Emory Dining Partnership Report Card

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Delivering on the Experience Emory University

Fall Semester 2013

We are pleased to present the fall edition of our Delivering on the Experience Partnership Report Card, Sodexo’s quarterly update for your campus. Throughout this report, you will find examples of how we are expanding our global research platform, adding new programs to meet specific health and wellness needs of a variety of customers, contributing to a better tomorrow and working to provide exceptional experiences on your campus. We are proud to be your partner and appreciate the opportunity to help you meet your strategic goals and make this another successful year of driving student engagement, recruitment and retention by improving Quality of Life for the Emory University campus community. Sincerely, Todd Schram General Manager

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Improving Quality of Life for the Entire Campus Community

OUR RESEARCH HAS IDENTIFIED FIVE KEY AREAS THAT CONTRIBUTE TO IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF LIFE ON CAMPUSES: 1. Student Insights - Powerful research at the local and global level to understand your students’ needs 2. Health and Wellness - Nurturing student wellness through healthy food and lifestyle education 3. Environmental Focus - A commitment to local, sustainable and socially responsible 4. Customer Service - Our people are your people, and they are focused on providing exceptional service 5. Innovation - Delivering cutting-edge solutions and delectable new menu offerings

Student Insights Understanding student trends and expectations is essential to developing solutions and programs that improve Quality of Life for your campus community. Every day, we are working to understand your students’ evolving wants and needs and contribute to your success. Our consumer insights team works to identify the key trends that impact student experiences on campus, ensuring that we deliver the best programs and support solutions to support your campus mission, recruitment and retention.

STUDENT INSIGHTS The Food Advisory Commi ee of Emory con nues to lead the way in improving the dining experience. A F.A.C.E. board was established this semester in order to be er serve the student popula on providing students with a direct way to give feedback. Dining comments can now be sent directly to the F.A.C.E. chairs and directed to the appropriate person immediately. Ac ons taken based on feedback from the F.A.C.E commi ee include the new brands at Cox Hall, improvements in the Dobbs Market, increased Cox Hall breakfast op ons, and Food Trucks added to late night op ons.

STUDENT INSIGHTS This year’s dining survey was completed by the Food Service Administra on. With an overwhelming number of par cipants, Emory Dining was able to get a clear picture of the percep on students have regarding campus dining. Overall, students are pleased with their dining experiences. Thanks to Dave Furman’s leadership and passion for crea ng a community centered on dining, the improvements made to Cox Hall and Dobbs Market were one of the top reasons for the increase in sa sfac on. With such a diverse student body, Emory Dining strives to provide variety and convenience across campus. Percep ons discovered from the survey results will guide what changes and improvements need to be made in order to con nue increasing customer sa sfac on.


An Emory Catering Focus Group was held June 20th in order to be er understand customers percep ons. Takeaways include:  Need a brag book or catalog of things other people have done (pictures)

 Set up a show room with high-end tas ng event  Love the set-ups, great, no extra cost, even the beverage sta on

 “They make buffets look good!”  “Love how EC labels everything!”  The set-up is consistently improving  Some mes do not know what to expect, especially with temps  Happy with EC effort in following Food Trends  Discoun ng based on frequency or size of order  Catertrax frequency program  Take poten al new clients out to lunch  Review menu to make sure it is going to work  Tas ng Par es  Love Kelly Jordan-best event organizer, Gem in Jessica, Terrell, Sharne, Anna, Elaine gets things done: “Clone Elaine”

Market: Quality, Affordability, Flexibility, Cost, Taste, Convenience, Sustainable, Customizable, Preferred, Accommodates special dietary needs

Fall Ac on Items    

Send out LTOs out via Catertrax Create referral coupon Create brag book/slide show on line Take events pictures to further develop slide show

Health & Wellness Advancing the health and wellness of your entire campus community is core to our partnership. Our health and wellness initiatives focus on providing the food, education and resources your students need to make the right choices for leading a healthy lifestyle. In the hustle and bustle of the world we live in today, students need a holistic approach that makes healthy eating simple, delicious and nutritious, and that’s what Sodexo provides. Our team of dietitians, nutritionists, chefs and culinary experts work to provide nutritious menus that can be customized to meet the specific needs of every individual we serve, and our team remains available in person and online to provide answers and inspiration to students regarding their health and wellness.


