Fine Print 2014-2015

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Fine Print 2014-2015

Fine Print 2014-2015

Fine Print 2014-2015

Contents 2014-2015 Proctors and Peer Eds...54 2014-2015 Student Leadership.........57 Academic Calendar.....................66–67 Academic Expectations.............15–16 Academic Integrity...............................16 Academic Review.................................12 Academic Support Details.................11 Advisors..................................................14 Alcoves..................................................26 Allowance and School Store.............26 Alma Mater..............................................5 Areas of Support...............................7–8 Attendance.....................................17–18 Campus Leaves & Permission...22–25 Campus Map.................................32–33 Cars.........................................................35 Closed Weekends................................24 Clubs and Organizations...................56 Code of Conduct...............................43 College Counseling...............................12 College Visits........................................24 Community Living..............................6 Community Service.............................42 Conduct Review Committee.....45–46 Core Values...............................................1 Dating.....................................................35 Day Students..................30–31 & 34 Dining.....................................................27 Directions to EWS...............................65 Discipline...............................................43 Disclosure of Disciplinary Info..........46 Dress Code....................................35–36 E-mail and Internet Usage.................37 Fire Drills........................................38–39 Fire Policy...............................................44 Food Deliveries....................................39 Fundamental Rules.............................44 General Routines.............................35 Guests on Campus.............................40 Health Center and Services...........8-10 Health Insurance...................................11 In and Around Troy......................63–64 Late Returns.........................................24 Laundry Room......................................27 Library............................................62-63 Lockers...................................................30

Mailroom...............................................63 Managing Assessments.....................12 Meal Check-In Violations..................49 Medication.............................................11 Morning Reports...................................41 Peer Educators.......................................14 Peer Relationships...............................49 Personal Property Insurance.............28 Places at and around EWS........62–63 Proctors.................................................14 Quiet Study Expectations..................19 Re-Enrollment........................................13 Resident Faculty/Dorm Affiliates....13 Residential Life........................................8 Residential Rituals and Realities....19 Response to Violations......................47 School Closings....................................31 School Logo, Colors, Crest, Jester...3–4 School Council......................................55 School History.....................................3 School Jurisdiction..............................44 Security..................................................62 Senior Privileges..................................20 Sexual Harassment Policy.................47 Sign-in/Out Violations.......................50 SmartCard.............................................26 Smoking.................................................41 Social Probation...................................50 Staying Overnight.................................31 Student Rooms.............................28–29 Student Services and Support...........13 Study Halls..............................................11 Summer Storage..................................28 Sunbathing............................................36 Teaching Fellows...................................14 Teas........................................................41 Technology Guidelines..............51–52 Telephone Use.......................................41 Television..............................................42 Traditions and Events...........................58 Transportation.....................................34 Vacations................................Back cover Violations of Residential Rules.........49 Violation of Rules................................45 Weekly Schedule..........................68–69 Where to Turn for Answers.......53–54

Emma Willard School

The Emma Willard Mission We seek to unleash the potential in each of our girls to shape her world. Honoring our founder’s vision, Emma Willard School proudly fosters in each young woman a love of learning, the habits of an intellectual life, and the character, moral strength, and qualities of leadership.

Our Core Values Value Her

Each girl is richer for the meaningful relationships forged here and our community is richer for her unique engagement.

The Journey

Through daily moments of discovery, struggle, failure, success, and connection we develop a belief in ourselves, resiliency of character, and an awareness of the transformative power of impassioned engagement with our world.


Our culture delights in questioning, reasoning, envisioning, and finding solutions for the issues that enliven our involvement together, as scholars and as friends. Through critical analysis, independent thought, and expression, we discover the power and immediacy of engaging our intellect.


Encouraged to exercise our will, each member of our community presses toward her/his goals, challenged and fueled by her/his own passions.

Well-being Dynamic balance in mind, body, and spirit is a life-long pursuit, providing a healthy foundation for self-esteem and happiness. We will care for one another—in good times and in bad times.


Fine Print 2014-2015

Fine Print 2014–2015

Welcome to Emma, where we believe in every girl there is the undeniable potential to change our world! We are a community of vibrant people where everyone is encouraged to be yourself. Be your best self. As such, we live in deep mutual respect for one another, the community, and campus we each hold dear. This handbook will help guide you through the programs, opportunities, and, of course, rules, policies, and traditions of the Emma Willard School community. As you read through this, we hope to answer many of the lingering questions you may have about academics, security, school rules, dormitory living, safety, athletics, and other useful topics about Emma. However, every single situation that may occur in your time at Emma cannot be captured in a single document. At times, we will need to deviate from the normal procedures to deliver you and your fellow community members the best possible experience here at Emma. Should larger changes to Fine Print be required during the year, as sometimes happens in such a lively community, we will be in touch with all member of the community, including parents, about any policy changes. Please enjoy reading through Fine Print. If you have any lingering questions, please do not hesitate to ask them of our Student Life office. They are here to help you as you join this exceptional community.

285 Pawling Avenue Troy, New York 12180-5294 (518) 833-1300 Fax: (518) 833-1815


Emma Willard School

School History For 200 years, Emma Willard School has been a leader in girls’ education and is recognized as one of the nation’s leading college-preparatory boarding and day schools for girls. Emma Hart Willard founded the school in 1814 on the bold principle that young women had the intellect and the moral right to benefit from as rigorous an education as the best available to young men. In 1910, the school moved to its current campus on Mount Ida in Troy, New York. At the heart of the Emma experience are three things. First, a deeply personalized living and learning experience. We seek to bring out what is exceptional about you through a focused and rigorous academic curriculum, a wide variety of co-curricular opportunities, outstanding student support systems, and a strong residential life program. Second, we have a distinctive worldview. We believe in service and the ability of each girl to serve and shape the world around her. Third, we have an authentic community. Every Emma Girl is encouraged to use her distinct voice, personality, and intellect. We don’t want you to grow into someone else, we want you to become more wholly yourself.

School Colors. When the French hero, the Marquis de Lafayette, made his historic trip up the Hudson River to New York State’s capital in 1824, he called on esteemed educator Emma Hart Willard in Troy. Legend has it that he presented her with a bouquet of pink roses. The Marquis and Mrs. Willard went on to form a lasting friendship. Emma Willard School’s Alumnae Association, founded in 1892, adopted a pale rosy pink as its signature color, based on the gift of the Marquis. Over the last decade, the school has adopted the rich red we now sport on the playing fields and in school publications. In addition, it is tradition for each class to adopt the class color— either purple or green—of its “big sister” class. These colors are used for all class activities and projects. Odd-numbered classes are represented by purple (as are all odd-numbered alumnae classes), while the even-numbered classes use green (as do all even-numbered alumnae classes).


Fine Print 2014-2015

School Logo. We call this the “Emma Signature.” Our logo, which was inspired by Madame Willard’s own signature, is what we use on all official Emma materials.

School Crest. An updated version of the Willard family crest, the school crest serves as the student and alumnae “logo” and can be found on class rings. The crest bears the motto Gaudet Patientia Duris— patience rejoices in adversity.

The school’s official “corporate” seal bears the lamp of learning and a likeness of Mrs. Willard, with the words Semper Fidelis—always faithful.

The Jester. One of the most popular characters in the long-standing annual student performance of Revels, the jester serves as the school’s athletic mascot.


Emma Willard School

Alma Mater (Sung every Monday at Morning Reports and throughout the year)

Reared on the heights of Ida, Against the wide-arched sky, The sunbeams fall athwart thee, The moonbeams gently lie. Across thy open hilltop, The winds blow bold and free; O ye grey walls, protecting, We raise our song to thee! Come let us sing together, A song of grateful praise; In honor of our founder The joyous strains upraise. ’Twas she beheld the vision And wrought with steadfast will; ’Tis we with joyous labor That vision must fulfill! “Semper fidelis” singing To Emma Willard dear, Above the grey walls ringing Our song floats sweet and clear. O touch each fleeting moment With friendship’s alchemy. The days that lie before us, Our memories soon shall be!

Emma Hart Willard 1787–1870

Verse by Caroline Carter Davis, Class of 1904 Music by Mendelssohn


Fine Print 2014-2015

Community Living at Emma Willard What makes Emma special is the true sense of belonging to something bigger than oneself. Beloved time-honored traditions—Revels, Ring Week, and the Senior Triangle—these experiences create feelings of anticipation, excitement, and community. Friendships are forged and lifelong connections are made that educate our girls far beyond the classroom. At Emma, all members exercise responsibility for their selves and others, so this community of support and positivity can be created for all. Learning to live responsibly within our community is part of the educational experience and curriculum at Emma Willard School. No one in the community is expected to be perfect, but each member is expected to learn from her experience and demonstrate an increasing awareness of the positive impact she and her choices can have on our community. This will foster an atmosphere of trust and safety where everyone feels valued and respected. Everything we do at Emma Willard, whether working with a teacher, playing on a team, or living in a dormitory, offers participants the opportunity to experience and learn about the Emma Willard community as you learn about yourself and others. Just as the academic faculty works together to assess academic learning and issues in our community, health care and residential faculty have related programs and activities to help students learn how to live in a healthy, productive way in our community. The Student Welfare Committee When a student is struggling at Emma, whether emotionally or academically, our health care, residential, and academic staffs meet to assess how they are doing. The primary goal of our student welfare committee (SWC) is to discuss and, if necessary, offer the student ways to implement successful participation in this community. The SWC comprises the assistant head of school for community life, assistant head of school for academics, director of counseling and health services, director of nursing, and director of wellness. Based on the student’s needs, the academic or health team may meet independently. When efforts to help the student become a healthy part of the Emma Willard community are not successful, the head of school, with the recommendation of the health team, reserves the right to place the student on medical leave or ask the student to leave Emma Willard. Any reinstatement would be at the discretion of the head of school. Details of the medical leave policy are available upon request.


Emma Willard School

Areas of Support and Involvement for Successful Living in the Emma Willard Community: Academic At Emma, girls excel and their ambitions are as varied as their talents. Both in and out of the classroom, we encourage the aspirations of each girl through an innovative, rigorous curriculum that meets the needs of the individual learner. We explore values and reward intellectual risk taking. For many students, the move from their previous academic setting to the academic expectations of Emma Willard can be challenging. Success in this environment requires responsibility, initiative, and self-motivation. There are numerous systems and areas of support available to all students. Many of these areas of support ask the student to work closely with her faculty. Peer groups are also available for help in all areas. Students are expected to show a growing level of competence in personal time management, study skills, and organization. • Proctored study hall: an opportunity for all new students and any student who needs help with focus when studying to have a faculty-monitored, twohour study hall. This is required for all new students during the first quarter. • Teacher availability & dorm affiliates: faculty members are on duty in the dormitories one night per week and are available for extra academic help.


Fine Print 2014-2015

• Peer tutors & learning centers: the Math Learning Center in Weaver is staffed throughout the day by math department faculty and peer tutors and is open to all students; peer groups offer extra help in many more academic disciplines. • Advisor: for each student, her advisor is the first line of support and assistance. Residential Life In a boarding community, students are asked to take personal responsibility as they live with a variety of peers and adults. This personal responsibility involves growth in life skills including communication, compromise, and compassion. To enable students in this effort, the residential program at Emma Willard offers many opportunities for a student to learn more about herself and others. • Nightly check-ins: A time for houseparents to meet briefly in person with each member of the hall. • Proctor and Peer Educators on each hall: student leaders who meet with and are available to help peers. • Hall meetings, teas, and events: varied opportunities for hall members to experience their living community together. • Weekend activities: many and varied opportunities to explore the Capital District as well as visit other schools. • Dorm chores: each hall, with their houseparent, takes responsibility for cleaning their living spaces and larger community spaces. • Freshman hall program: every freshman is new to the boarding experience and this program asks them to explore roommate relationships, hall community building, international student presentations, personal responsibility, etc. Health Center Through the Health and Wellness Center, Emma Willard promotes a collaborative approach to the overall health of our community by providing proactive educational programming and professional medical care. Through a staff of registered nurses and support of professional pediatric services, the Health and Wellness Center is responsive to student needs. The Center offers a coordinated network of care that facilitates and supports optimum individual and collective growth in the multiple dimensions of health: intellectual, physical, social, spiritual, and emotional.


