Soweto Young Blood Issue 3

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Soweto Youn g Blood L IF E S T Y L E M AG AZ I N E

Celebrating freedom day


Mosa Mphore



Mandla Spikiri inspires Promise Mkhazin Shelembe Career : Transport Management








Palesa Mopeli

I was recently asked whether I had registered to vote in this year’s elections - I eagerly answered by saying yes I am. On posing the same question to my fellow classmate, his response was that no he had not registered as he does not see the ‘use’ in voting as with the current leadership the country is destined for failure. This struck a nerve. As clichéd as this may be I stand by the quote that instructs us to be the change that we want to see in the world and thus that “your vote is your voice”. We ought to consider the overall benefits of having South Africa a democratic state rather than focusing on one political party and its success- or lack there off. We should appreciate the general ‘good state’ of well-being that the country that now recognizes all people as equal. Reflecting on South Africa’s 20 years of Democracy it is crucial that we critically consider the milestones that we have achieved; in this very light it is

also befitting to consider those that we have not yet achieved- here ought to be cautious and consider these as what we strive for in both the near and long term future. Yes, there is still much to do, but the reality of having our youth (especially black youth) become all that their existence allows them to become is perhaps the most significant achievements our country has reached. No better way can portray the freedom and fruits of democracy than the instance of seeing young professionals, of all races and from all

walks of life, businesses and arts equally flourish without limitation based on the colour of their skin. Those of us who have registered will exercise our democratic right and freedom by effecting the change we want to see want to see in our land when we take to the polls come 7th May 2014; we may not effect immediate change however, we are committed to provide backing for the change we need and desire for our beautiful country.

THE TEAM Director

Open Eye Foundation (Health)

Karabo Percival Molrule

Mosa Mphore



Layout Designer

Emmanuel Nkhumeleni

Palesa Mopeli

Emmanuel Nkhumeleni

Pule Morake

Nompumelelo Mncube

Adverting and Sales

Katlego Mosai

Keitumetse Mongae

Karabo Percival Molrule





CAREER : Transport Management


MOTIVATION : “It seems impossible until

14 20


Its done” - Nelson Mandela POWER TALK : Celebrating 20 years of freedom

TALENT : Mandla Spikiri inspires Promise Mkhazin Shelembe











FEATURES 06 16 19

Mosa Mphore SYB on Open Relations Entrepreneur: Lindani Mseleku


31 32


Diagnosed with Acute Renal Failure at age 23


is life took a turn in 2011 June, he became very ill, ended up in hospital he still remembers the day as if it all happened yesterday, everything was not making sense at all when he fell sick, he couldn’t do anything and his system couldn’t operate well, this was a shock for him, because he was living a healthy lifestyle, things got worse and he consulted the nearest clinic and the he was told nothing is wrong with him but still he wasn’t getting any better, he was taken to hospital, were he was examined and he was told he has END-STAGE KIDNEY FAILURE which is caused by hypertension, he stayed in hospital for three months and placed on a Haemodialysis treatment.

Mosa Mphore

“Everything was not making sense at all when he fell sick”


euben Mosa Mphore, well known as Mosa the DJ is a 26 years old who enjoys being a DJ, he is enthusiastic about life and his future, he wants to be an entrepreneur, he has always been the kind of person who chase after his dreams in every possible way.




“His illness created hunger within him to teach the community about such illnesses� Mosa says his illness taught him a lot such as positivity than discouragement and his illness created hunger within him to teach the community about such illnesses which lead him to establish his own non- profit organization Open Eye Foundation which educates the masses on Accurate and Chronic illnesses and life saving benefits its of organ donation. Nompumelelo Mncube


Transportation Management


ou might be reading this from your phone, screen of some branded phablet or tablet, pc or a magazine that you might have bought. And no, you sure as hell don’t think that whatever you’re are reading this from magically appear in front of you, or you moved it, its makers precinct it into the now by teleportation. If however you think so, then my dear friend I am here to enlighten you into the real world of transportation management. A course that hasn’t been around for long, thanks to human err or just plain ignorance. Transportation Management is a vital part of the economy, systems and operations helping to form one giant integrated well-oiled machine. 8

Transport is undeniably involved in whatever you’re reading this article from; that blackberry,android device, tablet or computer was shipped from a specific warehouse straight to the retail provider who could directly sell it to you as you took a taxi or drove to that certain mall, that magazine is printed from a certain media house, published, delivered to corners, retail outlets, institutions or NGOs so you could walk or get there by a certain service of transport to buy it or just get it for free…thanks to transportation management. From the outfit that you are wearing to the glass that you just drank water from, a transport system was involved. Without it everything would practically

stop, people wouldn’t be able to get to work, you wouldn’t have been able to get that assignment that’s due next week, and you probably wouldn’t be alive to read this because you starved to death because you died while walking to get to a proper meal.


Transport is a study with the supply chain management of all systems that are involved in manufacturing products or delivering a service through a transformation processes straight to the customer, at the right time. It is a broad field and it shall not be misconstrued with the popular ‘logistics’. Transport permits specialization, productivity and efficiency. For exchange to occur, movement and transport is critical. As field of prospective studying it is offered in universities of technology as a diploma and universities as a BCom degree.