On Our Campus As healthy lifestyles con nue to be at the forefront of student living, we strive to provide students with the resources and op ons to make healthy choices. Cris na Caro, our campus die an, con nues to bring to light healthy ea ng habits and educate students on several topics including those featured in her newsle er ar cles: September: Na onal Food Safety Month November: Fall Harvest Cris na held numerous consulta ons, lead the nutri on wheel at Wonderful Wednesdays and the Sustainable Food fair. She also par cipated in the Nutrion & Chronic Disease Preven on Health Panel sponsored by the Student Alliance for Health Involvement.


On Our Campus In partnership with the Center for the Study of Human Health, Emory Dining created the Healthy Ea ng Partner (HEP) program implemented in Dobbs Market. The goal of the Healthy Ea ng partners is to ensure that Emory students will receive excellent individual support on Healthy Ea ng op ons available to them. The Healthy Ea ng Partner will educate, engage, encourage and empower interested students in healthy choices available to them. The HEP program fit in nicely with the Mindful program. Mindful makes it easy for students to iden fy healthy op ons in the dining hall. The goal of the program is to establish an honest and authen c experience for students so they can start to understand what ingredients used in Emory Dining’s dishes lead to healthier choices. The HEP highlight at least two of these mindful dining op ons each meal period when they are on duty. The HEP carry around an iPad and are able to jot down notes, look up nutri onal informa on on the nutri onal calculator, or show a student how to navigate the nutri on por on of Emory Dining’s website.


On Our Campus Over 12 departments joined Emory Dining for the Stop Hunger Food Drive. In addi on to placing barrels all across campus, Emory Dining hosted a table at the local farmers market. Those making a dona on at the farmers market received a free t-shirt and were entered to win a Starbucks gi card. The month long food drive resulted in an impressive 1820 lbs. of food donated to the Atlanta Community Food bank. The amount of pounds collected equals 1517 meals!

Environmental Focus Sodexo is recognized throughout the world for our commitments and initiatives toward sustainability. We believe that we have an obligation to use our resources wisely and help protect them for future generations. We strive to be environmentally responsible in all areas of service that we provide, and to help educate students about sustainability and the environment. Four key areas of responsible sourcing Sodexo is committed to:  The Supply Chain Code of Conduct  Local, Seasonal and Sustainably Grown Products  Sustainable Fish and Seafood  Sustainable Equipment and Supplies Our focus in these areas enables us to provide you with products, services and solutions that contribute to a better Quality of Life today and for tomorrow.


On Our Campus With Emory Dining’s new Partnership with Emily Cumbie-Drake, Sustainability Programs Coordinator, Emory Dining’s sustainability efforts have been significantly enhanced. With her help, Emory Dining is be er able to educate customers about sustainable ini a ves. Events include the Farmers Market Heirloom Tomato Fes val and Pumpkin Carving Contest as well as the Sustainable Food Fair. Tas ngs, chef demos, and recipe cards added to the excitement of the events. Educa onal material, sustainable trivia, and Slow Food student representa ves added to the educa onal aspect of these events.


On Our Campus Other tools used to spread the word, educated, and highlight Emory Dining ini a ves include:    

Pos ng Compos ng Totals for Dobbs and Cox Hall Displaying a Farmer of the Month at Dobbs and Cox Hall Pu ng up Local and Regional Clings on the Sneeze Guards Upda ng the Sustainably Yours Chalk Boards with Tips, Tricks, and Dining Ini a ves (supplied and implemented by Emily Cumbie-Drake, Dave Furman, and Carol Duncan)  Be er Tomorrow Messaging (napkin inserts, posters, web, social media)


On Our Campus Our sustainability eorts would not be complete without our signature sustainable events!

Our Annual Heritage Harvest Feast featured the heritage breed turkeys from Good Shepard Farms. The menu also featured local & regional produce. The feast included a live carving of the turkey, heritage breed trivia spin wheel, tray liners filled with facts and a chance to enter to win a VIP dinner for 6, and our very own Turkey mascot!

Emory Dining joined thousands of other ins tu ons and groups to celebrate Food Day this past October. This 100 Mile Meal featured local and regional produce and ingredients from within 100 miles of Atlanta, GA. The sustainable trivia spin wheel and a drawing for an Atlanta cookbook also joined the celebra on.

