Majalah Warkat

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A Welcoming Message from The Head and Principle of Al-Amien Prenduan Boarding School


et's deliver to as great as thankful for whomever who has helped us and to our beloved Al-Amien Islamic boarding school, weather in directly or indirectly, material or immaterial after starting all of activities by remembering of God Al-mighty (Dzikrullah SWT), and sholawat to our prophet Muhammad SWT, his companies family. Similar to previous edition of the annual brief information of Al-Amien Islamic Boarding School that at least there are five aims and prominent functions: 1. To clarify of Allah Luxury (Tahdits bin Ni'mah) that all of activities had been achieved just Allah Blessings only (Fadlun Minal-Allah) to test us weather we are thankful or delayer. 2. As "Annual report" from the principles and program's responsibles at Al-Amien Prenduan Islamic Boarding School. 3. As "Evaluation and Introspection" for betterment and beneficence (Ishlah wa Mashlahah) for the next future. 4. As "Means of Silaturrahim and Communication" among the big family of Al-Amien Prenduan between all of constituents and sympathizers. 5 As "Historical Documentation" for the next generation. Based on five aims and prominent functions, the annual brief information (WARKAT) 1433/2012, which involved four programs of Boarding School in the field of Education, Dakwah, Cadres and Economic. But as human being which full of guilt and making a slip, and certainly, we (Principles and Redaction Staff) could make a mistake either intentionally or unintentionally, substantial or reductional. Therefore, other saying thanks and giving as high as appreciation to all of side whom helped us, we apologized all of mistake and making a slip what we had done, either in undertaking of command or in delivering of annual brief information. We do hope you willingly to pray in order to undertake of this entrust could be given strengthen power, togetherness, and consistent based on taufiq and hidayah, ma'unah and inayah, rahmah and barokah Allah SWT. Finally, have a nice reading of annual brief information and kataballahu lana wa lakum ajma'in as-Sholah wan-Najah wal-Falah. Amien ya Mujibas sa-ilin...!

Prenduan, 26th of June 2012 The head and principle of Al-Amien Prenduan Islamic Boarding School,

KH. Muhammad Idris Jauhari BRIEF Informa tion Sya’ban 1433 AH. / Juli 2012 AD.



Assalamu’alaikum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh.


rice be to Allah Al-Mighty who has mercies and blessing so that we could publish the annual brief information run well. Peace and salutation may be upon the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as the greatest massager sent down by Allah Al-Mighty to guide and educate the human beings from darkness to the lightness. Our respect and thankfulness always dedicate to Kiaies, Teachers, the head and principle of ALAMIEN PRENDUAN Islamic Boarding School and vice of the head of AL-AMIEN PRENDUAN Islamic Boarding School that had been believed us to editorial redactors of the annual brief information. Beside it, we also thank to all redactors, reporters and contributors on participation and cooperation in publishing of the annual brief information. May all of our works could be essential worship to Allah Al-Mighty, and best dedication for the beloved boarding school, Amien. The annual brief information is as means of up to date information about AL-AMIEN PRENDUAN Islamic boarding school for a year. and as means of reflection and valuation of ALAMIEN PRENDUAN Islamic Boarding school programs which was involved the educational, Dakwah, Caderisation, economic and as well as the Center for Islamic studies. On behalf of this edition, the annual brief information provides the report of activities, achievements, and obsessions in the future, which is involved all of bureau, educational institutes that should be implemented by all functionaries of AL-AMIEN PRENDUAN Islamic Boarding School, At the final of brief information, we also provided the rubric of Nurani Pesantren which was written by success alumnus in the all educational institution under AL-AMIEN PRENDUAN Foundation, it is expected to motivate the students and alumnus. Finally, we as editorial redactors of the annual brief information (Warkat) realized that, there are still many weakness of this edition. Critic and suggestions are expected as improvement for the future publishing. For all readers “have a nice reading and have a good result” Amien...!

Wassalamu’alaikum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh.

The Editorial


BRIEF Informa tion Sya’ban 1433 AH./Juli 2012 AD.

Kiai Council

The Collective Leadership Needs Togetherness Principle


he leadership in an organization is a significant thing which might not be pushed away, because it has a significant role in organization advancement. Therefore, to create the ideal leadership, it was needed also the ideal leader. Because such like that, it will create a good interaction between leader and members. T his understanding must be there, and not only for the leader of organization but also the member of it. Because of that, P.P. Al-Amien created riasah council as the highest structure of boarding school which has role in deciding the main decision for every policy. Riasah council also has role in planning and briefing for the foundation organizers in order it going to be better in realization of current planning and agenda. Discussion concept in deciding decision is being a significant thing to be applied. In order, the deciding decision is not be subjective caused by the decision was decided by a person only, but it is objective and agreed by some competence people who have a significant role inside of group. According with this, Pondok Pesantren Al-Amien applied the collective system in running of its leadership activity. By the collective leadership system, it was expected to create the larger and objective concept. Riasah council was expected to have high capacity and capability. Having trusteeship, responsible, dedication and sincere. Riasah council also was demanded to be able developing the visionary leadership which transform and implement the ideal thinking. After pass way KH. Muhammad Idris Jauhari, this Riasah council consists of the senior Kiai in Pondok Pesantren Al-Amin Prenduan with the new formation as below: 1. KH. Maktum Jauhari, MA., as the head of Pondok Pesantren Al-Amien Prenduan. 2. KH. Dr. Ahmad Fauzi Tidjani, MA., as vice of head and rector of IDIA Prenduan. 3. KH. Moh. Zainullah Rois, Lc, as secretary and general director of TMI Al-Amien Prenduan.

4. KH. Muhammad Khoiri Husni, S.Pd.I as treasurer and general director of MTA Al-Amien Prenduan 5. KH. Ach. Fauzi Rasul, Lc., as the member and director of Pondok Salafiyah Al-Amien at Kapedi. 6. KH. Moh. Bahri As'ad, S.Pd.I as the member and director of Pondok Putri I Al-Amien Prenduan 7. KH. Ghozi Mubarok, MA., as a member This riasah council became decider of policy fully. All of things either opinion, suggestion and concept will be consulted and discussed in leader meeting which involve riasah council, and they will decide about those all opinion, suggestion and concept. Riasah council was officially incorporated since 12 Rabiul Awal 1427 H (12 April 2006), has three main functions. The first, it is as the highest structure in Pondok Pesantren Al-Amien Prenduan. All of things those connect to the strategic policy of each institution in Pondok Pesantren Al-Amien Prenduan must be decided and agreed by riasah council. The second, it is as nazhir wakaf who has responsible to the all assets of pondok pesantren AlAmien Prenduan. The third, it is as the founder and developer or guider for all institutions. It is also as the conceiver, manager, and supervisor which always set out the responsibility and its dedication as the leader. Therefore, some members of Riasah council were gave the trusteeship to be director in an education institution that placed under Pondok Pesantren Al-Amien Prenduan guidance. To get more intensive work of Riasah council for performing their jobs, Riasah council formed the daily coordinator (KOH AR ) or general helper. Daily coordinator was function as mediator, as dealer of member Riasah council aspiration which continued to the foundation organizer and institution that placed in Pondok Pesantren Al-Amien Prenduan. And the formation of KOHAR in this year is KH. Drs. Ja'far Shodiq, MM. as the chief, and Ust. Fitrah Sugianto as the vice. BRIEF Informa tion Sya’ban 1433 AH. / Juli 2012 AD.


A’wan Council

The Router of Leadership Estafette


reparing the cadre is one of programs of AlAmien Prenduan Boarding School. Because good generation is who never leaves the weak people of its behinds, and good generations are who always bequeath and create strong generations after them selves. So, Al-Amien Boarding School was take movement in this region continuously. Preparing the router cadres which will be strong person and able to continue the leadership estafette. So, to realize this expectation, AlAmien Prenduan Boarding School formed A'wan Council as a medium where it consist the router cadres which will dedicate them selves in process of education. Therefore, they were expected to separate glorious value of boarding school and understand surely about vision and mission of Al-Amien Prenduan Boarding School. A'wan Council that consists of junior kiai is special cadre form in big family environment of Al-Amien Prenduan Boarding School. They are the sons or sons in law of kyai, and some senior teachers. They were expected to be able play the roles in leadership strengthen for Kiai Council. Of course they would change the leadership estafette of Al-Amien Prenduan Boarding School. The listed below are the members of A'wan council: 1. KH. Moh Marzuqi Ma'ruf, as the Chief of Al-Amien Prenduan Foundation. 2. Drs. KH. Saifurrahman Nawawi, as The Secretary Consultant of Al-Amien Prenduan Foundation. 3. KH. Fadli Fatrah, S.Sos.I, as The Chief of Board of Supervisors of Al-Amien Foundation.. 4. KH. Drs. Abu Shiri Sholehuddin, as the Vice of BPKK 5. KH. Moh. Fikri Husein, MA., as The Director of IDIA Prenduan Female. 6. Drs. KH. Ja'far Shoddiq, MM., as Daily Coordinator (KOHAR) Al-Amien Foundation. 7. KH. Saifuddin Qudsi, SHI, MA., as The Head of Madrasah Aliyah Putri I Al-Amien Prenduan 8. KH. Muhajiri Musyhab, as The Director of Pondok Al-Amien I Prenduan


BRIEF Informa tion Sya’ban 1433 AH./Juli 2012 AD.

9. K. Abdul Wahid, MHI, as The Vice of Director of Pondok Al-Amien I Prenduan. 10. KH. Muh. Ridho MA., as The Head Council of Pondok Al-Amien I Prenduan. 11. KH. Ach. Sobri Shiddiq,S.Pd.I., as The Vice of Director of Pondok Al-Amien I Prenduan 12. KH. Halimi Sufyan, S.Pd.I, as The Vice of Director of Pondok Putri I 13. KH. Umarul Faruq, Lc., as The Chief of Education Bureau of Al-Amien Foundation. 14. Drs. K. Suyono Khattab, as The General Director of TMI Al-Amien Prenduan. 15. K. Abdul Warits, S.Pd.I., as The Director of Ma'had TMI Male Al-Amien Prenduan. 16. KH. Abdullah Zaini, M.Th.I., as The Director of Ma'had MTA Female Al-Amien Prenduan. 17. KH. Basthomi Tibyan, S.Pd.I., as The Director of Ma'had Salafiyah Al-Amien III Kapedi. 18. KH. Drs. Abdurrahman As'ad, as The Chief of AlAmien Prenduan Islamic Hospital Foundation. 19. K. Abdul Qodir Jaelani, M.Pd.I, as The Director of Ma'had IDIA Prenduan Male. 20. K. Amirullah Kholiq, M.Sy., as The Vice of BPKK. 21. KH. Muhtadi Abd. Mun'im, MA., as The Director of MTA Male Al-Amien Prenduan. 22. KH. Mujammi' Abdul Musyfi, Lc., as The BAAK of IDIA Prenduan. A'wan Council is not only the forming of cadre effort. More than it, since the first, they were help Kiai Council in education process which performs in Al-Amien Prenduan Boarding School. Until, A'wan Council were not wait to be pointed as the changer and router, but they were always perform them selves to strug gle, give dedication and maximum contribution in education process of Al-Amien Prenduan Boarding School. So, it is not surprise, if since the first they were being active in education and management duties at Al-Amien Prenduan Boarding School. This matter aims to create the affectivity in leadership process at Al-Amien Prenduan Boarding School. Therefore, it will create the strong and integrate leadership.