Entry requirements will vary from university to university and from qualification level. If you’re are an aggregate learner and be able to maintain your marks through matric you will be able to meet their prerequisite requirements to pursue it. Upon completion of the qualification you can venture into specialized areas of work in distribution, warehousing, dispatch, transporting dangerous goods, freight, passenger freight etc. And make the world your road!!

“It is a broad field and it shall not be misconstrued with the popular ‘logistics’.”

Keitumetse Mongae



In all aspects of life things seem very impossible before you get them to practice. During the Apartheid Era it seemed impossible for a black person to become a president, but Nelson Mandela made it all possible, because he wasn’t just any man, he was an inspiring man. Nelson Mandela became the first black president of South Africa in 1994, serving until 1999. He was a symbol of global peace making; he won the Nobel peace prize 1993. Nelson Mandela was a great man, a hero, he was and still a factor in this world, he did so much to bring freedom (democracy), he didn’t use violence to get his point across or hurt people, he was a peacemaker more than anything. His words of wisdom helped people’s look on life and forgiveness and through him believing in possibilities we are able to conquer apartheid and had all the freedom.

We thank you Tata Nelson Mandela for the democracy era. Nompumelelo Mncube







- for your next meal Foods you should try to consume more of for optimal kidney health:


The blood-red beet is a wonderful cleanser of the blood, helping to pre-filter the blood before it reaches the kidneys (and thus reduces stress on the kidneys).


Known for it’s blood purifying abilities, making it an excellent metabolic tonic, improving the functioning of the liver and kidneys, digestion, lymphatic and endocrine systems. It is highly regarded for its action in the urinary tract, being of benefit to the kidneys and bladder infections, inflammations and kidney stones.


Promotes healthy and normal kidney function by aiding elimination of toxins from the body! In fact, Hippocrates considered celery a medicine and recommended it for its kidney cleansing benefits.





Helps to reduce the damaging effects of lead on the kidneys. Cilantro is also useful for removing mercury, a toxic metal that decreases the kidneys’ ability to filter and increases risk for kidney disease.


Carrots are rich in vitamin A, an essential ingredient for proper kidney function.


Help to wash the kidneys and bladder of debris and stones. Studies have shown that eating cucumbers regularly helps to regulate uric acid in the body, thereby preventing certain kidney and bladder stones.

Bell Pepper Provides roughage from the fibre, vitamin B6, vitamin A and folic acid, as well as the antioxidant lycopene which helps to cleanse the kidneys. Open Eye Foundation 13


20 year s



Freedom Day, 27th of April 2014, marks 20 years since South Africa’s very first non-racial democratic elections. We celebrate Freedom Day with much festivities and enthusiasm right around the country as we pay tribute to our fallen heroes of the struggle. Reflecting back to this day, we recall the peaceful manner in which the elections were conducted, that regardless of the violent threats that were made none of them were seen through. This was a further cornerstone in the establishment of our democratic state. The first elections saw 19.7 million voters take to the toll to exercise their newly afforded democratic right. It is furthermore worth noting that these elections were won by the ANC (African National Congress) which has thus since been the ruling party in South Africa.


“The brutalities of the past - detentions without trial, disappearances of our people, deaths in detentions, hangings of those opposed to apartheid, imprisonment, exile, massacres, assassinations, forced removals, banishments, the Group Areas Act and many more laws that made the lives of black people unbearable - are testimonies that our freedom was never free. Although today we walk tall because our collective efforts culminated in the 27th of April being our Freedom Day, we all still carry scars that remind us that our freedom that is at times taken for granted, was never free...” ~Former President Thabo Mbeki, at the 2008 Freedom Day celebrations. The above quote by Mbeki, attests to the fact that although we can now speak openly about the past harsh realities of South African history, were however still intensely scarred by these. We are however working past these, we have and continue to work on addressing issues such as poverty, crime,

unemployment and sexism. This highly significant day marked the turning point which as SAHO (South African History Online) has identified this day as highly significant, as a turn from the past 300 years of segregation and colonialism. Historical records state that the establishment of South Africa as a democratic state - led by Nelson Mandela - under the new government saw the unbanning of liberal organisations, the freedom of political detainees as well as the return of exiles was made possible along side the drafting and implementation of South Africa’s Constitution. Freedom Day, as president Jacob Zuma states, should be the day on which we affirm our pledge as fellow South Africans to fight against and do away with the legacy of racism and economic inequality. It should also be the time in which we renew our loyalty to the construction of a better future for this country. Palesa Mopeli






romises are often made by the acting government at that present moment, during the election process.

Elections promises have been broken for as long as elections have been held and this is likely to continue, although defining what a broken promise is hard. An election promise is perceived as a promise made by certain party to try winning an election which turns out to be a false promise. Certain parties make promises to people, and when it’s time to deliver to their people, they fail to do so, come elections time, they act responsible and caring government to win votes again and they continue with their fake promises. Parties should stop making promises they can’t keep, the best political party must rule and not because of the fake promise but loyalty and honesty to people.

