Portfolio Emilia Quesada Caballero

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This book contains 4 selected academics works, a sumary of my competences and curriculum vitae. Projects that are covering architecture, urban planing, interior and design.

CONTENTS ACADEMICS WORKS Graduation project. New Granada´s Institute of Forensic Medicine. (Spain) Urban Gears. University canteens in Granada. (Spain) Set of kindergarten and Thrid age daycenter. Armilla, Granada.(Spain) Rebuild Green Space and Library. Zaidín, Granada. (Spain)

Hello, Hi!! Emilia Quesada wants to works with you! I have just ended my Architecture studies (2003 Plan) at HighSchool of Architecture of Granada University (Spain), with good qualifications and a high level of English. Now I am looking for a job. Architecture is my life and I can recognize it in each aspect of my daily life. I acquired experience in six months like architect student in practices. I was worked in Laura Garcia´s architecture studio, where I learned about edification and urbanism. I have commercial experience too, so I talk easily to everyone, I know to start a polite and implied conversation with a client. I like the taskwhich challenge me and require creativity. I am an organized and hard worker. I like to anticipate and reach to program aims. I am in constant learning and enlargement of my knowledge. For example, software from calculation of buildings structure to rendering, and innovative project publications and materials too. I learn quickly and I can assimilate, in a small period of time, the necessary matters to perform a specific assignment. I would like to find a job in which I can put into action all my skills and projective, creative, structural and constructive competences, to bring professional achievements as member of a teamwork or individually. I hope that I have raised your interest in me.

CURRICULUM VITAE PERSONAL INFORMATION Adress_ C/ S Juan de Dios 26/28 3B, Granada(Spain) Pontanusstrasse 59 dg links, Paderborn (Germany) E-mail_ emiliaquesadacaballero@gmail.com Mobilephone_ +34 699819535 (SP) +49 177 2885957 (GE) Citizenship_Spanish_EU.

LANGUAGES _Spanish_Native. _English_ Independent User Spoken and Writing. (CC) _French_ Basic User Spoken and writing. _German_ Basic and learning.

EDUCATION _1999 - 2004: Primary ans Secundary School. _2004 - 2014: Architecture (2003 Plan). High School of Architecture of Granada University(Spain).

ACHIEVEMENTS _Publishing “Workshop Palma Palmilla. Proyecto de participación ciudadana” Project: PLAZAS_ New airs and new movements in the neighborhood. Transformation of road and infrastructure. Publishing date: 2009 _Exhibition “Arquitectura escrita” (“written architecture”) Organization Círculo de Bellas Artes,Madrid Sociedad Estatal de Conmemoraciones Culturales Consorcio Parque de las Ciencias de Granada (Spain) Architekturmuseum TU München (Germany) Presentación del seminario de Vías Aéreas Duringacademicyear2009/2010 _Book publication Scale model in reference to the literary work of Manuel MujicaLainez, “House”, 1954. Pages (302-304) Publishing date: 2010

ADITIONAL TRAINING AND WORK EXPERIENCES _ICAROpractices, employer Laura García Quesada. October 2012- March 2013 (6months) Granada. Edification_ Writing projects.Construction management. Certification plans. Urbanism_ Partial Plan.Preparation of plans. Developing building lot studies. Collaborative studio´s projects and activities.Drafting of projects, and visits to work. Intervention related to architecture and teamwork activities. Instruction softwares used. _Course: Sketchup Pro and Vray.February 2013 to June 2013 _Specialization course: Prefabrication: Preparation and industrial construction, standardization. Types and systems. October 2013- February 2014 _Specialization course:Materials and construction techniques. Technology and innovation building materials applied to architecture. October 2013-February 2014. _Course of the Creative Process Optimization. February 2014- June 2014.

COMPUTER SKILLS _Operative system: Windows7 y Macintosh. _Modelling and redering 2Dy 3D: Autocad AllPlan 3DStudio Sketchup Revit VRay _Layout and presentation: Photoshop Indesign Corel Draw Structural calculation and budgets: Cype Presto


Graduation project. New Granada´s Institute of Forensic Medicine. (Spain)

Located between two realities: On the left side of the motorway, large current multi-family housing buildings and new corporate Campus University buildings. On the right side, the end of Granada city, a landscaped formed by small houses and protected green spaces. The project of the Institute of Forensic Medicine has been developing with Human being like main idea, not only as a study, even if it is more important how the user feels and lives in the building, in moments of rest, the interaction with the outside, develop the program proposed and beyond the study of death.  The program is organized by horizontal layers logic. Space compartments which allow flexibility adapted for every need. From more public, (social, dynamic and open) spaces to more controlled, (static, closed and silent) spaces. The porosity, thickness and formal treatment of their façades respond to the light and temperature control in each horizontal layer. The volumetric fragmentation of I.F.M., is from the dialogue of the functions of every space of each layer.And it has built by the arcaded estructure 6x8m.

Urban Gears. University canteens in Granada. (Spain)

Located between residential buildings of the seventies and eighties and a big open area formed by the University and the railway station, in the outskirts of historic centre of Granada. The proposed rehabilitation to the actual canteen, wants to enrich the neighborhood offering, firstly in the main level an amplied canteen with panoramic terrace.As well as, downstairs, groupwork spaces, study and WiFi area; completing the project with an informal cafeteria in the basement. The aim is to enhance the existing building, expanding its uses and its openhours to the student according with their daily needs. The surrounding exterior spaces intend to dilute the border in order to integrate our space on University Campus as better as possible, and redirect flows of people to join meeting points in different levels.

Set of kindergarten and Senior citizens daycenter. Armilla, Granada.(Spain)

Located in a residential area in Armilla, town only distances 5km from Granada. According to the biggining analysis, I could discover the following problems: 1. No identity neighborhood 2. Poor Urbanism. 3. Many open, green and pedestrian areas wihtuot function, desordered and no relation between them. With this analysis and the programs of needs, I decide to project a square to provide value and join this two opposite realities, allowing to enriche both of them. The main idea is THE YIN YANG CONCEPT. On the one hand, children go to the kindregarten to learn. They start the way to discover the World. On the other hand, senior citizens visit this center to talk about their lives, they have walked enough, they have a lot of experience. Now both of them share the present. The building is conceived, as floor plans to faรงade, to emphasize this idea. However, the structure is considered the same as both parts.

Rebuilding Green Space and Library. Zaidín, Granada. (Spain)

Firstly I analysed the housing estate around the localization of the building plot: Empty areas and continuities Direction of the streetways Sites are invaded by vehicles Polarity from main places to building site Empty and full areas (You can see this study in the next page) Finally I could come to the following conclusions: The proposition must meet the neighborhood need, a funtional green space. In addiction a building with this caracteristics has to bring a modern breeze. How can I make it possible? THE AGORA CONCEPT!! Agora means “main square”(Greek concept), where philosophes met to share their Knowledge. If we take that idea and adapt it to the present, the result is my project, the library is gone throught by the green space. In this way, on the 0 floor (square floor) the library has a cafeteria, bookshop and readingpoint in order to become a square and library on a whole. In the rest of the floors, the library is developed according to the organization chart that I have projected. The façades are built according to the study of sunbathing. The lattice of letters is more abundant in the south, to privide that the temperature rises in summer, and less concentrated in the north, to allow the sunlight in the winter.

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