Independent Portfolio

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Title: Matchstick Animation As a start to my independent practice, I decided to do something I had never done before, in this case, an animation. I decided to do this after having a number of spare matchsticks after making the pinhole camera. These are screenshots from the animation.

Title: Matchstick Animation These are also screen shots from my animation. I decided to use titles in between scenes to allow the audience to understand what is happening, similar to the titles within a silent movie.

Title: Trafalgar Square These are illustrations I made whilst sitting in Trafalgar Square. I drew them from observation and analysis. I hoped that maybe I could use them in different briefs as a way of researching different areas and different people.

Title: Trafalgar Square Here I have editted my origingal illustrations by live tracing one of them and duplicating it. I then editted one even further by reducing the line width and colour and making it appear as though it has been made with a blue biro pen. This was my way of experimenting and comparing my work to see which one looked better.

Title: Life Drawing This is an example of how I draw from life. I placed the original at the top along with the live traced version underneath. This shows the difference in contrast between the two. Life drawing, in my opinion, is manageable only when done quickly, in comparison to life drawing which can take hours and patience to get an exact image. I believe this method is more abstract and unpredictable.

Title: Life Drawing This is also another example of my life drawing illustrations. One of the techniques I used was to not tell the person I was drawing them, this would allow them to continue to act normal, and they would not change their expression to how they think they should look if being drawn. I began my life drawings after a studio lesson in which we had to draw others in limited time. I found this helpful when creating these illustrations.

Title: Sketches This is an example of how I do not need an object or person to draw from in my illustrations. This pen drawing is made completely from drawing small things and moving on to another place within the paper. I prefer this way of drawing rather than draw from actual objects which require more concentration; this way I feel I am able to draw what I want how I want.

Brief: Continious Line This is also an example of how I experimented with the illustration on Illustrator to make it more unique and visually intereesting.

Title: Sketches Similar to my last sketch. This is also an example of how I used only a fine liner to create an image entirely from imagination.

Title: Sketches Here I editted the image in order to see what it would look like in another form. One thing I enjoy is creating images which I can later develop into different and even better images using both hand made effects and computer effects.

Title: Watercolour As well as fineliner illustrations I created watercolour paintings These particular paintings are only A6, however I feel they are effective as their size allows the detail to stand out more.

Title: Watercolour This is also another one of my A6 Watercolour paintings. i have combined them with fine liner, similar to the previous two. The fine liner drawings within this are quite roughly drawn, however with the use of watercolours makes the image more abstract.

Title: Sketchbook These are examples of smaller more various sketches I created whilst using my skecthbook and taking it to various places to draw and observe different things. I also used it as a way of experimenting with lines and type.

Title: Sketchbook These are more sketches which have been created in my sketchbook as part of experimenting with shapes and lines.

Title: Contrast This is an example of how I went beyond the brief for the ‘Contrast Logo’ Brief. After making a logo, I decided to go further and make a poster using the word contrast and elaborating with meaning of the word by using lines and shapes.

Title: Contrast This is the editted version of the contrast poster. This is an example of how I developed the original illustration into a poster which is relevant to the original brief.

Title: Photography As well as hand-drawn pieces I have also done a lot of photography within my work. I liked this one in particular due to the contrast in lines and shapes.

Title: Photography I found this busstop sign interesting due to the fact that much of the information was covered by the snow. The transition between the sign which was covered in white and the dark background behind it also made this an interesting subject for a photograph.

Title: Photography I found that the textures that the snow gave even the most ordinary environments interesting. In this case, the reflection off the falling snow and the settled snow on the ice was what made these images interesting.

Title: Photography These photographs also carried a particular theme which made them interesting. The fact that they looked best when the height of the photo was reduced to create an almost panoramic view of the trees is what made these photographs interesting.

Title: Continuous Line As an experiment, I decided to create a continuous line drawing featuring items which were not linkied in anyway but wereconnected by a single line. I thought of this as a kind of juxtapostition between the objects.

Brief: Continious Line These are examples of how I developed my original idea. I decided to use watercolours as a way of experimenting with copies of the drawing in order to see if the image looked good with any colour on it.

Title: Continuous Line This is a further development from the original drawing and the watercolour painting. I decided to run with the idea of using colour and instead apply it to the background rather than each individual object on the line.

Title: Continuous Line I used the same image again and applied it to a different coloured background as a way of experimenting on which colour would suit the image best.

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