Grammar Time 1

Page 1

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Longman -~

y Jervis




The alph bet, numbers A, an, plurals

Have got



To be , p r onal pronoun

R vi ion Units 6-10

This, that, th

Pre ent continuou s

Preposit ion

e, thos

of place

There I , th re ar vi ion Units 1-5 pOSS4:tssive adlect iv s , , whose?

Question word Prese nt simple Prepo ition

of tim

Revision Units 11-14 Wordlist

The alphabet


째Aa 13h L-c Dd [e FI- 6Cj Hh I. Jj Kk L/ Nn c: Pf {{fJ I ~y 5sIfUu Vv Ww X~ Yc; ZZ







tvo 3 th(ee 4- fouf 5 five 6

7 seven 8 eight



nine 10 ten 11 e\even 11 tve\ve

13 thi(teen 14- foufteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 11



nineteen 10 tventy

Write the first letter and find the secret animal.


G.. orilla





4 5 6

lligator ox








Write , draw and find the number .


th ree ...............

• • •

• •


five ...............


Read the code and find the secret phrase.




two six eight five ten ,

H=4 K=5

0=6 P=7

nine four three




seven one eight eight six nine


-----, --­


A, an, plurals

A, an,

a book a cake a friend a toy a present

an an an an an

apple elephant igloo orange umbrella



a book an ice-cream an orange a toy

Grammar corner a> We use the article a with words that begin with a

consonant, for example book and toy (a book, a toy).

a> We use the article an with words that begin with a vowel,

(a, e, l, 0 , u), for example apple and orange (a n apple,

an orange) .

a> To make the plural of most nouns we add -s at the end of

the word.

a book a n ice-crea m


two books

three ice-creams

two books three ice-creams four oranges five toy s

A, an, plurals

Choose and write.



pencil ruler umbrella elephant door window orange apple octopus ball

Choose and write. a, an

1 2


.. .





5 6 7 8 9 10

.. . . .. . .

