Strategies for Visual Research

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Sweet Treats Tea Party created by

Emma Wilson Previous -- Home -- Next

Contents Intro Glossary OUTCOMES Discover DELVE DEFine develop DEliver bibliography Previous -- Home -- Next

Sweet Treats Tea Party Sweet Treats is a company that hosts tea parties at the clients home. During the party the guests will learn how to bake and decorate cupcakes, while taking part in games and competitions. It will be a unique and fun way to socialise with their friends, perhaps for a birthday or special occasion. We put a modern twist on traditional baking.

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Sweet Treats Tea Party • We are more afforadable than any similar existing companies • The guests pay a price per head • They are privided with the needed baking materials and ingredients, a bottle of wine and a party kit at the end of the night • We organise everything for them • The guests don’t have to travel far as the party takes place at one of their homes

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glossary Discover

AGO - CAF - Six Thinking Men (x2) - Category Connection - Target Audience Starter Question - Beginning of Ephemeral Collection - Secondary Research


Survey Monkey Questionnaire - Digital Ethnography; target audience & small companys - Target Audiences own Photo Documentation - Personal Photo Documentation Group Crit - Character Profiles - Short Culture Question - Secondary Research - Collection of Ephemeral items

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glossary DEFine

Receiving Information Questionnaire - Collection of Ephmeral items - Secondary Research - Highlighting key information


PMI - Concept Challenge - Visual Audit - Probe Pack - Title Testing Feedback through Social Network - Testing through Email - Testing through Social Network - Name of Concept Testing - Secondary Research

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Testing through Email Secondary Research

Group Blog Please visit our PBL Group’s Blog:

*The Five D’s*

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This is how I got to these outcomes...

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Sweet Treats Tea Party in the stage

discover Previous -- Home -- Next

Discover At this stage, the only aspect of the project that we new as a Problem Based Learning group, was that; Our client was a small business, that our message was to appreciate culture and that our target audience were style conscious 20-30 year olds. After defining our project triggers and researching and listing a number of different research methods, we started to put some of them into action.

Six Thinking Men

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Discover At this stage we chose to use some of the research methods that would have probably been more beneficial at a later point in the project. However for us, it provided a way to think about our three project triggers in more depth and it gave us a solid place to begin in the development of our project. As a group we had some initial ideas of what potentially our small business could be, these included; boutiques, music venues, cafes, art galleries and fashion shops. However we kept it broad as we didn’t think that we were meant to be focusing on any specifics yet.



Six Thinking Men

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Discover During the discover period, as well as all of the stages, I completed alot of secondary research. At this present time, it was to help me discover other existing research methods and to view them in action.



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Discover After the initial implementation of various research methods, individually I started to focus on what I personally wanted to discover about the project triggers and also began to look at what culture meant to me (left). Then with Akhil and Daniel we began to work on what we wanted to discover as a group, using the Six Thinking Men as a starting place, to really question our three variables (right).

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Six Thinking Men

Discover From the Six Thinking Men, the dominant question we decided to work on was; What is the Culture that we are going to focus on? We realised that culture can mean anything, so instead of creating an endless list, we thought about cultures in categories. Akhil, Daniel and I used our new research method, Category Connection, to visualise our work. We placed the a list of cultures in the middle and then main categories associated with these around the outside and then connected what cultures linked to which categories. This helped us to see what influences one another and what cultures affect which categories.


Category Connection

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Discover Individually I wanted to find out more about the target audience Dominant Question: What are the top 5 things that you enjoy doing? Why: To find out, in a non systematic way, what cultures the target audience are involved in and what they really enjoy doing. Method: I Asked the question through Facebook, as this is something that a large number of my target audience regularly spend time on. So I wasn’t asking them to do anything irregular to their normal routine.

Tallying Results

Time: I only gave the target audience roughly a day to reply, as I really wanted to get my project underway. In this time I received 39 responses, which is a pretty successful number Who: Style conscious 20-30 year old’s - mainly friends and people from University

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Discover Visually Representing Results

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Discover Top 5 Results in Order Results Graph music/djing

Seeing Friends/Bfs/Gfs



Clubbing/Pubs This allowed me to discover some extremley important information about the target audience and it also enabled us to start narrowing down our brief. It was vital to find out what our target audience enjoys doing, as we want to create our outcome to appeal to them.

