreational lake, water reservoir and flood diversion lake. It will play a functional and symbolic role in the project, Hence, construction on the lake will need to be studied for the planning permission. - The park is a tourist site and is zoned into 4 separate landscape areas. As a managed tourist site, the park is already equipped with a some services, tourist management sites, sanitation facilities and more on site. The project may find this useful to integrate into planning permission. - The park is almost completely covered in greeneries such as trees and gardens. The main feature of the park’s ecology and tourist attraction are the cherry blossom trees. The first cherry blossom trees were gifted by Japan as a symbol of frienship. There may be policies protecting these trees and thus, the project should review the greeneries in the planning permission.. - Buildings around the site are shown in the photos. Should the project look to be visually prominent, it should refer to the heights of contextual buildings. - The main entrance to the site sits behind the China Millenium Monument. It has a grand axis connected to the main road that would help solidify the project should it be built on the same axis. - Yuyuantan Park Management Office is located North of the lake. This would be useful for project upkeep in the future. Type of site: Multipurpose public park with lake Tourist attraction level: AAAA-grade Scenic Spot Site ownership: City-owned Site Management: Yuyuantan Park Management Office (under Beijing’s Municipal Forestry and Parks Bureau) Size of park: 136.69 hectares Construction of lake began in 1773 by Imperial Qing Dynasty

Aerial view of Yuyuantan Park and its surrounding context with the park’s boundary marked in white

Aerial view of Yuyuantan Park and Yuyuantan Lake. Platform in lake was for the construction of subway line. Fig. 47 (Wikipedia, 2022)


Fig. 46 (Google Maps, 2021)

View of the Central Radio and TV Tower from Yuyuantan Park Fig. 48 (Beijing Tourism, 2022)


Yuyuantan Lake separated by Zhongdi Bridge into West and East Lake

Fig. 51

Fig. 49

View of the Zhongdi Bridge dividing the Yuyuantan Lake into the West and East Lakes.

Water Bodies Cherry Blossom Area Wetland Area Bayi Lake

Culture Display Area

Fig. 50

Aerial View of the Yuyuantan Park, Yuyuantan Lake and the surrounding buildings

Site Map of Yuyuantan Park with landscape zoning

Fig. 52

Recreational activities such as swimming and paddle boarding take place in Yuyuantan Lake

Sports and Recreation Area

Fig. 53

China Millenium Monument and vista at the South entrance

Fig. 54

Yuyuantan Lake is popular for its paddle boat activities at its piers.


Section 1A - Site Analysis


1. Project and Site Introduction

Yuyuantan Lake Past & Present Opportunity & Constraint: - Yuyuantan Lake divulges Beijing’s long conquest for water in its history. The Ghost of Forbidden City wishes to highlight this and is one of the reasons why the client chose this site. - Today, Yuyuantan Lake is one of the most important source of water supply in Central Beijing. If Beijing were to continue their unsustainable water usage in the future, Yuyuantan Lake may dry up again like it did in the past. Hence, the project wishes to incorporate itself into the lake and become a visual barometer of Beijing’s water usage. However, this may cause concerns for planning permission and needs to be discussed in the planning argument. - Yuyuantan Lake was once used as agricultural and forestry test site. Ghost of the Forbidden City’s suggestion for the site to become an experimental water lab is aligned with its past and may help with the planning argument.

Ancient China


In 1859, due to long-term lack of water in the lake, the state officially rented it out as land. Until 1913, Yuyuantan Lake was used as an agricultural and forestry test site for the Agricultural University. Rice, reed and other crops were grown in the water depleting lake.


Yuyuantan Lake

Fig 55: Map of Beijing’s Reservoirs and Water Bodies

Soon after the People’s Republic of China was formed in 1949, Beijing’s new government was keen to push Beijing’s development in its industrial, agricultural and construction sector. In order to do so, water source was a problem that had to be solved. Hence, the 1950s and 1960s brought about the construction of two major reservoirs and two major diversion canals that became the water supply into the capital: Guanting Reservoir and Yongding River diversion canal in 1951 to 1956 and the Miyun Reservoir and Jingmi diversion canal in 1958 to 1966. How did this affect Yuyuantan Lake?

Located west of the Forbidden City was a sunken land with self-flowing spring water forming areas of swamp.

Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty saw a need for water management in Beijing. the Emperor called for thousands of infantry soldiers to deepen and widen the sunken land (now Yuyuantan Lake) for flood diversion and water storage purposes. The artificial lake was equipped with a stone gate that was built to store and release lake water, allowing for controlling and guiding water during flood. 18

Fig. 56: Yongding River with flowing water at Marco Polo Bridge


In the 1950s, the drying lake was dredged and a new lake was dug on the south side of the old lake, forming Bayi Lake. The two lakes were connected to a new experimental hydropower station downstream and was refilled with water from the Yongding River Diversion Canal. Thus, Yongding River became the main canal flowing through Yuyuantan, establishing the lake’s key role in water supply for rivers and lakes in the capital city, as well as for industrial and agricultural water. This formed the modern lake that we know today.

Fig. 57: Map of China’s South North Water Diversion Project (Beijing Water Crisis 1948-200))

In 1959, the lakes were used by the Aquatics Products Office of the Municipal Landscape Bureau to carry out fish farming and reed planting. In 1960, the lake was renamed Yuyuantan Lake and was officially opened to the public. Visitors’ facilities and programs were introduced to the area, forming Yuyuantan Park.

In the same year, a severe drought hit North China and very little water came from Guanting Reservoir. The government realised that a new diversion route was needed.

Eventually, both reservoirs were becoming less reliable as they encountered water shortage and water pollution issues. In 2014, replacing the role of Miyun Reservoir, the Central route of the South North Water Diversion Project opened and started supplying water to urban Beijing through Yongding River and consequently, Yuyuantan Lake. Furthermore, water was inversely being sent to Miyun Reservoir from the South for storage. Fig. 58: Grass on a dried up Yongding River under Marco Polo Bridge




In 1989, Jingmi Diversion Canal began to channel water into Yongding River from the Miyun Reservoir. Yuyuantan Lake was now receiving water from two reservoirs to deliver freshwater to the capital city of Beijing. The water was used for industrial production, farmland irrigation, and urban domestic use in the suburbs of Beijing. This ensured the sustained development of the capital’s growing urban population and economy through the period of rapid industrialization. Yuyuantan Lake thus became one of the most important water supply hubs for rivers and lakes in Beijing, ensuring the water demand of the capital.


Today, Yuyuantan Lake remains as the pumping heart of Beijing, ensuring supply of water into a growing, modern and water-demanding capital city.

Fig. 59: Yuyuantan Park and Yuyuantan Lake

Fig. 60: Central Beijing’s Blue Network as extracted from Beijing Urban Master Plan (2016-2035)

Key: 1. Jingmi Diversion Canal 2. Yongding River 3. Yuyuantan Lake

4. Forbidden City 5. Jingmi Diversion Canal 6. Yongding Diversion Canal


Section 1A - Site Analysis Fig. 65: Dried up Yongding River during the dry season in 2019


2. Site Context

Climate and Weather

Yuyuantan Park

Yuyuantan Park has a warm temperate semi-humid semiarid continental monsoon climate. Characteristic of Beijing, precipitation in the Yuyuantan River Basin is uneven and seasonal, alternating in abundance and dryness.

Forbidden City n Yo ing

Fig. 61: Decreasing annual average precipitation in Beijing (1970-2008)

gd Riv er

It receives rain up to 1406mm in wet years whilst only 381mm in dry years. This changing weather occurs in periods of generally 2-3 years. Precipitation is also uneven through the year due to the monsoon climate. July to August accounts for 64% of the rain whilst spring and winter receives only 11.2%. Constraints: - Average annual precipitation in Beijing is decreasing due to factors such as global warming. The scheme’s self-sustainable water system should be trialed prior to construction to aid in planning applications. - The scheme should ensure its structure is able to stand against rain, wind, and seismic factors. Specialist consultants will need to be consulted. - The lake is an important channel for urban water supply. If Beijing continues to lose water resource against increasing demand, the scheme predicts that the lake may dry up once again. Whilst this may negatively affect Beijing, the project stands to become a monument of Beijing’s history a successful/failed attempt to conquer water.

Fig. 62: Average monthly rainfall in Beijing (Weather Spark,2022) (the dotted line represents corresponding snow fall)

Fig. 63: Average humidity comfort levels in Beijing (Weather Spark,2022)

Opportunities: - Proposed scheme will harvest rain throughout the rainy season in summer. Collected rain will be used to sustain the project through the dry winter towards a self-sustainable water system. - Proposed scheme increases water storage capacity through a water tank program and thus is able to aid in flood prevention during heavy rains. - It is rare for Beijing to receive snowfall. Snow load will not be a concern.

Yuyuantan Park

Forbidden City n Yo gd ing Riv er

Fig. 64: Dried Yongding River under Marco Polo Bridge in Beijing.



Fig. 66: Yongding River during the wet season in 2020

Section 1A - Site Analysis

2. Site Context

Yuyuantan Park Facilities Here is a site map of the Yuyuantan Park. Opportunity & Constraint: - As the park was only opened to the public in 1960 and continued developing through the decades, most of the park’s scenic structures (such as pavilions and exhibition halls) were built post 1960. As recently as 2015, the Zhongdi Bridge, was demolished and rebuilt to improve water movement through the bridge during flood control. This is helpful in gaining planning permission as structures are not ancient historical monuments. - The park has an existing system of facilities and services. It is important to consider this when priming the site. A survey of the landscape should be commissioned to help understand the site. These could also be helpful in the project.

Fig. 67

Fig. 68

Fig. 69

Fig. 70

Fig. 67-70: Existing structures found within Yuyuantan Park (Trip, 2022)

Fig. 71: Signboard installed on site called Guide to The Yuyuantan Park (Trip, 2022)


Section 1A - Site Analysis


2. Site Context


3 2

Surrounding Context


As Yuyuantan Park is located in central Beijing, its surrounding is densely developed with a mix of government institutions/areas, public buildings, commercial, & residential areas and more.

5 9

Opportunities: - Yuyuantan Park’s main entrance sits on the same axis as the grand vista of the Chinese Millenium Monument. Aligning project site with this axis adds a sense of monumentality. - There is several subway stations around the park showing the accessibility of Yuyuantan Park. - There are many governmental institutions around the park. The involvement of a selection of governmental departments with the project would be key in its success. The close proximity adds to the opportunity. Constraints: - The Ghost of the Forbidden City would extend beyond the boundaries of Yuyuantan Park. The project should consider this in its planning argument. Specialists in negotiation, relocation and reimbursement would be needed. - Subway line connecting to Baiduizi Station of Line 9 goes under and across Yuyuantan Lake. Planning permission would be key in proceeding with this project. Specialist and experienced engineers would be consulted.

Project Site

Project on site


7 6




Key Buildings: Water Bodies

Government Institution/Area


Central Radio and TV Tower


China Millenium Monument (aka Beijing World Art Museum)

Yuyuantan Park



Yuyuantan Park Administration Office


China Media Center

Park or Garden



Navy General Hospital


Underground Subway Line

Public Building

Commercial/Residential/ Other Buildings


Baiduizi Station (Line 9)


State-related Organisations

Main Roads


Diaoyutai Area

Subway Stations

Bridge/Hydroengineering Structure


Militiary Museum of the Chinese People’s Revolution

Axis on which main entrance of the Forbidden City sits on

Section 1A - Site Analysis

Energy Conservation Office Ganjiakou Sub-district Office of the People’s Government of Haidian District, Beijing

2. Site Context

National Bureau of Energy

N Governmental Institutions Several governmental institutions at national and municipal level sit in close proximity with Yuyuantan Park. The client, which is the Beijing government, may find this useful and convenient as this would encourage more efficient interbureau engagement and involvement with the project. Opportunity: - The Ghost of the Forbidden City wishes to become the centre of water consumption and regulation through the Yuyuantan Lake. The Beijing Water Authority is the main regulating authority of water in Beijing and is also a key stakeholder in this project. Beijing Water Affairs Bureau’s current proximity with the lake suggests the centrality of the lake. Currently located next to the site, it would be involved in advicing the project and will also be provided a new headquarters in the program. - The Ghost of the Forbidden City wishes to create a state-of-the-art water regulation system in its structure alongside water algocracy. It would be very useful to have the involvement of the neighbouring Ministry of Science and Technology of China. - Relocating the Ministry of Ecology and Environment Bureau into the program would allow the office to work with other involved governmental bureaus to ensure the success of the proposed experimental water lab within the project.

Key: Water Bodies Yuyuantan Park

Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China

National Information Center Beijing Railway Administration National Railway Administration Beijing Water Authority

Government Institution/Area

Fig. 71


Section 1A - Site Analysis

2. Site Context

Beijing and Local Biodiversity As demonstrated in an article by the Beijing Ecological and Environmental Bureau, Beijing is home to an abundance of flora and fauna. There are a variety of plant and tree species in the central city. Also, many birds reportedly travel through Beijing during their migration. Yuyuantan Park has a green coverage of about 95%. As of 2015, there are about 199,500 trees of 125 species. Along with that, the park also recorded a total of 49 species of birds, including 33 species of migratory birds, accounting for 67%, and 16 species of resident birds, accounting for 33%. Constraints: - The constrains and opportunities for Yuyuantan Park’s greeneries will be discussed and analysed in a later section of this document. Overall, the proposed scheme will take steps needed to protect the plants in the park as well as mitigate its environmental effects on site. - The proposed scheme will introduce large infrastructure across half of Yuyuantan Park. This will most likely scare birds away. The proposed scheme needs to take this into consideration in its planning argument.

Fig. 72

Fig. 73

Fig. 75 (Google Maps, 2022)


Fig. 74

Section 1A - Site Analysis

2. Site Context

Height Distribution Building heights can be classified as such: Low-rise - up to 4 storeys Mid-rise - 5 to 10 storeys High-rise - 11 to 40 storeys Skyscraper - over 150m tall Supertall - over 300m tall The proposed project site touches the fabric of the Yuyuantan Park and its surrrounding buildings. Opportunities: - The built landscape on Yuyuantan park and its lake is relatively flat and low with greeneries and several low-rise buildings. It will not be difficult to build above the physical landscape of the park. Constraints: - Other than the Central Radio & TV Tower which reaches 248m high, the immediate surrounding development are made up of largely low-rise to mid-rise with a scatter of high-rise buildings that do not go above 30 storeys (roughly 90m high). This would mean that in order for the project to be visually perceived from afar, the building should rise higher than the surrounding development at the level of a high-rise or skyscraper. - There should be planning regulations regulating building height in Beijing. The project must adhere to these or have to make its case for planning approval.

Aerial view of Yuyuantan Park and surrounding site Fig. 76 (Google Images, 2016)

Eye-level view of the lake from the North East of Yuyuantan Park Fig. 77 (Google Images, 2016)

Eye-level North West view of Zhongdi Bridge with the backdrop of surrounding buildings Fig. 78 (Google Images, 2016)

Eye-level view of the Central Radio & TV Tower which sits at 248m high Fig. 79 (Google Images, 2016)

Eye-level view of the immediate skyline from the Zhongdi Bridge Fig. 80 (Google Images, 2016)


Section 1A - Site Analysis

Classification of Site


Scenic Spots (Classification ranges from 1A to 5A)

Defined by the Scenic and Historic Areas Ordinance (2006) as “areas with ornamental, cultural or scientific value, relatively concentrated natural landscapes and human landscapes, and beautiful environment, where people can visit or conduct scientific and cultural activities” (translated from Chinese)

AAAA-level Scenic Spot Yuyuantan Park is one of Beijing’s major urban parks. It has not been categorised as a conservation, heritage site nor national park but is a national tourist attraction classified as a 4A-level scenic spot. This classification rangs from 1A to 5A and entitles the site to certain privileges and protection, with 5A being highest and includes structures like the Forbidden City. The main structure of the Ghost of the Forbidden City attempts to “float” on site with minimal structures touching the physical fabric of the park. It will also add value to the site’s existing character and planned vision by the state government. Considerations within China’s Regulations: - By adding cultural, ecological and scientific value to the site, the project proposes that it may elevate the site for the application as a national 5A-level scenic spot. - Whilst the large proposed infrastructure is imposing on the site, the functions and goals of the proposed scheme will demonstrate its adherence to the national planning and developmental strategies for the site in later parts of this report. - There are precedents for construction on scenic spots that have been approved in China. This includes the construction of China’s High Speed Rail whereby it will pass through several cultural and natural scenic spots, including Danjiangkou Reservoir Water-source Conservation Areas, Longzhong National Scenic Spot, and Xian Mountain National Forest Park among others.

Planning Constraints

Impact on Project

According to the Scenic and Historic Areas Ordinance (2006), local authorities and public bodies must work to protect and conserve the scenic spots. Any complicated project would be referred to the State Council. Operations such as tomb and monument building on scenic spots are strictly prohibited.

1. The Ghost of the Forbidden City is a large-scale infrastructural masterplan comissioned by the state. The development of the proposed scheme will be carefully discussed and studied by the relevant authorities. Negotiations and disagreements would delay the project.

Approval may be given as:

2. The proposed scheme must go through the examination and approval procedures in accordance to relevant laws and regualtions after being examined and approved by the administrative agency of scenic spots. The final proposed scheme must be submitted to a competent construction department of the state council for approval. This might delay the project.

1. The Ghost of the Forbidden City seeks to mitigate its damage to site. 2. Planning permission has already been granted by the State Council. Department and local authorities must work with the proposed scheme to ensure it is developed according to the national policies and developmental strategies.

3. Proposed scheme must formulate plans for pollution prevention and water and soil conservation. It must also take effective measures to protect its ecology and environment. This might increase cost and time needed.

Longzhong National Scenic Spot (5A-level Scenic Spot) Fig. 81 (China Daily, 2015)


Statutory Authorities

State Council (Relevant state and provincial departments are in charge of protecting and maintaining the scenic spots) Fig. 82


UK Regulation

3. Planning Opportunities and Constraints

UK equivalent for Planning Permission Application:

Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) UK

Site of Special Scientific Interest

Classification of Site


Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)

An SSSI is any area of land which is considered to be of special interest due to their fauna, flora, geological or physiographical features as notified under Part II of the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981).

The proposed scheme will be assumed the classification of SSSI for the purpose of this design report. This brings about planning constraints and opportunities. Constraints: - Because the site is classified under SSSI, it would bring about extra cost, risk and time needed to proceed with the scheme. - Proposed scheme may cause direct habitat loss, decrease in water quality, and damaging site features. Opportunities: - There has been precedents whereby development has went on in SSSIs. These include UK’s HS2 development, a cross-country high speed rail project, which goes through many protected and conservation lands. This shows that this can be done if planning argument is able to provide a case for benefit on local community and ensure environmetal mitigation strategies. - Several methods of mitigating environmental impact have been done by the UK government for the HS2. These can be referenced and emulated in this proposed scheme.

Natural England (A non-departmental public body sponsored by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, also known as DeFRA) Fig. 84

Planning Constraints

Impact on Project


The Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981) aims to protect and conserve nature of the SSSI. Consent to carry out works on the SSSI must be given written approval by Natural England. Any operations that would damage the special features of the site would most likely not be given consent.

1. The Ghost of the Forbidden City is a large-scale infrastructural masterplan comissioned by the state. This would mean that the proposal would be developed with the support of DeFRA who would consult with Natural England. This may still take time .

1. The proposed scheme must be done according to the Development Agreement made between Natural England and DeFRA. This includes mitigation strategies to achieve no net loss in biodiversity.

Approval may be given if: 1. The Ghost of the Forbidden City seeks to mitigate its damage to site. 2. Planning permission has already been granted by Secretary of State of the Environment Department or local authorities (need to have consulted and received consent during planning application) 3. Planning arguments for Ghost of the Forbidden City prove to be highly beneficial for the community.

Mitigation Strategies from HS2’s report on Ecology Fig. 83 (HS2, 2019)

Statutory Authorities

2. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) to be done prior to application for planning permission. An Impact RIsk Zone (IRZ) for SSSI will be done to identify any indirect impacts and this includes assesment with Natural England. These documentations will take time. 3. Delays and disagreement during planning application might raise project cost. 4. Proposed scheme must carry out mitigation strategies on environmental impact. This may increase cost. 5. May face opposition from public due to the endangerment of a scenic site. Hence, consultation and negotiation with public is key. This may delay the planning process, increase cost and affect its buildability.

2. A local advisor from Natural England will be requested to provide planning and management advice. They will ensure that the proposed scheme develops acoording to the Development Agreement. 3. To reduce risk, cost and time delay for clients, experienced and well-equipped design and construction team must be chosen. This will be explored in the procurement section of this report. 4. The design of the proposed scheme aims to be self-sustainable in the energy and water it uses to help mitigate its environmental impact. This will be presented in later sections of this report. 5. The proposed scheme introduces programs that will raise awarenesss on water scarcity as well as increase appreciation for water resources through creating a micro-climate that will benefit the local community. There are several planning arguments that would help justify the infrastructure and will be explored in later sections of this report. These would also be helpful in negotiating and persuading during public consultations.



Section 1A - Site Analysis

3. Planning Opportunities and Constraints

Biodiversity - Trees & Birds Yuyuantan Park has a green coverage of about 95%. As of 2015, there are about 199,500 trees of 125 species. This includes 69 species of trees and 56 species of shrubs. Most prominently is the selection of cherry blossom trees. There are nearly 20 cherry blossoms in the park. The first cherry blossom trees were gifted by Japan as a symbol of friendship. There are also a huge variety of birds that have been found in the park. Biodiversity is a key aspect of the site and is protected by its classification as AAAA-level scenic spot. It is also protected by regulations on urban tree felling which requires prior approval by the Beijing’s Municipal Forestry and Parks Bureau (which also manages the site).

Response: - The proposed scheme is designed to minimise felling of trees and ground excavation throughout the entire infrastructure. ‘Floating’ a structure above the site would need technological efficiency and innovative design and hence, would increase cost of construction and may increase time needed. - The proposed scheme creates a new moist microclimate within it and thus could increase and enhance biodiversity on site. This is in line with the policies laid out by the State Council and will be explored in later sections of this document’s planning argument. - Consultations and advise from arboriculturalist and ecologist needed to ensure protection and mitigation of the effects of the construction on site. 28

Fig. 85

Fig. 86 Images of Yuyuantan Park Fig. 85 - 89 (Google Images, Unknown)

Fig. 87

Fig. 88

Fig. 89

UK Regulation

Constraints: - In keeping with ecological protection measures, the proposed scheme must apply for approval for tree felling. This might cause delay during authority consultations. - As reported by Beijing Forestry Department, Beijing is reported to have trees as old as the city and can be found in historical blocks and ancient gardens. These are unofficially protected and hence, a survey and consultation needs to be done to identify them. These will be assumed to be in UK’s Tree Protection Order (TPO) in this document. - The proposed scheme may scare birds away.

UK equivalent for Planning Permission Application:

Tree Protection Order (TPO) & Site of Special Scientific Significance (SSSI) UK

Section 1A - Site Analysis

3. Planning Opportunities and Constraints

Water Governance in Beijing

Building In and On Water Building in and on top of water resources like Yuyuantan Lake and Bayi Lake would require the consultation and approval of many different departments in a government. As the proposed scheme is a water service infrastructure which combines the function of a water tank and water barometer, the water authorities would take the lead. Although this becomes a planning issue and will be tackled later in this document, construction in the Yuyuantan Lake has previously occured for an underground subway line and thus, ensures that authorities have precedent for the proposed scheme albeit of varying scale.

The Building on Water, built by Alvaro Siza and Carlos Castanheira, is similar to the scheme as it is constructed on an artificial lake and reservoir in China. Fig. 90 (Dijk, M. and Liang, X., 2012)

Water Governance Structure in Beijing (only 4 departments involved) - To note: SEPA stands for State Environmental Protection Agency Fig. 92 (Dijk, M. and Liang, X., 2012)

Water Governance in UK Planning Constraints

Impact on Project


Should the proposed scheme be done in the UK, the Water Act (2014) gives the Environment Agency under the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and the Water Services Regulation Authority (Ofwat) authority over the management of water bodies.

1. Carry out assesments and planning reports such as Water Cycle Study and Water Resource Management Plan (WRMP) to ensure the feasability of the proposed scheme and gain approval from DEFRA and Ofwat. These will take time.

1. It is important to have the involvement and support of all relevant governing authorities. It is therefore important to work together with authorities to increase efficiency and decrease lead time in gaining approval and support from relevant authorities.

If a water body supplies drinking or bathing water, the European legislation of Drinking Water Directive or Bathing Water Directive regulates and ensures the quality of water. Erection of any temporary or permanent structure in, over or under a main river, such as a culvert, outfall, weir, dam, pipe crossing, erosion protection, scaffolding or bridge will need to apply for environmental permit under DEFRA.

The Blur Building is the closest structural precedent in terms of its mist function, lightweight structure and low footprint on the lake/sea bed. Fig. 91 (Dijk, M. and Liang, X., 2012)

Reformed and Centralised Responsibilities under the Beijing Water Authority (BWA) Fig. 93 (Dijk, M. and Liang, X., 2012)

As the proposed scheme is a large infrastructural masterplan on a lake with reservoir and flood diversion functions, these and many other governing bodies will have to be involved in the development of the proposed scheme.

2. The proposed scheme must go through examination and approval procedures in accordance to national and city laws and regulations after being examined and approved by DEFRA and Ofwat. This will have a long lead time and cause delay to the scheme. Consultations will add to cost. 3. Proposed scheme will require certain management and design considerations in order to prevent water resource damage or pollution, and maintain its capacity as a flood diversion lake.and reservoir to be feasible. 4. Consultations, risk assesments and management is required at the beginning, during and post construction phases to ensure its long-term success and feasability. This will increase time and cost but help manage risks in the long-term.

