#publicgallery @public_ gallery_
Don’t say anything online that you wouldn’t want plastered on a billboard with your face on it. – Erin Bury
Contents Purpose How public are our lives? Concequences A psychologist’s view
Sections Exhibition categories The law Disrespect Employer Overshare
The gallery Imagery
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Verbal Guestbook Online
36 37 38
How public are our lives? As we increasingly rely on the internet for social interaction, the line between online and offline is blurring; with the convenience of social media apps, is the ease of sharing compromising our privacy? #publicgallery was a one day exhibition which explored the culture of online sharing. The exhibition highlighted the potential consequences of sharing our lives publicly, and questioned whether the default privacy settings are considered by the user. Our developing relationship with technology, specifically social media and the infatuation of sharing intimate parts of our lives, was explored within the exhibition. Taking publicly accessible images from the internet and putting them into a physical gallery space illustrated the reality of how visible uploaded content is. Social media is a phenomenon that has taken off at an alarming rate; the technology is still in its infancy, and as users we may need to give consideration towards what we share with each other and the companies who own the data. Whilst we cannot condone offensive or illegal behaviour, often content can be read in ways it was not intended to be, and this is why self-editing and privacy settings should be considered by the user.
Concequences In April 2013, 17 year old Paris Brown resigned from her post as youth and crime commissioner, following criticism of messages she posted on Twitter. The Tweets she posted between the ages of 14 and 16 and could be considered racist, anti-gay, violent, and to be boasting about her sex life. Kent Police received more than 50 complaints from the public about the Tweets; a Special Branch officer and a second officer were sent to her home, and asked Brown to surrender her mobile phone for inspection. Three days later, Brown was requested to attend an interview under caution. No further action was taken by police, as it was decided the case did not pass the evidential threshold for prosecution. Brown denied being homophobic or racist, and apologised for any offence caused. In May 2013, Emma Way clipped cyclist Toby Hockley with her car in Norfolk. Describing the incident, Hockley said “She came on to my side of the road, I took the wing mirror off and I went flying off my bike into a hedge.” After the event, Way Tweeted about the event – her comment attracted attention on the social media platform, and was retweeted hundreds of times. The Tweet was eventually brought to the attention of Norwich Police, who then Tweeted Way to suggest she hand herself in at the local station. She was later arrested and found guilty of failing to stop after an accident and failing to report it. She was fined £337, ordered to pay £300 in costs, received seven points on her driving licence, and lost her job as an accountant as a result of the Tweet. Way said of the situation: “The tweet was spur of the moment. It was ridiculous and stupid and I apologise to all cyclists. It is the biggest regret of my life so far.”
Paris Brown @vilualabelle i can speak fucking English its the illegals on the other end that cant
Emma Way @emmaway20 Definitely knocked a cyclist off his bike earlier – I have right of way he doesn’t even pay road tax! #bloodycyclists
A psychologist’s view Following secondary research, we contacted Dr Michael S. Broder PhD, a renowned psychologist and author from Philadelphia, who has seen several situations where social media has affected people’s mental health, including some of his adult patients. On 22nd April 2014, we spoke to Dr Broder about topics such as the culture of online sharing, consequences of uploads and whether or not we are compromising our privacy through the ease of uploads. The following is an extract from our conversation: Sharing online has become a cultural trend and I think it’s very concerning; I hope that it stops. People have to take responsibility for it. The best explanation I’ve ever heard about this, is that people need to think of it the way they would think of a tattoo; it’s very easy to get a tattoo but it’s very hard to get rid of them, and it’s the same thing here – it’s very, very hard to get rid of something that you put online. One of two things is going to happen; either the sharing culture will get so prevalent that it becomes normal, or it’s going to have some very bad effects because people say all kinds of things online that can be devastating in the wrong context. In, say, 10 years from now you’re looking to get into a particular field where this kind of thing would be a black mark against you, there’s no erasing it. I could see it coming up in divorce trials for example, I could see it coming up with custody of kids, I could see it coming up when people apply for tenure at certain universities. The lack of long-term thinking is the thing that concerns me more than anything else. I think that it’s a matter of keeping your private thoughts to yourself. There are always ways that people did things like this – I’ve been writing
popular psychology books since 1989 and I’ve been on talk shows, it always amazed me how they would get people to come on these shows and talk about a spouse’s abusing behaviour or having promiscuous sex or whatever it would be. The internet is not going to go away and I suspect that these things are going to become even more prevalent than they are now. I suspect that it’s going to become easier to post, easier to get yourself into these situations, and harder to undo them.