Director of Female Board

The Effort to Create The Excellent Muslimah


slam placed the w omen and men position dispassionately and proportionally. It was not lean each other. T he women and men have same position. Therefore, in Islamic history, we always found the women who had significant role. It was written that many women of Islam was reminded and learned caused of their struggle history, service or sacrifice. Even as the educator, the role of women may not disparage. Cause of it, the women could do prestigious thing that could not be done by the men. Until, it is not queer if the women are called by madrasah 'ula (first education) for the children. Therefore the utilizing of women in creating the excellent muslimah is the most significant thing to be done . Al-Amien Prenduan Boarding school was not only overshadowing the youth education. But also it consist the education institution for young woman and girl. Until the process of education in female boarding school of course is involving also all female educator as top figure fully. Considering to that matter, PP. Al-Amien was created the structure of directors for female board (Majelis Tarbiyah al-Banat). The director of Female board has duty to decide some policies of female education, performing control on all female institutions, being good example for all female pupils in acting and educating the student to get high morality according to the Islamic rule. So, special for female education, P.P. Al-Amien Prenduan trusted it (female education) to the Diretor of Female board or Nyai council. Because, it is according to the female problem, of course it was not wrong to involve the female distribution in activity and process of

The Five Principles of Al-Amien Prenduan

education at female boarding school. The object is female, and the subject (organizer) is also female. It was exactly suitable. The structure of female board director (Majlis Tarbiyat al Banat) consists of the senior Nyai in Al-Amien Prenduan boarding school, with the formation as below: 1. Ny. Hj. Faizah Abdul Khaliq, as the most senior. 2. Ny. Hj. Faryalah Rasyidi, as the most senior. 3. Ny. Hj. Dra. Anisah Fatimah Zarkasy, as The Head Director of Female Board. 4. Ny. Hj. Zahratul Wardah, BA, as the Vice of The Head. 5. Ny. Hj. Nur Jalilah Dimyati, Lc., as Member. 6. Ny. Hj. Halimatussa'diyah A. Badar, as Member. 7. Ny. Hj. Mamnunah Abdur Rahim, as Member. 8. Ny. Hj. Kinanah Syubli, as Member. 9. Ny. Hj. Fadhliyah, as Member. The existence of Nyai Council, it was expected to manage female education of Al-Amien Prenduan Boarding School well. And caused that, the female pupils could get the intense supervision every time in education process at Al-Amien Prenduan Boarding School. The existence of Nyai Council also was expected to be good example for all female pupils till they could take comparison as the material supplies and modals for themselve to be next excellent female generation. So, to apply that dream, Nyai Council was demanded to always give the material supplies of female education (tarbiyah nasawiyah), morality value till it would create the female pupils (muslimah) who decorated by shalihah, qanitah, dan hafidzah character.

Sincerty  Simplicity Self Sufficient Islamic Brotherhood Freedom BRIEF Informa tion Sya’ban 1433 AH. / Juli 2012 AD.


Supervisory Council

Create Responbility Soul


upervision plays important role in every institution, especially in the processes of planning, implementation, and evaluation. Supervision is how to assure that all institutional activities are implemented based on what's been planned before. It is also a systematic effort by management to compare performance to predetermined standards, plans, or objectives in order to determine whether performance is in line with the standards and presumably in order to take any remedial action required to see that human and other corporate resources are being used in the most effective and efficient way possible in achieving institutional objectives. Supervisory task is absolutely hard. It needs individuals with high tenacity, accuracy, and honesty. It is necessary for a supervisor to be positively credited by public, especially in accomplishing his own tasks before supervising the others. The supervisory council of Al-amien Prenduan is obligated to control and evaluate comprehensively all programs and activities. Among its functions are auditing financial reports, controlling, the programs and evaluating human resource development as well as infrastructures. There are two main program of supervisory council. First, the general programs, namely general monitoring

The Motoes of Al-Amien Prenduan 6

BRIEF Informa tion Sya’ban 1433 AH./Juli 2012 AD.

and observation of human resource development, financial management, and facility maintenance. Second, the special programs, including stabilization of the financial conditions and unification of payment process in every institution of Al-Amien Islamic Boarding School. Its main propose is to prevent manipulation, fraud, and abuse of the money or property. The programs are practically implemented as follow: 1. Observing the adequacy of administrative and financial controls methods and improving effectives controlling at a reasonable cost. 2. Assuring that predetermined policies, plans, and procedures are obeyed and implemented. 3. Inspecting the reliability of wealth or assets and saving it from damage or loss. 4. Inspecting the reliability of date management. 5. Controlling the quality of task accomplishment. 6. Giving recommendations or sug gestions for improving effectiveness and efficiency Supervision is a kind of service. There is no good service without good supervision. To service is not only to give material aid; it is how to dedicate ourselves. And supervision is one of the best we can dedicate to.

Perfectable Belief in Al-Mighty


Desireble Work and Service

Al-Amien Prenduan Foundation

Widewold Networking Of Dakwah Through Website


l-Amien Prenduan Foundation (YAP) is an institute that supervises institutions of education in al-Amien Prenduan Boarding School and excutes daily program in which the central position that makes increasing and developing institute toward progress. Inspites of educational duties in this instituition is also holding dakwah, caderisation, economy institution and center for Islamic studies that also becomes under YAP supervising. Secretariat of Al-amien Prenduan Foundation (YAP) executes one of dakwah development in which is cooperated with outer element of people of Pesantren. It is not only in Al-Amien Prenduan Boarding School area but also strive to reach all over the wider area by undertaking of improvement of website of Al-Amien Prenduan ( For this year, YAP focuses on improving website in order to reach the wide information thoroughly as bridge for spreading the information from inside to outside information. The information can be enjoyed by every one who need it, even there are still many obticles that it can not be handled well yet. Therefore, YAP is continually to strive development of website which it is under costumer servise division responsibility. It is why the divission develops new screen website based on complex dates form. The main focuss is to make esier screen and acces and increments new functions. There are three special new evalible website for information services. The committee of collective new student application can be accesed at and it is evelibly for Al-amien Islamic Hospital Foundation could be accesed at Meanwhile as Center for Islamic studies it will have fineshed this year which could be accesed at http:// Recently, this devission would develop and increase the improvement of E-mail, where there are two kinds of email ( And http:// ICC also help and supervise the website of institute which under Al-amien Prenduan Foundation, namely Ma'had Tahfidzil Qur'an (http://, I DI A Prenduan (http:// and Pondok Putri I ( ) Hereby, the website could be a silaturrahim or realtionship forum among santri and abituren, also alumni and wide society who need more information of alAmien Prenduan. And it will get to more useful and adventagouse. SEKRETARIAT Secretariat has a vital and significant role in implementing all programs which are networking under Al-Amien Prenduan Foundation. Management of letter and file corespondece and documentations are continually done as internal and external programs in effort of increasing well-worked coordination in which between staff work. This year, secretariat focused on managing file and letter admiration and management of datas documentation center or called AVS. Tthat it has great influence role of developmening for future. Sekretariat givse the opportunity to some divisions to develop and increase the q uality of filing and docu menting management which is given by devisor in implantation of daily programs. so in order to created dividen with independent act and keep the harmonious relationship with other. FILE AND DATE ADMINISTRATION The significant role of correspondence management of secretariat administration such as meeting notulencies and arranging, menaging, and documentating all of alamien prenduan foundation important letter. File and date administration always focessed on improvement of more practice management, especially to correspondece and inventarisation incoming and outcoming letter. Both of files format or blanded so that all of them could be kept as well. This year, file and date administration has received some letters that is more increasingly contain of 245 income letter and 332 outcome letter. It is identifying as BRIEF Informa tion Sya’ban 1433 AH. / Juli 2012 AD.


higher tension than before, which only 232 income letter and 147 outcome letter. INF ORMATION AND COMMUN ICATION CENTER (ICC) This year, ICC (Information And Communication Center) program is not so far different than last year which focused on improvment of information service more thoroughly. The main point is improvement of student administration system in the institutes and website of Al-amien Prenduan. This time, there are 6 educational institution under Al-amien Prenduan Foundation, it's just 2 institute used system of student administration menegement intregrated only, namely Ma'had Tahfidzil Qur'an (MTA) and Tarbiyatul Mu'allimien Al-Islamiyah (TMI). But, it's not enough stabil coused of many obticles in the field. Such as reshuffle of SAS TMI organization in the meddle year of academic year. After undertaking reshuffle and substitute of new organization, the new oraganisation of Student system date administration (SAS) followed the management of SAS training was held by Development division of SDM ICC. It's held for a week (30 Marech-5 April 2012), the first day for giving material, the next to practece guidance. Then this year, sarana division focused on provisioning of Islamic digital library as responsibility at TMI institute. It's started on 17th of Desember 2011 to 15th of March 2012 then it's launched and promoted to students of TMI male on 20 March 2012. Islamic Digital Library TMI contain of education, teaching in digital form, ebook, audio, ini memuat konten-konten pendidikan dan pengajaran dalam bentuk digital, dalam bentuk ebook, audio and video. PUBLIC RELATION Public relation has vital and significant role at Al-amien Prenduan Foundation, which is not only to run the prog ram or activity, but it has important role all of programs. At least, there are two functions; namely Giving the right information to the public about internal information, and adoptating of beheavor and character of foundation based on sociality of character and behevor or in the contrary.

Public relation helps almost all of the foundation's activity and programs, namely new students networking in communitee of collective new student application, Humas membantu dalam hampir seluruh kegiatan yayasan, pencitraan pondok pesantren, sponsorship, keeping interactive communication with societty sorrunding, abituren, simpatisan and wali santri. In other hand, public realtion has responsibility of guest house section (Darud Dliyafah). Especially welcoming the guests who come to Al-amien Islamic boarding school by any kinds of aim; either silaturrahim or comparative study, there are some singnficant guests; they are Novelis Habiburrahman El-Shirazi, A. Fuadi, writer Akbar Zainuddien. And some of aboard guests; they are Chalidin Yacob from Australia and Noor Tijani from Singapura. Other Guest Are: 1. PP. Modern Daarul 'Ulum Lido Bogor west-java on 29 Desember 2011 2. SMP Hasbunallah Tabalong Kal-Sel on 5 January 2012 3. IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya on 5 January 2012 4. Agus Mustofa, The Jakarta Post on 2 March 2012 5. Abuddin Nata docent of UIN Jakarta on 2 March 2012 6. SMP IT Daarul Hikmah Bontang Kal-Tim on 20 April 2012 7. Silaturrahim IAIN Surakarta Ushuluddin and Dakwah faculty Solo on 22 April 2012 8. Silaturrahim Bank Jatim cabang Pragaan on 02 Mei 2012 9. PP. Pesantren Nazhatut Thullab Camplong Sampang Madura on 28 April 2012 10. Ma'had Al-Aly Liddorasah Al-Islamiyah As-Asa'diyah Makasar Sul-Sel on 18 Januari 18 Januari 2012 11. Universitas Sebelas Maret (USM) Kentingen Surakarta pada tanggal 14-15 November 2011 12. Coordinator Dakwah Islam (KODI) DKI Jakarta Utara Pada tanggal 1 November 2011 13. PT. Gunung Api Mulia Surabaya Jawa Timur pada tanggal 09 Februari 2012 14. PP. Modern Daarul Muttaqin Tanggerang pada tanggal 21 Februaari 2012.