“Certain parties make promises to people, and when it’s time to deliver to their people, they fail to do so.”

I VOTE SOUTH AFRICA!!! Nompumelelo Mncube 15

SYB on

Open Relations Author and founder of Open Relations. This-self-published novel tackles issues that affect the youth or young adults such as rape, gender based violence, disease as well as the over-all sexual and social well-being of the individual. A light yet insightful read. We had a few moments with Nontokozo and this is what we spoke about:

Nontokozo Zwane at Soweto Theatre

Your Favourite author and Book: Neale Donald Walsch author of “Conversations with God”

Favourite genre of literature: Spiritual

Personal journey to becoming a writer:

My realization and desire to introduce people to a new level of love lead me to writing Open Relations. I would like to help minimize the divorce rate therefore, having said that I am still on my journey. I will reach my destination when I wake up to a world where people both know and appreciate the importance of communication; a place that acknowledges and celebrates the notion of unlimited love- that love knows no 16

limits, rather that out of these limits we place on love arise conflict.

What does it mean to be the author of a published book:

It is a great achievement, especially in South Africa. It means that my goal to get people to read is one step closer to being realized, and that is why Open Relations is such a simple read: to encourage people to read by providing a free flowing and uncomplicated read; to contribute to increase the literacy level in South Africa. Not only do I wish to pursue success on behalf of the book but I would also like to propel a positive attitude towards reading.

“One should have a genuine interest in books, know the market you want to target.”


How would you have chosen which publishing house to publish Open Relations:

It would depend on the offers that I would have received. Ultimately a “good deal” is one which stands by the stance that the author receives all or majority of the profits made. It would have to be a publisher that will understand and support the brand Open Relations.

Interests/ skills/ abilities one would need to become a writer:

One should have a genuine interest in books, know the market you want to target, know South African authors, be aware of language and how it is and can be used and finally be creative as imagination helps conceptualize everything before it is even birthed.


Had you not become a writer what would you be doing: Dancing- my first love.

What for you would be the measure of success regarding your journey as an author as well as that of your book/s:

I would consider myself successful when people call me to assist them, when Open Relations moves to a talk show platform allowing for open conversations for all to participate share and learn.

What are the careers that are related to or stem from that of writing:

Marketing, Public Speaking and Business related ideas are interchangeable and use the skills and career path of writing.

Your favourite quote/s:

“Never Give Up” and “Love just is” What motivated you to write a book about issues relating to romantic relations - and the youth more specifically: Having read 50 Shades of Grey and seeing the reception that it received – this intriguing but almost fantastical book lacked or needed an element which the audience could relate to. Literature is intended to bind not tear apart audience of reader from the writer and book in essence. I saw this opportunity to add information with regards to relationships, give my readers tools to equip them to become the best that they can and should be in their relationships with their partners, family and friends.

What are your fears- if you have any- about not succeeding or about possibly being misunderstood especially since you tackle social taboos:

Absolutely. I have fears. However, my positive spirit helps me stay focused and on top of my fears. I am not here to be misunderstood, I have done my research and I am therefore here to teach. I welcome and appreciate every person and critique.

If you could choose an artists to “paint a picture of the narrative, lessons and concerns that Open Relations exposes who would it be:

Mbonge Sizathu – my designer-. Mbonge understands me as well as my book, he designed the cover of Open Relations and the cover captures the book in all its essence and entiretywithout giving away too much. Be sure to check Open Relations out at Capello’s Ghandi Square on the 5-7 April 2014. Come indulge in some soulful poetry as well as a live band and the talks that will be taking place. Palesa Mopeli


In The Shoes Of an

ENTREPRENEUR Lindani Mseleku of LiKaNto (consulting company- consulting in marketing, solution consultancy and financial services.


In an attempt to walk in the shoes of an established entrepreneur/businessman we spoke to Lindani Mselekuwho took us through the “on-going struggle” of both establishing and funding a successful consulting business.

Chartered Accountant. His duties are to analyse the structures of the company as a whole from registration, compliance with the relevant boards, SARS for tax as well as the Department of Labour for Human Resources to name a few.

What qualifications -if any- would one need to start their own business:

Struggles/Obstacles in establishing LiKaNto:

It will depend on the nature of the business, but for Consulting you need to have credentials for what you consult in. I have a B com in Marketing, I did this so that I could have full understanding of the business operations and brands; how to introduce them to consumers and how to generate maximum profit in any business. My partner on the other hand holds a degree in B com Accounting and is still studying towards being a qualified 18

Establishing a business is an on-going struggle, securing long term clients and big clients is a big one too.

Impact or social role that LiKaNto has or plans on effecting with regards to its community in the future:

Our future concept is to consult in everything that includes social and human development. Currently we run a program where we go back to our high

schools and motivate pupils and secures bursaries and scholarships for those who show academic potential. We believe that academias the only weapon we can use to fight the economic imbalance.

