Mvt newsletter August 2016

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J U L Y - A U G U S T


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J U L Y –



A great member of our MVT TEAM

Employee News


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For those who haven't met me, my name is Monica Fuller. I am the Director of Customer Service here at MVT. A little bit about myself, I was born in Nurnberg Germany where my dad was stationed at the time. I have an older brother and a younger sister who both live in Grand Prairie with their families. I try to drive over and visit a few weekends a year and love to stop at the Smoke Stack Café in Thurber TX; their breakfast is a weakness of mine. I give a lot of credit to my Dad for the way I am now from how he raised me; I am independent, trusting, hardworking, credible, on time, and I take a lot of pride in my work. I have two beautiful daughters ,12 years apart, who I live for and also drink for :) As one daughter is entering the crazy world of being a teenager the other is entering her terrible twos but I wouldn’t change it for the world. It is however, a peculiar feeling scolding a 13-year-old who is now as tall as me and soon to be taller than me.

Monica Fuller INSIDE Insider Letter


Our Mission




Fore our homeless 7 Foghat concert




The Interns


Thank a Trucker


Aside from being a mother, I’d like to pride myself as an extraordinary worker. I have been a part of MVT for 10 years as of last May. It has been a wonderful 10 years with the roller coaster known as operations here at MVT. Before starting with MVT I worked for a freight forwarder where dealing with a charter was a weekly occurrence. There I became very familiar with the urgency level of freight and need for accuracy. Once hired at MVT I started out as a Planner/CSR for the Northeast part of the country then moved to Area Planner over the east coast from Miami all the way to Quebec, which was a lot of fun! I loved knowing I had a job that fed into the bigger picture with multiple people affected by me and my actions. From there I quickly moved into different positions such as Regional Lead Planner, Lead Planner, Planning Manager leading up to my current position, Director of Customer Service. I am only a small fraction of the team that helps make our operation happen. Being part of something bigger is great. When one person is successful it’s good for the whole team. And getting to see the team work here at MVT is one of the many perks of my job.

Sincerely, Monica


Director of Customer Service

From Left to right: Youngest daughter Annabella and oldest daughter Kaitlyn

“Together Everyone Achieves More”

“To service our customers in a safe and profitable manner” Written by Greg Ginger, HR Royal’s decision to revamp the old mission statement didn’t happen overnight. The old statement didn’t convey the right message, and needed a major overhaul. The statement was so misguided that you were left shaking your head incredulously every time you read it. Royal took the approach that for a new message to ring true, it needed to address 3 important questions: What do we do? For Whom do we do it? And Why? One of Royal’s goals was to have a message resonate with every employee. He tried to keep it short enough to be memorable, while keeping the key aspects of our identity in place. If you write too much, you risk having people miss the essence of the statement. If you spend any time with Royal, you know he’s is willing to go out and say, ‘Here’s the direction we’re headed.’ It is the responsibility of the leadership team to pick up the ball and run with it. This works great internally, but Royal wanted the new statement to also address the customer, to have them understand what we’re striving to do. It should be clear to the customer that we’re a good fit and that they would like to do business with us. This clarity of purpose helped Royal shift away from the kind of company jargon that plagued the old mission statement in the first place. The next thing to do is get the new statement out there. We will be working hard over the next few months to push the mission statement out to everyone. We have already had several meetings to share the new message with leadership groups in the company. We have also crafted the new statement on labels so that you can update your company ID badge. We’re updating our external web page to include the new message, and will even start the process of updating our business cards and presentation for prospective clients. This change will take some time, but our approach means we’re not sending mixed signals. With the line drawn in the sand, Royal has taken the first step leading MVT to our new identity. A well-crafted statement will stand the test of time, so that everyone in the company understands why we are in business, and what their activities should be focused on toward accomplishing our mission.








2016 ITECH Tournament Champions Border Bombers Written by Alex Valenzuela The ITECH Softball tournament comes around once a year, and trust me it’s not something these teams take lightly. AAA Cooper, Border International, Cummins, EP Electric, MVT, Rio Valley Biofuels, Southwest University and Unifirst all came out July 23rd on an early Saturday morning to participate in this year’s ITECH softball tournament. Although this tournament is taken very serious the players need to find ways to keep energized and cool. This year’s water fight was just what was needed to bring everyone back from the heat. Great event for family and friends! A big shout out to all the companies who came out and made this year’s ITECH tournament one for the books. We only hope to get more people involved next year. A huge congratulation to Border International for being this year’s Champs. It was not an easy win. EP Electric put up a great fight against the Border Bombers. With some great pep talk and a glance at the winning trophy they were able to dig deep and bring that championship trophy home.