Emma Willard School

• Chat and Chocolate: volunteer group sessions for discussion of studentgenerated topics. • Educational materials: books and pamphlets available for student education. • Off-campus appointments: facilitated with professionals in all areas of health and wellness. • Meditation room: a quiet space for community members to use in maintaining their health. Health Services. The Health Services staff, an important element of our student support network, is a dedicated team of nurses, physicians, and counselors committed to ensuring the physical health and emotional wellness of the Emma Willard community. The Health & Wellness Center is located on the ground floor of Hyphen Hall, at the Archway. The Center’s focus is the delivery of professional, personalized, and primary health care. Health Services is coordinated by the director of health services and rendered by local physicians, registered nurses, and a clinical counselor, as well as a consulting psychologist. Health care is available on an emergency basis 24 hours a day. Monday through Thursday Friday Saturday/Sunday Clinic Emergencies

7:30 a.m.–8:00 p.m. 7:30 a.m.–4:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m. (518) 833-1505 during the above hours (518) 833-1332 Security

Health Center Procedures. Prior to arrival at Emma Willard, each new student is required to present medical forms and proof of all required immunizations signed by her health care provider, as well as a comprehensive medical history completed and signed by a parent or guardian. Students who have not submitted the required health forms will not be permitted to participate in preseason athletics, move into their dorm, or attend classes. The health records permit Health Services to render treatment and, when necessary, to release pertinent information to facilitate health care. Returning students’ medical records must be kept current. All students must receive an annual physical from their health care provider and must provide documentation of this examination. A student who is admitted to the Health Center as an in-patient is excused from classes. Both her advisor and her houseparent are informed, and, when appropriate, assignments are obtained for her while she is in the Health Center. For non-emergency medical care, students should visit the Health Center before classes, during a free period, or before evening quiet study hours.


Fine Print 2014-2015

Any day student who needs to miss classes to attend an urgent medical appointment and wants an excuse from classes must sign out in the student services office. The Counseling Center is an important resource for the Emma Willard community, allowing students to bring their concerns, fears, or burdens into a confidential setting where they can discover and develop healthy ways of dealing with emotional issues. There are many reasons why a student might consider consulting one of the school counselors: issues at home, with friends or on the dormitory hall, difficulty managing depression or anxiety, disordered eating, etc. The Counseling Center provides: • Flexible and accessible appointment scheduling. • Availability of off-campus professionals when necessary or desired. Counseling Services. Our clinical counselors work in the Health and Wellness Center during the week, where they meet with students. The counselors have a local network of psychiatric services and professionals to whom they may refer students and their families for regular emotional support outside of Emma Willard. Emergency services are available on weekends. Confidential appointments with the school counselors may be made through the Emma Willard website or by speaking with one of the nurses. Confidentiality. Most often the entirety of the counseling relationship remains completely confidential. There are circumstances when it is appropriate to expand confidentiality to include other adults in a student’s life. The most common circumstance involves the Student Welfare Committee (SWC). The role of the school counselor in SWC is primarily to listen, not to share confidential material. The intent of this process is for the counselor to have a broad perspective to better help the student. The counselor must balance the privacy of the student without sacrificing the need to be a contributing member of the community. When there are issues of safety to self or others, legal requirements including child protective issues, court subpoenas, and unprofessional or illegal behavior of a staff member, the counselor has a professional obligation to share appropriate information. Except in an emergency, these situations will also be discussed with the student. The counselor will handle any conflict between the needs of the student, needs of Emma Willard, and legal responsibilities as sensitively and professionally as possible given the realities at hand.


Emma Willard School

Health Insurance. Health insurance is required of all students in order for them to register at Emma Willard. Upon request, a student health insurance plan is available for a fee through Emma Willard. This plan is required of all students whose permanent home address is outside of the United States and U.S. residents who do not provide insurance information on their medical forms. If at any time during the school year a health insurance plan changes, copies of the new insurance cards must be sent to the Health Center. If a health insurance plan lapses, the Health Center must be notified. The student will then be enrolled in the student health insurance plan. Medication. For the safety of the community and each individual student, all medications must be dispensed through the Health Center. No medicines should be mailed directly to students or kept in student rooms. Emma Willard School is not responsible for student health or safety related to medications obtained from anywhere other than the Health Center. Students found in possession of medication without the knowledge and permission of the director of health services will be referred to the assistant head for community life. A student found dispensing prescription medication to other students will be subject to disciplinary action.

Academic Support Details Study Skills. Our experience suggests study skills are learned rather than innate, and not all students have acquired the necessary skills for effective study or for efficient time management. Teachers help students develop the habits and strategies that will allow them to maximize their study time. Evening Study Hall. Quiet study times are held in the dormitories during the evening to provide a quiet and structured environment for study. Evening quiet study runs from 7:30 p.m. until 9:30 p.m., Sunday through Thursday. (See page 19 for specifics of evening quiet study.) Rooms and corridors must be quiet from 7:30 p.m. until 9:30 p.m. Proctored Evening Study Hall. In the fall semester, all freshmen, new sophomores, new juniors, and students on academic review are assigned to proctored evening study hall to assist them in developing study skills. Students who have been assigned to proctored evening study hall will be re-evaluated periodically during the first semester and thereafter, as necessary. Students may be placed in proctored evening study hall at any time, based upon teacher, houseparent, or advisor input.


Fine Print 2014-2015

Academic Review. Academic review is a support structure put in place to ensure that students experiencing academic difficulty receive the support they need to improve. At the end of each marking period, the academic office team meets with the advising team leaders to review the work of students whose performance merits notice. A student who receives one grade of No Credit or two grades of C- or below within a marking period will be discussed and may be placed on academic review. If a student is placed on academic review, her advisor is notified so she/he can speak to the student, and her parents are notified by the academic office. Steps which may be put in place and continue through the end of the next marking period include weekly meetings with a teacher, and weekly check-ins with the Math Learning Center. A student who is placed on academic review at the spring mid-semester may not be invited to return for the following year until the faculty has reviewed her year-end progress. Any student with one year or a spring semester grade of C- or below may have her invitation to return withdrawn. A student’s placement on academic review is assessed at the end of each marking period. At that time, a student may be placed on or removed from academic review. Managing Assessments. At some point during the year, most students will find themselves with three or more major evaluations due on the same day. A major evaluation is a quiz or test requiring review and lasting twenty minutes or more, a paper of more than one typewritten page, a lab report, a presentation, or a project. In such cases, a student should not engage in all three evaluations on the same day. Instead, she should ask the teacher assigning the third or last evaluation for a postponement of one or two days. She should request this postponement when the third evaluation is first announced. The teacher is obligated to grant the postponement after the student explains her situation and should do so readily. This policy is intended to support students in doing their best work, in balancing their workloads, and in managing their levels of perceived stress. It is also an opportunity for them to learn to advocate for themselves. College Counseling. By choosing to attend Emma Willard, a student has signaled her intention to attend college. For all students, standardized testing begins with the PSAT sophomore year. Formal college counseling begins in the junior year. The goal of the college counseling program is to help students gain admission to colleges and universities that fit their intellectual and personal abilities, interests, and aspirations.


Emma Willard School

Re-Enrollment. A student’s eligibility for course registration, room selection, and student leadership positions is contingent upon satisfaction of all outstanding financial obligations to the school and completion of the reenrollment process by the pertinent deadlines. Families seeking financial assistance must complete their applications by February 1 in order to be eligible for financial aid. If a student fails to complete the year in satisfactory academic and/or social standing, or if her parent(s) are not supportive of the school’s policies or goals, Emma Willard reserves the right to nullify the contract and return the enrollment deposit.

Student Services Support Details At Emma you will develop relationships that will last for a lifetime. This includes relationships with your fellow students as well as the classroom and residential faculty who will share in your personal Emma experience. Faculty advisors, resident faculty, dormitory affiliates, teaching fellows, and student proctors are the primary individuals who act to support the student in her academic and personal life at Emma Willard School. This immediate network is further enhanced and supported by an involved and caring Health Center staff, as well as the director of academic support and the assistant head for community life. Collectively, this team develops a good overall understanding of each individual student. Resident Faculty. The resident faculty is a group of professionals who live in the dormitories and fulfill other roles in the Emma Willard community. Each resident faculty member is responsible for specific halls within the dormitories and is a resource for students about all aspects of life within and beyond Emma Willard School. Resident faculty members welcome frequent communication with parents and generally act as the parents away from home during all times—both difficult and wonderful— when an adult is needed. Among many other roles, the resident faculty gives permissions, creates and implements residential programs and policies, oversees dining room activity, and provides many forms of care. Sage 3 Long/Sage 3 Zoo Sage 3 Short, Hyphen 3 Sage 2 Long, Sage 2X Sage 2 Short, Hyphen 2 Kellas 2 Short, Kellas 2 Long Kellas 3T, 1/2 Kellas 3 Long Kellas 3 Short, 1/2 Kellas 3 Long Kellas 2T Cluett - Round Square Dorm The Bridges

Sue Taylor (and Cary Dresher) Gabby Wakeman Lindsey Stapleton (and Peter) Katie Wilson Melissa Salmon Stacey Dodd Elizabeth Martin Emily Layden (and Brian Woods) Gemma Halfi (and Ilan) Katie Myer (and Michael)


Fine Print 2014-2015

Dormitory Affiliates. A faculty member or teaching fellow, each dormitory affiliate is assigned to a corridor. She or he spends one night per week from 7:00 p.m. until 10:30 p.m. on the halls overseeing study hall, serving as an adult resource (frequently in her/his academic area), and completing evening check-in. Advisors. Upon her arrival at Emma Willard, each new student is assigned a faculty advisor. This advisor is the first person for parents and teachers to contact when there is a concern about a student. Each student touches base with her advisor regularly through both formal and informal meetings. Formal advisor-advisee dinners, informal gatherings, and frequent conversations help build this important relationship. Advisors of boarding students have regular communication with the resident faculty for insight, particularly when a student is experiencing difficulty. Teaching Fellows. In addition to teaching two classes and coaching a sport or teaching physical education, each fellow works as a dorm affiliate during the week and on weekends. As such, she is an integral member of the residential life program at Emma Willard. Peer Educators. These students are trained in consultation with the school counselor and the group’s faculty advisor in a variety of adolescent behaviors, as well as in basic listening and assessment skills. In addition to supporting students on an individual basis, peer educators work to educate the school community about social or emotional issues in our midst and in society at large. (For a listing of peer educators, see page 54.) Proctors. Student proctors are seniors who are chosen by the assistant head of school for community life and proctor advisors to lead, support, inspire, and guide the student body throughout the academic year. There are fifteen boarding proctors (one on each residential hall) and five day student proctors, all of whom participate in an extensive training program at the beginning of their senior year. From decorating their halls and day student lockers to interpreting and supporting school policies, proctors are an omnipresent force at Emma Willard. Each boarding proctor works closely with her houseparent/ dorm affiliate/peer educator team, where she provides student feedback and helps to establish appropriate support systems for the students on her hall. Day student proctors work closely with the assistant head of school for community life to insure that day student needs receive appropriate attention and support. (For a listing of proctors, see page 54.)


Emma Willard School

Academic Goals and Expectations At Emma, our academic goal is to help you grow and succeed as a student. On one level, this means providing you with the skills and knowledge essential for understanding the world. On a deeper level, this means we want to help you develop yourself as a thinker and doer and provide you with the confidence to pursue your questions wherever they take you. We recognize that you will learn in any place and at any time – the whole campus is your “classroom,” and you will find that often your classmates are your teachers. We encourage students to pursue learning opportunities both within our program and beyond it. A student’s growth should be limited only by her imagination. To create such outward and inward learning opportunities, it is important for students to have a breadth of experiences not only independently and with adult mentors, but also with her peers in other nonacademic parts of her life. To have such experiences, students are encouraged to seriously participate in activities outside their academic work. At Emma Willard, great care is taken to construct an environment that will both challenge and support every student in her development of greater knowledge—both of the world and of herself. Integral to the success of our program are clear expectations and appropriate support mechanisms.


Fine Print 2014-2015

Expectations Academic Integrity. The exchange of ideas is an essential part of education. We encourage students to do research and discuss their work with students and teachers, but remind them that if their education is to be meaningful and valuable, each student’s work must ultimately be her own. Integrity in academic matters is the foundation of an academic community. Cheating and plagiarism are therefore strictly forbidden. For clarification of rules for citing sources, please refer to A Writer’s Reference (7th Edition) by Diana Hacker, St. Martin’s Press, 2010, ISBN#9780312601430. This publication is recommended to each student by her English teacher and available for purchase in the school store or through local school districts. It is the responsibility of the student to know and to work within the study guidelines prescribed by each teacher. If there is ever doubt as to what is appropriate, the student should consult her teacher. Each teacher will set her or his own guidelines about collaboration for each specific assignment. Cheating includes but is not limited to: • Intentionally using or giving unauthorized aid on any work for which a grade is given; for example, tests, quizzes, exams, term papers, lab reports, or computer programs. • Passing information, either general or specific, about a test or quiz to any student who has not yet taken it. • Plagiarism—taking someone’s ideas or words and presenting them as your own in a graded assignment. • Copying the school’s software, using illegally copied software in computer rooms or the library, or copying an electronic file. Cheating and plagiarism are violations of the first Fundamental Rule (see page 42) and will meet with a disciplinary as well as an academic response.


Emma Willard School

Attendance Our school day begins at 8:00 a.m. Students are required to arrive at school on time and attend all classes, Morning Reports, study halls, advisor meetings, and other academic commitments. Full learning requires being in class and participating. Any time a student knows she will miss school for any reason, she must complete an Absence Request Form at least seven days prior to the absence. The goal is for a student to work with her teachers to plan how to best make up her missed learning opportunities. The Absence Request Form is available from the student services and academic offices. Excused Absences. Absences will be excused in the case of student illness or serious illness in the student’s family, for an important religious holiday, or for a wedding, graduation, or death of a family member. All absences are handled in the following fashion: • Illness. Boarding students must be excused by the Health Center. Day student parents must call the attendance voicemail hotline (518-833-1503 available 24 hours a day) or e-mail by 9:00 a.m. the day that the student is ill. A doctor’s note may be required. • Doctors’ Appointments. For boarding students, doctors’ appointments are processed by the Health Center. All students, boarding and day, are required to sign out with the nurse on duty in the Health Center when leaving campus for any medical appointment.


