The Paraclete Fiesta Issue 2016

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The Vol. 9 Issue 2

Special Fiesta Issue

PARACLETE Parish of the Holy Spirit, BF Homes, Quezon City


15 The Holy Spirit Parish @ 36

PENTECOST COMMEMORATES THE descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles after the Son’s ascension to the right hand of the Father. In one of his pentecostal homilies, Pope Francis beautifully captured the import of the event. “As the Father has sent me, even so I send you... Receive the Holy Spirit.” The gift of the Spirit on the evening of the Resurrection took place on the day of Pentecost, intensified by extraordinary outward signs. On the evening of Easter, Jesus appeared to the Apostles and breathed on them His Spirit; in the morning of Pentecost, the outpouring occurred in a resounding way, like a wind which shook the place where the Apostles were, filling their minds and hearts. They received a new strength so great that they were able to proclaim Christ’s Resurrection in different languages: “They were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.” With them was Mary, the Mother of Jesus, the first disciple and the Mother of the emerging Church. With her peace and her smile, she accompanied the joyful young Bride, the Church of Jesus. The word of God tells us that the Spirit is at work in individuals and communities filled with Him. He guides us into all the truth, renews the face of the earth and gives us His fruits. Continued on page 2

May 2016


May 1: Feast of St. Joseph the Worker May 3: Feast of Saint Philip and St. James May 3: Ascension of our Lord May 14: Feast of St. Matthias May 15: Pentecost May 22: Solemnity of The Most Holy Trinity May 29: Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) May 31: Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Elizabeth

Regular Parish Schedule

Daily Mass from Monday thru Saturday at 6:00 AM. The Saturday anticipated Mass (or first Mass of Sunday) is at 6:00 PM. Sunday Masses are at 6:30 AM, 8:00 AM, 4:30 PM and 6:00 PM. The Holy Rosary is recited at the Church at 5:45 AM except on Wednesdays (5:30 AM) and every first Saturday of each month (with The Our Lady of Fatima procession around the BF Homes Park starting at 5:30 AM). Devotional Prayers: Prayer to the Holy Spirit (after each Monday Mass), Novena to the Mother of Perpetual Help (Wednesdays, 5:45 AM), Divine Mercy prayer (after Mass of the first Tuesday of the month), Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Fridays, after the Mass), Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Saturdays, after the 6 AM Mass). Regular Confession every Saturday at 5:30 PM. or you may approach the Priest after Mass. Liturgy of the Hours: Ten minutes before the Saturday Anticipated Mass and each Sunday Mass. Baptism: Sundays, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM or by appointment. Regular second collection is every first Sunday of the month.


The Paraclete

The Holy Spirit Parish, from page 1

The third (after Sr. Connie and Mildred) of the SSPS nuns who oversaw the emergence and growth of BEC in gated BF Homes, Sr. Evelia will be sorely missed by the Legion of Mary’s Our Lady of the Annunciation Praesidium. Her words of wisdom are deeply etched in the minds of Lay Coordinator Eve Diocson, Legionary Liza Infante and their fellow members of Kawans and MKKs scattered in the subdivision. My favorite is the parable of the pencil. I thought she had made it her parting shot when she facilitated our Senatus Retreat (as a Curia). I was pleasantly mistaken. At the Legion’s send-off for her, we invited her to deliver the Allocutio. And was warmed by her wonderful legacy. Should anybody ask anyone of us how we are, our response should be quick and confident, she smiled: “Better than yesterday.” Jesus promised His disciples that when He has returned to the Father, the Holy Spirit will remain to guide them into all the truth. He calls the Holy Spirit the “Spirit of truth” and explains to His disciples that the Spirit will bring them to understand ever more clearly what He, the Messiah, has said and done, especially with regard to His death and resurrection. The apostles were at first paralyzed with fear but they were later no longer ashamed to be Christ’s disciples; they would no longer tremble before the courts of men. Filled with the Holy Spirit, they now understand “all the truth:” the death of Jesus was not His defeat, but rather the ultimate expression of God’s love, a love that, in the Resurrection, conquers death and exalts Jesus as the Living One, the Lord, the Redeemer of mankind, of history and of the world. This truth, to which the Apostles were witnesses, became Good News, to be proclaimed to all. Ate Minnie Dacanay has all the reasons to be concerned. The Philippine elections are only several breaths away. On the one hand, God has given us the freedom to choose our country’s leaders and we should be responsible stewards of this privilege. On the other, the five candidates running for president have given us an ample amalgam of dread and hope. Such that many of us may be struggling with questions like: - What criteria can I use to evaluate a candidate?