Your favourite quote:

“The only person you should be better than, is the person you were yesterday” ~Me

Describe yourself using one of the following words or terms: Entrepreneur/ Hustler/ Businessman/ Innovator


-BUSINESSMAN Donald Trump or Mark Shuttleworth: Donald Trump

Pretend that Soweto Young Blood is the person who will add value to your business- be it a potential funder or client- sell your business to us (why should we associate ourselves with your business):

Likanto Consulting have a growing clientele base, over the years we have associated ourselves with good brands and are thus an influential in the field of consulting. We pride ourselves with the excellent work relationships that we have established with our clientele. We assist with the development of companies as well as the building of relationships with other companies- which allows us to be the gateway to different sectors.

How viable and sustainable is starting your own company:

The formalities of starting a business are very easy and simple, but getting it off the ground is the hardest thing to do, it requires a lot: motivation, taking risks, education and dedication. Be willing to go all the way;be prepared to have sleepless nights and early mornings. Starting your own business is not easy but once everything goes according to the plan you have the opportunity to take bigger risks as well as venture into new areas.

Steps that the youth can take to one day owning and running their own consulting companies such as yours:

First of all to establish a business you have to understand that business is about hard work, uniqueness and continuous profits. So when you have an idea, write it down and start doing your research, then after that work on your network and make sure that you know a lot of people. Then you can start with the formalities of registering the company.

meant. One needs to be out and about collecting information and motivation to be able to even start thinking about business and deciding on this career path.

Advice for a young entrepreneur/ business orientated youth to attain capital and the resources to start their own service providing company like yours:

The best thing to do is to start small, start with your own money if possible, Consulting business don’t really need How does one gain insight and more fancy equipment or even office space, information on this particular career/ but if there is a need you can ask for business model/type as well as other funding.

“The best thing to do is to start small, start with your own money if possible.”

business models:

Palesa Mopeli Education is important, so informing yourself forms a crucial part in deciding on the career or starting a business, I attended business seminars and business exhibitions, I was young and didn’t even know what having your own “business” 19


MandlaSpiriki inspires Promise MkhazinShelembe Inspired by Ghetto Army in 2006, musician Promise Nkulululeko Mkhazin Shelembe has not put the microphone down since. His music speaks of his life experiences as he believes that he has a lot to share with the world. Mkhazin’s career took off in 2008 when the Youth Development Trust afforded him the opportunity to record his very first solo album. In his interview with SYB Mkhazin emphasized his desire and hope to groom young talent, he goes onto to talk about the inspiration he received from heavy weight Kwaito star Mandla Spikiri Mofokeng and how he feels that just as Spikiri has done music should represent the masses. In addition Shelembe states that he is working on becoming just as acclaimed and influential as Spikiri is - if not more. Mkhazin aims to make his dream of releasing singles and not an entire album in the following years. This he says in is the hope of attracting attention and giving his audience a taste of his best sounds. Having worked with the likes of Loyiso, Rethabile and Winnie Khumalo, Mkhazin is no stranger to the music industry and says that he is not done learning from the above artist; that he continues to learn from them as they continue to be significant members of the South African music scene. What he has taken from these artists thus far is the importance of owning your own idea. Furthermore, Mkhazin like these artists, stresses the need for us to support local music, to buy South African music as he says our lack of support towards uniquely South African genres of music is contributing to the ‘death’ of the variety of local genres. Mkhazin’s journey is a testament to just how far working on your talent can take you - only if you invest in what you are doing. Know what you want, focus on what you want; follow you dream, invest in yourself and in your talent. ~Promise Mkhazin Shelembe


Want to know more about Promise or perhaps you would like to book him for a gig, send him a friend request on Facebook: PromiseShelembe and follow him on twitter @mkazinPro. Palesa Mopeli

Promise Mkhazin Shelembe



Thabang Mpotoane

HIGHLIGHT OF HIS CAREER : Winning the first Phillips tournament Under 17 against Senaoane Gunners in 2007/08 season with Mapetla Young Professional and mostly winning the SAB League Champions with Mofolo B.T Stars and playing for the Soweto Squad Under 17 that played Engine Tournament 2007/08 season.

NAME : Thabang Mpotoane NICKNAME : Lebese AGE : 23 DATE OF BIRTH : 16 August 1990 PLAYS FOR : Mofolo B.T Stars (South Africa) PREVIOUS CLUBS : Mapetla Young Professional, Mapetla, Meadowlands Stars and Phiri Movers (All armatures) POSITION : Central Attacking Middle Fielder JERSEY NUMBER : 03 SAB LEAGUE DEBUT: 2012 MAGIC MOMENT : Lebese scored a brace against Senaoane Gunners in the Stix Morewa Tournament as Mapetla Young Professional cruised a 3-1 victory over Senaone Gunners and they were in the Finals of the tournament as Lebese was crowned the Man of the Match of the game. 21




t was a new day to the Rastafarian culture when news broke out recently about the decriminalization of marijuana. This was a new plea to President Jacob Zuma to legalize the medical use of marijuana from the IFP MP Mario Oriano-Ambrosini. Mario who was diagnosed with stage three inoperable lung cancer, submitted a bill in parliament for the research on the benefits of the herb and how sickness-struck patients can use it freely and for government to consider prescribing it medically so to measure its effectiveness.


his started a conversation all over South Africa on social spaces as well as other media fronts, with a lot of people advocating for the decriminalizing of the use of marijuana medicinally as well as recreational. I personally don’t see anything criminal about using the herb once in a while (I smoke it to relax in times of need, hope the feds won’t come after me for stating this). Comprehensive historical findings also reveal that it has zero deaths associated with its use. So, why the hell not? Cancer patients who use it in a form of oil, orally or rectally feel the pain literally leave their bodies. Not to say that only cancer patients are the only ones who can resort to it.