Fine Print 2014-2015

• Serious Family Illness. Parents should notify the assistant head of school for academics or assistant head of school for community life as soon as possible. • Religious Holidays. Each student who anticipates missing classes in order to observe an important religious holiday should have the Parental Permission Form for Religious Holidays on file in the Student Services office. Parents then need to notify Student Services of the upcoming religious observation. If a family has not completed the form, permission should be sought from the assistant head of school for academics at least two weeks before the holiday. • Wedding/Graduation of a Family Member. Permission to miss academic commitments for the wedding or graduation of a family member must be obtained from the assistant head of school for academics at least two weeks prior to the proposed absence. Unexcused Absences. Unexcused absences are tracked cumulatively through each semester, and an escalating series of penalties is applied as deemed appropriate by the assistant head of school for academics in consultation with the assistant head of school for community life. Please note that any in-class work missed due to an unexcused absence may not be made up for credit. This includes tests, quizzes, or other graded work completed in class. In addition, students who are absent without excuse from non-academic commitments and required events may also be subject to disciplinary measures. Whether the absence is excused or unexcused, a student will want to check with teachers on how best to complete missed work as soon as possible.


Emma Willard School

Residential Rituals & Realities

(Important Information for Day Students, Too.) Our dormitories are your home. Our girls are encouraged to make themselves at home and live in an environment of mutual respect and consideration. Living away from home in high school is a big responsibility. As such, all girls need to closely understand and follow all dormitory expectations. This will allow you and those around you as much privacy and freedom as possible within our halls. To make your living experience as comfortable as possible, students and the residential leadership team of proctors, peer educators, and resident faculty members work together within the framework of school rules.

Dorm and Quiet Study Expectations General Guidelines The two hours from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., Sunday through Thursday, are quiet study time. Freshmen begin the first semester with the support of proctored study hall. With the exception of seniors, all other students study in their rooms during this time. Students wishing to listen to music while studying must use headphones, and the music should not be audible to anyone else in the room. There is a proctored study hall for those who cannot successfully study in the dorms or those who request a proctored study time. Unless she is on academic review or social probation, a senior will not be required to be in her room for quiet study time. The Internet will shut off for all dorm residents from 8:00 until 9:30 p.m. on Sunday through Thursday. However, email and intranet services will be functional during this time period, which allows students access to the school network. Proctors and resident faculty are responsible for maintaining quiet on the halls from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Family and friends are not to call during quiet study hours, and intra-campus calls should not be made during this time. Students who repeatedly fail to meet the expectations of quiet study time are referred to the assistant head for community life. If students from different years room together, the standards for the younger student will apply.


Fine Print 2014-2015

Ninth Graders • Breakfast check-in through mid-second semester. • Quiet study—at desk with door open. • Internet access shut-off is 11:00 p.m. on weeknights. • Check-in by 10:00 p.m. on the hall. • Check-in in rooms by 10:30 p.m. • Lights out at 11:15 p.m. (Sunday through Thursday). • Room inspection once per week. Sophomores • Breakfast check-in for first semester of the year. • Quiet study—at desk with door open during first semester; study away from desk (with door open) during second semester. • Check-in by 10:30 p.m. on the hall. • Check-in in rooms by 11:00 p.m. • Internet access shut-off is 11:30 p.m. on weeknights. • Room inspection once per week. Juniors • Breakfast check-in until Parent Days. • Quiet study—in room with door open during first semester. • Check-in by 10:30 p.m. on the hall, in rooms by 11:00. • Internet access shut-off is 12:00 a.m. on weeknights. • Room inspection once per week. Seniors (including “senior privileges”) All Year • No breakfast check-in. • May sign out during the academic day (when classes are completed and with Student Services permission) and return by the beginning of next commitment (but no later than dinner check-in). If a student intends to return after the end of the academic day, she must get permission from an adult in Student Services and check in with her houseparent upon her return to campus. • Check-in by 10:30 p.m. on the hall. Extended curfew on Friday and Saturday nights until 12:30 a.m., effective after Revels. • Internet shut-off is 12:30 a.m. on weeknights. • Roaming hours during weeknights until 12:00 midnight (only to other senior rooms). Must sign out to destination. Must not disturb underclasswomen or other dorm residents. • Travel plans for all students must be turned in on Wednesday night. Seniors have flexibility to change weekend plans, with approval of her houseparent.


Emma Willard School

After Revels • Leave campus during lunch. This must be done with proper permission and sign out/in. • Have one dinner leave per week from Sunday through Thursday. Must return to campus by 9:30 p.m. Must have permission of resident faculty and sign out properly. • Stay overnight at a day student’s home one night per week with a proper invitation from the day student’s parent and permission from resident faculty. • Return at 9:30 p.m. on Sunday evening after being away from school for the weekend. • Go to one midweek concert with permission from a parent and the assistant head for community life.

Rituals 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Corridors should be quiet. Music may be played quietly. Students are expected to be considerate of those who may be studying in their rooms. After 3:30 p.m. As a boarding school, Emma Willard provides a rich community experience, which is enhanced by numerous daily activities shared beyond the classroom. For example, students and faculty eat in the dining room and encounter one another in a host of venues after the academic day has ended. To ensure that students are safe and accounted for outside the classroom, students are asked to follow this check-in schedule: Weekdays Breakfast

By 7:45 a.m. Required of grades nine through eleven Monday through Friday.


By 6:45 p.m. Required Monday through Thursday.

Quiet Study

7:30–9:30 p.m. Required Sunday through Thursday.


Sunday through Thursday, 10:00 p.m. for freshmen and sophomores, 10:30 p.m. for juniors and seniors. Students must be on their own halls.


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Weekends Dinner Evening

By 6:45 p.m. Friday and Saturday (if on campus). 1:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday for all students. Students must be on their own corridors for this check-in and must remain there. Seniors may be off their halls or off-campus on weekends until 12:30 a.m. with permission from resident faculty.

Campus Leaves. All leaves are granted according to the permission form signed by parents and students at the beginning of each academic year. The school does not grant any off-campus permissions to students whose forms are incomplete or non-existent. Additionally, the school reserves the right to exercise its judgment in granting students permission to leave the campus. Students are not permitted to stay overnight in hotels or motels except in the company of adult relatives. RPI fraternities are strictly off limits at all times. Signing In and Out. Providing a written record of her plans when a student is going to be away from school and signing back in when she returns are essential to the safety and well-being of the boarders and to the smooth running of the dormitories. When signing out to leave campus, students must be absolutely precise about their destination, time of departure, means of transportation, and expected time of return. A student must always call the resident faculty member on duty to ask permission if she wishes to change her plans after she has left campus. Messages may not be left with Security or with other students. A student must sign herself (and herself only) in and out whenever she is away from campus. There are no exceptions to this rule.


Emma Willard School

Standard Schedule of Leaves and Requisite Permissions Weekdays (Sunday night through Friday afternoon) 8:00 a.m.–3:30 p.m. Daytime leaves may be granted by an adult in Student Services. On Fridays, a student may leave after her last academic commitment with permission of the assistant head of school for community life. In all cases when a student plans to return before 3:30 p.m., she must sign out and sign back in at Student Services. 3:30 p.m.–5:30 p.m. Leaves of any other kind: sign out with resident faculty member on duty. 5:30 p.m.–10:00 p.m. Evening leaves are granted by resident faculty members only under special circumstances. On Sunday nights, students must return from weekend leaves by 7:00 p.m. (Seniors by 9:30 p.m. once senior privileges are in effect). Weekends (Friday night through Sunday afternoon) 8:00 a.m.–5:30 p.m. Leaves of any kind: sign out; resident faculty member permission required. 5:30 p.m.–11:30 p.m. All evening leaves require resident faculty permission. Students taking an evening leave to the home of a day student require an invitation from the adult host/hostess. After Senior Dinner in the fall, seniors may return as late as 12:30 a.m. with prior permission from the resident faculty on duty. Seniors returning after 11:30 p.m. must check in with their houseparent upon return to campus. Resident faculty reserve the right to deny requests for off campus leaves after 9:00 p.m. on weekends. Capital District. For reasons of safety and common sense, students should never leave campus alone—groups of two or more are recommended. When going to Troy or elsewhere in the Capital District to shop, see a movie, or go to a restaurant, signing out in a general way (e.g., “to Troy”) is not acceptable; a specific destination must be given (e.g., Bruegger’s, Friendly’s, etc.). Students must use taxis or private transportation (with appropriate permission) when going to and from campus at night.


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Closed Weekends. These weekends fall at the beginning and end of long breaks so that boarding students can begin or end their vacations together, and they often accommodate special school traditions or events. No overnight leaves will be granted during closed weekends without special permission from the assistant head for community life. The closed weekends for 2014–2015 are September 5–7 (all students), September 19–21 (all seniors for Revels auditions), December 12–14 (all students), and May 29–31 (all students). In addition, January 9–11 is a closed weekend for all new second semester boarding students. College Visits. Students wishing to visit colleges should make every effort to do so during vacations or long weekends to avoid conflicts with school commitments. Approval to miss school commitments for college tours, interviews, and open houses is granted only to seniors and given only when travel forms have been filed on time and permission has been granted by the student’s parent and her college counselor. Students are responsible for academic work missed while away visiting colleges. If a student will be unchaperoned during an overnight visit, her travel form must include a contact at the college or place where she will be staying. Parents assume full responsibility for their daughter, and she remains subject to school expectations for appropriate conduct while away for this purpose. Absences for college visits for non-seniors will not be excused and will be considered parental decision absences. Social visits to college campuses are restricted to juniors and seniors. An invitation from an adult host/hostess is necessary for a student planning to take an overnight or weekend leave to a college. All such invitations should be submitted to the Student Services office. Dinner with Family Members. We always welcome time spent with parents or family members. Parents or faculty who invite a student out to dinner on a weeknight must plan to return to campus by 7:00 p.m. (before quiet study hours). Permission must be obtained from the student’s resident faculty member.


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Late Returns. Students must return from a weekend leave by 7:00 p.m. on Sundays. Permission to return late from a weekend must be secured in advance from the resident faculty. In the event that a student finds she is unable to return at the required time, she must call the school and speak to her resident faculty member. While resident faculty do not have the authority to excuse a student from classes, it is the student’s responsibility to notify her resident faculty member. If the late return results in a missed academic commitment, depending on the circumstances, the student may be subject to the penalties of unexcused class absences. Travel Plans. A student must submit a travel plan for any kind of overnight leave. The form is available on the Emma Willard website, under ’forms’ and ’weekend travel plans.’ A student should complete the form promptly and thoroughly and submit it to her resident faculty member by check-in on Wednesday evening. Once forms have been completed, any changes should go through the resident faculty member. Regardless of her destination—her home or a friend’s home—a student must submit an invitation (either in writing, by telephone, or by e-mail) from her host or parents to her resident faculty member. Vacations and Other Leaves. Recognizing that travel reservations are at a premium during holidays, the school sends a calendar to parents well in advance so plans and reservations can be made ahead of time. Absence from classes will not be permitted to accommodate travel schedules. Schoolarranged transportation is not available before the end of the last academic day before a vacation or long weekend. Dormitory Closures. Dormitories are closed during Thanksgiving, winter, and spring vacations. They remain open until noon on the day following the last day of classes and reopen at noon on the day preceding the start of classes. Students who must leave a day late or return a day early should plan to spend the night with a day student or family friends in the area. Weekend Leaves. In order to create a sense of community and to establish the connections that are an essential part of residential life, all boarders must remain on campus for the first weekend of the fall semester. Except for closed weekends (see page 24), when all boarding students must be on campus, there are no additional restrictions on the number of weekend leaves.


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Realities Alcoves. Each hall has (or shares with a neighboring hall) a community space that is referred to as an alcove. These spaces are frequently used for hall meetings, academic help sessions, birthday parties, and general relaxation after quiet study hours. A microwave and refrigerator are located in each alcove. Students share the responsibility of maintaining the alcoves.

Daily Needs

Emma Willard School Identification/SmartCard System. All students are provided with an Emma Willard School identification/debit card (SmartCard) at the beginning of the school year. This card is used as identification for transactions in the school store, as well as off campus for identification and proof of age for movies, etc. The SmartCard allows parents flexibility in determining students’ discretionary expenditures. Essential expenses (this category is unrestricted) debited to the SmartCard include academic supplies, academic activities, art and athletic charges, various Health Center charges, Practicum driving charges, laundry fee for boarders, class dues, etc. It is required that a minimum balance of $100 be maintained on the card. Discretionary expenses (limits can be set by parents) debited to the SmartCard include student allowance, non-essential school store charges, calling cards, postage, and student activities. A $20 fee is charged to the student’s debit account for the original card. A fee of $15 is charged for replacement cards. SmartCard questions should be referred to the Business Services Office at (518) 833-1794 or via email to Parents and students may check the balance on the SmartCard by going to Allowance. The school recommends that students be given no more than $25 per week for incidental purchases and weekend entertainment. The school store will cash student checks at designated times. During orientation, the school will help students open checking accounts at local banks. Students are responsible for these accounts—repeated or deliberate occurrences of bounced checks may lead to checking accounts being closed. School Store. Located in Kellas basement, the school store is a hub of activity from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and offers café services in the early evenings.