pen alligator rubber elephant teacher bag octopus cat egg friend

Write . 1 a pencil 2 an animal 3 a cake 4 an ice-cream 5 a boy 6 a bag 7 a frog 8 an eye 9 a toy 100 tree

~~~..1?~~ .~.i.I.f?


s ix animals ...............................................


. three ...............................................

four ..... ..... ............................

......... ten ...............................................

five .................. .............................

two nine seven


A, an, -es plurals




a glass


--I tw~ glasses

Grammar corner ~


To make the plural of nouns that end in -x, -ss, -sh , -ch, and -0, we add -es at the end of the word. a box two box a glass three glasses


To make the plural of nou ns that end in vowel +y, we add -s at the end of the word.

a toy seven toys

ten boys

a boy


But to make the plural of nouns that end in consonant +y, we drop the y and add -ies to the end of the word. a baby four ba bies

Singular Plural a a a a a a

box bus glass bru sh watch tomato

five boxes three buses two glasses six brushes three watches four tomatoes

a ba by a spy

two ba bies three spies

a boy a toy

two boys three toys

A, an, plural

Look, count and write.

1 .? !~ . p.!?~~~~~.!? . . . ... 2







7................................ 8



~ -




* **



1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9

kite ~~ .~n:~ ...... alligator ..................

tree ..................

brush ..................


10 .................. 11 tomato 12 ..................

kites 1 .................. 2 cherries 3 4 5 6 7

....... ...........

potatoes ..................

toys ........ ........ ..

8 9

dresses ..~ p. p..I.~~ .... 10 boys

11 ...... ............ 12 watches


A, an, irregular plurals

Grammar corner ~

Some nouns do not have plurals that end in - 5 , -es , or -les, Each of these nouns changes in a different way in the plural. a tooth a mouse


Other nouns do not change at all in the plural. one sheep one fish


five teeth ten mice

two sheep

two fish



child man woman tooth foot mouse

children men women teeth feet mice

sheep fish

sheep fish

A, an plural

Look and write.

1 ~~.t?~~. . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~~~:t?~. . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . . .. .. .



3 ~.~.. . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . ..



6 ~~





~~::. "-;--7


5 ~. . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Write . 1 a bag 2 a boy 3 a brush 4 an eye 5 a mouse 6 a child 7 a cherry

(5) f.iX~..~~~ .!? . (3) ~~ :.~~ ..~.t?:t.~ . (4) .. (2) . (6) . (2) . (5) .

8 a sheep 9a 10 a 11 a 12 a 13 a 14 a

witch woman strawberry glass ruler desk









(8) (7)

. .




To be, personal pronouns

I am, you are (question, negative) Am I pretty? r-足 - - - - - - - ......

You aren't a bird! --==--I I'm a bird!



Full form

Short form

Full form

lam you are

I'm you're

I'm not I am not you are not you aren't

Question - short answers Short form

Am I? Yes, you are. / No, you aren't. Are you? Yes, I am. / No, I'm not.

Grammar corner ~





When we speak we can use the short form of the verb. The short form of I am is I'm. The short form of you are is you 're. We make a question by putti ng the verb first (Am, Are) and the personal pronoun (I, you ) next. The short form of you are is you're. I am Am I? You are Are you ? We make the negative by putting not after am or are. I am not a bird. You are not a ballerina. The short forms are I'm not and you aren't. I'm not a bird. You're not a ballerina. We write a sentence with a capital letter at the beginn ing and a full stop at the end. When it is a question , we write a question mark at the end instead of a full stop .

To b , personal pronouns

Look, read and write.


Am I your best friend?


Wr ite . 1 2 3 4

1/ Dave you / silly I / seven you / fat

,f !. ~.~ .P~~~:


X Xc? ~.. ~.~~ ..~.l?,~ .~.i.I.I~:






5 6 7 8

I / good you / ten I / sad you / a bird









Ask and answer. 1 2 3 4 5

I / a ballerina? you / a bird? I / eight? you / a teacher? I / good?

Am I a ballerina'?

Yes, ~~.~..~:.~ : No, Yes, Yes, No,

. . . . ..

Write about you. ,Are you ten?) --{Are you a bird0 --{Are you a pupil0


He, she, it is (question, negative)

Yes, he is. He is 1 L!.J -_~~~-";"_....J~~lI-_--~ J -~~~..,.--.....;~ very good. Listen!

Oh no! He isn't o good singer!

3 e co ~ a cat ~ it

Brian ~ a man ~ he . a boy

Zoe ~ a woman ~ she a girl ."",..足

a ruler >""



Question - short answers

Full form

Short form

Full form

Short form

he is she is it is

he's she's it's

he is not she is not it is not

he isn't she isn't it isn't

Is he? Is she? Is it?

Yes, he is. / No, he isn't. Yes, she is. / No, she isn't. Yes, it is. / No, it isn't.

Grammar corner E>





We use he for men and boys, she for women and girls, it for an imals and things. When we speak we usually use the short form of the verb . The short forms of he is, she is and it is, are he 's, she's and it's. To make a question we put the verb is first and then the personal pronoun he , she or it. He is. Is he ? She is. Is she? It is. Is it? We can use a short form of the negative to answer 'no' to a question. Is she funny? No, she isn't. But we do not use a short form to answer 'yes' to a question. Is he tall? Yes, he is. Yes, ke's. X

To be, per onol pronouns

Look and write.

No, . ............... a plane.




No, Dave isn't short. ................................................ No, the bike ................................................ No, ................................................

He's .

................ a beautiful ,_ .......1.-( flower. Thank you!


Write. 1 2 3 4 S 6

Dave's short. The bike is yellow. Zoe is happy. The man is fat. The pen is blue. The sheep is big.

. .

. . .



sad. thin. red. small.

Ask and answer . 1 Bon John / a good singer?

2 Zoe / eight? 3 Dave / short? 4 the CD / new? S Zoe / happy? 6 the classroom / big?

No, ~~..i.!?,~:~: Yes, No, Yes, No, Yes,








We, you, they are (question, negative)

They're very good friends .

. - - - - --{ Dave, Zoe! Are you here? }足- ---:...-'

Affirmative I am (I'm) you are (you're) he is (he's) she is (she's) it is (it's) we are (we're) you are (you're) they are (they're)

I am not (I'm not) you are not (you're not) he is not (he isn't) she is not (she isn't) it is not (it isn't) we are not (we aren't) you are not (you aren't) they are not (they aren't)

Am I? Ar e you? Is he ? Is she? Is it? Are we? Are you? Are they?

Yes, you are. / No, you aren't. Yes, I am. / No, I'm not. Yes, he is. / No, he isn't. Yes, she is. / No, she isn't. Yes, it is. / No, it isn't. Yes, you are. / No, you aren't. Yes, we are. / No, we aren't. Yes, they are. / No, they aren't.

Grammar corner tE> tE>



For a lot of men , women, children, animals or things we use the personal pronoun they.

When we speak we ca n use the short form of the verb.

The short forms of we are, you are, they are, are we're, you're, they're.

To make a question we put the verb Are first and then the perso nal pronoun (we, you , they).

