Report on the research on street children

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Title of the research: Exploring nutritional status of the Street Children around the Sai Temple Research Team:

Emojani Shrestha Sanjana Singh Nutan Ananda

Introduction: The present study attempts to understand nutritional status of street children living around Sai Temple at Lodhi Colony. As defined by UNICEF, there are three types of street children.   

Street Living Children: Children who ran away from their families and live alone on the streets Street Working Children: Children who spend most of their time on streets, fending for themselves but returning home on a regular basis. Children from street Families: Children who live on the streets with their families.

Under nutrition is a form of malnutrition. Lack of proper nutrition often causes poor growth in children making them look smaller and shorter than children of same age.

Children are living their life on the street along with their parents or with their guardians or in a group. We have considered children below 18 years. There are various reason responsible for being these children on the street. Most of the children are on the street with their parents or with their guardians, if parents are dead. They spend most of their time playing and roaming around the street. Due to poverty, they do not get enough nutritious diet on time leading under nutrition. Our study has focused on the study of under Rationale: This study aimed to explore the living condition of street children with special reference to their nutritional status and tried to identify the factors affecting their health. Literature Review: A number of studies has already been done on street children highlighting their living condition, their health status etc. The Human Development Report of the UNDP (1993) shows that our country has the greatest number of street children. It is reported that New Delhi, Bombay and Calcutta have around 2 Lakhs street children each and Bangalore has about 45,000 street children. The study(first of its kind in Delhi) done by “Save the Children” a NGO working for children’s right and the Institute for Human Development has

revealed that over 50,000 street children are there in Delhi. The Study covered all the 9 districts of Delhi State (Central, East, North, East, North West, South West, West and New Delhi) which fall within the National Capital Territory ( NCT) of Delhi. In a research paper published in International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies , researchers attempts to assess the nutritional status of street children in Mumbai. Findings of the study reveal that about 77% of total children surveyed were malnourished and out of the total number of malnourished children, 40% of children were stunted,38% were underweight and 19 % were wasted. It found that maternal education had a strong inverse relationship to nutritional status. Another paper by Indrapal, Stephen and Battina analyses the nutritional status and substance abuse among street children in South India. It found that about 42% of the total children covered in study were involved in substance abuse and most of these children suffered from anemia. Objectives: The objectives of the present study are 1. To study the profile of the Street Children 2. To study food habit of street children 3. To analyse the nutritional status of Street Children Research questions: 1. How is the nutritional status of street children near Sai temple? 2. What are the factors affecting nutritional status of street children?

Methodology: 

Research design:

The research was done to study the profile and background of street children. For this the interview with the variables like Name, Age, Schooling, and Family background was filled up. Information on Variables like kinds of toilet and source of drinking water, the meals per day and type of meal they consumed was collected which helped to understand their living standard. Observation was done on their hygiene and Weight measurement were taken by a

standard weighing machine while height was taken by using a standard measurement tape The street children living around Sai Temple would be considered as the population for the research. Sampling Techniques: The respondents for the research were selected as per convenience and on the basis of their availability on the date of field visit.

Data collection Method: Direct interview method was used to collect data from respondents. Observation checklist was used to understand their hygiene condition under the variables like clean clothes, clean nails and toes, trimmed nails, clean teeth, body odor etc.Their body mass index was calculated by weighing them by weighing machine and taking their height through measuring tape. Data Analysis: The data collected from field will be analysed through SPSS. Respondents: We have carried our interview on 11 numbers of children.