Special Fiesta Issue

- Should I vote for the best but unwinnable option, or an acceptable one who has a chance of winning? - If there are no worthy candidates, should I abstain? - Are Church officials and organizations allowed to endorse candidates? - How much will I allow my “gut feel“ or my “conscience“ to influence my decision? Appropriately, Ate Minnie›s electronic exhortation comes with a prayer. That God guide us through this Rubicon-crossing of sorts. And His will be done. Respect for creation is a requirement of our faith. The earth in which we live is not entrusted to us to be exploited, but rather to be cultivated and tended with respect. Yet this is possible only if Adam – the man formed from the earth – allows himself in turn to be renewed by the Holy Spirit, only if he allows himself to be reformed by the Father on the model of Christ, the new Adam. In this way, renewed by the Spirit of God, we will indeed be able to experience the freedom of the sons and daughters, in harmony with all creation. Pentecost is a time for pause. To be still. And stop. To remember how to pray. To seek the presence of God. And, to renew the earth, renew the self first, so that other selves may follow suit in walking in the light of Jesus’ face, being sensitive and merciful and compassionate, encouraging ang giving hope to others, in the likeness of Christ. Renewing the face of the earth needs to start with us. In faith, we find time to pause and find God and reconcile with Him. The parishes of the Holy Spirit and San Jose ang Tagapagtanggol are members of the same vicariate. I serve both. As lay minister of Holy Communion and Legionary in the first and as member of the Apostleship of Prayer Choir in the second. And as PREX Music Ministry animator in their weekend seminars which often coincide so I divide my time equally between them. It was significant that for the month of April, their seminars did not fall on the same weekend so I was able to serve to the fullest. In his Letter to the Galatians, Saint Paul wants to show the “fruits” manifested in the lives of those who walk in the way of the Spirit. On the one hand, he presents “the flesh,” with its list of

Special Fiesta Issue


The Paraclete

attendant vices: the works of selfish people closed to God. On the other hand, there are those who by faith allow the Spirit of God to break into their lives. In them, God’s gifts blossom, summed up in nine joyful virtues which Paul calls “fruits of the Spirit”. Similar to the facebook page of the Holy Spirit Parish (which has now reached almost 1,000 folowers worldwide), where significant religious matters and activities are shared with the general Holy Spirit community, Kuya Jun Due (his self-imposed Sundaystarter puts this reader in biblical perspective) opened two viber threads where the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion can post official messages for the information of their members or swap birthday greetings and other casual concerns. The move was picked up by the Legion of Mary whose members are now actively hooked on the exchange medium. The world needs men and women who are not closed in on themselves, but filled with the Holy Spirit. Closing oneself off from the Holy Spirit means not only a lack of freedom; it is a sin. There are many ways one can close oneself off to the Holy Spirit: by selfishness for one’s own gain; by rigid legalism – seen in the attitude of the doctors of the law to whom Jesus referred to as “hypocrites;” by neglect of what Jesus taught; by living the Christian life not as service to others but in the pursuit of personal interests; and in so many other ways. The world needs the courage, hope, faith and perseverance of Christ’s followers. The world needs the fruits of the Holy Spirit: “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.” The gift of the Holy Spirit has been bestowed upon the Church and each one of us, so that we may live lives of genuine faith and active charity, that we may sow the seeds of reconciliation and peace. Strengthened by the Spirit and his many gifts, may we be able uncompromisingly to battle against sin and corruption, devoting ourselves with patient perseverance to the works of justice and peace. PREX will be plain part without its parcel. Kuya Noel would have missed the recent Class 46 for the comfort of a sickbed. He had the flu’s overstaying visit but could not afford the luxury of forsaking Naomi

and Ruth, his favorite biblical relationship and, understandably, the theme of his and Ate Malou’s Talk No. 8. And their (and PREX’s) theme song. So he threatened his knees not to wobble (and his cough not to start anything short of a scandal) and (probably even) surprised himself adlibbing about his daughter Cai in the audience (and as auxiliary staff). Picking up his closing, Ate Malou shared a nugget she picked up from pilgrim Pope Francis, in one of his many stops. Asked by a youth in the audience on how to deal with loneliness, the Holy See said, “Find somebody.” Indeed, Ate Malou added, many of people’s problems are caused by self-imposed, unnecessary solitude. When all one has to do is reach out and find that a hand waits to be held. And loneliness need not be such a terrible malady. TP