10 — 11
Exhibition categories The exhibition was divided into four categories to illustrate the expansive way our own social interaction could be perceived by others. Although the gallery was divided into categories, there are clear crossovers between each section.
The law
Uploads that could attract attention from the police
Uploads that could offend or aggravate
Uploads that could jeapardise your employment
Content that would have been private pre-social media
The law Uploads that could attract attention from the police In recent years, there have been increasing reports of people being arrested as a result of content posted online. Often, the content is uploaded by the perpetrator, which could illustrate a lack of consideration of consequences, or a mental separation between the nature of online and offline.
12 — 13 forgot i had this pic 2.5grams of dat purepure straight off da brick #herion #junkiefam #junkiesofiggg i aint do any so cant tell yall what twas like but i seen dude i sold to reach for his dart n i was hell nah bro i aint gone let u do that till u sniff first so he took lil bump n 30min later he was out like out out i made sure he was breathin n left he call later that night n said “thanks for savin my life”
forgot i had this pic 2.5grams of dat purepure straight off da brick #herion #junkiefam #junkiesofiggg i aint do any so cant tell yall what twas like but i seen dude i sold to reach for his dart n i was hell nah bro i aint gone let u do that till u sniff first so he took lil bump n 30min later he was out like out out i made sure he was breathin n left he call later that night n said “thanks for savin my life”
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100_benjie :) :)
jbrody850 I DO NOT SELL ANY PILLS PICTURED... personal consumption only.. dont waste your time asking!! kik-jbrody850
jbrody850, becauseimnickii, jesussondone and 19 others like this.
jbrody850 yessir i met papi that day! i
#smack #down #wresting #squat #party #too #much #ketamin #lol #violation 2013 #drugs #fucked #slumped
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nextmanzphotos Need to holla me man
krkrow Kruddy Krow
krkrow Is this wrong taking this pic ?
49 posts 352 followers 203 following
wavey_reecee, john_smarti, gordonshumway900 and 27 others like this.
therealbagsofdope That DOPE
lukeboy9o Were was tht
109 posts 212 followers 417 following
#smack #down #wresting #squat #party #too #much #ketamin #lol #violation 2013 #drugs #fucked #slumped
#followme if you <3 my pictures @onlyasianfeet #follow #picoftheday #pretty #girl #beautiful #foot #feet #footfetish #girlsfeet #sexifeet #asianfoot #asiangirl #thaifeet #soles #footjob #asianlegs #asian #instafeet #asianfeet #thaigirl #candidfeet #dangling
#followme if you <3 my pictures @onlyasianfeet #follow #picoftheday #pretty #girl #beautiful #foot #feet #footfetish #girlsfeet #sexifeet #asianfoot #asiangirl #thaifeet #soles #footjob #asianlegs #asian #instafeet #asianfeet #thaigirl #candidfeet #dangling
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filippocassabgi Hai vinto
onlyasianfeet Foot Lover Asian girls photos only 132 posts 419 followers 100 following
onlyasianfeet, welovebellyrings, cobainkurt77398 and 22 others like this.
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jeankrlodc5, sexigirl6969, lady_d_420 and 15 others like this.
alexcreez #roadheadgamestrong
josh_nvus_dc5 Team NvUS 248 posts 314 followers 473 following
14 — 15
Disrespect Uploads that could offend or aggravate Often, the context of an upload may be what makes it offensive, and so careful consideration of what we upload, and how it could be read, is paramount. Users may open themselves up to harassment, threats, or physical attacks.
16 — 17 I’m the worst kind of person #funeral #selfie #funeralselfie
I’m the worst kind of person #funeral #selfie #funeralselfie
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carissasnatchtron, cjthedj88, elliotthinkit and 21 others like this.
lyndeeelite Dat hair tho
georgism George Daratany Watch music
rowiboi hi can i use this pic for a tv program/slideshow ? thanks.. i’ll use proper courtesy
Damn lady !! Your shit got fucked up !!! Oh u didn’t see the bus ? #idiots #womencantdriveforshit itsdigga, missyco, laurenschube and 3 others like this.