2. To reduce risk, cost and time delay for clients, experienced and well-equipped design and construction team must be chosen. This will be explored in the procurement section of this report. 3. It is important for the proposed scheme to ensure that it has a small footprint on the lake bed to minimize the change in capacity of the lake. 4. There exists precedents of built structure on water that can be referred to. This would increase buildability of the scheme. 5. The planning argument for constructing over water will be explained further in later sections of this document. 6. The proposed scheme introduces programs and systems that adds water capacity to the lake and enhances its flood water diversion. It will also become an experimental lab for water innovation studies undertaken by the government. These would be helpful in negotiating and persuading the public during consultations.



Section 1A - Site Analysis

3. Planning Opportunities and Constraints CITIC Tower 528 meters

Limitation of Building Height Beijing is a densely populated city that boasts a skyline of towering skyscrapers, mostly clustered in various sections of the capital. It has a few regulations for building height.

OMA CCTV Tower 234 meters

Opportunities: - Other than the 248m Central Radio and Television Tower, the immediate surroundings of the site appear to be largely low to medium rise with only a scatter of high-rise buildings. This would allow for the structure to rise above the city to better capture visual prominence and cultural relevance in the area. - The site sits in the area between the second and third ring road. Though it is relatively close to the Forbidden City, it is not subjected to the height restrictions imposed around the ancient site. Constraints: - Recent guidelines announced in an October 2021 joint statement from China’s Ministry of Housing and UrbanRural development and the Ministry of Emergency Management placed height limitations on skyscrapers. Within Beijing, skyscrapers should not be over 250m. - To build skyscrapers, regulations require they must first pass strict inspections from the fire-fighting, earthquake and energy-saving authorities. Specialist consultants and engineers should be involved in refining the proposal.

Response: - The Ghost of the Forbidden City embraces being visible from afar. The proposal suggests that its roof, which is the main horizontal suface, sits at 120 m above Yuyuantan Lake. Its pillars will rise to 180m to be able to gain better visibility amongst Beijing’s central city. Forbidden City’s height limitation and the new regulations by the state will not affect the project in gaining planning permission. 30

People’s Daily New Headquarters 180 meters

Phoenix Centre 55 meters

Tree foliage in urban parks 10-20 meters

Beijing’s skyline in the cluster of high-rise and skyscrapers of the eastern Central Business District (CBD). Fig. 94 (Google Images, 2016)


Beijing’s 25 Official Cultural Relic Areas Fig. 95 (Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, 2016)


Diagram of Urban Height Limitation around the Forbidden City Fig. 96 (Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, 2016)

Yuyuantan Park CBD

Section 1A - Site Analysis

Easements - Right to Light

Easements - Right to Light UK

Water Harvesting Forest Tra n s p a re n t / Tra n s l u c e n t Material (solar panels)


ht ig nl

ig nl




Constraints: - A right to light consultant and ecologist consultant will need to be consulted prior to the the planning application. This will add cost for the client. - During construction, the structure may be boarded up and block sunlight. However, this will only be temporary.

Tra n s p a re n t / Tra n s l u c e n t material (solar panels)


Opportunities: - The proposed scheme is designed to be like a cloud that allows natural light through its body. Its material transparency and translucency is key in allowing sufficient sunlight to penetrate through to the underlying vegetation and existing development.


Translucent Netting (Water Condensation Fabric)


Right to light is a planning right that ensures a land’s right to natural light. The proposed scheme is comparable to a large table that is placed on Yuyuantan Park and its surroundings.

section cut

UK equivalent for Planning Permission Application:

UK Regulation

3. Planning Opportunities and Constraints

N Project Site Existing Development

Diagrammatic plan of project on site

Sectional Diagram of Proposed Scheme



Section 1A - Site Analysis

4. Physical Opportunities and Constraints

Sunpath & Shadow Analysis Due to the site being a park and a lake, most of the site is largely populated with landscaping and trees. Existing low to medium rise buildings skirt the boundaries of the park. Opportunities: - Building a high-rising structure within a relatively low to medium height landscape allows for the new structure to receive all the light it needs and not be overshadowed.

Summer Solstice - sunrise

Summer Solstice - noon

Summer Solstice - sunset

Winter Solstice - sunrise

Winter Solstice - noon

Winter Solstice - sunset

Constraints: - To take into account plants and trees’ need for light when constructing on the park. - To ensure right of light if constructing over existing buildings such as those that sit outside the park’s boundaries. - If structure is of expansive and towering scale, to expand consideration for right of light at a widened area of the city.

N Project Site

Summer Solstice


Winter Solstice

Sunpath Diagram on Site


Section 1A - Site Analysis

4. Physical Opportunities and Constraints


Wind Analysis The site receives most of its strong prevailing winds from the NW. This is also the direction from which polluting sand storms from the close-by Gobi Desert gets blown into the capital. Heavy sandstorms are a regular occurance in Beijing, especially in the months of March and April. Beijing can be rather windy with winds speeds of ‘Moderate Breeze’ (>12mph) to ‘Moderate Gale’ (>31 mph) about one quarter of the year. Strongest winds hit ‘Moderate Gale’.

Project Site

Opportunities: - Beijing’s sandstorms are a huge pollutant in the city. This could become an opportunity for the structure to create a protected microclimate within the site. Constraints: - Strongest winds hit ‘Moderate Gale’ levels. This might call for stronger structural support although not in excess as to support ‘Gale’ levels. - Prevailing winds need to be factored into heavier consideration with the construction and stability of towering structures such as skyscrapers and water towers.

Wind Rose Diagram - Hours of wind speed per year (h/yr) in direction Beijing’s Climate - 30 years average Fig. 98 (Meteoblue, 2022)

Beaufort Scale Fig. 97 (IKO, 2022)

Wind Speed Chart - Days of wind speed per month (days/month) Beijing’s Climate - 30 years average Fig. 99 (Meteoblue, 2022)


Section 1A - Site Analysis

4. Physical Opportunities and Constraints

Soil and Topography Yuyuantan Park sits comfortably on Beijing’s Alluvium Plain. Alluvium is loose clay, silt, sand, or gravel that has been deposited in a setting with running water. According to a research article on Beijing’s soil make-up, Yuyuantan Park sits in the urban area which is surrounded by loam. This suggests that the urban area could have been built on loam as well. Loam, which can be classified under alluvium, is a fertile soil as it retains nutrients well and retains water while still allowing excess water to drain away Opportunities: - Yuyuantan Park’s fertile loam soil should support the project’s creation of a new micro-climate with an experimental experimental water lab. - Loam soil is suitable and ideal for building on. However, a site surveyor and landscape consultant will be consulted to ensure that the site is able to support the scheme. Constraints: - Whilst information exists on the general soil make-up of the site, the project should commission for a survey to be done on the soil of Yuyuantan Park and Lake before proceeding further into any construction. - According to pictures of the site, the topography of the park is rather flat with controlled and intentional landscaping. Howeverm this needs to be confirmed with a commission survey of the Yuyuantan Park. - Commissioned survey on the lake’s depth to attain an accurate picture of the construction requirements. - Overall, several surveys needs to be done and specialist consultants to advice on how the project should proceed through the plan of work. Erosion control specialists will also be consulted.

Topographic Map of Beijing Plain hugged by hills Fig. 100 (Zhou, Y. et al., 2012)

Map of Geomorphological Landscape Types Fig. 102 (Liu, H. et al., 2020)


Yuyuantan Park

Map of General Ground Make-up in Beijing Fig. 101 (Wang, B. et al., 2014)


Loam is a fertile soil made up of a mixture of clay, sand and silt. Fig. 103 (Liu, H. et al., 2020)

Yuyuantan Park

Section 1A - Site Analysis

4. Physical Opportunities and Constraints

Seismic Risks Beijing sits in a zone of high seismic activity. Existing studies predict that this zone is at risk of intensity 7 or greater earthquake in the next 100 years.

CITIC Tower 528 meters

Constraints: - The proposed scheme needs to be built in accordance to the seismic design code. A seismic consultant as well as the procurement of technologically advanced materials would increase costs and time. Opportunities: - Many seismic design innovations exist today to allow for structures such as Beijing’s 528m tall CITIC Tower. This suggests that the proposed scheme (standing at less than 180m) is buildable.

OMA CCTV Tower 234 meters

CITIC Tower towering over the Beijing skyline at 528m tall Fig. 105 (CNN, 2019)

Seismic Inforgraphics found on China’s Government Website Fig. 104 (State Council Information Office, 2017)


Section 1A - Site Analysis

4. Physical Opportunities and Constraints

Access to Site and Internal Circulation


Yuyuantan Park has 5 entrances with its main entrance and ticketing office in the South. The main connection between the northern and southern side of the park is the Zhongdi Bridge. The park is accessible by foot, bus, subway and car. Existing buildings around the park are sat within a grid of main roads. Opportunities: - Main entrance to Yuyuantan Park is aligned with the grand vista of the Beijing World Art Gallery. It would be useful to emphasize on this axis when designing for monumentality. - Along with Beijing’s established bus system, the park has several parking facilities and is located close to several subway stations. Buildings in the area are sat within a grid of main roads. The site’s connectivity is good and sufficient. Constraints: - Should the project extend beyond the boundaries of Yuyuantan Park, circulation needs to be altered and considered accordingly. - To take into consideration construction above a subway line that sits under a water body. Transport Ministry will need to be consulted and also to readjust transport schedules throughout the duration of the construction of the project.

North Entrance

West Entrance 2

Zhongdi Bridge

Diaoyutai State Guesthouse

West Entrance 1

Main Entrance

East Entrance

Beijing World Art Gallery

Project Site

Yuyuantan and Bayi Lake

Project on site


State Guesthouse Area

Main Path & Circulation

Yuyuantan Park


Entrance to Yuyuantan Park

Subway Line

Main roads


Subway Station

Road Access

Existing Buildings



Yuyuantan Park Boundary

Section 1A - Site Analysis

Subway Line

4. Physical Opportunities and Constraints

Existing Subway Line



Project Site

Around 400m of Beijing’s Subway Line 9 runs underground through the Yuyuantan Lake. The tunnel sits about 16 to 17 metres below the ground of the lake.

Plan of project on site with subway line through the lake

Fig 40: Plan of Water Harvesting Pillars to be built on top of existing subway line in Beijing.

Fig 40: Plan of a pillar’s placement on site, on top of subway line





Exclusionary Zone



Opportunities: - The proposed scheme is designed to have minimal contact with the fabric of the park. This minimizes the number of contact points the scheme has with the tunnel. - There exists many precedents that shows that this construction is feasible. - The scheme’s foundations can be designed to stay outside the parameters of the Exclusionary Zone (as laid out by UK’s London Underground),

Subway Line


Constraints: - The proposed scheme sits on top of an underground subway tunnel. To receive planning permission, the relevant authorities in charge of the tunnel needs to be consulted with a feasible construction plan that is in accordance to their guidelines. To do so, engineers with an expertise in constructions like these and the tunnel authorities will need to be consulted. This will increase risk, cost and time needed for the proposed scheme.




UK Organisation

London Underground Tunnel

UK equivalent for Various Organisational Bodies:

Guidelines from London Underground

Fig 40: Long section of subway line with possible piling method on site



Fig 40: Section of possible piling method on site

<- Fig 40: Underground Subway Tunnel Exclusionary Zone According to London Underground Guidelines


Section 1A - Site Analysis

4. Physical Opportunities and Constraints

Existing Development


Yuyuantan Park sits amongst urban development in central Beijing. The proposed scheme will extend onto existing development of residential, commercial and institutional buildings. Constraints: - The client will have to negotiate with residents and owners of properties affected by the proposed scheme in order for relocation and purchasing of lands. This will incur a huge cost and also delay the project. - Buildings within the site may have to be demolished. Demolition consultants and experts will need to be contracted. This will introduce more cost to scheme.

Project Site

Opportunities: - Buildings immediately within the boundaries of the proposed scheme are not classified as heritage. - The relocation process for state-funded projects is common in China. In comparison, this is done on a far smaller scale. - With countless of cities and residents relocated for the South North Water Transfer Project, this act of relocation signifies a confrontation with a water reality that its citizens might have taken for granted. This is part of the narrative of the proposed scheme.

Boundaries of proposed scheme extends onto existing development north of Yuyuantan Lake

Yuyuantan and Bayi Lake Existing Development Project Site


Section 1A - Site Analysis

4. Physical Opportunities and Constraints

Construction Near Hospital


3 1

The proposed scheme is directly located on a hospital. During the construction of the infrastructure, the hospital will be temporarily relocated. Constraints: - The client will have to negotiate with the hospital in order for relocation and compensation. This will incur cost and could also delay the project. - For the hospital to return to site, the site has to be completely clean and safe for human inhabitaion postconstruction of the scheme. Opportunities: - Once the proposed scheme is completed, the hospital will return to their original building on site. - The proposed scheme encloses the outdoor space and is able to shield its interior from Beijing’s sandstorms. The sandstorms, also known as yellow dust, is an air pollutant and health hazard. This allows for patients in the hospital to be shielded from the pollutant. - The proposed scheme will release mist to cloud into its interior as more water is used in the city. The increased humidity within the proposed scheme might help provide a more soothing and relaxed space for patients to heal.

View of Yuyuantan Lake’s Zhongdi Bridge in good weather Fig. 109 (Google Images, Unknown)

Project Site

View 1: View of building and neighbouring hospital from the corner Fig. 106 (Baidu Map, 2022)

Project on site Yuyuantan and Bayi Lake


Navy General Hospital View Point Fig. 107

Fig. 108

View 2 & 3: Elevations of the building and large neighbouring hospital Fig. 107 - 108 (Baidu Map, 2022)

View of Yuyuantan Lake’s Zhongdi Bridge blurred in the yellow dust Fig. 110 (Google Images, Unknown)

Sketch of proposed scheme as a clean-air-zone within the yellow storm Fig. 111 (own, 2022)


Section 1A - Site Analysis

Conclusion on Site: Impact of Analysis on Site

Conclusion on Site: Impact of Analysis on Site Here is the summary of the site analysis, highlighting the main opportunities and constraints on site.

Located on City’s Axis and

1 connected to Forbidden City The site is located on the key horizontal axis of Central Beijing’s Chang’an Avenue. This area is important to Beijing’s branding as a city, and consequently, the capital city represents China. Any major development done on site has to be representative and put China in good light in the international community.

4 Seasonal Climate Beijing is a dry and arid city in the winter, hot and humid in the summer. It receives low levels of average rainfall, with most concentrated in the summer. Precipitation has also decrease through the years. For the scheme to be feasible and representative of the goverment’s view on environmental sustainability and water conservation, it must ideally be able to self-sustain its programmatic usage of water and energy.

7 Strong winds Beijing is a windy city. Tall structures such as those proposed in the scheme will need to go through scrutinisation in its ability to withstand the wind loads before gaining approval. However, many existing towers in Beijing demonstrates that buildability is possible. However, experienced engineers will need to be involved.


2 Located on protected site Yuyuantan Park is a classified tourist site with a grade of 4A. A comparable UK classification is SSSI. It will be difficult to get approval to build a major development on sites like these. To challenge this, the scheme must make a case for its public benefit in the planning application. However, if it receives governmental support, it might be more possible to receive approval.

Existing Underground

5 Subway Line below Lake The scheme will be placed on the East lake of Yuyuantan Park where an underground subway line sits 16-17m below the lake bed. The scheme must receive approval from the government’s transportation department (or company) and build outside the exclusionary zones.

8 Seismic risks Beijing is prone to seismic activities. Tall structures such as those proposed by the schem will need to go through intense scrutiny in its buildability and feasability before gaining approval. Experienced engineers will be needed to develop the scheme to increase chances of getting planning approval.

Located on important channel

3 of urban water supply

Yuyuantan Lake functions as a pumping heart of Beijing’s water supply. The lake also acts as a reservoir and flood diversion area. It will be important to explore in planning permission how the scheme benefits and protects the lake. The scheme will act as a floating water reservoir and provide more capacity for flood water storing capacity. The proposal must respect the need to maintain the clean waters of the lake.

6 Existing development on site The site is currently surrounded by urban development of a mix of residential, commercial and institutional buildings. The scheme will impose itself on several affected developments north of the park. Planning applications must consider this as this can become a planning issue and affect costs. Public might protest and cause for multiple re-applications.

Building Height Distribution

9 mostly low - medium

The site is currently surrounded by urban development of a mostly low to mediumrise buildings with a scatter of high-rises. To achieve maximum visibility of the scheme from the city, the scheme’s tall and expansive structure will affect the site’s view and skyline. It will be difficult to receive planning approval and might gain public protests.





2 3 5

3 2 3





9 1

Key: Water Bodies

Government Institution/Area

Yuyuantan Park


Park or Garden


Public Building

Commercial/Residential/ Other Buildings

State-related Organisations

Main Roads

Subway Stations

Bridge/Hydroengineering Structure


Section 1B Professional Strategy


Section 1B - Professional Strategy

5. Planning Permissions and Arguments Equivalent or Similar

Planning Permission: Introduction to Hierachies For the purpose of this section of the document: 1. The proposed scheme will discuss its planning viability and feasibility in accordance to Chinese planning policies. UK policies will be used to replace missing information. Pages will be marked to show if UK or Chinese policies are used. A concluding estimation of project’s potential success or failure according to relevant national and regional planning guidelines and framework will be fed into the the planning application process.

Original Location in Beijing, China

If Located in London, United Kingdom

Owned by the city

Site Owner

Owned by the city

Yuyuantan Park Management Office (Under Beijing’s Municipal Forestry and Parks Bureau)

Site Management

Natural England (Government’s advisor for the natural environment and is under DEFRA)

Ministry of Water Resources, MWR (A department of China’s State Council)

Main Client (State’s Governmental Department in charge of Water Resources)

Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, DEFRA (A department of the government of the United Kingdom)

Planning Policy 2. The proposed scheme will go through UK planning application process with comparable or equivalent UK client, stakeholders, and other involved and interested parties. 3. The proposed scheme will go through UK procurement processes. Comparable or equivalent UK client, stakeholders, and other involved and interested parties will be used. The alternation between Chinese and UK policies and information will be highlighted and pointed out in all following pages using the key symbols shown.

National Government State Council of China

14th Five-Year Plan (FYP) (2020-2025) National Land Planning Outline (2016-2035)

National Planning Policy Framework(NPPF) (Revised July 2021)

National Government UK’s Parliament

Regional Plans Beijing

Beijing Urban Master Plan (2016-2035)

The London Plan 2021 (TLP)

Regional Plans Greater London

Local Plans Subdistrict

Haidian Urban Master Plan (2017-2035)

Unitary Development Plan (UDP) eg: Westminster City Plan (2019-2040)

Local Plans Borough

and other supplementary documents

and other supplementary documents

Development Plan






Section 1B - Professional Strategy

14th Five-Year Plan (FYP) (2020-2025) National Land Planning Outline (2016-2035)

5. Planning Permissions and Arguments

Beijing Urban Master Plan (2016-2035) Haidian Urban Master Plan (2017-2035) Replacement UK Policies

Planning Argument Design & Environment & Cultural Policy

Design & Environment & Social Response

Section 1 Build a functional core area of ​​t he capital with an excellent government environment, cultural charm and first-class living environment Article 18 Functional positioning and development goals - The core area is the core bearing area of the ​​ national political center, cultural center and international exchange center, a key area for the protection of historical and cultural cities, and an important window area for displaying the image of the national capital. Article 20 Optimize spatial layout and promote functional reorganization - Highlight the political and cultural functions of the two axes, strengthen the overall protection of the old city, create a cultural landscape loop along the Second Ring Road, promote the optimized development of many areas outside the Second Ring Road, reshape the unique and magnificent spatial order of the capital, and reproduce the urban planning of the ancient capitals of the world A masterpiece of construction. 1. Inherit and develop the traditional two-axis pattern formed by the central axis of the city and Chang’an Avenue, optimize and improve the functions of the political center and cultural center, and show the image of the capital of a big country and the charm of Chinese culture. 2. Promote the overall protection and revival of the old city, and build a representative area carrying the excellent traditional Chinese culture

The Beijing Urban Master Plan (2016-2035) is the regional development framework of the site. This section of the document highlights the importance of the role of the capital city as a stage to the world , and that it should represent the image of the capital of a big country and the charm of Chinese culture. The proposed scheme wishes to further the plan of this document by developing the traditional two-axis pattern that intersect at the Forbidden City. Chang’an Avenue, where the site of the scheme sits on, will be developed into an iconic landmark representing Beijing and China’s commitment towards the environment and water resources. The proposed scheme, Ghost of the Forbidden City, plays many roles in its dialogue with water, but overall, it is a new and unique cultural monument bringing water to the forefront of Chinese culture and history. The site is also not tied to the requirements of being in the old city, therefore, it can be argued that the scheme is free to explore more contemporary ideas and design.

Chapter 7 Strengthening the leadership of urban design and shaping the urban style with the integration of humanities, ecology and technology - Article 90 Delineation of eight types of characteristic style zones Emphasizing the coordination and unity of the urban landscape and the natural ecological background, the three mountains and five gardens are designated as the historical and cultural landscape area, the West Chang’an Street government affairs and cultural landscape area, the central city area innovation core area, the central city area innovation and expansion area, and the northern innovation area. There are eight characteristic style zones, including the ecological style area, the ecological livable style area near the mountain, the northern waterfront background style area, and the northern shallow mountain background style area.


The Haidian Urban Master Plan (2017-2035) adds further detials to the development of West Chang’an Avenue where the site sits. It expands on the urban design and urban style integration of its main programmatic areas. The proposed scheme ticks both typology of goverment affairs and cultural landscape area. It further integrates these themes with the main 2035 development ambitions of China in its push for water innovation, research and technology.



Chapter 5 Section 5 Strengthen the protection and restoration of water ecology and build a sponge city Article 73 Implement the most stringent water resource management system - Implement total water consumption control in the whole region. In accordance with the principle of “negative growth of agricultural water use, zero growth of industrial water use, controlled growth of domestic water use, and moderate growth of ecological water use”, optimize the structure of water use, and implement water to determine city, water to land, water to determine people, and water to determine production. - Actively promote the preliminary work of the eastern route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project to Beijing. In accordance with the principles of combining external water transfer with local water, and combining conventional water with emergency water, a multi-source security pattern will be constructed to improve the security of water resources. Promote the construction of a watersaving society in an all-round way, strengthen the standardized, standardized and refined management of water and water conservation, and give priority to the use of recycled water, rain and flood water for ecological environment and municipal miscellaneous purposes. By 2035, water consumption per unit of GDP will be reduced by more than 40%.

In recognition of China’s need to tackle water scarcity, the proposed scheme aims to focus on Beijing’s lack of collective urgency for water conservation with a layer of multiperspective approaches. The proposed scheme is designed to represent the relationship between Beijing and water - in its past (museum for the conquest of water), its future (a leading government sponsored water science and technology lab) and its present (a new city-wide pilot water management system in which the scheme houses the control center that regulates everday water usage in Central Beijing). With this, the scheme both encourages water conservation and punishes unchecked water usage. As a domino effect, the scheme hopes that water regulations may spur more Beijing residents to install water harvesting systems in their homes, pushing Beijing towards its goal to be a sponge city. With this, the scheme also works towards helping Beijing reach its goal of reducing water consumption per unit of GDP as set out in Article 73.

Chapter 1 Section 2 Development Goals Fully implement Beijing’s requirement of “building a world-class harmonious and livable city”, and build Haidian into a world-leading scientific and technological innovation vitality city with integrated development of humanities, ecology and science and technology, a desirable city of science and wisdom, and a city led by innovation , a city of human vitality, a city of beautiful ecology, and a city of harmony and livability. - Article 10 Development Goals 2035 It will initially build into a world-leading scientific and technological innovation city, promote the construction of a moderately prosperous society with high standards, become a city of scientific wisdom, a city led by innovation, a city of human vitality, a city with beautiful ecology, and a city that is harmonious and livable, with important development indicators reaching international standards. First class. - Article 11 2050 Development Goals It will be fully built into a world-leading scientific and technological innovation city, a desirable city of science and wisdom, a city led by innovation, a city of humanistic vitality, a city with beautiful ecology, and a city that is harmonious and livable. All development indicators have reached the world-class level. .

In recognition of the climate emergency and the environmental issues in China and the world, the proposed scheme aims to support the country in its Development Goals 2035 and 2050. The scheme embraces Haidian’s visions of becoming a world-leading scientific and technologically innovative city, alongside integration of ecology, technology and humanities. Through encouraging innovations and research of water science and technology, the scheme will be able share its findings and innovations to aid citizens of China and the world. It could help China reach its goal of having its development indicators to reach world-class level. In its construction, the scheme has to ensure that it supports China’s aim to reach peak carbon emission in 2030 and promises made in the 2060 Paris Climate Agreement. Through adhereing to green principles when designing a circular system which harvests, recycles and resue water as well as generates renewable solar energy from its designed structure, the project will attempt to provide a sustainable infrastructure in a major development such as the scheme. Multiple studies and research will have to be made to ensure that this system is sustainable and feasible once built.


Section 1B - Professional Strategy

14th Five-Year Plan (FYP) (2020-2025) National Land Planning Outline (2016-2035)

5. Planning Permissions and Arguments

Beijing Urban Master Plan (2016-2035) Haidian Urban Master Plan (2017-2035) Replacement UK Policies

Planning Argument Design & Environment Policy

Design & Economic Response

Chapter 3 Focuses on Zhongguancun Science City and builds a model of high-quality development - Article 31 Strengthen the layout of basic frontier research Relying on and supporting colleges and universities, scientific research institutes and leading enterprises in the district, promote the construction of major innovation carriers such as national laboratories, focus on major national science and technology projects and tasks, continue to strengthen basic theoretical exploration, and continuously strengthen strategic reserves for innovation and development. A science city with top intellectual originality. -Article 32 Grasp key and core technological breakthroughs Vigorously develop key technologies in the fields of information, biology and new materials. Strengthen the layout of innovation in frontier fields such as artificial intelligence, quantum science, and synthetic biotechnology. Promote strategic high-tech research in deep sea, deep earth, deep space and other fields. Highlight the forward-looking layout of underlying technologies and strengthen technological and industrial dominance. - Article 33 Development of new R&D institutions Relying on top scientists, advantageous enterprises and marketoriented mechanisms, cross-subject and cross-field integration of innovative resources such as talent teams, and focus on key areas of scientific and technological innovation, promote the construction of a number of new R&D institutions, technological innovation centers, and industrial innovation centers to further strengthen strategic scientific and technological strength .