Emma Willard School

Dining. Eating here can be described in one word: Delicious! Well, maybe two words if you asked the girls: Pizza Friday! Our dining services staff is committed to principles of sustainability, and as the first Fair Trade School in the United States, we locally source as much as possible. Kellas dining room serves both boarding and day students throughout the week. The kitchen provides three meals each weekday and brunch and dinner on weekends. Guests to campus (other than students, current faculty and staff, and alumnae) must purchase a meal ticket for meals in the dining room. Meal tickets are purchased in the Security office ($5/ticket). Meal hours are as follows: Weekdays Breakfast Lunch Dinner

7:00 a.m.–7:55 a.m. 11:15 a.m.–1:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m.–7:00 p.m.

Weekends Brunch 8:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m. Dinner 5:30 p.m.–7:00 p.m.

No dishes or eating utensils may be removed from the dining room. Students should bring their own mugs if they wish to take something to drink from the dining room. At no time may food (other than fruit) be taken out of the dining room. The kitchen itself is off limits to students, except with permission from the director of dining services. Given that such a large number of people eat together, courtesy and consideration must be exercised by all. Dress in the dining room during the week should adhere to the dress code. Pajamas (in good taste) are permitted at brunch on weekends only. Laundry Room. There are washers and dryers located in Sage basement. Students are responsible for doing their personal laundry or taking their dry cleaning to the local cleaners (within a short walking distance from EWS). Students are also responsible for the cleanliness of the laundry room. Washers and dryers do not require coins.

Student Possessions Items of Great Value. Students are strongly urged to leave any valuable jewelry or other hard-to-replace items at home since the school cannot be responsible for the loss of personal possessions. We strongly encourage students to store valuables such as passports and large sums of money in the Student Services Office. Each student receives a dormitory room key. A fee of $5 is charged for replacement keys.


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Lost and Found. The school’s lost and found is located in the Student Services Office. Personal Property Insurance. While each student has her own room key, and each room is locked with a master key by the resident faculty during vacations, the school cannot guarantee the safety of cameras, iPods, jewelry, cash, or other personal items of value. Although we have a standard procedure for reporting missing items (report filed with the assistant head for community life and security) and will help students locate their possessions, Emma Willard School does not assume responsibility for students’ personal items and carries no insurance covering student property. Parents have the option of insuring their daughters’ personal belongings. Summer Storage. Storage boxes of an approved size and reinforcement must be used for all storage. A total of three boxes per student may be stored at the school during summer months. International students may store up to six boxes. All boxes must be securely sealed and clearly marked with the student’s name and her rooming assignment for the following year. In addition, the school will store a student’s computer or printer in its original packaging and box. The school will take every precaution to assure protection of summer storage, but will not assume responsibility for any loss or damage.

Student Rooms Contents. We encourage our boarding students to personalize their dormitory rooms to help them feel at home. However, we do live in a historic structure, so much care needs to be taken when living in this space. Below are some guidelines to help create a home-away-from-home while maintaining the spaces that have been passed down to Emma Girls across generations. When you arrive, your room will include: twin bed, mattress (regular twin), desk, chair, bureau, and a light, which may be built into the desk. Students are expected to provide additional lighting (desk or bedside lamps, for example). Note: Halogen lamps are not allowed. Students are responsible for the condition and care of their rooms and their contents. Graffiti of any sort is unacceptable; cleanup or repainting charges may be billed to the student’s SmartCard account at the end of the year.


Emma Willard School

What to Bring. Blankets, bedspread, bed linens, towels, washcloths, laundry bag, pillow, wastepaper basket, floor lamp and additional lighting, flashlight, bicycle, and eating utensils (plate, mug, spoon, and bowl) for evening teas. All additional lighting must use compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) rather than incandescent light bulbs, and students are expected to provide the CFL bulbs. Warm clothes are essential in the winter months: sweaters, long underwear, waterproof boots, and parkas are all standard attire when the cold weather descends upon the campus. Bathing suits are also useful; free swims are offered throughout the year in Cheel Aquatics Center. Students may not have televisions, space heaters, immersion heaters, open burners, sunlamps, refrigerators, toasters, or other appliances deemed hazardous by the school. Decorating. Because of the damage that tacks and tape cause to wall surfaces, woodwork, and doors, they are not to be used. Each boarder has a bulletin board in the hall outside her room for her use. A minimum repair and cleaning charge of $50 will be assessed for the use of tacks, Fun-Tak found on walls or woodwork, tape found on walls, writing found in rooms or closets, or an unclean room at the end of the year. Posters affixed to the wall may cover no more than one-third of the wall area of the room so the fire hazard is kept to an acceptable minimum. Students may also use bulletin boards, which may be purchased at the school store. Tapestries cannot be hung on walls or from the ceiling because they present a serious fire hazard. For similar reasons, fabric must not be placed over lamps and wall-to-wall displays of photographs or magazine pages in student rooms or in the hallways are not allowed. Students are not permitted to decorate their rooms with paraphernalia connoting drug or alcohol use. Room Inspections. Weekly inspections of student rooms for both cleanliness and adherence to the decoration and fire codes are arranged by the resident faculty. These inspections, which ensure that rooms are maintained in clean and safe condition, are taken seriously. A student whose room does not meet the standards will find her activities restricted until it does. Every effort will be made to arrange inspections so the occupant of the room is present. Minimum regulations for inspection are: bed on bed frame and legs, bed made, food in covered containers, room sink clean, belongings neatly organized, and surfaces and floors properly dusted or vacuumed. If warranted by concerns for the health and safety of a room’s occupant or other students, the assistant head of school for community life may inspect a student room at any time.


Fine Print 2014-2015

Specific to Day Students Whether a day student or boarder, we are all bonded together by the community and rituals at Emma. Day students not only spend days together in the classroom, they also spend nights and weekends on campus studying, playing sports, for extracurricular activities, and hanging out with friends. Day students are fully integrated into boarding school life, are welcome to attend all meals, and are expected to participate in required all-school evening and weekend events. They are assigned to a corridor in a residence hall for social events and have ample opportunity for leadership positions at the school. Absences or Delay. Day student attendance at school will be noted by the record of their attendance at their first period class.

If a student is absent or late to school (this includes missing the bus), her parent must call the attendance hotline at (518)-833-1503 no later than 9:00 a.m. When the student returns to school, she may be asked to bring a note signed by a parent or guardian explaining the absence. Absence from a class because a student missed the bus will be considered an unexcused absence. Students who miss a class for any reason are responsible for obtaining homework assignments and making up missed classes. Day students are expected to remain on campus through the completion of their last academic/athletic commitment. If it is necessary to leave during the day for personal reasons, a student should see Student Services to gain permission for her leave. If a day student becomes ill during the day, she should go to the Health Center. From there she may call home and her absence will be excused. Day students must sign out with Student Services for any doctor’s appointment scheduled during the academic day. Lockers. Each day student is given a locker in which to store her books, school supplies, and other possessions. Day students must provide their own combination lock for their locker and are asked to keep their locker locked. Meetings. Day student meetings are organized and facilitated by the day student proctors. Meetings help to orient new day students to Emma Willard and help them meet other day students.


Emma Willard School

School Closings. Information regarding the closing or delayed opening of school because of inclement weather or other extraordinary circumstances will be available at or by calling the Security office at (518) 833-1300. Please do not assume that Emma Willard is closed when public schools are closed. Staying Overnight. Day students may stay overnight in the dormitories on a school night with proper communication between a parent and Student Services. Requests for overnights should be made at least 24 hours in advance. The visiting student must check in with the appropriate resident faculty member at dinner and must adopt all boarding routines—quiet study hours, signing in and out, room check-in, etc. Day students may not drive cars while they are living in the dormitories. Students should provide their own pillows and bed linens or sleeping bags. Day students may spend up to three nights at Emma Willard each semester without charge, space permitting. Any additional overnights must receive special permission from Student Services, and there is a charge of $25 per night. The location of the visiting student’s sleeping quarters is determined by Student Services. During the week, all overnight guests must sleep in the one day student room (to be reserved with Student Services on a first-come, first-served basis). On Friday and Saturday nights, sleepovers in friends’ rooms and/or a slumber party are acceptable, with resident faculty permission. When staying with a boarder, the day student and host must complete and submit a guest form to the boarder host’s resident faculty member. With the exception of approved slumber parties, the policy for overnight visitors is one person per bed. Day student families should not assume a bed in the dormitories will always be available for day student overnight requests. In the event that no bed is available for a requested overnight, the day student and her family must be prepared to make other arrangements. Unauthorized day student overnights will result in the loss of this privilege for the remainder of the semester.


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Emma Willard School


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Time on Campus. For safety reasons, it is essential we know who is on our campus at all times. For all students, this begins with their attendance at the first period of the academic day. Underclass students who do not have a first-period class are expected to sign in with Student Services by 8:00 a.m. Seniors, boarders, and day students have the privilege of signing in with the Student Services office before their first academic commitment of the day. Day students remaining on campus beyond 6:00 p.m. are expected to sign in at dinner with the resident faculty member on duty. This needs to be done as close to 6:00 p.m. as possible, with the only exception being an academic or sports commitment that causes a delay in the sign in. Any day student on campus at the beginning of study hall (7:30 p.m.) is expected to be observing study conditions, and is permitted to be in proctored study hall, the library, the student center, or Sage study. Exceptions to this include evening academic commitments or previously approved activities. When day students leave campus after 6:00 p.m. on a school night, they will sign out in the security office. All day students are expected to leave campus by 10:30 p.m. on school nights. Transportation. Transportation to Emma Willard is provided by many local school districts. Parents are also encouraged to explore car pool possibilities. Day students who drive to school must register their cars with security and park only in designated student parking areas. Students may not use their cars to go off campus for lunch or errands during the day (except for seniors, once senior privileges are in effect and with permission of the assistant head of school for community life). A resident student may ride in cars with day students if her parents have explicitly given her permission to do so on her permission form. The student must check with Student Services (during the academic day) or with the on-duty resident faculty (after school and on weekends) about this approval.


Emma Willard School

General Routines (for everyone) Cars. Students may ride in cars driven by faculty members or school and parent-approved drivers. At no time may a boarder drive any car without the explicit permission of the assistant head of school for community life. While under the jurisdiction of the school, students may not hitchhike—this includes traveling to or from school on weekend leaves. Resident students are not allowed to have cars on campus at any time; this applies to boarders who have signed out for weekend leaves. Dating. Boys and boyfriends do exist here at Emma. Sophomores, juniors, and seniors are required to have parental permission in order to spend time off campus with their dates (see student permission form). Freshmen are not permitted to date off campus. Guests, however, are cordially invited to visit any student on campus during visiting hours (see page 40) for meals, etc. Dress Code. We know for many girls, your sense of style says a lot about who you are to the world. As such, we do not have uniforms here at Emma, but we do maintain certain basic dress codes. During the academic day (8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.), students should treat the school as they would any serious academic environment. Earphones are not permitted in academic buildings during the academic day. While styles may change, not all current fashions are appropriate in the classroom. Students should dress modestly at all times. In order to reduce confusion, the following specifications regarding these policies have been established: Academic day (8:00 a.m.-3:20 p.m.) Students are permitted to wear: •Shirts, sweaters, sweatshirts, turtlenecks, or blouses •Dress pants, slacks, khakis, jeans, or corduroys that are neat and in good repair (no paint, rips, or tears) •Leggings may be worn. They must be covered by either a skirt or shirt/ sweater long enough to cover the front and back •Dresses and skirts that reach the end of a student’s fingertips when standing •Shorts that are neat and in good repair (no paint, rips, or tears), hemmed and reach a student’s finger tips when standing •Religious wear Students are NOT permitted to wear: •Clothing that is sloppy, tattered, or in disrepair •Clothing that depicts offensive symbols, inappropriate language, or drug, alcohol, or sex references


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•Athletic or dance wear including sweatpants and warm-ups, except during those activities or class meeting times •Yoga pants, spandex, Harem pants •Spaghetti-strapped tank tops, tube tops, halter tops, or anything that is low-cut or reveals the midriff area •Pajamas of any kind At all hours: •Spandex shorts may not be worn in the dining hall at any time •Shoes must be worn at all hours of the day - No slippers in the dining hall - No cleats in any building Exceptions: •Pajamas may be worn in the dining hall at brunch on Saturday and Sunday •Athletic teams may wear athletic jerseys or shirts on team spirit days If a student is in violation of a guideline of the dress code, a faculty member will ask her to change and report the violation to the assistant head of school for community life. A student who repeatedly violates the dress code will be sent to the assistant head of school for community life and be assigned a school service. Times Outside the Academic Day. When students are not in class, they are free to dress more casually, keeping in mind students are always expected to dress modestly. In the dining halls, appropriate pajamas may only be worn during brunch. In the residence halls, bathrobes must be worn to and from the showers. Formal Occasions. Dresses, skirts, and appropriately dressy slacks must be worn at plays, concerts, special dinners, lectures, convocations, and graduation. Students will be reminded of occasions when more formal attire is expected. Sunbathing. Sunbathing is permitted at the rear of the campus only, behind the Alumnae Chapel and beyond. Sunbathing in the gym courtyard is not allowed. Students are not permitted to sunbathe in the inner campus during the academic day, nor in front of the campus facing Pawling Avenue at any time. Casual Days. Throughout the academic year, clubs may sponsor days on which the student body may wear more casual attire, such as sweatpants or pajamas, to classes. The club will announce a casual day on the preceding academic day. Dress on sports teams’ spirit days must follow dress code guidelines.


