Handmade Design

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Handmade Design

secondary research

group tutorial

Handmade Design

secondary research

group tutorial

Handmade Design

research question

aims Through using both secondary and primary research methods I wish to find out if handmade design is being used only because it is a contemporary trend. Using interviews to find out opinions from both designers who create handmade design and clients with whom commission it.

To generally become more knowledgeable about handmade design as this is something that I wish to focus on for my final year. To design the final report in an interesting and effective way, showing an improvement in my layout and typographic skills.

To increase my awareness in designers who work with the handmade aesthetic, to become more knowledgeable of existing handmade projects and to really discover what type of handmade work really interests me. To find out further about the reasoning in which designers and clients use handmade work and why the resurgence of handmade design really started.

my blog

Reflection Quotes Videos Images Interviews Links to websites Examples of projects Updates on my work

key findings While completing both primary and secondary research methods I found that it was clear that handmade design is seen by many to be a contemporary trend.

“I hope the amazing designers out their like Cody Hudson, Geoff Mcfetridge, Mike Perry and Josh Cochran will help take handmade design to the next level where it is not just a trend.” -Jolby & Friends, interview conducted via email

“It’s a combination of being on-trend, creatively rewarding, and providing the unique, imperfect finish that only handmade can.” -Nick Carson from Computer Arts, interview conducted via email

“It is this insatiable quest for a distinct identity that will ensure that the trend for making stuff is only going to grow.” -Making Stuff, page 12

key findings

But for other designers, such as Anthony Burrill he doesn’t see handmade design as being a trend.

“I see the same kind of work that’s been done for years really” -Anthony Burrill, interview conducted via phone

“Using it fresh it seems like its more of a trend, you know but I see kind of the work around now that people I was at college with were doing 20 years ago” -Anthony Burrill, interview conducted via phone

key findings

Indepth discovery from a number of different sources in why people wish to use handmade design.

“As a countermovement to mass-produced, fully digital works lacking warmth and uniqueness.� -Tangible, page 5

key findings

From the interviews that I have conducted so far with both designers and clients, the most important parts have been finding out:


Clients •

Why they decided to use the handmade aesthetic for a particular project

Why the project was a success to the target audience

Why they personally think that other companies have used the handmade aesthetic in recent projects

What they personally think the appeal of handmade design is

Why they personally decided on focusing on creating handmade work or a mixture of handmade and digital work

Whether they think clients commission their work just because the handmade aesthetic is a contemporary trend

The benefits to a client of handmade design

Why they personally think clients decide to use their handmade work

The secondary research that I have completed has been extremely useful in finding out about many different aspects of handmade design but having asked designers and clients set questions the direct answers that I have received back have really helped me to get a more personal and indepth answer.

key findings- My thoughts

“Handmade and hand-drawn skills have always been there, but it feels like in the last couple of years there’s been a growing appreciation for traditional arts and crafts” -Nick Carson from Computer Arts

Summary •

• •

Its obvious that it is a trend but I personally don’t think thats why it is used. I think it is used for its distinct qualities, such as its authenticity. Its popularity has made handmade design accessible to a wider audience Most clients want to commission handmade design because of its uniqueness and appriateness to the project Perhaps it is some of the bigger brands that commission handmade work only because it is a trend

I think that it is obvious that handmade design is extremely popular at the moment, due to its resurgence in recent years because of its counter movement to mass-produced items and the digital age. Now, instead of just using the computer, a larger number of people want to incorporate more of their own personality into their work. They want to personally feel more satisfied by the time and energy that they have put into the creation of their handcrafted work. Due to this resurgence in popularity I feel that it is this grown awareness and appreciation of the aesthetic in which people are now using handmade design more. Personally I think that people are using handmade design not just because it is a trend but greatly because it has now become more accessible and well known to the general public. It has become easy to be a part of the DIY movement with the simple step by step tutorials online, meaning that it is much more accessible for people to learn and become a part of this movement. I think that many of the designers who use handmade design have done for years and will only choose to engage in this aesthetic as it is what they personally enjoy doing or because a particular client has resquested the use of the handmade aesthetic in a particular piece of work. From the interviews that I have conducted so far, I think it is clear from some of them that handmade design has been around for years and many people have still been using this aesthetic in their work. So it is not that because it is a ‘trend’ only now are designers using the handmade aesthetic. Mainly designers feel that clients commission their work because of the unique style, qualities and the way in which that particular designer/studio works, rather than it just being a trend. Plus so far in my research it seems that most clients commission the handmade aesthetic for its unique appeal and the authentic qualities in which the work evokes. I think that it is perhaps more likely the bigger clients who maybe use the handmade aesthetic now because it is a trend, so that it will hopefully help to make their brand look more authentic and appeal to a wider audience.