There is an existing plan to create a new center for science and technology innovation named Zhongguancun Science City in Haidian District. This city is located further up north from Yuyuantan Park. Whilst the park may not be located in this planned area, it encompasses all three scopes laid out in the Haidian Urban Master Plan: strengthen the layout of basic frontier research, grasp key and core technological breakthroughs and development of new R&D institutions. Thus, opponents of the scheme might argue that government funds allocated for development of technology and science in Haidian is competed for by both schemes. However, the purpose and design of the Ghost of the Forbiden City as well as the uniqueness and relevance of the site as pointed out in previous sections of this document can be used to argue for planning approval. Yuyuantan Lake is the pumping heart of central Beijing and is located on the same main axis as the heart of Chinese culture and history, the Forbidden City. The scheme will also need to be visible by as much of the city as possible. These reasons are why the scheme can only be viable on Yuyuantan Park and not in Zhongguancun Science City and should be approved.



Chapter 4 Strategic Vision for Building Strength in Science and Technology I. More rational allocation of scientific and technological resources - We will promote an optimal combination of innovation systems oriented towards the strategic needs of the country and work faster to enhance our strategic scientific and technological capability based on the development of national laboratories. Focusing on quantum information, photonics, micro and nanoelectronics, network communications, artificial intelligence, biomedicine, modern energy systems, and other major innovation areas, we will establish a group of national laboratories and reorganize national key laboratories, thus establishing a laboratory system with a rational structure and efficient operation. We will optimize and upgrade national engineering research centers and national technology innovation centers among other innovation bases, promote the optimal allocation of research resources and sharing of resources among research institutes, higher-education institutions, and enterprises, and support the development of new forms of innovators such as research universities and R&D institutions. We will promote the diversification of investors, the modernization of management systems, market-based operation mechanisms, and flexible employment mechanisms.

The proposed scheme wishes to accelerate research and innovation of water science and technology as well as respond immediately to water conservation through regulating daily water usage of Central Beijing. Under the 14th Five-Year Plan (2020-2025), the State Council of China has set out a list of programs in the science and technological sector that it wishes to create and upgrade. The vision of the proposed scheme in its ambitions for water research and innovation is exactly as set out in this section of the national document. The proposed scheme also wishes to accelerate research and innovation of water science and technology as well as respond immediately to water conservation through regulating daily water usage of Central Beijing. Successful innovations will benefit the local community, the country and potentially bring in revenue through technology trades to other countries. Therefore, this increases funding opportunities and increases the likelihood of receiving planning approval by the State Council. If approved by the State Council, the scheme will not need local approval.

Chapter 11 Modern Infrastructure IV. Construction of water conservancy infrastructure - Based on the overall and spatially balanced allocation of water resources in the drainage basins, we will strengthen the coordination between administrative divisions in river system management and protection and key project construction, and strengthen the coordination of small, medium, and large water conservancy facilities to enhance the optimal allocation of water resources as well as flood and drought disaster prevention capabilities. By prioritizing water conservation, we will improve the water resources allocation system, build key water resource allocation projects, and strengthen the development of key water sources and urban emergency backup water projects. We will implement flood control improvement projects to solve weak links, accelerate the construction of pivotal flood control projects, enhance the management of small and medium rivers, reinforce dilapidated reservoirs, and fully advance the construction of dikes and flood storage and detention basins. We will strengthen the protection and restoration of water conservation areas and the protection and comprehensive management of key rivers and lakes and restore the water ecosystem to ensure clear waters and green shores.

The 14th Five-Year Plan sets water conservancy infrastructure as a priority. At its core, the Ghost of the Forbidden City is a government sponsored infrstructural-hydroengineering project that looks to pilot a new way of managing water systems in China and raise awareness for water conservation in the city of Beijing. The proposed scheme’s goals and ambitions are aligned with those laid out here and thus, increases the chances for planning approval.



Section 1B - Professional Strategy

14th Five-Year Plan (FYP) (2020-2025) National Land Planning Outline (2016-2035)

5. Planning Permissions and Arguments

Beijing Urban Master Plan (2016-2035) Haidian Urban Master Plan (2017-2035) Replacement UK Policies

Planning Argument Environment Policy Westminster City Plan : Policy 34 Green Infrastructure 34.3 / All developments have opportunities to contribute to the further greening of the city. The type and scale of measures that will be suitable will depend on the specific type, scale and context of the development. Examples of greening measures include green roofs and walls, rain gardens, planting, grassland, vegetated sustainable drainage systems and trees. Applicants should ensure appropriate management and maintenance arrangements for relevant green spaces and features are in place for the lifetime of the development. 34.11 / Development should aim to create net gains in biodiversity, leaving the natural environment in a better state than before. There are a growing number of tools and good practice guides available which can help developments achieve measurable biodiversity net gain. 34.12 / Developments impacting on biodiversity should follow the Mayor of London’s mitigation hierarchy of avoid, minimise and compensate. The emerging Green Infrastructure Strategy and a supplementary planning document will set out additional information on how biodiversity can be protected and enhanced, including for priority habitats and species.

NPPF Policy 180 180. When determining planning applications, local planning authorities should apply the following principles: a) if significant harm to biodiversity resulting from a development cannot be avoided (through locating on an alternative site with less harmful impacts), adequately mitigated, or, as a last resort, compensated for, then planning permission should be refused; b) development on land within or outside a Site of Special Scientific Interest, and which is likely to have an adverse effect on it (either individually or in combination with other developments), should not normally be permitted. The only exception is where the benefits of the development in the location proposed clearly outweigh both its likely impact on the features of the site that make it of special scientific interest, and any broader impacts on the national network of Sites of Special Scientific Interest; c) development resulting in the loss or deterioration of irreplaceable habitats (such as ancient woodland and ancient or veteran trees) should be refused, unless there are wholly exceptional reasons63 and a suitable compensation strategy exists; and d) development whose primary objective is to conserve or enhance biodiversity should be supported; while opportunities to improve biodiversity in and around developments should be integrated as part of their design, especially where this can secure measurable net gains for biodiversity or enhance public access to nature where this is appropriate.


Environment & Social Response



Westminster City Plan: Policy 31 Waterways and Waterbodies C. Development that builds into or over waterways will only be acceptable if it is a water-related or water dependant use at appropriate locations. Transport related structures, projects of strategic importance to London, or major water related infrastructure will be supported only where an overriding strategic case for such development can be demonstrated.

WATER-COMPATIBLE DEVELOPMENT • Flood control infrastructure. • Water transmission infrastructure and pumping stations.

31.3 / Waterways and waterbodies are also important for providing habitat and wildlife corridors, providing for recreational activity and public enjoyment, fulfilling environmental functions such as drainage, and in some cases supporting sustainable transport. They therefore merit strong protection, and opportunities to enhance their use are encouraged. 31.7 / Development that encroaches over or into waterways will normally be resisted due to impacts on openness, unless it demonstrates overriding strategic benefits such as water quality improvements (such as the Thames Tideway), enhanced flood defences, or increased river transportation.

Westminster City Plan: Policy 35 Flood Risk 35.1 / As our climate changes the risk of flooding in the city increases. Sources of flood risk include tidal flooding (from the Thames), sewer flooding (foul water from the sewer system) and surface water flooding. Increased levels of development have the potential to increase risks of surface water flooding. However, redevelopment provides the opportunity to reduce flood risk by the incorporation of flood resilience and resistance and drainage measures. 35.2 / With the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA), Surface Water Management Plan (SWMP), Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (LFRMS) and the Mayor of London’s Regional Flood Risk Appraisal (RFRA), we have a strong framework in place to manage flood risk in the city that applicants should comply with.

WATER-COMPATIBLE DEVELOPMENT • Flood control infrastructure. • Water transmission infrastructure and pumping stations.

35.3 / Our requirements for site-specific Flood Risk Assessments (FRAs) are aligned with the SFRA. Proposals should be accompanied by a signed Flood Risk and Sustainable Drainage pro forma.


Section 1B - Professional Strategy

14th Five-Year Plan (FYP) (2020-2025) National Land Planning Outline (2016-2035)

5. Planning Permissions and Arguments

Beijing Urban Master Plan (2016-2035) Haidian Urban Master Plan (2017-2035) Replacement UK Policies

Planning Argument Economic & Social Policy

Environment & Social Response



Westminster City Plan : Policy 34 Green Infrastructure Compulsory Purchase Orders



Section 1B - Professional Strategy

5. Planning Permissions and Arguments

Planning Application Process

Source: commons/coms-royal-assent/

Process to Pass Act in Parliament

Third Reading

Step B House of Commons : Bill Tabled for Approval Process of Examination, Discussion and Amendment (???)


Step A Bill Deposited at Parliament (???) To seek powers for the construction and operation of the proposed scheme. Bill is usually culmination of years of work, including assesments such as Environmental Impact Assesment (EIA), the results would be reported in an Environmental Statement (ES) which is submitted with the Bill. Draft on commitments such as the Environmental Minimum Requirements (EMRs) may be published. The SoS will be the ‘Promoter’ of the Bill in Parliament and they may also appoint a body responsible for delivering the Proposed Scheme under the powers granted by the Bill, known as the ‘nominal undertaker(s)’.


Time : ???

Public Bill Committee


Parliamentary Act of Pilot Water Management System (2023)

Step 3 Pre-Examination Stage (more than 1 month)

Select Committee


Step 2 Acceptance Stage (28 days)

Petitioning Period

Step 1 Pre-Application Process (no time limit)

Second Reading

UK’s Planning Act 2008 outlined a new planning consent regime for nationally significant infrastructure projects in the fields of energy, transport, water, waste water, and waste. The Ghost of the Forbidden City would fall into this category in the planning application process if it was to apply in the UK. The Plannning Inspectorate (PINS) is the agency responsible for the planning process. The aim of the planning process for the Ghost of the Forbidden City is to have a (Hybrid) Bill tabled at Parliament and receive Royal Assent to pass as an Act. This is to seek powers for the construction and operation of the proposed scheme as the scheme will be controlling water usage of the entire city. The pilot water management system needs approval from the top of the government. Here is a rough chart of how the proposed scheme seeks to be approved and constructed.


Source: application-process/the-process/

ES Consultation

Considerations within China’s Regulations: - An approval at the level of China’s State Council is comparable to an an Act of Parliament in the UK.

Time : About 16 months

Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIP)

First Reading

Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects

Step 5 Recommendation & Decision (6 months)

Step 4 Examination Stage (6 months)

Third Reading


Consideration of Bill Clauses*

Select Committee

Second Reading

Petitioning Period

First Reading

Step C House of Lords : Bill Tabled for Approval Process of Examination, Discussion and Amendment (???)

Step 6 Post Decision Stage (6 weeks)

Step D Consideration of Amendments (???) Consideration of Amendments is the name for what is often the final stage of Bill. When a Bill has been passed by one House but then is amended by the other House, those amendments must be considered by the first House. There may be some to-ing and fro-ing between the Houses before a final version of the Bill is agreed & approved by both Houses.


Step E Royal Assent (???) Bill is presented to the reigning monarch for approval. Once Royal Assent is given, a Bill becomes an Act of Parliament and is law.



49 application-process/the-process/

Section 1B - Professional Strategy

5. Planning Permissions and Arguments

Planning Application Process Stage






Pre-Application Process (no time limit, can be years)

Acceptance Stage (28 days)

Pre-Examination Stage (more than 1 month)

Examination Stage (6 months)




Develop Scheme/ Pre-Application Advice/ Consultations

This is a front loaded process. Applicant is at the centre of this process and has full responsibility for developing the project. An applicant is likely to be a large developer, a government agency or possibly a local council. The development proposal has to be fully scoped and refined before the submission of an application to the Planning Inspectorate. At this stage the applicant must formally consult with all statutory bodies, local authorities, the local community and any affected persons.

Due to the infrastructural nature of the scheme, the client is advised to apply for planning permission as NSIP. At this stage, the client should ensure that all relevant consultants and affected authorities are consulted to give advice, feedback and approval for the development of the scheme. The client must also consult the local community and affected persons at this stage. Whilst this will cause multiple alterations to the scheme, this will ensure that the planning application has a better chance of approval due to the support from those affected. Also, it is important to ensure that all consents and approvals needed for the scheme (such as Compulsary Acquisition Powers, building on SSSI, demolition, building on existing tube line and etc are requested in the application).

Completed Planning Documents are submitted to the Planning Inspectorate (PINS)

Planning Inspectorate is at the centre of this process. Application is formally submitted. PINS has 28 days to decide whether all relevant documentation has been submitted for application to proceed. Applicant has 6 week window to raise legal challenge if refused. Application is published on the National Infrastructure Planning website.

Once submitted, proposed scheme cannot be changed. Therefore, it is important for the client to appoint planning consultants and contact the Planning Inspectorate during the development of the scheme. Others such as experienced civil engineers and SSSI consultant from Natural England must also be consulted to ensure feasability and buildability of the scheme.

Publicize Scheme to Public ahead of Preliminary Meeting/ Holding of Preliminary Meeting

Examination/ Hearings

Approved applicants must publicize and include when and how parties can register to get involved in the Examination as Interested Parties. Time period for this registration must not be no less than 28 days. PINS will appoint inspector(s) as Examining Authority. Preliminary Meeting to be held with all Interested Parties who will be notified of the date of the Preliminary Meeting and Examination Timetable.

This stage begins the day after Preliminary Meeting. Examination Authority examines the application and this process must be completed within 6 months. This is usually conducted through written or oral representations, however, hearings can also be held.

Client must ensure that they publicize the scheme. Due to the large and infringing nature of the scheme, protests might occur against the project. It will cost, cause delays and more towards the space. Marketing will be useful to help sell the project to the local community and persons affected. The scheme will spend additional time to win support and convert apprehension.

Due to the complex nature of this project, it is likely that a few hearings will be held. These includes hearings such as specific issues hearing and compulsary acquisition hearing. Questions will be raised to both objectors and promoters of the project (client). It will be important to know what concerns are being raised by the public at this stage. If reapplication is needed, the scheme can be developed to answer them.

UK application-process/the-process/

Section 1B - Professional Strategy

5. Planning Permissions and Arguments

Planning Application Process


Post Decision Stage (6 weeks)

Become an Act of Parliament (years)

Construction of Scheme (years)

Decision Taken by Secretary of State Based on Recommendation by Examining Authority



The Examining Authority has 3 months to write its recommendation and submit it to the relevant Secretary of State (eg: Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs currently headed by George Eustice).

The Secretary of State of DEFRA will likely recognize the importance of the scheme and the larger impact it brings. Moreover, the Secretary of State is also the promoter of the project. Once approved however, it is important that all consent and approvals given with conditions by relevant authorities are adhered to. Local council approval is also not needed once approved by Secretary of State.

The Secretary of State makes final decision for NSIPs. The SoS has 3 months to make its decison whether or not to grant the Development Consent Order (DCO).

Legal Challenge

This is the final stage of the NSIP application process. The post decision stage is a six week window for the applicant, any of the Interested Parties, or anyone at all to legally challenge the Secretary of State’s Decision.

If application was denied, it is advised for clients to do a reapplication as a legal challenge takes up a long time and will be costly. A project on this scale will do well with the support of the authorities. If application was approved, objectors of the scheme may decide to raise a legal challenge to the scheme. This would be an expensive delay for the project.

Scheme to be debated at Parliament with Secretary of State as Promoter of scheme

To seek powers for the construction and operation of the proposed scheme. Bill is usually culmination of years of work, including assesments such as Environmental Impact Assesment (EIA), the results would be reported in an Environmental Statement (ES) which is submitted with the Bill. Draft on commitments such as the Environmental Minimum Requirements (EMRs) may be published. The SoS will be the ‘Promoter’ of the Bill in Parliament and they may also appoint a body responsible for delivering the Proposed Scheme under the powers granted by the Bill, known as the ‘nominal undertaker(s)’.

The Secretary of State of DEFRA will lead as promoters of scheme when the Bill of Pilot Water Management System is deposited and debated at Parliament. The Bill is most likely a Hybrid Bill as it involves both public and private entities. In prior cases of infrastructural Act of Parliament, the High Speed Rail, HS2, took 4 years to receive Royal Assent to pass as an Act. This process will take long but it will give the project the necessary authority to construct and operate the proposed scheme. During this process, the client will be supported by the architect team, consultatants, organisations and more.



Recommendation & Decision Stage (6 months)


Construction of Scheme Begins

The scheme will begin its construction phase. The client needs to ensure that a suitable procurement route is put in place. This will run for many years till completion of project.

Due to the complexity of this project, it is highly advisable for client to take the procurement route of the management contactor who will lead and handle the project. The architect team will continue to advise the client and oversee the construction.




Generally 16 months. However, it will take longer as project is complex.



Section 1B - Professional Strategy Main Client (Govermental Department)

6. Client

The Client(s) and Stakeholder(s)

Ministry of Water Resources of the People’s Republic of China

Original Client

For the purpose of the following sections, Yuyuantan Park is assumed to be located in an urban park in the Westminster Borough of Central London. The following pages on the right shows the clients and stakeholders.

Fig. 112

City of Westminster, London

Comparable UK Client

Fig. 113

Key Stakeholders

As this is a major governmental infrastructure project, the primary client is therefore the national government, specifically, China’s Ministry of Water Resources. If placed in UK context, a equivalent department will be the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) as they are also in charge of water resources. The secondary clients will include the City of Westminster as they are the owners of the site and would have a keen interest in the development of the local area, the economy and environment. Natural England, who is under DEFRA, manages the site and will be interested in ensuring the development of a proposal that protects the Site of Special Scientific Significance (SSSI). Thameswater is involved as the pilot water management system will be tested in London where it supplies water. Banks such as the World Bank and London’s Goldman Sachs will be investing funds into this governmental infrastructure because it is part of the climate technology sector which has been gaining traction in the past few years. World Bank’s involvement is also due to the fact that it has historically invested in climate infrastructure for the pursuance of innovation and global sharing of technology. A group of water research institutions, organisations and education are also investing into the scheme as they will be looking to rent the water laboratories in the program. Potential stakeholders and supporters of the scheme include Secretary of State for DEFRA and Secretary of State for Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. They will be the political figures championing and supporting the proposed scheme.


Fig. 115 Rt Hon George Eustice MP Secretary of State of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Fig. 116 Mayor Sadiq Aman Khan Mayor of London “... to be the greenest city in the world”

Fig 114: Map of the City of Westminster London (Groundwork GIS,2014) Similar site location if Yuyuantan Park is located in London - grounds of Hyde Park Equivalent or Similar

If Located in the United Kingdom Westminster, London

Site Owner

Owned by the City of Westminster

Site Management

Natural England (Government’s advisor for the natural environment and is under DEFRA)


Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, DEFRA (A department of the government of the United Kingdom)

Fig. 117

Fig. 118

Rt Hon Anne-Marie Trevelyan MP Secretary of State of the Department for International Trade

Rt Hon Kwasi Kwarteng MP Secretary of State of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy


Future Water Management Ltd. (FWM Ltd.) Main Client

Under DEFRA’s leadership, a team of experienced water science and technology researchers and experts will come together to form a new research group that will work together to accelerate innovations in water science and technology in the urgent climate of water scarcity.


Under DEFRA’s leadership, a National Museum for the Conquest of Water will be set up in the scheme. It will run as a charity and receive sponsorship from the goverment.


- Government department responsible for protection of environment, including water. - Ensures that proposed scheme adheres to the Unitary Development Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework. - Secretary of State as ‘Promoter’ of the scheme in Parliament - Main fund provider (Taxpayers money) - Aims to raise water awareness and regulate water consumption through pilot water management system and other proposed programs. - Part of management team involved in the regulation of water as proposed in the scheme’s program of a pilot water management. system in the city.

Secondary Clients

Fig. 119 Secondary Clients

Fig. 120


Fig. 121

- Acting as the Local Authority. - The site which is once owned by the city will be acquired by the national government for the scheme. - City of Westminster has an interest in ensuring the long-term postive development of local systems, economy and environment. - Site Provider and Advisory Services

- Main private utility company responsible for public water supply and wastewater treatment of London. - Part of management team involved in the regulation of water as proposed in the scheme’s program of a pilot water management system in the city. - The project is trying to tackle the issue of water scarcity and sustainable water consumption which the company has expressed concern for. - Advisory Services

Fig. 122 - Non-departmental public body under DEFRA - In charge of management and protection of site which is assumed the SSSI classification - Advisory and Consultation Services - Will continue to head the management of the park (site) once scheme is completed and work alongside the proposed scheme’s management team.

Fig. 123 - Investor in and supporter of climate change and water technology, management and conservation infrastructure globally (China included) - In 2018, it facilitated $444 million in water-related infrastructure and technology. - Champions the acceleration of access to water innovation and technologies in the Asis-Pacific - Fund provider

Fig. 124 - Looking to invest in climate change technology - Currently targeting $150 billion to finance and invest in companies that promote clean technology and renewable energy - Future investor of research technology and strategies found through the water research labs in the proposed scheme. -Fund provider

Advisory Board (Water Systems Expertise)

Fig. 125 - Imperial College London is a higher education institution that is currently involved in the development and research of sustainable water technology and strategies. - Will potentially work together with Water for the Future Research Group - Advisory Services for development of proposed scheme

Fig. 126 - UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology develops and researches sustainable water technology and strategies. - Will potentially work together with Water for the Future Research Group - Advisory Services for development of proposed scheme

Fig. 127 - UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) leads business engagement for water issues across the UK - promotes UK’s expertise in the water sector and allows UK research providers and users to network and share knowledge. - Will potentially work together with Water for the Future Research Group - Advisory Services for development of proposed scheme

Fig. 128 - UK’s independent research centre leading technical research and innovation services to the global water sectors through applied engineering - Will potentially work together with Water for the Future Research Group - Advisory Services for development of proposed scheme

Fig. 129 - Bentley Systems is an infrastructure engineering software company that provides innovative software to advance the world’s infrastructure in sectors including water and wastewater, public works and utilities. - Will potentially work together with Water for the Future Research Group - Advisory Services for development of proposed scheme



Section 1B - Professional Strategy

6. Client

Client Ambitions About the Project Client




The client needs the scheme to be completed as soon as possible as the issue of water scarcity is prevalent. In order to reach the its ultimate Development Goals 2050, water is key to the modernisation and progress of the country. The scheme will be able to trial the new water system to control present water usage as well as prepare the city for the future through pushing for water science and technology innovations in the labs with a selection of well esteemed researchers and government sponsored stateof-the-art equipments and funding. Whilst these might take longer to construct, the client wishes to have the Museum for the Conquest of Water completed in the earliest time possible to allow for the city to engage with the topic of water scarcity before the pilot water management system begins.

The World Bank is an investor in and supporter of climate change and water technology, management and conservation infrastructure globally (China included). They champion the acceleration of access to water innovation and technologies in the Asia-Pacific. Their goal is to invest in the new water conservancy research & technology that can then be manufactured or shared around the world. They are willing to invest long term with results.

Goldman Sachs is one of the largest investment bank in London. They have set their sights on expanding into climate change technology with a fund of $150 billion set aside to finance and promote clean technology and renewable energy. They will want to have return on their investments as soon as possible. This means time is a priority for them.


This scheme will be the forefront of the city and country’s commitment to water conservancy research and innovation. Therefore, the success and quality of the scheme is important for the client body as it will affect their reputation as well as the country’s reputation to the international community. Furthermore, the impact of the scheme, whether good or bad, will ripple through the community and city it is built on. They also have aspirations for the scheme to become an important cultural monument for the city. This means that quality at construction and quality maintained during its lifespan is of the highest priority for the clients.

Their main ambition for this investment is to aid in water conservancy innovation for the betterment of the world. They are also keen on the progress and success of the government-sponsored research group and hope that any new technology will be able to be shared and utilized in other places in need. Their investment therefore would tie in with sharing of information and success of the pilot scheme.

Their main ambition is to make a profit. They will be willing to sacrifice design details and ideas as long as they are able to profit in as little time as possible. However, success of a scheme as large and significant as this will be good for the company to demonstrate its commitments to climate technology to the public. This would shine a good light on their brand image.


The clients are the government and government-related institutions. Therefore, funding will come from taxpayers money and cost is not the main focus. They will be willing to invest in the best consultants, materials and builders to ensure that the scheme stays true to their aims and visions. However, they must make sure that all money spent is reasonable and answerable to the public. Therefore, whilst cost is not the priority, it is still important for costs to be saved. Repeats of processes such as reapplication and delay in the project will affect costs. Hence, quality and efficiency of work is important.

As the scheme will be costly due to its large masterplan, it is important for the building to be as cost-efficient as possible.

To ensure their investment sees return as soon as possible, it is important for Goldman Sachs that the development is as cost-efficient as possible.


If water conservancy targets are reached and innovations are being made, the company will receive continuous funding from the government and will be able to earn profit from their selling of key research and rights to manufacture their water conservancy technology. They will become the forefront of China’s water conservancy research and can help elevate their site to a 5A level Scenic Spot. This means more funding and more income from tourist visits. This would also help the country reach its Development Goals of 2050 which heavily relies on the availability of water.

By supporting the development, the World Bank will be able to receive and access new technology and information to tackle the world’s water crisis. This would also be an area of profit for them as shareholders of the company. They will be profitable in the long run.

By supporting the development, Goldman Sachs will be able to receive and access new technology and information to invest in.. This would also be an area of profit for them as shareholders of the company. They can see that they will be profitable in the long run if they invest in climate technology.

Future Water Management Ltd.



