E-Governance for good governance: Introduction: E-Governance stands for carrying out the affairs of the state by using ICT (Information and communication technology) to bring economy, efficiency, effectiveness, transparency in own activities. It tries to develop paperless government with easy access of information and services to public at his locality through common service delivery centre. The ultimate benefit is empowerment of the citizen by providing them access of Information and ensuring efficiency, transparency and reliability in governance at affordable cost.
As per the World Bank, "E-Government refers to the use of information technologies (such as Wide Area Networks, the Internet, computer technology and mobile computing) by government agencies that have the ability to transform relations with citizens, businesses, and other arms of government." It facilitates the exchange of information between: 1. 2. 3. 4.
The Government and Government The Government and citizens The Government and Government agencies and corporations The Government and Development partners( Private bodies, National and international bodies) 5. The Government and Business partners The essence of E –Governance is in developing SMART (Simple, Measurable, Accessible, Responsive and Transparent) government to establish citizen centric governance, another name for good governance, the ultimate goal of every states.
Quote of Mahatma Gandhi: “The citizen is the most important visitor of our premises. He is not
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dependent on us, we are dependent on him, we are not doing him a favor by serving him, He is doing us favor by giving us opportunity to do so.�
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At present every countries in the world is adopting E-governance in their system for better governance. Faster Service delivery
Engagement of people
Platform for voice of opinion
Platform for Interaction with government
Silent features of E-Governance The govt. of India, ensuring participation of citizens in policy making and providing ease of access to information to the citizens, introduced the National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) in 2006 with clear vision, objectives and strategy. The vision of the plan is to "Make all Government services accessible to the common man in his locality, through common service delivery outlets and ensure efficiency, transparency & reliability of such services at affordable cost to realize the basic needs of the common man." Adopting PPP (Public Private Partnership) model, Department of Administrative Reform and public grievance (DARPG) is set as the focal organization for implementation of E-Governance plan, 2006. Currently, Digital India Program, a program to transform India into digital empowered society has been launched to ensure government services are available to citizens electronically. Efforts done till now to implement E-governance system in India with the vision of “Bringing public services closer to home.”
DARPG is the nodal agency for coordination and implementation of E-governance plan in India. Conducting National conference was on E-governance every year and last conference on 2015 was the 18th one. Awards of various categories are distributed to various Public sector entities on various for their performance in promotion of E-governance in their day to day activity. Capacity building through master E-governance training plan. Monitoring of the provisions of Plan
E-office mission mode project is in running in 3rd phase that provide electronic environment in working by electronic work flow to reduce paper work, to reduce process delay. Each government legislatures have their own web site with information, interaction platform to communicate and track application. Information Technology Act that address cyber space, Making computer easily accessible, cyber law adopting IT act, and improved connectivity by improving telecommunication system based on the optic fiber. Well developed online banking system facilitating online payment system to government services. Online availability of entitlements to citizen 14 digit unique identification number (UID) or Aadhar number is given to citizens Interactive self service portal for UID management. E-Aadhar facility of online registration, checking status, download, update etc.
Contribution of E- governance for good governance:
Quick accessibility of Information Facilitating public for their reaction n feedback Ensuring participation of people Earning public confidence, Creating effective relationship between. Government n citizens Receiving public scrutiny Getting services on short and stipulated manner Collecting public opinion Reducing public harassment from attitude of government officers. Reducing the times or frequency required to visit public offices to get services Making the presence of government in every nook and corner of the country Minimizing human intervention in service delivery point.
Major initiatives taken at both central and state level in India: Along with making own presence, central government have taken certain steps to assist states. 25 states and 7 union territories govt. have undertaken massive initiatives and they have been succeeded to make enhanced presence of the government.
Most states have web portal in their own language. Andhra Pradesh- Andhra Pradesh state wide area networks of data, voice, video.-Twin city network to provide various services to twin cities, Hyderabad, n Secunderabad. One stops ICSCs network- get info. Pay bills, property tax, purchase certificate n license, property registration, transport procedure Madhya Pradesh- With some modification have started e governance service in office communication, personnel management, land records Karnataka- Technical capacity building, Computerization of land records, Transportation management, Tourism services facilitation , Gujrat- State wide area network connecting all office and corporation, e gram“Vishvagram” project connecting 13695 Gram Panchayats and 6000 citizen common service centers with video conferencing facilities at villages, issuing certificates. Rajasthan-State wide network to provide information and to communicate with public, Online grievances channel and complain cell
Website of Indian parliament: India.gov.in- basic information on lok shabha members(House of states) n rajya shabha ( council of states) members-parliamentary activities, parliamentary committee, budget matters, legislative acts,
Other E-governance practices: In railway service: Online ticket booking, online tracking of the train, Immediate information on web about train status Online submission of forms to get services Presence of service delivery Gateways Online tracking of application submitted Presence of the virtual office in the form of web portal. And presence of legal framework supporting the presence of such virtual office. Presence of all information in net for tourism and travel. Hospital information system adopted in Delhi with facilities of online registration, doctors appointment scheduling, Presence of states data center Health care information to rural people in the form of tele-consultation, tele-medicine , emergency health care information to poor people Issuing certificates like, birth, Death, etc. Tamil Nadu e-district Portal with educational assistance to students Mobile applications developed to access various government services Online payment of bills of all utilities charges Online booking system available for the services searched Online tax administration system
Conclusion: By providing services and information online, the government of India has gain success in making its presence in every nook and corner of the country. Contribution of E-governance for good governance is notable in effective, quick, hassle free service delivery mechanism on demand of population. Though India is a large country 25 times bigger than Nepal with huge population density, the government has been succeeded to provide its services promptly to large mass of stakeholders adopting ICT in its work culture. In addition online grievances handling system has lubricated the good governance .Well managed and presence of all requirements like state wide area network, Data centers, Information centers, common service outlets, electronic service delivery gateways etc. are well managed. Transparency, Participation, access to services, openness in activities, efficiency of government has definitely enhanced which I felt and realized on my stay in Delhi .
By- Emojani Shrestha
http://www.indiagovernance.gov.in/docsearch.php?search=e-Governance&type=theme http://www.indiagovernance.gov.in/files/one-day-governance.pdf http://www.indiagovernance.gov.in/files/citizen_engagement_in_egovernance.pdf http://www.indiagovernance.gov.in/files/iras-egov.pdf State government web portals E Governance plan 2016