The paraclete april 2016 issue

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The Vol. 9 Issue 1

PARACLETE Parish of the Holy Spirit, BF Homes, Quezon City

Mercy and Travel By: Angeli Francis S. Rivera

“MERCY IS THE very foundation of the Church’s life. All of her pastoral activities should be caught up in the tenderness she makes present to believers; nothing in her preaching and in her witness in the world can be lacking in mercy. The Church’s very credibility is in how she shows merciful and compassionate love.” (Pope Francis’ Bull of Indiction, Misericordiae Vultus, no. 10) The quote speaks to the wide-ranging issues of the present year—peace, immigration policies, the environment—and the dependence of all these things on God’s mercy. On the feast of the Immaculate Conception last 2015, Pope Francis declared the year as the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy, different from the other jubilee years because designated outside the ordinary cycle. The pope deemed such designation and the theme of mercy to be a matter of urgency, the year being the mark of the 50th anniversary of the closing of the Second Vatican Council or Vatican II. In Vatican II’s Pastoral Constitution of the Church in the Modern World or Gaudium et Spes, the Church admits going through a constant renewal and purification of her members (GS, 44). The members are renewed and made holy through God’s mercy and the witnessing of God’s mercy by the faithful. Just as St. Paul describes the Church as one mystical Body of Christ, the channels of mercy have to begin with the head and then by the members. The popes of Vatican

April 2016

Church Observances and Parish Activities for the month of April April 3: Divine Mercy Sunday; Kasama sa Bahay, Kasama sa Buhay April 4: Solemnity of The Anunciation of the Lord April 9-10: Prex Encounter No. 46 April 25: Feast of St. Mark the Evangelist

Regular Parish Schedule

Daily Mass from Monday thru Saturday at 6:00 AM. The Saturday anticipated Mass is at 6:00 PM. Sunday Masses are at 6:30 AM, 8:00 AM, 4:30 PM and 6:00 PM. The Holy Rosary is recited at the Church at 5:45 AM except on Wednesdays (5:30 AM) and every first Saturday of each month (with The Our Lady of Fatima procession around the BF Homes Park starting at 5:30 AM). Devotional Prayers: Prayer to the Holy Spirit (after each Monday Mass), Novena to the Mother of Perpetual Help (Wednesdays, 5:45 AM), Divine Mercy prayer (after Mass of the first Thursday of the month) Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Fridays, after the Mass). Regular Confession every Saturday at 5:30 PM. or you may approach the Priest after Mass. Liturgy of the Hours: Ten minutes before the Saturday Anticipated Mass and each Sunday Mass. Baptism: Sundays, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM or by appointment.

Regular second collection is every first Sunday of the month. Continued on page 2


The Paraclete

April 2016

EASTER MESSAGE Realizing that the Lord has been raised carries with it the responsibility of sharing the Good News with others. So the women in Mathew’s Gospel (Mary Magdalene and the other Mary, year A, Easter Vigil) are sent to the disciples, two men bound for Emmaus return to Jerusalem (Gospel of Third Sunday of Easter) and Peter in Acts must go to Cornelius’ house. We, too, are sent; we, too, must go and proclaim the resurrection of Jesus. We do this, according to Colossians, by living like people who know they have been raised with Christ, people whose perspective on all life is now from above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God (Second Reading of Paul to the Colossians, Easter Sunday).

Happy Easter to all!

MERCY, from page 1

Highlights of his papal visits:

II beginning from John XXIII to Francis gave their own examples of witnessing mercy to the flock of Christ through their commitment to the common good and mission in international affairs. Pope Francis’ plans began with the opening of the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica, a ritual observed on the same date in local cathedrals and shrines worldwide. Like his predecessors John Paul II and Paul VI, he preferred to witness God’s mercy through his travels. Few months before the formal establishment of the year of mercy to February 2016, Pope Francis has visited the US in September 2015, Africa (particularly Kenya, Uganda and Central African Republic) in December 2015 and Mexico in February 2016.

