The Eagle Source Treasurer’s Handbook
The Eagle Source has been provided by: The Student Government Association
A Guide for Student Treasurers
SGA STAFF Meredith Honeycutt Business Manager, Student Government Association email: ph.: 404-727-3513 Laura Rogers Reece Administrative Assistant, Student Government Association email: ph.: 404-727-6179
OSLS STAFF Matt Garrett Director email: ph.: 404-727-6169 Jill Camper Associate Director (Student Leadership and Programming) email: ph.: 404-727-6169 Aysha Daniels Assistant Director for New Student Programs email: ph.: 404-727-6169
Lisa Kendall Associate Director email: ph.: 404-727-6169
Natasha Hopkins Assistant Director for Student Organizations and Alternative Break Programs email: ph.: 404-727-6169 Olivia Wise Coordinator, Jumpstart @ Emory email: ph.: 404-727-2854 Carla Sanders Administrative Assistant email: ph.: 404-727-6169
PROCUREMENT & PAYMENT SERVICES Procurement and Payment Services 1599 Clifton Road 404-727-5400 – Emory Express/Procurement – Compass/Payment Services
Student Leaders, Welcome to the Eagle Source. The Office of Student Leadership & Service (OSLS) and the Student Government Association (SGA) have designed the Eagle Source to serve as a comprehensive guide for running your student organization. It is also our hope that this guide will help our student leaders to become proactive in spotting difficulties that may arise with each event. We have divided the Eagle Source into 2 booklets: the Program & Event Management section for President’s and Programmers (which contains descriptions of University, local and state policies and procedures relevant to planning programs at Emory University) and the Treasurer’s Handbook section (which contains information vital to any student organization treasurer.) It is our hope this will increase the likelihood that you will be able to easily find the information that you need. A small number of Eagle Source for Treasurers booklets are printed at the start of each year and handed out at treasurers’ training. Should any changes or corrections be made to the policies or guidelines contained in either section of the Eagle Source, the most up to date version can always be found on the OSLS website: We are here to answer your questions! Please stop by the SGA and/OSLS offices at any time. Keep in mind, the OSLS offers Advisor of the Day open sessions where you are guaranteed to find an OSLS staff person on hand. OSLS open office hours are M-Th from 3-5pm and Friday from 1-3pm. You can also chat with a member of the OSLS peer consulting team, STEER, who are typically around between 8:30am and 3:00pm M-Th, excluding the summer break and holidays. The SGA office is open 7:30am-5:30pm Monday-Friday. If you are unable to find what you are looking for in the Eagle Source or on our website, please contact us.
The Office of Student Leadership & Service Dobbs University Center 340 Drawer C Atlanta, GA 30322 404-727-6169 (phone), 404-727-2066 (fax) (Contact OSLS about event planning)
The Student Government Association Dobbs University Center 211 Drawer AM Atlanta, GA 30322 404-727-6179 (phone), 404-727-7367 (fax) (Contact SGA about financial questions)
See the Entire Eagle Source, including the Program & Event Management section (Eagle Source for Presidents and Programmers), and Other Useful Forms Online at
*Make sure to adhere to SGA deadlines! Expenses must be reimbursed during the same semester they were incurred. We will not reimburse expenses from the fall semester in the spring or vice versa.
Contents- Treasurer’s Handbook (printed and online) o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
The Student Activity Fee ....................................................................................................................................... 1 Duties of Student Treasurers ................................................................................................................................. 1 Allocated and Self-Generated Funds ..................................................................................................................... 2 Deposits ................................................................................................................................................... 4 Accounts ................................................................................................................................................... 5 Event Planning – The Treasurer’s Role ................................................................................................................... 6 Preferred Vendors ................................................................................................................................................. 8 How to Pay ................................................................................................................................................. 11 Access to the System ............................................................................................................................................ 12 Small Dollar Reimbursement Vouchers ............................................................................................................... 12 Expense Reports (Reimbursements over $75) .................................................................................................... 13 Payment Requests ............................................................................................................................................... 18 Paying an Individual for Services Emory Express ................................................................................................................................................. 20 Ordering and Paying a Company for Products Contracts ................................................................................................................................................. 22 Travel Policy ................................................................................................................................................. 23 Charging Directly to Your Smartkey .................................................................................................................... 24 Special Purchasing and Rental Issues .................................................................................................................. 26 Bookkeeping Issues ............................................................................................................................................. 26 Relines Transfers
Forms in the Eagle Source for Treasurers o o o o o o o o o o o
Food Co-sponsorships .......................................................................................................................................... 28 Financial Action Form for Relines ......................................................................................................................... 31 Internal Transfer Forms ........................................................................................................................................ 32 SGA Enterprise Form ........................................................................................................................................... 33 SGA Bookstore Charge Form ............................................................................................................................... 34 Student Air Travel................................................................................................................................................. 35 W-9 ................................................................................................................................................. 36 Deposit Slip ................................................................................................................................................. 37 Express Access Form ............................................................................................................................................ 38 Partial Reimbursement Form ............................................................................................................................... 39 Example Small Dollar ............................................................................................................................................ 40
Additional Forms/Policies Online at For Treasurers o Fee Split o SGA Monetary Code o Emory W-9 o 501c3 letter o GA tax letter o SGA Supplier Directory o Blank Small Dollar o Example of Small Dollar Reimbursement Form o Compass Access Form o Express Access Form o Instructions for Compass Proxy/Profile Setup o Instructions for Express Profile Setup o In Kind Donation Forms o GTF Gift Receipt Form for Tax-Deductible Donations
See the Entire Eagle Source including the Program & Event Management section (Eagle Source for Presidents and Programmers), and Other Useful Forms Online at The Eagle Source for Presidents includes helpful information on Chartering, Reserving Space on Campus, Securing Co-sponsorships, Contracts, Booking Artists, Advertising Events, Alcohol Policies, and much more, including lots of helpful forms.
Dear Treasurers, Congratulations on being selected as the 2013-2014 treasurers for your organizations! Your role as treasurer is important for both your club and the financial side of SGA to function properly. The treasurer position requires a substantial amount of time, effort, and commitment, so let me be the first to thank you in advance for the work you will do over the course of this year. The rest of the SGA Office and I are excited to work with you this year. We hope to eliminate inefficiency and ensure that everyone is able to make full use of their organization’s financial resources by strictly following the guidelines set forth in this updated version of the Eagle Source. This year’s Eagle Source will guide you through all of the policies and processes for which you, as treasurer, are responsible in the coming year. Additionally, there are many people to whom you may turn for guidance or practical assistance should you have questions that are not answered in the Eagle Source. Every club falls under a specific Division, with a treasurer who is responsible for the finances of the Divisional Council and oversees the finances of each club chartered under his/her division. These Divisional Treasurers are all ready and willing to help you should you have any questions, so please do not hesitate to contact them. Every Division holds elections at different times throughout the year, but as of right now, the current Divisional Treasurers are: Division Treasurer Contact BBA (Undergraduate Business) Club Sports Council College Council ESNA (Undergraduate Nursing) Graduate SGA (GSGA) Media Council OEO- Outdoor Emory SPC
Connor Leydecker Christian Bray Omair Kazi Sidoney Mullings Ian Longacre Shalina Grover TBA Michael Nathin
The treasurers of the GSGA’s Graduate Assemblies, the advocacy organizations within each of the graduate schools, are also available to assist you. The Assembly Treasurers are: C3- Candler Coordinating Council Graduate Business Graduate Nursing Council GSC- Graduate Student Council MSS – Medical School Senate Rollins SGA (Public Health) SBA (Law School)
Trevor Adam Cochlin Jing (Joy) Hu Wendall Carney Gina Lenzi Christian Mustroph TBA Eric Vince
Please note, however, that since several of the Divisional/Assembly Treasurers are also relatively new, they may not have the answers to your questions right away. If they are unable to answer your question, please do not hesitate to contact either the SGA VP for Finance or someone in the SGA Office, which is located in Eagle Landing on the 2nd floor of the DUC). Our SGA Business Manager, Meredith Honeycutt, may be contacted at Our SGA Administrative Assistant, Laura Reece, may be reached at Finally, you may also contact me at I will do my best to answer your questions promptly and accurately. I hope that you will find these resources helpful. Again, on behalf of SGA, we are really looking forward to working with you in what we hope is our best year yet! Regards, Calvin Lee SGA Vice President for Finance
The Eagle Source: A Guide for Student Organizations Page |1
THE STUDENT ACTIVITY FEE The Student Government Association is responsible for distributing the Student Activity Fee (SAF) among the various divisions. The fee, currently $89 per semester, is collected with tuition and divided between the divisions of the University based on the percentages in the Fee Split, a formula created and updated by the SGA. Each division then allocates SAF money among the organizations charter under that particular division. Budgeting occurs each spring; only groups that are perpetually chartered may apply for a budget. You can see a copy of the Fee Split and the SGA Monetary Code at All SGA perpetually chartered organizations also have the privilege to request supplemental SAF funds, but the funds cannot be exclusive to your organization. Supplemental funds are to be used for programming, whereas budgets should cover the club’s operational expenses. The division under which your club is chartered should be the first stop for requesting supplemental funds. Depending on the program and your target audience, supplemental funds can be requested from your graduate assembly and/or divisional council, SAF money may only go another division, and/or the SGA. Make sure to allow plenty of time when into allocated Smartkeys. requesting supplemental funding; funds requested from SGA must be requested at least 35 days in advance. Submit your requests early and give as many details as possible. For more information on requesting supplemental funds go to the SGA website. Any event held using SAF money must be open to the entire student body. The only exception is graduate school sponsored events with alcohol cannot include undergraduates who are under 21. All Student Activity Fee money must be kept in your allocated fund. If you choose to co-sponsor an event with a university department (or anyone other than another chartered student organization), you cannot transfer SAF money into their Smartkey. All payments related to such an event should be paid for out of your funds and all paperwork should go through the SGA office. Do not have your school, advisor, or department process anything for you club. Student organizations cannot make money off the Student Activity Fee. This means Clubs cannot make that groups receiving funding from their division, a different division, and/or SGA money off the SAF. (SAF funds) for the event must deposit all ticket sale (ticket sales require approval from the SGA treasurer) money into their allocated Smartkey. Once the amount given (in SAF funds) from these sources has been deposited into your allocated fund, then and only then can you begin to deposit the additional funds into your self-generated fund. For example, if your club is granted $500 from your division and collects $2000 in ticket sales, then you would deposit $500 into your allocated Smartkey and $1500 into your self-generated Smartkey. The same applies for CD sales, bake sales, etc.