We are. Are we?

You are. Are you?

They are. Are they?

We can use a short form of the negative to answer 'no' to a question .

Are they hungry? No, they aren't.

But we .do not use a short form to answer 'yes' to a question.

Are you eight? Yes, we are. Yes, e're. X

Are they frien ds? Yes , they are. Yes, t~ey ' rc. X



To b , per onol pronouns

Look, read and write.

yo u N 0, Dave

...~ ~ ~~: :~..~~ p..p.~~ ... 1 they / happy!

4 it / small.


2 I / short?

No / you / not. Dave / tall.

3 she / not / funny .

6 you / not / bad. you / good

5 we / hungry.

Write. 1 2 3 4 5 6

!.~.~.~..~:.~ . ~ .~.~ ~.~~:

Brian and Zoe / hungry Zoe / not fat My friend and I / happy The new CD / not bad Dave , Zoe and Brian / friends The cats / small


Ask and answer. 1 2 3 4 5 6

you / a singer? they / tall? Zoe / a ballerina? it / an elephant? we / good? Dave / sho rt?

~:.~ .~~~..~ ..~~~~ .~.~!.


Yes. I am. ..........................

No, ..........................

Yes, ..........................

No. ..........................

Yes. ......... ....... .

......... No.


This, that, these, those

Now, Corky,


this is a watch. OK?

~~ ~

2 1 -..J-J~_ _足


Grammar corner




To talk about something that is near us we use this. To talk abo ut something that is furth er awa y from us, we use that.

this that


The plural of this is these. The plural of that is those .



We use a singular noun and the singular verb form is with this and that.

these + are those

This is a desk.

That is an orange .

We use a plural noun and the plural verb form are with these and those. These are desks.



Those are oranges.

+ is



Read, choo e and write. this that these those

No, Mum!.


dress is pretty! ......... are rollerskates

and ......... are skateboards.

......... pencil case or ......... penci'1 case.1

Write .

~~.~.~~ .~.~~:?

1 this bag

2 t:~~~..~~.!:~.h 3 4 S 6 7 8


those watches


these pictures


those sheep


that boy this box this baby that child

Write .



1 This bag is pretty. 2 That jacket is red. 3 4 This dress is blue.

These bags are fI7retty. .



These babies are good.


Those books are big.



What is...? What are ...?


Singular What's this? What's that?

It's a bag. It's an elephant.

What are these? They're shoes. What are those? They're books.

Grammar corner .-> To ask about things or animals we use the question word What.

We use What is this / that? to ask about one thing. We use What are these / those? to ask about more than one thing. .-> The short form of What is is What's. There is no short form of What are.

What's this / that?

What are these / those?

.-> We answer the question What's...? using the singular It's ... and What are... ?

using the plural They're... What's this? It's a book. What are these? They're apples.


, those

Look, read and write.

r----(~ What's ~h?! ~ . ? )_ Wh a t are



They're boxes. ......... lemons .

Answer. 1 What's this? (orange)

2 What are those? (mice)

3 What are these? (dresses) 4 What's that? (desk)

5 What are these? (English books)

6 What's this? (octopus)

7 What's that? (photo)

8 What are those? (watches)

!~:::: .~.~ .~.~~.t:J.~~ : !.~.~.:t.':.~






Look at the picture. Write the questions.

.:ÂŤ ~ !?h.~:'!.~




It's a watch.

They're cats.

...........................~~~~~ ..? They 're oranges.

that 1. ........................................

those 1 .........................................

It's a CD.

They're elephants.

It's a cake.


Prepositions of place

In, on, under, etc. Yes, doctor. Five o'clock. Thank you .


He's on the chair. Oh , no!

~::---::::::1L:::::l5=-::r Come on, Cor ky! Good boy!


Grammar corner in, on , under, behind , in front of, next to and near to show where things and people are.

a> We use the prepositions

The flowers are in the vase. The parrot is on the chair. Co rky is under the bed. The mouse is behind the sofa. Zoe is in front of Dave. The red book is next to the blue book. The kite is near a big tree.


Prepositions of place in on under behind in front of next to near

Look and circl

1 The rabbit-is hat.

the correct an were

on 'e>t he

4 Corky is behind , next to Brian .

3 Zoe is on / beh ind Dave.

5 Brian is in front of I next to Dave.

6 Corky is in / under the bed.

Write. Corky The girls Dave The books The t eacher Zoe The children



1 . 0.~ ~~.~..~~ ..C?~ .~.~.~ .~~f:1.~~: 2 .!.~.~.~ ~:. !~..~~t? 3 4

5 6 7

on the chair in the classroom next to the window under the desk in front of the blackboard ne a r the door behind the tree

. . . . .. . ..


Where is...? Where are...?

Look and complete . 1 Where is the birthday cake? It's .~ ~ ..~.~~ .~~.~~~ :


2 Where is Corky? He is


3 Where is the photog raph? It's


4 Where is Dave? - ~~M

He 's


5 Where is the big book? It's



6 Where are the toy cars? They're


7 Where are the flowers? Th ey '< re


It's It's

Where is the photograph? Where is ?

. .

Where are the flowers? They 're Where are ? They're

Grammar corner . . To ask where someo ne or something is, we begin the question with Where and

then use is.

. . Where is Zoe? Where is the cat?

She's near the doo r.

It's under the bed.

. . The short form of Where is is Where 's.

Where's Dave? He's next to the window.


To ask where a lot of people or things are , we use Where are.

Where are the boys? They're behind the tree.

Where are the flowers? They're in the vase.

. . Remember, we put a question mark at the end of a question.


. .

Pr positions of plac

Look, read and complete.

1 Corky is . ~.t:J..~h~..~.<?p.)~ :


2 The flowers


3 The vase


; 4 Brian


5 The photograph


6 The big book


7 The toy cars


Writ e the question.

1 ~~.~.~~ ..i.!?! ~?..

2 ~.~.~.~~..~.rf:. :~h ~y.r.. 3

4 5 6 7

. . . . . . . .


It's on the chair. They're behind the desk. She's behind the sofa. It's in the bag. They're under the bed. It's in front of the T\I. He's near the window. They're on the table.

Put the words in the right order. 1 2 3 4 5

the box / It / in / is is / The tree / behind the house under / The shoes / the bed / are Corky? / Where / is the boxes? / are / Where

!f..i.~ .! r...~.h ~ . p..<?~:



There is, there are Look! There's a bird in the tree!

There's a kite in the sky!

There are four ants on the grass.

There are only two sandwiches! No, there are five sandwiches.

L..=.J...._......;.lo. . . .~

There's a funny cloud in the sky!



Full form

Full form

there is there are

There's a basket behind you!

Short form

Question Short form

there's there is not there isn't there are not there aren't

Is there? Are there?

Grammar corner ~

With there is, we use a singular noun. With there are we use a plural noun. There is a chocolate cake in the basket. There are four sandwiches in the basket.


The short form of There Is is There's . There is no short form of There are. There's a tree behind you. There are three ants on my sandwich.


We make a question by putting Is or Are at the beginning , before there. Is there a cloud in the sky? Are there two chocolate cakes?