To help me think about the structure of my report I started to look through the interviews that I had conducted so far and picked out several pages off of my blog and then started to higlight key words and potential subject areas. Here are some key words about the feelings that handmade design evoke and also the emotions that many feel having created the handcrafted work.

unique talent stunning a celebration visual impact timeless appreciate enjoy imperfect finish vibe fun approachable beautiful lighthearted feeling original replicating magic craftsmanship softer another dimension liberating purposeful energy intellectual gratifying passion individuality reconnect creative joys appropriate

rewards profound satisfying pleasure real time inimitable dedication haptic authenticity privilege imperfections indulgence inventive personality nostalgic reaction personal honest genuine irregularity dignity integrity accomplishment pride worth rarity valuable direct meaningful ambitious humanness


This process really helped me to see key areas and words that regularly appeared within different areas of my research. Here are some of the subject areas that I picked out.

“Taking a closer look at the business side of the handmade movement, it’s clear that its success is heavily due to the pairing of the internet market and the DIY trend.” -Imre Home IQ

structure Next I started to think of possible chapter titles, while thinking about what section of my report would appropriately accompany it. I listed some quotes and phrases that I have found and appeal to me from my research and also some single words. Perhaps I could combine a mixture of these?

Run in Parallell


A clear, unique voice


Perfect fit


A Celebration




Fuck Art, Let’s Craft


Hand in hand


Will stand apart


Lighthearted feeling Distinct identity Over saturated

structure Next I started to think of possible chapter titles, while thinking about what section of my report would appropriately accompany it. I listed some quotes and phrases that I have found and appeal to me from my research and also some single words. Perhaps I could combine a mixture of these?

Run in Parallell


A clear, unique voice


Perfect fit


A Celebration




Fuck Art, Let’s Craft


Hand in hand


Will stand apart


Lighthearted feeling Distinct identity Over saturated

structure Next I started to think of possible chapter titles, while thinking about what section of my report would appropriately accompany it. I listed some quotes and phrases that I have found and appeal to me from my research and also some single words. Perhaps I could combine a mixture of these?

Run in Parallell


A clear, unique voice


Perfect fit


A Celebration




Fuck Art, Let’s Craft


Hand in hand


Will stand apart


Lighthearted feeling Distinct identity Over saturated


So these are the chapter titles that I am thinking about perhaps using at the moment. Potentially they could easily change as I continue with my primary and secondary research.

Run in Parallell - The pairing between handmade design and the internet Perfect fit - The appropriateness of handmade design to the particular project Fuck Art, Let’s Craft - Perhaps a little history or general info (its resurgence) Will stand apart - The skills involved Lighthearted feeling - The non-threatening, approachable feel evoked Over saturated - Digital couldn’t do it Timeless- Time and cost of creating the handmade work Reconnect or Passion- The qualities of handmade design Liberating- Process of creating the work

next steps

I have completed my introduction so now I will continue with writing the rest of the report, while continuing to use secondary research methods to gather more information along the way.

To hopefully receive even more of the answers to my interview questions that I am waiting for and to conduct a face-toface interview with Container Plus this Thursday. Books that I want to still read: Playful Type, Hand Job and Drawing from Life by Jennifer New I wish to look at Drawing from life to view other potential styles that I could use as inspiration for the designing of my own report. To visit two relevant exhibitions that I found, both curated by Rob Ryan: ‘The Stars Shine all day too’ and ‘You’re Job is to take the World apart and put it back together again... but even better!!!’ To start with practice layouts and aesthetics for my report. Potentially to test these inital layouts and receive feedback from students, as they are my target audience

inspiration for my report I have been looking mainly into different types of journals, sketch books and diaries, mainly ones that designers have created. As well as magazines such as Oh Comely which has a beautiful design, it is extremely simple and elegant but it still incorporates some lovely unique design features. I want to incorporate some of these influences into the design of my own report but not so that it is too over powering. I wish to create a pleasant balance by using both digital and handmade techniques to create the report.

inspiration for my report


After looking at some more sources of inspiration, I want to then start experimenting and creating some initial layouts, which hopefully you guys wouldn’t mind giving me your feedback on. So for now, if you have any feedback on my presentation, or any issues and questions please feel free to ask me now... Maybe if you have any feelings or ideas on a particular way or an individual feature that you think that perhaps I should include in the design of my report. Or a particular project or book that you feel would be beneficial for me to look at...

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