131 posts 256 followers 434 following
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vickibee86 Yea ok. I’ll show you @chrispiss1 #raceme
chrisp314 cp SI NY 314 ..... NYC Local 1 Elevator Constructors #IUEC #sneakerhead
missyco Not all women can’t drive!!!! __krysm w.e
1,331 posts 1,046 followers 1,209 following
Damn lady !! Your shit got fucked up !!! Oh u didn’t see the bus ? #idiots #womencantdriveforshit
Můj playboy. #playboy #berlin #deutschland #holocaustmemorial
Můj playboy. #playboy #berlin #deutschland #holocaustmemorial ereniska, kirapilegaard, ecuador_85 and de_bilek like this.
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silkehood This Foto is a shame on this place. The behavior is absolutely not appropriate.
ddominaator Dominika Švancrová Czech Republic 132 posts 31 followers 88 following
Bring on #ww3 # #ethnic #cleansing of #elegal #people
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skinny_lxve, rubesjr, filipescaramussa1 and devin_finley like this.
carlospro2 carl pro sleeper soldier Want more tats dun and kik or skype and I fight depresson and a foot soldiers in this on going war u might call me narzi but way of life down wive mdl 177 posts 100 followers 293 following
Bring on #ww3 # #ethnic #cleansing of #elegal #people
18 — 19
Employer Uploads that could jeopardise your employment Social media is often used by employers as a tool to vet job applicants, with half of employers rejecting a potential employee after looking at their profile page. Similarly, many people have lost their jobs as a result of social media posts, by criticising their uniform, customers, role or employer.
20 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 21 #latepost my first ever #fish! #ftg #quarry #queen #bestday #somuchfun #bf #adventuretime #pullingasickie #fishing #time :)
#latepost my first ever #fish! #ftg #quarry #queen #bestday #somuchfun #bf #adventuretime #pullingasickie #fishing #time :)
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Jacklyngraces Much photo. Much LOVE :)
maaandhy2, kushykushykushy, butterflymama100 and 33 others like this.
709 posts 1,200 followers 1,293 following
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michz12, jockenmyfresh, franciscojmartinezzz and 11 others like this.
ruthlesspatrick Bro I got the best opportunity for you. Screw whatever 9-5 job you got. This is blowing up
traylennis Tray Never understood. Loving it
ruthlesspatrick Check your DM on your home page top right corner
20 posts 26 followers 20 following
#stillatwork #wtf #hatemyjob
Playing Hooky #Hooky #DayOff #BreakTime #MeanwhileInFlorida #FloridaWeather #SummerInFebruary #FL #Mommy #Daughter #Mija #PreciousMoments #Boating #Island #Beach #Paradise #BeachDay #Sunshine #PhotoOfTheDay #Sunny #Memories #Peace #Sand #Ocean
Playing Hooky #Hooky #DayOff #BreakTime #MeanwhileInFlorida #FloridaWeather #SummerInFebruary #FL #Mommy #Daughter #Mija #PreciousMoments #Boating #Island #Beach #Paradise #BeachDay #Sunshine #PhotoOfTheDay #Sunny #Memories #Peace #Sand #Ocean
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jeremymacmillan Lovin that tattoo
up2morenotches Stephanie Ceballos Unrealistically Happy / Creatively Insane youtube.com/stephaniemceballos
doublee1225, papitoblasito, 321ksteele and 22 others like this.
273 posts 279 followers 122 following
My #pinky got a new #hat .......#idk. #lol #bored #mad #work #autozone #gofkkyourself #gosuckdonkeydickyousonofabitch #hatemyboss makeachangewithmanny, jcarlosen, 1aaronch and 19 others like this.
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jena3point7 Jen iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m boring. TX956 2012LavaRedMustang<3 Work in progress ^_^ 306 posts 199 followers 219 following
My #pinky got a new #hat .......#idk. #lol #bored #mad #work #autozone #gofkkyourself #gosuckdonkeydickyousonofabitch #hatemyboss
22 — 23
Overshare Content that would have been private pre-social media The culture of sharing intimate details of our lives online marks an enormous shift in how regulate our own privacy. Choosing to capture moments of intimacy, such as the trending #aftersex selfie, reduces personal privacy through user choice.