We make a negative by putting not after there is or there are. The short forms are there isn't and there aren't. Is there a cloud in the sky? No, there is not. No, there isn't. Are there two chocolate cakes? No, there are not. No, there aren't.



is, there are

Look and an wer.

1 Are there three oranges?

.Y~~~ ..~.~.~ ~.~..~r.~:


2 Are there two sandwiches?

3 Are there four cupcakes?

4 Is there an ice-cream?

S Is there a pizza?

6 Are there three glasses?

7 Is there a plate?

8 Are there four bananas?


Choose and write. There is

There are

There is i t he tree. 1 ............................ a b'rr d In

2 .Ih~.~~ . ~X~

five ants on the grass.


an apple in the basket.


three children in the photo.


a funny cloud in the sky.


ten desks in the classroom.


a rabbit in the hat.


six pencils in the pencil case.


Look, ask and answer.

1 a big plate

.1.~.~ ~.e:.~~. ~..~! ~.. P. !~ :t? e:t y~.~~ .~~~.~~ . ~ .~:.. 2 a bowl 3 two lemons 4 a small tomato 5 a banana 6 an orange 7 two eggs 8 two peppers

Match and write.


A 1 Is there 2 There isn't an 3 There are five 4 Are there 5 There are 6 Is there a 7 Is there an

apple on the plate. two cakes in the basket? dog behind the tree? a ruler in the pencil case? octopus in the sea? three glasses on the table. ants under the bed.

Is there a ruler in t he pencil case'? 1 ........................................................................
















there are

Look at the picture. Write the correct sentences.

1 There are five T-shirts on the floor. No, there aren't. There are three T-shirts on the floor. 2 There are seven books under the table. 3 There are two toy cars on the bed. 4 There are three posters on the wall.

Circle the correct answer. 1 There a are

a chair next to the window. b aren't ~i s

2 There are a a ruler

in the bag. b a pencil cas

c five books

3 There is an a ant

under the chair. b mouse

c cat

4 There a is 5 a Are

five sandwiches in the basket. b isn't c aren't there a bird in the tree? b Is

6 Are there a two rubbers

on the desk? b an English book

c Aren't c a blue pen


• •

vrsien Units 1-5 1


o apple

.?of? .! ~ ~


6 baby 7 woman 8 dress 9 foot 10 eye

1 orange 2 elephant 3 toy 4 brush 5 child




Ask and answer.

o .~.~~ you seven? 1 2 3 4

I am . Yes, ..................... Zoe five? No, they happy? Yes, No, you sad? Dave tall? Yes,

No, ..................... Yes, .....................

5 ....... Brian fat? 6 ....... I pretty? 7 ....... you good friends?

Yes, ..................... Score


Look, complete and answer.

o Where .~ r.~. the frogs? 1 2 3 4 5

Where Where Where Where Where

the the the the the

~.~.~i.~~ ..~.~.~ r. .~~~..~.I.~.p.~~.~~ :


cats? alligator? dog? mice? rabbits? Sco re





Loo, count and writ .

o (bicycle)

T.~~r.~ .!~..~~.~.. ~!~y.~!~ : .... 1 (hat)


2 (aeroplane)

3 (watch)

I t


4 (elephant)

5 (bag)




Circle the correct answer. 1

that? It's a frog. a What b What's

cWhat are

2 Where's Zoe? a He's near the door. b She's near the door. c It's near the door.

3 There a isn't

six bananas in the basket. b is

c aren't

4 Where are my glasses? a It's on the table. b They're on the table. c It's under the table.


good friends? Yes, they are. a They're b We're

6 What are those? a They're hats. 7 Is he tall? a Yes, she is.


a teacher? a She is

c Are they

b This is a hat.

c That's a hat.

b Yes, he is.

c No, she isn't.

Yes, she is. b Is she

c He is






p ssessive cdlectlves Hello! I'm Zoe and this is my class video.This is my classroom .

1-足 ---..

And this is our teacher, Mrs Brown.

This is my parrot, Corky.

This is my friend, Dave.

_ fI

Personal pronouns

Possessive adiectives





you he / she / it

we you they

my your his / her / its

our your their

Where are my legs? It's a terrible video!

Grammar corner &>




We use possessive adjectives to talk about who something belongs to. This is her bag. Those are their bikes. We always put a noun after the possessive adjective. That is our parrot. My pencil case is pink. When something belongs to a man or a boy , we use his . When something belongs to a woman or a girl, we use her . When something belongs to an animal or a thing, we use Its . This is Mark. His schoolbag is blue. That is Helen. Her skirt is red. That's its head, not its tail. This is my fish.

Po s ssiv

adi dives

Read, choose and write.



her its our their

This is new school video.


CThat is


7 Brian is

friend. 4


Look, choose and write. His

Her ..His cap .IS green. . bicycle is orange. ......... T-shirt is yellow. . balloons are green. .. shoes are red .

Her cap .IS re d .

1 .........

2 3 4 S

bicycle is green. T-shirt is blue. balloons are orange. shoes are blue.

Put the words in the right order.

1 2 3 4 S 6

Zoe name is Her bicycle My is yellow rollerblades Their red are name Dave is His car is Our white brown tail is Its

Her name is Zoe.



Read, choose and write. my (x2)



her(x2) our Those are : friends . ......... name's Zoe and

......... name's Dave.

Hi! My name is Brian. Wh ats' your name }.

Yes, ......... name's Miss Jones.

Ask and answer. 1 this / his bike? Is this his bike?

Yes, it is.

2 these / her rollerblades?









3 that / your pencil case? 4 this / his hat? 5 those / their toys?


adl ct lves

Look, read and write. 1




Circle the correct answer. 1 ......... name is John. b Our cHis His 2 This is Peter and this is a its b her chis

friend , Tom .

3 We are seven. This is birthday cake. a their b our c your 4

name is Sally.

a Our b His c Her

5 These are my kittens tails are brown. a Their b My c Your 6 What's ......... name? My name is Bob. a his b her c your




Possessive's, whose?

Look! This is our scarecrow.

Whose T-shirt is this?

- - ....


This is Dave's old T-Shirt.

Er... they are your shoes... Zoe's bicycle is green. Dave's bicycle is blue.

He r bicycle is green. His bicycle is blue.

Whose hat is this? Whose books are these?

It is Dave's. They are Brian's.

Whose Whose

It's .... They're ....

is ... ? are ... ?

Grammar corner



We use 's after som eone 's name to show that something belongs to him or her. Zoe's schoolbag Brian's book Dave's glasses.


To ask who something belongs to, we begin the question with Whose. Whose hat is this? It's Peter's.


To ask who one thing belongs to, we beg in the question with Whose an d use is. To ask who two or more things belo ng to, we begin the question with Whose and use are. Whose bicycle is this? It's Zoe's. Whose shoes are these? They're Brian's.

Posses ive 's, whose?

Look, read and write.

2 Zoe / umbrella / red

1 Brian / shirt / green

~.~!~.':l.'~.. ~~.i.~~..i.~ .!3.~~~!'):

3 Dave / sunglasses / black


4 Peter / basketball / orange 5 Corky / bicycle / yellow

6 Emma / rollerblades / black

Look and wr ite .



1 ~~!~!'):~ ..~i.~~ .!~..p'~:'p'.I~: .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. . . . . .

...Ij~:' .~.i.~~..i.~ .p'~ :'p'~~ :


2 ~.~ :.~:~. .. . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . ..












Read, choose and write. are

Brian's Corky's . Bnan, t hiIS



Corkv's 01

my C hoi