Fr. Bobot’s Fiesta Message is on page 8 May


St. Joseph The Worker

THIS IS ST. Joseph’s second feast day on the Church calendar of celebrations. We honor him also on March 19. St. Joseph is a very important saint. He is the husband of Mary and the foster-father of Jesus. Today we celebrate the witness of Joseph’s hard work. He was a carpenter who labored long hours in his little shop. St. Joseph teaches us that the work we do is important. Through it we give our contribution and our service to our family and society. But even more than that, we follow God’s plan for us by carrying out the special work he has given us to do. That is why we want to try to always do our work carefully and well. Many countries set aside one day a year to honor workers. This encourages people to appreciate the dignity and importance of work. The Church has given us St. Joseph as a wonderful example to follow in doing our own work. In 1955, Pope Pius XII proclaimed that this feast of St. Joseph the Worker should be celebrated every year. St. Joseph will be glad to help us become more conscientious in our study and our work if we ask him to. Let’s always try our best, no matter what we’re doing. TP


The Paraclete



Feast of St. Philip and St. James, Apostles

BOTH THESE SAINTS were part of the original group of Jesus’ twelve apostles. Philip was one of the first apostles chosen. He was born at Bethsaida, in Galilee. When Jesus met him, he said, “Follow me.” Philip was so happy to be with Jesus that he wanted to share his happiness with his friend, Nathaniel. “We have found the one Moses and the prophets wrote about,” Philip explained. “He is Jesus of Nazareth.” Nathaniel wasn’t at all excited. Nazareth was just a little village. It wasn’t big and important like Jerusalem. So Nathaniel said, “Can any good come out of Nazareth?” But Philip did not become angry at his friend’s answer. He just said, “Come and see.” So Nathaniel went to see Jesus. After he had spoken with him, he, too, became a zealous follower of the Lord. St. James was also one of Jesus’ twelve apostles.



Special Fiesta Issue

He was the son of Alphaeus and a cousin of Jesus. After Jesus ascended into heaven, James became the bishop of Jerusalem. People thought so much of him that they called him “James the Just,” which means “James the Holy One.” He is also called “James the Less,” because he was younger than the other apostle named James, who was called “James the Greater.” St. James was very gentle and forgiving. He prayed very much. He kept begging God to forgive the people who persecuted the followers of Jesus. Even when Jesus’ enemies were putting James to death, he asked God to pardon them. St. James died as a martyr in the year 62. We can all be apostles of Jesus in our own way. We can show our faith in Jesus by the way we live. That’s how we can imitate St. Philip and St. James. TP

Ascension of the Lord

AND WHEN SABBATH was past, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome brought sweet spices, that they might anoint Jesus. And very early in the morning, the first day of the week, they came to the sepulchre, the sun being now risen. The sun spoken of here is the figurative sun of justice, Christ Jesus our Lord, Who was risen before their coming. And they said to one another, “Who shall roll us back the stone from the door of the sepulchre?” And looking, they saw the stone rolled back. For it was very great. And entering into the sepulchre, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, clothed with a white robe, and they were astonished. The young man said to them, “Be not afraid. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, Who was crucified. He is risen, He is not here, behold the place where they laid him. But go, tell his disciples and Peter that he goes before you into Galilee; there you shall see Him, as He told you.” Going out, they fled from the sepulchre for fear and trembling seized them, and they said nothing to any man, for they were afraid. But He,

rising early the first day of the week, appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom He had cast seven devils. She went and told them that she had been with Him, they who were mourning and weeping. On the evening of that day, the doors were locked where the disciples were, because of their fear of the Jews. But Jesus came, and stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with you!” Then He showed them His hands and His side. The disciples, seeing Him, were full of joy. Again Jesus said to them, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” After saying this, He breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit! Those whose sins you forgive, they are forgiven; those whose sins you retain, they are retained.” The Feast of the Ascension marks the beginning of the first novena, the faithful’s nine days of prayer. The apostles prayed for the coming of the Holy Spirit, which began on Ascension Thursday, and ended with the descent of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost Sunday, ten days later. The Lord is faithful. Yesterday. Today. Forever. TP