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Discover At this stage, the majority of us had really worked as a PBL group, implementing a number of research methods, in order to aid the growth of our project. It was helping to lead our work into an actual direction. Again, we kept it quite broad in terms of defining who and what our three project triggers were, as we didn’t want to jump in too early at this beginning stage. However, everyone had their own or group ideas, with the main idea at this stage being to focus on a small music venue and for the message to be about appreciating music and art, so therefore we could potentially create an event night. Our blog was also great as a place for us to put all of our group and seperate resources. It was a shame that during the whole project, not every member of the group contributed to it substantially.

My Potential next stages • to continue collecting related ephemeral material • field ethnography or digital ethnography • nterviews with the target audience or designers who have completed a similar project • questionnaire/survey for our target audience to find out more information from them, such as their favourite venue to visit on a night out and why

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Sweet Treats Tea Party in the stage

delve Previous -- Home -- Next


My Digital Ethnography

Method: To use my phone or camera to take pictures of any items that I like, any activities that I am doing or places that I visit.

Why: To see what kind of subjects I took pictures of, to use as a comparison tool and to see if there are any subjects that stand out.

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Time: To complete this task in roughly a week, in time for the presentation and so that I had time to document my findings.



The Target Audiences Digital Ethnography

Method: To use their phone or camera to take pictures of any items that they like, any activities they are doing and places that they visit. 7 members of the target audience took part.

Why: To visually see what the target audience do in their daily routine, places that they enjoy socialising in and activities that they enjoy doing.

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Time: To complete this task in roughly a week, in time for the presentation and so that I had time to document my findings.




Location: Camden Market Why: It’s a popular place, that attracts a range of people

Why: To see what kind of activities my target audience were doing and what would seem to be most popular

Time: 11.30-13.30

*FLICKR* Previous -- Home -- Next


documenting small companies

Location: Camden Market Why: As there are a mix of market stalls, shops and sheds. Plus alot of my target audience visiit, so obviously the shops and stalls must appeal to them

Why: Hopefully this will help me to build some more ideas on what small company I want to focus on

Time: 11.30-13.30

*FLICKR* Previous -- Home -- Next

Delve I decided to gather qualititative data as I wanted to understand more about my target audience in a real environment. Therefore it was extremely useful visiting Camden, plus I could also see a completely different range of inspiring shops. Plus It was extremely beneficial to complete both types of digital ethnography, as it allowed me to get a better insight into my target audience. I categorised and visually represented both sets of digital ethnography that both myself and my target audience completed, into a simple graph. It was interesting to see how similar some of the results were and obviously what categories were the most popular. The digital ethnography helped me to see what activities the target audience like doing, places that they go and things that they like, through their own eyes, as well as my own. It has allowed me to pick out the most popular categories, in which some of them will be great ideas and development points in helping me to pick my small company and the exact message that I want to deliver.

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Categorising Digital Ethnography

Delve Top 5 Categorised Results from the Digital Ethnography of the Target Audience Activities Items They like food/drink animals I had an idea for us to hold a focus group where we could find out opinions and views from our target audience on how they like to receive information. So we could present to them different examples of posters, postcards, leaflets, flyers, websites, tv ads and messages online to see which ones appeal to them and to find out their preferred ways of receiving information on events, special offers, new shops etc. This could then potentially help us when designing our own project outcomes.

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At the delve stage the majority of the time we worked seperately, with the exception of Meg and Akhil. This was because it seemed clear that we all were not going to work on the same project idea, so we focused on delving into finding out what we might want to focus on seperately. However we held a group crit halfway through, where we discussed ideas of what we could do next and how we could help each other as a group.

Delve I created a survey for my target audience to complete, as I wanted to find out more indepth information about them. I hoped by delving into discovering such things as what places they liked to visit and the reasons why, that it may help me to find patterns and popular places that could inspire me in deciding on my message and small company, as well as potentially develop ways in which to attract them to my small company. I sent the survey out through email and on Facebook, this time I received 17 responses.

Gender that took part

Would you say that you are style conscious?