Emma Willard School

E-mail and Internet Usage Usage. Upon enrolling at Emma Willard, each student is provided with an email account and access to the Internet. Email accounts are made available during the summer prior to enrollment at Emma Willard. Network account and Internet access are granted at the beginning of the school year after each student reads and signs an Internet usage agreement. School policy prohibits students from sharing their passwords, forwarding chain letters, using indecent, vulgar, or obscene language in an Internet forum, using the school’s email system to harass someone, or using the school’s system for commercial purposes. New students attend technology training sessions during Opening Week. Restrictions. Emma Willard students enjoy significant access to the Internet. We believe the Internet has the capability to supplement learning and meaningful connections outside Emma in significant ways. Students are not permitted to chat online or access the broader Internet during quiet study hours; however, email and other on-campus network resources must remain available during those hours. On school nights, access will remain available until 8:00 p.m. to allow students to access work, but then is not available through the remainder of study hall unless the student goes to the library. The cut-off time Sunday through Thursday by class is 9th grade, 11:00 p.m.; 10th grade, 11:30 p.m.; 11th grade, 12:00 a.m.; 12th grade, 12:30 a.m. On Friday and Saturday the cut-off time is 1:00 a.m. When a student’s Internet usage verges on overuse or addiction, or is marked by consistent late night hours, the resident faculty member, advisor, and the assistant head of school for community life reserve the right to restrict or eliminate that student’s ability to access the Internet. Access. Our data network covers nearly the entire campus, including the dorm complex. Access is available via wired connections and wireless connections. Each boarding student has a wired connection and access to wireless in her room. Public computers, a mixture of PCs and Macs, are available in the Dietel Library. For more information about access and computer specifications, please contact EWS Information Services, located in the basement of Slocum Hall ( or check out the website at


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Fire Drill Procedures During orientation and the first two months of school, fire drill procedures are practiced and reviewed with all students by the assistant head of school for community life and the resident faculty. At least twelve drills are held—at various times of the day and night—prior to December 1. The following procedures shall be followed for both daytime and evening fire drills held on campus. Daytime Drill (8:00 a.m.–3:30 p.m.) When the fire alarm sounds in a building occupied by students/faculty: 1. Students exit the buildings through the closest exit, in a quiet and orderly manner. Teachers remain behind until all of their students have exited the building. 2. Students and faculty walk to and enter the chapel. 3. Students sit with their classes and teachers. 4. Teachers will take attendance for their classes; the assistant head of school for community life or her delegate will take attendance for students not in a class at the time of the drill. Attendance sheets are given to the assistant head of school for community life or her delegate as soon as possible. 5. Attendance sheets will be given to the assistant head for community life or her delegate to confirm all students are accounted for. Any missing students will be cross-checked against the practicum list, the daily attendance sheet, the Health Center, list and the sign-out board fromStudent Services. 6. The chapel shall be kept quiet and orderly during this time to facilitate accounting for students and making any necessary announcements. 7. Once the all-clear bell sounds, students and teachers may return to their classes. Evening Drill (3:30 p.m.–8:00 a.m.) When the fire alarm sounds in a building occupied by students/faculty: 1. Students who are in their rooms are expected to do the following: * Put window shades up * Wear close-toed shoes * Take a towel * Wear a coat/jacket/sweatshirt * Leave lights on * Leave the door open * Evacuate the hall and dorm by way of the hall fire exit and proceed directly to the chapel where attendance will be taken by proctors. At the exit, the first student out the door should take the attendance clipboard and flashlight.


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2. Resident faculty should complete the following tasks before leaving the building: * Check each room * Close room doors after room check 3. Resident faculty should join students in the chapel and help maintain order and quiet. 4. Students sit with their assigned halls. Each pew will be labeled with the hall’s name so students will be able to find their places. 5. Attendance sheets are in the chapel and are given to the assistant head of school for community life or her delegate as soon as possible. Proctors will use these sheets to take attendance as they do for Morning Reports. 6. Attendance sheets will be given to the assistant head for community life or her delegate to confirm all students are accounted for. 7. The chapel shall be kept quiet and orderly during this time to facilitate accounting for students and making any necessary announcements. (Note: In the event there is a fire in the chapel, these procedures will be followed in Kiggins auditorium.) Food Deliveries. Pizza and other food may be received until 10:25 p.m. Sunday through Thursday evenings and until 11:25 p.m. on Friday and Saturday. No deliveries are allowed during the academic day or during quiet study hours. All deliveries should come to the front Sage loop (Helen’s Way). General Safety. Our security force consists of people who oversee our safety and patrol the inner and outer campuses. Students are expected to report any disturbances or strangers on campus to Security immediately. In an emergency, students are encouraged to use the red security phones located throughout the campus. Proper safety equipment must be worn when engaged in physical activities on campus. Helmets for biking, rollerblading, skateboarding, and scooter riding are required. These activities are not permitted on the track or inner campus.


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Guests on Campus Parents/Adults. Parents and adult guests (21 and older) may visit any time and are welcome at meals, but may not stay in dormitory rooms in respect for the space and privacy of our other boarding students. On a first-come firstserved basis, parents can be accommodated in the Gorham House guest rooms for a fee of $50 per room per night for one or two nights. These rooms are not available during Opening Days, Parent Days, Revels week, or the week before and including Commencement, nor are they available for extended stays. Hotel accommodations in the area can be found on the school’s website at Friends. All guests under the age of 21 must sign in with security when they arrive on campus. The hostess’s name and the guest’s name, home address, and phone number must be registered on a form provided for this purpose. If the guest is a driver, then the school will ask to photocopy the guest’s driver’s license. Guests are welcome to visit the school during the week as well as on weekends, according to the following schedule: Monday through Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

3:30 p.m.–7:25 p.m. 3:30 p.m.–11:25 p.m. 9:00 a.m.–11:25 p.m. 9:00 a.m.–7:25 p.m.

Students are responsible for the behavior and conduct of their guests and for introducing them to the expectations, procedures, and people at Emma Willard. All guests are expected to abide by the rules of Emma Willard. Guests are welcome to attend meals in the dining room, but must purchase meal tickets (at Security, $5) and always be accompanied by their hostess. Male friends are restricted to the first floor of the dormitories. Fathers, Brothers, and Other Male Family Members. Fathers are permitted in the girls’ dormitory area when necessary. Other male family members are permitted in the dormitory area only with the permission of the resident faculty. All are expected to be mindful of their activities in an all-girls’ dorm; their hostesses are responsible for their actions. Overnight Weekend Guests. Sisters and female friends/day students are welcome to stay overnight in a dorm room on weekends, with resident faculty approval. To have a friend spend the night, a boarding student must ask her resident faculty member for permission and have the guest’s parent


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call with permission and any special instructions. As a courtesy, the hostess is expected to introduce the guest to the resident faculty on duty. There are no overnight guests in the dormitories during Revels weekend. Because of packing and general security in the dormitories, all friends and family members of graduating seniors must find other accommodations on the night before Commencement. With the exception of approved slumber parties, the policy for overnight visitors is one person per bed. Morning Reports. On Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays, a mandatory all-school meeting is convened. in Kiggins auditorium in Slocum Hall. Presided over by designated members of the student body, this meeting is an opportunity for the community to gather together for announcements, birthdays, special messages, and various student performances. Students sit with their halls (including day students, who are assigned to halls), and proctors take attendance. Monday Morning Reports includes an inspirational message by a faculty member or student. To make an announcement in Morning Reports, time must be reserved through the academic office. Smoking. Smoking by Emma Willard students is not permitted while they are under the jurisdiction of the school. A student who is found smoking outside (on or off campus, while under the school’s jurisdiction) will face immediate disciplinary measures. Repeated infractions of this rule will result in suspension and, ultimately, a review of whether or not the student should continue at Emma Willard. A student who is found smoking inside any school building will be immediately dismissed from the school, without any discussion, by administrative disciplinary procedure (see the Code of Conduct, page 43). Electronic cigarettes are also not permitted. Teas. One night each week, teas are orchestrated by proctors and prepared and served by two students on each hall after quiet study hours (9:30 p.m.). Beverages, cookies, crackers, and cheese from the kitchen are usually supplemented by other treats prepared by students and supported by proctor funds. Day students are always welcome at hall teas. Telephone Use. A student may request a school phone for her room. Room phones are shut off at 11:00 p.m. Sunday through Thursday (10:15 p.m. for freshmen) and at 1:00 a.m. Friday and Saturday. Phone calls may not be made or received during quiet study hours (7:30–9:30 p.m.) and are prohibited after 11:00 p.m. Emergency calls after hours will be connected to a resident faculty member’s telephone. Cell phone use is permitted only in dorm rooms, the Student Center, and parking areas. A cell phone that rings in an academic area (e.g. class, inner campus, study hall, assembly, dining room, or a classroom building) will be taken away and given to the


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assistant head of school for community life. Out of respect for the community’s needs, cell phones may not be used in the dorm at any time dorm phones are shut off, either for calls or texting. If proctors, resident faculty, teachers, or the assistant head for community life feel this privilege is being abused because of failure to follow these guidelines or because grades and/or personal health are being negatively affected because of cell phone use, a student will lose her cell phone while at school. Television. The Student Center, located in Sage, has a large screen TV, with cable TV and DVD player, where students may watch TV or movies. Television is not permitted during the academic day (8:00 a.m.–3:30 p.m.), during evening study hours (7:30–9:30 p.m.), or after 10:30 p.m. on weekdays (with the exception of special programs, hosted by the resident faculty). After 11:30 p.m. on weekends, students must have special permission from resident faculty to be in the Student Center. Movie watching on DVD players or hand-held devices and personal computer use for non-academic purposes are strongly discouraged during the academic day and expressly forbidden during study hours and after 10:30 p.m. on weekdays. Community Service. Service to our community and our world is huge at Emma. We believe each girl has the power and responsibility to give back to the world. Whether service comes through small groups or a school-wide initiative, the experience provides meaningful opportunities for problem solving and leadership. Students connect with the community, locally or globally; take risks and learn from their mistakes; work as members of a team toward a common goal; and hone their leadership skills.


Emma Willard School

Code of Conduct At Emma, trust, honesty, and clarity have a direct impact on the quality of student life. To maintain the tight and trusting community we have at Emma, all community members are expected to follow our Code of Conduct. This includes both students and the adult members of our community. A student will be apprised of and involved in significant communication between the school and her parents/guardian. In disciplinary matters, the student involved will be informed of the dissemination of information regarding her case. It is expected that, when all other options have been exhausted, a student will have the aid of an appropriate adult in the community in resolving a concern with a faculty member or administrator. The student’s right to critical examination of school decisions, actions, and policies brings with it the responsibility to be accurate, respectful, and active in resolution of a concern. Just as students expect a certain quality of life at Emma Willard, students are expected to aid in the growth of this positive atmosphere.

Discipline The role of discipline at Emma Willard is to educate students and to maintain a safe, academically rigorous, challenging, and satisfying environment. Our disciplinary system responds to unacceptable student behavior because the community believes it is through facing the consequences of their actions that students learn about themselves. Discipline, even when it takes the form of punishment, benefits individuals by making them aware of how their behavior affects themselves and others. Disciplinary responses take into account both the needs of the individual and the needs of the school community. In deciding upon a disciplinary response, Emma Willard follows the Code of Conduct while also recognizing the legal responsibility of the school in the realization of such decisions. Behavior at Emma Willard is guided by the Code of Conduct, and all students are expected to abide by the standards of the school as outlined in the code.


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At the beginning of each school year, in advisor groups, each student is asked to read, discuss, and sign the Code of Conduct, thereby acknowledging her understanding of the expectations the school has for her and she must have for herself.

Code of Conduct Fundamental Rules Rule 1. A student will be honest and will respect the property of others. Cheating, plagiarism, lying, vandalism, and stealing are forbidden. Rule 2. A student should not engage in any act of hazing, bullying, harassment, or intimidation. Rule 3. A student will not possess, use, buy, sell, or traffic in illegal drugs or alcoholic beverages while under the jurisdiction of the school. Rule 4. A student will not tamper with fire equipment including fire boards and flashlights, fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, fire alarms, and any component of the fire suppression sprinkler system. Rule 5. A student will not violate a state or federal law.

