No one expects to find a quiet, empty campus in the middle of spring semester, but many things at Snow College did not go as expected this year. Due to COVID-19, in-person classes, athletics events, commencement, and other campus activities scheduled for spring and summer were canceled. Even though buildings were locked and most students were gone, the Snow College community displayed the Spirit of Snow from wherever they were. Students adjusted to the online system, employees found creative ways to support the College, and one team brought home a national championship. While Snow College welcomed students back to campus in the fall, the future is not completely certain. Regardless of what the new academic year brings, the determination, ingenuity, and positivity displayed during the spring and summer of 2020 are indicators of the Snow College community’s ability to weather any challenges that may come. S N O W CO L L EG E M AG A Z I N E
| 2020