DUTIES OF CLUB TREASURERS Student organizations have a lot of autonomy when it comes to planning their events and spending their money. Treasurers are in charge for ensuring that funds are handled responsibly. We have high expectations of our student treasurers and hope that you will take the job seriously. The following list is to help you understand our expectations and your responsibilities. A treasurer is/should be: 1. The liaison between the SGA business office and your club members. Treasurers must communicate all policies and procedures to their club’s members. Make sure to be involved in the programming for your club so that SGA/university policies are followed. Share your Eagle source and the information it contains. 2. The liaison for your organization to the Divisional treasurer. Graduate club treasurers will also be the liaison to their Assembly treasurer. Make sure you are following the divisional policies/procedures and meeting all deadlines.
The Eagle Source: A Guide for Student Organizations Page |2 3. Responsible for submitting reimbursements and payments in a timely manner on behalf of the organization. SGA requires that reimbursement receipts be submitted within 3 weeks of the purchase; we will NOT allow expenses from one semester to be reimbursed the following semester. Stay in communication with your division to make sure these are being passed on to SGA. 4. Obtain or submit all budget material (relines, supplemental funding, and transfers) for your organization from/to the divisional treasurer. Stay in communication with your division to make sure these are being passed on to SGA. 5. Keep funds positive and balanced with the SGA ledger kept by the SGA Business Manager. 6. Obtain copies of your financial ledgers from the SGA VP for Finance or the SGA Administrative Assistant (email and address any discrepancies with the SGA Business Manager ( 7. Make sure all expenditures within your organization adhere to the SGA Monetary Code. 8. Make sure all deposits are brought to the SGA Administrative Assistant within 48 hours of the fundraiser.
DUTIES OF DIVISIONAL TREASURERS SGA counts on the divisional treasurers to communicate with the treasurers of the organizations chartered under their division; this includes training new treasurers throughout the year, handling questions about the process, and making sure that all deadlines are met. Since divisions are responsible for managing their portion of the student activity fee, divisional treasurers are accountable for a large amount of money. Hence, we have high expectations of divisional treasurers and rely on them to be effective partners. The following list is to help you understand our expectations and your responsibilities. A divisional treasurer is/should: 1. The liaison for your division to the SGA VP for Finance 2. Approve reimbursements, relines, supplemental funding, transfers, and budgeting within your division; answers any pertinent questions; makes sure clubs are spending their funds according to their budgets 3. The organizational treasurer for your divisional council 4. Divisional Treasurers and Graduate Assembly Treasurers attend GSGA Finance committee meetings as well as the SGA Finance Committee Meetings. 5. Enforce the SGA monetary code among the organizations in your division 6. Approve fund-raisers for organizations within your division 7. Assist SGA in enforcing deadlines for paperwork. Communicate to your clubs that SGA has a 3 week rule for submission of reimbursement receipts and will NOT reimburse receipts from fall semester during the spring and vice versa. Send reminders near the end of each semester that all paperwork for that semester is dueNO EXCEPTIONS to the semester rule.
ALLOCATED & SELF-GENERATED SMARTKEYS Smartkeys are 10 digits long but almost always require a 5 digit account at the end making it a 15 digit number. Accounts tell the University what you are doing with the funds. For example Allocated Funds: Use it or 48010 indicates that you are depositing money into your SmartKey while 53200 lose it! indicates that you are purchasing office supplies (more on accounts on page 5). You are responsible for your club’s money; do not share your Smartkey Any money left in an number(s) with anyone. Your smartkey number is listed at the top of the spreadsheet provided by SGA- make sure you are using the correct number. allocated Smartkey at the Your organization may have one or two Smartkeys, based on your charter. Once you have been granted a temporary and/or enduring charter (a charter without funding) by your division and SGA, then you are eligible for a self-
end of the year will be cleared and no longer available for the club to use.
The Eagle Source: A Guide for Student Organizations Page |3 generated fund. At this point you can begin fundraising and should bring all deposits to the SGA Administrative Assistant (more information on deposits on page 4). Once you bring funds to the SGA office, your smartkey number will be ordered. You are NOT eligible for a budget or supplemental funding with this type of charter. Once you have been granted a perpetual charter (charter with funding), you will receive an allocated smartkey where all Student Activity Fee money you receive will be kept (this includes budgets and supplemental funding). IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN YOUR ALLOCATED AND SELF-GENERATED SMARTKEYS. Allocated Funds 1. Allocated funds have a different Smartkey number than the Self-generated fund 2. Only for perpetually/permanent chartered organizations. 3. This is Student Activity Fee Money. Funds are granted by the division (budgets or supplemental) 4. Budgeting takes place in the middle of the Spring semester 5. Funds can be used between September and May, and with special approval (usually graduate divisions) through July of the following year. 6. Funds DO NOT roll-over for use the following school year. 7. All purchases and outlays must adhere to monetary code of SGA and the division. 8. Supplemental funding must be placed in allocated Smartkeys (from any division or from SGA) 9. When making transfers to other student groups from your allocated funds, you must transfer the money into their allocated (not self-generated) Smartkey. 10. All SAF money must be kept in your allocated Smartkey. We will not transfer allocated funds to a university school/department. When a school/department sponsors an event that received SGA/divisional funding, the department must make the transfer to the allocated (not self-generated) smartkey. See details on cosponsoring events under “The Student Activity Fee” on page 1. 11. You cannot make money off the Student Activity Fee. See details on page 1. Self-Generated Funds 1. Self-generated funds have a different Smartkey number than Allocated funds. 2. Given to temporary, enduring, and perpetual organizations only when your organization has funds to be deposited. Self-Generated Smartkeys are not automatically issued. 3. Funds roll over every year 4. All funds collected by an organization (dues and self-generating events) are deposited here except when SAF money was used to put on an event that the club then makes money from (see next point). 5. You cannot make money off the Student Activity Fee. See details on page 1. 6. Funds can be used freely by the organizations as long as spending complies with University and SGA policies and procedures (no tobacco, live animals, and no alcohol for clubs chartered under College Council, etc.). 7. Self-generated Smartkeys that sit dormant (no transactions) for 2 years will be forfeited. SGA will transfer any funds left in the forfeited Smartkey of the club’s divisional council and reuse the Smartkey number for another group.
Remember to get a copy of your club’s spreadsheet(s) from Laura each month.
As treasurer, it is important to keep accurate ledgers of your Smartkeys and to make sure your ledgers balance with the ledgers in the SGA office which can be obtained from the SGA VP for Finance or Administrative Assistant, Laura Reece ( Address any discrepancies with the SGA Business Manager, Meredith Honeycutt. Keep in mind that some direct charges made on campus, such as photocopies, phone, Sodexho, and bookstore purchases will be debited on the SGA ledger (although they may not show up right away) and you may not have record of these purchases. The University does NOT allow off campus accounts (this includes commercial bank accounts and PayPal accounts) and SGA does not allow chartered student groups to hold an account with another department. If your group has any funds outside of SGA, close that/those accounts immediately or you will lose your charter.