.................. book is this?

'1-足 - - -.


Circle the correct answer. 1 Whose bag is ......... ? It's Ann's. this b these


4 Whose ......... are these? They are

Brian's. a book b books

2 Whose glasses ......... these? They're Dave's. a is bare

5 Whose toys are those? a It's b They're

3 Whose skirt is that? ......... Zoe's. a It's b They're

6 Whose T-shirt is that? ......... Dave's. a It's b They're


Po se slv





Look, read and write.

1 ThiIS 'IS Dave's

4 This is




2 This is

5 These are



3 These are

6 This is



Choose and write. is


1 2 3 4 5

Whose Whose Whose Whose Whose

It's car ..L toys pencils ruler chair

They're this? these? those? that? this?



......... Helen's.

......... Maria's.

......... Stephen's.

......... Corky's.

Ask and answer. 1 2 3 4 5

Whose Whose Whose Whose Whose

bag / that? (Emma) pens / these? (Fred) bowl/this? (Corky) presents / those? (Jenny) jacket / this? (Nick)

It's Emma's.


Have got

Have got (question, negative)

I've got a surprise for you!

Have you got a magic ball, Dave?

Yes, I have. I've got a red magic ball.

But you haven't got three ice-creams! He! He!


I have got you have got

I've got you've got

I have not got you have not got

I haven't got you haven't got

Have I got? Have you got?

we have got you have got they have got

we've got you've got they've got

we have not got you have not got they have not got

we haven't got you haven't got they haven't got

Have we got? Have you got? Have they got?

Grammar corner



To make a quest ion , we begin with Have, then we put the person al pronoun I, you , we, or they, and then got. At the end we put a quest ion mark. Have they got a camera? Have you got a magic ball?


To make the negative, we put not between have and got: have not got. The short form is haven't got. I have not got a bicycle. I haven't got a bicycle.


In short answers we do not repeat got. Have they got a pet? No, they haven't.

Have got

Look, read and write.

.~~~!:..~~~..~ .p'.i.~~ .!~.~~!:'~ :. 1 I / pink / T-shirt ,f

3 we / a parrot

2 they / funny noses ,f

4 I / a yellow bicycle ,f

5 you / big feet



Write the short form . 1 I have got big feet.

4 You have not got a green jacket.

.~Y~..~~E..~!~ ..~~~~:


2 We have not got a computer.

5 They have not got long tails.

3 They have got blue eyes.

6 We have got yellow hats.

Ask and answer . 1 you / a sister? .!j~~~ .YR.':l. .g.l?~ .~..~!~tt!.~r 2 they / a camera?


.t:l.l?•..!.h~y.~~J ~




No, we






3 you / a computer game?

4 they / a kite?

5 we / big feet?


Has got (question, negative)

Are you ready? ;足


3 - --"-...,

he has got she has got it has got

he's got she's got it's got

he has not got she has not got it has not got

he hasn't got she hasn't got it hasn't got

Has he got? Has she got? Has it got?

Grammar corner a>

We use has got only with he , she and it . She has got a parrot. He has got a red schoolbag. It has got four legs. To make a question, we begin with Has, then we put the personal pronoun,

he, she or it, and then got.

Has he got a camera? Has it got a long tail?

To make the negative, we put not between has and got: has not got.

The short form is hasn't got.

He has not got a jacket. He hasn't got a jacket.

She has not got green eyes. She hasn't got green eyes.

.. In short answers we do not repe at got. Has he got a brother? No, he hasn't.




Look, read and write.


3 It

ong arms.


2 She


~ree Ie s.

6 It


a short tail.

Write the short form. 1 He has got a small nose. 2 She has not got a red jacket. 3 He has not got a brother. S She has got a pink dress. 6 It has not got a short tail.


a red nose.

.1j.~:~..~~~ ..~.. ~.~~ .IJ..~~ .!?~..;路


Read, ask and answer. a Eet rabbit


Jacky Bob 1 . tl. ~ ~..~?l .~.~ .~ ~!..~h!:.. h~ .~ t:'! : y. : 2 . tI. ?! ~.. ~.C? p...e.C?~ Yes, . 3 Yes, .



camera ./ X

a pet rabbit?


. a pet rabbit?

a camera?




blue shoes? Yes,

a camera?

blue shoes ./ ./



blue shoes? Yes,



Have got: all forms 7

Choose and wri te . have


1 . !j ~.~ he got small feet? not got a cat. 2 We 3 She got an orange hat. 4 they got brown eyes?

5 It got four legs. 6 she got a purple skirt? 7 You not got rollerblades. 8 he got a pet parrot?

Look, read and write .

.?.~.~':? .a 9:t?



1 she / rollerblades .I 2 he / a hat X

3 they / bicycles .l

4 he / a teddy bear'?


5 you / a camera'?

6 it / batteries'?

7 we / magic balls .I 8 they / an umbrella X

Write about you.



you got a pet?)


--<-Has your father got a car?)



Read, choose and write. 've got(x2)

haven't got

got's got(x2)


Dear Lisa,


I :y.~ .~.~~ a pet parrot.

His name is Corky.

He a funny head. Parrots noses. They beaks. Corky a big beak. ............... you a pet? Love,


Complete. 1 ~~.~ .~.~..a~~

a watch?

Yes, he has.


four legs?

No, it hasn't.


a pink T-shirt?

Yes, she has.


big feet?

No, you haven't.


computer games?


a fast car?

Yes, they have. No, he hasn't.

Write. 1 Her cap is red. 2 His cap is green.

.:?.~.~.'~..~~~..~ .:.~~ .E~P. : .. .I:t~ .

3 Her bicycle is orange 4 His bicycle is green. ..

. .

5 Her T-shirt is blue.



6 His T-shirt is yellow.




Imperatives Yes, Look! Say 'hello' Robbie!

Say 'goodbye' Robbie!

Robbie, sit down, stand up! Don't go to the window. Come here! )

Grammar corner ~




We use the imperative to tell one person, or two or more people, to do something, or not to do som ething. When we want someone to do som ething, we begin the sentence with the verb . Sit down. Write your name. Say 'hello'. Close the door. When we want someone not to do something, we begin with Don't and then put the verb. Don't sit there! Don't write your name there. Don't say 'goodbye' . Don't close the door.

Positive Close the door! Sit on this chair!

Negative Don't close the door! Don't sit on this chair!

Imp ratlves

Look, choose and write . 1 Close the window. 2 Open the door. 3 Stand up. 4 Sit down. S Come here. 6 Say 'goodbye'. 7 Go to the door. 8 Write your name.

11 I '

2 1 ~.q.r!')~..h~r.~.!...


0n ~1'足 ~ . .- - - .~





















Choose and write . come


1 !~r.r! 2


3 4 S 6 Don 't 7



go to



left! . h . I Sit on my c air. here! your English book! the window! my .Ice-cream.I your milk!



Read, choose and write . close

don't eat

don't open

don't read


.~ ~.~.'~..~p..~.~.. the window. -...--------m"""':O I



Match and write . B my chocolate! turn right! your name! your desk! on this chair! your orange juice!


1 2 3 4

Write Drink Sit Don't

5 Go to 6 Don't eat


Write your name! 1 ................... ................................ .....











Imp ratly

Write the negative form. 1 Talk.

Don't talk!

4 Turn left.

2 Walk.


3 Come in.

6 Sit.

Look at exercise 5 . Read, choose and write .

Put the words in the right order.

1 the door / Don't / close Don't close the door!

4 desk / your / Go to

2 eat / my ice-cream / Don't

S read / Don't / my magazine

3 sit / on / Don't / this chair

Complete. 1 Don't eat


4 Don't drink


2 Say


S Open


3 Go to


6 Don't




Hello, Corky! I'm Danny and I can talk!

Yes, I can walk and I can jump! Look!