1. To the US in September: Pope Francis addressed the lawmakers, the US Bishops and the members of the UN in their general assembly with suggested concrete steps to sustainable development. To the lawmakers, he asked that they prioritize the poor, the elderly, and the immigrants. The marginalized have to be viewed as persons of dignity by looking at their faces and listening to their stories. The bishops he reminded of their duties as moral instruments of God. To the UN in New York, Pope Francis accentuated the democratic deficit within the international body itself caused by the powerful countries dominating the international agencies, leaving developing and least developed countries with minimal or no participation at all. Allowing

April 2016


The Paraclete

all nations to participate is a witnessing of God’s creative mercy. The Pope also echoed Pope John XXIII’s call for complete disarmament in the possession of weapons of mass destruction, mercy by respecting the sanctity of life. He has three specific paths to sustainable development: an international justice league that would give legal means to poor countries in their fight against natural resources being plundered; backing the right of the environment from harm; and asserting the interdependence of living creatures on one another. 2. To Africa in December: Pope Francis addressed the Moslem neighborhood and the slums and called for peace. He made the headlines by braving the war zone areas in Central Africa to visit the people there. To a Moslem neighborhood he remarked, “Christian and Muslims are brothers and sisters! Together, we must say no to hatred, to revenge and to violence, particularly that violence which is perpetrated in the name of a religion or God himself.” He also visited the slums of Nairobi and did not mind encountering Christ with the poor despite mud getting to his shoes and cassock. 3. To Mexico in February 2016): Pope Francis met Patriarch Kirill of the Russian Orthodox Church and blessed the northern borders known for being the murder capital of Mexico. Kirill accepted Pope Francis’ invitation for an encounter and both leaders united together through the patriarch’s openness to ecumenism and the Pope’s efforts of reconciliation as a concrete manifestation The Parish of the Holy Spirit would like to be of better service to you, dear parishioners. Your concerns may be brought up directly with the Parish Priest, any of the Parish Staff or Parish Coordinators. We do have a suggestion box but as far as practicable, we do not encourage anonimity because there may be matters that the Parish may want to directly and personally address with the concerned parishioner. The Parish maintains a regular Facebook account @ HOLY SPIRIT PARISH - BFQC. As time permits, this account is kept up to date. Photographs of Parish Activities are posted to this account.

of God’s creative mercy. Then the Pope went to the claimed murder capital of the northern border in Mexico to pray for those who died crossing to the US for development opportunities. Below is a list of the pope’s intentions. Catholics are encouraged to include these intentions in their prayers. March – Universal: Families in Difficulty; Evangelization: Persecuted Christians April – Universal: Small Farmer; Evangelization: African Christians May – Universal: Respect for Women; Evangelization: Holy Rosary June – Universal: Human Solidarity; Evangelization: Seminarians and Novices July – Universal: Indigenous Peoples; Evangelization: Latin America and Carribean August – Universal: Sport; Evangelization: Living the Gospel September – Universal: Centrality of the Human Person; Evangelization: Mission to Evangelize October – Universal: Journalists; Evangelization: World Mission Day November – Universal: Countries Receiving Refugees; Evangelization: Collaboration of Priests and Laity December – Universal: End to Child-Soldiers: Evangelization; Europe TP The Paraclete Official Newsletter published by the Parish Pastoral Council, Parish of the Holy Spirit, BF Homes, Quezon City. Editor-in-Chief: Abraham dela Torre Contributors: Angeli Francis S. Rivera Aleli Francis S. Rivera Lilia F. Antonio Adviser: Fr. Bobot Clemen


The Paraclete

April 2016

April 2016

The Paraclete


Some thoughts of Fr. Mario Sobrejuanite during the March 12 Parish Recollection: 1) If we find ourselves away from God, we should realize God continues to be in His place while we are always the ones who moved and distanced ourselves from Him. But no matter how far we walk away, we turn back to Him and He is just a step away because He always follows us. 2) When God gave His Son to die for us, God taught us mercy and love. He had to make this happen otherwise we will not know what is mercy and love.

