Emma Ridgway
Portfolio Portfolio
M ake a Book About a Book
This brief was about making a handmade book about another book we had seen or read. After looking into the brief, I decided to use the idea of look at photography books and how they are used as a way of portraying design in a unique way in order to make certain images appeal to an audience. I decided then that I wanted to make a book about photography, however I only wanted to use one photo, in contrast to a normal photobook’s selection of photos. I wanted to make the book unique in its shape and form, so I decided that I would split the image like a grid and have each section as a double page within my book. This would give the idea of a puzzle in which the audience would not know what the entire image looks like, instead they would see pieces of the image, as though looking at it through a view finder, I made a mock-up of what a page in the book would look like. Below is also a photograph of the photo book I made. I changed the form of the book from its original mock-up however I kept the idea of having sections of the image on each double page. The book itself folds out to create one long book with each part showing a selection of the image. I gave the book a hardback cover to make it stronger and made it feel more like a book.
These are a selection of photographs that I took of my final book. I was happy with my final outcome however if I were to make another I would have planned better in regards to how the book would have been presented. I also would have printed directly onto the paper to avoid cutting and sticking which left some edges looking frayed and worn. Overall I was happy that my book lived up to its original idea in presenting certain parts of the image in an enigmatic way.
Utopia/Dystopia This brief was all about creating either a Utopia or a Dystopia in our selected space within the studio. In a small group we had to create a society which could represent a ‘Utopia’ in which everyone could live in harmony together without any so-called Dystopia disturbance.
The way in which we approached this was to make the illusion of the ‘Island Utopia’ being invisible, therefore creating the idea of it being able to reflect the ocean. We made a prototype of this by cutting a perfect circle out of tin foil. we then placed this on a pond and photographed it as a way of showing its reflection. We then made a series of photoshop images in which we attemtped to create the illusion of a hidden island on the ocean.
U topian Manifesto
To the leaders in which
this article will reach, the contents of this article should be kept a secret; We believe that a Utopia cannot exist with a human population. The whole idea of a perfect world where people live in harmony would still require the main attributes that cause global conflict such as leaders, power and money. These three things would be crucial in any form of human society in order to make it fair and stable. However the use of them is also the thing that can turn a Utopia into a Dystopia. Therefore the ideology
of a functional a Utopian society is impossible without neces as mo leade There decid Utopia would onl to exist truly harm if it was inhabited and nature only. T can co-exist and c a balance that wo undisturbed by hu and will be a true without the need corruption or inte The only way that exist however, is if were to remain ob the fact that such existed, because ob would disturb the Therefore the Uto be an Island in the
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of the ocean and would be entirely invisible to the human eye. The island would be like a mirror, which would then reflect the ocean’s waves and colours creating the illusion of it being invisible to humans and yet still allowing the Utopia to exist. We believe that if this were to be disturbed than the Utopia can no longer exist. Therefore this manifesto outlines the plans in which to conceal the Utopia from of the human society in order to protect its existence by keeping it a secretive and unknown variable in the world. The only way humans can discover the Utopia is when all over problems in the world have been solved, because if trouble still exists when the Utopia is found, then the trouble will be brought to that Utopia.
This is a copy of my Utopia Manifesto. I decided to create it in a different format to a normal Manifesto; Because the Utopia we create could not be occupied by humans in order to protect it, I created this as a form of article, in which the writer would know about this Utopia, and the audience would be world leaders, with the article intended to persuade world leaders that this Utopia should be kept a secret in the world.
Information Graphics
This was the piece I made for the Information Graphics brief. I decided that I wanted to use information from an area which many people around my age would be very familiar with; the Game Boy Colour games Pokemon. Here I conducted research into what was known as the ‘starter pokemon’ to see which was the most popular. I based my final evidence on the three pokemon from two of the original games and then designed two pieces of work showing the quesion and the answers.
Iinntervention the City
These are screen shots of the documentary which I made with two others about Intervention within the city of London. The idea was to document as many types of intervention as possible, through formats such as film and photography. As a group, we decided that we wanted to follow a theme of Intervening in places that are hidden from the usual, predictable sights in London. We started at an urban canal walk behind Paddington Station. Our idea was the fact that we were intervening by going to places that wouldn’t normally be visited by the general public, almost as a way of exposing them. One place we did fail to find however was a cave near Camden Market, which, if we were to reshoot this, we would hopefully look again for the Cave. We found many other Unique places such as what is known as the thinnest house in
Britain, which was on a street behind South Kensington Tube Station. As well as finding these places, we also found other ways of Intervening in the City, by doing obvious things that public signs told us to do or not to. I think I found this brief enjoyable as it allowed us to leave the studio and create work on our own accord but still with an idea in mind. There were a few mistakes in the video and if it were to be made again then a better camera would have been used. Overall our group were pleased with the outcome of the video, which stretched to 2.31 minutes which was long enough to explain our Intervention.
Intervention in the City CAMDEN TOWN
Packaging Design
This was one of the most challegning briefs to date, but by far the most enjoyable. The enjoyment being that we were in competition with other groups within the class which allowed us to be more motivated within our work. I also liked the fact that it was a brief which would be common in the Graphic Design industry.
Our group were given Tomisina Miers to create a new package for. It allowed us to research her food to create a Mexican Style package. Our group produced more than one ideas for the original package, these are the final designs made by me and another person in the group. We make packaging for two items on Tomisina’s food list. We came up with the brand name Tommi, named after the chef. We believed that this would fit in with the current food market and would also help her become more known and established. The font was created from inspiring Mexican fonts, we used the logo as black on the packaging to make it stand out more, however we believed it could be more effective in other colours to fit in with it ’s Mexican theme.
This is the other package we made as part of this brief. This was for a different shaped package of Mango, Chile and Prickly Pea Salsa. We took into account the ingredients of the food and tried to incorporate the colours around this whilst creating a coherency between the two packagees.
Make Me Think
This is the piece I created for the Rag Factory Exhibition. The original idea came from writing ‘I Love Typography’ although I later changed this to Typography Loves Me which I thought added more humour to the context and also allowed audiences to wonder why. I created the font using the vector tool on Illustrator in order to make it unique, it also made it easier to change the line points and colours.