Oh, yes, he can! Look!


Affirmative I can you can he can she can it can we can you can they can



Full form

Short form

I cannot you cannot he cannot she cannot it cannot we cannot you cannot they cannot

I can't you can't he can't she can't it can't we can't you can't they can't

Can Can Can Can Can Can Can Can









Grammar corner .c>

To say what people or things are able to do we use can. Can is the same with all personal pronouns. 1 can dance. She can sing. They can swim .


To make a question, we begin with Can, then we put the personal pronoun (I, you , he , etc.) and then the main verb (dance, fly, walk, etc.). Can you sing? Yes, 1 can. Can it fly? Yes, it can. Can they walk? Yes they can.



To make the negative, we put not after can. Can and not are then one word, cannot. The short form is can't. 1 cannot ride a bike. 1 can't ride a bike.


Read, choo can

1 She

and write .


~f.tX! .


5 She ........ walk.

2 They

6 He

dance. 3 He

7 He



4 We



8 She

ride a horse.

Read, ask and answer. Emma John Brian and Dave

ride a bicycle

sing ./

X X ./


John Emma 1 ~~~ ..S!"n.':l:!~ ..? ! ~ÂŁt.r. 3 Y.~? L~.~.~ .~ ~.'1 : . 2 a bicycle? 4 No, she .

Brian and Dave








Write about you.


you ride a bicycl0

~an you

play basketball?)

~an you




Look, read and write .

.I..9.~.t:1:J. .. open the door!


Match and write. A 1 Elephants 2 Can you 3 She can flu 4 Spiders 5 I can 6 Can 7 They can't speak


B a kite. can't dance. run fast. drive a car? English. can't fly. she jump high?

Elep'hants ca n't f ly. 1 ...............................................















Look, read and write .

She can dance.

1 she / dance ./

2 you / fly ?

5 he / count to twenty ?

6 he / ride a bike X 7 she / run fast ./

3 1/ see X

4 he / jump X

8 we / play basketball ./

Complete. 1 . ~~. ~. ~~.~..~.~ !~~ . a car?

Yes, I can.


a bike?

No, she can't.



Yes, he can.


a kite?

Yes, they can.


this door?

No, we can't.


• •

evrsien Units 6-10 1

Choose and w r ite. my your his her our their

o I've got a

3 Mark's rollerblades are new. ............ rollerblades are new. 4 They've got red T-shirts. .. T-shirts are red . S You've got a white kitten. .. kitten is white.

yellow dress. ~;t dress is yellow. 1 Helen's skirt is orange. ............ skirt is orange.

2 We've got black glasses. ............ glasses are black.




Look, ask and answer.

o bag

/ Zoe Xi.~q.~~.p.~.a .J.~ .~~J.f?X

1 glasses / Brian ....................................?

2 shoes / Dave

4 bowl/Corky


S "f..shirt / Dave

7 .....................................

J.~t~..fg§:~ :

3 books / Brian ....................................?

..................................... 7 Score



Write .

o Corky / a

3 you / a red pen ?

1 my friend / a bike X

4 they / a new TV

2 I / two school bags ,/

5 she / a blue jacket?

nose ? Has Cor ot a nose?

Sco re



o Peter / ride a

bike X

E~.~r. ÂŁ~ ~J. xj g.~ .~ ..~ !~~ :


1 you / fly a kite ?

2 Mark and Helen / play football ,/ 3 she / cook '? 4 we / drive a car ,/ 5 he / dance X Score



Circle the correct answe r. 1 He

ha e / has

got rollerblades.

2 Whose car this is / is this ?

3 This is Mary 's / Ma ry 4 You ha ve / Have you 5 Can he / He can 6 They

got a pet?


hasn't / haven 't

7 Whose books 8 Not / Do n't 9 These are


is / are

got a computer.


sit on that chair!

Bria n's / Bria n glasses.

10 She ha s / Has she

Sco re

got a sister? Tota l



Present continuous I, we, you, they (question, negative) ,-----r You're reading ) - - - _ a book!

They're eating spinach! Am I dreaming?




I am (I'm) reading you are (you're) reading

I am not (I'm not) reading you are not (you aren't) reading

Am I reading? Are you reading?

we are (we're) reading you are (you're) reading they are (they're) reading

we are not (we aren't) reading you are not (you aren't) reading they are not (they aren't) reading

Are we reading? Are you reading? Are they reading?

Grammar corner ~

We use the present con tinuous to talk about something that is happening at this moment.

while we are speaking.

I am reading this Grammar corner.


We make the Present continuous with the verb to be (I am, yo u are, we are, they are or

their short forms) and the main verb with the suffix -ing .

They are wearing green hats.

I am reading a book.


To make a question, we begin with Am or Are , then we put the personal pronoun L you ,

we or they. The main verb with the suffix -ing stays in the same place. We put a question

mark at the end .

Are you reading? Are they wearing green hats?


& >


To make the negative , we put not after am or are. The main verb with the suffix -ing stays

in the same place. The short forms are I'm not, we 're not, you 're not, they're not.

We are not sleeping, we are reading. They are not singing.

We're not sleeping, we're reading. They're not singing.

In short answers we do not repeat the main verb with the suffix -ing .

Are they cooking? No, they aren't.

Are you sleeping? No, I'm not.


nt continuou

Write. 1 :.~.~ ~....

! .~.~ .n~ ~.tA!~!3 we you I they we

2 cook 3 sleep 4 eat 5 wear 6 walk

. .. . .. .. ..

~~ .. ~ . :.~~ ~.i.':l. a ~










. .


. .')


Write the short form . 1 We are playing. 2 They are not cooking. 3 I am jumping. 4 You are not sleeping. 5 I am not walking.

~~::.~..p.~f:l.:Y. i.~~ :


.. .. . .

. . .. .

Look, read and write . I

You . :.~..~.~.~:.I .~~ ..... my T-shirt.

2 sleep '?

1 wear ./ not


We We

. .

3 eat X • cook ./

4 play X , study ./

5 watch ./

6 go out '?


. .


Present continuous

He, she, it (question, negative)

What is Zoe doing? She's reading a magazine. Corky, you can't go out!




he is (he's) eating she is (she's) eating it is (it's) eating

he is not (he isn't) eating she is not (she isn't) eating it is not (it isn't) eating

Is he eating? Is she eating? Is it eating?

Grammar corner



We make the third person singular of the Present continuous with the verb to be (he ' , she is, it Is) and the ma in verb with the suffix -Ing. He is reading a book. She is eating ice-cream.


To make a question , we begin with . jhen we put he. he or ' The main verb with the suffix -log stays in the same place. e pu a question mark at the end . Is he reading? Is she eating ice-cream?


To make the negative , we put not after is: is no . The main verb with the suffix -log stays in the same place . The short form of is no is isn't. He is not reading. He isn't reading. It is not singing. It isn't singing.


In short answers we do not Is she cooking? Is it watching TV? Is he playing basketball?

repeat the main verb with the suffix -Ing. No, she isn't. No, it isn't. Yes, he is.

Pres nt continuous

Look and answer .

1 Is Corky flying? (eat an ice-cream)

No, he isn't. ............................................ He's eati ng an ice-cream.


2 Is Zoe walking? (jump) 3 Is Brian eating? (listen to music)

4 Is Dove reading? (play basketball)

5 Is the boy sleeping? (read a book)

Ask and answe r. 1 he / wear / a hat ? 2 she / eating / an apple ? 3 it / fly ? 4 she / sing? 5 he / cry? 6 it / sleep?