Customer Service As your partner, we understand the impact of customer service on the overall campus experience. Whether it is a prospective student visiting campus, a hungry student looking for the perfect meal, a faculty member needing a light fixture changed or a guest trying to find the administration building, it is critically important that we deliver great customer service each and every time we interact with someone. We are committed to providing a diverse, talented and customer-focused team that has the tools, resources and motivation to deliver the high quality service your campus community expects from us.


On Our Campus Emory Dining employees truly care about the students at Emory and strive to provide them with outstanding service. One of the ways employees know they are making an impact on students is to be featured in the local campus newspaper. This semester our very own Pasta John and Galen Barry had their very own feature ar cle in the Wheel. These ar cles highlighted their accomplishments and showed interest in John and Galen's passions in life. In addi on to the every day comment cards and verbal comments of praise for employees, the F.A.C.E. chairs decided to take their gra tude one step further. Karoline and Michael implemented the Dining Spotlight Award. An Emory Dining employee is nominated each month to be the FACE Employee of the Month. One of the first Employees to receive this awarded was Andy Gaudiano, Manager of Cox Hall.


On Our Campus


On Our Campus The Sodexo Experience is a process that educates, develops and rewards Emory Dining employees on a daily basis. There are three components to the process: Eight Simple Things that Customers Expect, Team Huddles and Recognion. The Sodexo Experience allows for recogni on of employees on a daily basis. Managers and employees

are challenged to hand out Excep onal Experience Cards to employees to say thank you for a job well done. A monthly winner is selected from the Excep onal Experience Cards turned in to HR. Below is a list of some of our monthly winners from various units:

Michael Price Teresa Flemming Johnetta Hines Paulette Howard Quincy Washington Sandra James Stacy Benton Larry Lewis


On Our Campus

Innovation Innovation is the part of our solutions strategy that ensures we are always thinking in front of where we are today. It means we are focused on improving the Quality of Life at your campus while looking ahead and anticipating what solutions our customers might need going forward. And innovation does not always look the same – sometimes it is the big idea and other times it is the little thing that moves you closer to where you want to be tomorrow.


On Our Campus When the dining hall reopened in the fall, new and excited changes were found everywhere! The new look, exci ng op ons, improved variety, and fresh ingredients were met with high praise. With Dave Furman leading the way, Emory Dining was not only able to rebrand Dobbs Market, but also to improve percep ons surrounding the dining hall food.


On Our Campus Cox Hall was not about to let Dobbs Market have all the fun. All the planning that started at F.A.C.E. in the spring semester came to realiza on upon opening this past fall. Two new local brands were added to the mix as well as a na onal Sodexo brand and two in-house brands modeled a er the unoďŹƒcial mascot of Emory. Each of the venues inside Cox Hall that remained got a much needed faceli .


On Our Campus This year’s core promo ons were centered on social media and the power of conversa on. The ‘Share that u Care’ promo on encouraged students to tweet about their favorite cause. The local firemen were even invited to dine at Dobbs Market! During the Feed the Conversaon promo on, Dobbs Market held a Meet & Eat where the students could talk to the chefs and taste one of the mindful recipes. In addi on to the semester’s promo ons, Mul cultural Mondays at Dobbs Market and Rollins Interna onal Weeks con nued to please customers during the fall semester.


On Our Campus The MeatLess Monday Campaign became a campus wide effort spearheaded by Dave Furhman. It spread from Emory University to Emory Hospital, all the way to Oxford College. Our kick off event featured several meatless menu op ons throughout the dining hall. Students spun the trivia wheel to learn about the environmental and health benefits of cu ng out meat one day a week. MeatLess Monday is now at Rollins Café, Cox Hall, Emory Hospital, Dobbs Market and Oxford College.


On Our Campus Emory Dining had the privilege of welcoming Chef Maria Jose Carvallo to Emory’s main dining hall. During her visit, she prepared a VIP dinner for 40 guest where she showcased her exquisite cuisine. On the following day, Chef Maria trained Emory Dining’s cooks and chefs on her region’s special es and prepared several dishes for the students to enjoy during lunch.



On Our Campus The students were all smiles at our annual par cipa on in the last Wonderful Wednesday of the semester. Emory Dining's bakery provided all the necessary goodies to decorate the li le gingerbread men.


On Our Campus


On Our Campus

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