The Eagle Source: A Guide for Student Organizations Page |4
DEPOSITS Now that you understand which money goes into which Smartkey, you are ready to make deposits for your organization. To deposit money into your Smartkey(s) bring the funds (cash and checks only) to the SGA office in DUC 211. Before you arrive, be sure to separate your cash from your checks and put all bills and checks of the same dollar value together with the heads facing up and facing the same direction. You will also need to fill out a deposit form, available in the SGA Office in DUC 211 or on page 37. Remember, if you are charging students to attend an event (remember you must get permission to do so) and you have paid for the event with Student Activity Fee funds, deposits must first be made into your allocated Smartkey. Only after you have repaid the funded amount can you begin to deposit into the self-generated smartkey. Also, we can only accept cash and checks; we cannot accept credit cards and PAYPAL is not an option.
SGA only accepts cash and checks. No credit cards or PayPal.
Student groups may not have accounts outside of SGA.
Filling out the form: Top to bottom 1. Fill in your Club Name 2. Your ten digit Smartkey number (usually self-generated) with account 48010 (deposit) added to the end goes in the first box where it says “Smartkey number� 3. The description field should explain how you get these funds- ticket sales, donations, car wash, dues, etc. 4. There is no need to fill out a separate line in that box for each individual check. There is also no need to fill out a separate line for cash and checks. Simply total all the money (cash and checks) and fill in your total amount on the line beside the box where you entered your Smartkey number. 5. If you are making a deposit into your allocated and self-generated Smartkeys, then you would use two lines in the box where you enter your Smartkey number(s). 6. In the next section (under the box we have been discussing), you will need to indicate how much money you have in checks and how much money you have in cash. Good thing you had already organized your deposit, separating cash from checks and putting all funds in ascending order facing the same direction. Messy money= miscounts 7. Make sure the amount you have recorded for cash and check add up to the total amount you have recorded. 8. Print your name, contact information, and the dates in the prepared by box at the bottom of the page 9. Hand the form and all funds to Laura Reece, the SGA Administrative Assistant in DUC 211. 10. Be sure to tell Laura if your donor is expecting a recognition letter from the university for tax purposes. The process for depositing such donations is completely different (for Laura; you just still use this form) and a tax letter is not a possibility after a regular deposit has been made. Any donations requiring the tax letter must be separated out and recorded on a separate deposit slip than your regular deposit (dues, ticket sales, regular donations, etc.) Brinks Security Service picks deposits up from the SGA Administrative Assistant every Wednesday morning, so deposits must be in the office by Tuesday at noon (12:00 p.m.) in order to be recorded that week.
*See Example Deposit Slip on next page.
The Eagle Source: A Guide for Student Organizations Page |5
EXAMPLE SGA DEPOSIT SLIP Club Name Emory XXXXXX_Club________________________
Amount Smartkey Number 0 0 0 0 0 X X X X X 4 8 0 1 0 Description The first 5 numbers are zeros
Smartkey Number
These 5 change for each different club
This account code means deposit this money
$ 125.37
_______________ $
Here, you will usually put “dues” or sometimes you will describe your fundraiser (ie bakesale, carwash, T-shirt money)
Smartkey Number
if you wanted to deposit into your allocated and self generated then you would change
5 numbers and use a 2nd line in this box
Total Deposit
Total Checks 150 Total Cash 25.37 Prepared By Name
Date Laura Emory
9/15/2012 Phone 404-727-6179
ACCOUNTS Accounts indicate what kinds of purchases you are making with your funds. These five digit codes are to be added to all paperwork following your Smartkey number. The account you choose should represent what you are buying (and not necessarily indicate how you are using it). For example if you plan to advertise your event by chalking the walkway outside the DUC, you would still code the purchase of the chalk 53200 (chalk is an office supply) and not 62490 (even though you are using it to advertise). When filling out Expense Reports, be sure to separate out all receipts, noting the account number(s) to be used. For many purchases, if you choose the correct expense type from the drop down menu, then the correct account code will be automatically entered. For example, if you are reimbursing someone who bought food and drinks for a meeting, choosing “Meal- Business/Group” should automatically record as account 56505. If your purchase does not match any of the descriptions in the drop down menu of Expense Types in Compass, choose “other reimbursements” and be sure to amend the account code through the “details” link on Compass. The following are the most frequently used accounts. If, for some reason, you are unable to find an account category that you need, call the SGA Business Manager at 727-3513 or email
The Eagle Source: A Guide for Student Organizations Page |6 Advertising (Wheel ads & t-shirts only) Alcohol (no college council clubs) Audio Visual Services Awards and Prizes Books & Periodicals Camera/ Developing/Printing (not copies) Copies/ Duplicating (not printing) Deposits (fundraising credits to your Smartkey) Donations & Contributions (from you) Entertainment Equipment Under $1400 (banners, costumes, calculators, staplers) Equipment $1400 and above (computers) Food -Catering (preferred vendor- no tax exemptions) Food- Business Meal Honoraria &Other Professional Fees Licensing Fees Maintenance and Repair Membership Dues Miscellaneous Supplies (Paper plates, Decorations, Flowers) Office Supplies (pens, paper, staples, ink cartridges) Phone Services Parking Postage Stamps Metered Postage Shipping Costs Publication Costs and Printing (not copies) Registration Fees Rentals- Equipment Rentals- Space Travel Travel- Auto Rental Travel- Gas (only for university owned or leased vehicles) Travel- Lodging Travel- Mileage (in personal vehicles) Travel- Taxi, Shuttle, Parking
62490 56510 52720 58030 57400 62470 62460 48010 55010 56500 53800 75200 56515 56505 52190 58235 72510 58210 53600 53200 82411 56190 62443 62440 62430 62470 56410 78120 78130 56100 56103 56104 56115 56105 56106
Occasionally your budget will not reflect the detail that the account code list does. For example, all travel funds are given to you as 56100 regardless of whether they are for auto rental, airfare, or hotel. This is fine. You should be as detailed as possible, choosing the most appropriate expense type/code, when filing your expense report. In these instances, however, a reline form will not be required. The same is true of food, which is budgeted to you as 56515 but may be paid/reimbursed as 56515 (catering) or 56505 (meal- business group) without filing a reline. Relines should be submitted and approved before you spend money in a category/ account code area that is not in your budget at all. See more on relines on page 26 and the form on page 31.
EVENT PLANNING – THE TREASURER’S ROLE It is very important that you, as treasurer, work with the individuals in your group responsible for event planning. You are the organization’s expert on all things financial. You have been trained on the applicable policies and
The Eagle Source: A Guide for Student Organizations Page |7 procedures, so make sure to share this information. Here is a list of suggested items to discuss with your club as it plans an event: Monetary policy for SGA and your division- your organization must follow monetary policy and ignorance on the subject is not a good defense. Your budget- Make sure your group knows that you have a limited amount of money that can be spent in each account and for the event as a whole. Supplemental Funding- Make sure your group understands where to go to request supplemental funding. Your own division should be the first stop and you should know their policy and procedures for requesting funds. In some cases other divisions and/or SGA may be an option. Make sure your programmers understand if any restrictions were placed on your supplemental funding. Remember, this is SAF money and, therefore, it will always be in your allocated Smartkey. Collaboration- Encourage your group to seek co-sponsorships. Look to other clubs, divisions, and to University departments for possibilities of collaboration. Your group does not have to shoulder the entire event on its own. See the section on Co-sponsorships in the online Eagle Source for Presidents and Programmers for some ideas. More on Co-sponsoring- all Student Activity Fee money must be kept in your allocated fund. If you choose to co-sponsor an event with a University department (or anyone other than another chartered student organization), you cannot transfer SAF money into their Smartkey. All payments related to such an event should be paid from your Smartkey. Furthermore, the department should be transferring their co-sponsorship funds to your ALLOCATED smartkey. Contracts- make sure your event planners know when a contract will be necessary and that they understand the procedure for signing contracts (that students are NOT allowed to do so) and the time frame for contracts (6 weeks). See section on Contracts on page 22 and in the online Eagle Source for Presidents and Programmers for more information. Tax Exemptions- make sure anyone making purchases for your group understands what items are (and are NOT) tax exempt (and in which states). Tax emptions generally require payment directly from the university (a check requested through Emory Express). For more information, read the section on “tax exemptions� in the online Eagle Source for Presidents and Programmers or the Finance Division website. Deadlines- make sure your group is on top of any deadlines for purchases and payment requests. Requests that involve a contract generally take about 6 weeks to get processed while general requests take 2-3 weeks. SGA requires reimbursement receipts to be submitted within 3 weeks of the purchase and only allow for reimbursement during the same semester that the charges were incurred. Fundraising/ Ticket Sales- groups must obtain permission from their divisional treasurer and the SGA treasurer. Raffles are NOT allowed. Off campus fundraisers and corporate sponsorship or in-kind donations from for-profit companies or businesses are allowed in limited situations. If your group is interested in contacting corporations for support, please contact Andrew Christopherson at (404) 7124682 or Travel/Defensive Driving- travel must be registered and expenses related to renting University owned or leased vehicles will only be reimbursed for individuals who complete the defensive driving process. Go to the online Eagle Source for Presidents and Programmers for more information, including liability issues with using your own vehicle for club trips. Making money off the SAF- student organizations cannot make money off the Student Activity Fee. This means that groups receiving funding from their division, a different division, and/or SGA (SAF funds) for the event must deposit all proceeds (sale of tickets must be approved by SGA treasurer prior to sale) into their allocated fund. Once the amount given (in SAF funds) from these sources has been deposited into your allocated Smartkey, then and only then can you begin to deposit the additional money into your self-generated fund. For example, if your club is granted $500 from your division and then sell $2000 in tickets, then you would deposit $500 into your allocated Smartkey and $1500 into your self-
The Eagle Source: A Guide for Student Organizations Page |8 generated Smartkey. Likewise, when events are sponsored through the SAF and co-sponsored by university departments, ALL FUNDS must be kept in your ALLOCATED smartkey. You may not give university departments your SG smartkey for event co-sponsorship transfers. FOOD- For on campus events, you must use Emory Catering (Sodexo) or Emory’s online catering ordering system “America To Go” available through Emory Express. ATG and Procurement will screen the local market of restaurants and caterers selecting reliable, certified, insured, and sustainable food providers for your online ordering. See the Finance division website. Also remember you must include a list of attendees names if less than 10 people are at an event with food. ALCOHOL- must always be separated out from food and coded 56510. Clubs chartered through College Council are NOT allowed to have alcohol.