Special Fiesta Issue

Pagboto kay Apostol Matias



The Paraclete

ni Lilia F. Antonio NANG UMAKYAT SA langit si Hesus, hindi pa rin lubusang naglaho ang pagkalito, pagkatakot at lungkot ng mga apostoles. Para maituon ang isip sa ibang bagay, iminungkahi ni San Pedro sa nagkakatipong 120 alagad na humirang sila ng kapalit ni Hudas Iskariote na nagpatiwakal pagkatapos ipagkanulo si Hesus. Kailangang mabuong muli ang 12 apostoles na kumakatawan sa 12 tribu ng Israel. Ano ang naging pamantayan nila sa pagpili ng bagong apostol ngayong wala na si Hesus na tuwirang tumawag sa kanila noon? Una, kailangang siya ay naging disipulo ni Hesus mula sa




simula at nabinyagan ni San Juan sa ilog ng Jordan at ikalawa, na nasaksihan niya ang pagakyat sa langit ni Hesus. Kailangang nakilala niya si Hesus nang magkaroon ito ng mga kaaway at ngayoý nahahanda rin siyang maglingkod sa Diyos - magpahayag tungkol sa krus at sa eukaristiya --- sa kabila ng pag-uusig at kamatayan. Dalawa ang kanilang pinagpilian. Pagkatapos magdasal para malaman kung ano ang kalooban ng Diyos, nagbotohan sila at si Matias nga ang napili. Muling nabuo ang 12 apostoles at sama-sama nilang hinintay ang pagbaba ng Espiritu Santo sa Pentekostes. Sino si San Matias? Isinilang siya noong unang siglo sa Bethlehem ng Judea. Sapul sa Continued on page 7

Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

by Angeli Francis S. Rivera THE FEAST OF the Holy Trinity takes place on the first Sunday after the Pentecost. The celebration of this feast took form as early as the 10th century but only in 1334 was it approved for the entire Church by John XXII. Some earlier accounts affirm the existence of such celebration in response to Arianism, or the heresy denying the divine nature of Jesus. This feast is also the final celebration of the Church year, after the resurrection, ascension and the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. The Holy Trinity is but a supernatural mystery, meaning we cannot fully comprehend yet we firmly believe in faith because our God does not lie to us. When we cannot fully comprehend a supernatural mystery, it does not predetermine perpetual ignorance. In God’s own time will supernatural things be fully understood. What we have as of present are revealed supernatural mys-

teries — though they remain signs — essential for our quest of understanding our faith better and of, ultimately, salvation. Thus, this leads us to one of the questions of the revealed mystery of the Holy Trinity — what do we mean by the Holy Trinity? “By the Blessed Trinity, we mean one and the same God in three divine Persons” (Baltimore Catechism, 29). Remaining among the profound mysteries of our faith, the Church teaches us that the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God, but there are no three Gods, only one God having the same divine nature, substance and being. In the scriptures, this was revealed to us by Jesus. Before He ascended into heaven, Jesus addressed His followers and said, “Go teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19). God the Father has no origin, the Son is begotten and the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son. Our Continued on page 8


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Special Fiesta Issue

Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi)

