ThE FIna FoundaTIon
Studio deSign 2022 swEETwaTEr CrEEk mEdIaTIon CEnTEr
Studio deSign 2022
IsLamIC TEssELLaTIon adapTaTIon
Studio deSign 2021 Bus sTop ConsTruCTIon conStruction technology 2021
arT & arChITECTurE In aThEns Art And Arch in greece 2022 arT & arChITECTurE In romE Art And Architecture in itAly i 2022
arT & arChITECTurE In FLorEnCE Art And Architecture in itAly ii 2022
dIgITaL mEdIa programIng MediA And Modeling i&ii 2021
ThE FIna FoundaTIon Studio deSign 2022
In Fall of 2022 I was a part of the “fill in the blank” foundation studio. It is a studio where the students were charged withcreating a foundation,program, anddesign of their own choice. We were allgiven the same site and restrictions anddeveloped a building and outdoor stair that would encompass our vision. Thechallenge of the site was the 30 ft elevationchange that we had to navigate. Below is thedesign of the FINA foundation.
TheFINAFoundationstandsforFoodInsecurityandNutritionAwareness.Itisafoundationthat’smainpurposeistoeducateandsupportthecommunity withfoodrelatedissues.Thefoundationhaseducationalservices,outreachtosocialservices,donationsandresources meanttosupportthelocalcommunity.

South-West View of Site
North-West View of Site
The FINA Foundation is located on the junction of the belt-line and NorthHighland Street NW. The two paths have a difference in elevation by 30 feet, causing the building to have multiple entrees for circulation. The egress locations are on the first, second, and third floors.

First Level (Beltline access)
Second Level (Lower Street Access)

Fourth Level

Fifth Level

sTudy modELs

Within Fall 22 studio, we focused on developing designthrough transitions between physical and digital models. Within this process, I constructed various renditions of the site, building, and structure.

swEETwaTEr CrEEk mEdIaTIon CEnTEr Studio deSign 2022
swEETwaTEr CrEEk mEdITaTIon CEnTEr
SweetwaterCreekStateParkistheprimelocationfortheconstructionof a meditationcenter. Withinthisstudio,ourgoalwas to construct a center thatfocusedon a formof meditation.Usingtheseconstraints,theadaptationof meditationwas derivedthroughthemovement of an individual.Studiesof thenaturalconstructionof thelandscapeledto thedesignof a mainflowingarea followedbysmallerpavilionsspreadalongthetrail,thusallowing theindividualto wonderandmeditatethroughthesite.

IsLamIC TEssELLaTIon adapTaTIon Studio deSign 2021

Islamic tessellation is a form of ornamentation that iscommonly broken into thefollowinggroups: geometric,arabesque, andcalligraphy. This ornamentation can be found in tombs,temples, as well as homes. As one of the more common branches,geometric tessellation iswidespread across the world and has influencedmany modernpatterns. The threetypes of families in thegeometric branch are fourfold, fivefold, and six fold. These groups can be identifiedby the number of “petals” the centerfigure of thedesign has. Due to theadaptability of theseformats, an abundance of patterns can be created from eachstyle. While thepatterns are diverse, the common structures are easily identified. Below are the evaluations of eachtype.

Extruded Pieces

Administrative Functions entry foyer/lounge area/reception cafe area/kitchen supplies store/storage administration zone
Design Research I studio areas faculty/student fishbowl faculty touchdown seminar/classrooms
Media/Interactive library and reading room materials sampling interactive (seminars/podcast) gallery auditorium space
Design Research II fabrication lab I (dry) fabrication lab II (wet) paint box black box material printing/imaging
Overnight Functions student/staff locker rooms guestrooms (with bath)
Service/Core Areas public restroom ADA mechanical/electrical room
650 sq ft 600 400 600 3600 sq ft 800 400 1800 450 sq ft 450 450 600 1100 1100 sq ft 550 150 150 350 600 sq ft 800 1200 sq ft 300 600 300