Al-Amien is Upstairs And for All Group 8

BRIEF Informa tion Sya’ban 1433 AH./Juli 2012 AD.

Education Bureau

Dauroh Arobiyah as First Step to Keep the Crown of Pondok


ughatul Arobiyah Taajun lima'hadina is a motto to enlighten Arabic language that is regarded as crown of Al-Amien Islamic Boarding School for long year development history. Meanwhile Education and cultural bureau is an institution of making suitable alternative based on situation and condition. where each institute of Al-Amien Islamic Boarding school goes toward developing of language on behalf to create generation who has language quality. In addition, Arabic as language of Quran and occupants of paradise language that is emphasized by Prophetic Tradition. These all excellent enrichments hoped to equip the generation to be an expert in language. Especially, Arabic language as a major tool for skill development. Education and cultural bureau has paid attention and desired to developing and increasing Arabic quality. So this year is held Arabic training (Dauroh Arabiyah) which is followed by any part of student delegations of many institutes. By the major aim is able to direct students to create regeneration of Arabic development to global school competition. An Arabic wise word said "Man arafa Lughaata qaumin salima min makrihim" is understood that language could safe ethnic group degradation. Therefore, tend to Arabic Language should strive to keep the Arabic tongue (lisan Al-Arab) in order to be kept and used correctly to know and understand how the native group Arabic language uses. The developing and increasing Arabic is not mean to forget other languages such as English. But we need to strive Arabic in order to acknowledge student as to be one of original ethnic group of speaker. The most important for implementing Arabic Training (Dauroh Arobiyah) is for who Arabic language lover, and also to make it as a language what will strive the learners that develop toward the aspect skills of implementing and using the language in daily life conversation.

GM (GRAND MASTER) COORDINATOR Grand Master Coordinator has functioning to coordinate all of studies activity in implementation of education programe in Al-amien Prenduan Boarding School, besides it, Grand Master has significant role of education and cultur that works under Al-amien Prenduan Foundation. Especially, GM leads the implementation of teaching activity each subject in each institues. In the implementing of task GM cooperate with academic and teachership section in each institute under Al-Amien Prenduan Foundation, either teaching process in the classroom, educating and cultural process in daily life, implementation of evaluasion or in controlling teacher in running the task of teaching. STUDENTS ORGANIZATION COORDINATOR (MPO COORDINATOR) MPO Coordinator coordinates the stu dents organization in each institutes. MPO has function as guidence and consultant of students organization council, for this year, there are seven students organization at alAmien Prenduan Boarding School. They are ISPAL (Ikatan Santri Pondok Tegal Al-Amien), ISMI (Ikatan Santri TMI Putra), ISTAMA (Ikatan Santriwati TMI Putri), OSPA (Organisasi Santri Putri I Al-Amien), RITMA (Rabithatut Thalabah bi Ma'hadi Tahfidzil Qur'an), BEM (Badan Eksikutif Mahasiswa), ISMA (Ikatan Santri Ma'had as-Salafiah). The students organization has three fuction of organization helping the chief and priciple of Islamic Boarding School in udertaking education program, as mediu m to develop and train in leadership and mamgement and as channel of students inspiration. The programs held this year are: Student Clubs Training, (KKS) held on 07th of October 2011. Basic Scout Course Level (KMD) for grade XI held on 25-29 October 2011. Gebyar Idul Adha (GIA) held on 02 BRIEF Informa tion Sya’ban 1433 AH. / Juli 2012 AD.


November 2011. Annuanual Ceremony held on 10-11 December 2011. Management and leadership training held on 25-30 December 2011. Society General Lecturing (KULMAS) held on 29 January - 04 February 2012. Registration Old Students (PANRISISLA) held on 15 February 2012. Annanual Discussion (MUSTA) held on 22-26 February 2012. Work Discussion (MUKER) students organization of ISMI held on 28-29 February 2012. Movement students kitchen held 14 th March 2012. Student Clubs Training (KKS) held on 16 March 2012 Society General Lecturing (KULMAS) held on 05-10 July 2012. AL-AMIEN LANGUAGE CENTER DIVISION It's one of audioligual division since al-amien established to obligate all of students and teachers to communicate by official languages (Arab and English) either in teaching process, formal or non-formal education. And above all, how could official languages be life culture for students and teachers in daily activity. In addtion, there are many heavy task, Al-Amien Language center has other function such as planningb all of language programs each institutes at Al-amien Prenduan Boarding School, providing language teaching materials (Arab, English and Indonesia), controlling of language development each instatitutes at Al-amien Islamic boarding school. Next on, in increasing language quality, Al-Amien Language Center held any kind of language programs. This activity was staerted from teachers and then continued to students. There were some activity held as folloews; 1. Holding English workshop "Newspaper I n Education" cooperated with The Jakarta Post on Friday, 2 March 2012 AD 2. Publishing three language Magazin (Zeal, Al-wafa', Khazanah) four times a year 3. A visit from Darwis on Friday, 23 December 2011. 4. Holding Language Enrichmant each Saturday morning based on the language day 5. Training of speech each Monday and Saturday 6. Star night was two languages drama competetion held by Foreign Language Ministry affair (BEM) on 4 April 2012.


BRIEF Informa tion Sya’ban 1433 AH./Juli 2012 AD.

SCOUT MOVEMENT COUNCIL DIVISION This division has significant role in increasing and developing of scouts, there are several programs and activity held to increase and develop the scout movement such as; LKPP 2011 (Lomba Perkemahan Penggalang dan Penegak se-Jawa Timur di Pondok Pesantren Al-Amien Prenduan) during 5 days. Another activity ad program is installing of Bacagar by Ranting quarter, SKU filling for special team and prop, KML at Jambu Lenteng Sumenep, selecting of special team and prop of Gudep TMI Al-Amien Prenduan for new members and installing at once official appointment of team and prop and selecting of Garuda. eL-PsikA Applied physiology institute of Al-Amin Prenduan is as the newest division under education and cultural bureau which established and pioneered by K. Bagus Amirullah Khaliq, M.Sy. and Ny. Nazlah Hidayati, M.Psi. this division organizes the field of applied physiology, especially physiology consultation. El-Psika was established with aim as media and tool of physiology consultation and guidance for students of Al-Amien Prenduan Boarding school, include it could be accessed the big family of Al-Amien Prenduan Boarding School. Therefore, eL-PsikA could be hoped to help the physiology problem solving occupant of Al-amien Prenduan, include students and teachers as functional (homeroom teachers, teacher of Shof (wali shof), advisors, consultants, organizers) in undertaking guidance for members optimally. In other hand, eL-PsikA also could make healthy body personally, or group, so that vision of education, islami, tabawi, and ma'hadi could be achieved automatically. For this year, Applied physiology institute of Al-Amin Prenduan had held consultation and counseling. Which held by two ways; First, by face to face. Second, by daily writing. In other hand eL-PsikA also held personality test, Intelligence, capability and proclivity also held with face to face, counselor gave instruction to the cline after giving answer sheet and question sheet and post test,and each question point has duration. The last result given to the cline through letter, it's secretly.

Dakwah and Social Development Bureau

Dakwah Integralization by Friday Sermon and 'Dakwah' Bulletin


he efforts to rise dakwah process among people in the society had been formed into active-participation form in this year, one of it is sending khutoba' (preachers) of Friday prayer to the mosques around boarding school. These preachers are from pupils of class six (the final class) TMI male as much 63 pupils and students of last semester of Al-Amien Prenduan Institute for Islamic Studies (IDIA) as much 5 students. Besides that, the female pupils of class six (final class). The mosques that was placed for that practice except Masjid Jami' Al-Amien were; Nurul Jannah Mosque, AlIkhlas Mosque, Al-Hikmah Mosque, Isti'anah Mosque and Al-Gufron Mosque. Those (mosques) are still in Pragaan sub district. The preachers who sent were selected by KH. Fadli Fatrah. Dakwah bureau also cooperates with Pusdilam in dakwah bulletin publishing every Friday. This bulletin also was spreading to 20 mosques around boarding school. 'Dakwah' bulletin was published since 20 of January 2012. This bulletin routinely was developed by Kiai council, A'wan council and senior teachers in Al-Amien Prenduan Boarding School. MOSQUE DIVISION Mosque division has responsible toward activities and medium in Masjid Jami' Al-Amien. Especially the gathering prayers program with all pupils. The weekly program of Mosque division is istighosah kubra, tahsinul ibadah and tahsinul qiro'ah, and those programs were running routinely in Masjid Jami' Al-amien. Dakwah bureau's programs this year were; the celebration of Isra' Mi'raj, Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW, Nuzulul Qur'an, Idul Fitri, Idul Adha, the celebration of Islamic new year 1433 H, and repairing facilities and tools at Masjid Jami' Al-Amien.

RADIO STATION OF AL-AMIEN PRENDUAN (RASDA FM) DEVISION Al-Amien Radio Station (RASDA FM) is one of the responsibilities of Dakwah Bureau. In this year, Rasda FM enlarged the network up to Sumenep-Pamekasan. Besides that, Rasda FM also developed the old programs by newest innovation and development. such as listener could hear and interact by facebook (Rasda Al-Amien) service or twitter (@rasdafm). Rasda's team held comparative study to the Radio Karimata FM Pamekasan, on 16 of March 2011. As the developing radio station, the Rasda's team observed the professional working practice, organizing management, broadcasting, journalistic and so on. On March-April, Rasda FM held the new broadcaster audition which followed by tens participants. And it will be took 3 broadcasters as Rasda FM official broadcaster. SOCIETY DEVELOPMENT AND SUBORDINATION DIVISION (LPPM) LPPM aims as facilitator in whole dakwah programs. For this year, the new program of LPPM is participation in society activity, in Friday Sermon form and religion talkative. This division invited pupils of class six TMI and students of of Al-Amien Prenduan Institute for Islamic Studies (IDIA) to participate in this program. Friday sermon and religion talkative actually are obligatory programs for pupils and students of final class. For this year some pupils would be selected to preach outside boarding school. The villages those had been placed for practicing these programs are; Prenduan, Pragaan, Jaddung, till Aeng Panas. And this division has been doing the routine programs, such as; dividing rice once in a month for 25 orphans and 44 weaklings around boarding school, leading Muhajirin learning and Tuesday learning which specialized for employee of boarding school. BRIEF Informa tion Sya’ban 1433 AH. / Juli 2012 AD.


