Food and Nutrition
Ks3 About The Food Science department is unique in that it draws on the skills and expertise of many different staff in several different department specialisms to be a part of the food science team. September 2011 was the first academic year in which food science was delivered to all students in KS3 and home economics: food and nutrition was to be offered to KS4 students as a GCSE optional subject. The teaching staff responsible for the delivery of KS3 food science across the Year 7-9 age group are drawn from the technology and science departments. Other staff from departments across the school have been involved in the use of the food science facilities to enrich the curriculum across the college. The department aims to encourage students to think carefully about the nutritional elements of the food they consume and how they can lead a healthy lifestyle. It is also strongly encouraged for students to learn fundamental food preparation and cooking skills which, combined with a good level of nutritional knowledge, will allow them to make informed choices about the lifestyle they choose to lead. Key Stage Three Students have dedicated time in their Technology and Science lessons to undertake practical activities in the food science room. Practical lessons encourage students to become more confident preparing and cooking a variety of different healthy meals, and often fit in with theory topics which are being covered in their science lessons. The gained knowledge and skills acquired during these Key Stage Three lessons are a solid grounding for beginning the food nutrition GCSE if a student opts for this at the end of Year 9. Assessment Arrangements Students will complete two rotations of food science in both Year 7 and Year 8. The skills and knowledge that students gain are then assessed in a unit test. This mark will contribute towards the overall science grade a student achieves at the end of the academic year. In Year 9, students undertake one rotation of food lessons as part of their technology lessons. This acquired knowledge is then assessed in a homework activity, which again will contribute towards their technology grade.