Decieved Detained Damaged

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2.5 million men women and children are forced into slavery at any given time as a result of human trafficking. More than one person is trafficked across a border every minute. 43% of victims are used for forced sexual exploitation. One woman can earn a trafficker between £500 and £1000 a week. Women are sometimes forced to work 16 hours a day, having sex with multiple men. 54% of traffickers are strangers to their victims. 46% of traffickers know their victims. Of all the trafficking victims 56% are in Asia and the Pacific. 10% are in Latin America and the Caribbean. 9.2% are in the Middle East and Northern Africa. 5.2% are in Saharan countries. 10.8% are in industrialized countries. 8% are in countries in transition. 1.2 million children are trafficked every year. For every 800 victims trafficked only one trafficker is convicted. Human trafficking is one of the largest sources of income for organised crime. The estimated global annual profit from trafficking is $ 31.6 billion dollar. $9.7 billion is generated in Asia and the pacific. $1.3 billion dollars is generated in Latin America and the Caribbean. 2.5 million men women and children are forced into slavery at any given time as a result of human trafficking. More than one person is trafficked across a border every minute. 43% of victims are used for forced sexual exploitation. One woman can earn a trafficker between £500 and £1000 a week. Women are sometimes forced to work 16 hours a day, having sex with multiple men. 54% of traffickers are strangers to their victims. 46% of traffickers know their victims. Of all the trafficking victims 56% are in Asia and the Pacific. 10% are in Latin America and the Caribbean. 9.2% are in the Middle East and Northern Africa. 5.2% are in Saharan countries. 10.8% are in industrialized countries. 8% are in countries in transition. 1.2 million children are trafficked every year. For every 800 victims trafficked only one trafficker is convicted. Human trafficking is one of the largest sources of income for organised crime. The estimated global annual profit from trafficking is $ 31.6 billion dollar. $9.7 billion is generated in Asia and the pacific. $1.3 billion dollars is generated in Latin America and the Caribbean. 2.5 million men women and children are forced into slavery at any given

time as a result of human trafficking. More than one person is trafficked across a border every minute. 43% of victims are used

for forced sexual exploitation. One woman can earn a trafficker between £500 and £1000 a week. Women are sometimes forced to work 16 hours a day, having sex with multiple men. 54% of traffickers are strangers to their victims. 46% of traffickers know

their victims. Of all the trafficking victims 56% are in Asia and the Pacific. 10% are in Latin America and the Caribbean. 9.2% are

in the Middle East and Northern Africa. 5.2% are in Saharan countries. 10.8% are in industrialized countries. 8% are in countries

in transition. 1.2 million children are trafficked every year. For every 800 victims trafficked only one trafficker is convicted. Human trafficking is one of the largest sources of income for organised crime. The estimated global annual profit from trafficking

is $ 31.6 billion dollar. $9.7 billion is generated in Asia and the pacific. $1.3 billion dollars is generated in Latin America and the Caribbean. 2.5 million men women and children are forced into slavery at any given time as a result of human trafficking. More than one person is trafficked across a border every minute. 43% of victims are used for forced sexual exploitation. One woman can earn a trafficker between £500 and £1000 a week. Women are sometimes forced to work 16 hours a day, having sex with

multiple men. 54% of traffickers are strangers to their victims. 46% of traffickers know their victims. Of all the trafficking victims 56% are in Asia and the Pacific. 10% are in Latin America and the Caribbean. 9.2% are in the Middle East and Northern Africa. 5.2% are in Saharan countries. 10.8% are in industrialized countries. 8% are in countries in transition. 1.2 million children are

trafficked every year. For every 800 victims trafficked only one trafficker is convicted. Human trafficking is one of the largest sources of income for organised crime. The estimated global annual profit from trafficking is $ 31.6 billion dollar. $9.7 billion is generated in Asia and the pacific. $1.3 billion dollars is generated in Latin America and the Caribbean. 2.5 million men women and children are forced into slavery at any given time as a result of human trafficking. More than one person is trafficked across

Human trafficking is a form

of modern day slavery. Victims are DECIEVED or taken against their will and transported into exploitation. Traffickers control their victims through rape, beating and removing passports to ensure it is difficult for them to escape and leave the country. If victims do succeed to escape, violence may follow for them and their families. 2.5 million men women and children are forced into slavery at any given time as a result of trafficking. More than one person is trafficked across a border every minute.