Rosary of the Unborn

IN ONE OF our (BEC) Munting Kristiyanong Kapitbahayan’s weekly Tuesday meetings, my friend Kuya Jowell Torres distributed finger cards to each of the five members present. He said a nun he met at one of the many fellowships he attends gave him several to be shared. The card is the equivalent of a rosary the only difference being instead of beads, it has, for the Hail Marys, pictures of light blue teardrops with unborn babies inside them. The Our Father bead is comprised of droplets of blood in the shape of a cross and the crucifix is in gold. On the other side, the Hail Mary beads are pictures of multi-racial smiling babies. Both sides have the imprint Jesus, protect and save the unborn! and its equivalent in French, Latin and Spanish. The leaflet claims the finger card to be a gift from

heaven, the powerful weapon that will defeat the crime of abortion. If you pray the Rosary with a loving heart using the card to pray for the Unborn, you will be actively assisting on behalf of life. An unborn baby is a baby who is alive and is being formed in his mother ’ s womb by God. Today, the world does not realize that the abyss between Heaven and earth yawns even wider with the abuses against life. The future of the world depends upon its treatment of the weakest and most defenseless of all. The future of the world is in our hands. Yes, it is our moment-tomoment decisions for or against life which will determine many aspects of what will come. The choices that man makes with his free will either separates him from or unites him with God. If we choose according to Love and Mercy, we

The Way of the Cross behind the Church gets a new landscaping. This is attended to daily by maintenance workers of the Parish and the Parish Pastoral Council hopes the parishioners will use it regularly as a place for prayer and meditation. build up the Kingdom of God in our own hearts. Abortion is used to depopulate future generations, many of whom would have been worthy leaders in their chosen fields. Abortion is changing the future of the world. This is why the Rosary of the Unborn holds so much value, both in Heaven and on earth. It is important to recognize abortion as a face of evil and an enemy to world security. We will not have genuine peace until abortion is overturned. Mother Teresa of Calcutta said: “...the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a war against the child.” Now is the time to realize that the path the world is choosing - the path which is of disordered selflove - is the one that Satan tempts us to choose. It is the time to cast ourselves on the ocean of the Mercy and Love of Jesus. The greatest outpouring of Mercy awaits the greatest sinner. All that stands between any sinner and the Divine Mercy is the soul’s free will. A will that should choose life!

Let us pray the Rosary of the Unborn to bring an end to legalized abortion. The future of the world depends upon it. Let this devotion permeate cities, nations and the heart of the world. Pope John Paul II, in June 1997, said: “A nation that kills its own children is a nation without hope.” How to pray the Rosary using the finger card. You will pray in exactly the same way you pray any other rosary. One Our Father in the red cross and ten Hail Marys in a semi-sircle make a decade; if you recite one decade five times, you will complete a Rosary. After each decade, you can recite the following prayers: All Glory Be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, lead all souls to heaven, especially those who most need Your mercy.


The Paraclete

April 2016

Jesus, protect and save the Unborn! possession the Rosary, Jesus will honor each Mary, Refuge of Holy Love, pray for us. ‘Hail Mary’ from each person in the group as United Hearts of Jesus and Mary, triumph and reign. if they were holding the Rosary themselves. -The effects from praying the Rosary are Promises and Graces of the Rosary of the much more powerful than any nuclear bomb. Unborn (which also applies to the finger card): -The Arms of Mercy of Jesus are outstretched -Each Hail Mary prayed from a loving heart towards the world through this Rosary. will rescue one baby from death or by abortion; -The Rosary has been given to the world each Hail Mary brings Jesus’ victory closer; each during this century in order to fight, protect Our Father assuages the grieving Heart of Jesus. and save the lives of unborn children. the -Withholds the Arm of Justice. - With this Rosary, we can conquer death. We can be victorious -This special sacramental heals the culture of abortion. We can save souls. Motherly Heart of the Blessed Mother. over -With the fervent use of this weapon we can -This is the Heaven’s weapon of choice to break make atonement to the United Hearts of Jesus down the barriers of Satan’s lies and reveal the truth and Mary for abortions already committed. to all people and all nations; one heart at a time. -The greatest promise given by Jesus is this: -This Rosary saves lives! every Rosary prayed from the heart to its completion -This is the sacramental that links heaven and earth. on these beads (teardrops) mitigates the punishment It balances the scale of justice in the present moment. as yet withstanding for the sin of abortion. -This devotion and the Rosary can -Many hearts of mothers who are alter the course of human history. considering abortion can be changed. -The prayers said on the Rosary are In order to be a sacramental, the Rosary must protection and comfort for the unborn. be blessed by a Catholic Priest. -When this special prayer is said, we combat God alone is the giver and taker of life. war in the womb and war in the world. (More information on how to obtain and -If a group is gathered to pray for the unborn disseminate the rosary/finger card can be found from the heart and only one person has in their in TP