Fire Policy. A student who kindles any form of flame in any school building will be dismissed from the school. This notice applies to matches, cigarettes, incense, fireworks, candles, charcoal, and/or any substance deemed flammable by the school. School Jurisdiction. A student is considered to be under school jurisdiction at all times when school is in session (unless the student is under the direct supervision of her own parents), when traveling to and from the school, when participating in school-sponsored trips, and when temporarily off campus. Any time a day student is off campus in the presence of a boarding student, she is considered to be under school jurisdiction and therefore responsible for adhering to all school rules and policies.


Emma Willard School

State and Federal Laws. Emma Willard School does not condone violations of state or federal laws. Such violations will be grounds for disciplinary action. The use, possession, and trafficking of drugs are illegal both in the state of New York and at Emma Willard School, and we will not knowingly permit the use, possession, trafficking, or other introduction of illegal drugs. Because of the seriousness of this issue, dismissal from the school is the disciplinary response in the absence of unusual circumstances, as determined at the sole discretion of the head of school or her designee(s).

Violation of a Fundamental Rule: Disciplinary Response A student found to have violated a Fundamental Rule is asked to report herself to the assistant head of school for community life. If the student fails to report the incident herself, she will be reported by the person who asked her to do so. The assistant head of school for community life shall then determine the facts of the case and consult the faculty chair of the Conduct Review Committee (CRC) about convening the committee. Through discussion with the assistant head of school, the student and assistant head are expected to come to an agreement on the question of guilt. Should this point of agreement not be reached, either the assistant head for community life or the student may request the involvement of the faculty chair of a CRC in the hope that an additional perspective on the incident in question will engender such agreement. Should agreement on the issue of guilt not be reached, the assistant head of school for community life will handle the incident administratively. Whenever a student violates a Fundamental Rule, expulsion is one of the responses considered. Typically, dismissal from school is recommended by a CRC in cases of an egregious violation of a Fundamental Rule or a repeated violation of any of the Fundamental Rules. The school reserves the right to dismiss a student any time her behavior is deemed to have a sufficiently harmful impact on the community or is a threat to herself. In such extreme cases, the situation is addressed by the head of school, the assistant head of school for community life, and other members of the administration as the head of school requires. Conduct Review Committee (CRC). The disciplinary response to a violation of the Code of Conduct is recommended by a CRC, a committee composed of three faculty members and four students. Once the assistant head of school for community life has called for a case committee to hear a Code of Conduct violation, the faculty and student chairs will, together, form that committee from the CRC pool. Service on a case committee will rotate through the CRC pool.


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The CRC committee pool comprises students, chosen by application, and ten faculty members (excluding the faculty chair). The students are in equal numbers per class. The student chair joins the faculty chair of a CRC to form all case committees and serves on each case with the faculty chair. CRC Procedure. When a case committee is convened, the assistant head of school for community life briefs the committee on the circumstances of the violation. The student who committed the violation is present for this briefing. The student who appears before a CRC may choose a student advocate and a faculty advocate to accompany her. Both may provide a character reference for her, and the faculty advocate remains with her throughout the meeting, helping her in any appropriate way. The student may also elect to have the school counselor with her for support, but not as a contributor at the meeting. The committee listens to the circumstances of the violation and considers precedents as well as the past disciplinary record of the student in recommending a disciplinary response to the incident. If an attempt to convene a case committee during the last week of each semester fails because of academic demands on student members, the disciplinary response for a violation of the Code of Conduct shall be determined by the assistant head of school for community life in consultation with the faculty and student chairs. This response is subject to review by the head of school or her designee(s). CRC Recommendation. The faculty chair reports the committee’s final recommendation in writing to the assistant head of school for community life. The assistant head, in consultation with the head of school or her designee(s), then decides whether or not to accept the recommendation and informs the chair, the student, the student’s parents, advisor, and resident faculty member of the final decision. If the recommendation is not accepted, the assistant head of school for community life will meet with the committee to give an explanation. All meetings of the committee are confidential, although a summary of the proceedings is given to the head of school and assistant head of school for community life. If the committee is unable to reach consensus in its recommendation, the matter will be referred to the assistant head of school for community life and the head of school for a determination. Disclosure of Disciplinary Information. Emma Willard’s disciplinary process is a means of educating both individual students and the entire Emma community. Accordingly, the school may share information regarding disciplinary matters with the school community for the purpose of furthering the education and learning of students and the school


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community overall. In doing so, we will be sensitive to the privacy needs of the individual students involved. Given the unique nature of boarding schools, students often encounter disciplinary responses that would typically be meted out by parents in a day school setting. After Withdrawal. When a student leaves school for any reason prior to graduation, she must contact the assistant head of school for community life or the head of school for permission before returning for a campus visit.

Sexual Harassment Policy Emma Willard School is founded upon shared respect for the individual and for each other. We strive to work, live, and learn in a safe and pleasant environment in which we value ourselves and each other. Inappropriate behavior of a sexual nature can undermine these goals and that respect. Believing these values are important to our community, it is the policy of Emma Willard School that no member of the community may sexually harass another. The faculty and staff of Emma Willard School occupy a position of great trust with respect to the well-being of our students. Faculty and staff are in a position of authority and influence over the students and must always ensure that this authority and influence are not abused. Sexual harassment consists of unwelcome sexual advances, sexual assault, requests for sexual favors, sexually directed remarks, displays of sexually suggestive material, and/or behavior of a sexual nature. Such behavior, whether adult to adult, adult to student, student to student, or student to adult, will not be tolerated at Emma Willard School. Under the guidelines of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, such conduct is illegal discrimination on the basis of gender when submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as a basis for promotion or other employment decisions, or the conduct unreasonably interferes with an individual’s job performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment. Response to Violations. Intentional or unintentional incidents of sexual harassment will be responded to in an appropriately swift and fair manner. Sexual harassment may take many forms. Without feeling constrained by specific definitions, any member of the Emma Willard community who believes her or his educational, social, or work experience is in any way compromised by incidents of sexual harassment should feel free to seek satisfactory resolution.


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Sexual relationships or activities between any member of the Emma Willard School faculty or staff and any student are improper, prohibited, and a basis for immediate dismissal from the school. Such relationships or activities may also constitute a crime or child abuse or maltreatment under the New York State Social Services Law. If a person has questions or concerns about a suspected incident of sexual harassment, the Emma Willard School community has in place a number of informal structures whose purpose is to provide a confidential environment for the airing of concerns of many kinds. Students, for example, should feel free to talk with the school counselor, the peer educators, members of the resident faculty, or their advisors should they feel a need to discuss any incidents of suspected sexual harassment and how, if appropriate, to proceed with a formal charge. Faculty and staff might want to talk with the school counselor, their department head, or their supervisor to discuss an incident of suspected harassment and how to proceed with a formal charge. Reporting Procedures. In all instances, when a student, faculty member, or staff member believes she/he has been sexually harassed, she/he should speak directly with the head of school, the assistant head of school for academics, or the assistant head of school for community life. In all cases, the head of school will be immediately informed of the incident. To insure a swift resolution and to protect the rights of both the accuser and the accused, the head of school will ask two persons selected from a group consisting of the assistant head of school for academics, the assistant head of school for community life, the director of resource management and strategic planning, the chief administrative officer, the chief financial officer, and the director of enrollment at Emma Willard. These two people will investigate the incident expeditiously and confidentially; meet with all concerned parties separately; and, uponreaching a determination, will recommend a course of action to the head of school. This may include, without limitation: • no action; • education of the community about appropriate behavior; • counseling; • oral or written warning; • suspension; or • dismissal or termination. Where legal action is required, the parties will seek legal counsel and act as advised.


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Peer Relationships in the Emma Willard Community We have worked with young women for nearly 200 years and our collective experience has shown us that our girls are not yet emotionally and physically prepared for healthy sexual relationships. We also know that prohibiting sexual relationships is an unenforceable rule. Accordingly, we ask all students to voluntarily refrain from developing sexual relationships. We strongly encourage students to seek out staff and trusted friends to discuss their feelings when they sense their ability to handle this expectation is in jeopardy. We expect each student to participate fully in learning about intimate relationships so that each student can develop the psychological maturity needed for all aspects of a healthy life.

Violations of Emma Willard Residential Rules Most violations pertaining to boarding life are addressed directly by the resident faculty. Chronic offenders meet with the assistant head of school for community life, who reserves the right to assign a response she deems appropriate, given the specifics of the violation and the student’s disciplinary history at Emma Willard School. Late Returns. In general, if a student is going to be later returning to Emma Willard than she originally anticipated, she must call the resident faculty member on duty with her revised itinerary and/or schedule. Failure to call or notify a resident faculty member will result in disciplinary action. Local Trips Off Campus. Failure to return by the scheduled time will result in the student’s temporary restriction to campus (amount of time “campused” to be determined by the resident faculty). Weekends. Failure to return by the 7:00 p.m. Sunday evening return time or by the time to which the student and her resident faculty have agreed (in the case of a scheduled late return) will result in temporary suspension of weekend leave privileges.

Meal Check-In Violations Breakfast Check-in. Kitchen duty for breakfast check-in offenders begins promptly at 7:00 a.m. by which time the student serving this duty must have checked in with the on-duty houseparent. The student is then to return to the dining hall at 7:30 a.m. for a 30-minute period assisting the resident faculty member.


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Sign-In/Out Violations. Students who fail to sign in and out correctly meet first with the resident faculty and face an escalating system of sanctions that culminates in a referral to the assistant head of school for community life. This progression is: First occasion: Second occasion: Third occasion:

Warning Restriction to campus—“campused� Referral to the assistant head of school for community life

Social Probation. It is crucial that students learn to be as mindful of the needs of others and the needs of the community as they are of their own. Each student must make appropriate choices about her conduct and behavior. Students unable to live with the standards associated with living in the community will be placed on social probation, a status that alerts the student, her family, and adult members of the school community to her questionable behavior. Social probation carries with it sanctions appropriate to the violation leading to the probation. At a minimum, she must meet regularly with the assistant head of school for community life to discuss her ongoing improvement. In addition, her invitation to return for the next school year may be deferred.


Emma Willard School

Guidelines for Use of Technology The Internet is a helpful resource for learning and entertainment and offers exceptional opportunities to maintain friendships and close ties with family while at Emma. We seek to make sure every Emma Girl understands the joys and learning opportunities available on the Web, but also the risks involved in over-usage, sharing of personal information, and piracy. Students may use the computer labs, the local network, and the Internet as educational resources, to communicate, and for amusement. The following procedures and guidelines help ensure safe and appropriate use: • At the start of each school year, students will receive technology training. • Students are required to sign the guidelines indicating their understanding of the rules and expectations. • Students are responsible for their use of technology and subject to consequences when they violate the guidelines. Students do not have an expectation of privacy when using the school’s computer systems and the school reserves the right to access a student’s email account. • Students are responsible for checking their Emma Willard email account and Schoology at minimum once a day.

Using Technology Safely 1. Students should never reveal any personal information unless they know their correspondent well, and even then, with care. Students should never reveal personal information about fellow students. Students should be aware that all information they put on the Internet is permanent. They have little control over how the information posted on the Internet is used. 2. Students should never get together with someone they “meet” online. 3. Students should not give away personal information online that would allow someone to find them. 4. Students should not respond to any threatening or suspicious messages. If a message is threatening or highly offensive, the student should report it to her resident faculty, her advisor, the school counselor, or Information Services.


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Using Technology Responsibly Students are expected to behave responsibly in their use of technology and to abide by school policy and generally accepted rules of network etiquette. These include (but are not limited to) the following: 1. Students should not copy papers or sections of papers off the Internet and hand them in as their own. This is an example of plagiarism, which is strictly prohibited and covered in the Emma Willard School Code of Conduct. 2. Students should be courteous and respectful in messages to others. They should not harass others through email, chat, electronic bulletin boards, blogs, or other apps. 3. Students should use appropriate language. Vulgarities and obscene language are not appropriate in electronic communication. 4. When corresponding, students should always try to do their best writing, and proofread and edit their messages. 5. Students should avoid sending mass emails unless absolutely necessary. 6. Students should not use other people’s devices or emails unless invited. They should not use the network to gain access to other computers unless invited. Hacking is prohibited. 7. Students should be gentle with school technology equipment they use, especially fragile items like digital cameras. 8. Students should not borrow, without permission, school technology equipment left in school spaces. 9. When downloading software, students should limit themselves to freely distributed, purchased, or evaluation software. Students should only download software to their own computers. Students should not engage in software piracy. 10. Students should be mindful that their activities on the network can affect others. 11. Students should not visit websites that peddle pornography, hate, or illegal activities. 12. Students should not engage in commercial activity of any kind. Running a business using school equipment or the network is prohibited. 13. Students should not reveal their passwords to others. Each student is responsible for all computing activities tied to her ID. 14. Students should be aware of copyright infringement laws and not pirate music, video, or other media. 15. Students shopuld not use social media to vent their frustrations.


