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Ks4 Examination Board: AQA Syllabus Number: 4401 Course Description and Organisation The course comprises three modules, B1, B2 and B3, each of which is sub-divided into topics. These include: B1 - Keeping healthy, diet and exercise, infectious disease, nerves and hormones, the use and abuse of drugs, interdependence and adaptation, energy and biomass in food chains, waste materials from plants and animals, genetic variation and its control, evolution. B2 - Cells and simple cell transport, tissues, organs and organ systems, photosynthesis, organisms and their environment, proteins – their functions and uses, aerobic and anaerobic respiration, cell division and inheritance, speciation. B3 - Movement in and out of cells, transport systems in plants and animals, homeostasis, humans and their environment. In addition, there is a controlled assessment unit (CAU) consisting of a minimum of one practical investigation. Assessment Arrangements Students are entered for module test papers at either foundation or higher level (3 x 60 minute exams). Grades A*-G are available (depending on tier of entry). Controlled assessment : 25% Examinations : 75% Coursework Details and Deadlines Students carry out a minimum of two practical investigations (centre-assessed units = Section 1 of the ISA test (45 minutes, 20 marks) consists of questions relating to the candidate’s own research. Section 2 of the ISA test (50 minutes, 30 marks) consists of questions related to the experiment candidates have carried out. They are also provided with a data sheet of secondary data by AQA, from which they select appropriate data to analyse and compare with their own results). Deadlines will differ depending on themes, exam preparation and final award. Career Opportunities Botany, biochemistry, biomedical science, biotechnology, brewing, conservation, dentistry, ecology, food technology, forensic science, environmental health, medicine, microbiology, nutrition, nursing, optometry, podiatry, pharmacy, physiotherapy, radiotherapy, veterinary medicine, zoology. Any Other Relevant information This course is followed by those students following Triple Separate Science Awards. Students following this course will emerge from the upper sets (i.e. 1-3). Final selection and course allocation will be made after Year 9 examinations. Exam Board Link

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