Cadres and Alumnus Bureau

The Al-Amien Prenduan Student's Forum Of Communication And Silaturahmi (FOKSMA)


OKSMA (The Al-Amien Prenduan Student's forum of communication and silaturrahmi) is an extra organization in campus was established at 10 of April 2012. This organization is exactly a medium to receive all alumnus students of Al-Amien Prenduan Sumenep. The idea for this organization was presented since 2008, but it could be done at 2012 by Mohammad Jakfar Shadiq (The Alumnus of TMI 2007) and Ainul Yakin (The Alumnus of TMI 2003) as the pioneer, both are students of semester VIII, at STAIN Pamekasan. Through supports from their friends were also the alumnus of Al-Amien and were studying at STAIN Pamekasan, therefore at 10 April 2012, invited the lecturers of Al-Amien's alumnus who were teaching in STAIN Pamekasan in order attend to the consolidation and silaturrahmi of Al-Amien Prenduan alumnus, STAIN Pamekasan program which it was continued to other high education in Pamekasan regency, such as Universitas Madura (UNIRA), Universitas Islam Madura (UIM), Akademi Kebidanan (AKBID) Aifa Husada and Akademi Keperawatan (AKPER) Pamekasan. According to the some first targets and agendas, so the meeting of consolidation and silaturrahmi forum agreement, so this year was been celebrate day for FOKSMA. The first congress was held on 17 April 2012, at STAIN Pamekasan. The meeting was led by Mohammad Jakfar Shadiq (the chief of meeting) and Aris Apriyanto (the secretary of meeting) and it had decided organization's name and chief, the name of organization is Forum Komunikasi dan Silaturrahmi Mahasiswa AlAmien Prenduan (FOKSMA) with elected chief is Moh. Taufikurrahman. As the first agenda before Agreement Agenda (MUKER) or work discussion, so the organizers carried out the intercommunication with Korda Ikbal Pamekasan and central Ikbal to carry out directly the Declaration of FOKSMA.


BRIEF Informa tion Sya’ban 1433 AH./Juli 2012 AD.

This organization is still young, but by some agendas and programs, this organization could take step forward to show and give the concrete contribution which not only for students but also for religion, community, society, nation and country also boarding school. Those some programs were guided to internal and external affair movement in communication and silaturrahmi context with Indarul Qaum mission. Those some agendas are: 1. Internal: This program is more strengthen on communication and silaturrahmi synergy among alumnus students of Al-Amien Prenduan. This Program is not only in communication and silaturrahmi form, but the program was formatted into the routine learning activities, the utilizing of intellectual quality, foreign language and the sensitivity of internal emotion. The strategic planed programs of FOKSMA to achieve its vision and mission in internal level are: a. The discussion program and the thematic learning weekly The program was expected can build the power and ability of alumnus students of Al-Amien, it could also sharpen their intellectual to analyze the kinds of education. The meaning of thematic is like adapting to the condition and situation which was happened early around them, while examine their responsive power. b. The publishing of Al-Amien Student Bulletin This program was emerged by internal specification target. That is as an instrument in rising journalistic or writing quality of Al-Amien students. This matter is suitable with the basics of dakwah science which they got from pesantren that dakwah is not only by oral way (bil lisan) but also it could through by writing way (bil qalam) and concrete work (bil hal), although their magnum opuses were red by student and society. 2. External: In connection building, network, potentials development of alumnus students which they had

gotten from Al-Amien boarding school and campus, and also to build SDM quality around society, so this program was headed for rising society quality activities through foreign language courses special for pupils male/female of elementary school, junior and senior high school, teaching reading Qur'an and so on. FOKSMA's member is all alumnus students of AlAmien, and they were still coordinating with the IKBAL's coordinator of district, because this organization has coordinating line with district IKBAL till central. It aims to connect and separate Al-Amien's voices (such as; information and preaching) to societies. And this was contained in principals and motto of pesantren. The mission of FOKSMA is suitable with vision and mission of PP. Al-Amien Prenduan. But, it is suited with the existential of student intellectual and scientific world. The mission of this organization is: 1. Creating Al-Amien's students being academician, organizational, dynamic and able to think scientifically. 2. Creating Al-Amien's students to be able answering the challenge and have responsive feeling on society and religion condition. This mission is enough to show that Al-Amien students were indeed created to be Mundzirul Qoum in the middle of society, wherever they are. It is suitable with what aphorism said, "Di bumi manapun kaki menginjak, di situlah Islam hidup". But according to the campus context, this matter must be reduced according to the natural context, where the students exist in their world and role as the youth. IKBAL Division ( Ikatan Kel uarga Besa r ALAMIEN PRENDUAN) IKBAL is division was form like association under alu mnus and cadre bureau in AL-AMIEN PRENDUAN foundation. This division was synergized alumnus in society. Alumnus and cadre bureau was responsible for IKBAL's program. Besides that, this bureau aims as daily responsible for preparing the next cadres. It same with the three programs of boarding school, this program got attention priority because it connected with the continu ing of AL-AMIEN PRENDUAN boarding school existences next future.

Of course, it needs serious attention, selective and systematic, and caused that the strong, proportional and professional attention will created. PKK Division (The Development of Special Cadre) There are two kinds of cadre was prepared by AlAmien Prenduan boarding school, the first is general cadres was performed and act as Khairu ummah (SDM with high quality), and the second is special cadres which were willfully prepared for continuing the founder's struggle of boarding school. Not only perform what aphorism said "patah tumbuh, hilang berganti", but it must be "tumbuh sebelum patah". In this year, Al-Amien sent its cadres through the achieved student scholarship program (PBSB) Depag 2012. Some alumnus who passed a test in 2 universities, the alumnus who passed in UIN Maliki Malang is Alfiatun Hasanah, the alumnus of SMA MTA Al-Amien Prenduan from Pragaan Sumenep, Wildan Hanifa Syafa'ah, the alumnus of MAK MTA Al-Amien Prenduan from Talango Sumenep. Then in UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta is Hefiyati, the alumnus of TMI from sampang, Juwairiyah Rosi, the alumnus of TMI from Lumajang and Jakfar Rosi, the alumnus of TMI from Sumenep. In this year, one of cadres of MTA finished his studying at Kimia department ITS Surabaya, he is Abdul Wafi from Pamekasan. The cadre who begun his education since 2008, nowadays he has been beginning his serving at MTA and also he has been the organizer of foundation. PGT Division (The Development of Dedication Teacher) From 6 institutions, 2 institutions obligate for its alumnus to serve 1 year, in TMI and IDIA Prenduan (intensive Program). The obligatory program is not only performed in Al-Amien institutions, but also it is performed in other education institutions that needed it. It caused by the limit number of alumnus, from 117 requests of serving program, only 76 education institutions were Al-Amien sent as the dedication teacher. The education institutions as requester of the dedication teacher are from almost all provinces in Indonesia. BRIEF Informa tion Sya’ban 1433 AH. / Juli 2012 AD.


Economic And Means Bureau

Infrastructure Development: a Step to Develop Education Quality


n education institution has to run dynamically as the time development. Al-Amien Prenduan always tries to apply it. For this year, we made a development targets in all aspects in order to reach the destinations of education that could be achieved. We changed learning strategy, we used new methods and tricks in order to get the destination that could be achieved in optimal target easily. This matter has to be with the best tool and infrastructure development. Is not secret anymore when everyone will find new thing that had never seen before. It is not to ten year by coming to boarding school then that he or she could find 2-3 new building and the color of buildings is brighter, the yard and garden neater and so on. The economic and means bureau plies role for this matter. It was played by supplying executor and safeguarding tool and facility (P3SF). In this year P3SF enlarged Auditorium TMI, cooperated with to the responsible of tool of T MI . T he area betw een Auditorium and Marhalah 'Aliyah building was be higher road to kibar hostel (senior pupil), but now it has been a part of Auditorium. Besides that, P3SF also repaired Ma'had office of TMI Putra became IT room, the computer laboratory and Internet (Labkomnet), then, the office of pupil administration system (SAS) and the room of Islamic Digital Library TMI (IDL). In this year P3SF also was over to build Idarah 'Ammah T MI bu ilding, w hich w as being KH . Muhammad Idris Jauhari's residence. And it was continued by adding guestroom in head of Al-Amien residence. P3SF did finish some new buildings; those are the new building of class room and the new library of IDIA, the mosque of TMI female, IDIA female hostel, the book store of IDIA and the hostel of MTA female. Besides that, P3SF renovated Purum or general kitchen for male and female, all bathrooms in TMI.


BRIEF Informa tion Sya’ban 1433 AH./Juli 2012 AD.

Generally, economic and means bureau rest of cost SHU (Sisa Hasil Usaha) of mini-factures in this year decreased 4,89% per stock of sheet, from Rp. 203.587,70 for previous year then became Rp. 220.634,40. Cooperation of Pesantren (KOPONTREN) Kopontren was handling the biggest mini-factures at some locations, either inside and outside boarding school area. The reports from each unit are below: Building Shop Unit Mr. Qudsi as the manager since the last years could get successful increasing profit from year to year. For 2009, it was Rp. 68.699.666, for 2010, it was Rp. 80.216.625, and for 2011, it was 146.471.628. This significant rising is one effects from store local adding at east side of location before, and the adding of permanent costumer of Building Shop. The Family Welfare Unit (UKK) It was same with building shop unit which was continued to gets no stop raising to grow family welfare. Those are for 2009 that was Rp. 26.784.184, for 2010 was Rp. 33.083.844, and for 2011 the raising of profit achieved Rp. 52.693.529. UKK was leaded by Abdul Aziz that is rising program of the work and income volume building harmonic connection with consumer and producer, supplying all necessities of primary commodity (Sembako) snacks and drinks for Student and Al-Amien Prenduan family and also for society. The Tahu-Tempe Manufacturer Unit It was not same with other mini-factures in general. It was increased almost 70% than the income last year. For this year the income was Rp. 1.914.465. For 2010 was Rp. 5.226.850, and for 2009 was Rp. 4.354.800. May the development for the next years could be better.

Telephone Rental/Station Unit (WARTEL) The cellular phone grows significantly until the user of home phone was increased. This matter was being inspiration for phone station unit to decrease telephone unit in Wartel by hand phone, with varieties operators. The profit in this year, it was almost 25%. The income for this year was Rp. 7.071.224. It was decrease enough than previous income, it was Rp. 5.670.868, and for 2009 was Rp. 6.639.611.