by Angeli Francis S. Rivera THE FEAST OF the Corpus Christi is remembered on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday. Translated in English as the ‘Body of Christ,’ the feast is to solemnly commemorate the institution of the Eucharist by Christ during Maundy Thursday. Urban IV in his papal bull: Transiturus, ordered the annual celebration beginning 1264. Through the Church fathers, the Eucharist is defined as the “source and summit of the Christian life” for “…other sacraments, and indeed all ecclesial ministries and works of the apostolate, are bound up with the Eucharist and are oriented toward it. For in the blessed Eucharist is contained the whole spiritual good of the Church, namely Christ himself, our Pasch” (CCC, 1324). Simply put, without the Eucharist, there is no Church. For the Church is born from Christ, her founder. From early Christian communities to the present, the Eucharist is honored and celebrated by active participation in the Mass. But it is during the feast of the Eucharist that we can honor and celebrate in public through procession in the streets. The Eucharist is indeed the body and blood of Christ. In 1263, German priest, Peter of Prague doubted that Christ was truly present in the Eucharist. During a Mass, while consecrating the Host, blood started to come from the Host and made its way over the priest’s hands, the altar and the corporal. The priest told Urban IV and the pope immediately called St. Thomas Aquinas to create an Office dedicated to honoring the Eucharist as the body and blood of Christ. The visions of Juliana of Liege of our Lord also prompted Urban IV to complete the liturgical year with the annual celebration of the Eucharist. Since then, nobody doubted the mystery of the Eucharist. “Even demons believe and tremble” (James 2:19). For instance, a satanist cult in Oklahoma City stole a Catholic host (take note, not a Methodist, Episcopal, Lutheran, Baptist host, etc)

to use it in their satanic mass but returned the Eucharist, attesting it was Jesus present there. Though Satanists continue in their attempts to steal and desecrate the Eucharist, they seem to cover their failures by using a host that is not consecrated yet. Thus, the Eucharist cannot be questioned for Christ’s real presence. We are united with Christ by His love in the Eucharist. This love increases our sanctifying grace. This grace forgives our venial sins and preserves us from committing mortal sins. Christ’s promise of union with the divine is ensured and we all look forward to the fulfillment of that promise. So every time we attend the Mass on Sundays, let us properly honor and glorify God by having the suitable disposition in receiving His body and blood. TP Sources: “Corpus Christi.” (accessed 29 April, 2016). National Catholic Register. “Without the Eucharist the Church Simply does not Exist.” pope-without-the-eucharist-the-church-simply-does-notexist/#ixzz47GwTB1zB (accessed 29 April, 2016). Pope Charles. “Demons Believe and Tremble.” ((accessed 29 April, 2016).

The Paraclete Official Newsletter published by the Parish Pastoral Council, Parish of the Holy Spirit, BF Homes, Quezon City. Editor-in-Chief: Abraham de la Torre Contributors: Angeli Francis S. Rivera Aleli Francis S. Rivera Lilia F. Antonio Adviser: Fr. Bobot Clemen

Special Fiesta Issue



The Paraclete

Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Elizabeth

WHEN THE ARCHANGEL GABRIEL announced to the Blessed Virgin Mary that she was to be the mother of the Savior, he also told Mary that her cousin Elizabeth was going to have a baby. Elizabeth was an older woman. Mary knew that she would appreciate some help. So she started out at once on the journey to Elizabeth’s house. Mary’s trip was long and dangerous. Riding on a donkey, it was uncomfortable, too. But that didn’t stop her. Mary reached her cousin’s house and greeted Elizabeth. At that moment, God revealed to Elizabeth that Mary had become his mother. Elizabeth asked joyfully, “How have I deserved that the mother of my Lord should come to me?” Mary remained humble. She quickly gave all the credit to God. She exclaimed: “My


soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for He has regarded the lowliness of His handmaid, and holy is His name.” What graces the Blessed Mother brought to the home of her cousin! St. John the Baptist, while still hidden in his mother’s womb, was cleansed of original sin. Zachary, Elizabeth’s husband, who had become mute for doubting the angel of God, was able to speak again. And Elizabeth was filled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Mary stayed three months at her cousin’s home. With great kindness and love, she helped Elizabeth. It was a wonderful time for them both. Elizabeth’s home was filled with grace through Mary’s visit. We will receive many blessings, too if we love and pray to our heavenly Mother. TP

Pagboto kay Matias, Continued from page 5 pagkabata, nag-aral siya ng mga Batas ng Diyos sa patnubay ni San Simeon. Nang ipahayag ni Hesus ang Sarili sa daigdig, naging matapat siyang tagasunod nito at kabilang sa 72 alagad na sinugo para mangaral sa iba’tibang lugar. Pagkaraang maging ika-labindala-wang apostol, walang takot siyang nangaral sa Judea, Georgia, Ethiopia at Macedonia. Minsan, pinilit siyang painumin ng lason ng mga pagano, pero, hindi siya namatay at sa halip ay napagaling pa ang ilang bilanggo na kasama niya sa piitan. Sa ating nalalapit na pambansang halalan, nagmungkahi si Antonio J. Ledesma, SJ, ng isang proseso ng ebalwasyon batay sa limang K na makapagbibigay sa bawat botanteng Katoliko ng higit na balanseng pag-unawa sa lakas at kahinaan ng kandidato. Kabilang dito ang mga sumusunod (o sa lalong ikadadali sa memorya, limang K): 1. Konsyensya. Siya ba ay maka-Diyos, may paggalang sa karapatang pantao at sa digni-

