Summerhill Pyramid Winery Promotional Brochure

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Experience Okanagan Valley...............2 Stephen Cipes...................4 Organic & Biodynamic �����6 Pyramid Wine Cellar.........8 Signature Wines..............10

Premium Wine Region

Okanagan Valley



ver the last decades, producers in the Okanagan Valley have undertaken great efforts to establish this unique and

breathtakingly beautiful valley as North America’s newest premium wine growing region. The diversity of vines that thrive in varied microclimates here provides winemakers with a multitude of options to express their creative talents and technical expertise. The region has attracted winemakers from around the world and is now home to vintners from France, Australia, California, New Zealand and South Africa. A chain of pristine blue lakes, fed by several rivers, runs the length of the Valley, moderating both the intense summer heat and chilly winter air. Viticulturists throughout the Okanagan depend on the moisture moderated climate. Intense sunlight and minimal rainfall allow the grapes to ripen to their full maturity, while cool nights help them to retain high acidity.


Spiritual Visionary

Stephen Cipes



inner of the prestigious Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of

won the gold medal in Champagne France,” he beams, “against

the Year Award, the man at “Canada’s most visited winery”

French Champagne.

seems more a spiritual visionary than Wall Street hard-nose. When Stephen Cipes first visited the Okanagan in 1986, the New York developer believed he’d found unique conditions to produce “intensely flavoured small grapes”—the

Philosophy of Business: “We love to be hosts. We want people to feel genuinely welcome in our home,” he says. “I try to empower my employees to exude that love. That’s ideal for what we do here. We’re welcoming people from

perfect base for sparkling wine. Cipes brought grape clones from France and “personally planted them on my hands and knees.” Summerhill follows organic growing practices. No herbicides or pesticides

around the world.” Cipes promotes from within and

“Our wines are allowing nature to speak for herself.”

“keeps the lake clean and our grapes

believes in being up-front. “I’m there for people,” he says. “I take phone calls. I put my money where my mouth is. I own the business in my own name and I put my name on the product.”

don’t taste from the chemicals,”

Philosophy of Life: “Be whole unto

says Cipes. “These grapes are happy guys, they’re flourishing.

yourself at all times,” the winemaker advises. “Allow your grand

Our wines are allowing nature to speak for herself.” Summerhill

self to come through in your regular self, and just go with your

wines are regularly honoured in international competitions. “We

natural sense.”


National Certif ication

Organic & Biodynamic



rganic practices have been an integral part of Summerhill since the Kelowna vineyard was purchased by the Cipes

Summerhill is committed to producing 100% organic wine, and has received Demeter Biodynamic certification for our

family in 1986. Producing wine organically has a very meaningful

Kelowna vineyard in 2012. This has further demostrated our effort

benefit to the environment, and some scientists suggest that eating

in maintaining our vineyard ecosystem. Certified organic status was

organic foods greatly benefits our health as well. Aside from these

achieved in our cellar in 2007, allowing us to display the Canadian

benefits, organic practices allow for the grapes in our vineyards to

certified organic logo on our bottles, ensuring that a level of quality

honestly express their surroundings, providing deep, terroir-driven

and purity can be expected by the consumer.

qualities that are a true articulation of Okanagan terroir.


Sacred Geometric Effec t

Pyramid Wine Cellar



he knowingness of eternity awaits us in this sacred chamber.

the equipment to move them, much less cut and place them as the

The word Py-ra-mid means “fire in the middle”. We all have

ancient civilization that built the Great Pyramid did thousands of

this fire in the middle. It is our hearts, our souls. We are mostly

years ago. It remains the largest man made structure on the planet

liquid and we are affected just like the wine is effected. The effect

and it is built to absolute sacred geometry, both pi and phi, and

is clarification. If a wine has a flaw in it, the flaw is accentuated. If

aligned to absolute True North and has no ferrous metals in it so

the wine has good qualities, they are enhanced. We humans are mostly liquid so when we enter this sacred chamber, it is a

that it does not re-orient to magnetic north. The message is profound. We have a twenty year experiment proving the effect of sacred geometry on liquids with

grand opportunity to clarify our own inner selves. This chamber helps us to get to the knowingness

a twenty year track record of international gold medals.

of who we are. We are electrical in nature, with impulses running from our brains through our spinal columns. We are receivers, we are conduits, and this chamber enhances our receptiveness, opening the left and right sides of our brains, much like the dolphins and

My goal from the beginning was and is to make

“Our pyramid is second only to the Great Pyramid of Egypt.”

whales and elephants who are in touch with Essence, the all-one ‘soul of the world’. Then embrace it. The Summerhill Pyramid is second only to the Great Pyramid

the finest wine in the world, especially sparkling wines. The French tradition of putting sparkling wines in a dark cool place for thirty days for the curve and dosage to ‘marry’ was my original inspiration to achieve this goal. The wines are made using only

minimal intervention winemaking, and grown 100% organically in this extraordinary pristine semi desert valley, and the clarification

of Egypt for alignment and precision. The Great Pyramid is built

in this True Pyramid is the final step in production. These are alive

with technology we don’t have today. It is a solid stone structure

wines full of nature’s grandness, made in the most unique winery

with the stones fused together so perfectly that you can’t put

in the world.

paper between them. The stones are so large that we do not have


Pyramid Cellared

Signature Wines



Our Philosophies

Signature Wines

Ice Wine

Our Ice wines are produced with the wipest grapes with

Zweigelt Ice Wine

the most concentrate, and harvested by hand during

Pinot Noir Ice Wine

the coldest temperature before dawn.

Merlot Ice Wine Riesling Ice Wine



Red Wine

Sparkling wines have significant levels of carbon dioxide

Cipes Rose

in them to make them fizzy. The carbon dioxide is

Cipes Ariel

the result from natural fermentation right inside

Cipes Gabriel

every bottle.

Cipes Ice

These are our most popular award-winning wines pack-


aged in specially designed bottles. Each bottle is a style

Jazz Blush

produced exclusively at our winery.

Diva’s Delight

Our red wines range from intense violet, typical of

Baco Noir

young wines, through to brick red for mature wines and


brown for older red wines.

Pinot Noir Zweigelt Pinot Noir Rose

White Wine

Celebrated by writers, poets, singers and painters, our

Alive Organic White

white wine is used as an Apéritif during the meal, with


dessert, or as a refreshing drink between meals.

Pinot Gris Riesling


For sales and order inquires, contact Cheryl Wutke at (250) 764-8000 ext. 101 or (250) 764-8000 toll free: 1-800-667-3538 4870 Chute Lake Road, Kelowna, BC Canada V1W 4M3 Summerhill Pyramid Winery Š All Rights Reserved

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