16 he wearing a hat? ..........................................

No, ~~..i.~~:~: .. Yes, . No, . No, .. Yes, .. No, ..


1 ~~.. ~~ .p.I.~~!~~.... tennis?

2 ........................... an .Ice-cream.1 .. 1 3 ........................... an orange JUice. 4 a book? 5 a blue T-shirt? 6 TV?

Yes, he is. No, she isn't. No, he isn't. Yes, she is. No, he isn't. Yes, she is.


Present continuous

All forms

Look, read and write. Be quiet! We


Well, he

danc e drive

dan cing driving

clos e rid e

clos ing rid ing

sit run

sit ting ru nning

Grammar corner IK>




When the verb ends in -e, then we drop that e and add -ing. dance dancing close closing When the verb ends in a consonant (run) with a vowel before it (run) we double the consonant and add -lng. sit sitting run running There is only one short form of the negative with the first person singular, I. I'm not watching TV. There are two short forms of the negative for all the other persons. He isn't sleeping. He 's not sleeping. We're not singing. We aren't singing.


Pre ent continuous

Look, read and write.

1 we / cook v"

2 you / listen ?

3 I / come back X

4 they / wear hats X

6 he / write a book ?

7 they / swim ,f

8 she / do her

homework ?

Ask and answer.

1 they / ride / their bikes?

~:'~..~~~~ ..~~~.i.~.~ .E.~.~ ~:..~~~~~~ .

No, ~~~~..~:.~.~:~.

2 you / dance? Yes, 3 she / wear / red glasses?

No, 4 they / run?

Yes, 5 he / sit down?



Choose and complete . drink eat open


ride wear

1 She ~~..?'p'~.~.i.~~ 2 they 3 He not

the door. their bikes. a jacket.

4 5 We 6

you it

basketball? not ice-creams. milk?


Question words

This is my friend , Anna.

My birthday is in June. Where is your school bag?

~J ~

~ How many brothers have you got? What is this? Who is this? Whose jacket is this?

It's a computer game. It's my brother. It's Brian's.

Where is your bike? When is your birthday?

It's in the garden. It's in June.

How are you? How old is she? How many brothers have you got?

I'm fine . She's nine. I've got two.

Grammar corner



We always put question words and phrases at the beginning of the question . Wpat are those? Where is your kite? How many magazines are there? Whose lemonade is this?


We always use What to ask about things an d Who to ask about people. What is that? It's a car. Who is that? It's my sister.


We always use the question form of the verb after the question word or phrase. What are you eating? ').That yeu are eating? X How old is she? He'.';.' e!d she is? X

rTl"t"- - _

Match and write. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Where are mY-9lasses? How old is he? What are those? Who is this? When is the pcrtu! Whose umbrella is this? How menu cousins have lIOU qot!

1 Wh~r~..~r.~.. ~~..a!~ .~.~~~?








5 6

. .



It's Emma's. I've got ten. He's eleven. They're qorillas. It's rnu friend, Peter. It's tomorrow. Theure on the table.

l.~.~.Y.'!.~ .!?~ .~h.~..~?!p.J~ :.....

Read, choose and write. whose


Wh~r......... are

you doing?

how many


how old

where .......................... pens have you got?



Look, read and write.



Anna is Zoe's new friend.

Put the words in the right orde r.

1 reading What you are ~~~~.•~.~.~..';f.C?~ ..~~~.~~~~X 2 keys are my Where

7 birthday is When her


3 jacket that is Whose


8 rollerblades are Whose those 9 Zoe's are Where pens

4 got toys have they How many

10 playing What they are

5 she What wearing is

11 is birthday Corky's When

6 computer games he got How many has

12 these Whose sandwiches are

Qu stion word

Look, read and writ . What's this'?

They're eating sandwiches.

Circle the correct answer. 1

are those? They're mice . a Who b Whose

C9 What

h ~ It 's J'rm ,s. 2 ......... car .IS tat. a Who b Whose

c What

3 What a she is

c he is

wearing? b is she

4 How many ......... have you got? a ruler b pencil c pens 5 ......... is that? That's my uncle, Henry. a Who b Whose c What 6 How many CDs ......... got? She's got twenty. a she's b has c has she 7 What ......... drinking? a are they b they are

c we are


Present simple

I, you, we, they (question, negative)

I do~t drink

Everq mornin~

I ,9d lAp at seveÂť o'clcck.

Do you like chocolate milk?

~ral'13e Juju In the mO~t1in3'

I dr;rlk I'ntlk.

Get up! It's seven o'clock!


Brian and 'Pave are m9 f(ien&->. Ever~da~ 'We jO

to school

crt ei9ht


we do our no l1Iework Ill\d



--:!" ~ walk io school. ~-..r,[ 'I~ We take the ~~. :

oldock , We dOl1't

~a'y witltl

Cork,yo our pd parrot. He:s ver~ (untj.

That is my homework! Silly bird!




I play , you play

I do not (don't) play you do not (don't) play

Do I play? Do you play?

we play you play they play

we do not (don't) play

you do not (don't) play

they do riot (don't) play

Do we play? Do you play? Do they play?

Grammar corner



We use the Present simple to talk about something that we often or usually do , everyday routines for example.


We make the Present simple with I, you, we or they and the main verb: play, eat, etc. We play basketball every day. They eat chocolate cake every Friday.


To make a question , we begin with the auxiliary verb Do , then the personal pronoun I, you , we or they, and then the main verb. Do you watch TV every day? Do they like lemonade?


To make the negative we put do not between the personal pronoun and the main verb. The short form of do not is don't. In short answers we do not repeat the main verb. They do not read comics. They don't read comics. No, they don't. Do they read comics?



ent simple

Write. 1 2 3 4 5

read play like drink eat

I read we they you we

I don't read

Do I read?

. . .. .

Ask and answer. 1 you / drink / milk every morning?

~?q..y.'? .I.!..~.r:!~~..~!!~ .~~~:. y. . !!,1.~:.~!~fl~ ..

Yes, ! .~.'?




2 they / like / oranges?

3 you / eat / fruit in the morning?

No, I




Yes, we


4 they / play / football every Sunday?

5 you / like / hamburgers?

Look, read and write. We .~.':I. ~ ~.. the car every week.

. they .. TV every evening?

We ............ you ............ .Ice-cream.}

.. spinach .

4 like ?




Present simple

He, she, it (question, negative)

It's Vicky's birthday today. She likes chocolates.

Vicky doesn't like chocolates.

Yes, but Dave doesn't know!




he eats she eats it eats

he does not (doesn't) eat she does not (doesn't) eat it does not (doesn't) eat

Does he eat? Does she eat? Does it eat?

Grammar corner Eo

When we make the third person singular of the Present simple with he , she or it , we add the suffix -s to the main verb. He drinks milk every day.



E o'


She likes chocolate.

To make a question, we begin with the auxiliary verb Does, then the personal pronoun he, she or it, and then the main verb. We do not add the suffix -s to the main verb in a question . Does he read comics? Does he reaes COFRics? X Does it eat fish? Does it eats HS~? X To make the negative , we put does not between the personal pronoun and the main verb . We do not add the suffix -s to the main verb in the negative . He does not read comics. She does not like bananas. The short form of does not is doesn 't. In short answers we do not repeat the main verb . She does not read comics. She doesn't read comics. Does she read comics? No, she doesn't.

