New Year's Resolutions

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Hello, 2015.


nce the Times However, don't you find Square ball

it unsettling that people

drops in New

are using the

York City,

replacement of a

stop and listen. You will

calendar to justify a life-

be able to faintly hear

altering decision?

the cheers of gym

Nonetheless, don't

owners across the

confuse me with


someone who dislikes

During the first week

people trying to change

of January, thousands

their lives.

of Americans try to

To discourage positive

fulfill goals they created

changes in one's life

in the midst of a

would be foolish.


Yet, I do disagree with

According to

the masses of people, the

who choose to make

most popular resolutions

these arrangements at

are to lose weight, quit

a discouraging time

smoking, and save

such as the beginning


of the New Year.



Choosing a single day to start a major life change isn't logical. That's why New Year's Resolutions don't work, and when you fail to keep them, you feel like a loser.

- Andrea Karim, senior writer of

It's not you. It's me. Yes, it is you. Here's why it's probably "just not working out."


The traces of the holidays do not simply disappear. For example, if someone has

decided to lose weight during the new year, what is to be done with the vestiges of your gingerbread house or the delicious turkey your aunt brought over. You will most likely eat the leftovers because you will feel wasteful or be forced to. So, this time of year is working against your goals.


"The sun'll come out tomorrow," hopeful orphan Annie crooned. However, the

concept of tomorrow is dangerous to your goals. So, you spent all day December 31 making a fat list of everything you'd like to change about yourself. Perhaps, you made it even before that. You shouldn't wait for a certain date to become proactive. If you want to change something about yourself, start now!


Setting big goals can be detrimental to your success long-term. Simply saying

you're going to make a big change won't result in a big change. If you're planning on making larger resolutions, make them with a friend and spend time to plan them out. Sit down together and figure out how you two can achieve what


you want.


Write it on your heart

that every day is the best day in the year.

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

So, now it's time for you to send the ultimate break-up text to lame resolutions and move on with better ways to a happy life.

Just do something, but do it now. The idea is not to condemn the idea of New Year’s Day, of next Monday, of next week or next month or next year, but to avoid using them as a method of putting something off that you know you can do in the present tense.

- Bill Domke, writer at


Resolutions that will make you

All of these resolutions are ones you can start today, keep for 365 days, and renew next year.

Catch more Z's Give more compliments Improve your manners Smile more Have a better attitude Appreciate every day

Happiness in 140 characters or less

Stef Potter, freshman @skishaveice A new year is a new journey. Always be grateful, always be kind, and remember to have fun along the way.

Shannon Carley, junior @CarleyShannon As long as you're happy with yourself and what you're doing, you'll be happy!

Tell us what you think! Tweet us at @homestead411

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