With the interest of each of the individual clients and investors in mind, they come together to form Future Water Management Ltd. Whilst each one of them have priorities of their own, they have come to a mutual agreement that time and quality will be the main focus of the scheme. Because the scheme will be a long term investment, the clients and investors will benefit from the scheme for years to come. Also, with impending water scarcity and sucess staked on reaching the country’s development goals of 2050, the quality of the construction and maintenance is a priority. These wil be the key drivers for selecting the procurement route of the realization of the proposed scheme.


Section 1B - Professional Strategy

6. Client

Client Ambitions for LETI

Fig. 130

Operational energy is the energy consumed by a building associated with heating, hot water, cooling, ventilation, and lighting systems, as well as equipment such as fridges, washing machines, TVs, computers, lifts, and cooking. Reducing operational energy is key to achieving scalable zero carbon.

The decarbonisation of heating and hot water will have a huge impact on carbon emission reductions and is a crucial step in the net zero pathway.

Integrating demand response and energy storage into buildings allows buildings to be flexible with their demand on the grid for power. This is fundamental to allow the grid to harness renewable energy sources that allows it to decarbonise to a level that is needed to meet our climate change targets.

Unless we can gain a good understanding of how our buildings are performing in-use through post occupancy evaluation, we cannot achieve net zero carbon. Currently the way that buildings are assessed in regulations is according to a Building Regulations energy model (Part L) rather than in-use consumption. There is also a huge ‘performance gap’ between how we estimate the energy consumption of new buildings and how they perform in-use.

The client body aims to achieve LETI’s net zero carbon in order for the UK economy as a whole to reach net zero emissions by 2050. The proposed scheme will take steps at each stage of the process to reduce embodied carbon and operational carbon of the masterplan. Whilst the masterplan does take up a large built area and volume, the scheme envisions for solar panels to cover its entire footprint, therefore generating energy for the self-sustainability of energy used within the scheme. Moreover, the infrastructure plans to be self-sustainable in its water usage as it will be equipped with water harvesting structures throughout the roof of the structure.

Operational Carbon + Embodied Carbon = Whole Life Carbon Whole life carbon encompasses all carbon emissions that arise as a result of the energy used in the construction, operation, maintenance and demolition phases of a building.

The term embodied carbon refers to the ‘upfront’ emissions associated with building construction, including the extraction and processing of materials and the energy and water consumption in the production, assembly, and construction of the building. It also includes the ‘in-use’ stage (the maintenance, replacement, and emissions associated with refrigerant leakage) and the ‘end of life’ stage (demolition, disassembly, and disposal of any parts of product or building) and any transportation relating to the above. Embodied carbon is a topic that is becoming more relevant and important as we reduce operational carbon. Currently there is a lack of knowledge in the built environment industry surrounding embodied carbon reduction strategies and calculations, and the verification of the installed materials. Therefore LETI has produced supplementary guidance in the form of the LETI Embodied Carbon Primer.

It is key for the client body and the design team to take into consideration embodied carbon from the beginning of the design process. The design team will advise the client to hire a consultant with experience in doing embodied carbon and whole life carbon analysis. Furthermore, the design team should advice the client to ensure the contractor secures a supply chain that has lower embodied carbon. Also, the construction materials specified by the design team must do its best to use locally sourced materials, recycled and reused materials to build the proposed scheme. In planning for a circular economy, the design should take into consideration the dismantling and reusing or recycling of materials in the future.



Section 1B - Professional Strategy

6. Client

Client Ambitions for LETI

Fig. 131

Low energy use

Measurement and verification

Reducing construction impacts

Low carbon energy supply

Zero carbon balance

The scheme aims to use passive heating and cooling strategies with the aid of carefully selected facade and roofing materials. Furthermore, most of the volume of the scheme is categorically outdoors and will not need heating like indoor spaces.

The client body will ensure that the scheme reports its annual energy use and renewable energy generation onsite for the first 5 years. This will help keep track and control the operational carbon of the proposed scheme within the expected range.

Embodied carbon will be assessed throughout the entirety of the scheme. Steps taken to reduce embodied carbon through the process and post construction verification will allow benchmarking with targets set in the design phase.

The proposed scheme will aim to reduce the amount of energy used by incorporating a self-sustainable energy system within the proposed scheme. This is done through electricity generated on-site with solar panels.

The proposed scheme will ensure that annual analysis will be done and any excess energy used will be offset by additional investment into renewable energy capacity and/or through purchasing PPA.

The clients, stakeholders and investors share a mutual ambition of ensuring that the proposed scheme is net zero carbon to adhere and help acheive the targets set by LETI. However, should benchmarked targets be exceeded, there is an understanding that additional investment will be done to ensure a zero carbon balance. As the client’s ambitions are mainly geared towards conservation and innovation of the handling of water resources, the proposed scheme will also ensure that the pilot water management system ensures a circular economy of water usage on site.



Section 1B - Professional Strategy

6. Client

Client Ambitions for LETI

Fig. 132

As an infrastructure masterplan, the proposed scheme must take into consideration B8 and B9 of operational carbon guidelines of LETI. As this is a large-scale scheme, it is imperative that the design goes through a process of reduction in upfront carbon and embodied carbon because it will be using a lot of material resources.

As most infrastructural scheme does, concrete and steel are commonly used materials due to their effectiveness and strength. The design team, contractor and client body should recognize the impact of these materials and study the impact of these materials with guidance from the LETI material considerations. This must be considered throughout the entire process of the proposed scheme, from the pre-design phase to post construction.



Section 1B - Professional Strategy

6. Client

Ownership Yuyuantan Park is owned by the city, the Beijing Municipality. Because the proposed scheme, Ghost of the Forbidden City, is a nationally significant pilot water management project run by the State Council of China, the Beijing Municipality will provide the park for free. When put in a comparable context within the United Kingdom, the owner of the site is the City of Westminster. Once the scheme has received Royal Assent and pass as an Act of Parliament, the government will acquire the park from the City of Westminster. Whilst the City of Westminster will no longer own the site, it will be a secondary client as it must ensure that the proposed scheme will contribute positively to the city’s overall economy, environment and society.

Original Ownership & Management Main Client

Site Owner


Owned by the City of Westminster

Owned by DEFRA Under the Planning Act 2008, compulsory purchase powers for land acquisition can be attained through legal procedures once the Development Consent Order is approved. However, there must be compelling case in the public interest and the decision is made by the Secretary of State.

Site Management

Constraints: - Purchase of land will add to cost of project. - To obtain compulsory purchase powers for land acquisition of the park and affected existing development, the project must state a compelling case in the public interest. Process to acquire could be costly and delay the project.

New Ownership & Management

The Park Natural England (Government’s advisor for the natural environment and is under DEFRA)

The Park Future Water Management Ltd.

Infrastructure (Water Management System) Future Water Management Ltd. Water Research Laboratories Future Water Management Ltd. Museum for the Conquest of Water Musuem for the Conquest of Water Charity

Opportunities: - Once passed as an Act of Parliament, Future Water Management Ltd. will have stronger authority in acquisition of lands.



Section 1B - Professional Strategy

6. Client

Project Financing Developments & Innovations of new water science and technology from research group, Water for the Future

65 %

17.5 %

DEFRA (sponsored by UK Taxpayers) Main Client

World Bank

17.5 %

Profits from initial investment into the shares of the research group

Profit from sales of technology or research innovation to other countries

Funds from new investors once progress has been made

Goldman Sachs Other contributions towards the running costs of the park and the proposed scheme - More funds invested by the government from taxpayers money - Selling entrance tickets for the park (currently in place) - Increased prices of entrance tickets for the park because it aims to be upgraded from 4A-level Scenic Spot to 5A-level Scenic Spot. - Obtains an amount of governmental funds annually to manage the site depending on the level of Scenic Spot, or in the UK context, the Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). - Selling entrance tickets for the museum

To Cover Project Cost & Initial Running Cost: - Fees of the Main Contractor and the integrated supply team (IST) - Research and Development Cost -Planning Cost - Construction Cost - Land Acquisition and Demolition Cost - etc.

- Selling entrance tickets for the viewing area. - Selling entrance tickets for cherry blossom festivel (currently in place) - Selling entrance tickets to new water related events such as a water technology exhibition or a climate technology convention - From rent of event space - From rent of the research labs - Earned money from museum programs

Client’s Budget Fruits of labour from research into water science and technology begin to appear. Stream of income rushes in.

Client’s budget continues to be spent on the construction of the final sections of the infrastructure. The income from the museum will sustain the museum. Clients do not need to spend on museum maintenance and running. The design and planning phase is a frontloaded process. The clients have initial upfront cost to hire consultants, run research, conduct feasibility studies, consult the public and affected persons, and pay for planning fees.

Parliamentary approval for Act is seeked before construction of Phase 1. Once received, the client’s budget will be spent on contruction of Phase 1 of the scheme. Museum and infrastructure will be constructed concurrently.

Planning and Design Phase

Phase 1 Construction

Phase 2 construction begins. More of the client’s budget will be spent. The construction of two-thirds of the infrastructure and the entirety of the museum is completed.

Phase 2 Construction

The pilot water management system and research labs can begin running once completed. Research into water science and technology will take a few years to develop. Whilst the site will earn from other contributions as detailed above, an immediate large return on investment is unlikely.

The infrastructure is self-sustainable in its energy and water usage. This reduces cost needed to run the scheme.

Time Phase 2 Construction

Running & Maintenance

Running & Maintenance



Section 1B - Professional Strategy

7. Procurement Routes

Procurement: Design Team Procurement is the process of obtaining a product or a service. On a construction project, it is a way of allocating design and construction responsibility. There are many different routes by which the design and construction of a building can be procured. The selected route must follow a strategy which fits the long term objectives of the client’s plans. Factors considered includes speed, cost, quality, specific project constraints, risks, asset ownership and financing.

Design Team Procurement The client will be procuring the design team through an expression of interest. An expression of interest is a submission made by a prospective tenderer in response to an advert. This allows for those interested in designing the masterplan from the brief laid out by Future Water Managements Ltd to tender fore the project. The client will advertise their expression of interest and a list of potential design teams will be invited to tender. This is open internationally. The client have their own team including the Project Manager, Quantity Surveyor and Public Relations. Their chosen design team has assembled a group of key design and engineering consultants. At this early stage, a management contractor will be chosen depending on their expertise and experience in large scale water infrastructure projects. They will be key in guiding the development of the project’s design and provide advice on organisations of contracts with individual contractors to help organize the structure of the team and the sequence of build of the development. Also, with the knowledge of the site and the scale of the development, it is key to involve SSSI consultants from Natural England, landscape architects and surveyors, advisors from London Underground and Thameswater, as well as planning consultant.

Public Relations




Landscape Architects Planning Consultant


Structural Engineers

Landscape Surveyors Quantity Surveyor

Project Archaeologist

Accesibility Consultant

Townscape Consultant

Museum Consultant

Sunlight Consultant

Seismic Specialist

Flood Defence

Tree Specialist

Quantity Surveyor

Project Manager

Management Contractor

Civil Engineers

Water Systems Specialists Cost Consultant Accoustician

Fire Consultant Thameswater Consultants

Water Research Consultants Westminster Community Advisor

Wildlife Specialist

SSSI Consultants

Procurement Route Given the complexity of the project brief and the mutual agreement that time and quality is of the utmost concern, the client is advised by the design team to opt for a management contract procurement route.


In this procurement route, the management contractor acts as the principal whereby the client only has one contract to administer. Works will be divided and contracted to a number of different works contractor who are contracted to the management contractor. This enables some work contracts to be tendered earlier than others and even before the design is completed, allowing for the project to be completed in a shorter period of time. However, this also means that there will be price uncertainty until the design is complete and all contracts have been let. Specialist contractors with expertise in large water infrastructures will be used in phase 1. Museum contractors with an expertise in building on water bodies will be used in phase 2. Phase 2 will begin whilst phase 1 is still running to ensure the speedy construction and development of the proposal. The client is advised to hire a management contractor early in the design process so that their experience can aid in improving the cost and buildability of the proposal as they develop.


Management Contractor





Section 1B - Professional Strategy

7. Procurement Routes

Procurement : Contraction Phases Phase 1 - Pillars

Phase 2 - Remaining Infrastructure

Phase 3 - Museum

Phase 1 begins with the construction of the 4 pillars of the infrastructure. These will be the main engagement point for water usage in the city through its barometer functions and are also the structural columns supporting the infrastructure in phase 2. Design development of phase 2 can run concurrently with phase 1. Traditional contracts will be used to build the 4 pillars to allow for the client to tender the contracts in a competitive basis. Moreover, fully developing the design before tender allows for client certainty about design quality and cost.

Construction of phase 2 should begin as soon as construction of phase 1 is completed. Phase 2 entails the construction of water infrastructure that includes the horizontal water tank, connecting pipes and water harvesting and solar energy infrastructure. Whilst phase 2 is running, design of the museum which is to be constructed in phase 3 will go through design development. This will shorten the time required for the development to be completed. This arrangement is also due to the safety and precautions of construction as the museum is located below the infrastructure. The client and the investors will want this to be completed quickly as the running of the pilot water management system and research base is key on the agenda for the invested parties.

Phase 3 can begin construction when construction of phase 2 is almost completed. This ensures the safety of the construction site but will increase time needed for the completion of the entire proposal. The museum will have a traditional contract as this will ensure that cost and quality can be controlled and specified before tendering. A two stage tendering process will be used for the museum as the design is complex and will also ensure cost is more accurately specified and estimated.


Management Contractor

Traditional Contract

Traditional Contract

Traditional Contract

Traditional Contract

The 4 pillars will be procured through 4 separate traditional contracts to ensure quicker delivery of this phase as construction of phase 2 can only begin once phase 1 is structurally completed.

Landscape Contract

Civil Infrastructure Contract

The landscape contractor will help construct the landscape for the new proposal. The civil infrastructure contract will be used for the construction of the remaining water infrastructure.

Traditional Contract

The museum will be procured using traditional procurement route as it will allow for the design to be completed before construction. This ensures that the cost and quality can be controlled and specified before competitive tendering.



Section 1B - Professional Strategy

7. Procurement Routes

Procurement Routes Procurement is the process of obtaining a product or a service. On a construction project, it is a way of allocating design and construction responsibility. There are many different routes by which the design and construction of a building can be procured. The selected route must follow a strategy which fits the long term objectives of the client’s plans. Factors considered includes speed, cost, quality, specific project constraints, risks, asset ownership and financing.

Traditional Procurement

Design & Build Procurement





Consultants Architect Quantity Surveyor





Management Procurement



Main Contractor Sub-Contractors

Client’s Consultants


Design and Build Contractor

Eg: Quantity Surveyor, Project Manager, Retained Architects


CDM Coordinator

Management Contractor

Contract Administrator

Architect Other Consultants

Architect Suppliers


Structural Engineer

Works Contractor 1

Works Contractor 2

Works Contractor 3

Other Sub-Contractors

Sub Contractors

Sub Contractors

Sub Contractors

Other Sub-Consultants The Traditional Procurement method begins with the appointment of a team of consultants to design the proposal. This is followed by the contractor being employed through tendering for the construction of the proposal. In this procurement route, the contractor will not be responsible for the design. Whilst each consultant and contractor are directly contracted by the client, the contractor would report to the architect as agreed in the contract. This method helps ensure that a fully developed design is secured before the tendering process, allowing for the client to receive certainty over the proposal’s design quality and cost. Furthermore, as the project is being driven by the Architect, proposals under the traditional procurement route usually benefit in their design quality and details. On the other hand, as the design has to be fully developed before tender, this may have implications on the time taken for the project to be constructed and completed.

Whilst the benefits of cost and quality may be advantageous in the overall ambitions of the Ghost of the Forbidden City, the extensively large scale of the scheme makes it unsuitable for handling the scheme as a whole. However, in the case of the Museum and the Celestial Pillars where design, finishes and materials are fixed prior to construction, these may be awarded as traditional contractors by the management contractor.


The Design and Build procurement route is a method that allows for efficient and quick design and construciton of a proposal. This is because a design and build contract provides a single point of contact for the client in which both design and construction is handled by the design and build contractor. The works are subcontracted out by the main contractor and thus, the liability falls on the main contractor. This procurement route is often used in small and simple projects whereby design is not the main priority of the client’s as contractors often encounter cost-cutting exercises and is not led by the architect. In the case where the client has hired a consultant architect to design the initial concept and design before appointing the contractor for the construction, the architects may be retained on the client’s side to help check and advise the client on drawings and construction of the project as well as decisions made by the contractor.

Due to the technical and design quality requirements of the scheme which looks to be the new monument of China’s historuy with water in Beijing, a design and build contract is unsuitable for the overall scheme and the various components of the scheme.

The management procurement route is a method whereby the works are constructed by multiple work contractors who are contracted to a management contractor. The management contractor is generally appointed by the client early in the design process whereby they can be involved in advising on the design process. This helps increase the buildability of the project. Also. the management contractor is able to arrange all tendering of contracts early in the preparation of the construction, even before design is completed. This means that the foundation works can begin construction whilst decisions are being made about other aspects of the final design. This helps reduce time in the construction of the project. However, this method places financial liability on the client in cases such as non-performance of the management contractor. Thus, until all tender packages have been fulfilled, the financial risk of the client can be reduced through the clients requiring direct warranties from each works contractor. Because design is still developing when construction begins, changes in design may affect the construction and cost the clients in alteration or reconstruction in the construction. This procurement method is commonly used for large-scale schemes such as masterplans. The extensive masterplan and technical requirements of the scheme requires the use of a management contracting procurement route. This route allows for multiple works to occur simultaneously and also encourages them to be fulfilled by a suitable specialist. This ensures that the client’s ambitions for quality is achieved within a tigher time frame. In order to ensure that the clients are protected financially, the principal designer will advise the clients to obtain direct warranties form the work contractors.


Section 1B - Professional Strategy

7. Procurement Routes

Procurement Organisation Public Relations


Principal Designer


Landscape Architects Planning Consultant

Structural Engineers

Landscape Surveyors Quantity Surveyor

Project Archaeologist

Accesibility Consultant

Townscape Consultant

Museum Consultant

Sunlight Consultant

Seismic Specialist

Flood Defence

4x Traditional Contract

Tree Specialist


Project Manager

Management Contractor

Civil Engineers M&E

Water Systems Specialists Cost Consultant

Quantity Surveyor

Fire Safety Consultant Thameswater Consultants

Water Research Consultants Westminster Community Advisor

Wildlife Specialist

Landscape Contract

SSSI Consultants

Traditional Contract

Civil Infrastructure Contract


Quantity Surveyor



Foundation Contractors


Quantity Surveyors

Project Manager

Planning Consultant

Hard Landscapes

Project Manager

Project Manager

Project Manager

Planning Consultant

Structural Engineers

Cost Consultant

SSSI Consultant

Structural Engineers

Quantity Surveyor

Structural Engineers

Cost Consultant

M&E Engineers

Interior Designers

M&E Engineers

Planning Consultant

M&E Engineers

Interior Designers

Piling Contractors

Foundation Contractors

Piling Contractors

Cost Consultant

Piling Contractors

Foundation Contractors

Lighting Consultant

Landscape Architect

SSSI Consultant

Landscape Architect

Lighting Consultant

Landscape Architect

SSSI Consultant


Accoustics Consultant


SSSI Consultant


Accoustics Consultant

Thamewater Consultant

Services Consultant

Thamewater Consultant

Museum Specialist


Services Consultant


Civil Works

Public Relations


Services Consultant


Public Relations

Fire Safety Consultant

Landscape Surveyors

Energy Source Contractor

Fire Safety Consultant

Fire Safety Consultant

Thameswater Consultant

Seismic Consultant

Flood Defense Consultant

Water Systems Specialist

General Builders

Flood Defense Consultant

Seismic Consultant

Tree Specialist

Project Archaeologist

Sunlight Consultant

Seismic Consultant

Irrigation Specialist



Section 1B - Professional Strategy

7. Procurement Routes

Program : RIBA Plan of Works Fig. 134

Fig. 135

Fig. 136

Fig. 137

Fig. 138

Fig. 139

Fig. 140

Stage Outcome

Core Statutory Process

Core Tasks

RIBA Stages

Fig. 133

Strategic appraisal of Planning considerations

Source pre-application Planning advice

Obtain pre-application Planning advice

Review design against Building Regulations

Submit building regulations application

Carry out Construction Phase Plan

Initiate collation of health and safety pre-construction information

Agree route to building regulations compliance

Prepare and submit Planning application

Discharge precommencement Planning conditions

Comply with Planning conditions related to construction

Option: Submit outline planning application

The best means of achieving the Client Requirements confirmed

Project Brief approved by the Client and confirmed that it can be accomodated on the site

Architectureal Concept appproved by the client and aligned to the Project Brief

Stage Boudaries Considerations

Comply with Planning conditions as required

Building handed over, aftercare initiated and Building Contract concluded

Building used, operated and maintained efficiently

Prepare Construction Phase Plan Architectural and engineering information Spatially Coordinated

Submit building regulations application Discharge precommencement Planning conditions

All design information required to manufacture and construct the project completed

Prepare Construction Phase Plan Stage 5 begins when contractor takes possesion of the site

Principal Designer in charge: Follow through and complete Stage 0 - 4


Comply with Planning conditions as required

Client appointment begins the RIBA Plan of Work

Design team appointed at end of stage 1

Management Contractor appointed at end of stage 2

Planning Applications are generally submitted at end of Stage 3

Submit ouline Planning Application due to scheme’s large-scale Planning applications (PA) for Museum and Infrastructure handled separately once outline planning approved. Museum PA submitted at end of stage 3.

Stage 4 and 5 overlaps in the Program

Planning Application for Infrastructure submitted at end of Stage 4 to NSIP Planning Application as changes are difficult to make post receiving Development Consent Order and when submitting to Parliament for Royal Assent.

Phase 1 (Museum) construction begins once PA approved and project is tendered Construction of Phase 2 (Infrastructure) begins only with a DCO and Royal Assent. This timeline of this process is not fixed and may take years.

Stage 6 begins the handover processs of the building to the client. Stage 6 and 7 runs at the same time and continues throughout the lifespan of the building.

Handover of Museum may occur during construction of the Infrastructure. Hence, once foundations are in place in Phase 2, a concrete protective structure should be built over the museum. This can only be removed once Phase 2 (Infrastructure) is completed.


Section 1B - Professional Strategy embodied-carbon

7. Procurement Routes

Program : LETI Ambitions and Actions

Fig. 141



Section 1B - Professional Strategy

7. Procurement Routes

Program : Timeline and Planning RIBA Stage 0

Submit outline Planning Application at the end of this process

Strategic Definition

Submit Planning Application to qualify as NSIP at the end of this process. This process will take around 16 months.

RIBA Stage 1

Submit Planning Application at the end of this process

Preparation and Briefing

RIBA Stage 2

Process to receive DCO might delay if asked to resubmit applications or paperwork. All relevant consultations and request of consent from relevant parties must have been completed before this process is able to start.

Design of Overall Scheme

Concept Design

The large-scale nature of this project requires an outline planning application to be completed for the whole scheme

RIBA Stage 3

Finalize design and Submit Planning Amendment Application

Phase 1 - Spatial Coordination

Spatial Coordination

Phase 2 - Spatial Coordination

RIBA Stage 4

Phase 1 - Technical

Technical Design

Phase 2 - Technical Wait to receive results of NSIP PA

RIBA Stage 5

Phase 1 - Build

Manufacturing & Construction

Imperative in RIBA Stage 3 &4 for Phase 2 is to ensure that all relevant consultations and consents needed for the scheme has been done and received as discussed in the previous pages of Section 1A and 1B. Delays may occur during this process. Some consents include SSSI consent and London Underground consent to build on top of their existing transport infrastructure.

RIBA Stage 6 Handover

RIBA Stage 7 Use

General Phase 1 - Museum (out of scope)























Phase 2 - Infrastructure





Section 1B - Professional Strategy

7. Procurement Routes

Program : Timeline and Planning

Protective concrete shell constructed over Museum once foundations are almost completed While this process can take years, the scheme looks to become an Act of Parliament in order to obtain authority for construction. It speculates that due to the desperate nature of the water scarcity at hand, the process may be at advantage if it gains enough support and traction.

Procurement of Recycled Steel to begin immediately. Components to be mass produced at factories to begin manufacturing process immediately whilst site is primed.

The scheme’s pilot water management system is up and running. The scheme aims to achieve water sustainability by the year 2050, which is in 15 years time.

Relocation of residents affected by the site and the animals on the site.

Process ends when Bill is passed as an Act of Parliament

Protective concrete shell constructed over Museum to be removed and recycled.

Infrastructure tabled at Parliament to become an Act of Parliament Phase 1 - Build (Aims for 2030 opening)

Phase 2 - Build (Aims for 2035 opening)

Final Inspections at end of process. Construction and Interior Checks. Aftercare initiated.

Final Inspections at end of process. Water infrastructure final test runs and checks. Aftercare initiated.

The Museum, an educational site for the issue of water scarcity, opens prior to the build of Phase 2. This is done to help market the pilot water management system.



May have to close momentarily during construction over the Museum takes place Phase 1 - In Use Phase 2 - In Use




































Section 1B - Professional Strategy

7. Procurement Routes

Program : Risk RIBA Stage 0

RIBA Stage 1

RIBA Stage 2

RIBA Stage 3

RIBA Stage 4

The project might encounter pushback or long negotiations with the residents and owners of affected development.


Negotiation with various consultants, design team and contractors might take up longer than expected. Issuance of professional drawings for construction may be late and can cause significant delays and issues to the construction on site. Fines will be issued to parties responsible to mitigate financial losses.

To justify the project, construction must cost lesser than the Central route of the South North Water Transfer Project. If funding is withdrawn, the project will not go through.

RIBA Stage 5 The project will take too long to be built due to planning process delays, this adds up to stall the project from opening in 2035

The project will stall if planning permission is denied. Extra time will be needed to revise the scheme for application.