April 2016

The Paraclete

The Legion of Mary’s Kasambahay Project

Photo on opposite page: the Good Friday Procession Top photo: the Altar of Repose on Holy Thursday Bottom photo: the faithful venerate the Cross during the Good Friday Mass


THE ANNUNCIATION PRAESIDIUM of the Legion of Mary of the Holy Spirit Parish has reaped another reward in its second year program for the Kasambahays of the BF Community aptly dubbed, Kasama sa Bahay, Kasama sa Buhay. The project was launched in August last year with 28 participants in attendance (17 in September; 8 in October; 11 in December; and 16 in February). With this year’s theme: “Journeying with Mary, Mapping My Life Across Time” (Paglalakbay sa Landas ng Buhay, Kasama ni Maria), the Kasambahays were helped to look at themselves (probably for the first time) with the first activity Ako noon, ako ngayon at ako sa darating na panahon. Ako Noon and Ako Ngayon were self-evaluative while Ako sa Darating na Panahon was furure-oriented. It was serendipitous for the Kasambahays to discover that their Payo for themselves were not only to have a better future for themselves and for their families but also meant to be “spiritual” in their life’s journey. With the second activity “Lifeline,” which is set for April 3, the Kasambahays will reflect on the value of praying the Holy Rosary as a way of journeying with Mary, relating the different mysteries of the Holy Rosary to the lives of Jesus and Mary and how they are connected with their own personal lives. The activity is hoped to make them fully realize the value of the daily praying of the Holy Rosary as they journey through life with the Blessed Mother. Sharing their realizations with their groupmates was part of the dynamics of the session. As they listened to one another, they realized that they are not alone in the journey as they have the same and common experiences in life. They also expressed their gratitude to their employers for allowing them to come and attend the formation sessions. The program will also integrate Catechism in some of the sessions for their faith development. Future sessions of the program are al-


The Paraclete

ready spread throughout the year,. The upcoming “Come Into my Vineyard, too” is an invitation from the Lord to make the Kasambahays partakers in the evangelization for the transformation of society. The ultimate goal is for them to realize that formation and transformation begin with oneself. The monthly formation sessions of the Kasambahays always featured Sister Toni Lim, DSMP, and her spiritual input to the activity.

April 2016

These formation sessions are held every first Sunday of the month from 2:00 to 4:00 o’clock in the afternoon at the Spiritus Hall of the Parish. There were 16 Kasambahays who registered themselves for the recently-concluded March 6 session. The number is expected to increase for as long as there are employers who look after the well-being of members of their household as fellow journeyers in life. TP

The Significance of Fire and Water highlighted during the Easter Vigil Mass According to Pope Benedict XVI, the liturgical celebration of the Easter Vigil makes use of two beautiful signs: first, there is the fire that becomes light. As the procession makes its way through the Church, which is shrouded in the darkness of the night, the light of the paschal candle becomes a way of light, and it speaks to us of Christ as the true morning star that never sets - the Risen Lord through whom light has conquered darkness. The second sign is water. On the one hand, it recalls the waters of the Red Sea, decline and death, the mystery of the Cross. But now, it is presented to us as spring water, a life-giving element amid dryness. Thus, it becomes the image of the Sacrament of Baptism, through which we become sharers in the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ (from the Homily of Fr. Robert Laad, delivered during the 4:30 PM Mass on Easter Sunday, March 26, 2016).

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