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Delve Top 4 Results from the Survey What Influences you in deciding where to go? Friends somewhere new recommendations uniqueness Cheap pricing personal desire

Favourite Places Previous -- Home -- Next

Delve Character profiles

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Delve At this stage I was finding it hard to decide on what small company I wanted to focus on and therefore the message that I would deliver. I was thinking of maybe narrowing the target audience down, perhaps to focus on one gender, being females. In total I had received most responses and willingness to help from ladies in their young twenties. I think the target audience could be too large to leave it as all style conscious 20-30 year olds, as that involves alot of different groups and styles. I was thinking about mixing up a few ideas, from the results that I had acquired from the research methods. Such as; food + music = this could be an event where the target audience make cakes, while listening to music, socialising and having a few drinks. Or; drinking + socialising + fashion = perhaps a clothes swapping night, with drinks, snacks and music.

Main Ideas at this Stage Message: Pop Culture -fashion and music • Clothes swapping night - to appreciate different fashion trends • Travelling clothes swapping van - to appreciate fashions from different locations • A pop-up shop (monthly event?) cupcakes, drinks, music - small entry fee • Pop-up shop there could be a different themed event every month • The target audience puts in ideas of what they want the pop-up shop to be the next month • Or a pop-up shop with market stalls outside • Vintage/arts and crafts shop • Cake making night with music and drinks

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Similar Existing Ideas

Delve At this point, as a group, we needed to start asking more specific questions, especially on culture,. I think most of us had all been doing this in our own way. I hadn’t just wanted to ask what cultures my target where part of, as culture is defined differently by every individual. So instead I had been finding out what activties they like doing and what places they liked to visit. So we had individually started to ask our target audience what they believe culture is but now we were going to expand on this as a group. Therefore we each began asking a few people. The answers could therefore potentially help us decide what the message is that we each wanted to deliver. Continuing to collect postcards, posters, leaflets etc that I feel are aimed at the target audience we are working with. By collecting a vast amount of visual data it will help later on when I am creating my own designs


From the feedback I received after the delve presentation, it was expressed that the other members of the group could use my methods of documentation as a starting place for their own projects. So at this point it was great that I could potentially help the other members of the group, if they wanted to use any ideas from the work that I had completed so far. I was finding it helpful and interesting to see some of the work that Meg and Akhil were producing, as they were sharing it on the blog. Unfortunately, it was a shame that not all our group were doing this.

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Sweet Treats Tea Party in the stage

define Previous -- Home -- Next

Define In the end our planned focus group didn’t work out but instead we created a short questionnaire that we handed out to the target audience, mainly at University. The purpose of this questionnaire was to find out how our target audience prefer to receive information. The most important piece of information that we received from the results, was that actually the favourite way in which our target audience like receiving information is through recommendations by friends.

“Identifying the intended audience, and what types of message and media they respond to the best, is an important part of visual communication.” Visual Communication by Jonathan Balwin and Lucienne Roberts

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Define Narrowing down Concept Ideas From the Delve stage I was starting to think of a few ideas to focus on for the project triggers. This involved ideas such as a pop-up shop where there are different events every month; combining ideas from my research, such as a clothes swapping event with music or an event night such as making cupcakes but it would be a fun social night, with music and alcohol. For the Define stage I had started to move towards focusing on one idea, which I felt would fill a gap in the market, especially for this target audience. I had decided to narrow the target market down to females in their young twenties, as they had occupied the majority of my results so far. So at this point I was looking at focusing on an event/pop-up shop where the target audience would come along to make cupcakes, learning recipes and tips on making them. There would be music playing and drinks available to buy. This idea really was taking in to consideration the results that I received from the various research methods that I completed. By combining a mixture of results, I was creating one idea that involved many of the target audiences favourite activities and enjoyments.

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Define “A design aimed at a specific audience will have more effect than when aimed at a wide one, Knowing your audience is key to successful design.” Visual Communication by Jonathan Balwin and Lucienne Roberts

“The underlying assumption is that audience participcation in the design process will generate culturally appropriate aesthetics that resonate with the audience.” Design Studies by Audrey Bennett

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Define How I got to this stage

From the first question that I asked the target audience (What are the top 5 things that you enjoy doing), their top five answers were: fitness/sport, clubbing/parties, shopping, friends and music. From my survey I discovered that the places that the target audience enjoy going to included: bars, shops, starbucks, the gym, clubs, cafes and places to eat. From the survey I also discovered that the main things that influenced the target audience’s decisions in what places to visit were: friends, somewhere new, recommendations from others, cheap pricing, uniqueness and personal desire. When categorising and visually representing the results from the digital ethnography that the target audience completed these were the top things that they took pictures of: activities, food/drink, items that they liked, animals, clothes/shopping and technology Even though eating and food haven’t always come out top of the results I have seen them as regular answers in the results of all my research methods.