PREFERRED VENDORS: HOW TO BUY The University requires that student groups choose from an approved list of vendors for certain purchases. You can read more about how to make these purchases and about the vendors in each category by visiting the procurement website. The areas of particular interest to student groups are Catering, Office Supplies, Use a preferred Printing, and Promotional Items. Many of the vendors that student groups have used in the vendor or the past are not on the list of approved vendors. Club members may be reimbursed when using a vendor outside this list, but the process may be involved and reimbursement is not check request guaranteed.
will NOT be
When making the decision to buy, always refer to the finance division website approved. ( first. Click on Procure & Pay and then click on Buying in the Marketplace. Select the category you are interested in for a list of approved suppliers and instructions on how to place your order. If you are unable to locate your supply need from our contract suppliers, you may then use the SGA Supplier Directory. If you are still unable to locate a supplier after using the Emory Marketplace and SGA Supplier Directory, please contact the SGA Business Manager and she will help you work with the Commodity Manager or Buyer responsible for that commodity. These are Emory's current preferred/contracted suppliers for the categories most relevant to student groups. For a complete and updated list visit the Buying in the Marketplace website. Links to the suppliers’ websites should be accessed within Emory Express. These suppliers have University negotiated pricing contracts and they must be used for your club’s purchases: Phone Number Commodity/Service Audio Visual AVYVE; To obtain AVYVE quote, contact the Emory Procurement Buyer, Pamala Phelps. Glenn Memorial Sound, AV needs Emory Graphic Design Services Awards/ Picture Frames/Trophies Suburban Custom Awards & Framing
404-727-1951 404-727-9200 404-727-5665 404-373-3544
Catering Services Emory Catering
America To Go (ATG)- online ordering system available through Emory
The Eagle Source: A Guide for Student Organizations Page |9 Express that includes a variety of food providers and must be used for all on campus events Computers/Digital Copiers
Contact Meredith Honeycutt (Business Manager SGA) Emory Computing Resources Helpdesk Software/Periphrals Software Distribution Microsoft (MAC & PC)/OS Upgrades CDWG (Adobe software, computer peripherals) Brochures & Publications (Emory only) Emory Marketing
404-727-3513 404-727-7777 404-727-4741 800-696-1727 ext. 7275 404-727-9998
Floral Emory Village Flowers and Gifts Maud Baker Florist Furniture Contact Meredith Honeycutt (Business Manager SGA) Lab Supplies see vendors listed as punch-outs in Express Newspapers The Emory Report The Emory Wheel USA Today Office Supplies Staples Business Advantage Photo/Video Services Emory Graphic Design Services Emory Photo/Video Services Printing & Document Services AlphaGraphics (Business card, letterhead, and all stationary needs) Associated Printing Company Bennett Graphics Canterbury Press Colour One O One Emory Document Services Emory Graphic Design Services (Poster, Signs & Banners, Video, AV needs) FedEx Kinkos (off campus and after-hours document services) Geographics, Inc Offset Atlanta ProGraphics Sauers Group Standard Press Wallace Graphics Walton Press
404-378-3900 404-614-0598 404-727-3513
404-727-5546 404-727-6178 800-872-0001 404-909-1335 404-727-5665 404-727-6227 770-279-8882 770-784-9566 770-696-2623 770-952-8309 ext. 27 404-350-1700 ext. 31 404-727-6859 404-727-5665 404-321-3990 404-762-3824 770-448-2765 ext. 257 678-597-1059 770-621-8880 404-351-6780 770-723-0202 770-267-2596
The Eagle Source: A Guide for Student Organizations P a g e | 10 Promotional Items- Express Punchouts Pinnacle Promotions PromoVersity- Summit Marketing Reserving Space at Emory Campus Academic Buildings (after 6 PM); Anthropology, Callaway, Candler Library, Glenn Church School Building, North Decatur Building, Rich Building, and White Hall DUC Meeting Rooms DUC/Cox Dining Rooms/Glenn Reservations/ McDonough Field Miller Ward Alumni House Reservations Res Life Residence Hall Commons Areas SAAC Reservations, Pool, Tennis Courts Woodruff PE Center Reservations Emory Services Emory Campus Services Emory Recycles Emory Surplus Property Shipping & Mail Services FedEx Emory Mail Services Vehicle Rental/Charter Bus/Ground Transportation American Coach Buckhead Coach Carey Executive Limousine Chariots of Fire Transportation Services Emory Transportation and Parking Enterprise - Buckhead Location Enterprise - Capital Avenue Location Enterprise - Dunwoody Location Enterprise - Emory Location Greene Classic Limousines Hertz- if renting outside Atlanta National Car Rental- if renting outside Atlanta
877-737-7137/404-727-6222 770-303-0488 404-727-5354
404-727-1706 404-727-1706 404-727-6400 404-727-4144 404-712-2430 404-727-6733 404-727-7463 404-712-0093 404-727-7463 800-463-3339 404-727-6172 770-449-1806 404-296-2923 404-223-2000 404-392-0237 404-727-1829 404-355-8242 404-222-0664 770-394-2279 404-728-9911 404-875-3866 1-800-654-2200 1-800-CAR-RENT
There is also a list of non-contracted vendors that have been approved for student clubs to use. All suppliers listed in this directory have previously conducted business with SGA and have been informed of Emory's Procurement policies and procedures. You may contact these suppliers directly to obtain information, however you must place the order through Emory Express. These suppliers have been informed that they are only to accept orders accompanied with a formal Emory University purchase order number. Personal funds should not be used to buy these goods and services. Categories include but are not limited to: event spaces, sports equipment, web/technical services, entertainment needs (sound, lighting, DJ), and rentals (tents, tables, portable toilets)
The Eagle Source: A Guide for Student Organizations P a g e | 11
HOW TO PAY? ALL paperwork MUST go through SGA. Do not have staff at your respective schools or departments deal with contracts or payments for your club.