Human trafficking

is where victims are forced, deceived or bonded to a trafficker. Forced: Victims are forced into labour under the threat of violence or other forms of punishment. DECIEVED: Victims are deceived by traffickers who offer them an opportunity of a better life. Bonded: Victims become bonded to a labourer to pay off debts. After three months the two young girls disappeared. The children’s alcoholic father explained how a man had come and offered money for them. He sold his children for $30. 54% of traffickers are strangers to their victims. 46% of traffickers know their victims.

Human trafficking occurs with

the intention of DETAINING victims, exploiting them to a number of inhumane acts. Prostitution. Arranged marriage. Begging. Agricultural work. Construction work. Sweatshop labour. Criminal activity. Domestic servitude; Housekeeping, childcare. Removal of organs. Child labour. 43% of victims are used for forced sexual exploitation. One woman can earn a trafficker between ÂŁ500 and ÂŁ1000 a week. Women are sometimes forced to work 16 hours a day, having sex with multiple men.

Human trafficking is reported

to affect 161 countries across the world. Together they contribute by being a source, transitioning or destination country. The majority of trafficked victims originate from the poor countries. The UK is involved in the trafficking process. Of all the trafficking victims 56% are located in Asia and the Pacific. 10% are in Latin America and the Caribbean. 9.2% are in the Middle East and Northern Africa. 5.2% are in Saharan countries. 10.8% are in industrialized countries. 8% are in countries in transition.

Human trafficking

affects the youth, with traffickers mainly targeting victims aged between 18-24. Most women are forced to work in brothels as prostitutes, where they are controlled through mental and physical abuse. Most men are forced to work long hours in agriculture or construction sites for little pay. 1.2 million children are trafficked every year. For every 800 victims trafficked only one trafficker is convicted.

Human trafficking is occurring

now in the UK. It is a significant destination country for women to be trafficked into the sex trade. It is thought that up to 4,000 women have been bought to the country to act as prostitutes. The victims are trafficked from Eastern European countries such as Lithuania, Russia and Albania. Louisiana was offered a cleaning job in the UK. When she arrived they took her passport and told her she was to work as a prostitute. They said that she owed them money for travel expenses and she would pay them back this way.

Human trafficking

could be occurring in your community. There are a number of red flag indicators to be wary of. Does the individuals act abnormally? Does the individual have poor physical health? Is the individual fearful, anxious or depressed? Does the individual work long hours? Does the individual appear malnourished? Does the individual live or work in a location where there is high security? Does the individual owe a large debt which they are unable to pay off? If you witness someone living under suspicious circumstances take action. Seek advice from human trafficking charities, hotlines and forums or call the police.

Human trafficking is an issue

which is highlighted by many charities whose aim is to abolish this inhumane movement. They achieve this by raising awareness amongst the general public, influencing policy makers decisions, fundraising to support their projects, working with liberators on the front lines, who risk their lives to bring slaves freedom and supporting and helping victims in their recovery. Free The Slaves. Stop The Traffick. Unseen UK. Anti Slavery. The Poppy Project. Anti Slavery. Stop: Stop Trafficking of People. Unicef. Justice For Youth. Not For Sale.

Human trafficking can hugely

impact and DAMAGE its victims. Survivors may have physical signs of abuse that can heal quickly, but they also have emotional scars that can take years to heal. In reality they will be dealing with it for the rest of their lives. Many survivors go through therapy but it takes years for them to heal psychological and some never achieve this. Other survivors, however, begin their own work to raise awareness and dedicate their lives to helping others survive. ‘I have a new life but I am haunted by the faces of those who used me, those whom I did not choose, those for whom I was nothing more than a ten minute thing.’ A UK trafficking survivor.

Human trafficking is an issue

that may seem unstoppable. However it only takes a few concerned and motivated individuals to have an impact. Raising awareness can be achieved through writing to a local newspaper, radio or TV station. Signing petitions. Expressing your concerns to a local MP. Fundraising for human trafficking charities. Helping out at local service providers such as shelters for trafficking survivors, women’s shelters or immigrant service organisations. Most importantly though remain passionate and inspire others to take action.

Have a fundraising cake sale. Buy Fairtrade products. Meet up with people who want to stop human trafficking, discuss ways of how to create impact. Keep up to date with human trafficking charaties, see how you can get involved.