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Define In our group tutorial, Joanna helped me to see that the cultural aspect would be to get young ladies more involved in baking. So the message would target an audience that has lost the skill of baking. I could use ideas such as competitions and bake-offs to help increase the interest and variety at an event. Now I needed to find a client who could build this idea into what they are doing already. So it would be a way for the company to grow, without actually needing to grow. For now I am creating the concept on my own, to then pitch to other potential clients.


How do you revive the traditional skills of baking among young ladies in london?

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Define Beginning to research into companies that host parties at the clients home, is what made me decide on having the cupcake making experience, something that takes place at the clients home. It was clear to see how highly priced the existing ones where and how none of them were aimed at my target audience. Even researching into baking parties, I found that there were some general cooking classes that took place at the clients home but I didn’t find any focused on just baking, plus these were targeted at older adults. I did find some baking parties but these were for children.

“The credit crunch, it seems, is turning us into a nation of domestic goddesses�


So it seemed as though baking parties were aimed at children, cooking classes aimed at adults and cupcake decorating classes aimed at hen parties, children, birthdays and one off experience days. Plus in these cupcake classes, the majority of the time you are only decorating the cupcakes, not baking them. While looking into cake making and decorating courses it seems as though most of these involve visiting the actual location, not the class coming to your own home. This is all why I mainly decided on my idea of a cupcake making party as I could see that there was a gap in the market.

This is London, London Evening Standard, Best Baking Classes in London

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Define My Final Concept

Problem with Trigger: Client

Cupcake Making session • A social night or period in the day, with music and lots of fun • Actually learning how to make and decorate cupcakes, combined with drinking cocktails • Competitions for the best made and decorated cupcakes • The event would involve paying a price per person but then this would include a tutor to learn how to make and decorate the cupcakes, baking materials and for the girls to keep lots of cupcakes at the end of the night, plus a Party Kit. • We would organise and arrange the event but it would take place at the clients house.

Potential clients: • Bakeries: Hummingbird bakery, Lola’s Bakery, Primrose bakery, Crumbs and Dollies, Buttercup Cake shop, Bea’s of Bloomsbury, Violet, Treacle... • Experience days: Virgin, Buy a Gift, Getting Personal, Find Experience days, Xperiences, Last Minute, Treat Me, Over 500 Gift Ideas... Bakeries • Fitting the concept into their existing brand • They don’t do any kind of party events. • Creating the awareness of the new venture to the target audience Experience Days • They don’t take place at your home • They are very expensive • You don’t actually make the cupcakes, only decorate them • There is alot ot false advertising in their promotional material

While completing secondary research into existing companies, I discovered that nothing existed that was exactly the same as my concept and none of the cupcake parties were aimed at my target audience.

*TUMBLR* Previous -- Home -- Next

Define The secondary research and the highlighting of important information was really key at this stage. This was the main research method used at this point, as it really helped me to see what was currently existing and then to see how I could improve and change them, to help aid my own concept.

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Information on Experience Days

Define Problem with Trigger: Message

Problem with Trigger: Target Audience

• • •

Changing the stereotypical target audience for this type of ‘culture’ To make the message more appealing for this generation To modernise the culture to make it more appealing To portray the message in an interesting and fun way

• • • •

To get the target audience to engage with a traditional skill To modernise baking and make it more appealing to a younger generation Change their perception on baking To get them involved with an activity that they might not normally do To produce this idea into a package and a brand that will appeal to the target market

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Define Page from my Define Presentation

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Define Language

I Looked at the language used in cupcake related articles and websites, so that it could then help me when creating my own promotional material. Here is some of the popular wording: intoxicating / fresh / delicious / bright / welcoming / family / atmosphere / darling / soft / feminine / classical / modern / young / sophisticated / girlie / chic / elegance / cozy / scrumptious / delicious / buzz / nestled / treating / exceptional / devouring / favourite / best / warming / treats

Highlighting descriptive words and phrases

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Define “The cupcake trend is still on a [parchment baking] roll - except that where in 2008 we were buying ‘em, now we’re making ‘em.” Foodepedia - Creating the Cupcake, 2010 Lois London


Researching into the trend of the cupcake is why I decided to focus on cupcakes as being the main baking item for my concept. Hopefully the cupcake trend will help my concept to appeal to the target audience. There could easily be room for the inclusion of more baking items in the future. During this stage, again our PBL group were mainly working individually. I was allowing the other members of the group to see what I was working on through our blog and I could also see some of what Meg and Akhil were working on as a team. I felt this was a good lifeline, as it helped me to feel inspired from what they were doing and I could also check to see if I was working along the right lines.