“Taxing the weed could prevent the aggravated sales that would go around for profit”


But this brings a number of concerns such as how all of this will be regulated and controlled as some MPs feared the attempt of the recreational use of the herb. In the Netherlands where the legal use of cannabis is working out successfully for them, achieve this by taxing the sales of the herbs in certain shops.

Taxing the weed could prevent the aggravated sales that would go around for profit because like every other ‘drug’ marijuana is expensive. Other implicit issues will rise from places it will be permitted to be grown, obviously abiding by the environmental regulations put in place. Whether it be greenhouses in certain institutions, or the acquiring of licenses by common citizens in order to grow it in their backyards legally, this will need close administration by officials. In a country where corruption strives, it might be a bit tricky and problematic to approve such a bill. With a more thorough and in depth look into the advantages and the disadvantages of legalizing marijuana for whatever good the government desires for the people, weighing them against each other and finding the line of best fit , I believe it can bring relieve to our suffering economy as well as pain-struck patients. And this will be a ground-breaking platform for health organizations worldwide towards effective pain-relieving even curing methods for cancer and other illnesses Keitumetse Mongae












Sibusile Mashigo Interests are: changing the way people look at fashion...because most of them are stereotyped meaning that they follow trends. Influencing people to set their own trend and be fashion icons as well. Hobbies are: my hobbies are watching movies with my best friend. The motivation behind my style has to be Americans.... who rocked fashion between the 80s and 90s..why America,its always been a trend setting country...almost all trends are set there,I don’t believe in trend following,I believe in trend setting.. that’s just what I’m about. I do fashion,I study,breathe,eat and talk fashion.. What are you currently doing? Doing my second year at Sewafricafashion college and on my journey to changing the Fashion world.

Julia Michelle Masunda 19yrs of age I’m currently a student at star schools Interests Fashion,modeling,science,dance and drawing Hobbies are: Reading ,looking up some inspiration on line,drawing,dressup What motivates me? Depends on the set of motivation I seek if its life in general my mom’s struggle is my motivation and my style is influenced by ordinary street style,fashion blogs and a number of more experienced people.



Nompumeleo Mncube Interests: Modeling, Acting, being a presenter and journalist(being a news reporter or investigative journalist) and being a Lawyer Hobbies: Dancing, Singing, Reading and writing What motivates my style? Wow okay, i check how others rock their style, and come up with my own, and rock it my way #nice and unique# What i do? I’m currently studying my Diploma in journalism at Rosebank college and doing modeling.

Tshepiso Moffat My interests are: Fashion designing and civil engineering because i have a passion for drawing and designing. My hobbies are: Playing chess, and running 1500m tracks(athletics). My style is motivated by? Rihanna and Tshepiso Ngwenya because of their fashion sense. What do you do? I’m currently in school doing Grade 12 at Tetelo High School. My objective is to get good grades and study at the University of Cape Town and study Civil Engineering







BOOKS Screw It, Let’s Do It Author: Richard Branson “Screw It, Let’s Do It” is one of Richard’s favourite sayings. In the book of the same name he reveals the lessons that have helped him through his business and personal life, like believing it can be done and that if others disagree with you, try and try again until you achieve your goal; or that you must love what you do. These and other lessons, with examples of how he learned them and how he’s used them, are included in this stirring and candid look at his lessons from an exceptional life.

Conversations with Myself The Author: Nelson Mandela This book comes with a foreword by President Barack Obama. Nelson Mandela is one of the most inspiring and iconic figures of our age. Now, after a lifetime of taking pen to paper to record thoughts and events, hardships and victories, he has opened his personal archive, which offers an unprecedented insight into his remarkable life. Conversations With Myself gives readers access to the private man behind the public figure: from letters written in the darkest hours of Mandela’s twenty-seven years of imprisonment to the draft of an unfinished sequel to Long Walk to Freedom.


Culoe De Song - Exodus

R Kelly - Black Panties

Rick Ross - Master mind

Toni Braxton & Baby face

House music fanatics will be happy to know that a master album has just dropped and is set to take over the house music scene. The album is titled Exodus and is from super DJ and music producer Culoe De Song. Soulistic Music‘s house music genius Culolethu Zulu (by the way, Culolethu is Isizulu for ‘our song’).

Black Panties is unashamedly a spread of sex music, covering a list of many things that could go down in the bedroom. The r’n’b superstar is his typical creative self when describing bedroom actions, for instance, he compares going down on woman to licking the inside of an Oreo.