Due to the large quantities of material needed for the scheme, the project might be delayed by material suppliers.

Archaeological finds during site analysis will delay the construction process. An archeological survey must be thoroughly done.

Finding undetected services during construction on site can cause delays and even structural failure.

If planning permission is denied, extra cost is incurred to revise the scheme for re-application. Residents and owners of affected developments may not want to relocate or want higher compensation. This will increase cost for the project.

RIBA Stage 6

RIBA Stage 7

Should the water and solar harvesting systems constructed in the scheme not function or stop functioning, repairs & maintenace of these systems will take time and prevent the scheme from functioning. The fixing process will take time.

Construction on site may be delayed due to errors.

Increased cost for construction on site due to delays caused inefficiency, miscommunication within a large team, on-site accidents or damaged construction materials during transport.

Client must be able to maintain the completed project long-term to reap the benefits of the carbon and finance invested.


Construction on site must not damage the water quality of the lake and water bodies on site. If affected, the client risks having to pay fines on top of having tp cover the cost of cleaning the lake.

As the project will take years to construct, financing must consider for inflation or miscalculations.

The pilot water management system is the first of its kind. There are risks for mistakes and errors to be made.

In regulating domestic water, this might create a black market for water, undermining the proposed scheme.


The design cannot meet building regulations.


The design does not meet environmental and sustainability standards.

The design of the scheme needs to meet the specialized requirements of the program. To achieve that, relevant experts in the field must be consulted during the development of the project.

The design does not convince the Parliament and does not receive Royal Assent to pass as an Act of Parliament.


Section 1B - Professional Strategy

Conclusion on Planning

Conclusion Through dissecting the Planning Process of the scheme in this section of the document, it proves challenging to gain planning permission. One main reason for this is the cost and the return on investment. The main client is concerned with the quality and time taken for the proposed scheme to be realized. The scheme has to ensure the cost is reasonable and feasible for state’s approval and public support. Planning and construction will need to be overseen and consulted by relevant authorities and field experts to ensure the design is buildable and feasible, as well as environmentally friendly. The proposal can be seen as a risky investment in terms of profit-making as promises of the pilot water management system is not a guarantee, and planning process might take longer than expected. This may mean that the scheme may not be able to be built by 2035. Furthermore, as it is located on a site that is comparable to a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) in the UK, construction of the scheme will disrupt the natural landscape and local habitat. The scheme will also look to relocate residents that are affected by the site and this may be an uphill process filled with obstacles in terms of cost and time. Should the scheme look to be achievable by 2035, the process along the RIBA stages will need to be efficient and prompt. On the other hand, construction of large infrastructures in a short time is a feat that is not new to China. As an experienced client with a huge amount of financial and material resource to use and in a speculative future whereby freshwater consumption in Beijing needs to be managed, the scheme’s pilot water management system and program can be argued to be a necessary investment. Firstly, although the scheme may disrupt the SSSI’s existing landscape, it looks to introduce a new program whereby the site will be home to a new microclimate. This may bring in more biodiversity and can help provide a more relaxed and comfortable area to visit for the residents of Beijing. Furthermore, it will look to achieve a Net Zero Carbon scheme through its design as well as become the site for rainwater harvesting and solar energy generation. Coupled with the scheme’s ambitions to become the new cultural monument of Beijing representing China’s relationship with water, the scheme may become a highlight as an environmental friendly futuristic tourist site that could bring its existing AAAA grade level scenic spot to the highest grade of 5A-level scenic spot. In Beijing and China’s effort to remain relevant and spearhead the green movement towards a Carbon Neutral future, this may potentially bring benefits to the local city and even the nation.


Section 2 Building Materials, Construction & Performance


Section 2 - Building Materials, Construction & Performance

8. General Arrangement


The Process & Experience Ghost of the Forbidden City The Process

Ghost of the Forbidden City The City Lives

Experience 1

It is 2030, water is under the complete surveillance of the CCP. Every drop of water used in Beijing is monitored by the city. When water is consumed over the set guidelines, the building reacts. The city reacts. feeds back. restricts. educate. A new identifying cultural monument that acts as a barometer of the past, present and future.

Water Surveillance Beijing Ministry of Water Resources has decided that it needs to reel in its comfortable citizens onto the goal for water conservancy. Beijing is split into 4 quadrants with Forbidden City at the intersection. Every citizens’ water usage is measured and tracked, its data then fed into Beijing’s new infrastructure - a pilot water management system is in place.

知足常乐 Contentment Brings Happiness

As water consumption increases, the monument reacts. The “waterfall” atop the building is slowly falling. The steam balloons are growing, it’s already at the 300,000m3 mark! But, the capital city still lives, the water still flows.


Section 2 - Building Materials, Construction & Performance


8. General Arrangement

Ghost of the Forbidden City The Explosion

Ghost of the Forbidden City Restrictions Begin

Experience 2

Experience 3

泼水难收 Water Once Spilt Cannot Be Retrieved

自食其果 To Eat One’s Own Bitter Fruit

Beijing has consumed more water than it can afford this year. The steam balloons have now reached maximum capacity. The “waterfall” has covered the building and the people beneath it. and...... there it goes!!


Post-explosion. The city begins its water restrictions. The steam from the explosion condenses into fog. From the Forbidden City, you see the looming figure peeking from the blurriness Might it become the Ghost of the Forbidden City?





Key :

A Yuyuantan Park

C Basin

B Yuyuantan Lake

D Main Entrance to Park

B Underground Subway

Project Boundaries

Ghost of the Forbidden City Original Site Plan 1 : 10000 @ A3





4 Ghost of the Forbidden City

Roof Plan (Plan A) - 1 : 2000 @ A2




1 Celestial Pillar

2 Horizontal Water Tank

3 Water Harvesting Buds 4 Water Harvesting Leafs

A Pilot Water Infrastructure and Water Management Center


A Key : A Yuyuantan Lake B Yuyuantan Lake C Dredged Yuyuantan Lake 1 Celestial Pillar 2 Horizontal Water Tank 3 Water Harvesting Buds

4 Water Harvesting Leafs 5 Waterfall Curtain 6 Structural Columns 7 Transparent Solar Panels

Ghost of the Forbidden City Above: Original Section ; Below: New Section 1 : 2000 @ A2

7 Plan A






Plan B







4 Ghost of the Forbidden City

Plan B - 1 : 2000 @ A2




1 Celestial Pillar

2 Horizontal Water Tank

3 Water Harvesting Buds 4 Tranparent Solar Panels

Ghost of the Forbidden City Render Overall View


Ghost of the Forbidden City Render View of Celestial Pillar and Water Harvesting Roof


Ghost of the Forbidden City Render View on the Lake


Ghost of the Forbidden City Render Water Harvesting Buds


Section 2 - Building Materials, Construction & Performance

9. Material Strategy

Material Overview This section outlines the materials which are used throughout the masterplan along with the reasons behind the design decisions. Their properties will be discussed alongside their environmental performance,

Main Material Pallet Steel hollow section truss system Composite steel four point truss Composite steel circular columns Steel hollow circular sections Double layer etfe system Water pipes Transparent solar panels Misting system Water condensing fabric Concrete (use better aggregate) Water Pumps

Embodied Carbon Leti - Materials The most effective way to achieve LETI’s net-zero goals is to follow LETI guidelines from the beginning of a project right from its design stages. Whilst the infrastructure’s material considerations look to LETI guidelines in order to contribute towards achieving a LETI net-zero carbon building, materials specified for the infrastructure is highly influenced by its unique structural and aesthetic needs. Hence, some materials specified have high embodied carbon. With this, alternatives will be sourced against the ambitions of the project and original materials that remain will need mitigation strategies such as offsetting to bring the project towards net-zero. The project also looks to renewables as a source of energy and water as material within a circular economy.


Section 2 - Building Materials, Construction & Performance

9. Material Strategy

Material Design Intent This section highlights the design intentions behind the material pallet, its significance and its role in achieving clients’ ambitions for the scheme. The scheme, made of the infrastructure (focus of this document) and museum, aims to be built out of water, or variations of it and represent qualities of the element. The disruptive scale of the infrastructure allows the scheme to bring the issue of water scarcity to the forefront of the daily lives of citizens in Beijing whilst running the pilot water management system. Thus, the infrastructure, which needs to receive, transport and store water, will be made largely out of pipes.

Infrastructure Aesthetic The design ambition of the scheme is to create a monument that acts as a barometer to Beijing’s water usage. As water usage increases in the city, the infrastructure seeks to react and bring attention to itself. Taking direct influence from the qualities of a cloud, which is a gaseous form of water, the infrastructure looks to sit lightly on the site and translate a cloud’s ephemerality into its appearance through materiality. The colossal footprint of the infrastructure, which sits in contrast to its minimal amount of material volume needed, is supported by load bearing steel truss beams and columns and is built largely out of water pipes. Below highlights the various rationale behind the use of water pipes. The Blur Building as key precedent study Fig. 142 (dsrny, 2022) from

Fig. 143

Fig. 144

Fig. 145

Light and Transparent

Transportation of Water

Misting System as Water Barometer

The filament-like quality of water pipes (and steel rods) allow for overall transparency of the infrastructure that is representative of the clear quality of water. This not only allows the infrastructure to minimize its contact with the physical fabric of the site, it also reduces embodied carbon to push towards net-zero.

Water pipes are used for the transportation and storage of harvested water from the site as well as running the pilot water management system. This allows for reduction in overall water consumption and is also key in supporting the buildability and feasability of the infrastrucuture as it seeks to adopt and maximize self-sustainability through a circular economy for water.

Water pipes along the exterior are fitted with misting systems. The misting system works to reflect the translucency and ephemerality of a cloud, a gaseous form of water. When water usage is low in Beijing, the infrastructure is clear and transparent, whereas when water usage increases, the misting system functions to increase opacity along the edges of the infrastructure through mists, increasing visibility of the infrastrucutre on site, just like the formation of a cloud.

Made of Water In essence, the infrastructure is built out of water as the pipes that make up the infrastructure carry water in them and moreover, create mists that fill and make the “interior” of the infrastructure.


Section 2 - Building Materials, Construction & Performance

9. Material Strategy LETI Embodied Carbon Compiled by a network of over 1000 built environment professionals, LETI is a guideline that aims to put the industry onto a path of zero-carbon future. In order to achieve net zero carbon, the scheme has to take into consideration its embodied carbon in the materials chosen and the amount used. Embodied carbon refers to the carbon emissions emitted whilst producing a building’s materials, their transport and installation on site as well as their disposal at end of life. This requires new buildings to undergo a Life Cycle Assesment (LCA) through the RIBA stages in the Plan of Work.

LETI - Main Components Below outlines the three main components used in the Ghost of the Forbidden City, demonstrating the reasons for the material choices in line with the client’s ambitions. The materials in the components highlighted below have been chosen due to the structural, environmental and design ambitions. It is important to consider the main components in terms of their embodied carbon along their process of manufacturing, fabrication, construction and assembly of materials.

Component 1

Structural Steel Columns and Girders Embodied Carbon

The infrastructure is made largely out of water infrastructure that is structurally supported by structural steel columns and girders. The material is chosen for its strength and efficiency in the construction of large infrastructures. The steel columns and beams will come in the form of steel truss systems and structural steel sections to bear the load of the infrastructure. They will be painted with protective intumescent paint for fire safety and painted white for the client’s aesthetic ambitions. Steel is also locally produced in China.

Data extracted from ICE Database V3, Aug 19

Component 2

Roof - Water and Solar Harvesting

The roof is a key component in the Ghost of the Forbidden City as it is the central to the client’s ambitions of a circular economy for its water and power usage. As the roof needs to be transparent to allow sunlight to enter into the infrastructure as well as harvest water, key considerations were taken in selecting the final combination and layering of cushion etfe, transparent solar panels and water harvesting buds. Etfe was especially chosen for its lightness, ability to be unaffected by UV light, environmental weathering and pollution, with a lifespan of up to 100 years and has insulating properties.

Due to being a bespoke component, the scheme’s designed roof has no record on systems to provide embodied carbon statistics.

Component 3

Stainless Steel Pipes

The final key component is the stainless steel pipes running throughout the infrastructure. Careful environmental and performance considerations have to be taken into account for the pipes for its quantity as well as exposure to weather. As the pipes are carrying water which is heavy and is able to freeze in winter, the pipes are designed with the key consideration of being able to dewater efficiently. As a result, the pipes will be sloped to allow water to naturally flow away as well as include heating features in the transport of water. This will decrease the need for water pumps and save on power.

Embodied Carbon

Response To ensure that the structural steel truss systems are built to achieve zero-carbon status, the scheme should look to facilitate the re-use of materials, bolted connections and clamped fittings should be preferred to welded joints. There should also be easy and permanent access to connections in order to maintain them. Also, long-span girders should be adopted to maintain flexibility of reuse in the future, allowing for further cutting at a later stage. When procuring steel, delivery distances should be minimized and that the environmental product decleration (EPD) obtained via thorough LCA, details the impact of the compenent on the environment.

Response As there are no embodied carbon values available for the component, the client will be paying for research, testing and LCA to be carried out on the component by a LCA specialist. It is encouraging however, that the chosen materials far outperform their alternatives. For example, etfe which is light, 100% recyclable and requires minimal energy for transportation and installation means that the project also saves on the need for more steel structures. In contrast, glass is far heavier, not 100% recyclable and would increase transportation and require more steel structural supports.


Embodied Carbon

Steel, Welded Pipe Steel, UO Pipe

A1 - A3 kg Co2/kg

Module D kg Co2/kg

2.78 3.02

1.47 1.67

Data extracted from ICE Database V3, Aug 19

To reduce environmental impact, the client will be looking to include recyclable materials as well as encourage a circular economy for the pipes during and after its lifespan. In order to achieve this, access to repair and maintain the pipes need to be made available. The client will also pay for consultation with a LCA specialist to assess its environmental impact during the design process. Should there be excess embodied carbon used, the client will push to mitigate this through offsetting.


Section 2 - Building Materials, Construction & Performance

9. Material Strategy

Material Performance Below outlines the key properties of the main materials chosen to be used in the Ghost of the Forbidden City scheme. Its properties and benefits will be addressed along with their key considerations.

Properties / Benefits


Properties / Benefits

Structural Steel Truss Girders and Columns -

Durable structure to ensure the longevity and structural integrity of the infrastructure. Able to span long distances High tensile strength Fire resistant when treated with intumescent paint Excellent strength to weight ratio Can be joined easily through welding or bolted together Can be produced off-site and assembled on site


Double Layer ETFE Cushions

Recycled steel used where possible Supplied by local suppliers to reduce transportation Requires to be painted with intumescent paint to make it fire resistant Maintenance of intumescent paint is required Long span allows for increased possibility of reuse in the future Ensure permanent and easy access to connections

Fig. 146

- Flexible and super lightweight material reduce structural need - Able to withstand against environmental weathering, pollution and is self-cleaning - Highly transparent to light and does not obstruct UV light - High level of heat retention allows for thermal insulation - Easy to repair and cost-effective - 100% recyclable - Resistant to high temperatures - Fire retardant and self-ventilating



Properties / Benefits

Stainless Steel Pipes - Resistance to strong climatic changes in temperature - Resistance against corrosiveness of chemicals - Ability to transport and maintain portable drinking water without contamination - Offers the most in terms of functionality, water safety and value in comparison to other materials - Resistance to UV radiation - Embodied carbon lower than PVC



Current lack of accoustic absorption abilities Requires protection against snow and birds Access to ETFE needed to provide repair and maintence Water run-offs into the etfe gutters need to be collected and transported appropriately Specialist quality product will need specialist consultation

Fig. 147

Properties / Benefits

Fig. 148



Transparent Solar Photovoltaic Glass -


will be exposed to outdoor environment and weathering cost of stainless steel pipes are the most expensive in comparison to alternatives heavier in comparison to PVC pipes and other plastic options requires water to be protected from freezing during the winter months using antifreeze or trace heating methods


Transparent PV glass allows for natural lighting of ground below and reduces demand for artificial lighting 12-15% efficiency in transforming sunlight to energy lifespan of up to 30 years transparency of up to 40% with research suggesting potential improvement to 60% Achieves aesthetic ambition



Fig. 149

requires protection against weathering efficiency to transform sunlight to energy is lower than typical solar panels (20% efficiency) specialist product that is still undergoing R&D to push its quality and efficiency high costs solar cells will degrade over time and will need replacing efficiency varies through the year depending on season

Section 2 - Building Materials, Construction & Performance




Primary Structure Columns & Girders

The primary structure is designed to span long distances to reduce the number of columns needed to support the structure. This will allow better overall transparency of the infrastructure, Although this will mean that the width and depth of the primary structure is thicker, structural steel truss systems are used as columns and girders to ensure reduced overall steel tonnage as well as allow for translucency of the structure.

The primary structure is primarily arranged along the perimeters of the infrastructure, aligning under the horizontal water tanks that borders the infrastructure and is where water harvested on the roof is transported. It is also scattered across intersections of the infrastructure’s grid as well as the central core to ensure all weight which cannot be directed to the perimeter due to distance is supported.

All structural steel truss sections are manufactured off-site to be transported and assembled on-site. These truss sections are built to a maximum of 12m to ensure easier and safer transportation. Sections are assembled and craned into position in the infrastructure’s grid system. Overall, this will save time and improve margin of error during construction. Structural engineer has advised on the span and depth required.

Primary Structure Steel Framing

The columns and girders are further connected to a lateral grid of load bearing steel framing that supports the overarching roof structure. These steel frames are also routes for water and services. At intersections on the grid, the steel frames are connected to tension only steel rods that extend towards the ground below to support the steel frames. As this will require a large amount of steel, recycled steel should be used where available to reduce embodied carbon.

In response to the structural concept, the steel frames and bracing allows for the infrastructure to be visually understood as being made out of thin filaments that ensure overall transparency of the infrastructure. This allows for the interior to be as unobstructed as possible, reflecting the lightness of the infrastructure and reducing impact on the physical fabric of the site.

All steel frame sections are manufactured off-site to be transported and assembled onsite. Sections are assembled and craned into position. Pipes and services will be installed on-site. In addition, the grid system allows for mass manufacturing of the sections as there is a repitition of sizes. Overall this will save time and improve margin of error during construction.

Primary Structure Celestial Pillars

Located at each corner of this rectangular scheme are 4 towers called the Celestial Pillars. They are connected to the other primary structures and provide further structural support and lateral support. This inhabited structure will require a large amount of material and thus, recycled materials should be used where posssible. Mitigating strategies such as offsetting its carbon impact will be taken to ensure net-zero carbon.

The pillars are designed to reflect chinese culture and its water history and narrative. They are also the main inhabited space within the infrastructure; museum is separate from infrastructure.

The structural engineer has supported that the pillars will provide additional structural integrity to the infrastructure. The pillar are also the most suitable location for servicing machineries such as heavy plant rooms, water pumps and air pumps required by the infrastructure. These will be constructed at the same time to decrease overall time needed to complete the scheme.

Secondary Structure Water + Solar Harvesting Roof

10. Structural Strategy

The water and solar harvesting roof is arranged to be as lightweight and penetrable as possible. ETFE which supports water harvesting is completely UV light penetrable, allowing for the transparent solar panels below to absorb them. Reduced roof load allows for reduction in steel support and thus, embodied carbon. The harvesting structure also allows for a water and power circular economy, making the structure self-sustainable. The roof is also sloped towards the perimeter to encourage quick and natural dewatering of the infrastructure, decreasing the live load and power usage.

The water and solar harvesting roof has been designed in reference to water lily buds and its leaves in water. The lily buds is the center to water collection and power services at the intersections of each grid and has etfe cushions attached to it that are designed to reflect the leaves of a water lily that sit above water.

The M&E engineer has advised that water and power services should not be installed near each other to minimize safety and fire hazards. Thus, the roof component has been redesigned since to reflect the separation of water and power, yet still maintains its design ambitions. The bud component will be manufactured off-site and installed on-site to save time during construction.

Introduction to Structure The structural strategy used within the Ghost of the Forbidden City is highly influenced by the scheme’s ambition to embody the qualities of and be built out of water. This section combines the scheme’s interactive water infrastructure with the concept of a cloud (a form of water) to ensure the ephemerality and qualities of water and its various state is reflected through design, structure and concept.

Structural Concept Clouds are essentially water floating in the sky, translucent and light as it appears and dissapears in the sky. Like the cloud, the infrastructure seeks to sit lightly on the physical fabric of the site despite its large footprint and at the same time, accomodate the scheme’s water infrastructure. Like a cloud that carries water, the infrastructure is central to the water supply in Beijing and must be able to bear the dead load of the infrastructure as well as the live load of water within it in its water tanks, water pipes and throughout. Furthermore, as the infrastructure is exposed to the environment, it has to be able to resist corrosion and weathering.

Structural Considerations As the infrastructure looks to disrupt the daily lives of the citizens of Beijing by being a constant reminder to raise awareness for water conservation, the infrastructure towers over the city at a height of 120 m, with a massive area of 720,000m2 just like the Forbidden City. This section will identify considerations taken towards the structural strategy to ensure it embodies the conceptual ambitions, works towards achieving a net-zero carbon design and also maintain its structural integrity.


TERTIARY STRUCTURE Waterfall Curtain and Steam Balloons


Columns & Girders on Piling Foundation

Primary Structure

Structural Breakdown


2 3

Primary Structure 1 Stainless Steel Truss Girders

PRIMARY STRUCTURE Columns & Girders on Piling Foundation

Celestial Pillars & Horizontal Steel Frame

PRIMARY STRUCTURE Celestial Pillars & Horizontal Steel Frame

Primary Structure

PRIMARY STRUCTURE Vertical Steel Frame

2 Stainless Steel Truss Columns 3 Angled Steel-Encased Concrete Piling

1 2



Primary Structure 1 Celestial Pillars 2 Stainless Steel Horizontal Framing 3 Horizontal Water Tank


The entire structure is supported by the stainless steel truss columns and girders built atop the steel-encased concrete piling. The steel truss are placed within the scheme’s designed grid and are chosen because of their ability to span long distances and towering heights whilst minimizing steel tonnage.

4 Stainless Steel Bracing (Secondary)

Celestial Pillars located at each corner of thes scheme function as individual buildings but also function as a supporting column to the overall infrastructure. This helps to provide better support against lateral wind loads and seismic movements. Stainless steel horizontal framing (which includes water carrier pipes made of stainless steel CHS and the beam string structure used to support solar panels) is part of the primary structure. These are attached to the horizontal water tank.

Roof - Main Pipes

Secondary Structure

Vertical Steel Frame

Primary Structure


1 2

Primary Structure

The vertical steel framing is made up of stainless steel CHS columns which tapers down to the ground in order to achieve the slenderness and lightweightedness of the design ambition. On top of these are the roof component layers made up of the ETFE cushion system, steel structural frames and water harvesting buds. Together with the horizontal steel framing, both systems help resist lateral load and minimize total steel tonnage.

1 Roof Component Layers 2 Stainless Steel Tapering CHS Columns

Secondary Structure 1 Main Pipes

Located below the ETFE cushion system enveloping the top of the infrastructure, the main water carrier pipes which are of 25cm in diameter and made of stainless steel CHS sections welded/bolted together, are responsible for transporting most of the rainwater harvested on the roof to the perimeter where the horizontal water tanks are. These will be in charge of moving heavy live loads (water) and are supported by the primary structures.

Waterfall Curtain and Steam Balloons

Tertiary Structure




Tertiary Structure 1 Steel Structure for the Steam Balloon Water Barometer 2 Waterfall Curtain System 3 Steam Balloon made of sewed panels of nylon fabric

Constructed with the support of the primary and secondary structures, the tertiary structure adds onto the scheme to complete it. The main components include the steam balloon visual barometer which is a stainless steel welded structure that sits on top of the Celestial Pillars (acts as a measurement ruler as the balloons expand) and the steam balloons inside them. Balloons are made of nylon fabric which are commonly used for balloon construction. The waterfall curtain system wraps around the scheme. Its fabric is made of polyethene mesh that condenses water vapour or mists into water.


Section 2 - Building Materials, Construction & Performance

10. Structural Strategy

Key Structural Components The components highlighted below are key in allowing the structural concept to be achieved. The specific benefits brought about by these components are identified and listed here along with a response on the environmental and financial impact of these components.






- Disperses weight efficiently and simply - Capable of spanning long distances - Cost effective structure - Lightweight - Reduced deflection (compared to plain members) - Support considerable loads - Use recycled steel - 100% Recyclable

High Load Fork Truss

Fig. 150 from

High load fork truss columns will support the Pratt truss girders. Works well with supporting heavy vertical loads. The truss will use tubular members with full welded joints for a clean look.


Disperses weight efficiently Strong and sturdy structure Lightweight Reduced deflection (compared to plain members) - Support considerable loads - Use recycled steel - 100% Recyclable

Maximum length for sections to not require special arrangements for movement by road is 22m. The average steel structural sections will therefore be around 12m, allowing for ease of transport and handling, reducing financial cost for the clients. Furthermore, this means that all machineries and transport required to move the material is easily available locally and will not need import or transport of special equipment and vehicles which would increase environmental impact. This would help reduce embodied carbon within the scheme. Moreover, whilst stainless steel is more costly than normal steel, it has better corrosion and fire resistance and will help extend the lifespan of the building , thus reducing need for repair.

Tuned Mass Damper

The Pratt truss is commmonly used in longspan buildings with spans reaching 20-100m, and where uplift loads may be prevalent. It uses vertical members in compression and horizontal members for tension. The configuration allows diagonal members to only be in tension for gravity load effects allowing them to be more efficient.

Tuned mass dammpers also known as vibration absorbers are seismic dampers that consist of a device mounted on the structure itself. They facilitate the reduction of the amplitude of vibrations of lateral forces such as wind and earthquake and are often used in tall buildings.