At 2009, it was got the profit Rp. 3.644.300, for 2010 was Rp. 6.027.300, and for 2011 was Rp. 444.000. Unit of Ice (Salju Murni) This Unit was moving on ice cube which was being separated to the other district around Prenduan. This unit was being under BUNK management. As the manager H. Supadi who was trusted by the stock holder to apply this unit. This unit was hoped to fulfill ice supply toward small shops at Prenduan and its around

Non-Cooperation Economic Enterprise (BUNK)

Unit of Gas Station (SPBU)

H. Faishol was be pointed to be chief for BUNK of Al-Amien Prenduan foundation. BUNK was move at Non-cooperation which specially handle the unit of institution which have responsible for mini-facture of printing, Rajungan, Pabrik Es and SPBU. The reports are below:

This Unit was located at Talang Pamekasan, it provided fuel these vehicles. The manager of SPBU H. Rusli wants this unit could get the significant increase while the raising of the price of world crude oil, in order it could support the income for this unit.

Printing Al-Amien printing is one of printing that grows and develops boarding school and society. This mini-facture is be handled by Ust. Ahmadi, S.Th.I who in 2009 achieved pure profit Rp. 173.580.682, and for 2010 achieved Rp. 121.429.396, the increasing of profit was caused by external factor, such a fluctuation of exchange value of rupiah toward dollar which had an effect on the price of raw material that fluctuative enough and the presence of printing unit at other place. Unit of Healthy Drinking Water "BIO LANA" The Manager of this unit in this year is Ust. Fauzi Rosyad. The Bio Lana Unit gets decreasing of the rest of sold result, the previous result was Rp. 96.291.452, and it was be Rp. 144.485.265, its increase was around 45% or it same with Rp. 48.193.813. For this time Bio Lana Unit was finished the permission in SNI form or BPOM, with the number of SNI; 01-3553-20006 whereas no. BPON; 249113005542 and it was cooperate with AMDK Adeni belong to region government of Pamekasan Regency. Unit of transportation service This unit was moving on rental of land transportation. Till this time, this unit has 1 Unit Bus and Unit Col/Taxi which was moving on rental toward general society.

Unit Home Industry Unit Home Industry was managed by Ust. Moh. Fawaid Sy, it provided the snack which has health standardized snack and wet cake. While preparing soft snack which it was made by unit Home Industry itself, this unit also give the chance for family teachers (female) around boarding school, in order they could put their goods into mini-factures which present at boarding school environment. Other Business Sectors Except the mini-factures above, BU NK also developed the infestation toward other factories, such as animal farm, plantage and others. Supplying Executor of Property Donated (P3TW) As the body moved at supplying executor of property donated (P3TW), it always tries to carry out the maximum enlarging. For its fluent, the development that be responsible and as serving job toward boarding school. Plying Executor and Safeguarding facility (P3SF) As the special division which moved in supplying safeguarding and facility (P3SF) had built and saved the present facilities by carrying out repairing and renovation on the broken tools. It also carries out the significant change in order to give the expedience and advisability in using the present tools. BRIEF Informa tion Sya’ban 1433 AH. / Juli 2012 AD.


Center For Islamic Studies

Scientific Programs to Increase The Human Resource Quality


usdilam has significant role of scientific development in Al-Amien Prenduan Boarding School. Therefore, it is a realization of some scientific programs development by denoting related activities that are needed. One of denoted programe is book mobile. This program has been running in each institution of al-Amien on Friday based on the maintain schedule. In other hand, Center for Islamic studies held some of workshops, such as library workshop is an effort of rising and developing knowledge of library in whole librarian in Al-Amien Prenduan Boarding School. Other work for Pusdilam is monthly attended by instructors and master's program in which companied by postgraduate of education faculty at once as comparator. And "Dakwah" bulletin as effort of missionary endeavor to Al-amien Islamic boarding school society surrounding. This year, Pusdilam received some guests who visited. Habiburrahman El-Shirazy, Ahmad Fuadi and Akbar Zainuddin. T hey became speaker in seminar and workshop which is held at Al-amien Islamic boarding school. RESEARCH DIVISION This year, research division has significant agenda, namely historiography of Al-Amien Prenduan Boarding school. This division held historiography workshop for success which attended an expert of Islamic history Prof. Dr. Ali Mufrodi, MA., from IAIN Sunan Ampel. The program was attended by historiography teams of AlAmien Prenduan Boarding School consist of center for Islamic studies staff, terrace cadre, and also delegation of each instance. This agenda consist of two sessions. The first session is explanation of historiography in general and the last one is explanation of al-Amien Islamic boarding school historiography.


BRIEF Informa tion Sya’ban 1433 AH./Juli 2012 AD.

STUDY DIVISION It still focused on undertaking program by fresh innovation. Last year, this study held inter-instance each month and now it gets deferent which study inter-instance held each week. Meanwhile instructors and comparators are teachers who are stu dying edu cation of the postgraduate, and articles was presentated are articles which had explained in the class of postgraduate based on the faculties and major One of interesting study held at MTA female building which attended by 25 students female. PUBLICATION DIVISION This division plays significant role of guidance and publication process held by students, or teachers at AlAmien Prenduan Boarding School. Through bulletin, tabloid, wall magazine or publishing of students works. Such as years ago that this division still focused on publishing of information wall magazine and news of Al-Amien Post each biweekly as well as same this year which cooperated with Dakwah bureau to publish "Dakwah" Bulletin to society surrounding especially, as concrete step to reach pure mission of "Izzil Islam wal Muslimin. The first edition contained by KH. Moh Idris Jauhari as chief and principle of Al-Amien Islamic Boarding School on the title "urgency of undertaking well prayer, perfect and continually" then come to, KH Maktum Jauhari MA as vice and principle on the title "sincerely as pillar of all work" then other writings which consistent to Islamic values. Other it, this division carry out of guidance and supervising of bulletin and wall magazine publishing which are under Al-Amien Prenduan. In addition, this division held bulletin completion for TMI on book review that followed up and gift the reward

to the bulletins that shown the increasing and developing of productivity or quality is the main goal. There are two categories of bulletin competition, junior high school Tsanawiyah and senior high school Aliyah Level; there are three winners each level, the first winner is Klik bulletin grade VII Intensive, the runner up is Destinasi Bulletin grade VIII Reguler and the last one Robbani Bulletin for grade VIII Regular, they are Tsanawiyah categ ory. Meanwhile Aliayah category, the first winner is Senja Bulletin, grade X Intensive, the runner up is Spasi bulletin for grade XI and the last one is Cemara bulletin, grade X Reguler. As well as same held on study national seminar Man Jadda Wajada. But it's held for Al-Amin Islamic boarding school, which won by Klik bulletin, Tinta bulletin as runner and cemara bulletin as third winner. HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT DIVISION This division has responsibility to increase the capability of students, teachers and societies who has commitment in the field of science and knowledge. Therefore, this division organized any kind of workshop, seminar, training, book review which attended by speakers local to national level to reach the mission and vision. Beginning book review of Dwilogi novel biografi "Muhammad" written by Tasaro GK, held on 2 Desember 2011, It's held at GESERNA TMI, number of 876 participants. 283 Male and 593 Female. This division has not satisfied of the first program yet, and then it organized the scientific speech at once book review was written by KH. M Ridho Zarkasyi on 3 February 2012. The next to "life of exist with Qurani work" come with Habiburrahman El-Syirazy, AH. Abdul Mun'im and Al-Quran Center. Was held on 17 February 2012 at GESERNA TMI. On 4 Mei 2012 was held seminar of study motivation national "Man Jadda Wajada" was attended A. Fuadi writer of "Negeri 5 Menara" book and Akbar Zainuddin writer of best seller book "Man Jadda Wajada" as instructors. There were two sessions; each instructor delivered his motivation for one half hour. The first session was delivered by Akbar Zainuddin and Ust. Zainullah Syamsuri was as moderator. Meanwhile Akbar Zainuddin delivered his life history to be a writer. Then come to the

second session was handled by Ust. Iwan Kuswandi, S.Pd.I and A. Fuadi as instructor delivered the main goal of his life history based on motivation to study through Man Jadda Wajada, tips to write based on Islam work and the tips optimal the opportunity and interactive dialogue The number of participants in this seminar were more than others programs, even through it could be said that it the biggest program by total participants about 1.500 participants consist of 1.292 inside participant and 208 out of participants. By aim to increase the capability and knowledge of students to create quality SDM. In other hand, there were twice activities training held by human resource development division cooperated with another divisions based on the field. Library management training held on 2nd of March cooperated with library division. This program was attended by librarian at al-Amien Islamic boarding school. There were 20 library and each library delegated max 5 persons to follow it. The material w as delivered of library implementation for the first session and second session of library management, classification and cataloging of book and the next session of practicing in the field. LIBRARY DIVISION Al-Amien Library Center is one of division under Center for Islamic studies. Library of Al-Amien Prenduan provides the literature of any kind discipline science, both classical books and modern books. This year, there are 300 books from alumni, Mizan Publishing and chief and principle of Al-Amien Islamic boarding school to give contribution for the library center, and also information and communication ministry affair contributed the Komunika tabloid. The library center did not only provide millions books and medium of development science and recreation for intellectual students. But also it became scientific activity, such as discussion, book review, etc, include paper writing process and classical discussion (bahtsul masail) for final students Library center provided the good service cooperated with Library and Publication section (BAPUSBIT) of ISMI, held the program library mobile by using book cart which held each a week. BRIEF Informa tion Sya’ban 1433 AH. / Juli 2012 AD.


Al-Amien Prenduan Clinic

Al-Amien Clinic Road to Islamic Hospital


tudents and family clinic of Al-Amien Prenduan (BPSK) is a health agency which has played an important role to help people, especially for students and family of Al-Amien Prenduan Boarding School and society surrounding generally. It has 655 M2 as well as same other clinics, either private or state at Sumenep regency, in spite of many things should be ameliorated and increased in all of aspect. Because the frequency of Al-Amin Clinic's activity is solid enough nowadays, of society who need health nursing, medicine buying, pregnancy mother checkup, and children under five until the guidance of society health maintenance. Beginning of (BPSK) Al-Amien Prenduan, then become Al-Amin Clinic. Certainly, the expectation to become Islamic Hospital will come true. Drs. Saifullah Yusuf as vice of governor east Java had realized by putting the first stone of Islamic Hospital building on 29 September 2011/1 Dzulqo'dah 1432 which attended by some functionary of Sumenep regency, Director of Jemur Sari Islamic Hospital, Muspida, Muspika, Islamic scholars of Al-Amien Prenduan Boarding School surrounding and leaders of society. By their supporting,. Activity's Program The organizers of Al-Amien Clinic as responsibility undertook of drugstore and clinic logging routine everyday. Hereby, all of incoming are noted and documented well. Daily report evaluation, it's certainly not only the financial but also other things, namely the illness that often suffered patients and also medicine that often given to patients above. Meanwhile the weekly and monthly programs are increasing the cleanliness qu ality and giving the information, education, communication which connected with health problem for a week. Then there were many routine's activity held as fellows:


BRIEF Informa tion Sya’ban 1433 AH./Juli 2012 AD.