Among then 2 were girls and 9 were boys . The sample includes all kinds of children that were:Living with parents and Living with guardians Children with single parents Occupation of parents:

Parents or guardians of all the children is found to be involved in works like Masson on daily wage basis resulting poor economic status of the family. This study shows 100% parents or guardians know how to read and write. Gender: In this research among 11 respondents male children are 81.1% and female children are 18.2%. Table Number 1: gender Frequency Percent male 9 Valid female 2 Total 11

81.8 18.2 100.0

Valid Percent 81.8 18.2 100.0

Cumulative Percent 81.8 100.0

Attending school:

Some of them goes to school and most of them spent the whole day on the street. Among 11 respondents 4 children are only attending school and all of them are male and number of children not attending school are 7. All the children that goes to school are males. Table Number 2:attending school Frequency Percent Yes Valid no Total

4 7 11

36.4 63.6 100.0

Valid Percent 36.4 63.6 100.0

Cumulative Percent 36.4 100.0

Time spends on street: Table Number 3.

time spent on street Frequency Percent 3 years 2 5 years 1 6 years 1 7 years 1 Valid By birth 5 stay at night shelter but 1 mostly on street Total 11

18.2 9.1 9.1 9.1 45.5

Valid Percent 18.2 9.1 9.1 9.1 45.5

Cumulative Percent 18.2 27.3 36.4 45.5 90.9






This research shows 45.5% children have been living at the street by birth and other children found on road and night shelter Toilet users: Table Number 4.

type of toilets in use Frequency Percent public toilet Valid others Total

Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent





1 11

9.1 100.0

9.1 100.0


Most of the children (90.9)% use public toilets for daily routine and remaining 9.1%(only one girl of low age) use other toilets like open toilet. Drinking water source:

drinking water source

community taps Valid others Total

Frequency Percent

Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent





7 11

63.6 100.0

63.6 100.0


Among respondents 36.4% of children uses water from community taps and 63.6 % says they drink water from taps around like in the Sai Baba Temple, Dilli Jal Board.

Medical assistance available: Table No. 6 medical assistance Frequency Percent yes Valid no Total

9 2 11

81.8 18.2 100.0

Valid Percent 81.8 18.2 100.0

Cumulative Percent 81.8 100.0

Medical assistance is accessible to all the respondents are found. 81.8% street children use medical assistance through the Government and charitable trusts like Satya Sai Hospitals and only 18.2% children dose not take any medical assistance or depend on the indigenous medicine only. . Types of food consumed: Table 7 types of food item consumed


As per availability chai biscuit rice dal Dal roti Vegetable rice dal tea vegetables Rice dal vegetables roti tea biscuit rice dal vegetable Tea biscuit rice dal vegetable roti tea rusk roti vegetables Total

Frequency Percent

Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent

4 1 1 1

36.4 9.1 9.1 9.1

36.4 9.1 9.1 9.1

36.4 45.5 54.5 63.6













1 11

9.1 100.0

9.1 100.0


This table shows that the most of the children consume food as per availability. They depends on the food distributed on Sai Temple for fruit.

Observation: Among 11 respondents 1 street child of 17 year of age that ia 9.1% of street children found to be victim of substance abuse.

no. of children with

no. of children without

12 11 10

10 9


8 7 6

6 5





2 1

0 clean cloths

0 nails clean

trimmed nails

clean teeth

clean hair

body odour

Through observation , it was found that most of them have very poor hygiene and most of them suffer from diseases frequently.

BMI 25





18.1 16.9




15 14.5 13.1





It was found that out of the total 11 children surveyed 10 children are underweight. . Poor economic condition was mainly responsible poor purchasing power for nutritious food and they are not getting balanced diet.

Conclusion: The problem of under nutrition is wide spread in populated country like India especially among street children. This is the burning issue in India. Though the Govt. of India has been trying to tackle the issue over a long period of time yet the govt. has not been successful in reducing the problem. Majority of street children are undernourished. Majority of malnourished children suffered from infections in the past one year. The present study findings reveal that most of the street children are living with their guardians and their main source of income is begging, rag picking and many are daily wage earners. They take food as per the availability and they are not getting balanced diet so they depend mostly on food which they get from and around Sai Temple. Through observation , it was found that most of them have very poor hygiene and most of them suffer from diseases frequently. Also street Children gets victimized of substance abuse in lack of proper guidance in the street life. Causes of under nutrition: Ignorance about the type and amount of food required for our healthy living Poor economic condition resulting poor purchasing power for nutritious food Drug addiction and alcoholism Ill health condition due to poor hygiene Recommendations: Suitable programme should be designed to improve their economic standard and making them aware of balanced diet and personal hygiene. A proper care should be there to prevent them from substance abuse. Limitation of the study: The study covered street children around sai temple only so we cannot generalise the statement. The study has covered the limited area of Lodhi Road, around Sai Temple only so we can not generalise the findings. Among the children available on the date, some of them also found to be dwelled in the temporary shelter along with their parents. Children’s childish and reluctant behaviour, uncertainty of their answers, non cooperation from the respondents are some of the challenges faced during interview.