Fig. 152


- Protect structure against earthquakes - Reduces structural damage - Increases strength of infrastructure - Decrease seismic force and reduces deformation of the structure - Increases lifespan of the structure - Easy installation

These will be positioned underneath the perimeter horizontal water tank at intervals in order to absorb any potential forces during a seismic event or strong winds. Whilst this may add cost for the clients, it is key in ensuring that the scheme maintains structural integrity and components of the infrastructure does not get damaged. This would require repair, maintenance and potentially replacement, increasing total carbon consumption.

Nitrile rubber gaskets are watertight seals that can act like a spring: compressing and springing back in response to force. This makes it suitable and effective as a vibration dampening component to be installed in the component connections to mitigate transfer of forces from one to another, and in sealing key connections involving the transfer of water. A variety of thickness and sizes are available in the market.

- able to protect structure and heavy machineries - reduces transmission of sound and vibration - simple installation - cost efficient high resilience - able to fit various types of connections - self-adhesive - good sealing properties for dust, water and air. - excellent chemical resistance

Nitrile rubber gasket is a costeffective method of passive vibration absorption. Due to the myriad of bolted steel connections in the infrastructure, bolts may be prone to buckling during seismic events or strong winds. Using a rubber gasket will help protect the bolts and prevent damage from occuring in the structure, reducing cost in repair, maintenance and replacement. This will reduce overall client expenditure and overall total carbon consumption.

Fig. 154:

Similar to the structural trusses above, stainless steel CHS sections are 100% recyclable. This allows for a circular economy to occur for the stainless steel material once scheme exceeds its lifespan. Furthermore, these materials will be sourced from recycled steel and therfore, further reduce embodied carbon in the structure as well as reduce overall cost of the structure.

Reduces Structural Columns Tension-only Stainless Steel Rods

Hot-formed Circular Hollow Stainless Steel Sections (CHS)

Filament-like Aesthetics - Overall aesthetic appearance suits ambitions of the scheme - strong and sturdy structure - high resistance to winds and water currents - ability to be modified and recycled easily - Good strength to weight ratio - Good weather resistance - Good corrosion resistance - Lightweight - Structural efficiency - 100% Recyclable


Fig. 153:

Fig. 151 from

CHS are structural elements suitable for columns under compression. There are 2 production methods namely: cold forming and hot forming. Hot forming is the most suitable for producing structural elements such as columns due to its weldability. Also, the hollow offers the advantage of making provision for building services such as fire protection, ventilation, heating and etc..


Anti-Vibration Components

NitrileRubber Gaskets

Pratt Truss ( ‘N’ Truss)

Long Span Stainless Steel Girder and Column


Tension rods are highly effecient members that are able to transfer large forces over long distances with a minimal quantity of material. They provide bracing and structural support and typically used in hangers and supports, cross bracing and truss stiffening elements. Various strength grades and surface finishes are available to fit all project requirements.

- produced off-site pre-assembled delivery is - available - reliable and durable - suitable for internal and external areas - strength, ductility and toughness - sleek design matches client’s ambition cost-effective

Fig. 155:

The steel rods which will be used as a part of a beam string structure to support the transparent solar panels are able to reduce steel tonnage in the scheme. However, it is sensitive to misalignment and can fail if not precise. Thus, consultations with specialists are needed prior to the beginning of construction and during the design stage. Also, testing should be done to ensure structural integrity of the structure during construction.

Section 2 - Building Materials, Construction & Performance

10. Structural Strategy

Foundations This section presents the requirements for the foundations of the infrastructure and how these will be affected by its location on top of a lake and its soil conditions. Structural engineers comments from a workshop with Arup has been taken into consideration and influenced the design of the foundations and structural elements.

Subaquaeous Site

Seismic Considerations

Ground and Site Considerations

Sections of the scheme is built on top of a manmade lake. Hence, further investigations into the ground conditions of the lake is required to determine the pile depth and diameter. Dredging will need to be done to remove settled sediments and soil at the bottom of the lake to increase its capacity as well as prepare the site for construction. It is also important that the construction does not pollute the lake and the environment during construction. It is expected that these will add extra cost to the client.

Ghost of the Forbidden City is located in a seismic prone location and therefore, will need to take safety precautions in the design of its foundations. One way to ensure this is for pile to be embedded into bedrock at a greater depth and that circular columns are used. Also, concrete pile foundations are susceptible to liquefaction and lateral spreading during an earthquake, however, its performance can be improved if it has a steel casing or is replaced by steel piling.

Existing data states that the soil on site are loam, which is suitable for construction. However, further ground and site surveys will be paid for by the client in order to determine the exact requirements for the piles’ depth and diameter. The structural engineers have suggested the piles to have a diameter of 600mm and to reach a dept of at least 15-20m. Also, the scheme should be aware of the existing underground subway tunnel and build piles outside of the guidance perimeter.

Scheme Response Elevated and Angled Several columns are located directly on the lake. In order to support these columns, elevated angled piles have been chosen. These piles will drive deep into the lake bed to a depth of at least 20m with diameters of at least 600mm as advised by the structural engineer. As the infrastructure is located in a seismic area and will be subjected to huge lateral loads, the piles are angled to help distribute the vertical load and keep the column steady.

Steel-Encased Concrete Piling In order to ensure that the piles are able to withstand being in water and structural integrity is maintained throughout its lifespan, the concrete piling will be steel encased. Not only will the steel protect the concrete from the water, this will give the infrastructure better support in seismic conditions.

Building around existing tunnel

Cross Section of Scheme

As studied in the previous section of this document, there is a guideline to follow when constructing above and around existing subway/ transportation tunnel. This is considered in the structural strategy through ensuring that the piles are built outside the minimum set-out of the exclusionary zone. However, any such construction will need prior consultation with the government/transportation company and thus, the client will need to pay for consultations with them. Furthermore, civil engineers with expertise in piling in lake conditions will need to be consulted prior to the construction and during.

Water Level

Elevated angled piles (Steel-encased concrete) Lake bed post-dredging

Common Elevated Piles

Angled Elevated Piles

Exclusionary zone of existing underground subway tunnel


Section 2 - Building Materials, Construction & Performance

10. Structural Strategy

Loads In response to the infrastructure’s function as a water tank and its ambitions to minimize its impact on the lake and park, the main structure is elevated and makes up the roof of the infrastructure. This is structurally supported with 4-point steel truss girders and columns on the perimeter and scatered across the grid. Equipped with structural support from steel bracing and tension only steel rods providing lateral support in consideration from strong winds and seismic situations. As a result of this, the 4-point steel truss girders and columns will always be in compression with the girders experiencing tension as well. Due to the need to move water away from the center and to the perimeter which is the most structurally supported, the roof is angled to allow gravity to dewater the pipes in the roof naturally. Below outlines the three main loads which an infrastructure would experience nd how these are taken into consideration in the scheme. These are the dead loads, live loads and environmental loads.

Dead Loads Definition: Dead loads, also known as permanent or static loads, are loads that remain relatively constant over time and include, for example, the weight of a building’s structural elements, such as beams, walls, roof and structural flooring components. Dead loads can include permanent nonstructural partitions and immovable structures. These are added with the live loads to provide structural engineers the basis of which to calculate and design components and foundations needed for the building.

Live Loads Definition: Live loads, also known as applied loads, are loads that may vary over time and often result from the occupancy of a structure. Typical live loads may include; people, furniture, vehicles, lateral loads, and etc. These are elements of the building that vary on a day-to-day basis. The weight of these, just like the dead load, is overcompensated in the calculation of total loads as to ensure that structural integrity is maintained throughout the lifespan of the building.

Environmental Loads Definition: Environmental loads act on a structure as a result of topographic and weather conditions. These include wind loads, snow loads and earthquake loads. The impact of wind load and earthquake loads grows as the height of the building increases. Sould the deadweight of the structure not be able to resist wind loads, additional structure fixings are required. In the case of buildings in seismic zones, they should be carefully analysed and designed with a seismic response to avoid collapse.

Response Sections of the scheme is built on top of a manmade lake. Hence, further investigations into the ground conditions of the lake is required to determine the pile depth and diameter. Dredging will need to be done to remove settled sediments and soil at the bottom of the lake to increase its capacity as well as prepare the site for construction. It is also important that the construction does not pollute the lake and the environment during construction. It is expected that these will add extra cost to the client.


Response Ghost of the Forbidden City is located in a seismic prone location and therefore, will need to take safety precautions in the design of its foundations. One way to ensure this is for pile to be embedded into bedrock at a greater depth and that circular columns are used. Also, concrete pile foundations are susceptible to liquefaction and lateral spreading during an earthquake, however, its performance can be improved if it has a steel casing or is replaced by steel piling.

Response Existing data states that the soil on site are loam, which is suitable for construction. However, further ground and site surveys will be paid for by the client in order to determine the exact requirements for the piles’ depth and diameter. The structural engineers have suggested the piles to have a diameter of 600mm and to reach a dept of at least 15-20m. Also, the scheme should be aware of the existing underground subway tunnel and build piles outside of the guidance perimeter.

Movement of Water to Perimeter through Water Harvesting Roof Roof Plan (without ETFE for clearer view of structure)


Section 2 - Building Materials, Construction & Performance

11. Construction Strategy

Loads (cont.) Dead Load LIve Load Environmental Load

Arrangement of Loads

Efficient Dewatering

Open and Permeable

All equipments, machineries and water storange tanks are located at the perimerte and in the 4 Celestial Pillars at the corners where the structure is the strongest.

Scheme’s live loads are largely made of harvested water on the roof that needs to be transported through the structure to its perimeter horizontal water tank. The water harvesting roof makes use of gravity through slanted pipes to allow for efficient dewatering and thus removal of total live load on structure at any time.

Scheme is a permeable infrastructure that sits as an open space. There is an opening in the center of the roof and a perimeter of permeable fabric curtains that can be rolled back during strong winds.


Section 2 - Building Materials, Construction & Performance

Overall Detail Plan and Section

11. Construction Strategy

Ghost of the Forbidden City


Overall Detail Plan

View from Inside

Overall Detail Section

Section 2 - Building Materials, Construction & Performance

Movement of Water This overall detailed plan highlights the structures that enable the collection and transportation of water from the water harvesting roof to the horizontal water tanks at the perimeter.

NOTE: Plan functions on a grid. Thus, this detailed plan is repeated throughout the structure with alterations at key junctions.







Key : A Roof - Water Harvesting Buds B Roof - Main Water Pipes C Structural Column

Overall Detail ed Section

Overall Detail Plan - Roof 1: 250 on A3

D Roof - Patterned ETFE Leaves E Roof - Gutter F Perimeter Horizontal Water Tank



Ghost of the Forbidden City Light, Transparent and Expansive Infrastructure

1 Rainwater falls onto the ETFE leaves on the roof. ETFE’s form directs water into gutter.

2 Gutter leads water into the Water Harvesting Buds. This is where water is temporarily located before draining off into the pipes.



First layer of pipes are tilted to allow natural and energy efficient dewatering of the structure. Second layer of pipes are the main pipes that pushes water into the perimeter.

Both layers of pipes leads to the perimeter where the horizontal water tanks are. Water is stored here.

5A From the water tank, some water are directed down into the pipes in the columns at the perimeter. These are used for misting purposes.

Collection and Movement of Water The client’s ambition is to enable a circular economy for water to ensure that water is not wasted in its pursuit of being the city’s water barometer. These diagrams demonstrate how water is collected and how it moves through the structure into storage. This will allow the infrastructure to be self-sufficient in its water usage. However, this also dictates that the structure must be able to withstand the presence and load of water. Details in the following pages will explain how this is considered in its materiality, structure and design.


5B Most of the water will remain in water tank or directed into the large water storage tanks in each Celestial Pillars. These pillars are connected to the city’s water supply. Rainwater can also collect in lake.

Section 2 - Building Materials, Construction & Performance

Lightweight and Transparent This overall detailed section demonstrates the layering of structure according to functionality of water and solar harvesting. The structure is also designed to be light and transparent.

NOTE: Structure functions on a grid. Thus, this detailed section is repeated throughout the structure with alterations at key junctions.






Overall Detail Section - Roof 1: 250 on A3 Key : A Roof - Water Harvesting Buds B Roof - Main Water Pipes C Stainless Steel Truss Columns and Girders D Roof - Patterened ETFE Leaves




E Roof - Gutter F Perimeter Horizontal Water Tank G Transparent Solar Panels H Steel Tension-Only Rods I Steel Framing and Bracing


Celestial Pillars (not drawn for clarity) Water is eventually transported from the horizontal water tank and directed into the large water tank in the Celestial Pillars that works to store and distribute water to the city.





Ghost of the Forbidden City View of Celestial Pillar and Water Harvesting Roof (ETFE Leaves not shown here)


Detail A : Water Harvesting Roof

Section 2 - Building Materials, Construction & Performance KEY JUNCTION A

11. Construction Strategy

Detail A - Water Harvesting Roof This is where water begins to enter into the water infrastructure. This detail demonstrates the strategic layers of steel framing, water pipes and etfe leaves which allow for water harvesting and also allow for a light and transparent roof that allows sunlight to penetrate into the infrastructure. Inspired by water lilies that are able to grow in harsh water conditions, the water harvesting roof is made up of patterned ETFE leaves (cushion) that guide water into the Water Harvesting Buds where water is collected and transported.







Decrease Total Load

The structure sits as a “cloud” on top of a park and maintains the open-space and outdoor nature of the environment. Therefore, whilst the roof needs to maximise its surface area for rainwater collection, the scheme intends to maintain transparency of the space. This is reflected in the materiality below.

As a result of maintaining transparency, the structure must look to strategies to decrease total load on its roof. This is so that the steel structure can be as thin as possible whilst maintaining structural integrity. Thus, this is reflected in the structure’s design to allow natural and efficient dewatering (moving water from roof to its perimeter horizontal water tanks). This will be tackled in Key junction B through materiality and design of structure.

Arranging Water and Electrical





Sunlight Penetration

Due to the presence of water within the roof structures, the M&E Engineer from ARUP had advised for separation of water and electrical services. This is tackled in key junction A and B in the next page.

Wwater Tank Elevation

Scheme Response


A Key Junction: ETFE to Gutter




Structural Steel Truss Girder (Pratt Truss)

Water Harvestin g Roof - Bud Section 1 to 100 on A3 Key : B Key Junction : Bud to Main Pipes C Water Harvesting Bud D ETFE Air Supply Tube E 200mm Steel CHS, Painted White F 200mm Gutter G Keder rail, extruded aluminium frame H Two-layer patterned and inflated ETFE cushion I Steel rod for ETFE support J 100mm Stainless Steel Pipe, Painted White K 250mm Stainless Steel CHS, Painted White L Horizontal Water Tank M Steel Cleat Bolted on


N 100mm Steel CHS, Painted White O Steel CHS Welded Connection P 500mm Steel CHS Column, Painted White Inflation system and electrical services routed internally through structural frame


Section 2 - Building Materials, Construction & Performance

11. Construction Strategy Key Junction A

ETFE Cushion

Key Junction B



An alternative for ETFE cushion as the roof is glass. However, to reduce the size of the structural frame, reducing dead load is key. ETFE was chosen instead of glass for many reasons, one of which is its weight - it only weighs 1% of an equivalent glass sized pane. Its lightness combined with its ability to withstand environmental weathering, pollution, UV light permeability, insulating properties and a lifespan of up to 100 years further helps the scheme achieve its ambitions. ETFE is also generally less expensive, has lower material and installation costs. It also has self-cleaning properties unlike glass.


G water movement





top layer of water pipes (100mm stainless steel CHS) is slanted at an angle to allow natural movement of water due to gravity.




Birds in Yuyuantan Park


As studied in the site analysis, the site is visited by a variety of birds through the year. Installation of bird wire helps ensure ETFE is protected from the birds.


Separating Water and Services Air piping services to supply air to the ETFE cushion is usually located within the structural frame in steel frame structures. This is shown in picture below. However, due to the design of the water harvesting bud, ARUP’s M&E engineer had advised to separate water supply and electrical services for health and safety reasons. Therefore, the air piping has been relocated outside the bud as shown in key junctions A and B. This also allows access to the piping for maintenance and repair.


A ETFE to Gutter 1 to 10


Key : A 50mm thk Stainless Steel Vessel B 200mm Steel CHS, Painted White


C Steel Support Plate D Waterproof Membrane E 200mm x 300mm Aluminium Gutter with bracket support F Keder rail, extruded aluminium frame


G Stainless Steel Bird Wire at 800mm intervals H Two-layer patterned and inflated ETFE cushion

Bud to Main Pipes Section 1 to 20

I ETFE Air Supply Tube J ETFE Air Inlet Fig: 156: Common arrangement of air piping to etfe

Slanted Pipes The top layer of water pipes are designed so that they are able to be fixed at a slant on site depending on which of the 3 levels of opening is used. This is designed to allow natural movement of water without using pumps. This improve efficiency of dewatering process when accompanied by the lower layer of main pipes. Also, with this, each steel vessel that makes up the bud can be repeated throughout the structure without design variations. This helps reduce construction time and cost for the clients. However, it is important that each vessel is tested to be leak free before they are installed on site.


K Steel rod for ETFE support L 500mm Steel CHS Column, painted white Inflation system and electrical services routed internally through structural frame M Access to services

N Welded Structural Steel Frame O 250mm Stainless Steel CHS, painted white P 100mm Stainless Steel CHS painted white Q Welding Neck Flange

Bud to Main Pipes 1 to 20

R Water in transport

Key Junction B


Water Pipes - Top Layer Arrangement of Pipes to allow natural flow of water


Section 2 - Building Materials, Construction & Performance

This next detail demonstrates the strategic placement of the various functional layers in this scheme (water harvesting, water transportation, structural steel framing and bracing and solar harvesting). Solar Panels are usually located on top of infrastructures and buildings in order to ensure its access to sunlight. However, the structure looks to harvest rainwater.

- ETFE cushion has a lifespan of up to a 100 years whilst solar panels have a lifespan of 15 - 20 years. Should there need to be repair and maintenance, location of solar panels beneath the ETFE allow easier access the solar panels.

Sunlight (UV light)

Detail B - Solar Harvesting Roof

Sunlight (UV light)

11. Construction Strategy


- ETFE cushion is weather and environmental resistant. It is also self-cleaning and resistant to pollution. This helps protect the solar panels below it.

Layer 1 - Water Harvesting ETFE Cushions

Scheme Response



- If solar panels are located above the ETFE system, water harvesting will be disrupted.

- ETFE Cushions will have to be located at Layer 1 of the roof.

- If solar panels are located below the water harvesting ETFE layer, solar panels must be able to still receive and absorb UV light to gain solar energy.

- ETFE system needs to be transparent but can be patterned. ETFE is completely UV-light permeable, hence, solar panels placed below it will be able to harvest solar energy.

- Alternative option includes using a combined water and solar harvesting functions with ETFE fabric laminated solar panels.

- Lifespan of ETFE fabric laminated solar panels are shorter than the 100 years lifespan for regular ETFE cushion. As the structure is very tall, it is important to minimize maintenance, repair and replacement needed in the lifespan of the structure.

Layer 2 - Water Tra nsportation Bud, Pipes and Horizontal Water Tank

Fig: 157: Transparent solar glass

Minimal Structure The transparent solar panels need to span a distance of roughly 27m with minimal structure to avoid blocking sunlight to the ground. Thus, a tensile structure steel cable system has been chosen for this structural strategy. This will be detailed further in the next page.

Transparency and Sunlight



- Traditional solar panels are more efficient than transparent solar panels. They have 15% solar efficiency whilst current fully transparent solar panels only have 1-5% efficiency.

- Current research from MIT has provided promising results in that transparent solar panels may be able to reach 10-12% efficiency in the coming years. Moreover, 5% solar efficiency placed over the scheme’s footprint of roughly 720,000m2 will still generate a lot of electricity in Beijing. Furthermore, traditional opaque solar panels will block out all of the sun from reaching the grounds of the park.

- Transparent solar panels are expensive compared to conventional solar panels.

- The client’s ambitions are towards time and quality instead of cost.

- ETFE allows 95% UV light to penetrate, allowing solar panels to receive sunlight.

Layer 3 - Structural Support Steel Framing and Bracing

Scheme Response In response to the client’s ambitions of achieving LETI’s Net Zero goal, the scheme looks to be self-sufficient in its energy use through taking advantage of and maximizing on its large footprint with the use of solar panels. In order to ensure that the structure achieve its design ambitions of transparency, transparent solar panels were subsequently chosen for the scheme.

- Water Harvesting functions are undisrupted and thus, the scheme maximizes on its footprint to collect and store water. - Clear divide between water and electrical service helps maintain health and safety as well as increase lifespan of infrastructure.

Layering the Functions Both water harvesting and solar harvesting requires access to the environment. Traditionally, solar panels would be located on top of a structure to maximise solar gain. In this scheme, we have managed to optimize the structure through an alternate layering of the roof in consideration of materiality, design ambitions, structural needs and maintenance. This will be further explained here.

- It is cheaper and easier to replace ETFE cushion than transparent solar panels should the exposed ETFE system needs repair or replacement.

Layer 4 - Solar Energy Harvesting Transparent Solar Panels

Fig: 158: Tensile structure steel cable system


Section 2 - Building Materials, Construction & Performance

11. Construction Strategy

Detail C - Horizontal Water Tank This detail outlines the construction of the perimeter’s horizontal water tank. The size of the water tank reflects the size of the walls of the Forbidden City in its size and form: 8.62 m x 7.9 m high. This is the location of the heaviest live load in the infrastructure as all water harvested are directed and transported here. The water tank seeks to blend in with the sky and its surrounding, hence, its exterior is chromed to reflect the environment.


Steel Truss System (Pratt Truss)


Ghost of the Forbidden City 3D Renders View of Horizontal Water Tank

Section 2 - Building Materials, Construction & Performance

11. Construction Strategy Similar ETFE system as discussed in Detail A leads water directily into the water tank


Accessible Top Lid allows for checks and for repair and maintenance to occur

Bolted VS Welded

Air Vent allows air in tank to ventilate

A steel structure such as the scheme is able to be constructed through bolted connections or welding on-site. Both has its pros and cons. However, with water running through the structure, an argument can be made that welded connections are stronger and seal the joints whilst bolted connections may leave room for corrosion to occur as well as weaken the structure due to accuracy of joints, unfinished bolt and effect of vibration. However, bolted joints would allow the scheme to reduce time consumed during construction as it takes less time to weld, and is a non-permanent joint that can allow it to be used for easy recycling (Note: ambitions for LETI circular economy). The scheme thus uses welded and bolted joints strategically throughout the scheme. In the case for the water tank, the bolted joints are reinforced with water membrane lining to maintain waterproofing, uses nitrile gaskets in between connections to seal and provide support for buckling and seismic situations. On the other hand, the columns that make up the primary structure of the scheme and directly supports the water tank is welded on site. The use of both allows for better cost control as well.

A Welding neck flange connects the water pipes. The connection was chosen for its butt weld that allows for a seamless aesthetic as well as strength.


Bolted Joints

Welded Joints

- Simple design, less manpower needed - Less time required - High strength joint - Low cost - Low Noise - Less skilled labour required - Easy Availability - Non Permanent Joint - Easy dimantling for efficient recycling and reuse. - Easier replacement - Failure at one point (bolt) does not affect whole connection - Effect of Vibration may affect bolts - Less Axial Tensile strength - Lubrication needed -Corrosion may occur, protection required - More space required

- More complex, skilled manpower needed - More time consuming -Higher strength joint - Higher cost - Loud Noise during construction - Permanent Joint for structural integrity - Can be recycled and reused but not as easy as bolted joints - Process can be automated - Welding can be performed anywhere - Smooth and seamless appearance - Easy addition and modification of structure - Decreased chances for corrosion - Decreased chances for water leakage

The expansive infrastructure towers over the site which is located in a seismic zone. To ensure better protection against seismic movements and lateral wind loads, attached to the bottom of the water tank at intervals are massed tuned dampers as well as the use of nitrile rubber gaskets at structural connections. This is demonstrated in the following details and key junctions C and D.

Water VS Services The exterior CHS of the perimeter truss frames are used to move water down to the misting systems on ground whilst the interior CHS of the perimeter truss frames contain the electrical and trace heating systems.

Section of Welded Neck Flange at Key Junction D



Key : D

A 50mm thk Stainless Steel Shell Plate Chromed on exterior B 12mm thk Chromed Stainless Steel Sheet






C 150mm x 120mm Stainless steel T beam bolted to 300mm RHS D Steel Plate Bolted on with Nitrile Rubber Gasket E Steel Support Brackets F 500mm Stainless steel CHS, Painted white G Tuned Mass Damper H Two-layer patterned and inflated ETFE cushion I 600mm Stainless Steel CHS Column, Painted White Water Supply system for misting routed internally through structural frame J 600mm Stainless Steel CHS Column, Painted White Trace heating system and electrical services routed internally through structural frame K Welding Neck Flange ( Key Junction D)


L Water Condensing Polyethene Mesh Fabric N 150mm x 150mm Stainless Steel I Beam O Stainless Steel Stiffeners Welded to I Beam P 300mm x 300mm Stainless Steel RHS section welded to I beam above and steel bracket below



Structural Steel Column

Protection from Movement



Section 2 - Building Materials, Construction & Performance

11. Construction Strategy Key Junction C

Key Junction E

Cold Bridging Interior of Horizontal Water Tank Railing

















Section of Junction between Water Tank and Structural Column Not to Scale


Key :


A 50mm thk Stainless Steel Shell Plate, Chromed on exterior B 12mm thk Chromed Stainless Steel Sheet


Interior of Horizontal Water Tank

C Waterproofing Membrane D 60mm thk Polyurethane Foam (PUF) Insulation E 150mm thk Rockwool Panel Fire Resistance Insulation

Health & Safety



Walkway above Horizontal Water Tank


Railings are designed with a height of 1200mm from the floor. This is designed in accordance to the guidelines stated in Approved Document K (Protection from Falling). This will help protect the health and safety of the government workers working at the Ghost of the Forbidden City.



