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BASiCS of tYPe “This is a great book for students of design,

typography or just art in general. It is very comprehensive and easy to follow.” -Steph Goodreads

“Originally designed for ellen Lupton’s typograpy class. By showing type examples and discussing why certain approaches work while others fail Ellen is able to shed some light on typography in a fun informative way” -Stanislav Grinapol See more reviews



ypography is the study of type and type faces, the evolution of printed letters. Since man did not begin to write with type, but rather the chisel, brush, and pen, it is the study of handwriting, that provides us with the basis for creating type designs. The aim is to show new designers, writers, & students the ways of typography, by learning the elements of letter forms and layout on a page.

The aim is to show new designers, writers, & students the ways of typography, by learning the elements of letter forms and layout on a page. This book is in three sections: Letter, text, grid.



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