Mastermind finally lands this week tasked with saving face aftera bad year. But God Forgives rode fans’ willful suspension of disbelief raw as Ross anointed himself a pirate, a king, and a president over an album adorned in the gaudiest of embellishments. It doesn’t help that Mastermind finds him slipping from character into caricature.

Toni Braxton and Babyface have a long history. In 1990, Babyface (and L.A. Reid) “discovered” and signed her to LaFace Records. The pair have sung together and been on tour together, and he wrote several of her hits: “Another Sad Love Song,” “Breathe Again,” “You’re Makin’ Me High.”




MOVIES The Wolf of Wallstreet This is the story of New York stockbroker, Jordan Belfort. From the American dream to corporate greed, Belfort goes from penny stocks and righteousness to IPOs and a life of corruption in the late 80s. Excess success and affluence in his early twenties as founder of the brokerage firm Stratton Oakmont warranted Belfort the title “The Wolf of Wall Street.” Money. Power. Women. Drugs. Temptations were for the taking and the threat of authority was irrelevant. For Jordan and his wolf pack, modesty was quickly deemed overrated and more was never enough.

Ride Along For the past two years, high-school security guard Ben has been trying to show decorated APD detective James that he’s more than just a video-game junkie who’s unworthy of James’ sister, Angela. When Ben finally gets accepted into the academy, he thinks he’s earned the seasoned policeman’s respect and asks for his blessing to marry Angela. Knowing that a ride along will demonstrate if Ben has what it takes to take care of his sister, James invites him on a shift designed to scare the hell out of the trainee.

Veronica Mars On the eve of graduating law school, Veronica Mars has put Neptune and her amateur sleuthing days behind her. While interviewing at high-end New York law firms, Veronica Mars gets a call from her ex-boyfriend Logan who has been accused of murder. Veronica heads back to Neptune just to help Logan find an attorney, but when things don’t seem right with how Logan’s case is perceived and handled, Veronica finds herself being pulled back into a life she thought she had left behind.

300 Rise of an empire Based on Frank Miller’s latest graphic novel Xerxes, and told in the breathtaking visual style of the blockbuster “300,” this new chapter of the epic saga takes the action to a fresh battlefield-on the seaas Greek general Themistokles attempts to unite all of Greece by leading the charge that will change the course of the war. This film pits Themistokles against the massive invading Persian forces led by mortal-turned-god Xerxes, and Artemesia, vengeful commander of the Persian navy.

Need for speed Need for Speed is based on the action-packed videogame racing franchise. This fast-paced, high-octane film is rooted in the tradition of the great car culture films of the 70s while being extremely faithful to the spirit of the video game franchise (but is not based on the storyline or style of any one individual game, instead it serves as a companion to the NFS series.) In “Need for Speed,” the cars are hot, the racing is intense and the story keeps fans at the edge of their seat!





Sony Xperia Z2

Samsung Galaxy S5

The Z2 also has dual front facing speakers, a fact Sony oddly played down when it launched the device – they certainly make your music played without headphones better, and show that perhaps HTC had the right idea with BoomSound. The Samsung Galaxy S5 is slightly better protected against dust, but is a little less water resistant, coming in at compared to the of the Sony Xperia Z2. When it comes to comparing the two dimensionally, the Samsung Galaxy S5 is the smaller device – just.

LG’s first curved OLED TV LG is promising life-like colours and “infinite” contrast. In particular, it says its screens now display deeper blacks and brighter whites thanks to extra white sub-pixels that improve on the traditional three-colour pixel.

The sound from the TV is powered by two ceramic film speakers that looked classy. Surprisingly, they seemed able to deliver crisp sound. The usage of OLED and LG’s Smart Energy Saving technology is said to save up to 67 per cent of energy for a typical household. Encased in carbon fibre-reinforced plastic, the TV is also relatively “light” at 17.2kg, yet it is expected to be more durable.




BMW M4 Coupe

The BMW M4 Coupe When designing the new M4 Coupe, BMW focused its attention on making the car as aerodynamically efficient as possible. Being aerodynamically efficient means that BMW designed the M4 to keep drag as low as possible and to create as much down force as it could within the design constraints. The latter of these two is where BMW had to be very creative in how it designed every component. Up front, BMW took its first few steps in making the M4 aerodynamically efficient by forming the front apron and air breather for efficient cooling of both the engine and the brakes, and to reduce lift on the front axle. Improve Fuel Economy New Multi player Game “The naturally aspirated V-8 engine was tired and simply couldn’t hang with modern turbo charging Technology.” Present on the front end are the new twin headlights with optional LED technology, and a power-dome hood

- a clear sign of the M Twin-power Turbo engine hidden beneath it. The side-view mirrors also received tweaks to optimize the aerodynamic features of the coupe. They were built in a twin-stalk style that not only looks mean, but it also helps reduce aerodynamic drag. The wheel arches are muscular and feature eye-catching surface forms, while the roof line flows smoothly and features an airflow channel to further increase the sporty character of the M4. Weight loss was another focus with the M4 Coupe, and Bimmer did not skimp in its efforts. First up is a carbon fiber roof that helps drop the car’s curb weight by more than 11 pounds when compared to the M3 Coupe. This Lightweight roof also helps lower M4’s center of gravity, which reduces body roll and enhances.