Emma Willard School

Where to Turn for Answers Head of School Trudy Hall reports to the Board of Trustees and leads the Administrative Council in managing all aspects of school life, including curricular and cocurricular affairs, fiscal and staff management, enrollment and public relations, development, alumnae and parent relations, and long-range planning. Assistant Head of School for Academics John Ball reports to the head of school and is responsible for operational aspects of the academic program and hiring. He consults with teachers in matters of pedagogy, general school procedures, and classroom management, and oversees the academic and college counseling offices. Assistant Head of School for Community Life Judy Bridges reports to the head of school and is responsible for all aspects of co-curricular life. She oversees a student services program encompassing student leadership development, clubs and organizations, student activities, and new student orientation. She manages the student services staff and facilitates the student disciplinary process. Chief Administrative Officer Pete McCorkle reports to the head of school and is responsible for the campus technology, facilities, security, and auxiliary income efforts. He works closely with the chief financial officer to manage the school’s day-to-day operations. Director of Cognitive Skills De Shan Lett reports to the assistant head for academics. She monitors student academic progress and oversees academic support, study skills training, tutoring, and attendance. Director of Wellness (Athletics, Counseling, Health Services, Residential Life) Shelley Maher oversees wellness programs, the physical education classes and the varsity and JV sports teams, team transportation, and scheduling. Director of Business Services and Financial Aid Laura Bernard oversees the billing of student accounts, including SmartCard transactions. She also reviews applications for financial assistance and coordinates the work of the financial aid committee.


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Director of Health Services and School Counselor Mary Moore works with the assistant head of school for community life and is responsible for all student health services. She is available to students who wish to discuss personal concerns in confidence. Upon request, she makes referrals to private clinicians in the area. Registrar Diane McCorkle manages the academic schedule and coordinates student registration and scheduling. Parents may also contact the school through the parent email,

2014-2015 Proctors & Peer Educators Hall


Peer Educator

Kellas 3T Kellas 3L Kellas 3S H3 Sage 3S Sage 3Z Sage 3L Kellas 2T Kellas 2L Kellas 2S H2 Sage 2S Sage 2X Sage 2L Bridges

Hitomi Hayashi Lorraine Leung Emma Muschett Sophie Zhong Elsie Campbell Joie Mitchell Annika Wells Maya London-Southern Tatum West Patty Ho Lucy Lu Morgan Freehafer Joy Han Caelin Eisenberg Zoe Feng

Emma LeMay Lucy Duda Sherrie Want Camila Guerrero De Blois Lucy West Katey Forsyth Kaeley Stout Ava Xu Tessa Bloomer (none) Helen Thornton Candace Ng Marmar Ahmed Sosie Almasian (none)

Day Students


Annie Carver Rira Choi Hannah Christian Cara DePan Erin Hogan

Franchesca Finelli Tori Gernert-Dott Meghan O’Hara Victoria Panzanaro Hannah Jureller

Emma Willard School

Emma Willard School Council (Student Council) School Council is a group designed to represent the student body. It carries two primary responsibilities: 1. To listen to and, when possible, to address student concerns; 2. To provide two-way communication between the student body and the school administration. Composition School Council has eight seats: • One at-large member, elected by the entire student body • Four class representatives (one from each class) • One peer educator representative • One proctor representative • One international student representative While there has always been at least one day student and at least one boarding student serving on School Council, there is no guarantee this will always be the case. If, by chance, one of those groups is not represented, then it will be the responsibility of School Council to ensure the unrepresented group has a voice. School Council chooses a president among its members each fall. Other officers (e.g., vice-president, secretary) may be chosen at the same time. School Council is advised by one or two faculty members appointed by the head of school. Elections In the spring, the freshmen (rising sophomores), sophomores (rising juniors), and juniors (rising seniors) elect their class representatives at the same time they elect class officers for the following year. In addition, also in the spring prior to elections, those running for an at-large or international School Council position deliver a speech, or participate in a panel discussion, before the student body. Votes for at-large candidates are tabulated by present members of the council who are not candidates themselves and by the faculty advisor or the assistant head for community life. Only students may vote for student positions. Seniors do not vote. If, once votes are tallied, no clear winners emerge; School Council may schedule a run-off election. Class and at-large elections should be completed by the end of the third week in May. Early in the fall, the proctors and the peer educators choose their school council representative. A short time later, once the freshmen have had a chance to get to know one another, they elect their representative at the same time they are electing their class officers.


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Meetings and Expectations School Council meets during lunch two days a week. The meetings are open to the entire school community. School Council tries to meet with the assistant head of school for community life and the head of school at least once a semester. During the year, School Council members are expected to be in touch with their constituents, to listen to their concerns, and to keep them informed. They are also expected to attend all regular meetings.

Student Activities Student organizations and clubs are an important part of every student’s Emma experience. Each fall there is an activity fair at which students may learn about organizations and clubs and join those of interest to them. Some activities are traditional organizations and others are interest groups. Black and Hispanic Awareness (BHA) consists of students who meet to increase awareness of black and Hispanic cultures. This group annually sponsors multi-cultural activities. The Clock, Emma Willard’s student newspaper, is published five times a year. Foreign and American Student Organization (FASO) is composed of international and American students who wish to enhance cross-cultural awareness at Emma Willard. FASO sponsors international events. Gargoyle is Emma Willard’s yearbook. Junior Singing Group (JSG) is an a cappella singing group whose heads are chosen by election from the junior class and whose members are chosen by audition early in the school year. Triangle is Emma Willard’s art and literary magazine and is produced once a year. Twelve Tones is a senior a cappella singing group. Members are selected through auditions held early in September. The heads are chosen from the class’s Junior Singing Group. Special interest groups include the following: Agonies Campus Players Emma Green EmmaNow Emmasaries Fair Trade Pride Alliance Interact


Mock Trial Model UN Outing Club Phila Quiz Team Slavery No More Feminism Club

Student Organization for Animal Respect (SOAR) Tour Guides Fellowship of Christians in Universities and Schools (FOCUS) Science Olympiad

Emma Willard School

2013–2014 Student Leadership Senior Class President Vice President

(Meets in Maguire) Lily Whiteman ‘15 Justine Hu ‘15

Junior Class President Secretary/Treasurer

(Meets in Kiggins) Libby Evan ‘16 Anjuli Smith ‘16

Sophomore Class President Secretary/Treasurer

(Meets in Alumnae Chapel) Sasha Baskin ‘17 Nicole Holowka ‘17

Freshman Class

(Meets in Lyon-Remington) (Officers to be elected in the fall)

School Council Senior Class Junior Class Sophomore Class Freshman Class Peer Educator Proctor At Large International

Hannah Christian ’14 to be elected Kate Williams ’17 To be elected To be elected To be elected Margaret Kallus ’15 Dana Choi ‘15


Fine Print 2014-2015

Agonies BHA Choir The Clock Emma Green Fair Trade FASO Feminism Club FOCUS Gargoyle JSG May Day Mock Trial Model UN Orchestra Phila Quiz Team Science Olympiad Slavery No More SOAR Triangle Twelve Tones


Kristin Steede ‘15 Muna Amadife ’15 Danielle Silverman ’15 Zoe Feng ‘15 Isabelle Doyle ‘15 Ella Wherry ’17 Sheena Ma ‘16 Luna Li ‘15 Courtney Breiner ‘15 Beverly Guarnieri ‘17 Olivia Muro ‘15 Stephanie Waldman ‘16 Camila Guerrero ’15 Emma Muschett ‘15 Deena Mousa ‘16 Camila Guerrero ‘15 Ayano Kitano ‘15 Elaine Iwanicki ’15 TBD Mayura Balakrishnan ‘15 Kia Cating ‘16 Olivia Kibrick 14 Maryam Ahmad ‘15 Sophie Zhong ‘15 Margaret Kallus ‘15

Sasha Weilbaker ’15 Janelle Williams ’15 Isabelle Doyle ’15 Sunho Paik ’16 Dana Fein-Schaffer ‘15 Lucia Lu ‘16 Susan Liu ‘15 Jade Austin ‘16 Kristin Steede ’15 Rira Choi ‘15 Carolina Martins ’15 Sonya Wang ’15 Sasha Weilbaker ‘15 Dana Fein-Schaffer ‘15 Tatum West ‘15 Emma Sui ‘15 Chandler Ryan ‘15 Emma Wang ‘15 Kate McCarthy ‘15

Emma Willard School

Several Key Traditions and Events Traditions abound here at Emma. Senior Triangle, Maypole, Ring Week, Morning Reports, Senior Tea, Revels...You quickly find you are part of something wonderful. You’ll revel in being a part of our school community from Freshman Retreat to Commencement, when the entire school shows up on the lawn to hug the Senior Class before they leave campus. Whether you’re a “die-hard” (four-year senior) or an incoming sophomore, Emma traditions are yours to share. They inspire immediate connection and define friendships. They are tools for engagement, tears, laughter, and love. Advisor/Advisee Dinners occur formally at least three times during the year— on Opening Day, at Eventide, and in the spring. These family-style dinners give students the opportunity to sit down to a meal with their advisors and her/his other advisees. Athletic Desserts in the fall, winter, and spring honor the accomplishments of Emma Willard athletes and their teams. These are opportunities for coaches to thank their team members and to summarize their seasons. Principal’s Play Day is a surprise holiday announced by the head of school. It may occur any time in the school year. Senior Teas bring the senior class together two or three times during the year for conversation and activities. The Senior Triangle, the grassy center of the inner campus, belongs to the seniors and alumnae. No one else is allowed to step on it without permission from a senior or an alumna. The Serving and Shaping Her World Speaker Series brings talented individuals to campus for a 24-hour residency of speaking/performing and teaching. Recent speakers have included poet Major Jackson, Pennies for Peace founder Greg Mortenson, author and slavery activist Ben Skinner, and environmental attorney Laurie Burt ’67. August Before the official opening of school, day student proctors host a Day Student Party at the school to welcome new day students to Emma Willard and show them around the campus. Preseason athletics brings participants in fall sports together for preparation during the opening week of school.


Fine Print 2014-2015

Opening Week of school is a time for all students and faculty to learn about and form our community for the coming year. New students have the opportunity to meet teachers and returning students as we together begin to create community through classes and other fun activities. October Senior Dinner is a special time when faculty and seniors come together for a formal meal planned by the seniors and served by sophomores. Parent Days is a time set aside to welcome parents to campus to attend classes with their daughters, and to get to know their daughters’ faculty, advisors, and friends. This is a great time to learn about what life is really like at Emma Willard. December Peanuts and Shells is a weeklong tradition celebrated during the holiday season as inexpensive gifts are anonymously given and received. The week culminates in a party during which the gift-giver, the Shell, reveals her identity. Revels is the senior class production portraying the Yuletide celebration of a medieval manor family. The players include a jester, Morris dancers, marshals performing an authentic sword dance, and a Mummers play. As is the custom in the 100-year-old tradition of the play, the role of each senior is kept a closely-guarded secret from auditions in September until Revels night. The atmosphere of Revels week is festive and makes the holiday season a particularly memorable time at Emma Willard. Students attend the Friday night performance of Revels in formal attire. Eventide includes seasonal music and readings, culminating in a candlelight ceremony around the Senior Triangle and a reception and sing-along in Lyon-Remington Hall. February Emma Hart Willard’s birthday, February 23, 1787, is celebrated annually by the community and by alumnae around the world. Ring Dinner for juniors is organized by the senior class. At this time, juniors receive their school rings amid much ceremony with a dinner served by freshmen. April After several months of preparation by the junior class, students celebrate and enjoy their Prom. Any profit from the ticket sales goes to a charity selected by the junior class.


Emma Willard School

Honors Convocation is held annually to celebrate the induction of a small number of seniors into the national Cum Laude Society and to recognize the outstanding community contributions of those young women who are recipients of the EW Award. May Awards Night honors student achievement in each academic discipline, in community service, and in athletics. May Day is a traditional spring celebration featuring intricate maypole dancing by freshmen and the appearance of the senior May Queen and her court. Students participate in a Room Lottery. Rising seniors have priority in the assignment of rooms. The second Senior Dinner brings the faculty and seniors together to share memories at year’s end. The elegance of the meal is enhanced by junior servers. Seniors are given roses and inducted into the Alumnae Association at this dinner. Flame Ceremony celebrates the annual passing down of knowledge and experience as student leaders officially hand off their responsibilities. It is a time of farewell for the seniors and of welcome for the new student leaders. Senior Retreat takes seniors off campus for three days during the week prior to graduation. Life skills courses are offered and members of the class have an opportunity to spend a relaxing time with one another before graduating. Commencement weekend begins with rehearsals on Friday as seniors practice for Baccalaureate and Commencement exercises. Baccalaureate begins at 5:00 p.m. on Saturday in Alumnae Chapel and features a faculty speaker chosen by the seniors. Following Baccalaureate, seniors and their families and friends join the faculty for dinner, a concert featuring senior talent, and a commencement party. Dance music and presents for each senior (prepared by their sister class) make this a very special occasion. At Commencement the next morning, the seniors wear all-white, full- or tea-length dresses and carry a single red rose as they process to the ceremony. Following the ceremony, they stand on the edge of the Senior Triangle and are congratulated by the faculty.