24 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 25 Fu period pains
Fu period pains
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hannsage, katie_146, jennyferlawrnce and 10 others like this.
curly_turtle #periodpains #pains #tablet #pinkandwhite #letsgetfuckeduppp
curly_turtle Georgia. 1,011 posts 746 followers 137 following
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_instasti, alyonqa, cosmictiger and 35 others like this.
dregsoflife No shame in the love game @lifeofjasminee
dregsoflife Brown Bear Guitarist of DREGS. Hater of life.
veljkoana Oboje ste toliko gadni, da mi je muka. Bolje da pobacate mobilne u smeÄ&#x2021;e i da se sexate u potpunom mraku!
92 posts 76 followers 57 following
Alcohol problems: having to vomit while peeing!! #personal #me #girl #blonde #vomitting #drunk #drunknight #tbt #throwback #throwbackthursday #intoxicated #toilet #unicorn #ednos
Alcohol problems: having to vomit while peeing!! #personal #me #girl #blonde #vomitting #drunk #drunknight #tbt #throwback #throwbackthursday #intoxicated #toilet #unicorn #ednos
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xoxvicky1 @bffsforever1017 because its funny obvs
bribri4692, lost_soul_s, therealgp1 and 17 others like this.
xoxvicky1 @bffsforever1017 ok?
xoxvicky1 Vicky Robutka Good things never last; bad things never die.
Holy mother of god, rid me of this beast #bajmethod #poo #fitness #turds #toilet #faeces
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lantukka @lellukka1
ahealthyanus Turd Jellis Love to share my turds and look at yours!
notemilyvokurka @wtf_nik
23 posts 9 followers 17 following
shreddd_fitness, karinbrettmeister and pizzaparty187 like this.
1,438 posts 1,230 followers 169 following
Holy mother of god, rid me of this beast #bajmethod #poo #fitness #turds #toilet #faeces
26 — 27
The gallery
28 — 29
30 — 31
32 — 33
34 — 35
36 — 37
Verbal Uploads that could jeopardise your employment – mine was doing a handstand in the office for handstand February. I did it first thing in the morning – me and someone else went in early especially to take a photograph of me doing a handstand in the office with Rolls Royce written above me. That could have got me sacked. Uploading a photo with the hashtag #pullingasickie – why would you do that!? When I saw the #aftersex selfie and people putting up private stuff, I was surprised people could be that stupid. I found that quite shocking.
Guestbook Kind of makes me glad I don’t have the internet. Very interesting! Cannot believe the world today. Absolutely loved it, well done. This makes me lose faith in humans. A very clever exhibition. It makes you think twice before posting images and info online. All of these images are shocking. I think people could learn from this. Really well constructed and thought provoking, and slightly disturbing. Really interesting subject and uniquely presented. My eyes hurt. I need to buy a Honda. It’s too late, I’ve seen everything. What has been seen, cannot be unseen. Nice exhibition. This simply reaffirms the fact that everyone is stupid and shouldn’t be allowed devices to exhibit their stupidity. Good show all round. Holy shit. #hashtagfuckingbrilliant #hashtaglovedit #hashtag ##…
38 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 39
Online Michael McKelvaney @mckelvaney @Public_Gallery_ how long is it the exhibition being shown?
Dan Tuesday @Dan_Tuesday Ironic selfie at @public_gallery, The Island Gallery Space. #publicgallery
missjanineelizabeth A brilliantly presented exhibition on the topical subject of social over sharing on Instagram #bristol #publicgallery #postcoitalselfie
@public_gallery_ Week one 604 total views 7 new followers 7 retweets Week two 17 total views 5 new followers 2 retweets
40 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 41
References www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-norfolk-25000788 www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-norfolk-22602141 www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2013/05/21/cyclist-twitter-emma-wayknock-down_n_3311809.html www.theguardian.com/uk/2013/apr/21/paris-brown-no-action-twittercomments www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2305118/Paris-Brown-Is-foulmouthed-self-obsessed-Twitter-teen-really-future-British-policing.html