Emily portfolio

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CONTEXT: The area of this work was learning the development of sculpture. The task was to draw little things from nature and add differrent features to it such as 3D, tones from light and darker shades. Also exploring with shape materials. At last, i researched Tom Friedman as a artist module. This work is aimed at people that find interest in shapes, nature, and sculpting. Material used: Pencil, Indian Ink, glue stick on A4 Visual arts book and Internet research on Tom Friedman.

about me My name is Te Reinga henry. I am passionate about art and learning new things and i am proud to be able to be a part of the certificate. It has given me more to think about and more to benefit for the future. however, Through out this certificate i have gained further experience, and came a long way since the beginning of the course. I plan on taking it to the next level and hopefully create more and more creative art.

Painting and Sculpture

context: This task was about how we apply paint to find the correct tones that portray our collage, exploring with space and how we deal with it wheteher it’s positive or negative. I am aiming this type of work towards the public and individual artist, or people that apreciate art. Materials used: acrylic paint, pebeo acrylic paint, resene paints on A3 light brown sugar paper/ card board/ craft paper and A3 white Visual arts paper.

CONTEXT: The task was to find the right colour tones as the magazine but not to paint the picture as accurate and following the artist model Francis Beacon. This work is aimed at individuals, and ages of early twenties. Material used: Acrylic pebeo paints on light brown card board paper also known as sugar

CONTEXT: This is my development for investigating examples. Showing examples and series of work from my artist modules. This work is aimed at the public. Materials used: Internet research and photos from my artist modules (David Smith and Tom friedman) on my A4 Visual arts book.

continueing my development process for creating my sculpture piece. This is aimed at art sculpture artist and sculpturist jobs. Materials used: Acrylic paints, Indian Ink, word document on A4 Visual arts book.

contect: my sculpture piece finals. My individual work i made a island fan, and a snail. material used: Curtain blinds and black cella tape, Vacuum pipes and black cella tape.


Context: This task was to portray the style of the photographer William eggleston and Phillip Lorca the two artist modules i chose. i was using their style to generate my theme, which is “My roots, my home�. This work is aimed at my family, and photographers. materials used: cannon 2000 photography camera, Adobe bridge

context: In this task i was developing more shoots. I am aiming this work towards my family and individuals. Materials used: Adobe bridge, tography camera


context: Shoot process development. Materials used: contact sheets printed as a pdf.

context: Ten final shoots, I am aming towards publics, photographers, individuals, families, and tourist people. material used: black mounting board, kodak glossy print.

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