All students are required to attend Opening Convocation, Revels, Honors Convocation, Commencement, advisor/advisee dinners, Awards Night, Flame Ceremony, community gatherings, special lectures, and other special events throughout the year.


Fine Print 2014-2015

Places at and Around Emma Willard Security is located in the front of Sage Hall, across from Student Services. Equipped with state-of-the art video cameras that provide comprehensive surveillance of the campus, the office is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The School Store is located in Kellas basement, around the corner from the mailroom. The school store is a hub of activity from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, with extended hours during times of peak demand. The Computer Center is located in Slocum basement and equipped with workstations, printers, and other technological resources. Numerous computer workstations are also available in the Dietel Library and Hunter Science Center. Emma Willard is equipped with both PC and Macintosh computers. The Health and Wellness Center is located on the ground floor of Hyphen Hall, at the Archway. A registered nurse is always available in the event of an emergency. The Laundry is the building next to the Elmgrove Avenue gate. It is home to the development and business offices. The William Moore Dietel Library is the central facility in the Snell Music/ Dietel Library/Maguire Art complex. The library collection contains books, eBooks, periodicals, CDs, DVDs, and the school archives. Reference books may not leave the library. Circulation is by self-service checkout. A printer/scanner is available for student use. Reserve materials are kept at the information desk and may be borrowed by asking the staff.


Emma Willard School

The library has wireless Internet access and public computer work stations linked to campus printers. Emma Willard subscribes to many databases for access to periodical articles, reference material, and primary source documents. The library also has an excellent network for inter-library loan of both books and periodical articles. The library Web page at has information about the library, with links to our online catalog, library blog, research guides, and online databases. The library is open: The library is staffed:

Archives is staffed:

Sunday–Thursday Friday–Saturday Monday–Thursday Friday Sunday Monday–Thursday Friday

8:00 8:00 8:00 7:30 8:00 7:30 1:00 8:00

a.m.–10:00 a.m.–9:30 a.m.–4:00 p.m.–9:30 a.m.–4:00 p.m.–9:30 p.m.–3:30 a.m.–4:00

p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.

Mailroom. The student mail center is located in Kellas basement. Faculty, staff, and boarding and day students receive mail there and may buy stamps or send packages in the mailroom. The mailroom is open Monday–Friday, 7:00 a.m.–8:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.–12:45 p.m. Information Services manages computer networks and provides services and technical support for all members of the Emma Willard community. It is located in the basement of Slocum (

In and Around Troy Located along the Hudson River, Troy is a city of 55,000 people and is more than 200 years old. Troy was a major center for the industrial revolution in the 1800s—birthplace of the detachable shirt collar and home to stove manufacturers, textile mills, stagecoach and carriage builders, and more. Today, it is home to The Sage Colleges, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and Emma Willard School. While Emma overlooks the city of Troy up on the “hill” of Mount Ida, students frequently make their way off campus, either on foot, by bus (the #286 bus to downtown Troy stops in front of Emma Willard), by taxi, or with a faculty member. Here are a few popular destinations and helpful phone numbers. Breakfast, Lunch Spots & Inexpensive Dinner Options Bacchus, 33 Second Street, Troy (518) 687-0345 Bruegger’s Bagels, 55 Congress Street, Troy (518) 274-4469 DeFazio’s Pizza (gourmet pizza/take-out), 266 4th Street, Troy (518) 271-1111 Francesca’s, 461 Broadway, Troy (518) 272-3726 The Whistling Kettle, 254 Broadway, Troy (518) 874-1938


Fine Print 2014-2015

* * * * * *

Illium Café, 9 Broadway, Troy (518) 273-7700 Manory’s Restaurant (breakfasts), 99 Congress Street, Troy (518) 272-2422 Shalimar Indian Restaurant, 407 Fulton Street, Troy (518) 273-8744 Spill’n the Beans, 13 3rd Street, Troy (518) 268-1028 The Daily Grind, 46 3rd Street, Troy (518) 272-8658 Brown’s Tap Room, 417-419 River Street, Troy (518) 273-2337 Carol’s Pizza & Subs, 536 Pawling Avenue, Troy (518) 271-7700 Lee-Lin’s Chinese Food, 539 Pawling Avenue, Troy (518) 274-8816 McDonald’s, 66 MainAvenue, Wynantskill (1.3 miles from EWS) (518) 283-2089 Mr. Subb, Inc., 625 Pawling Avenue, Troy (518) 273-0648 Chubby’s Sub East Side, 769 Pawling Avenue, Troy (518) 283-3300 Okinawa, 61 Main Avenue, Wynantskill (518) 286-2888 Finer Dining LoPorto, 85 Fourth Street, Troy (518) 273-8546 Plum Blossom, 685 Hoosick St., Troy(518)272-0036 River Street Café, 429 River Street, Troy (518) 273-2740

Dry Cleaning * Rainbow Cleaners, 10 Ford Avenue (across the street from CVS), Troy (518) 274-0981 Florists * Pawling Flower Shop, 532 Pawling Avenue, Troy (518) 273-4132 Fleurtacious, 470 N. Greenbush Rd., Rensselaer (518) 283-7262 Shopping (groceries and sundries) * CVS Pharmacy, 541 Pawling Avenue, Troy (518) 271-1706 * Cumberland Farms, 625 Pawling Avenue, Troy (518) 273-6736 * Hannaford Supermarket, 40 Main Avenue, Wynantskill (518) 283-0538 (just over one mile from EWS) Bakeries Bella Napoli, 721 River Street, Troy (518) 274-8277 * The Cookie Factory, 520 Congress St., Troy (518) 268-1060 Placid Baker, 250 Broadway, Troy (518) 326-2657 Banks Bank of America, 59 Third Street, Troy (518) 266-0519 Key Bank, 130 Fourth Street, Troy (518) 274-1213 Pioneer Savings Bank, 78 Main Avenue, Wynantskill (518) 283-5905 First Niagara, 32 Second Street, Troy (518) 270-3232 and 86 Main Avenue, Wynantskill (518) 283-8600 * Within walking distance of campus.


Emma Willard School

Directions to Emma Willard School From the East. Mass Pike (I-90) into New York State. Continue on I-90 (using exit B1) to exit 9, to Route 4 north. On Route 4, travel 1.5 miles to a right onto County Route 74 (Winter St. Ext.). Travel approx. 2 miles. When the road forks, bear left (leaving Route 74 and continuing on Winter St. Ext.) to end. Turn left onto Pawling Avenue (Route 66). Emma Willard is .8 miles ahead on the right, marked by a wrought-iron fence. From New York City. Exit 23 from N.Y. State Thruway to I-787 northbound to Route 7 east. Now see below “From All Points.” From Western New York. N.Y. Thruway (I-90) to exit 24. Follow signs for Route 90 east to Boston. Continue to signs for Route 787 north to Troy. Follow 787 north to Route 7 east. Now see below “From All Points.” From the North. Take Route I-87 south, exit 7, Route 7 east to Troy. Follow signs for Bennington, Vt. Now see below “From All Points.” From All Points Above. From traffic light at end of Collar City Bridge follow 7 east (Hoosick St.) to the 3rd traffic light. Turn right onto 15th St. and follow it to the end (approx. 1 mile). Turn left onto Route 2 east and proceed to Route 66 (Pawling Avenue) at the 2nd light, then bear right onto Route 66. After the 4th traffic light, Emma Willard will be on your left. Continue along front of campus to the main gate.


Academic Calendar 2014-2015 August 2014 18-19 Mon.-Tues. 20-21 Wed.-Thurs. 20 Wed. 21-23 Thurs.-Sat. 24 Sun. 25-29 Mon.-Fri. September 1 Mon. 2 25

Tues. Thurs.

Labor Day – no classes in session, sports practices Classes meet Rosh Hashanah (school in session)

October 4 Sat. 13 Mon. 15 Wed. 17-18 Fri.-Sat. 19-21 Sun.-Tues. 21 Tues. 22 Wed.

Yom Kippur Columbus Day (school in session) PSATs Parent Days Long Weekend Students return by 9:00 p.m. Classes resume

November 21 Fri.

Thanksgiving vacation begins at 3:20 p.m.

December 1 Mon. 2 Tues. 19 Fri. 19 Fri. 20 Sat.


New teacher orientation Faculty and Staff meetings Proctors and Peer Eds arrive Proctor and Peer Ed Training Opening Day Opening Week

Boarders return by 9:00 p.m. Classes resume at 8:00 a.m. Winter break begins for underclasswomen at the conclusion of Revels (10:00 p.m.) Fall semester ends at 3:20 p.m. Revels performance at 1:00 p.m. for senior parents; vacation for seniors begins at the conclusion of the performance

January 2015 7 Wed. 8 Thurs.

Boarders return by 9:00 p.m. Spring semester begins. Classes resume at 8:00 a.m.

February 13 Fri. 14-17 Sat.-Tues. 17 Tues. 18 Wed. 23 Mon.

Winter Long Weekend begins at noon Winter Long Weekend Students return by 9:00 p.m. Classes resume at 8:00 a.m. Emma Willard’s Birthday

March 13 Fri. 29 Sun. 30 Mon.

Spring Break begins at 3:20 p.m. Boarders back by 9:00 p.m. Classes resume at 8:00 a.m.

April 5 17 18-20 20 21 24-26

Sun. Fri. Sat.-Mon. Mon. Tues. Fri.-Sun.

Easter Spring Long Weekend begins at noon Spring Long Weekend Students return by 9:00 p.m. Classes resume at 8:00 a.m. Alumnae Reunion

May 30 31

Sat. Sun.

Baccalaureate 201st Commencement at 10:00 a.m.

June 1 2-5 7

Mon. Tues.-Fri. Sun.

Reading Day Exams for 9’s, 10’s, 11’s Dorms close at noon


Daily Schedul Monday A 8:00-8:45 B 8:50-9:35 Reports C1


Tuesday F1 8:00-8:20 F 8:20-9:15 Reports A1


Lunch/Club 12:05-12:40 Lunch/Club 12:40-1:15

B 10:55-11:50 B1

11:50-12:10 Lunch 12:10-12:45


12:45-1:05 G 1:05-2:00

E 1:15-2:10 E1


F 2:35-3:20 Dance 3:35-5:00 PE 3:45-4:50 Teams 3:40-5:45 Dance Co. 5:00-6:30 Music 5:30-6:10/6:30 Dinner 5:30-7:00

Study Hall 7:30-9:30



A 9:55-10:50

C 10:15-11:10 D 11:15-12:05



C 8:50-

F 9:45-

E 10:40

Lun 11:30-

B 12:15

A 1:10-

D 2:05-3:00 D1


Dance 3:35-5:00 PE 3:45-4:50 Teams 3:40-5:45 Dance Co. 5:00-6:30 Music 5:30-6:10/6:30 Dinner 5:30-7:00 Music 6:30-6:45/7:25 Study Hall 7:30-9:30

Dan 3:35-

Tea 3:40Danc 5:00Mu 5:30-6:1 Din 5:30-

Publicatio 6:30-6:4 Study 7:30-

le 2014-2015 Thursday 8:00-8:20


C -9:40

F -10:35

E 0-11:30

nch -12:15


Class Mtg. B1






D 10:05-11:00

A 11:00-11:55

C 11:05-11:50



A -2:00

D 1:15-2:00

ons/Music 45/7:25 y Hall -9:30


B 10:00-10:55

Lunch/Club 12:15-12:45 Lunch/Club 12:45-1:15

ams -5:45 ce Co. -6:30 usic 10/6:30 nner -7:00

G 8:20-9:15

E 8:20-9:15

B 5-1:05

nce -5:00

Friday 8:00-8:20


C 2:05-3:00 C1


Dance 3:35-5:00 PE 3:45-4:50 Teams 3:40-5:45 Dance Co. 5:00-6:30 Music 5:30-6:10/6:30 Dinner 5:30-7:00 Music 6:30-6:45/7:25

Lunch/Club 11:50-12:20 Lunch/Club 12:20-12:50 Advising 12:50-1:15

F 1:15-2:10 F1


E 2:35-3:20

Teams 3:40-5:45

Dinner 5:30-7:00

Study Hall 7:30-9:30


Fine Print 2014-2015

Calendar of Vacations Fall Long Weekend Sunday, October 19 Tuesday, October 21, 9:00 p.m. *Thanksgiving Vacation Friday, November 21, 3:20 p.m.Monday, December 1, 9:00 p.m. *Winter Vacation Underclasswomen Friday, December 19, 10:00 p.m.Wednesday, January 7, 9:00 p.m. Seniors Saturday, December 20, 5:00 p.m.Wednesday, January 7, 9:00 p.m. Winter Long Weekend Friday, February 13, 3:20 p.m.Tuesday, February 17, 9:00 p.m. *Spring Vacation Friday, March 13, 3:20 p.m.Sunday, March 29, 9:00 p.m. Spring Long Weekend Friday, April 17, 12:00 p.m.Monday, April 20, 9:00 p.m. *Dormitories will be closed during these vacations.

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