Blue zones

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Ikaria, Greece



An 84-yearold octopus fisherman spends nearly eight hours a day free-diving in Okinawa, Japan

Photograph by Stephanie Sinclair/National Geographic Creative. Map illustration by Sarah Daniel,

Wine, walking and beans: just some of the things the world’s longest-living people have in common. Emma Winterschladen spoke to Dan Buettner, bestselling author and founder of the Blue Zones Project, about what we can learn from the globe’s longevity hot spots on the art of living long and well.


he desire to live a long and happy life is perhaps one of the universals of being human. Throughout history, we have sought out ways to both extend our lifespan and improve the quality of it. But what if the key to longevity was far simpler than we all thought? That’s the question Dan Buettner set out to answer when he travelled – with a team of researchers for National Geographic – to five areas of the world identified as having significantly higher rates of people living past the age of 100. Many factors are at play in determining how long we live – including our predisposition to diseases, lifestyle and luck. Interestingly though, studies suggest that around only 25 per cent of the variation in human longevity is due to genetics, with Dan also pointing out that ‘where you’re living


is statistically the biggest ‘A limited region where the non-genetic influence on how population shares a common healthy you are’. Admittedly lifestyle and environment Dan’s recognised Blue Zones and whose exceptional – Okinawa, Nicoya, Ikaria, longevity has been Sardinia, and Loma Linda – in accurately verified.’ The Blue Japan, Costa Rica, Greece, Zones: Areas of exceptional Italy and the US respectively longevity around the world, – are a far cry from the busy Michel Poulain et al, 2013 urban areas in which many of us live. And while we can’t all move to a remote island or community in the mountains, the aim of Dan’s Blue Zones Project is to bring the wisdom of the world’s centurions to everyone – wherever we may be. ‘Often, it’s small adjustments – those that make the healthy choice an easy one for people in their communities – that make the biggest difference.’ 71

Photograph byGinaluca Colla/National Geographic Creative

A 98-year-old man and his wife on the Greek island of Ikaria

Plant power

Across all Blue Zones, the focus is on a plantbased, unprocessed diet – rich in beans and greens. It can’t be a coincidence then that recent studies show that eating less meat contributes to lower rates of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity. Take Nicoya, an 80-mile peninsula just south of the Nicaraguan border in Costa Rica, with the lowest middleaged mortality rate on earth. Here, Dan says, ‘the big secret of the Nicoyan diet is the “three sisters” of Meso-American agriculture: beans, corn and squash.’ Then there’s Okinawa – the southernmost islands in Japan – which have historically been known as the ‘Land of Immortals’. Today they are still home to the highest disability-free life expectancy, with women in particular living the longest of anywhere in the world. Aside from a diet rich in natural oestrogens, including soy, many older Okinawans still grow their own vegetables and medicinal spices such as mugwort, ginger and turmeric. In Ikaria, a quiet Greek island in the Aegean Sea, they eat a typically Mediterranean diet of fresh fish and vegetables, including lots of potatoes, beans and horta – a nutrient-rich wild green. With myriad studies suggesting that both men and women who adhere to a Mediterranean diet are 10-20 per cent less likely to die of heart disease, cancer or any other cause, it’s perhaps not surprising that they boast such longevity.

The art of slow living

But, of course, other factors are at play – aside from eating habits. Dan explains: ‘A large part of longevity is shedding the stress that is so often associated with busy modern lives. We saw this done most effectively through meditation, belonging to a faith-based community, as well as getting daily natural movement like walking.’ Across all the Blue Zones, exercise is effortlessly interwoven into the day. In both Ikaria and Sardinia, the mountainous terrain means that walking everywhere is a given, whereas in Okinawa, low-intensity physical activity is an integral part of daily life, with activities such as karate, kendo, dancing, tai chi and gardening all popular into old age. ‘You won’t find any Blue Zones residents joining gyms, running marathons or taking supplements!’

What’s the point?

The Okinawans call it ikigai and the Nicoyans plan de vida – but both roughly translate to ‘why I wake up in the morning’. For Dan, this is one of the most central components to living long: ‘In the Blue Zones the elderly feel a sense of purpose and responsibility to help raise children and support the community, and research suggests this can add a good seven years to your life.’ What’s more, it 73

9 LIFE LESSONS FROM THE BLUE ZONES as discovered by Dan Buettner

For many of us, the aim is not to simply live a long life, but a healthy and happy one. And whether we live in a big city or on a remote island, there are steps we can all take to live a life full of vibrancy and vitality well into old age.



Incorporate little physical ‘nudges’ into your day – whether that’s getting off the bus a stop early, taking the stairs instead of an escalator, or gardening at weekends.

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Be it our career, children or a project we’re currently working on – it’s good to remind ourselves daily of our sense of purpose.

Photograph byGinaluca Colla/National Geographic Creative

Locally produced raw honey is an important part of a healthy diet in Ikaria, Greece


seems happiness and longevity also go hand in hand – a good reason to do what you love, as often as you can. ‘We rarely met any grouchy centenarians, and found that many of the principles that make us happy also keep us living.’ With studies suggesting that loneliness can take up to eight years off life expectancy, compared to the most connected people, and be as harmful for our health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day, the importance of social engagement cannot be underestimated. It’s here that the Blue Zones offer a lesson in the importance of seeking meaningful connections. ‘Surround yourself with loved ones. In Okinawa, locals maintain a social network called a moai, which is a lifelong circle of friends that support each other – both emotionally and financially – throughout their lives.’ Surely something we can all take on board. Dan Buettner’s new book The Blue Zones of Happiness: Secrets of the world’s happiest places (National Geographic Books) is out this October and available for preorder on, where his previous titles are also available to buy.


No matter how busy you are, try to weave ‘pockets of still’ into your days and find your own routine for dealing with stress – be it a cup of tea with a friend or a walk in the park by yourself.



The Okinawan’s 2,500-year old Confucian mantra hara hachi bu recommends we stop eating when 80 per cent full. Try eating from smaller plates and having your lightest meal in the evening.





Make vegetables and legumes the centre stage of your diet, and grow your own if you can. Keep meat as a side dish, or reserve it for special occasions and celebrations only.

Four out of the five Blue Zones drink alcohol moderately and regularly, often over a shared meal. The key is to drink little, rather than binging at weekends.







All but five of the 263 centenarians interviewed belonged to a faith-based community. Being part of a community with a common belief, whatever that may be, is statistically good for longevity.

Keeping ageing parents and grandparents nearby or in the home not only helps them live longer, but also lowers disease and mortality rates of children in the home, too.

Seek out like-minded people through activities such as volunteering, workshops, book clubs and yoga classes. It’s a great way to make sure we’re connecting with others regularly. Adapted from the ‘Power 9® ’ on

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