Collective service post (Posyandu) and Lansia Service Post (Poslansia) The health service was held by Al-Amien Clinic for all of children under five and old man which are at complex of Al-Amien Islamic Boarding school and around of it and cooperated with Prenduan society Clinic each 10th of National Calendar. KIE (Communication, Information, and Education) As instance which moved health sector, the clinic need to give the information and education about health through health counseling, so that supplies of knowledge will be used in performing prevention effort could be implemented well. So the symbol "prevent is better than cure" could be implemented and become orientation to be free family and society from any kinds of illness. The clinic had undertaken some of counseling at some place either inside or outside of Al-Amien Prenduan Boarding School/wide society for a year recently, such as reproduces health counseling for students-female, hepatitis counseling. Other things, the clinic also cooperated to undertake herbal cured counseling with Vadhio herbal house of Tumenggung Central-Java. And Incidental activity: 1. The Al-Amien Clinic cooperated with Society Clinic of Pragaan to undertake the immunization of DPT to prevent the diphtheria. 2. Creating the health promotion video of "Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) cooperated with Health sector Sumenep and TV Madura Channel (MaChan) 3. Improving the water quality, by undertaking clean water channelization of PDAM. This thing as improvement and implementation of environment document (UKP-UPL). 4. Attended orientation activity and development guidance of Pesantren and healthy students on 29-

31October 2011 at Hotel Oval. Jl. Diponegoro 23 Surabaya 5. Attended the activity of Monev PHBS Pesantren LKNU Sumenep on 23 November 2011 6. Spreading the poster and sabun cuci (Soap) to the kitchens cooperated with student health section (Bakes). 7. Checking up for new students held each new students application either first or second application Clinic side will target strategy planning and obsession of clinic for the next developing there are: a) Executing working visit to the health instance, to comparative studies on system improving process and health service as effort to improve the management to work professionalism. b) It becomes beautiful, peace, quit and clean at Islamic boarding school environment by being active and optimal, students of HUSADA which formatted from Poskestren power.

c) Planning of performing clean, peace, the great Husada student based on health planning. d) Arranging, planning, and management of al-amien hospital building achieving KSR Voluntary corps (KSR) was established and opened by Maliji Jalali Rahman, S.Sos.I had been socializing to surrounding society by any kinds of activities, either Posyandu or social working. We gave to KSR Female for Pos yandu activity and social working u nder responsibility of KSR male. BSR/PMR There are some clubs under Al-amine Clinic as guidance and construction to help the health supervising performance for students either female or male at Alamien Islamic Boarding School, and these all are under guidance and supervising of PMI Sumenep.

Al-Amien I Prenduan

The Studying Optimizing by Multimedia


n this year, Al-Amien I Prenduan integrated computer laboratory and multimedia room which present in every institution into one room, its name is Al-Amien I Multimedia. Al-Amien I Multimedia's room has 20 units of computer, 2 LED of projectors, 2 hotspot, digital whiteboard and other multimedia's instruments, such as headset, mouse-pen, and so on. In addition to repairing the place and medium, AlAmien I also repaired multimedia's room for its room organizing management, in order it can be more useful and effective. This Multimedia's room was applied in the morning for practicum of computer studying. After getting some theories and technology logic in the class, pupils then will apply it (theories) into practice in multimedia's room, under responsible the guidance. Other of that time (in the morning), Multimedia's room was applied for computer course. The participants are from pupils who stayed permanently and registered.

Its materials (material of course) are varieties; the basic theory of computer operation, digital design which use mouse-pen and software-support. Pupils also were taught the true basics of computer utilization, such as email organizing, blog and website. Special for Sunday, Multimedia's room would be applied for Internet Shop. Educational Program / Graduation Activity The daily activity agenda Reading of surah Yasin together which followed by all institutions; MI, MTs, MA and SMK with Riasah Council of 1st Al-Amien Prenduan Boarding School. It begins from 06.45-07.00 WIB. The monthly activity agenda o Carrying out of Dhuha Prayer and learning Ta'lim Muta'allim book regularly which is guided by the head master of 1st Al-Amien Prenduan Boarding School, KH. Muhajiri Musyhab Fatawi which is followed by all pupils, BRIEF Informa tion Sya’ban 1433 AH. / Juli 2012 AD.


either mukim (who stayed permanently) or non-mukim, once in a week for each institution. It would be started from MI at first week, MTs at second week, MA at third week, and SMK at fourth week. o Pentas Seni (PENSI) or art stage performance, just for pupil who stayed permanently. And it was handled by organizers itself while the controlling from teachers of 1st Al-Amien Prenduan Boarding School.

have been serving more than 10 years is 31 teachers (26%), it is more enough. The number of new students in first registration of this year was 153 pupils, and in second registration were 70 pupils. So, the total from all new students of this year is 223 pupils. With the number of drop out (DO) is16 (1.6%) pupils, so the number of all new students in last year is 964 pupils.

The Annual Activity Agenda

Achievement of Teacher and Pupil

o The annual ceremony which is followed by all pupils (mukim and non-mukim) from all institutions; MI, MTs, MA, SMK, MUDA, and TIBDA. o The celebration day of Indonesia (HUT 17 August 1945) which is followed by all pupils (mukim and nonmukim) from all institutions; MI, MTs, MA, SMK. o Carrying out of Gebyar Idul Adha (GIA) with varieties competitions, it held on every 08-12 of Dzulhijjah, which is followed by all mukim-pupils only.

1. Aryas Baziq Abqi, the pupil of TK (B) from Prenduan as the champion on reading poem competition in UPT Pendidikan Kecamatan Pragaan on August 2011. 2. Naila Shafira, the pupil of TK (B) from Pragaan Laok as the champion on reading poem competition in UPT Pendidikan Kecamatan Pragaan on August 2011. 3. Rozis Rijalullah, the pupil of TK (B) from Binteng as the champion on painting competition in UPT Pendidikan Kecamatan Pragaan on August 2011. 4. Fika Nailul Izzag cs, pupil of TK (A) from Prenduan as the champion on gymnasticcompetition in UPT Pendidikan Kecamatan Pragaan on August 2011. 5. Adil Murtadlo cs, pupil of TK (B) from Pragaan Laok as the champion on Patrol Music competition in GOR Sumenep on February 2012. 6. Masruroh, S.Pd.I, the teacher from Prenduan as the champion on creative teacher competition in TK Negeri Pembina Sumenep on February..

Pupil and Teacher Al-Amien I Prenduan Boarding School had received 9 new teachers in this year; it made the number of teacher in 1st Al-Amien Prenduan Boarding School changed be 118 teachers in last year. The ratio number between GT and GTT are comparable. The number of teachers is still dominated by new teachers who have been serving less than 5 years (46%). But, the number of teachers who

Al-Amien Putri I

Evolving Language by Usbu'ul Lughah


stablishment of Arabic and English Language is a kind of daily program in Al-Amien Putri I Prenduan. But, incidentally boarding school held stabilization and tajdid (modernity) in form of language programs which pack creatively, it aims to motivate pupils in studying and utilizing foreign language as medium of study. This year, Al-Amien Putri I Prenduan cooperated with Language Development Center carrying out Usbu'ul Lughah for 7 days (09-15/03/2012) and it involved all


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elements in Al-Amien Putri I Prenduan. The programs in Usbu'ul Lugah were; Istima', Tazwidul Mufrodat, Ishlahul A khtha', Hiw ar , seminar of English L anguage, Musyahadatul Aflam, drama, and linguistic competitions. Educational Program / Comparative Study - In this year, on 25 April 2012 SMK held comparative study in SMKN Surabaya. It was focused on process and assembly result of electronic tools.

- Comparative study for regular program was held on 23 April 2012 at UIN Malang. The students from regular program could observed. The Program of Final Students Besides intensive study in the morning before National Examination, all pupils of final class also were carrying out special programs before graduation. These programs were connecting with individual competence in order supplies them before getting out and living around society. All pupils also were guided to know more about themselves, about strengthen and weakness. The Final students programs for this year: - The opening of Niha'ie program on 02August 2011 which led by KH Moh Bahri As'ad,S.pd.I. - Tadribul Imamah (The practice leader of praying) is a program to memorize some short surah (30th Juz), which were started on 02nd of August 2011. - The writing an autobiography, it was started on 04August 2011 which was guided by KH Syaifudin Kudsi, S.HI., M.A. - The writing a book review, this program was started on 11 September 2011. - Teaching practice is a significant program, this program was started on 17October 2011 - Tadribul Khitobah is a kind of program aims to raise rhetorical ability; on 16 November 2011. - Khidmah Tarbawiyah is a kind of training with serving form in education which must be followed by all Niha'ie students, - Kuliah Kemasyarakatan (Society learning) - Muqobalah - Citation and graduation, citation was started from 09.00-12.00. And graduation was started from 19.00 WIB till the end. Teacher and Pupil Al-Amien Putri I Prenduan had received 11 new teachers in this year. Therefore, for this year the total number of teacher is 132 persons. With teacher status (75%) are GTT. The number of teacher has been dominated by teachers who have been serving less than 5 years, they are 61 persons (46%). 6-9 years are 35 persons (26%), more than 10 years are 36 persons (27%).

The number of drop out (DO) for this year is only 3 persons, this number decreased 87% than previous year. Therefore, the total number of pupils for the last year is 690 persons; this number increased almost 5% than the total number of pupils for the previous year. Same with previous years, the number of pupils per education level is average enough; except for MTs pupils its number is almost fourfold from the number of MA or SMK pupils. Student Organization Student organization of Al-Amien Putri I Prenduan (OSPA) is an intra student organization of school. OSPA program was written in three functions of organization; helping the head master of boarding school, a medium in organization and leadership training and as medium for all aspirations from students. Practically, OSPA has responsible for Ma'had activities outside school. Some OSPA activity: - Secretarial and finance training was held by secretary and finance section - Seminar of health and environment and Immunization for anti-defter, health and environment section of OSPA held on 02 January 2012 at Al-A'la building. - On 15 January 2012, library section of OSPA held a book review for Cinta Suci Zahrana. This program was led by KH. Syaifuddin Qudsi. - Seminar 'Menjadi Pelajar Kreatif dan Berprestasi'. Studying with the true way will make pupils be creative, innovative, enthusiasm and the last they can achieve some achievements. - Journalistic and writing activities were applied in groups of pupil's interest. As the appreciation for skill and interest of pupils, publishing section of OSPA held training of Journalistic. Teacher and Student's Achievement 1. Kellik Perdana Kusuma as runner up on scientific writing competition for SMA/MA level held by Hang Tuah University Surabaya on 28th of March 2011. 2. Khoimatul Fitriyah, Haula Zahnas dan Kurratul Ainiyah as the third champion on scientific writing for SMA/ MA level held by Hang Tuah University Surabaya on 28th of March 2011.