Start early: it usually takes
Once you have attended a SGA training session, you are ready to start 2-3 weeks to cut a check. processing small dollar reimbursement vouchers, but the finance division requires that you take online training and successfully pass quizzes (page 12) through Blackboard before they will grant you access to the Emory Express systems. You must complete the Compass Access Form for Students and submit it to to gain access to Compass. Use the chart below to determine how to pay your particular expenditure. Small Dollar Reimbursement Vouchers Process using the Small Dollar Reimbursement Voucher. You Used to reimburse club members who spent can find a pdf of the voucher at by personal funds, totaling $75 or less, to make a clicking the “Procure & Pay” tab and then the “forms” link on purchase for your club the left side of the page. For further instructions see page 12 Expense Reports (Compass) Used to reimburse club members or advisors who Process by logging onto Compass (Expenses). See page 13 for spent personal funds, totaling $75 or more, to make further instructions. The Compass Online Reference Guide a purchase for the club (non-travel) may also be helpful. NOTE: Travel Expenses can NOT be reimbursed until after the Used to reimburse club members for club related travel is complete. Airfare must be charged directly through travel expenses (except airfare) Travelocity Business NOTE: Airfare must be charged through Travelocity Business Used to reimburse guests for travel and/or other if Emory books on behalf guest. Guest may purchase airfare expenses (except airfare) through any airline and be reimbursed after the trip. Payment Requests (Compass) Used to process taxable income payments (honoraria) to individuals for services rendered. This Process by logging onto Compass (Accounts Payable). See includes guest speakers, musicians, study page 18 for further instructions. Students who are not participants, coaches, and referees. employed by the university may not have access. Emory Express For your goods and services purchased via an Emory Express PUNCH-OUT: Generally used to order and pay for punch-out, payment to the supplier is processed directly merchandise when one of the University’s preferred from your account by Payment Services via Emory Express. (contracted) vendors (see page 8 and 20) is used. See Blackboard for training Demo. For your goods and services purchased via an Emory Express NON-CATALOG FORM: Used to order from and pay non-catalog form, payment to the supplier is processed certain preferred vendors (printers) and SGA directly from your account by Payment Services via Emory approved vendor (page 21) Express. See Blackboard for training Demo. See the training demo on your Blackboard, CHECK REQUEST: Used to pay vendors (companies only; individuals are paid through payment request) See instructions for training on page 12 for merchandise. This includes caterers/restaurants for off campus events and making donations to Standard Payment Terms for Invoices at Emory is Net 30 charities. days, so plan ahead.
The Eagle Source: A Guide for Student Organizations P a g e | 12 Once you have keyed and printed (must print Compass paperwork; you do not need to print Express paperwork- it is routed electronically) out your paperwork, take it (the original and a copy if your divisional treasurer requires a copy) to your divisional treasurer. They will bring the paperwork to SGA once they have All paperwork must go approved it. We will approve your request Remember to call electronically and it will then be electronically through the SGA office routed to Payment Services. This process usually Payment Services (404) takes 2-3 weeks. 727-5400 to inquire if Emory Express is the preferred method for purchasing supplies. Should a member purchase supplies directly with a supplier without an Emory University issued Purchase Order, Emory may not be held responsible for payment. Reimbursement would be the only option in those cases. Some examples of supplies ordered through Emory Express are: Office supplies (paper, pens, etc.) Printing Sports equipment and uniforms (brochures, Promotional Supplies (give aways, t-shirts, caps, publications, etc.) mailings, etc.)
your check has been cutespecially if you keyed the check for Pick-Up when entering the request. Have your Purchase Order or Voucher number ready when you call.
HOW TO GAIN ACCESS TO THE FINANCE SYSTEMS As stated in the previous section, the finance division requires that you take online training and successfully pass quizzes before they will grant you access to Emory Express. They have created a Blackboard tutorial. You must complete the Compass Access Form for Students and submit it to to gain access to Compass. To complete the tutorial and quizzes follow the instructions: 1. Go to Blackboard at Emory ( and log in using your Emory Network ID & password 2. Click on the “Organizations ” Tab at the Top of the page 3. Under the Organization Catalog, click on “Purchasing” 4. Next to Procurement and Payment Services SGA Training, Click on the drop down arrows and then "Enroll", then “Submit” and then “OK” The finance division 5. You are now enrolled in SGA training. You need to go through tab requires students to take an (announcements, information, contacts, and documents) on the left online quiz in order to gain column to complete this tutorial successfully. 6. You will need to complete the quiz in the documents section to access to Emory Express. ensure successful comprehension of Procurement and Payment You must also submit the Services policies and procedures. The “Emory Express Exam” and Compass Access form. profile sheet are at the bottom of the documents page. 7. Bring your Emory Express and Compass access forms to Laura Reece in DUC 211 or email them to 8. If you want to return to the Blackboard Tutorial, there is no need to re-enroll. The class is now on your home page under “My Organizations” for your convenience.
SMALL DOLLAR REIMBURSEMENT VOUCHERS Expense Report requests to reimburse students or employees under $75 will not be accepted; students must use the small dollar reimbursement voucher. This process will allow students to get small reimbursements right away by submitting the small dollar reimbursement voucher directly to SGA and then walking it to the Cashier’s Office to receive the cash reimbursement. The $75 limit is per person not per receipt/event. Follow these steps:
The Eagle Source: A Guide for Student Organizations P a g e | 13 1. 2. 3. 4.
Go to Finance Webpage. For reimbursements Click the Procure & Pay Tab. At bottom left click “Forms” and then “Small Dollar Reimbursement Form”. totaling $75 and Fill out the form electronically. Department Name should be SGA- Your under Club Name (Allocated or Self-Generated). Your Department number and Smartkey can be found on your Excel spreadsheet. You can only list one Smartkey and one account code on a single small dollar form but multiple receipts can be combined as long as they total under $75. If receipts total more than $75, file an expense report through Compass. 5. If you have one receipt that includes different accounts, it is generally fine (except when alcohol is involved) to just use the account corresponding to the majority of the purchase. For example, if you purchased $45 worth of food (56515) and $8 in paper goods (53600) you would code the entire voucher 56515. 6. If you have one $25 receipt that is food (56515) and one $30 that is copies (62460), filling out two forms would be proper. The cashier’s office will not accept more than two forms at a time per person, regardless of the dollar amount. SGA can only sign up to $75/person. 7. Make sure you fill in ALL blanks including a phone number where you can be reached at the bottom (remember all receipts/forms cannot add up to more than $75 for a single person). 8. After filling out the form completely, print the form. The Club treasurer must sign at the bottom right corner. If reimbursing the treasurer have the president sign off. The person reimbursed signs at B Jones. 9. Bring forms to the SGA office between the hours of 8am-5:30pm for the authorized signature. Be sure to attach ORIGINAL receipts by taping them down to a piece of paper just as you do for expense reports. You may tape as many receipts to one piece of paper as will fit as long as they go with a single form. If you have more than one form, then you will need more than one backup sheet with receipts taped down. We will not sign off on more than $75 for one person. 10. After the form has been signed by the SGA staff, make two copies of the form and two copies of the receipts and leave in the SGA office for your divisional treasurer and your organization’s file folder. 11. Finally, the payee may walk the original form and receipts to the Cashier's Office, located on the bottom floor of the B Jones building. You will need your Emory ID and remember NOT to sign the form until you get to B. Jones. They will give you cash immediately. The cashier’s office will not accept more than two forms at a time per person. Remember, all receipts must be itemized and if your receipts total more than $75, you must do a regular expense report as outlined in the next section. Also, remember to specify the number of people when reimbursing for food and if less than 10 people, you must include their names. See an example small dollar on page 41 or at
REIMBURSEMENTS: ONLINE EXPENSE REPORTS Filing the expense reports described in the next few sections will be the primary and most time consuming function for most treasurers. You will SGA has a 3 week deadline follow this process when reimbursing yourself, your advisor, or a fellow club for reimbursements. member for travel expense (except airfare) and/or regular out of pocket Receipts from one semester expenses (if they bought pizza for your club meeting, for example). Remember, if the receipts total $75 or less, then you must use the Small will NOT be reimbursed the Dollar Reimbursement Voucher described in the previous section. The next semester Expense Report process is the same if you are reimbursing a guest of Emory, however, you do not have the minimum expense amount of $75 when you are reimbursing guests to campus. Furthermore, treasurers who are not employed by the university may not have access to the guest/student profile set up required to pay people who are unaffiliated with Emory. If you need assistance for this reason, go to your divisional treasurer or the SGA business office.
