How To
Stretch a rope tautly between two people, at about shoulder height.
Have the eager and pliant participants from a line, then take turns
going under the limbo rope by bending backwards with their chests up. If they touch the rope, they lose.
After each round, lower the limbo rope further. As the game becomes more difficult, participants should look increasingly awkward and amusing in their attempts to bend under the rope.
Play the appropriate pump-up music to foster a proper atmosphere, such as “Calabria” by Rune or “The Party 1957” from the Bicardi commercial.
After everyone has gone under once,
lower the rope and have the limboers attempt to go under it again, this time bending even further backwards.
Continue until only the bendiest person can make it under the rope without touching it or falling over.
Declare this person the champion and admire their spaghetti-like skills of flexibility.
This instruction book describes, in five steps, how to play
the game of Limbo. It was written, illustrated, and designed by Emily Luken, a sophomore Communication Design
student at Washington University in St. Louis. Emily has a
deep understanding of Limbo, but is not quite bendy enough to have yet become a Limbo champion. If she ever achieves this title, it will bring her great happiness.