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Tarbiyatul Mu’allimien Al-Islamiyah

Digital Library to Increase the Educational Quality MI Al-Amien Prenduan gets more increasingly in developing of formwork of dedication to the societies, especially in field of education. For this year Islamic Education Center has digital library that has established and opened officially by Chief and principle of Al-Amien Islamic Boarding School on 17th of March 2012. Digital Library has any kind of digital collection format. Electronic literature such as e-book, e-journal, e-article, video of Education, audio book where the reader could accesse easily by using softwareof digital library ccan also access any information is equipted with digitally softwear. This digital library need several of financial number to hold on Rp. 30.000.000, by providing 1 unit and 7 clients that could be used by students and teahers in increasing the knowledge and their capability and also it's been used in teaching and learning process under guidance of teachers .


In other hand, students gift electional activity for about one hour before coming in to the class, and in afternoon before undertaking ashar prayer too. There are some activity are; having a sport, students club activity, having breackfast, taking a bath, washing etc. Then students follow formal class since 07.00 up to 13.00 WIB. So having lunch then they followed basic electional program which included entrepreneurship, having a sport and environmental health (orkesling) materials, and thechnology information (IT) ans scout movement After maghrib prayer, the students were guided to recite Holy quran in small group consist of three persons under guidance of grade XI or grade XI. Another weekly activities, are training of scout movement on Wednesday afternoon, jogging on Friday and Tuesday morning, correction of worship (tahsinul ibadah) and iro'at after maghrib prayer on Monday for male and Wednesday for female, and istirham, tahlil, berzanji, etc on Thursday after Isya'.

EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM In Daily and weekly program Islamic education center is an educational institute runs its education for 24 hours which started at 03.00 to 21.00. mus be followed by all of students is obligated to undertake thajjud prayer and witir prayer in the mosque. Then small group studying (Halaqoh) to undertake some worship activity and learning, such as reciting Quran, Dzikir, learning, discuissing, etc. Before shubuh prayer, students stoped the activity and read the asmaul husna. Then they undertook subuh of group prayer. Then next, as weekly programs which gets on Monday morning is holding to training of speech. Sunday and Wednesday to Thursday reicited classical book (Kitab kuning), then, Saturday morning held vocabulary enrichman and Friday morning weekly dialogue with Kiai council.

Monthly Activity  Students Clubs Leadership Workshop (Diklat KKS) There are more 300 subtitute of student's leadership clubs at TMI. It consists of formal clubs (Classical, room, Training of speech, and consulates) and proclivity clubs (scientific, language, a sport, scout movement etc.) which followed by new chief and vice of clubs. This workshop held on 08 Dz. Qo'dah 1432 AH with number of 180 participants for male and 150 female, under led by Ust. Ach. Rosul, S.Kom. PKM and KMD Management and leadership training (PKM) has semilirity with students leadership club workshop and management and leadership workshop fror grade XI will be organization of ISMI TMI (ISMI for male and ISTAMA for female). For this year, PKM held during 5 days, on 09 Muharrom - 04 Shafar 1432 H. which


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followed 350 participants for male and 270 for female. It held thoroughly, either material or practice. Three days is session based on leadership and management of organization materials. The next days is practicing in the field of students as the beginning of practice by helping the organisation's taks of ISMI. This program was led by K. Suyono Khottob as Project Officer as well as basic scout level training for male and guider basic training for female were held during 5 days on 27 Dz. Qo'dah - 02 Dz. Hijjah 1432 H. the number of 225 persons, and LDP 165 persons. Ust. Ach. Rifa'ie as project officer  MUSTA and MUSTETA annual discussion (Musta) and middle year discussion (Musteta) are routine activities of ISMI and ISTAMA which consist of three agendas are insvestigating of responsibility report, plenary session and substitution of new ISMI and ISTAMA organizers. This program held middle of year on 09 R. Awal - 04 R.Tsani 1432 H. The main program of Musta is election of new organizer of ISMI and ISTAM. Meanwhile Musteta was held at the last year on Romadhan Month which ere led by Ust. H. Saiful Anam as Project Office  Checking books, Mufakkiroh and notebook (Kutaib) This program is one of prerequitment to follow the examination held under academic section in each level, and homeroom teachers have to check the complitement of subject books, student notes, and mufakkiroh (daily student note) and kutaib (the last limited note of reciting Holy quran). Remidial and Learning Center This program is one of obligation that must be followed by all students before implementation of exam during a week, both a semester and a mid semester. And learning center was held two days before implementation of exam which was supervised by homeroom teachers.  Tankfull of JQH Jam'iyyatul Qurro' wal Huffadz (JQH) is speciall place to memorize of Holy quran and learning art of Holy Quran. For this year, there are 220 members for male and 96 female. It's held thankfull as expression of thankfull on 20 J.Tsaniyah 1432 AH. For female and on 21 J.Tsaniyah 1432 H. for male. Was led by K. Abd. Warits. As Project Officer

Written and oral examination. Written examanition was held 4 times a year, namely mid semester and final semester. Meanwhile oral examination was held twice in a year, namely each final semester Mid semester exam was held on 18-27 Dz. Hijjah 1432 H. Ust. H. Lukman Hakim as project officer. And the last semester was held 21 Shafar - 07 R. Awal 1433 H. Ust. Maliji Jalali as project officer. And Mid semester II was held on 23 J. Ula - 01 J. Tsaniyah 1433 H. Ust. Syarifudin as project officer. And the last semester II was held on 30 Rajab-15 Sya'ban 1433 H. Ust. H. Su'aidi Yusuf as project officer. TEACHERS AND STUDENTS Islamic Education Center has 401 education staff, than, last year ago the staff consist of 277 permanaent teacher (69 %) and 123 teacher (31 %) unpermanents. Meanwhile , students of TMI Al-Amien Prenduan has a number of 2.584 persons. Consist of 1.561 for male (60 %) and 1.023 for female (40 %). At the last year, as many as 1.190 students for msle (55 %) and 961 for female (45%) They droup out, they has law intelegence to understand the subject as many as 43 students (1,9 %), discipline of 27 students (1,2 %), health of 19 students (0,8 %), family problem of 21 students (0,9 %), mutation of 19 students (0,8 %), turning to the parents 23 students (1 %), and economic prolem of 9 students (0,4 %). For new students who came in for academic year 2011-2012 as many as 754students. For the first application as many as 144 students (20 %) and the second application as many as 610 students (80 %). so, at TMI male as number of 435 students (57 %) and at TMI female as many as 319 (43 %). STUDENT ORGANIZATION COUNCIL One aim of Islamic Education Center is to create student to be a leader. Therefore, the leadership tasks was applicated in organization or clubsm either formal or proclivity clubs. In the room, in the class, was elected some students to be chief and vice either in the class or in the room. The students of grade X Intensive and regular entrusted ti lead the organization bigger, such as consulate, scout movement, and proclivity clubs.

BRIEF Informa tion Sya’ban 1433 AH. / Juli 2012 AD.


Ma’had Tahfidh Al-Qur’an

The Improvisation of Graduate by Tafarrugh Program in MTA


ince its first establishment up to nowadays, MTA had exactly enough 22 years old. Various development efforts for each aspect were carried out in order it could bring MTA to step forward. Education, tahfidh program, economic, dakwah are aspects were protected its stability through modernity which has been carried out by each element in MTA. As education institution of Al-Qur'an, MTA gave more attention to the tahfidh programs. Among special programs of education is tafarrugh. Tafarrugh program is a program just for graduate of MTA in order to complete their recitation of Al-Qur'an till 30 Juz, and for who had memorized this program aims to strengthen their recitation through special programs under senior muhafidz guidance. While tafarrugh program, the graduates also are carried out serving in MTA. They got special jobs, those are being supervisor for junior pupils in memorizing alQuran as musammi' and musammi'ah. Tasmi' program was carried out every morning after shubuh prayer and afternoon after ashar prayer. Except those jobs, they were gave structural job in MTA institution, and educational job in teaching and learning activity in classes. EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM In Daily and weekly program The pupils were supervised in implementation of listed and planned programs for 24 hours a day. The pupils wake up 1 hour before shubuh prayer. All pupils were obligated to carry out tahajjud and wittir prayer in mosque. After prayer, the pupils then gather in small circle (halaqah) to perform activities of worship and learning, such as reading the Qur'an, muroja'ah (brushing up), dzikir, learning and so on. After gathering prayer of shubuh, the pupils of MTA perform daily tasmi'. It was then continued by school


BRIEF Informa tion Sya’ban 1433 AH./Juli 2012 AD.

activities in their classroom. After dzuhur and ashar prayer, the pupils came back to perform daily tasmi' program. The others weekly activities are: training of speech (muhadlarah), training of scout, scientific debate, science discussion and Qur'an and organization activities of RITMA. Monthly-annual activities  The Test of Hifdhul Qur'an The test of Hifdhul Qur'an was held 4 times a year, at half of semester and at last semester. In this program, every pupil has to collect their recitation without seeing text to examiner according to the target. The examination of hifdhul Qur'an of mid first Semester was held on 26-31 March 2011, with Ust. Khoirurrozaq was being a chief. The last first semester was held on 17-22 of December 2011, with Ust. Nur Sholihin was being a chief of committee. The examination of mid second Semester was held on 28-31 of March 2012. In this year, the committee was headed by Ust. Rhomdhoni. Whereas the committee of Hifdhul Qur'an examination of last second semester was headed by Ust. Saiful Bahri, it was held on 21-29 of Mei 2012.  The oral and writing examination Writing examination was held 4 time a year, those are at mid semester and last semester. Whereas oral examination was held twice, those are every last semester examination. Mid first semester examination was held on , which headed by Ust. Miftahul Anwar. Final first semester examination was held on , which headed by Ust. Nailu rrahman, S.T h.I . for mid second semester examination was held on, which headed by Ust. Fauzi Fathuurrozi. Whereas final second semester examination was held on , and it was headed by Ust. Fauzi Fathurrozi.  Citation of final class Citation was held once in year, that is at last year of education in MTA. This year the citation for final class was held on 15 of June, and Project Officer was handled by Ust. Khoiri Sariman.

 The graduation of Hifdzu Kamilul Qur'an , Juz 'Amma, and Tasyakkuran 12 juz This program is a tasyakuran form for final class who finished on recitation 30 juz, and 12 juz, also juz 'Amma special for new students. The graduation program in this year held on 16 of June 2012, and Ust. Khoiri was being Project Officer TEACHER AND PUPIL In this year, MTA Al-Amien Prenduan was belonged 101 teachers for junior high school (SMP) male-female, 78 teachers for senior high school male-female, and 65 persons for MAK male-female. The majority of MTA's teachers were being staying inside boarding school, and it will help to get maximum role in guiding and educating pupils. The education background of MTA's teachers is verities. The diploma is 8 persons (3.27%), the first degree of education is 35 persons (14.4%), the first degree of general science is 20 persons (8.2%), the first degree of religion is 11 persons ( 4.6%), the graduates from Pesantren Tahfidz is 18 persons (7.4%), the second degree of education is 6 persons (2.5%), the second degree of

general science is 6 persons (2.5%), the second degree of religion is 12 persons (4.9%), the third degree of education is 1 person (0.4%), S3 of religion is 5 persons (2.05%), besides that there are also teachers who have been serving 43 persons (17.6%). At first of new year of education 2011-2012, the number of pupils male/female of MTA is 1051 pupils, but this number in the last year increased be 995 pupils, it caused by the number of high dropout (DO) (5%). This matter is caused by some reasons, those are: discipline trouble, recitation of Al-Qur'an, health, and family trouble. T heir parent backgrou nd are varieties, from entrepreneur is 421 persons (61.3%), teacher is 120 persons (17.5%), boarding school guardian is 22 persons (3.2%), farmer and fisherman is 72 persons (10.4%), lecturer is 23 persons (3.3%), civil servant is 176 persons (25.7%), head master is 14 persons (2.04%), prosecutor and lawyer is 3 persons (0.43%), the head of village is 7 persons (1.02%), national army is 2 persons (0.41%), mubaligh or Da'I is 7 persons (1.02%), police is 6 persons (1.01%), and other professions such as doctor, driver and so on.