GREAT JOB Border Bombers !






Friday, September 16, 2016, marks the 36th annual observance of National Prisoner of War and Missing in Action Recognition Day in America. This special day of remembrance was established to honor those Americans who have been prisoners of war, and those listed as missing in action and to rekindle the memory of the sacrifices these individuals have made for their country and our indebtedness to them. The overall love and support to all military forces has always been strong here at MVT. From Billy Elkins, one of MVT’s first drivers, who had this marvelous crazy idea to walk from Angel Fire to Washington, D.C. holding a POW MIA flag hiking the terrain with flag in hand for 8 1/2 months in 1981. A courageous and patriotic story and one man’s mission to make a difference, unknowingly he was inspiring everyone in his path. That story is the reason we have POW MIA stickers on all of MVT’s trailers. If you have ever been behind a MVT truck that’s one of the first things you notice.

Because of Royal Jone’s history with his Step father being a prisoner of war for 42 months, MVT is also a huge supporter of the Bataan Death March. Where Royal graciously pays the entry fee for all employees interested in participating in this event. The newest addition to these tributes is our “Wall of Honor” at our El Paso terminal. The tribute wall allows anyone to honor a loved one and or friend that is in the military or has served with their picture to be displayed for everyone to see. A big Thank you for everyone who has served and made the sacrifice. We encourage everyone to take part in this tribute.

Mesilla Valley Transportation supports our troops!

Helping Our Homeless Veterans Homelessness? Is that a word that ever crosses your mind? Or something that you worry about on a day to day bases? Not knowing where you’ll be sleeping tonight or if you’ll have a hot meal to fill your belly is common thinking for many of Las Cruces locals. Over coming this obstacle is hard enough, asking for help is another. The Mesilla Valley Community of Hope is located off of Amador where people who are struggling can seek help and assistance. With all of Community of Hopes efforts there are still many on the street due to lack of funding or even awareness that they even exist. Talking about these issues helps get the word out and bringing light to an issue that is mostly forgotten about if it doesn’t involve yourself or a loved one.

MVT will be hosting their second annual Charity golf Tournament “Fore our homeless Heroes” this event will be held at Red Hawk Golf Club, Friday September 9th, 2016. Proceeds from this event will benefit Mesilla Valley Community

of Hope assisting their programs for homeless veterans.

Poverty, lack of support from or networks, and substandard housing put about 1.4 million veterans at risk for homelessness. We will be partnering up with Mesilla Valley Community of Hope. This charity helps address homelessness and poverty in Las Cruces and Dona Ana. Their mission is to promote dignity and empowerment among the homeless population by providing case management, disability and income assistance and permanent housing. Recently, they had the New Mexico Department of Veterans grant pulled to their program helping Military veterans find permeant housing in Las Cruces. This grant was $22,300 that was cut and there is more to come that could total to $88,000 of federal grant money. So being that Mesilla Valley Transportation is a company that proudly supports their veterans, what better way than to put our money where our mouth is. So please join me and our team on planning out this event to make sure it is another success tournament.

FOGHAT Written by Cassidy Lee For those you of you who haven’t met me, my name is Cassidy Lee and I am one of Emily Roof’s Marketing Department Interns! In my three months as an intern I have been fortunate to be a part of several different events and projects at Mesilla Valley Transportation, Border International, and Red Hawk Golf Club. It is truly remarkable how much I have learned and I am unbelievably grateful to everyone who has helped me grow throughout my time here. Currently, I am assisting with the planning of the Fore Our Heroes FOGHAT Live Concert at Red Hawk Golf Club. This concert will proceed the Mesilla Valley Transportation 2nd Annual Charity Golf Tournament on September 9th, 2016. The golf tournament and a portion of all FOGHAT Concert ticket sales will benefit the Mesilla Valley Community of Hope. This local charity helps address homelessness and poverty in Las Cruces and Dona Ana. I vividly remember my first meeting I ever had at Red Hawk in my first week as an intern. I remember driving out to Red Hawk and thinking my GPS must be confused because I didn’t believe such a beautifully green golf course could possibly be in the middle of the desert. However, once I arrived at the club house I was greeted by one friendly face after another. Then it was time for my first meeting discussing the upcoming concert! At this point neither the band or the date of the event were confirmed. My initial reaction when I heard about the concert was “awesome, we will pick a band and a date and we will be good to go.” I quickly learned that it was not as simple as that, and that it was much more exciting. Since that first meeting we have continuously been working towards our goal of making this concert a success! It has been extremely interesting to be a part of every detail in the planning process as small as picking the color of shirts the volunteers will wear and as big as picking FOGHAT. I hope to see you all at the concert!