The Eagle Source: A Guide for Student Organizations P a g e | 14 Expenses are entered online and then the paperwork is turned in to your divisional treasurer. You must always include an original itemized receipt (not just the credit card slip) or paid invoice, so that what you are paying for is clear. If you are using an invoice that has not been marked paid and updated to Getting proxy from show a balance of zero, then you will need to include proof of payment in the form of a credit card slip/statement or canceled check/bank statement. Please remember your club members is to include the name of your group and the smartkey you are using on the expense the first step. Do it reports. Requests must be submitted within 3 weeks of the date printed on the now! receipt. Entering an Expense Report for Yourself or for Someone who has Given You Proxy Before you can log on and complete an expense report, you will need to have your club members grant you proxy by filling out the form at the finance website. Submit the completed forms to Laura Reece in the SGA Business office. Setup usually takes about one week. Log on to Navigate to a blank expense report by using the “Compass Financials� Shortcut on the top left of the webpage. Log in using your OPUS login information and then navigate to: Employee SelfService > Travel and Expense Center > Expense Report > Create 1. On the Add a New Value tab, select your EmplID (or if you are entering for someone else click next to EmplID field and then the link for the person who has given you proxy to enter these expenses) and click . See the next section for instructions on assigning proxy. 2. Read the announcements and click then select A Blank Report in the Quick Start field and verify that the payee name on the report matches the person you are trying to reimburse. You CANNOT file an expense report in your name if another club member was the actual payee. 3. In the General Information section (see next screen shot), input a. Description- type in the name of your group and either A for allocated and/or SG for self-generated, depending on which smartkey(s) you are using (i.e. Yoga Club A) b. Business Purpose- select from the pull down menu. If you are reimbursing for expenses and not travel, enter Non-Travel. c. Destination: the airport code for your destination (if you are reimbursing for expenses and not travel, enter Non-Travel as described in the step above and the destination box will disappear) d. Comment- explain the purchase; include who, what, when, where, and why (i.e. Yoga Club Allocatedteam travel to Hot Yoga October conference in Miami and reimbursement for purchase of 25 mats for upcoming November Open House at the WoodPEC). If for food, put number of people here as well. Be thorough and explain each expense line on the form. e. Begin Date and End Date (date boxes will disappear if non-travel was selected)
4. Click . a. Input SmartKey. b. Click . If more than one smartkey is being used see instructions under number 7 below. 5. On the Details grid, input
The Eagle Source: A Guide for Student Organizations P a g e | 15 a. Expense Type- select the best match from the drop down menu. If you choose the correct expense type, the account code should automatically be correct. Use new lines for different expense types. Food and alcohol (for graduate groups) must be on separate lines. Only one receipt should be entered per expense line. Choose Other Reimbursements if none of the expense types seem applicable (this will mean you will need to manually change the account code in the details section). b. Expense Date- the date of the receipt c. Amount Spent- enter the amount you wish to reimburse. Include tax and tip if they are shown on the receipt and you wish to reimburse them. You must show proof of Give us details; be payment for an amount equal to or greater than the amount you are choosing to reimburse. thorough in your You may reimburse an amount less than what is paid. If you choose to do this, please include description of the partial reimbursement form on page 39. 6. Click at the right of the grid and input any required information, such as who, what, and Merchant Name and a Detailed Description. It is on this page that you will enter your ticket why the item was number if reimbursing for airfare and make sure your description includes the number of purchased. participants if you are reimbursing for food. Important: NEW FIELDS- you will need to update both Merchant Name and Description. 7. Click and review/revise the account and/or Smartkey for each entry line. 8. If you need to Charge the Expenses on any one line to multiple Smartkeys a. Click and input the dollar amount and SmartKey for the first department b. And for additional departments. 9. Click and then Click . 10. If necessary, continue adding additional expenses to the report by clicking the + sign to the right of the expense you have already added. 11. Answer the Foreign National questions. Read the check list right below that; you do not actually have to check the boxes there. 12. Click above the Foreign Nationals question and resolve errors, if necessary. Then Click at the bottom of the page. You cannot add attachments until after you have clicked Save. 13. After you save the expense report, the button will be activated. Click that button and upload your itemized receipts and/or paid invoices. TIP: You can add additional attachments later (even after you have hit the submit button) by pulling the expense report up through Travel and Expense Center > 2 More > View (no search criteria needed- just leave all fields blank and hit to bring up all your expense reports) and clicking 14. To view the Workflow Approval Map, click and check that Meredith Honeycutt is listed as your first approver. If she is not your approver, check that you have entered your smartkey correctly and let us know if you are unable to resolve this. 15. Click again and then to submit the transaction into Workflow. 16. Click (at the top, under the comments field) and then print the report using your browser Print button. 17. Click (under the expense type and totals box) and print that page as well. Feel free to hand write further description here if anything is unclear. Example: Karma A 0000012356 ($200
The Eagle Source: A Guide for Student Organizations P a g e | 16
18. 19. 20.
21. 22.
for hotel rooms 56100 for Florida competition) and SG 0000010001 ($45 in food 6515 for lunches during Florida trip) TAPE (do not staple!) original, itemized receipts to an 8 ½ X 11 sheet of paper. Staple the receipts page behind the barcoded Expense Report. Make sure your Club Take the printed report and receipts (and a copy of everything if your Name is printed on divisional treasurer requires one) to your divisional treasurer, who will approve it and forward it to SGA. Once we have the paperwork in our office, the form before you the SGA business manager will approve the report electronically and send it turn it in to your on to Payment Services for approval. Approval CANNOT be done until divisional treasurer. paperwork has been submitted to the SGA Office. Remember the process takes 2-3 weeks. You will want to take note of the expense report number in case you have to call payment services (404727-5400) to check the status of the payment.
Other things to remember when filing an expense report: All receipts above $25 must be itemized and show proof of payment. The credit card slip from a restaurant is not acceptable without the itemization (this is university policy, not SGA policy). Check the Lost Receipt Box on the expense line if the original receipt was lost and provide detail as to why it is missing. You are also required to provide a copy of your personal credit card statement showing the charge. NOTE: airfare, lodging and rental car receipts are always required We do not reimburse for gas when personal vehicles are used (only for rental cars/vans). Instead we reimburse miles traveled at a rate of 56.5 cents/mile. Gas receipts from a personal auto require google/mapquest proof of distance traveled. You must specify the number of people when reimbursing food. If less than 10 people, you must include names. If you are not reimbursing the total amount of the receipt(s), include a partial reimbursement form (page 39) Club Treasurer and Divisional Treasurers must sign bottom right corner of the report. President must sign if report is for the club treasurer. You can create the report to reimburse yourself but you cannot approve the request (organization president must sign the paper copy of your request) Each receipt must have its own line on the expense report. If you have 3 receipts, you should also have 3 lines. See SGA Travel Policy on page 23 Student air travel, when sponsored by Emory, can be charged directly to the Smartkey. This process is handled through Travelocity Business. For specific instructions for booking travel, go the Student Travel website found at All reimbursements must be submitted within 3 weeks of date on receipt and travel reimbursements should be submitted within 10 days after the travel. All travel reimbursements must be sent to Payment Services within 30 days of the trip or you will not be reimbursed. RECEIPTS FROM 1 SEMESTER WILL NOT BE REIMBURSED THE NEXT SEMESTER. YOU MUST MEET THE SEMESTER DEADLINE OR YOU FORFIET THE REIMBURSEMENT. It generally takes 2-3 weeks to get a check cut. You are welcome to use the SGA copier and computers for your financial business. How to Authorize a Proxy You will need to have your fellow club members follow these steps before you process a reimbursement on their behalf. Most students will need to fill out the Compass Student Profile form since they will not have access to Compass. For students who do have access to Compass: Once they have logged into People Soft: Navigate to Employee Self-Service > Travel and Expenses > Profiles and Preferences > Delegate Entry Authority
The Eagle Source: A Guide for Student Organizations P a g e | 17 1. On the Authorize Users page, click at the end of a row. 2. Enter the proxy’s PeopleSoft User ID in the Authorized User ID field. 3. Click next to the proxy’s User ID. 4. Click the User ID link that pops up. 5. Click If the student you will be reimbursing does not have access to Compass, they can delegate proxy by submitting the Compass Student Profile form to the SGA office. It will take several days for Payment Services to set up their profile under your compass account. How to Modify or Delete a Pending or Denied Request The submitter of an expense report can modify and delete an expense report in Compass, provided the expense report is currently in either pending or denied status. The purpose of this functionality is to allow the submitter the ability to clean up the list of expense reports – such as duplicates created in error – that will not have any action taken on them beyond their current pending or denied state. Please be aware that pending refers to expense reports that were saved but were never submitted into workflow. Denied are those reports that have been denied and no further action is to be taken on them. Please remember that only the proxy or submitter has the ability to delete an expense report. Steps to Modify/Delete a Pending or Denied Expense Report 1. After you log in to Compass, click the following selections: Employee Self Service > Travel and Expense Center > 2 More > View 2. Search for pending expense reports by setting the Report Status to Pending or Denied, as in the following graphic. When you find the expense report that you want to delete, note the Expense Report ID # and Employee ID # for use in the next steps. 3. Open a new window by clicking the following selections: Employee Self-Service > Travel and Expense Center > 2 More > Modify OR Delete 4. Find the expense report you
The Eagle Source: A Guide for Student Organizations P a g e | 18 want by searching by Employee ID and/or Employee Name. Note that the list displays only those expense reports in pending or denied status. 5. Select the expense report and open it to modify or simply check the Delete box to permanently remove the report from the Compass system.