Multi-Layered Insulation Although the Horizontal Water Tank could be designed to rely only on self-regulated heat tracing cables, this would mean heating can only be done actively during the cold winter months and will cause the scheme to increase its operational carbon. In order to prevent this from happening, the water tank is insulated with several layers of insulation that play a role in ensuring the fireresistance, thermal resistance and water proofing of the component. The PUF insulation used allows for any cracks to be sealed and insulated. Rockwool panels are chosen instead of fiberglass panels for main insulation layer as fiberglass loses its thermal protection when in contact with water. Nitirle ThermalRubber Insulation provides high water vapor diffusion resistance and low thermal conductivity. It is also able to prevent condensation, reduce energy loss and commonly used in water infrastructure as it protects against frost on pipes, air ducts, and vessels. The final layer before the stainless steel sheet inside the water tank is a UV Cured Surface Tolerant Seal Coating as it is easy to apply in mass production and is a versatile adhesive that provides thermal resistance of up to 260 degrees Celsius. The combination of these layers will help provide passive thermal regulation within the water tank throughout its lifespan and will help push the scheme towards its Net-Zero Carbon goal.


1200 mm

The scheme attempts to solve the issue of cold bridging at key junctions suchs as those highlighted in Key Junctions C and E. Whilst welding may be better in terms of sealing of joints, bolted connections are chosen as they will help reduce time taken to construct the scheme. In order to solve this, a waterproofing membrane is laid above the outer stainless steel layer, and nitrile thermal rubber insulation is laid just before the final inner layer of stainless steel. The nitrile thermal rubber insulation provides thermal resistance but is also commonly used in water infrastructure as it is able to prevent condensation, has high resistance against frosting. Moreover, the connection between the structural column and the tank contains nitrile rubber gaskets which provides both seismic resitance and better seal of connection.

F 50mm thk Nitrile Thermal Rubber Insulation Section of Junction between Walkway and Water Tank Not to Scale

G UV Cured Temperature Resistant Surface Tolerant Seal Coating

Enclosed Water Tank Initial design choice of having an open water tank was decided against as this would not protect the quality of the harvested rainwater as well as it leaves to water to evaporate in hot sunny weathers. It would also mean increased heating during the winter months, thus higher operational carbon.

K Metal Deck Profile L 19mm x 95mm Shear Stud N 300mm x 300mm Stainless Steel RHS Section bolted to base bracket Self-regulated Heat Tracing Cable located inside O Harvested Rainwater P Tuned Mass Damper Q 300mm diameter Stainless Steel CHS Section R 500mm diameter Stainless Steel CHS Section

H 12mm thk Stainless Steel

S Stainless Steel Support Brackets

I 150mm x 150mm Stainless Steel I Beam welded to cladding J 250mm thk Reinforced Concrete Slab (constructed at angle to allow water to flow down to center drainage)

T Bolted Steel Plate U Nitrile Rubber Gasket

Section 2 - Building Materials, Construction & Performance

11. Construction Strategy

Detail D - Steel Truss System The Stainless steel truss system is welded together to ensure its structural strength and protect it from potential water access and corrosion due to the nature of the scheme. In order to ensure that the structure blends into the landscape like a cloud, the stainless steel members are painted white, also protecting them from water when the structure uses its misting system.

Transportation and Site Handling The infrastructure is 120m high from the ground of the park to the top of the water tank. Maximum member length for normal transport would be 22m. The column is built with average 12m CHS that allows easy transportation and site handling by the construction workers.





Bolted Splice Steel Connection allows for the bud and its chs column below to be considered as two separate components. Each component is welded offsite to increase efficiency and accuracy of construction. They are then transported on site and bolted in place through this joint. The bolted connection is covered behind an accesible steel plate which thus protects it from potential corrosion. This also increases speed of construction on site and need for skilled labour, saving financial costs for the client. Fig: 159: Example of welded steel members

Pratt Truss System The structure adopts the Pratt Truss System for its girders as it is able to give a larger span compared to other truss systems. This reduces the amount of structural steel needed to build the infrastructure, thereby reducing total embodied carbon. Truss system is welded in place.


Fig: 160: Example of bolted splice steel connection


Section 2 - Building Materials, Construction & Performance

11. Construction Strategy

LETI Construction Audit Outlined below are LETI based reviews of each detail. Alternative materials are discussed in pursuit of decreasing overall carbon footprint of the Ghost of the Forbidden City. As the client looks to achieve Net Zero Carbon status, it is important that the material choices and construction methods are reviewed according to LETI’s operational and embodied carbon framework. Whilst it is important for the scheme to do so, it must not alter drastically the ambitions and directions of the scheme’s design decisions.

Alternative Detail A - Water and Solar Harvesting Roof (ETFE Cushions + Transparent Solar Panels) Alternative: ETFE PV Glass Panel Another transparent material that can be used as roofing is glass. This can be combined with ETFE PV Fabric that is laminated on it, allowing for a combined function of water and solar harvesting albeit needing a change in construction strategy. It is also more readily available than transparent solar panels. Unfortunately, this material has a lifespan of 15 years in comparison to the chosen ETFE cushion and transparent solar panels combination. ETFE can last up to a 100 years if taken care of properly whilst the transparent solar panels have a lifespan of 15-20 years. Thus, this will reduce total embodied carbon. The ETFE cushion is also able to withstand weathering and is selfcleaning, thus reducing maintenance and repair needs.


Alternative Detail B - Solar Harvesting Roof (Tensile Structure Steel Cable System) Alternative: Steel Beam Construction Whilst steel beam construction may be able to perform and hold a 28m span of transparent solar glass panels, it would increase total steel tonnage and works against the aesthetic and design ambitions of the scheme to be like a cloud and transparent. The extra weight will also look to increase total load of the infrastructure and would consequently need the increase of depths of steel truss columns and girders. The tensioned cable also works to hold the structure in tension against buckling from lateral wind loads and seismic events. The lightweight and transparent construction is also readily available in regards to material.

Alternative Detail C + D - Horizontal Water Tank and Structural Truss System (Stainless Steel) Alternative: Concrete Apart from steel, another commonly used material for water tank and vessel construction is reinforced concrete construction. Whilst concrete may provide better thermal resistance and protection against cold bridging, concrete construction is heavier and will require an increase of steel tonnage in the structural columns beneath it. Alternative: Active Heating As explained in the previous pages, the water tank could potentially rely on self-regulated heat tracing cables only and reduce the use of insulation in the tank. Whilst this may reduce embodied carbon at the beginning, this will cause a drastic increase in power usage for heating in winter months. This would increase overall total carbon usage in its lifespan.

Section 2 - Building Materials, Construction & Performance

11. Construction Strategy

Sequence of Assembly

Stage 1 - Site Handover Timing Consideration: Should there be protest against the construction, Act of Parliament will help push the project forward for it has legal gounds to continue construction.

Stage 3 - Dredging of Lake Timing Consideration: This process will most likely take a while as dredging is a time consuming process.

The site is handed over to the contractor and will be managed on site by the management team. The perimeter must be secured to ensure health and safety of the residents in the city for the period of construction. Before any work is carried out, residents in affected area must be moved to their new location. Wildlife must also be relocated.

Stage 2 - Draining of Lake

The lake will be dredged to prime the site for construction, removing debris and dirt. It is important to look out for the existing underground subway tunnel whilst doing so. Furthermore, this helps increase water capacity of the lake for future use, making it more effective as a flood basin than before.

Stage 4 - Foundations

Timing Consideration: The draining of the lake will take some time. the construction continues on the grounded areas on the park in the meantime.

Timing Consideration: This process will most likely take a while as this is a time consuming process. Complexity of piling near existing subway tunnel will also increase time needed.

The lake is drained prior to the beginning of construction. This is done relatively easily as the lake is an existing water storage area with gates that close and open to control water intake and movement. This allows for a more manageable environent to construct the infrastructure. Water into the city goes through existing basin on the left, therefore, city’s water supply from here is not shut off.

Piling begins. The ground is drilled up to the depth required which is at least 20m deep from the new lake bed level. Then formwork is built up to the level of the designed elevated pile caps. Reinforcement is inserted along with steel casing. concrete is poured and casted.


Section 2 - Building Materials, Construction & Performance

11. Construction Strategy

Sequence of Assembly

Stage 4 - Primary Structure Timing Consideration: Steel structure is welded and bolted in place. Most of the structure is manufactured off site and is transported to site. Time required is largely for assembly, thereby decreasing time required.

Stage 6 - Water Reenters Lake Timing Consideration: It is important that once construction ends, the lake needs to go through a cleaning process to ensure that the site is not polluted with construction debris and materials once water is let in. This will take some time..


The construction of steel truss sytem begins. Column and girders are built on top of the foundations with scaffolding in place to support the structure and allow access to the construction workers. However, as the build goes higher, lateral structure follow behind in the construction process.

Stage 5 - Secondary Structure

Once construction ends, the infrastructure is able to begin harvesting water and solar energy after connecting to the water, energy and services main plants located in the Celestial Pillars which are at each corner of the infrastructure. The lake is cleaned before the gates are reopen to allow water to reenter the site.

Stage 7 - Roads and Park

Timing Consideration: Steel structure is welded and bolted in place. Most of the structure is manufactured off site and is transported to site. Time required is largely for assembly, thereby decreasing time required.

Timing Consideration: Time is required for cleaning before handover of site.

Once the primary structure is constructed in place, construction of secondary structure can begin. This include the water harvesting roof, waterfall curtain, solar harvesting layer and water tank in the perimeter. The various layers are connected to the main plant, services and pump room in the celestial pillar.

Post-Construction of the scheme, the new circulation of site is built and the park is cleaned before finalizing the construction of the Ghost of the Forbidden City.

Section 2 - Building Materials, Construction & Performance

12. Performance Strategy Ghost of the Forbidden City Response


Strategies Overview

Minimising operational carbon plays a huge role in achieving the client’s goal of net-zero carbon. This section demonstrates the strategies taken to ensure that the operations of the Ghost of the Forbidden City scheme is optimised and adjusted to comply with LETI guidelines in order to reach this goal.

LETI Performance Consideration

To tal O

This section will discuss a range of key operational elements that have been considered or implemented to strive towards fulfilling net-zero carbon. However, some of these may not be integrated into the construction of the building as they may bring about other implications or potential failure and need for alteration. These will be reviewed in the LETI Performance Audit in this section. A summary of these key elements are listed below.

Below is a summary of strategies taken for water supply, power, and building environment strategies as concluded by investigations and deliberations discussed within this section. These all benefit from the integration of a circular economy for water, renewable solar energy sources, and outdoor nature of the infrastructure’s expansive semi-enclosed internal space.

Water Supply Strategy

The Ghost of Forbidden City seeks to tackle the issue of lack of water scarcity awareness in the city through the use of visual water barometer in this pilot water management system. Hence, all water used within the scheme must also ensure that it does not add to the issue at hand. Thus, all water usage within the scheme is integrated into a designed path for circular economy through various functionalities and construction of the scheme.

Power Strategy

Due to the scheme’s water control and real-time visual barometer functions, the infrastructure will run continuously without stopping. This includes the air pumps for inflating the ETFE cushions, transportation of water through the infrastructure, trace heating systems, inflation of steam balloons, and etc. The infrastructure maximises on its large footprint to install solar panels which will seek to supply renewable energy towards all of the scheme’s functions.

Building Environment Strategy

Due to the outdoor nature of its indoor space, all ventilation, heating and cooling strategies occur naturally. Furthermore, the perimeter’s building fabric which is adjustable and retractable is permeable to air and is also able to contain mists (water) from escaping the internal space.


rat io





Water Supply Strategy -



Establishing an efficient transportation system for rainwater collection to decrease daily energy output and total live load on structure. Integrating a renewable-sourced, circular economy system for water usage throughout the infrastructure to ensure building functions does not waste water. Ensuring the separation of water and power services to ensure the prevention of accidental destructions that would then require repair or replacement.

Heating and Cooling Strategy Ventilation Strategy -

Power Supply Strategy -



Integrating a renewable-sourced, circular economy system for power supply throughout the infrastructure through energy harvesting systems, such as solar panels. Ensuring the separation of water and power services to ensure the prevention of accidental destructions that would then require repair or replacement. Reducing demand on power consumed, achievable through maximising on strategies such as natural dewatering systems, natural daylighting, and natural ventilation.


Designing for natural ventilation to occur within the large semi-enclosed space of the infrastructure. Adaptable and retractable perimeter facade to suit various situations such as yellow dust winds and strong gusts as environmental control.




Designing to take advantage of the infrastructure’s outdoor nature to allow for natural heating and cooling of its semi-enclosed space. Investigating the use of heat sources, such as trace heating system and antifreeze, to ensure continued transportation of water through infrastructure in winter. Incorporating infrastructure’s water barometer functions (misting system) as cooling strategy.

Flood Defence Strategy -

Seismic Strategy -

Integrating passive and active seismic damping strategies in the construction of the building in order to prevent destruction during seismic events as well as protect health and safety of users and the site.


Increased capacity of site’s water body and newly introduced water storage functions within the infrastructure enhances the site’s existing flood defence functions. Introduction of a systemic and controlled movement of water from site to water storage dams outside of the city at specific times to decrease chances of water levels reaching over-capacity and aids in the infrastructure’s money generation.

Data Disclosure -

Incorporating city-wide water usage surveillance through monitoring and pilot water management systems which then feed into infrastructure’s visual water barometer to ensure citizens in the city are aware of live water usage.

LETI Certification On-Demand Systems Lighting Strategy -

Incorporating on-demand systems for strategies in order to reduce waste of power and water.


Materiality and structural choices to allow for natural light to permeate through to the grounds of the infrastructure absolving the need for considerable amount of artificial lighting.


Overall rating of carbon usage calculated against LETI guidelines. Should reflect integrated strategies where possible instead of investment in offsetting carbon usage.


Section 2 - Building Materials, Construction & Performance

12. Performance Strategy

Water Supply Strategy (1) - Collection Water Harvesting Introduction

Ghost of the Forbidden City Response

Water harvesting is a key program designed into the construction of the scheme. This page outlines the pathway of water in the rainwater harvesting system that is then used to supply the various programmes of the scheme and increase total freshwater supply in Beijing. Water collected on the water harvesting roof is transported to the perimeter of the scheme where the horizontal water tanks are located. The horizontal water tank is connected to 4 water storage tanks, which is connected to the city’s main water pipeline, each located in one of the 4 Celestial Pillars. Whilst most of the water is directed here, some are maintained within the scheme in its structural framework where it is used for the misting systems and the Steam Balloon Barometer.

The client’s ambition is to enable a circular economy for water to ensure that water is not wasted in its pursuit of being the city’s water barometer. These diagrams demonstrate how water is collected and how it moves through the structure into storage. This will allow the infrastructure to be self-sufficient in its water usage. However, this also dictates that the structure must be able to withstand the presence and load of water. Details in the following pages will explain how this is considered in its materiality, structure and design.

Efficient Dewatering

All pipes maintained at 3cm fall depth per meter distance of pipes.

Supporting pipes in scheme is angled to allow natural flow of water by gravity. This reduces energy consumption for water transport. Efficient dewatering of the infrastructure is able to reduce total load on scheme at any given time, reducing structural tonnage required, thus reducing carbon.

Water Flow 1


Rainwater falls onto the ETFE leaves on the roof. ETFE’s form directs water into gutter.


Gutter leads water into the Water Harvesting Buds. This is where water is temporarily located before draining off into the pipes.

First layer of pipes are tilted to allow natural and energy efficient dewatering of the structure. Second layer of pipes are the main pipes that pushes water into the perimeter.

Source: week-4-sanitary-system/.

Water flow in infrastructure is guided by gravity in supporting pipes and pressure in the main pipes. By guaranteeing flow in scheme, this reduces opportunity for bacteria and slime to form growth sites, thereby reducing chances for microbiologically influenced corrosion.

Fig. 161 : Sloped Pipes

Trace Heating System

Electric Self-Regulating Trace Heating Cables in Heat Tube

Electric Trace Heating System chosen over chemical antifreeze for maintaining temperatures scheme’s water infrastructure system as antifreeze would enter into the freshwater system. Trace heating system is able to be self-regulated and function as an on-demand system.

Stainless Steel Water Carrier Pipes

Controlled Misting 4 Both layers of pipes leads to the perimeter where the horizontal water tanks are. Water is stored here.


5A From the water tank, some water are directed down into the pipes in the columns at the perimeter. These are used for misting purposes.

5B Most of the water will remain in water tank or directed into the large water storage tanks in each Celestial Pillars. These pillars are connected to the city’s water supply. Rainwater can also collect in lake.

Power Source

Heat Tracing Cables

Misting system installed in scheme is meant to make the scheme opaque and stand out in the city landscape. However, with controlled usage and strategic placement of the misting systems on the perimeter only, the same effect is created without the need to mist the entire space.

Section 2 - Building Materials, Construction & Performance

12. Performance Strategy

Water Supply Strategy (2) Ensuring Circular Economy Controlled Water Usage in Circular Economy The scheme is located in Beijing where rain is concentrated during the summer months and is dry during the winter months. Currently, all water supplied through to the lake on site is supplied largely by the South-North Water Diversion Project. Facilitating a large-scale rainwater harvesting infrastructure allows for independence from borrowed water supply from the South, as well as increasing total freshwater availability in the city, decreasing percentage of water over-consumption. Circular economy system maintains water used in scheme in the the total supply. Harvested water is used within the programs of the Ghost of the Forbidden City that can be seen as wasteful if not controlled. This would go against the main purpose of the scheme which is to raise awareness for the issue of water scarcity within the city. Therefore, the use of water in the scheme’s programs, specifically the Misting Sytem and the Steam Balloons (both are visual water barometers for the city’s residents), are designed to remain within the infrastructure’s circular economy for water.

Ghost of the Forbidden City Response All water entering into the steam balloon system as steam is sourced from the water collected through rainwater harvesting by the infrastructure. This ensures the scheme’s functions does not add a strain to the city’s water availability. Furthermore, the steam condenses and is eventually siphoned and reenters the steam cycle. This ensures a percentage of water used as steam is conserved and recycled, adding to the scheme’s self-sustainable water supply system.

Scheme’s Use of Water (1) - Steam Balloons

Scheme’s Use of Water (2) - Misting System

Steam Balloons are collaborated to increase in size and height as water usage increases within the city. Once the monthly water limit is surpassed, the steam balloons will explode to release steam into the air. Water here is thus unretrievable. However, throughout the balloon’s progressive expansion, steam would continue to condense on the surface of the balloon and drop down. This water is collected to be reused and reheated into steam for the balloon.

Misting systems are collaborated to release mists when weekly limits are surpassed. This is not a gradual process like the steam balloons. The misting system is installed only along the perimeter of the infrastructure to allow the structure to appear completely filled with mists despite only making opaque the perimeter. This continues until the week restarts. Whilst this may release a lot of water into the air, the infrastructure’s perimeter is lined with water condensing fabric that collects water from the mists in the air. Water collected is put back into the system for reuse, therefore creating a circular economy.

Steam Balloons Explode at city’s water usage limit

Misting system mists the interior of the scheme although only at its perimeter, making the scheme opaque and “appear” in the city when city’s water usage reaches its limits.

Fig. 162

Structural Column (at perimeter) Steam Balloons expands as more steam enters. Configured with Central Beijing’s water usage. 2

1 Steam released into balloon from steam chute. 2 Steam rises and eventually cools and further condenses when it comes into contact with the balloon’s nylon fabric. 2 Water condensed from steam drips down the nylon fabric and eventually falls into a drainage gutter installed in the floor. Water collected is siphoned into the system and the cycle repeats.


3 Steam Balloon made of nylon fabric Steam Chute

Waterfall Curtain is made up of polythene mesh that allows water vapour (or mists) going through it to condense on the small fibres and trickle down into water collection vessels below. All water released as mists for visual barometer functions can be recollected and reused in the system with the installation of the waterfall curtain.


Section 2 - Building Materials, Construction & Performance

12. Performance Strategy

Power Strategy - Generation & Storage Introduction Below outlines the ways in which the scheme plans to self-sustain its energy consumption. All power supplied to the Ghost of the Forbidden City will be renewable energy produced either on-site by the solar panels or the pumped hydro system. Excess energy will be stored on-site as well as sold to the grid as income to the scheme.

Renewable Energy as Power Source

Pumped Hydro: Power Source & Storage

M&E Engineer Comment

The scheme is designed with a layer of transparent solar panels arranged throughout the scheme’s large 720,000m2 site. In an effort to produce enough energy to reduce their carbon footprint, this helps facilitate the requirements of the infrastructure. Power generated is routed to an on-site power station to be used throughout the scheme in its water transportation, mechanical systems and machineries. The extra power generated can also be sold to the grid.

Excess energy from the grid is used at times of low demand to pump water up to the higher reservoir. When demand rises or there is a shortage of water supply (critically during the summer months) water is released downhill which then runs through a pump/turbine unit that generates electricity for the grid.

Consultation with a M&E Engineer from ARUP during a workshop concluded with the advice that the sustainability and feasibility of the infrastructure is heavily reliant on its ability to be self-sustainable with water and power supply. Whilst the scheme is designed with this intention in mind, it is important for the client to ensure research is done to accurately calculate and test the design. The scheme will work with the assumption that both are true.

Main Grid Excess electricity not used generated from solar panels transported to on-site power station for energy storage Ghost of the Forbidden City’s onsite power station and switch rooms Water to Pumped Hydro System Water from Pumped Hydro System


Electricity from solar panels



Powerhouse 2 Site’s Lake (also bottom reservoir) 3 4 Turbine / Pump

existing upper reservoir on ourskirts of Beijing

Ghost of the Forbidden City is connected to Pumped Hydro System 1 Excess solar power is dispatched to Powerhouse 2 Solar Power from scheme supplies power to pump water uphill during times of low demand 3 Water runs downhill from upper reservoir when water demand increases 4 Water runs through turbines generating electricity 5 Excess electricity is dispatched directly to the main grid


Section 2 - Building Materials, Construction & Performance

12. Performance Strategy

Seismic Strategy Introduction This section outlines the seismic strategies that the scheme has taken into consideration in order to ensure that the infrastructure is able to withstand potential seismic events as the site is located in a seismic prone zone. This enables the structure to not only protect its users safety, it is also able to protect the scheme from being destroyed and therefore, prolong the lifespan of the scheme. This would also ensure that the in the case of enduring strong lateral winds, the buckling and movement of the infrastructure is absorbed and decreases component damages.

Ghost of the Forbidden City Response

Tuned Mass Damper

In order to achieve the clients’ design and functional ambitions as a visual barometer for water usage to increase awareness for the issue of water scarcity in the next key century, the structure must be able to maintain its integrity and function through the years. It also has to last the next century in order to be able to maintain its presence within the city as the new cultural monument of Beijing. Early destruction due to seismic events would waste all efforts and carbon used in the construction of the scheme.

Nitrile Gasket placed between water pipe connections

Nitrile Gaskets

Nitrile gaskets are watertight seals that can act like a spring: compressing and springing back in response to force. This makes it suitable and effective as a vibration dampening component to be installed in the component connections to mitigate transfer of forces from one to another, and in sealing key connections involving the transfer of water. A variety of thickness and sizes are available in the market.

- able to protect structure and heavy machineries - reduces transmission of sound and vibration - simple installation - cost efficient high resilience - able to fit various types of connections - self-adhesive - good sealing properties for dust, water and air. - excellent chemical resistance

Fig. 164:

Steel encased Concrete Piles

Nitrile Gaskets placed between bolted connections

- Protect structure against earthquakes - Reduces structural damage - Increases strength of infrastructure - Decrease seismic force and reduces deformation of the structure - Increases lifespan of the structure - Easy installation

Fig. 163:

Anti-Vibration Components

Welded structural columns provide enhanced structural integrity to withstand seismic consitions

Tuned mass dammpers also known as vibration absorbers are seismic dampers that consist of a device mounted on the structure itself. They facilitate the reduction of the amplitude of vibrations of lateral forces such as wind and earthquake and are often used in tall buildings. They are installed at intervals underneath the horizontal water tanks.

In order to ensure that the piles are able to withstand being in water and structural integrity is maintained throughout its lifespan, the concrete piling will be steel encased. Not only will the steel protect the concrete from the water, this will give the infrastructure better support in seismic conditions compared to just concrete piling.

- Steel encased piling able to protect concrete from water - Steel encased piling able to provide stronger support in seismic conditions - Angled piles hold the structure more sturdy compared to non-angled piles. - Longer lifespan in water


Section 2 - Building Materials, Construction & Performance

12. Performance Strategy

Flood Defence Strategy Introduction This section outlines the flood defence strategy considerations for the site. As the site’s lake, Yuyuantan Lake, functions to store water as well as acts as a flood basin during heavy rain, it is imperative that the construction of the scheme does not work against its existing functions but enhances it. The scheme does this in 3 ways.

Increased lake capacity post-dredging

Addition of Water Tanks

Pumped Hydro Functions

The lake’s depth is increased at the beginning of the construction in conjunction with preparing the site for the infrastructure as well as to increase the lake’s water capacity.

The infrastructure functions as a water tank and water storage area through collecting water harvested from the roof. This therefore aids in mitigating water run-offs in the immediate site and can help reduce volume of water in the lake.

Due to its pumped hydro functionality, water on-site is pumped up to a reservoir located higher up (at least 600m above). Water is only released down when there is a shortage of water. This allows a controlled amount of water to be on site at any single time and helps ensure that the site is able to contain water in the case of heavy rains. As explained in page 105.

Increased lake water capacity post Horizontal water tank at the perimeter of the infrastructure feeds into water storage tank in Celestial Pillars

Water Storage Tank for city’s water distribution

Original Yuyuantan Lake depth before construction of scheme


Water Storage Tank for city’s water distribution

New deeper depth of Yuyuantan Lake post-lake dredging to prepare lake for construction

Section 2 - Building Materials, Construction & Performance

12. Performance Strategy

Part L vs LETI Introduction The approved Part L document provides the UK’s national benchmark for compliance using carbon emissions of the construction to calculate environmental performance. On the other hand, LETI determines compliance by calculating energy consumed through operational energy over time and therefore, provides a relatively more accurate gauge of a building’s environmental performance.