Human trafficking

can, and one day will be eradicated. Help stop malicious traffickers earning money from transporting desperate victims into dirty, harsh, inhumane, exhausting, life threatening work. Act a little, act a lot, but don’t let them win. Human trafficking is one of the largest sources of income for organised crime. The estimated global annual profit from trafficking is $ 31.6 billion dollar. $9.7 billion is generated in Asia and the pacific. $1.3 billion dollars is generated in Latin America and the Caribbean.

2.5 million men women and children are forced into slavery at any given time as a result of human trafficking. More than on

person is trafficked across a border every minute. 43% of victims are used for forced sexual exploitation. One woman can earn

trafficker between £500 and £1000 a week. Women are sometimes forced to work 16 hours a day, having sex with multiple me 54% of traffickers are strangers to their victims. 46% of traffickers know their victims. Of all the trafficking victims 56% are Asia and the Pacific. 10% are in Latin America and the Caribbean. 9.2% are in the Middle East and Northern Africa. 5.2% are

Saharan countries. 10.8% are in industrialized countries. 8% are in countries in transition. 1.2 million children are trafficked eve

year. For every 800 victims trafficked only one trafficker is convicted. Human trafficking is one of the largest sources of income f

organised crime. The estimated global annual profit from trafficking is $ 31.6 billion dollar. $9.7 billion is generated in Asia an

the pacific. $1.3 billion dollars is generated in Latin America and the Caribbean. 2.5 million men women and children are force

into slavery at any given time as a result of human trafficking. More than one person is trafficked across a border every minut

43% of victims are used for forced sexual exploitation. One woman can earn a trafficker between £500 and £1000 a week. Wome

are sometimes forced to work 16 hours a day, having sex with multiple men. 54% of traffickers are strangers to their victims. 46

of traffickers know their victims. Of all the trafficking victims 56% are in Asia and the Pacific. 10% are in Latin America and th

Caribbean. 9.2% are in the Middle East and Northern Africa. 5.2% are in Saharan countries. 10.8% are in industrialized countrie

8% are in countries in transition. 1.2 million children are trafficked every year. For every 800 victims trafficked only one traffick

is convicted. Human trafficking is one of the largest sources of income for organised crime. The estimated global annual pro

from trafficking is $ 31.6 billion dollar. $9.7 billion is generated in Asia and the pacific. $1.3 billion dollars is generated in Lat

America and the Caribbean. 2.5 million men women and children are forced into slavery at any given time as a result of huma

trafficking. More than one person is trafficked across a border every minute. 43% of victims are used for forced sexual exploitatio

One woman can earn a trafficker between £500 and £1000 a week. Women are sometimes forced to work 16 hours a day, havin

sex with multiple men. 54% of traffickers are strangers to their victims. 46% of traffickers know their victims. Of all the traffickin

victims 56% are in Asia and the Pacific. 10% are in Latin America and the Caribbean. 9.2% are in the Middle East and Northe

Africa. 5.2% are in Saharan countries. 10.8% are in industrialized countries. 8% are in countries in transition. 1.2 million childre

are trafficked every year. For every 800 victims trafficked only one trafficker is convicted. Human trafficking is one of the large sources of income for organised crime. The estimated global annual profit from trafficking is $ 31.6 billion dollar. $9.7 billion

generated in Asia and the pacific. $1.3 billion dollars is generated in Latin America and the Caribbean. 2.5 million men wome

and children are forced into slavery at any given time as a result of human trafficking. More than one person is trafficked acro

a border every minute. 43% of victims are used for forced sexual exploitation. One woman can earn a trafficker between £50

and £1000 a week. Women are sometimes forced to work 16 hours a day, having sex with multiple men. 54% of traffickers a

strangers to their victims. 46% of traffickers know their victims. Of all the trafficking victims 56% are in Asia and the Pacific. 10

are in Latin America and the Caribbean. 9.2% are in the Middle East and Northern Africa. 5.2% are in Saharan countries. 10.8

are in industrialized countries. 8% are in countries in transition. 1.2 million children are trafficked every year. For every 80

victims trafficked only one trafficker is convicted. Human trafficking is one of the largest sources of income for organised crime. Th

estimated global annual profit from trafficking is $ 31.6 billion dollar. $9.7 billion is generated in Asia and the pacific. $1.3 billio

dollars is generated in Latin America and the Caribbean. 2.5 million men women and children are forced into slavery at any give

time as a result of human trafficking. More than one person is trafficked across a border every minute. 43% of victims are use

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