E M I LYSA RAH K LOOGH designer + photographer
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+ one-off logos
& Amber
Layer Print 1 over Print 2 and secure with white ribbon
Isabel & Amber
Sample Image:
Isabel & Amber
Isabel & amber
+ logos / business cards
Bennetts Pro Decorating printing.com, 2016
QUOTE DESCRIPTION GST#115-‐867-‐830 00 Street rd. #3397 Description, Major cracking of Woodwork throughout house -‐ repair and repaint woodwork where necessary. Woodwork throughout house consist of -‐ Doors, Door Architraves, Door Frames/Jams, Skirting boards, Staircase Stringer, Balustrade, Small Wooden Panelled Wall, Window Architraves, Bay Selwyn Wedding Car Hire Window Ceilings, Window Frames and Sashes. printing.com, 2017 When repairing the major cracks in the Woodwork it is necessary to cut out and remove the old cracked filler. This improves the finish of the Woodwork and reduces the risk of re-‐cracking. Also to reduce or eliminate the risk, the cracks will be re-‐filled with a ‘Sika MS Paintable Silicone’ gap filler. This filler is more hard wearing and flexible than your standard gap fillers and is highly recommended in this situation. When cutting/raking out cracks between Woodwork to Woodwork joins paint may flake off unevenly, these areas will be sanded smooth and bare wood primed before finishing with top coats. Areas where the cracks are repaired majority will not touch up and there for whole sections of Architrave, Skirting’s and whole sides of Doors will have to be re-‐painted. When cutting out the old gap filler between the Wall and Architraves, Wall and Skirting’s, the wall maybe slightly damaged. Great care is taken to keep this minimal but depending how this was filled EZYLife Contracting printing.com, 2016 in the first place will depend on the extent. After re-‐filling, the walls will have to be touch up with original paint which I believe is on site. If the walls do not touch up and it is necessary to paint entire wall as well as needing to purchase more paint this will be charged as an extra cost. This also applies to wallpapered walls. All Woodwork that is repaired will be finished with the same paint product that was used originally ‘Dulux, Super Enamel -‐ semi gloss, oil base. Which will keep Woodwork looking uniformed throughout the home. Before any work is carried out, Furniture, Belongings and Curtains are moved from the working area.
+ corporate identity Whitehot Jewellery rebrand of promotional collateral printing.com, 2015
The brief was to rebrand their current marketing collateral to make it more “fashion-fab�. The old branding was very dated and over the top, so they were after something a bit more clean but still bright and eye catching.
+ corporate identity Do or Dye creation of a new brand + associated collateral printing.com, 2015 The brief was to create a brand for a new salon opening in Merivale. They had an idea of the style they wanted for their branding they just needed it executed.
+ corporate identity Maria Buhrkuhl Photography recreation of whole corporate identity printing.com, 2016 Maria’s old branding was dated and didn’t reflect the level of service she offered. For her business card she wanted something eye-catching and unique so that it would stand out in a pack. Maria chose to use a textured card, paired with rose gold foiling.
+ studio collateral printing.com Fitzgerald Ave creation of collateral for our studio events + studio relocation printing.com, 2017 Various collateral designed for marketing purposes for the studio. For this process my manager would give me the copy and I would have free reign on the layout within our studio branding guidelines.
Studio Values Posters
Studio ‘About Us’ Booklet
+ brochure design Miles Toyota Fleet Management page layout design of an informatiive brochure Miles Motor Group, 2019 This booklet is intended to explain to customers the service behind fleet management and highlight the most popular fleet vehicles and some of their specifications. For this design I was able to put my own spin on the brand identity for Toyota.
+ consumer brochure design HY Equestrian page layout design of the 2018 consumer brochure (still in completion) Battle Hayward + Bower Ltd, 2017 The brief for this was to create a catalogue like brochure that is visually interesting to showcase the Hy Equestrian range of products to consumers.
+ digital media HY Equestrian website banners Battle Hayward + Bower Ltd, 2017 Header web banners for each sub category within Hy Equestrian, with the idea of showcasing a sample of the products within the category
+ merchandising HY Equestrian various merchandising collateral Battle Hayward + Bower Ltd, 2017/2018 Merchandising collateral for the two children’s collections in Hy Equestrian, Littler Rider and Little Knight. The Little Knight collection was formed at the start of 2018 so this collection included a logo design.
Hang Tag
Riding Gloves Header Card
Woven Tag
Washcare Label
Sock Packaging
Hang Tag
Badge Embroidery
Woven Tag
Riding Gloves Header Card
Washcare Label
+ web design and development Montecillo Veterans Home and Hospital freelance 2017 | www.montecillo.org.nz
+ web design and development Barrington Dental Centre printing.com 2017 | www.barringtondental.co.nz
+ web design and development Vanz Bonsai Pottery printing.com 2017 | www.pots4bonsai.com
+ web design and development Steve Binnie Valuation Ltd printing.com 2016 | www.stevebinnie.co.nz
TH A NK S A B U N C H please get in touch, i hope we can get along