References:     Human Development Report of the UNDP (1993) Report: “Save the Children” byInstitute for Human Development “Assessment of Nutritional Status of Street Children in Selected Wards of an Urban Area” by Neelam Rathod, Priya Warbhe  “Nutritional Status and Substance Abuse Among Street Children in South India” by Indrapal Ishwarji Meshram, Stephen Gade, Pothu Raju Battina

INTERVIEW SCHEDULE FOR SURVEY OF LIVING CONDITION AND UNDER NUTRITION AMONG STREET CHILDREN NEAR SAI TEMPLE, LODHI COLONY, DELHI Interviewer’s Name_____________________ Signature and Date of Survey: _______________ Objective no. 1 : To study the profile of the street children 1. GENERAL PROFILE: 1.1 Name of the Respondent: ______________________ 1.2 Age (completed) ________________ 1.3 Gender: ………………………………..(Male/Female/Transgender) 1.4 Educational status……………………….(Yes/No) If yes 1.5 Do you go to school? Yes/ No 1.6 If yes, specify the level of schooling (i)Primary (ii) Middle School (iii) Secondary 1.7 Name the school you have gone or you are going? …………………………………………. 1.8 Do you stay with your family? Yes/ Not stay with the family but in contact with them/ Not stay with family and no contact/ Others (specify__________) 1.9 How many members are there in your family? 1.10 What is the main Income source of your family? What do they do? ……………………………………………………. 1.11 How much they earn per day? …………………………….. (Sufficient/Low) 1.11 Are your parents literate? Yes No 1.12 How long have you been on the street?

…………………..................... Objective no. 2 : To study the food habit and hygiene of the Street children 2. FOOD HABIT AND HYGIENE 2.1 How many times a day you take meal? 2.2 What food items do you intake as meal? …………………………………….. (Healthy/ average nutritious/low in nutrition) 2.3 Do you have any Idea on what type of food is necessary to keep us healthy? …………………………………………………………….. (has idea/has no idea) 2.4 Where do you stay and spend most of the time? ………………(Slums/road/on any basera) 2.5. Are you engaged in any type of income earning activity? If answer is YES, kindly specify the following 2.6 When you have some money what type of food you buy ? ………………………………………………… (healthy and hygienic/ Junk food) 2.7 Do you have any idea on hygiene condition to be healthy? Yes No 2.8 What is their Hygienic condition (Observation) (i) Cleanliness………………..(Poor/good) (ii)Dress …………………….. (clean/Dirty) (iii)Nail…………………………….(long/short) 2.9 What are your main sources of drinking water? Community wells/ Community taps/Hand pumps/Others (specify)____________ 2.10 What kind of toilet do you currently use? No toilet/Public Toilet/ Sulabh Sauchalay (paid)/ Others _____________ 1.11 How often do you take bath? …………………………….( regularly/ sometime) 2.12 Do your parents/guardians help you to keep yourself clean? Yes/ No Objective No.3 To Study the nutritional status of the street children 3.1 Measurement of Body Mass Index (Observation) Height____________ Weight____________

Calculation of BMI=weight in kg./(Height in m.)2 3.2 How often do you get ill in a year? Sometime/ Often 3.3 When did you get ill last time? …………….. 3.4 What type of disease have you suffered from? …………………………………. 3.5 Whether you received any medical assistance? Yes No 3.6 If yes what type of medical assistance you received? Govt. Hospital/ Private Nursing/ Health camp/ no treatment/ Others (specify) _____________

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