Al-Amien Institute for Islamic Studies (IDIA) Prenduan

Menuju Perpustakaan Masa Depan


he science quality of university could be seen from the presented book in the university. To create it, IDIA Prenduan carried out 2 matters, the first is building library and the second is building book store of IDIA Prenduan. Library of IDIA has been one of Al-Amien central library in Al-Amien of female II complex. But, after having enough literatures IDIA library then took a part while building new local on 2003. Up to 2011, IDIA library ever moved twice, adapting to the better storage and more strategic location. Seeing to the big quantity development of books and the big necessity to the best book quality, This year was announced officially IDIA Prenduan library on 16 of December 2012 by Purek III (assistant to the rector) III, KH. Drs. Saifurrahman Nawawi. IDIA Prenduan library

placed at second floor of the new building with its large is 10X15 m, full of AC. It was enrolled in data base Pangkalan Perpustakaan Nasional. Not only carrying out reconstruction of building, I DI A Prenduan also carrying ou t management reconstruction of library. IDIA Prenduan invited librarian from UIN Malik Ibrahim Malang Bpk. Setiawan, S.Sos in Workshop of Library on 18-19 of Mei 2012. This Workshop had been held for 2 days and it followed by library organizers. This Management organizing is conformity with tidying up of book catalog digitalization that connecting then with Digital Library. IDIA library focuses on coding and adding book, and carrying out book activities such as the publishing of wall magazine, discussion and book review. The newest activities are book review Ulama' Negosiator BRIEF Informa tion Sya’ban 1433 AH. / Juli 2012 AD.


Pesantren, Kisah, Teladan and Pengalaman Hidup KH. Tidjani Djau hari the magnu m opus from Iw an Kuswandi on 25 of Mei 2012. It has been connecting with book, nowadays IDIA Prenduan has been building book store that placed in front of IDIA putra's hostel. EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM General Lecture General lecture with the theme "Rekonstruksi Pendidikan Agama Islam di Indonesia" was narated by Prof. Dr. Abuddin Nata (13/03/2012). According to his view, nowadays education of pesantren has transformative role in individual building character in order pupils could compete in all sides of education, remembering about synergistic education of religion and general which have taught in pesantren education. Gebyar 'Idul Adha To embellish Gebyar 'Idul Adha (GIA) 1433 H, IDIA held some competitions. The Students Executive Broad (BEM) which act as committee have full responsible for running this program. This competition was followed by all intensive students who stayed permanently in IDIA hostel. Among competitions was held by committee are; Arabic Speech Contest with Sajalil Sirojuddin as the champion, reading poetry competition with Ahmad Rofi'i as the champion, tartil and adzan competition which Ali Shodiqin as the champion for both competitions. The practice of society efficiency (P2M) For this year, IDIA Prenduan carried out P2M twice. A P2M graduate of XIV was held at Galis subdistric Pamekasan on 1-25 of Ramadhan 1432 H/01-25 of August 2011. The participants were divided into 9 groups and placed at 9 villages. Alhamdulillah, P2M at Galis got good response from all inhabitant. Some supreme programs are the celebration of Nuzulul Qur'an around village, health illumination, science and skill courses, participating on society activities, science competitions for pupils and so on. P2M graduate of XV was held at 14 villages at Ganding Sumenep on 14-15 of Jumadal Ula 1433 H/ 17-15, of R. Awal -J. Awal 1433 H. The participants were divided into 8 groups on male students and 6 groups of female students. Each group placed at one village. Some supreme programs are scientific and skill competition, participating on society activities and some courses and so on.


BRIEF Informa tion Sya’ban 1433 AH./Juli 2012 AD.

The graduation of degree 1 For this year, IDIA held graduate procession of XIV on 31 of January 2012 M or 07 of R. Awwal 1433 H, which followed by male/female graduates with three faculties: the faculty of tarbiyah were 121 students, the faculty of dakwah were 30 students and the faculty of ushuluddin were 34 students. This program is a form of program which held special for students of final semester as the end signal of finishing for their education in Institut Dirosat Islamiyah Al-Amien (IDIA) Prenduan. Intensive program Intensive Program is a lecture program special for students who stayed permanently in hostel (mondok). In addition to following lecture activity, the final students of intensive program also followed some special programs which connected with their individual competence to prepare themselves before their graduation and living together with citizen. The intensive programs are the practice of imamah (being the leader of praying) which held on 11-16 of Dzulqo'dah 1432 H. Khutbah Jum'at or practice of becoming preacher of Friday prayer (male) and religion preaching (female) on 2-9 of Dzulhijjah 1432 H. After they were selected, male/female students would practice it at mosques and groups of teaching around boarding school. STUDENT AND LECTURER The number of student in this year is 887 persons. This number decreased almost 5% than previous year, 845 persons. The new students who enrolled in this year are 217 persons, 24% of the total number of student. The number of lecturers of IDIA Prenduan in this year is 60 persons. Those lecturers are graduates from elite university either inside or outside of country, such as Al-Azhar University, Ummul Quro University Makkah, Omdurman University Sudan, Madinah University, Islamabad International University Pakistan, Punjab lahore University, Universities of Malaysia Nationality, Gajah Mada University, Airlangga University, Unesa Surabaya, university of Negeri Malang, UIN Jakarta, UIN Malang and IAIN Surabaya. From 60 lecturers, 18 (30) persons are the graduation of first degree, 17 persons (28%) are masters graduate of religious degree. 15 persons (25%) are graduate from second degree of education, 3 (2%) persons are graduate from second degree of general science and 2 persons are graduate from second degree of education. And 1 person is religious doctorate graduate.

Ma’had Salafy

Memorizing Alfiyah and Al-Qur’an


a'had Salafy had been establishing on holy purpose, which it will create pupils to be mutafaqqih fiddien. Its education has been focused on ulum tanziliyah. The differences with other institutions in Al-Amien Boarding School is this institution gave more Islamic science teaching which could be got from classic books, but it still has been connecting with modern life. Although the number of pupil is not much enough, caused by this institution was the new institution, but the pupils still could learn optimally with teachers who always guided them. The pupils also were guided to participate in society activity, those connected with learning and education activity of pesantren. The pupils presented their memorizing of Alfiyah baits Ibnu Malik in mosques. This memorizing frequency is more increased when the half and final examination of semester came. Since this year, all pupils were obligated to memorize 1 juz of al-Qur'an in every semester. The pupils were guided according each group, every group was guided by one m usamm i' cor recting their memorizing. Alhamdulillah, that program has been running well for 1 semester, and could be through perfectly by all pupils. In this year Ma'had Salafy came back being host for final class TMI male pupils who wants to learn the classic book. The number of participants for this year was 114 pupils. They followed the guidance how the methods reading the classic book, memorizing alfiyah and other special guidance. In final learning, all participants followed reading the classic book examination, and they got good result. 24% from them got mumtaz (cumlaude) status. Educational Program • Hifdhu al-Ajzaa' al-Muqorror (memorizing of al-Ajzaa' al-Muqorror) was carried out every final semester as medium to strengthen memorizing. This program was held by pupil of class II Wustho (junior high school) and I Ulya (Senior high school) Al-Ma'had As-Salafy. • At final second semester 1431-1432 H and 14321433 H, all pupils did Hifdhu Alfiyah Ibn Malik as

obligatory memorizing. This program was followed by all pupils of class II Wustho (junior high school) and I Ulya (Senior high school) Al-Ma'had As-Salafy. • Although it based on salaf system, but pupils also followed the rising science program in journalistic and scientific writing were formed into research program. This Program had been run for Mei 2012. It was begun by intensive guidance of research writing and systematic explanation. It was only followed by all pupils of final class (niha'ie). Other that, the pupils of final class also made scientific writing with idol figure title (15-22/02/ 2012) and book review (02-10/03/2012). By the final process of education in Ma'had Salafy, the final class pupils helped the organizer being supervisor in final examination of Semester (24-29/04/2012). The pupils also got KKN at some boarding schools in Paking, Pamekasan (1-10/04/2012). The Pupil and teachers Remembering about the old of pesantren is still young; the teachers in Ma'had Salafy dedicated theirselve for 12 years only. The number of teacher in this year is 16 persons, after adding 3 new teachers. Those teachers are permanent teachers, but 5 teachers of them were not living in boarding school. The teacher of Ma'had Salafy came from varieties background of education. Five teachers of them were the graduate of bachelor degree (S1), and 3 teachers came from education faculty. The other teachers were graduate from salaf boarding school that specially taught in the classic book learning. The number of new pupil in this year was 3 persons; therefore the total number of pupil in this year is 12 persons. 2 persons are grantee of cadre. Although the number of pupil is minority, but the pupils of Ma'had Salafy came from verities places, those are Sumenep (50%), Sampang (16%), Bangkalan (16%), Cirebon (8%) dan Kalimantan (8%). Those pupils were average from farmer family (65%), and others were from fisherman and entrepreneur. BRIEF Informa tion Sya’ban 1433 AH. / Juli 2012 AD.


Info for Jariyah Charity For donors, Aghniya', Umaro', Muslim scholars and Society Who want to help at once Jariyah charity On building Al-Amien Islamic Hospital Sumenep (RSI) We let for who want to contribute either in giving prayer, and specially material, through: BNI No. 0225383022 a.n committee of Al-Amien Islamic Hospital building (Pembangunan RSI YAP) Or MANDIRI 141-00-1126379-5 a.n Al-Amien Islamic Hospital building (YAP Pembangunan RSI) Aid of brothers and sisters are evidence of sacrifice soul and social care for prosperity of Islamic people

OFFERING OF COOPERATION....! Excellency of Muslim scholars, Kiaies, the heads of Islamic Boarding School, the leaders of foundation and Islamic educational institutes if you are willingly to prepare

The Cadres of Social leader for your cultivating educational institutes for the next future So, we are bidding up in all modestly TA’AWUN ALAL BIRRI WAT-TAQWA DALAM BIDANG KADERISASI May it carries the Rahmat and Barokah of Allah SWT 28

BRIEF Informa tion Sya’ban 1433 AH./Juli 2012 AD.

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