Pres nt


Write. 1 read 2 play 3 like 4 drink 5 eat

he doesn't rea d

he reads it she he she

Does he read '?

.. . .. .

Ask and answe r. 1 she / like / pizza? ~.l?,~~..!?~~..I.i.~.~.. p.!~~~X 2 he / eat / chocolate?


Yes, ..~.~.~ .~.l?,~~ :










3 it / drink / milk? 4 he / like / football? ...........:-................................. 5 she / love / the sea?

Read, ask and answe r.

Zoe 1 play basketball / every Friday?

Br ia n

4 play football / every Friday?

Qq.~.~ .?9. !=: . p. !?!y. . p.?! ยง.~ ~~~?! l .~y~r.Y. I~ !~?!y?

):'y.~~ . ~hy.. g!?~.~:.....

2 run in the park / every Saturday?

5 sit in the garden / every Saturday?

3 get up at 10 o'clock / on Sunday?

6 read comics / every Friday?


Present simple

All forms Look, read and write. I .I.i.~.~ I I

We We ..

Saturdays. at 11 o'clock. to school.

1 like ~ , get up ~ , go X We Dave Brian

in the garden. T\I. We for school!

2 play ~ , wa t c h ~ , s tu d y X to the park. basketball. books.

3 go ~ : play ~ , re a d X


Saturdays, Corky? Yes, I do. But it's Friday today!

4 like ?




I eat you eat he eats she eats it eats we eat you eat they eat

I do not (don't) eat you do not (don't) eat he does not (doesn't) eat she does not (doesn't) eat it does not (doesn't) eat we do not (don't) eat you do not (don't) eat they do not (don't) eat

Do I eat?

Do you eat?

Does he eat?

Does she eat?

Does it eat?

Do we eat?

Do you eat?

Do they eat?

Grammar corner



When we use he , she or it with verbs that end in -0 , -sh, -ch or -SS , we use the suffix -es . He goes to the park every day. She watches the match every Saturday.


Remember, we do not add -s or -es to the main verb in the negative or the question forms. Does he wash the car every day? Dees he washes the ear every day? X She doesn't watch TV on Mondays. She deesn't \.vutehes lV en l\.1endays. X

Pre ent simple

Choose and write. Do




1 They ~.~f.lJ like cheese. 2 she read comics? 3 We wash the car every week. 4 he brush his teeth every morning? 5 they watch TV every Sunday? 6 She like computer games. 7 you go to school at 7 o'clock?


Write. 5 they / drink / tea X

1 he / like / cats ./ He ....... likes.......... cats.................................... .............


6 she / go / to school at 8 o'clock ./

2 they / get up / at 9 o 'clock ?





3 she / watch TV / every day X

7 you / eat / f sh ?

4 he / play / volleyball ?

8 he / speak / English X

Look, read and write.

1 he / like / bananas ./

2 she / run / every day ?

3 she / brush / her teeth every morning ?

4 he / like / music X

5 they / go to / school X

6 you / like / comics '?


Prepositions of time

When is your birthday, Brian?

When does school finish?

When do you get up?

Do you like swimming?

Yes, I do. I play basketball on Sundays.

Prepositions of time at + time

at seven o'clock

in + months

in March

in + seasons

in the summer

on + days

on Friday

Grammar corner &-





To ask about when someone does some thing, we begin the question with When. When do you go to the park? We use at to talk about the time by the clock. He goes to school at 8 o'clock. We use In to talk about months and seasons. My birthday is in May. It doesn't snow in the summer. We use on to talk about days . The party is on Saturday.

Prepositions of time

Choo e and write. July


January August

~p- r i n g


November April










Choose and write . Tuesday 7 o'clock June Monday 2 o'clock August Saturday February

at 7 o'clock



I Read, choose and write . at



When do you go to the cinema?

When do you go to bed?

When does school finish?

.9.1'). Satu rday. fr



Look, read and answer.

1 When is the camping holiday?

.t~. J.~ !Y.~


2 When is the summer party?

3 When are the music lessons?

4 When is the school canteen open?


5 When ,a re the dance classes?


Prepositions of time in the morning

on Friday

in the afternoon

on 6th July

in the evening

on Friday 6th July

Grammar corner ~

We use in to talk about parts of days: in the morning, in the afternoon , in the evening. He watches TV in the evening.


We use on to talk about days by name (on Monday) and by date (on 6th July). Her birthday is on Friday. Her birthday is on 17th January. Her birthday is on Friday, 17th January.



We can ask about the time someone does something either with When or with What time. When do you go to bed? What time do you go to bed?

Pr po itions of tim

Circle the correct answer. 1 Dave goes to the park in / ~ Sunday. 2 Nicky gets up at / in seven o'clock. 3 His name day is at / in July. 4 The Christmas party is on / in Monday 24th December. 5 They watch TV in / on Sundays. 6 We go to the sea in / on the summer. 7 She has breakfast at / in the morning. 8 My birthday is a t / on 5th July.

Write about you.

Can you answer these questions for our school magazine?

1 When does the school close? 2 W he n is you_r_b_i_rt_h_d_a-:::y:-?

.<?.~.. ~.t.~ . ~ .~.I;t: -+足

. -t

3 What time do you get up?

---==---.:.足 - - - ---1足 - - - - - - - - - - - -----1

4 When do yo u watch TV? 5 When do yo

study for school?

6 What time do yo u go to bed?


7 When is your next sc hool holiday? 8 When is your sc hoo l ca nteen open?


Revision Units 11-14 1

Write .

o they / drink / tea .t

3 you / listen / to mus ic '?

!b.~ir.~ .~E!!:,.~.i.':l.a .~.~.~. :


1 he / run / fast X 2 I / eat / an ice-cream


4 they / play / beach volley X


5 she / wear / a hat X



My name's Billy.

? She's ten.

? My birthday is in May.

? My bag is under the bed.

? This is my brother, Jim.

? They're video games. Sco re


Write the question.

o Wh~J'~..Y.9. ~.~..t:J.~ m.~.r 1 2 3 4 5


Circle the correct answer.

o We don 't go to school ~ / at Sundays. 1 2 3 4 5

The baby sleeps in / at the afternoon. They go on holiday at / in August. He watches TV o n / in the evening. She gets up at / in 7 o 'clock. His birthday is on / in October. Sco re




Read , ask and answer.

®x Jenny Stephen Zoe and Dave

o Jenny

spinach fish oranges

pizza hamburgers ice-cream

/ pizza

~C? ~~..~~~ .~.~ . ! !~ ~ . P.i.~.~.~~


Yes, sh e does.

1 Stephen / fish ......••...•...••..•...••.••••.•••..••.........•..•.. ? 2 Zoe and Dave / oranges ..................................................... ? 3 Jenny / spinach . ..................................................... ? 4 Zoe and Dave / ice-cream ..................................................... ? 5 Stephen / hamburgers ............•••...•.•................................? Score


Circle the correct answer. 1 He like / likes chocolate cakes.. 2 What you are / are you doing? 3 Do es / Do she play tennis every Saturday? 4 W ho / What is that? It's my cousin, Jim. 5 He do n't / does 't read magazines. 6 They 're / Are they swimming? 7 We play / plays football. 8 W he n / Where is your birthday? 9 How old you are / a re you ? 10 You not / aren 't watching TV!

Sco re

Tota l



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