NOUN 1. positive kind of stress, that king that makes you feel excited about what you’re doing and about life. When you’re doing something you love, something you don’t have to do for any other reason other than that you love it – you feel a rush of excitement and joy.

Rafael Reyes, now working for MVT for 8 years, has kept up with this huge agenda: Keeping track of trailer inventory, trailer detention, handling documents related to interchange agreements and speedcubing. Speedcubing? Completely not work related but this unique and extremely challenging hobby has to be recognized. He made it a goal of his own to establish himself as an official world Cubing Association competitor and get his own WCA page with his statistics. Those two goals have been reached but he says that what he has enjoyed the most was making friends with many of the competitors and their families. Starting out in his first competition in Chandler, AZ, he was very nervous. Starting out there was talk about Rafael as “The guy over 40” because most of the competitors were teenagers and kids. Once the competitions started that nickname quickly changed to “the guy over 40 was dropping sub – 30 solves”. As of right now his best results were in the Albuquerque Spring 2016 competition, where he placed 13th in the one – hand solving event, and made it to the second of three rounds in the regular 3x3 event. He described how speedcubing is multitasking hobby, your fingers are working in one direction while your brain and eyes look for the next set of moves. “I think all life works that way: you work on say finishing your last task at work, but your brain is setting up what you will make or eat for dinner, watch on TV tonight, and whatever other many tasks you time for later. You then put it to action, and the plan works or fails, but you always have a next move in mind to accomplish all you set out to complete.” Great Job Rafael! Your MVT family is impressed.

Written by Alex Valenzuela

Border Recapping just celebrated their grand opening & customer appreciation Friday, August 5th. This new facility is very well equipped to provide all the needs your tires require. From alignments on brand new, state of the art Hunter alignment equipment to balance, tire mounting and full road service. When in need of rethreading, Border Recapping offer premium Oliver rethreads. Border Recapping are very proud to be equipped with Oliver, considering they have over 100 years in retreading experience. The equipment they use is not the only thing that is more than qualified. The technicians are also very reliable and experienced, with 70 years of combined experience.

Thinking Green: Each rubber dust and scrap tire is recycled. Way to go Border Recapping! Congratulations and Best of Luck!

12277 Rojas Dr. El Paso TX 79936







Building Our first Driver Appreciation day. Starting out our new MVT journey with this event was fun for us. We got to organize vendors, bring in ideas to make it fun for staff and drivers. -Alex Working on a coming soon MVT store website that can make buying merchandise a little more accessible for you! Thank you Liz and Jackie for helping out! - Alex This was the morning of our first sales blitz for Border Brew Coffee House! Doing a sales blitz was certainly a new experience for us, but we are getting better at them every time we go out! -Cassidy We have created a new website and are helping plan the 2nd Annual MVT Charity Golf Tournament and FOGHAT Concert at Red Hawk Golf Club! Thank you to everyone who has helped us learn along the way! -Cassidy We are both enjoying our time here at MVT. Seems like every day we meet a different face, it’s great. We want to thank Emily for being a great mentor. It is not easy taking care of one intern, let alone two. But she is great and we are glad we got the opportunity to learn from her. Marketing is an ongoing and very broad profession but we love it and we continue to working hard and help out the team as much as we can! THANK YOU!

Alex Valenzuela & Cassidy Lee

September 11th – 17th, 2016 #WeLOVEourMVTdrivers Letter from the Editor Why hello August!! Oh how I have missed you! This is the time of year I absolutely love. The weather finally starts cooling off, (And let me tell you, being 6 months pregnant I can truly appreciate cooler weather) and that slight hint of green Chile roasting somewhere in the distance. It’s just an exciting season for me! It’s right before it gets too crazy with all the holidays… You get the feeling that anything can happen. I love it! This year is just jammed packed with event after event. I hope you all are going to go check out the Foghat concert out at Red Hawk September 9th. It will be a great event for any age! And Thank you to everyone who help with MVT’s 2nd Annual Charity Golf Tournament. Our tournament is already booked solid, and should raise a lot of money for such a great cause, Mesilla Valley community of Hope. Things like that make me so proud to work for such a great company. Thank you to everyone and their hard work making this company what it is today!! Until next time, enjoy the season! “BE BOLD. BE KIND. BE AWESOME!”

Emily K. Roof Marketing Director

“Follow your dreams, believe in yourself and don’t EVER give up!”


Making the Difference Everyday

The MVT Way

In loving memory of Steve York. 1958—2016

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