“The naturally aspirated V-8 engine was tired and simply couldn’t hang with modern turbocharging technology.”




The Audi S1

The Audi S1 Audi has all but confirmed they were accurate with today’s unveiling of the small hatchback. If you are unaware, the S1 Quattro is a tiny hatchback from , along the lines of something from Mini, but it features a much more powerful engine and quattro AWD.

diffuser. To add a little extra visual flare, the roof and rear hatch inset are painted black; making a bold contrast on the yellow (S1 Sportback) or red (S1) paint seen in the press images.

The exterior of the S1, which comes standard in a three-door hatch and an optional five-door hatch (Sportback) — is far more outrageous than expected based on the test mules that have been spied. The mild rear spoiler of the mules has been replaced with a massive unit that features a two-piece look with a large dip in the middle.

The interior is very traditional Audi. Clean lines, large controls and ergonomic details are the basis of the cabin. In these interior shots we can see that the same yellow paint has been slathered across the center console and yellow contrast stitching covers almost every seam in the car down to the floor mats.

The new LED tail lamps and headlights are sharper, smaller and look much more modern than the lamps on the outgoing car. The quad exhaust that is a hallmark of Audi’s more sporting trims is present, but they sit in a nice looking rear

The S1 is powered by a 2.0-liter turbocharged engine that produces 170 kW (231 horsepower) and 370 Nm (272.90 lb-ft) of torque. Power will be sent to all four wheels by the Quattro AWD system, and while we originally


thought a dual-clutch automatic would be the only available transmission option, our photos clearly show threepedals and a six-speed manual shifter (HOORAY!). The Audi S1 Quattro will be an enthusiasts dream when it hits sales floors, likely later this year. Its highstrung turbocharged engine provides more than enough power to get you into trouble, and the Quattro AWD is there to help bail you out.

“Its high-strung turbocharged engine provides more than enough power to get you into trouble.”



“It takes a second to realize that your breath can stop death, but we wait....and wait, we are tattooed by the mistakes of the past yet fate waits..... and waits, puzzled pieces from our memory that are used as bait, to recreate what our minds have been waiting freedom for everyone not just the selected few while disregarding the majority, time moves at a fraction of a second, a minute Seems like two decade yet we wait and…wait we dilute reality because we are told about the concept of Freedom. The memory of the past limps by as we await and recall our first elections, as we retrace the footsteps of our parents and grandparents, back to certain dates the X was a tool for freedom liberation, democratic education, accessible to all, individualism, people united as one to escape from a mental prison, democratic capitalism, before there was freedom, mankind embarked on racial war” be careful with your choice of weaponry, a blunt sword is useless to a sharpened pencil, an empty gun is harmless to a mind filled with ideas, the shouted war familiarize yourself with your weapon, fighting for freedom, saddened souls, hypnotized by critics, reality and the concept of freedom was at a state of decay, the “truth verses freedom” had become septic, the antidote are the skeptics, reincarnate- from the flesh that was lit, rumors carried out by the freedom writers, drifting burning tires...write to freedom, right to left…it’s the cry of black consciousness, the fallen freedom fighters, await…for the freedom they fought for… to come forth, the order of importance based on the skin tone, race issues, my ethnic groups formulated my identity, called from”





“If you want total security, go to prison. There you’re fed, clothed, given medical care and so on. The only thing lacking... is freedom.” - Dwight D. Eisenhower “Responsibility is the price of freedom.” - Elbert Hubbard “Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds!- Bob Marley Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds!” - Bob Marley “For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.” - Nelson Mandela “Freedom is nothing but a chance to be better.” - Albert Camus “May we think of freedom, not as the right to do as we please, but as the opportunity to do what is right.” - Peter Marshall “I hope for nothing. I fear nothing. I am free.” -Nikos Kazantzakis “Freedom is the oxygen of the soul.“ -Moshe Dayan “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” - Nelson Mandela


“It always seems impossible until it’s done.” - Nelson Mandela “No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.” - Nelson Mandela “Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies.” - Nelson Mandela “The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” - Nelson Mandela “All the effort you put in doing something it will automatically set you free.” - Karabo Percival Morule “I have walked that long road to freedom. I have tried not to falter; I have made missteps along the way. But I have discovered the secret that after climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb. I have taken a moment here to rest, to steal a view of the glorious vista that surrounds me, to look back on the distance I have come. But I can only rest for a moment, for with freedom come responsibilities, and I dare not linger, for my long walk is not ended.” - Nelson Mandela The three P’s of success. Have Perseverence for your passion, you will definately prosper - Sonny Boy Mosweu Mhlanga


