Business BTEC Level 2, First Certificate
Ks5 BTEC Level 3 National Diploma: Edexcel 500/6747/3 Course Description and Organisation The course is broadly equivalent to two A levels. It is graded as Pass, Merit, Distinction or Distinction Star. The course is comprised of four mandatory and eight optional units. The mandatory units cover: The business environment Business planning Introduction to marketing Business communications The optional units cover: Internet marketing in business Managing a business event Business accounting Market research In business Recruitment and selection in business Website design strategy Starting a small business Understanding business ethics Assessment Arrangements The BTEC course is a work-related A-level qualiďŹ cation which is assessed by coursework. Project/Coursework Details In Year 12 The BTEC course is a work-related A-level qualiďŹ cation which is assessed by coursework. Career Opportunities The BTEC business course is excellent preparation for either working life or further study.
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