West Isometric View
North Isometric View

Bus sTop ConsTruCTIon conStruction technology 2021

Bus sTop ConsTruCTIon
In this project, students were required to make a busstop structure to beplaced on Georgia Tech’s campus. The structure had to resembleframing construction and have all thenecessary jointcomponents needed to create said structure.. The designcreateduses asimplebenchformatthatisheldbya seriesof cables.Thestructures ismadeout of wood,steel,andcables.

arT & arChITECTurE In aThEns
Art And Arch in greece 2022

arT & arChITECTurE In aThEns
Duringthesummer of 2022,IhadthehonortostudyabroadinGreece.Iwas stationedfortwo weeksinAthens,whereIwas ableto learnandtravelwitha smallgroup ofmy fellowpeers. Theseare a fewof thedrawingsandpaintingsIdidwhileabroad.

arT & arChITECTurE In romE
Art And Architecture in itAly i 2022

arT & arChITECTurE In romE
Duringthesummer of 2022,Iwas abletostudyabroadinRome,Italy.Iwas stationedfortwo weeksnear PiazzaNovona whereIwas ableto learnandabsorbthestructures aroundme. Theseare a fewof thedrawingsandpaintingsIdidwhileabroad.

arT & arChITECTurE In FLorEnCE Art And Architecture in itAly ii 2022

arT & arChITECTurE In FLorEnCE
Thelastlegofmystudyabroadwas inFlorence,Italy.Beingstationedon theriver,Iwas abletoeasilytravelthroughthehistoricdistrict.Withmypeers, weexploredthecityandbeloware a fewofmy sketchesfromthattrip.

dIgITaL mEdIa programIng MediA And Modeling i&ii 2021
Top View
Front View
Folded roof
For thisproject, students had to learn the base functions of Grasshopper. Students had to learn how to stretch,divide, and mirror their design in order to create a unique roof structure. The structure to theright follows a repeatedpatternthatcouldbefoldedandstretchedoutfurther to itsdesiredlength.
Axonometric ViewsMAtheMAticAl trAnSforMAtionS
With thisproject, students had to develop a geometrical shape through a series of mathematicalcommandsingrasshopper,thenaltersaid shapebymanipulating the differentcomponents. Above shows the cylindar that I codedthrough the formulas to theright. From there Ichanged the “u” and “v” values to create the four other variations.

Minimum u Maximum u Minimum v Maximum v PointCount u PointCount v Function X(u,v) Function Y(u,v) Function Z(u,v) Variables

0 2*PI 0 2*PI 17 4 cos(u) * Radius sin(u) * Radius v / ( 2*PI ) * Height Radius = 2 , Height = 5

hexagonal grid + five attractors (3 points + 2 curves)
lines in x-direction created at centroids of cells; scaled using a factor controlled by distance from attractor to grid points
hexagons at different radii created based on distance from attractor to grid points
2D AttrActorS
For thisproject studentsexplored the attractor commandinGrasshopper.Icreatedagridofhexagonsthatvaired insizedependingon howclosetheywere tothefiveattractor pieces.Ialsohada radiuslinethatrotateddependingon the distance.Thelastattractor commandImadewas to havethe hueof thegeometrieschangeas well(asseen to theright).
lines in x-direction created at centroids of cells; scaled using a factor controlled by distance from attractor to grid points
copy of line rotated about centroid with angle controlled by the distance from attractor to grid points color gradient formed by the distance from the attractor geometry to grid points
hexagons at different radii created based on distance from attractor to grid pointsGreenhouSe
For thegreenhouseproject, students were required to makeagreenhousethatchangedwhentheplantsunderneath were moved. Ingrasshopper, I coded the above structuretohavea curvedshapeandaceilingthatwould alterdependingon theplants.


For thisproject, studentswere toldto deconstructa famous buildinginto2Dand3Dpartidiagrams.Thebuildingselected was the Generali Towerby Zahara Hadid. Thisbuilding rotates as itgoes upward,changing theplan of each level. InGrasshopper, Iprogramed the 2D structure to show the twisting of each floorplan. Iprogramed the 3D structure to formthegeneralmass of thebuildingas wellas showthe levelsandcolumnstructure.

developmentof 2Dparti
inner rotation & loft outer rotation & loft combined rotation & loft
inner ring outer ring combined