dad ng bawat tao at walang mga kaso ng korupsyon laban sa kanya?; 2.Kakayahan. Hindi ito batay sa popularidad kundi sa kinakailangang kredensyal sa kanilang propesyon; 3. Kahabagan. Siya ba ay dumaramay at nagbibigay-kapangyarihan sa mga mahihirap, sa mga grupong minorya at mga nangangailangan at hindi lamang basta nag-aabot ng abuloy?; 4. Kasamahan. Sino ang mga tagasuporta at tagapayo ng kandidato? Sila baý may integridad at mabuting reputasyon? Ano ang plataporma ng kinabibilangan niyang partido? at 5. Komitment. Siya baý nagpapakita ng katapatan, katatagan at pagka-makabayan? Katulad ng paraan ng paghalal ng mga alagad kay Apostol Matias, tayo rin sana ay matutong sumunod sa gabay ng Espiritu Santo upang ang ating pagboto ay maging para sa tunay na kabutihan at kapakinabangan ng bawat mamamayang Pilipino. TP


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Holy Trinity, from page 5

own definition of a person does hinder us from understanding the mystery of the Holy Trinity. A person for us remains a matter occupying space and time, yet this personhood also awaits participation in the divine life of the Holy Trinity. Participating in the divine life means receiving a glorified and resurrected body like Christ’s in God’s time of course! How is this possible? Jesus promised us, didn’t he? He said, “No one has gone up to heaven except the one who has come down from heaven, the Son of Man. And just us Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, so that everyone who believes in Him may have eternal life” (John 3:13-15). By becoming man

PENTECOST IS THE descent of the Holy Spirit, the start of the mission of the church, the 50th day of harvest in ancient Palestine, a day of abundance. The festival of Pentecost was first established back when Israel was in the desert making its way to the Promised Land. God told the people, through Moses, that when they entered the Promised Land, it would flow with milk and honey. That is, it would be a very fertile land, lots of crops, abundant harvests, plenty of food. Pentecost is a celebration of the harvest, a harvest festival. It was initially called the “Feast of Weeks.” From the day that the first grain was cut, they were to count a week of weeks, or seven weeks, the time that it would take for them to bring in the harvest. The day after the week of weeks had passed, on the 50th day from when the harvest began, they were to bring baskets of the grain to the temple as a an offering of thanks to God for the harvest. Literally, Pentecost means 50th. Exactly, the 50th day after the first grain was cut.

Special Fiesta Issue

and achieving resurrection, Jesus has offered us to have a share in the divine life of the Holy Trinity. What could be more exciting than be reunited with our only one and true love in the life to come? Everytime we attend the Mass on Sundays, let us profess our creed the way it should be professed — believing in the nature of the three divine Persons and the life to come. TP Sources: New American Bible Baltimore Catechism, no.29. “All About Trinity Sunday.” http://churcheyear. mobi (accessed 29 April, 2016). Most, William. “The Holy Trinity.” (accessed 29 April, 2016).

So the day of Pentecost was originally our “Thanksgiving.” A day to give thanks to God for the harvest. Throughout Israel’s history, Pentecost was the celebration of the harvest of grain. To the faithful, Pentecost means another kind of harvest to celebrate. Not a harvest of grain, but a harvest of souls. As with all of the Old Testament festivals, the old Pentecost pointed to the new Pentecost that can only be understood through the life of Jesus Christ. Fifty days before Pentecost, Jesus rose from the dead. On Easter Sunday, Jesus began to harvest the crop of souls that His suffering and death and resurrection from the dead produced. The holy Seed that was sown in the Virgin Mary has produced a crop of Christians. And what a crop it is. What abundance. What harvest. HAPPY FEAST DAY. HAPPY FIESTA.

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