This step is final. You cannot retrieve the expense report after you delete it.
PAYING FOR SERVICES: PAYMENT REQUESTS This process is for paying an unincorporated company or an individual for services rendered (e.g. Party D.J., speaker at an event, or musician). Please note: that you Taxable Income-do should never pay this type of payment out of pocket and hope to get reimbursed. not pay out of pocket. Because this payment is taxable income for the person performing the service, we will not be able to reimburse anyone who paid out of pocket. Checks must be cut directly to the individual performing the service. This request will include an itemized invoice or (most likely) a contract instead of an itemized receipt. If the person/vendor is not in the system (has not been paid by Emory in the past year) then you will need to include a W9 (page 36). Keep your deadline in mind; contracts can take several weeks to be approved (see page 22). Treasurers who are not employed by the university will probably not have access to enter a payment request. If you do not have the ability to enter a payment request, first go to your divisional treasurer for help and then to the SGA business office if necessary. If you are paying an Emory faculty or staff member or student employee, then you will need to contact the SGA business office for assistance. This requires a different process. When paying an Emory employee, you will be charged for fringe benefits. Be sure to adjust your budget for this extra expense. Enter Self-Service Payment Request Once in Compass, Navigate to: Accounts Payable > Vouchers > Add/Update > Regular Entry 1. Click on the Add a New Value tab
and read the announcements before clicking
2. On the Emory Payment Request page, input a. Invoice Number: Enter your Club name and something meaningful to you referencing this request. For example: Synergy A (for allocated) carnival clown. b. Invoice Date c. Total: the total amount of the requested payment 3. To search for your vendor: a. Click . b. Input the vendor name (or part of the name) and Click rows if you do not see your vendor right away.
. You may need to increase your number of max
The Eagle Source: A Guide for Student Organizations P a g e | 19 4. If the individual is listed in the search results, click Request page.
to populate vendor information on the Emory Payment
Don't use vendor numbers beginning with SF. These are special vendors for Student Financials only. 5. If the individual is not listed in the search results or if the address in the system is incorrect, a. Click to return to the page where you entered your club name and the total amount of your payment. b. On the Emory Payment Request Tab page, Click near the link you used to conduct the vendor search. c. Enter the individual’s name and address from their W-9, which you will attach to the request you are creating, and back to the Emory Payment Request tab. 6. The Payment Handling field defaults to a check mailed by regular mail. The method can be changed with a valid business reason. 7. If Emory will pay a speaker’s expenses(hotel, food, mileage, etc) a. Click (this option only shows up when entering a first time vendor) b. You will be directed to the Guest Profile page c. Enter the speaker’s name and address and click d. Follow the instructions Click e. Click
NOTE: This sets you up as a proxy and allows you to complete an Expense Report on the speaker’s behalf. Remember, we can reimburse guests for airfare. But if Emory handles the travel arrangements, airfare must be booked through Travelocity Business and charged directly to your smartkey. 8. Back on the Emory Payment Request tab of your original request, answer the Foreign National questions. 9. In the Invoice Lines Section, input a. The total cost in the Extended Amount Box 10. In the Distribution Lines grid, input a. SmartKey and Account 11. Click
. Click
to the question about waiting for the process to be completed.
12. When the Summary page displays, a. Write down the Voucher ID- you will need this if you must call payment services to check on the status of the payment. b. Verify the Budget Status is Valid. 13. Read the Next Steps to Complete Payment Request and a. Upload your documents (invoice or contract)to support payment using the link below on the left
b. If new vendor, upload signed tax (W-9) and banking documents (ACH if vendor wants
The Eagle Source: A Guide for Student Organizations P a g e | 20 direct deposit) using upload link below on the right
14. To view the Workflow Approval Map, click approver. 15. Click
. Meredith Honeycutt should be listed as your first
on the Summary tab to submit the transaction into Workflow.
16. You must print a copy of the request and bring it to your divisional treasurer, who will then bring it to the SGA office. Meredith will not even look at approving your request electronically until it is approved by the divisional treasurer and in the SGA office. a. To print, click the Emory Payment Request tab and print that page in Landscape Mode b. Also print the invoice or a contract signed by the payee and the appropriate Emory representative (see page 22 or the online Eagle Source for Presidents and Programmers for more on Contracts) and W-9 (page 36) if necessary and staple them behind the Payment Request form. c. Turn the Payment Request form and supporting documentation (plus a copy for your divisional treasurer if they require it) in to your divisional treasurer, who will approve the request and forward it to the SGA office for electronic approval from the Business Manager. Payment Services will have the final approval before cutting the check. *Reminder: If Emory is paying the individual’s expenses, create an Expense Report to request payment as described in the previous section. If you remembered to Click and follow those instructions, the payees information will be waiting when you log in to key the Expense Report. If this does not work or you have trouble reimbursing a guest, contact your divisional treasurer and/or the SGA Business Office.
More tips on paying an artist/performer Start early. It generally takes 2-3 weeks to get a check cut but when contracts are involved you should count on the request taking at least 6 weeks. Follow the contracts procedure and allow plenty of time. *NOTE: Students are NOT allowed to sign contracts (see section on contracts on page 22 and in the online Eagle Source for Presidents and Programmers). It is your responsibility to follow up with the OSLS office on the contract. You should pick the contract up from that office once it has been signed and make sure the completed payment request makes it to SGA. Enter the request into the system as soon as you have the signed contract and signed W-9. Don’t forget to pick up the check if you coded them for Pickup! Checks coded for pick up will be available at the 1599 building, but you should call (404) 727-5400 to verify that the check has cut. NOTE: Payment Services is restricting check pickup so you must enter an acceptable reason if you choose PU as your disposition. Example: According to contract, check to be handed to speaker, performer, referee, etc., at end of lecture, performance, game. Do not pay a performer until after they have completed their performance and NEVER pay them out of pocket. You are welcome to use the SGA copier and computers for your financial business.
PAYING VENDORS: EMORY EXPRESS Emory Express is housed in the "Emory Marketplace" section of the finance website. "Emory Marketplace" provides you with your resources for your Purchasing and Payment needs as well as training tools, demos, and announcements from our many suppliers and more. Emory Express allows you to shop for and purchase your supplies and equipment. Emory Express automatically routes your requisition (order) through your departmental approvals, creates a Purchase Order and then pays the supplier when you order from one of the preferred/contracted vendors. These Vendor payments are generally processed through Emory Express Punch-outs. Emory Express is also used to pay companies (non-individuals) for goods not procured through Emory Express using
The Eagle Source: A Guide for Student Organizations P a g e | 21 the Check Request option. Entries into Emory Express will be interfaced to PeopleSoft/Compass Financials for payment. For Check Requests you must have an itemized invoice or contract. If the vendor is not in the system (has not been paid by Emory in the past year) then you will need to include a signed W-9 (page 36). Keep your deadline in mind; contracts can take several weeks to be approved (see the online Eagle Source for Presidents and Programmers for more information on contracts). For complete instructions on the Emory Express system, read the Emory Express manual located online.
To make a purchase or initiate a payment on Emory Express 1. Complete the finance division training and quiz to get set up in the system 2. Once the finance division has loaded you into the system, log on to 3. Select Emory Express from the finance shortcuts on the top left of the page 4. Sign in with your Emory username and password (should be the same as OPUS) 5. You may want to update the address, e-mail preferences, default Smartkey, etc. in your Profile (link is located in the header on the top left of the Emory Express screen). You can find instructions for setting up your profile at the finance division training website. 6. When you are ready to place your order or initiate your payment, you will need to decide whether you are using a Punch-out (for placing orders with most of the preferred/contracted vendors), the Non-Catalog Form (for many SGA approved vendors and preferred printers), or the Check Request option (for initiating payment to non-preferred vendors, charities, or some preferred vendors that do not have Punch outs available). Remember you are required to use a preferred vendor or an approved vendor in many categories (page 8) to ensure payment. a. If you will be using a punch-out, click your chosen supplier icon and you will be directed to the vendor website to make your product selections then back into Emory Express to enter your contact information and Smartkey (Under Checkout link). Once a punch-out item is placed in the Express shopping cart, the quantity cannot be changed. Confirm the quantity before placing a punch-out item into the Express shopping cart. Read more about the punch-out process in the Emory Express manual and/or see the Blackboard tutorial for further information. b. If you will be using the Non-catalog items Form on Emory Express (mainly for large printing jobs), Select Non-Catalog Item from the small menu at the top center of the Express page and choose a supplier from the system. You will then fill in the product, quantity, and pricing information. See the Blackboard tutorial for further information. c. If you will be using the Check Request option (the most common for student groups), open the check request form located on the Express page under Showcased Services. Make sure you have the itemized invoice and/or signed contract in hand for attachment at the bottom of the invoice attached form. You will also need to attach the signed W-9 electronically if you are paying a new vendor. You will need to create a separate requisition (request for payment to a vendor) for each invoice you have. Follow the instructions in the Check Request Demo found on your Blackboard.