Ghost of the Forbidden City Response As LETI’s specifications for Energy Use Intensity (EUI) per year does not include the scheme’s typology, it is stated in LETI’s documents that non-domestic buildings are to achieve a minimum of Display Energy Certificate B (DEC B: 40). However, the infrastructure also falls out of the scope and requirement of DEC. Whilst the scheme does not have a baseline target for EUI by LETI, it will instead suggests methods that the infrastructure may be able to reduce its EUI with LETI’s ‘Net-Zero Operational Carbon’ as a guide (displayed on page 56 of this document).

Opportunities to Reduce Energy Consumption - LETI

The Scheme’s Main Strategy for Managing Operational Energy

Increased Insulation

If Renewable Energy - Operational Energy is EQUAL


If Renewable Energy - Operational Energy is POSITIVE


If Renewable Energy - Operational Energy is NEGATIVE

Mitigate / Offset

Before relying on mitigation and offsetting methods, below lists ways in which the scheme may be able to reduce its EUI following the LETI guideline set for other typologies. Whilst there is no baseline targets for this typology, similar steps can be taken.

Methods of Reduction

Maximise Renewable Energy Reduce Cold Bridging Natural Ventilation Demand Control Temperature Regulation of Water Improve U-Values

Action required to be taken by client. Whilst this may add to the financial burden, this will allow the scheme to mitigate and offset its carbon consumption to achieve Net-Zero Carbon goal.

Daylighting Natural Movement of Water using Gravity




Measurement and Verification

Low Carbon Supply

Zero Carbon Balance

Annual energy use and renewable energy generation on-site are to be reported and independently verified in-use each year for the first 5 years.

- Heating should not be generated using fossil fuels - Average Annual Carbon content of heat supplied (gCO2/kWh) should be reported - Self-Sustainable Renewable Energy Production and Use

Annual analysis of energy used to be done. Excess energy used will be offset by additional investment into renewable energy capacity and/or through purchasing PPA.


Section 2 - Building Materials, Construction & Performance

12. Performance Strategy

Building Fabric as Environmental Control Permeable and Retractable Waterfall Curtain

Natural Ventilation The scheme is largely made up of semi-enclosed space that do not need to be conditioned, reducing the demand of mechanical systems and need for overall protection from exterior conditions. Natural systems are designed to still occur and are relied upon here.

Horizontal Water Tank


Reduce Cold Bridging

In response to LETI guidelines and methods of reduction in the previous page, the diagram below highlights the areas in the building fabric that decreases demand of mechanical systems, therefore reducing operational carbon.

Water Tank which is made of stainless steel is connected to the steel structural frames. Steel is a good conductor of heat and if it is not protected from cold bridging, backup mechanical systems will need to be put to use to control water temperature.

Ghost of the Forbidden City Response Most of the controlled space is located in the scheme’s water transport and storage areas. This is where materials specified will help ensure overall use of mechanical systems are reduced.

Horizontal Water Tank

Increased Insulation Decreases evaporation of water when conditions are warm and prevents freezing during winter months that could interrupt the functions and processes of the scheme. Insulation reduces need for mechanical control of temperature.

Transparent Solar Panels


Transparent Roofing System

Water Carrier Pipes

Water Carrier Pipes

Renewable Energy

Natural Daylighting

Natural Movement of Water

Demand Control

The scheme maximises on its large footprint by installing a layer of transparent solar panels throughout the scheme, allowing for generation of energy to keep the scheme selfsustainable and reducing demand on the grid.

As a result of the need for sunlight to reach the grounds of the site, materials specified such as ETFE cushions and transparent solar panels allow for natural daylighting to occur throughout the site.

Whilst the main water pipes uses mechanical pressure valve systems to transport water to the horizontal water tank in the perimeter, the supporting layer of water pipes will be slanted at an angle that allows natural dewatering to occur. This reduces energy consumption as well as allow for efficient dewatering of the roof and moves live load to the most well supported structure in the scheme (the perimeter).

Automated Self-Regulating Heat Tracing Cables is a demand control system that ensures that water in the infrastructure is maintained at a set-point or set-range. This set-point/ range will be adjusted to a minimum allowed level thereby decreasing energy used to heat or cool water in the scheme. This mechanical system is also operated using renewable energy sourced from the solar panels.

Section 2 - Building Materials, Construction & Performance

12. Performance Strategy

Detail Recap DETAIL A - WATER HARVESTING ROOF Natural Movement of Water


DETAIL C - HORIZONTAL WATER TANK Reduced Cold Bridging + Increased Insulation

The Water Harvesting Roof, namely the ETFE Cushions and supporting water carrier pipes have inclined surfaces which allows for natural dewatering of the infrastructure. Whilst the main pipes below is pressured, this decreses total operational carbon of the scheme.

The ETFE roof system allows for transparency and lightweightedness of the structure. This not only reduces operational carbon through the availability of natural daylighting over the scheme’s large footprint of 720,000m2, it also reduces total steel tonnage (embodied carbon)

The increased use of insulation inside the horizontal water tank allows for better thermal regulation of the interiors of the water tank without the need of increased active heating through the self-regulating heat tracing cables. The tank is able to passively maintain better thermal regulation during the winter and will definitely decrtease total operational carbon of the scheme.

Supporting Water Pipe

Main Water Pipe

Snowloading Whilst Beijing does not snow often, the ETFE cushion roof system is able to protect against snowloading. When snow covers the ETFE, it is key for the snow to slide down into the gutters where heat tracing cables are to melt the snow. Hence, when it snows, the ETFE cushions can be expanded with increasing more air in them. This will increase the incline of the etfe foil and allow snow to slide down into the gutter.

Rainwater falls on the incline of the ETFE cushion and into the gutter.

Rainwater collects in the bud as in transported to the perimeter through two layers of pipes.


Section 2 - Building Materials, Construction & Performance

12. Performance Strategy

N Building Orientation Introduction

Project Site

As the infrastructure functions as a semi-enclosed outdoor space that allows for sunlight and external conditions to permeate the interior of the infrastructure, building orientation has not played a large role in the construction of the structure. Because prevailing winds and sun are able to permeate the structure, natural ventilation and daylighting occurs, thus decreasing the total energy consumed to condition and light the large site.

Fig. 165 Structural Column (at perimeter)

Waterfall Curtain which surrounds the perimeter of the scheme is made up of polythene mesh that allows both water vapour and wind to permeate in and out of the infrastructure. However, in situations of strong winds, the curtain can be retracted to prevent the infrastructure from receiving strong lateral loads.

Wind Rose Diagram - Hours of wind speed per year (h/yr) in direction Beijing’s Climate - 30 years average Fig. 166 (Meteoblue, 2022)

Wind Speed Chart - Days of wind speed per month (days/month) Beijing’s Climate - 30 years average Fig. 167 (Meteoblue, 2022)


Section 2 - Building Materials, Construction & Performance

12. Performance Strategy

Lighting Strategy Natural Lighting Strategy Introduction This section highlights the natural lighting strategy during daylight hours. As the infrastructure spans a large footprint of 720,000m2, it is imperative that the roof allows for sunlight to reach the grounds of the site as this will decrease the need for artificial lighting on the expansive site. An opaque roof would not only block daylighting on site, but also daylighting for neighbouring buildings. Thus, materials specified for the roof structure is transparent with minimal steel structural support.

Roof Design

Waterfall Curtain

Transparent Solar Panels

The patterned ETFE Cushions functions as a water harvesting roof that envelopes the roof whilst its transparency allows light through. It also allows 95% of UV light to permeate through to reach the transparent solar panels located beneath it.

Permeable fabric that condenses water but allows light through. The curtains are also retractable.

Located below ETFE cushions, absorbs UV light and allows light through to reach the grounds of the site.

Sunlight Path

Artificial Lighting Strategy Introduction This section outlines the artificial lighting used outside of daylight hours. The artificial lighting functions with an on-demand system that is automated to come on when surrounding visibility is low. It is also supplied with electricity transformed from the transparent solar panels which are stored in the scheme’s power stations.

Borrowed Light

Park and Road Lights

Outdoor Solar Powered Uplights

Infrastructure’s chromed surface will reflect light from the bustling city below and around it. Decreasing demand for artificial lighting and complying with LETI to reduce operational carbon.

Conventional street lamps will light Yuyuantan Park and the roads on site. This is so that the site remains navigable at night and helps increase sense of safety of users. Triggered by sensors, therefore an ondemand system, saving total energy consumed.

A series of uplights will be positioned and fixed onto the infrastructure to light up the structure in the evening and at night. These will help light up the mists released from the infrastructure’s misting system, allowing the structure to stand visible by the entire city, signalling the overconsumption of water for the week. Uplights also light the steam balloons to ensure that it remains a visible entity at night for it functions as a visual water barometer.


Section 2 - Building Materials, Construction & Performance

12. Performance Strategy

Heating and Cooling Strategy Introduction This section illustrates the heating and cooling strategy for the water transportation system which includes the celestial pillars, horizontal water tank, water pipes and water harvesting roof. It also outlines the heating and cooling strategy of the main semi-enclosed space. As the infrastructure uses on-site renewable energy, all mechanical systems will run on electricity and consequently, help reduce operational carbon in order to achieve clients’ ambitions of Net-Zero Carbon.

Ghost of the Forbidden City Response Prevailing winds over lake cools the site over the summer

Beijing’s Highest Temperature: Around 37°C Beijing’s Lowest Temperature: Around -15°C To ensure that water within the infrastructure does not freeze in the winter, water pipes and tanks will be lined with electric self-regulated heat tracing cables. However, in order to ensure energy usage and operational carbon is controlled and minimal, set point for heating will be set slightly above minimum temperature for water to not freeze. Minimum required water temperature is set at 6°C.

Lake acts as heat sink during the winter months Heat escapes the infrastructure through central opening in roof

Electric Self-Regulating Trace Heating Cables in Heat Tube

Stainless Steel Water Carrier Pipes

Power Source

Heat Tracing Cables Permeable Waterfall Curtain wraps the perimeter

Internal Space (Semi-Enclosed) Heating: - At and near ground level: Electrical radiant panel - Lake acts as heat sink post-summer months

Central opening in roof structure

Fig. 168: Electric Radiant Heater

Roof Plan


Cooling: - Prevailing winds going over the lake on site will cool the site through the breeze - Mists released by the misting system will add cool moisture in the air and can help cool ambient temperatures during summer months.

Water Transport and Collection Self-regulating heat-tracing cables (able to cool and heat, at different temperature at different points of the cable) 1. connected to back-up generator to ensure that it does not shut down during winter 2. water begins to freeze at 4°C and completes freezing at 0°C. A safe set point is 6°C to compensate. 3. the smaller the diameter of the pipe, the easier it is to freeze and explode. Hence, pipes are insulated and at a diameter of 10cm and 25cm wide.

Section 2 - Building Materials, Construction & Performance

12. Performance Strategy

Ventilation Strategy Introduction The diagram below illustrates the ventilation strategy implemented by the scheme with the ventilation routes identified. Unlike indoor spaces which would benefit from the use of mechanical systems such as HVAC systems, the semi-enclosed and outdoor nature of the space does not require a fully conditioned space. However, certain design measures have been taken to allow and enhance the natural ventilation of the space.


Open and Permeable

Central Opening in Roof

Scheme is a permeable infrastructure that sits as an open space. There is an opening in the center of the roof and a perimeter of permeable fabric curtains that can be rolled up during strong winds.

ETFE covers most of the roof except for the centre. This allow for natural movement of wind and heat to occur.


Section 2 - Building Materials, Construction & Performance

Building Regulations that concerns the Ghost of the Forbidden City (within document’s scope) Approved Document A - Structure To ensure the structural integrity of the scheme following the guidelines which includes information on a range of commonly used materials such as masonry, timber and steel.

Approved Document B - Fire Safety To ensure the installation of passive and active protection against fire following guidelines that provide minimum requirements for materiality, fire escape, detection, resistance and procedures.

Approved Document C - Site Preparation and Resistance to Contaminants and Moisture States requirements for a building’s water tightness, wall junctions and ways to deal with contaminated land and presence of moisture on site.

Approved Document D - Toxic Advises and provides strategies to handle and tackle toxic substances in the building are used and managed safely.

Approved Document F - Ventilation Ensure minimum requirements for ventilation to occur in a building. This includes air quality and preventing condensation to occur in buildings.

Approved Document G - Sanitation, Hot Water Safety and Water Efficiency Provides guidance on the supply of water to a building and the standards for the fittings of controlled services.

Approved Document H - Drainage and Waste Disposal Provides the minimum requirements and guidelines for all water-bearing services, which includes sewage, rainwater and sanitary pipe drainage.

Approved Document K - Protection from Falling Ensures minimum protection from falling, collision and impact. This includes advice on designing staircases, ladders, ramps, guarding and vehicle barriers in and around all types of buildings.

Approved Document L - Conservation of Fuel and Power Provides minimum requirements and guidelines to energy performance and carbon emissions of a building in its building components. It advises on a target for efficiencies in a building’s operations and structure.

Approved Document R - High Speed Electronic Communication Networks This document entails that infrastructure must enable connections to broadband networks.

Approved Document S - Infrastructure for Charging Electronic Vehicles Provides technical guidance and requirements for installing charge points.

Approved Document 7 - Material and Workmanship Ensures minimum guidelines on the use of the appropriate materials for a construction and professionalism and manner of those working on the building.






Roads to Scheme


Celestial Pillars

Semi-Enclosed Open Space




Water Pipes


Structural Columns

Should the scheme be located in the UK, it would need to adhere to the set of minimum guidelines enforced by the UK Government which are documented and outlined in the various lettered Building Regulation documents. These are regulated and moderated through a series of inspections and consultations done throughout the construction and at the end to ensure that these minimum regulations are complied for the purposes of the building’s health and safety, usability, accessibility and etc. Should these pass the checks by Building Control during the final inspection which occurs post-construction, the project will be signed off by the building control officer.

Water Harvesting Bud


Yuyuantan Lake Bed

Building Regulations

Horizontal Water Tank

12. Performance Strategy


Section 2 - Building Materials, Construction & Performance

12. Performance Strategy

Accessibility Strategy - Part M

Fire Strategy - Part B


Introduction This section sets out the considerations taken in the scheme’s fire strategy in reference to Approved Document Part B. All areas that are user inhabited must comply with the regulations.

This section outlines the scheme’s considerations in ensuring accessibility, specifically for maintenance and repairs as the infrastructure is largely not for public use, unlike the infrastructure’s grounds (park and lake). These strategies work with the design intent of the scheme to ensure that difficult to access areas such as the roof which is 120m above ground, are accessible when needed.

Misting System

Hot Air Balloon to Access Roof

The perimeter of the structure is equipped with misting systems which can be used during a fire outbreak. Additional sprinkler systems are located closer to ground level throughout the scheme.

In order to access the ETFE roof for maintenance and repair, the scheme will keep two hot air balloons at hand for access to the roof. Once the balloon is positioned above a targeted area on the etfe roof, maintenance workers will climb down a ladder to go on the etfe cushions. The etfe cushions are able to hold the weight of several maintenance workers.

Stainless Steel Structure Stainless steel cannot be ignited and will not melt until temperatures of 1400 degrees celsius. It also does propogate fire as it does not burn. Not only is it a fire resistant material, this feature combined with its resistance to corrosion allows it to outperform aluminium and galvanised steel.

Absailing and Affixed Ladders

Stainless Steel Structure - Truss System

Fire Fighting Road and Boat Access Included in the design of the scheme are piers with boats prepared for the occasion of a fire. The roads to the entrance of the scheme is also widened to ensure that a firetruck is able to access the site when needed. Portable fire pumps must be made available and stored on site to allow water to be pumped from the lake when needed.

As the ETFE cushions will block access to the water pipes and transparent solar panels beneath it, the scheme will employ height technicians to access these components through absailing and climbing ladders affixed onto the columns. Height technicians will have the skills and experience to work at height.

Hot Air Balloon allows access to roof for etfe maintenance and repairs

Stairs and Lift Access Access to plant rooms which are located in the higher levels of each Celestial Pillar in the corners are granted by lift and stairs access. Entrance to the top of the horizontal water tanks is also granted through here. However, as the infrastructure towers at a height of 120m, the stairs will be equipped with emergency parachute bags that can be used by the infrastructure’s inhabitants (government workers) in order to escape at height should an emergency occur.

Parachute equipments Should a fire occur on the roof, the governmental officers manning and running the infrastructure must have access to a ready-supply of parachute equipment in the case a need for quick escape arises. All personnel working on site is required to go through parachuting training.

Materiality - ETFE ETFE is the main material used on the roof. Whilst highly combustible, it is proven by ARUP engineers for the construction of the Beijing National Aquatics Centre that ETFE would shrink away when on fire and therefore, is not only selfisolating, but also self- venting to allow smoke the escape the semi-enclosed space during a fire. It is therefore classified to have self-extinguishing properties.

6800 mm

18000 mm Celestial Pillars Stairs and Lift Access Government workers on-site trained to parachute during emergencies


Section 2 - Building Materials, Construction & Performance

12. Performance Strategy

Health and Safety Introduction This section outlines the scheme’s consideration for its users health and safety in regards to its design, construction and post-completion use.

Construction Health and Safety Considerations

Post-Construction and Design Health and Safety Considerations

Working at Height


Working at Height

In order to ensure the safety of the workers constructing the infrastructure, there must be regulations in place for protective gears and safety equipment to be worn by the construction workers and anyone else on site at all times. Tools used by the workers at height must also be secured to their belt at all times.

Relocation of residents whose buildings are located on-site as well as the relocation of animals in Yuyuantan Park and Lake prior to construction beginning.

In order to ensure the safety of the workers running the infrastructure, there must be regulations in place for protective gears and safety equipment to be worn by government workers manning the infrastructure at all times. Moreover, as laid out in Approved Document K for Protection from Falling, areas at height that are accessible such as the top of the water tank, will need to have raillings of a suitable height which will help ensure safety. Furthermore, in order to ensure possible quick escape off the infrastructure whilst at height, all government officials working on the infrastructure will need to be trained in using parachutes in order to be able to use the emergency parachute bags equipped on site in the case of an emergency.

Cleaning of Lake Once the infrastructure is constructed, it is imperative that the site’s lake, Yuyuantan Lake, is completely cleaned prior to letting water to reenter the lake. This is to ensure that the lake, which is a key freshwater storage area for Beijing, does not have remnants and leftover materials from the construction that could pollute the lake and/or harm the quality of the freshwater.

Road Closures All roads going in and out of the site will be closed prior to construction beginning. The traffic will be managed and redirected around the site in order to ensure that no one is stood below whilst construction occurs above.

Netting A layer of net is installed above the grounds of the site. This fibre netting helps protect everyone on the ground in the case of anything dropping from a height during construction.

Construction Accoustic Strategy Steel Connections

Controlled Construction Periods

Whilst weld connections may be stronger against bolt connections, especially in a water infrastructure such as the scheme, the scheme ensures that bolted connections are strategically used where possible. This not only decrease construction time but also ensures that there is not an over-reliance on weld connections that are louder and takes longer to build.

Whilst it is inevitable to have noise from a construction site, it is imperative that construction does not occur to produce adverse affects against neighbouring residents. The construction of the scheme will therefore only be allowed to occur from 8am-6pm, outside of sleeping hours.

Separation of Water and Electricity through Design As advised by M&E Engineers from ARUP, water supply and electrical services throughout the infrastructure are designed to ensure both are kept separate from each other in order to prevent chances for water to come in contact with electricity. This helps protect the government workers manning and running the pilot water management system and also protects repair and maintenance workers.

Stainless Steel Structure Stainless Steel is chosen as the main structural material used for the scheme as it is both fireresistant and corrosion-resistant. Both of these qualities helps ensure that the infrastructure is not prone to destruction or falling structures that could hurt users on site. It is also strong and is welded together in certain connections to increase structural strength. In connections where joints are bolted together, connections located closer to the water in the scheme is covered in a plate, protecting the bolts from water and consequently, rusting from occuring.

ETFE cushions air supply tube is elongated and located out of the bud in order to ensure that power supply does not come in contact with water and it is accessible for repair and maintenance

Water Harvesting Bud


Section 2 - Building Materials, Construction & Performance

Conclusion on LETI

LETI Conclusion Introduction The clients’ key ambition is for the Ghost of the Forbidden City to achieve Net-Zero Carbon to ensure the sustainability and feasibility of the scheme. One of the primary functions of the scheme is to be a visual barometer to the city’s water usage in order to increase awareness for the impending issue of water scarcity in Beijing. Therefore, as water needs to be used in the expanding steam balloons and the misting system of the infrastructure (both are visual water barometers), the scheme must find ways to ensure that it does not waste water in its efforts to do so. Thus, the scheme would need to maximise their water harvesting efforts and its water recovery efforts to achieve a circular economy for water usage and this is reflected in the design of the scheme as explained throughout this section so far. Furthermore, as the scheme aims to be self-sustaining in its power supply through an expansive layer of transparent water panels throughout the scheme, the scheme looks to be fully supplied with renewable source of energy that will then reduce total carbon emissions of the scheme. Along with that, the scheme will use LETI’s guidelines of relevant considerations and actions which will help push the structure towards Net-Zero Carbon status.

Reduction of Embodied Carbon

Reduction of Operational Carbon

Reduction of Demand

It is imperative for the scheme to consider the reduction of embodied carbon associated with its construction in order to achieve its goal of a Net-Zero Carbon building as the entire scheme covers a large footprint of 720,000m2. Due to the repetitive nature of the structures, any reduction of embodied carbon in its components due to design or materiality will reflect a multifold effect on the total carbon consumption of the scheme. Below outlines the steps taken by the design team to ensure embodied carbon is reduced considerably.

Operational carbon is the second part to the equation of achieving the clients’ goal of a Net-Zero Carbon Building. Therefore, the scheme took steps to increase efficiency of the infrastructure’s performance as well as to minimize demand for energy. Due to the repetitive nature of the structures, any decrease or increase in operational carbon consumption will reflect a multifold effect on total carbon consumption of the scheme, just like embodied carbon. Here are steps taken to reduce operational carbon.

To ensure the demand of mechanical systems are minimized and efficient, here are the steps taken in the scheme’s design. This follows guidelines by LETI and will help achieve Net-Zero Carbon.

1. Using materials available locally where possible. China is the world’s largest supplier of steel.

1. Ensure the self-sustainability in power supply of the entire Ghost of the Forbidden City scheme.

2. Using recycled materials where possible.As China is the world’s largest producer of steel, it has a large amount of recycled scrap steel that can be used for the construction.

2. Ensure the self-sustainability in water supply of the entire Ghost of the ForbiddenCity scheme.

1. Self-regulated heat tracing cables line the water infrastructure components. The automation and ability to heat various intervals independently allows for a more targeted heating and cooling of water. 2. The slanted water carrier pipes allow for natural movement of water due to gravity without the need for mechanical systems. 3. Natural ventilation to occur throughout almost the entirety of the scheme.

3. Components designed to not exceed 22m to allow for normal transportation and easier handling on site without the need for heavier or specialised machineries or transport. 4. Scheme is designed to be as light as possible using lightweight components to reduce structural steel tonnage.

3. Ensure all power consumption is fossil free through the use of renewable energy in the form of electricity from transformed solar energy or kinetic energy from pumped hydro.

4. Insulation of water tank allows for reduction in heating demand during winter. 5. Rainwater harvesting system allows for self-sustainable water usage. 6. ETFE cushion traps heat from the sun and is able to help provide thermal protection for water infrastructure directly below it during the winter days.

4. Infrastructure’s internal space is of an open-air outdoor nature.. Consequently, natural ventilation can occur within space.

5. Reducing the need for intumescent painting of the entire scheme’s structural steel through materiality of stainless steel.

5. Increase efficiency of maintenance and repairs through strategic placement of various structural layers in the scheme, especially between water and power supply components.

6. Using materials which have a longer lifespan in order to reduce the need replacement.

6. Scheme designed to be as transparent as possible allowing daylighting to occur without the need for much artificial lighting.

However, several design choices and materiality have been kept over reduction of embodied carbon as it is key to the program and aesthetic ambitons of the clients. An example of this is that of the height of the scheme. Whilst reducing the height of the scheme may heavily reduce embodied carbon, it will be against the scheme’s ambitions of carving a monumental presence and visibility throughout the city due to it being a visual barometer for water usage. Instead, the scheme looked to lightweight materials in order to reduce steel tonnage.

Due to the nature of the scheme’s ambitions of being a visual barometer for water usage in the city, water is used within the programs of the scheme and can be wasteful if not controlled and designed with water saving methods. This is demonstrated by the waterfall curtain which contains and condenses water used during misting of the internal space of the infrastructure. Another way this is done is for dripping condensed water from cooled steam in the steam balloons to be collected in a drainage system designed on the floor below the balloons and reused.

Data Disclosure To achieve Net-Zero Carbon, the scheme will follow LETI’s guidelines in ensuring that the performance of the infrastructure can be monitored and recorded through the years. This is key for managing water and power usage, which are key entities in its argumetn for feasibility and sustainability. Decisons for mitigation and offsetting can be decided through this process. 1. All domestic water usage within the city is calibrated to the Ghost of the Forbidden City. Components in the scheme will reflect this and will help inform the citizens of the city to control and reduce their water usage. 2. Monitoring systems are integrated within the infrastructure to record actual usage of water and power within the scheme. This means energy and water meters are needed to record total production and usage of both. 3. To abide by LETI’s data disclosure guidelines, which includes publishing of data.


Section 2 - Building Materials, Construction & Performance

13. Bibliography

Bibliography Ministry of Water Resources, (2016). Water Resources in China. Beijing: Ministry of Water Resources.


Section 2 - Building Materials, Construction & Performance

13. Bibliography

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