Some of the feedback and my ideas of what I could possibly do in the next stage: • Ask target audience what words that they dislike and like from the words that I have highlighted from the cupcake websites • Visual audit of existing related material • Concept challenge for ideas generation • Methods - visual review - look at the wording • Name? -how do you sell the idea? -meaning as well as visual • Give the audience a chance to think of ideas of what the outcome would be - keep it open • How does the audience like to receive information? • Keep in mind - 1. Something that would sell to the client 2. Something that would sell to the target audience

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Sweet Treats Tea Party in the stage

develop Previous -- Home -- Next

DEVELOP I started the Develop stage by completing PMI on my concept as it allowed me to see aspects that I need to consider, work on and keep in mind while developing my ideas. Next I used the Concept Challenge. This was to help enable the beginning of my ideas generation process. It helped me to start thinking of concepts that I could potentially use as part of the campaign to promote the new Cupcake concept.

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DEVELOP Page from my Develop Presentation - Visual Audit of Cupcake Websites

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DEVELOP I created 8 probe packs for members of my target audience to complete. Included in the probe packs were; information about my project; language, type and name testing; colour picking, receiving information rating and a suggestion page. The probe packs were one of my favourite research methods as I think the style and design of the pack really allowed my target audience to engage with the cards. It was something much more interesting than just a plain online survey. The packs also provided me with results that really shaped the rest of my project, as they provided me with a solid foundation in which to work from.

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DEVELOP I was researching into all things cupcake related so that I could get a good idea of existing material. I could then compare the different fonts, designs and colours used in the different cupcake promotional material. I was also looking into different types of packaging, as well as cupcake ephemeral, as I was trying to find unique ideas and inspiration for my own ideas.


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DEVELOP I created a number of quick and dirty initial ideas in response to the Concept Challenge. I wanted my ideas to be visual play tools, that the target audience could take home, use in their own time and then remember the company. I then tested them on Facebook by uploading the images and asking the target audience to comment on them. I decided to test them on Facebook as this seems to be the quickest way to receive responses.

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DEVELOP All of the feedback helped shape the development of my ideas. Next I tested several different aspects in my developed prototypes, which were a mixture of results received from the research methods so far and my own inituitive. These included: colour combinations, fonts, styles and designs. I tested these on Facebook and through email.

Some of my early prototypes

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DEVELOP Concept Names


Using feedback from previous research methods on language and existing names, I then created several of my own names to test with members of the target audience at University. I asked them all to write down their favourite two names:

The feedback from all of my initial testing gave me some great foundations to work from to start developing particular prototypes, such as these cupcake mix boxes. The idea is that the cake mix box would be a visual play tool, that will help the target audience to remember the cupcake company at a later date.

Scrumptious Treats / Beautiful Bakes / Pink Delights / Scrumptious Sprinkles / Sweet Cheeks / Love Cupcakes / Sweet Hearts Cakeshop / Fresh Fairies / Cupcake Fairies / Sweet Cakes / Sweet Treats / CandyCups / Sweet Treats was the most popular with the target audience and then with Joannas advice, I added Tea Party to the name to help describe the company.

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DEVELOP *TUMBLR* Cupcake Mix Box Prototype

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DEVELOP It was disappointing that at this stage of the project we weren’t really working as a PBL group. The majority of the time, when I needed feedback from my target audience, which some of the members in my PBL group were part of, I wasn’t receiving any responses. I found this quite frustrating as we were all meant to be working together. I always gave feedback to members of our whole DGC group, who required it. This is where I felt that a number of people intertwined between PBL groups to create support networks for one another. So I really appreciated the help from other people during the different feedback and testing stages. For the next stage of the project I planned to continue testing and developing my prototypes into actual outcomes.