Why are teachers being under-paid when they carry so much value in our country? South Africa, a developing country on a global scale and a political circus locally is a country that can be compared to a child trying to find her feet whilst learning to walk. There’s still a lot to learn, floors to meet during accidental falls and obstacles to bump into with the prospect of being perfect someday. It does however, seem like we have a long way to go with the state our country is in. With the general elections being imminent and the anticipation of which party will get the opportunity to steer us to better pastures in the air, one cannot ignore the persistent issues that still haven’t been address by our chosen government. Particularly, issues within our education department. This is somewhat an asset that needs to be vastly invested in, so we can move forward as a country and put reliable people in control of this lovely baby called, South Africa. Teachers are amongst the most important yet under-paid civil servants today. It beats the laws of a logical society and it is unfortunate that little can be done about it. We also have nothing to blame but ourselves as we continue to look down upon the position of being a teacher. However trivial some of these reasons; we put teachers on a lowest rank because of the pressures and difficulties of their jobs, they make little if no major decisions, how the profession is ‘deglamourized’ e.g. lawyers wear gowns and suits and society looks that with a respectable eye, what it takes to be a teacher (qualifications and skills) as well

as the rarity of that skill, could be why they’re being underpaid. Shift all of these that inform such a choice of the society and we no longer have an issue on our hands. I say this after I sadly laughed at a cynical joke a friend of mine once told me... In class a teacher asked her learners who the president of a particular country was. All the kids who attempted to answer the question got it wrong, naming the likes of Jimmy Tau, Tito Mboweni etc. The teacher sneered back at them and said, “You are all wrong, and it is going to stay like that until your government decides to increase my salary!” I laughed at the sad truth behind this joke. Without teachers, we cannot be engineers, doctors, fashion designers, machine operators or marketers. They are the people who set the fundamentals during the foundation states throughout the roof so we can all be great. They are disgruntled professionals who have been modestly paving the way for the people, who are now in charge, to treat them like close-nothings and are now taking action against it. Keitumetse Mongae



Documentary photography as defined by the Merriam Webster Dictionary: form of photography used to chronicle significant and historical events. Real life reportage- but can also be amateur, artistic or academic pursuit. Photographer attempts to produce truthful, objective and usually candid photography of a particular subject, mostly pictures of people. Please shed light on the importance and role of documentary photography in communities: Photography helps create awareness; iconic photos set a scene of what is happening. Iconic photographs speak, they help create a mind-set as we label according to what we see. Photography can help inspire the development of initiatives and bring aid. What does get to you as a photographer is the exchange and trade of your conscious for money. But your passion for photography will ultimately lead you to finding peace as well as a balance between the two. Can photography be used to advantage and benefit communities truly: Yes, documentary photography especially. It has both disadvantages as well as advantages as the photographs determine how they think of a community- it can perpetuate stereotypes(as seen in some sensationalized photographs) it can also dismiss them.




Why did you specifically choose documentary photography:

I found that the people in the park were interesting, only documentation could capture them- therefore I needed to have pull myself together, to have guts and drive and confidence to embark on the project. I enjoy human interaction and understanding people and their different people and their lives.

Steps that the youth can take to study photography, what does it require: resources and finances:

Photography is extremely expressive, super expensive. You would need to save up for your own camera which will cost anything between R15 000- R30 000 for a durable camera. Otherwise start practicing with your normal camera, learn how to sue the camera, practice framing –play and learn, teach yourself by practicing hard.

Photography as a career - sell it to someone who is visually motivated and wanting to work with visual narrative- would you suggest that they take up photography:

Yes, if you are passionate about it. Acquire the funds and by all means the talent. Passion can go a long way- and one can apply for a bursary to cover their studies. But in all honesty you do not need a degree to be a photographer. Things are not always taught. What are the different types of photography: The possible photography categories are: commercial (for adverts, newspaper, magazines etc.), Fashion photography

(at fashion shows), Studio photography (for family portraits), nature photography and art photography. Possible careers for photography students: Every industry needs and makes use of photography; food photography, media houses and so many more. The ideal is to be aware of the fact that there are visual aspects in everyday life; therefore photography is interdisciplinary. Photographers and photography expos to keep an eye out for: The annual Photo Film Expo held at the Dome; The Hobby X which takes place in March; the Cannon and Nikon Expos that teach how to use the camera. Nikon or Cannon: I personally prefer Nikon cameras. They have a faster shutter speed- therefore captures movement better and gives clear and sharper images.

“Every industry needs and makes use of photography; food photography, media houses and so many more” 40


Plans for the future - where should we expect to see Bianca in the future: I will be pursing photography more as I look to doing my masters in Photography at Wits next year. I would also like to be involved in more ‘humble’ events such as event photography. Ethical issues that you have faced with while working with the community:

I have struggled with how do, I photograph someone who does not have food while I am in a sense “higher” or above them and benefit- how are they benefiting from my art, my craft. It seems unfair and unjust. Difficulties you face as a student photographer:

People do not always take you seriously. It is harder when you work with someone with more experience, I feel like an amateur. Photography is about confidence – you negotiate with people and this is where the ethics issue also comes into question. Highlights of your career thus far: I have enjoyed working with Wits and Coronation Park and with a local studio in Roodepoort. I have also had the privilege of being a part of the Photo Focus Project (2013-2014) where I met David Goldblatt and Gideon Mendel and Jo Ratcliffe (my mentor).

Interested in studying photography contact:

The Market Photo Workshopat info@ telephonically +27(0) 11 834 1444 Open Window at or call 012 648 9200 Palesa Mopeli







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