Why Do We Need Choral Music

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Emily Maddison Jun 16 · 2 min read ·



Importance of Choral Music

Importance of choral music Research has shown for some time that singing in a choir has tremendous benefits for physical and mental well being, leading some to campaign for it to be prescribed as a treatment for medical conditions. Choral music brings out the hearts and souls in perfect harmony which is the kind of emblem what we need in today’s world. Let’s go through the importance of choral music in our lives. 1. Strengthen feeling of togetherness Humans are wired for rhythmic togetherness; from choral singers, musicians, and dancers, the science is coming in that we bond best when we are making music with each other. Research led by psychologist Nick Stewart of Bath University indicates that people who participate in a choir enjoy a greater feeling of togetherness and being part of a collective endeavor than others involved in different social activities. Reduce stress levels and depression For the Singers — Singers develop breathing techniques to create phrasing and musical expression. This has many physical benefits like singing increases blood flow, improves sleep, boosts your immune system, releases chemicals like endorphins, dopamine and oxytocin, which affect our moods and happiness. And it also transports the singer to another level, to a place where they no longer think about their day-to-day worries. For the Audience — Watching a concert also leads to reduced negative mood states (afraid, tense, confused, sad, anxious and stressed) and increased positive mood states (relaxed and connected). Benefits of choir at schools Singing is very important for children; an inclusive activity whereby all children can be equal and connected. Singing helps children’s memories. Practicing musical patterns and rhythms helps form neurological pathways, with huge implications for children’s learning.

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Improves discipline and teamwork Choirs truly know what teamwork means. Preparing for concerts not only requires the discipline of attending weekly rehearsals, but it also develops the skills of listening, concentration, teamwork and developing confidence. Choirs bring people together with a sense of purpose. Bridges social gaps Choral groups and choral singers are diverse in the broadest sense: involving people from every region of all ages, in numerous musical styles from classical to gospel. Many choristers testified to the degree to which their choral singing made them more aware of other people’s life experiences, helping them to bridge social gaps. To read more visit: Choral Music and Importance of Choral Music

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