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Sweet Treats Tea Party in the stage

deliver Previous -- Home -- Next

DEliver I created a number of prototypes, always testing and then developing them. To the left you can see one of the PDFs that I sent out to members of my target audience through email. By testing through email I could receive detailed feedback that would be most beneficial for my development. Accompanying this, where a number of questions to help prompt there feedback.


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DEliver “The stripes design reminded me of the candy bags for haribo, the one you use in the cinema but I think that's good.”

“Not keen on the one with the dots, only because I dont like the rectangle over it.” Anna Magombe

Marta Puchala

“They are all bright and fun, which is the right message that they need to give to the customer.”

“I think the stripey design works much better.” Kathleen Slaney

Lucy Wilson

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DEliver I delivered a number of outcomes during our last presentations but these outcomes still had room to be worked on and improved. The Deliver presentations where a great way to receive feedback from both my tutors and members of our group, which all shaped the developments that were to come afterwards and for the creation of this PDF.


*TUMBLR* Party Kits

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DEliver Collection Cards

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DEliver Final Cupcake Mix Box

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DEliver When improving my outcomes I mainly worked on the typography, styling and coloouring, as I wanted to give the outcomes more of a vintage feel. After firstly improving a few of them on the computer, I then screen printed a few of the outcomes, which you saw at the beginning of the PDF.

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DEliver I experimented printing onto paper bags, which where much harder to print onto. These bags would be used to put cupcakes into.

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DEliver Sweet Treats Tea Party screen printed labels.

“It’s really simple, calming, and very female orientated.” Dominique Marshall

“It has a slightly traditional feel, cute and not overdone.” Anna Magombe

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DEliver Overall I have found this project extremely beneficial and I have really appreciated focusing the majority of the project on the actual research methods, which I feel has resulted in a stronger project. It is great that we now have this massive resource of research methods that we could use for future projects, including even when we finish University. Through the project I feel that I have engaged well with every stage and always understand the purpose behind it. Also I found it really beneficial working to the two week deadlines, as this kept the project in constant progression and provided me with a great time plan to stick to. Looking back I would have liked to have created more outcomes using screen printing but this can be an on going project. The PBL group, at different stages during the project, has allowed us to work in teams and to have a group available if ever we needed help. I feel that the dynamics of the group have been variable during every stage of the project, therefore resulting in the communication between us all constantly changing. All I can say though is that I felt I was there for my group, I would always answer any questions and help if needed. Also by always putting my work onto the blog, I was continuously sharing the development of my project. I would have liked to have seen

all the members of the group doing this, as it was always interesting and helpful to see what the individuals in the group were getting up to. I did find it dissapointing that the females in the group didn’t always help when I needed feedback from my target audience, especially as we were meant to be assisting one another whenever we needed help. However when we were all working together, at the beginning stages as a team, we did all work well together and produced some effective results from our research methods. So even though there were ups and downs during the whole project, it has been a very helpful experience working in a PBL group.

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Bibliography Bakeries and Experience Days


Bea’s of Bloomsbury Buttercup Cake Shop Buy a Gift Crumbs and Doilies Euphorium Bakery Flour Power City Gail’s Artisan Bakery Konditor and Cook Lastminute Primrose Bakery The Hummingbird Bakery Treacle Virgin Experience Days Violet

40 Winks Hotel Best Baking Classes in London Cupcake Fetish Do good feminists bake cupcakes? Foodepedia Life is Sweet Londons Best Cupcakes My Home Cake Baking Business Mexx Design Research Project Research Method Flickr Turning Creative Ideas into Money Clothes Swapping Events Cupcakes and Cocktails The Cupcake Trend Young Females Baking

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Bibliography Inspiration


Cath Kidston Peyton and Byrne Hope and Greenwood Cuppacakes Johnny Cupcakes Influencers

Design Methods by John Chris Jones Design Research methods and perspectives edited by Brenda Laurel Design Studies theory and research in graphic design by Audry Bennett Essentials of Visual Communication by Bo Bergstrom How to be an Explorer of the World by Keri Smith Lovemarks the future beyond brand by Kevin Roberts, Ceo Worldwide and Saatchi & Saatchi Wally Olins: The Brand Handbook by Wally Olins Visual Communication by Jonathan Baldwin and Lucienne Roberts Visual Research by Ian Noble and Russell Bestley

Design Sponge Flickr Cupcake Ephemeral Cupcake Promotional material River Island Traditional Packaging Unique Packaging Vintage Packaging

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