Lisa Demchik SU507 – San Clemente Lisa worked during the pandemic to pivot the San Clemente Service Unit by immediately implementing virtual Service Unit meetings. Lisa encouraged the troops in the Service Unit to utilize Zoom and encouraged them to convert their events to virtual during the pandemic. She is a great communicator and uses an array of resources to get information to the Service Unit leaders and volunteers including a Shutterfly website, Facebook page and email updates. Lisa brings her energy and compassion to the Service Unit and team meetings. The Service Unit covers the military families from Camp Pendleton and Lisa offers support to troops when Troop Leaders need to leave due to unexpected deployments. She works to merge troops or help find new troop leaders. Lisa Mills SU606 – Oso Valley Lisa has adapted to the “new normal” this year by providing information about virtual activities for the girls and families in the Service Unit, so they could continue with Girl Scouting during the pandemic. She continued to communicate and connect the service unit with opportunities virtually and encouraged girls and families to participate, even if their troops were not meeting virtually. Lisa used the time during the pandemic to find innovative Girl Scout program options far and wide and shared the resources with the girls and families in the service unit.
Marie Whitcomb SU604 – Mission Viejo Marie is a long-time volunteer and an integral part of the Mission Viejo Service Unit Team. She holds a variety of team positions and has been one of our most dependable and go-to volunteers. Marie has been a mentor for new troops and a dependable resource for new leaders to turn to with questions. Marie stayed with the Mission Viejo Service Unit team, even after her daughter graduated, as the cookie manager and trainer for new leaders until the pandemic. Marie has helped to plan many events for the service unit from the Fall Festival to Mother/Daughter Spa days and the PJ Party. If there is a need, Marie is there. She is a dedicated volunteer and continues to volunteer to ensure a smooth transition for her positions. Misty Cross SU303 – Huntington Harbor Misty always strives to follow the Girl Scout Promise and Law and takes all Girl Scout safety rules and program guidelines to heart when planning with girls. She has been a treasured and invaluable team member in the Huntington Harbor Service Unit for many years. Misty immersed herself in the Girl Scout product program, volunteered for the Service Unit Team roles and took it upon herself to learn everything she could about the program to help and share with other volunteers. Misty is also a great resource! When she and her daughter, Grace, travel to Girl Scout locations all over the world, Misty creates and makes presentations at Service Unit meetings. She has worked with her troop on several Take Action projects and is working with Olive Crest and their families in need. In addition, Misty’s enthusiasm for Girl Scouts is catchy and she is a very dedicated volunteer.