The Eagle Source: A Guide for Student Organizations P a g e | 22 7. After filling your cart in one of the above manners, you will be taken back to your Emory Express cart, which you can edit if necessary. 8. You will then click the Checkout button (next to the Edit Cart button). Here, you will put in your Smartkey(s) and appropriate account codes. 9. You will then hit Assign Cart to Laura Reece button to send your requisition to your authorized approvers. Express submissions are fully electronic. This is the one system that does NOT require you bring paperwork to SGA office. 10. If your order totals more than $4999, you must complete the “receiving” process in Emory Express. You can find the instructions on the finance web page or through the SGA Blackboard tutorial. Note you do not have to complete these steps for Check Requests; Payment Services will complete them on your behalf. 11. You may check the status of your request through Emory Express by following the online instructions. Need Help: email or call the customer support center at 404-727-5400 Again Remember: You must specify the number of people when there is food. If less than 10 people, you must include their names. All invoices must be itemized Donation checks are processed through Emory Express; reimbursements for donations will not be issued since this is a tax deductible expense. Start early. It generally takes 2-3 weeks to get a check cut but when contracts are involved you should count on the request taking at least 6 weeks. Follow the contracts procedure and allow plenty of time. *NOTE: Students are NOT allowed to sign contracts (see next section on contracts). It is your responsibility to follow up with the office that you choose to work with on the contract. You should pick the contract up from that office once it has been signed and make sure the request makes it to SGA. Enter the request into the system as soon as you have the itemized invoice or the signed contract and W-9 (if needed). Orders $5000 and over will require an additional step. Read the Emory Express manual to learn how to receive your order so that payment will be made. You are welcome to use the SGA copier and computers for your financial business. Make sure your divisional treasurer is in the loop. We will check with him/her before approving your purchase.
CONTRACTS A signed contract will be necessary to process many of your Payment Requests on Compass and Check Request on Express. All events at Emory University that require contracts must have fully executed contracts BEFORE the event. ‘Fully executed’ is defined as all documents bearing the signatures of both the artist's and the appropriate University designees (an Emory contract is available at What is a contract? A contract is a legally binding agreement between 2 or more parties in which a service is exchanged for compensation of some kind.
Students CANNOT sign Contracts. Contracts must be signed by OSLS.
Why are contracts important? Contracts enable responsibilities and entitlements to be very clear. Everyone knows their responsibilities, the venue info, time, place, fees, etc. Contracts also protect both parties and they provide remedies when problems arise.
The Eagle Source: A Guide for Student Organizations P a g e | 23 What is the difference between an Invoice and a Contract? An invoice is simply a business document detailing goods or services provided and requesting payment. It is a bill, essentially. Treasurers should bring them to the SGA Office to find out if they should be processed by the OSLS or if they can just be submitted for payment. Students should not sign invoices either. How do I get my contract signed? All chartered student organizations MUST use The Office of Student Leadership & Service to get contracts signed. Contracts must be dropped off at least 6 weeks prior to your event, and must be accompanied by a Contract Coversheet (regardless of what office is working through your contract). What do I bring with me? When you have a contract that is ready to be signed, you need to bring: Cover Sheet (see online Eagle Source): It Requires President, Treasurer, and Event Start Early- Contracts Organizer Signatures, along with other information so give yourself a day or so to get all the and the associated appropriate information filled out. payments can take up Printed & Clean Copy of the Contract with NO student organization markings – do to 6 weeks to process. not fill out anything, or write anything on it. W9 – the vendor/artist/or speaker can usually provide you with a W9, however if they do not have one they you can print one from the Eagle Source website and you can find one at the back of the Eagle Source for Treasurers. A signed W9 is required to be able to make a payment. Proof of funds- Funding for the event should be in place before bringing the contract to OSLS Any other materials you have that may help us see how good the event planning is going (a budget, for example). What is the process? Bring your contracts in at least 6 weeks prior to your event. Expect a 3-4 week turnaround time on contracts, and then another 2-3 week turn around for checks and payments. Be ready to answer questions that we may have when you turn in a contract. We are the liaison for you between Risk Management and General Counsel. We usually consult with the University's General Counsel for legal support and guidance pertaining to these documents. You should not contact General Counsel or the Office of Risk Management for events – work with the OSLS to do that. During this time, you should also get a signed W-9 (page 36) if you will be paying an individual or company that the university has not paid within the previous year.
Make sure you have funds in place before getting your contract signed.
When the contract is finished, OSLS will notify you to come pick it up. There will usually be a coversheet attached to tell you of all the things to be careful of when you are planning the event. Additionally, you (as treasurer) will then need to take the contract and process it for payment. If the Social Security number is filled in on the W-9, you will pay through the Compass Accounts Payable function (let the SGA Business office know if you do not have access). If the Employee Identification Number is filled in, you will process on Emory Express. Checks and payment can take an additional two weeks, which is why a total of 6 weeks is suggested. SEE MORE on CONTRACTS and the ASP form in the ONLINE EAGLE SOURCE
TRAVEL POLICY Risk Management and General Counsel require certain activities that involve travel by student groups be registered through the OSLS office. The policy also addresses both the use of PERSONAL vehicles and University-owned, rented, or leased vehicles in connection with University-sponsored or student-organization sponsored activities and programs. See the online Eagle Source for Presidents for more information. If you ever travel, think about traveling,
The Eagle Source: A Guide for Student Organizations P a g e | 24 or drive for any reason related to your organization, you should read in its entirety. If you choose not to comply, you will not be covered by Emory’s liability insurance. Rules for Travel: 1. Only two people may travel with SAF money unless your divisional council approves otherwise. 2. Before you book your airfare, please see specific instructions for booking air travel by going to and clicking on the “SGA- Student Air Travel” tab and then contact Meredith Honeycutt at 404-727-3513 or . If the full amount of the airfare is being paid by the club, you MUST book tickets through Travelocity Business. If the club is only paying a portion of the ticket, then airfare can be booked with any provider and reimbursed after the travel has occurred. You will, however, need to include a business letter explaining that the airfare was only subsidized by the club with your online expense report. 3. Travel for Emory guests- Airfare must be charged directly through Travelocity if Emory is booking the airfare on behalf of the guests. It is recommended that the guests pay for the airfare so that Emory is not out any funds should the guest cancel. Guests may purchase their tickets directly through the airline or agency of their choice and submit their tickets for reimbursement after the trip. Guests must follow Emory travel policies for reimbursement. 4. Reimbursement (Expense Reports) requests must be submitted within 10 days after travel. 5. Original itemized receipts for all expenses must be included with request forms. Emory requires the zero balance due hotel folio for reimbursement. 6. Meals are generally only reimbursed by self-generated funds. 7. Costs from failure to complete plans will not be reimbursed. 8. In order to pay registration fees in advance, an itemized invoice must be submitted to your divisional treasurer. He or she can then charge those fees to the divisional P-card. 9. No reimbursements will be made until after travel occurs. 10. Travel in a private car will be reimbursed at the current IRS rate (56.5 cents per mile for 2013) as determined by an atlas or Internet mapping program. This must be submitted on a travel expense form. 11. If your travel will require using university owned or leased vehicles, please see the section entitled “Defensive Driving” in the online Eagle Source for Presidents and Programmers. 12. International Travel must also be register with ISOS at To read the University travel policy see: and click the travel tab.
CHARGING DIRECTLY TO A SMARTKEY One advantage to using services within the University is direct billing. Emory will not cut a check to an Emory entity so you use the direct billing method to pay Emory. Charging directly to your club’s Smartkey is allowed at Campus Services, Campus Printing, Emory University Bookstore, Emory Post Office, Travelocity Business, Network Communications, The Emory Conference Center/Emory Inn, and Campus Dining Services (Sodexo). Barnes and Noble at Emory Bookstore Presidents and treasurers will be the only members allowed to charge at the bookstore. They will need to set up an account with the bookstore by filling out The Barnes and Noble Smartkey Charge Form through the SGA office (see form on page 34). Once that form is on file, they will be able to charge throughout the year by taking purchases to the register and telling the clerk that it is a departmental charge. You MUST take your Emory ID with you and bring the receipts to the SGA office for your file. This form will need to be filed with the bookstore each year. Department charges, either to smartkey or p-card, receive a 20% discount (other than computer hardware, convenience items, and textbooks).
The Eagle Source: A Guide for Student Organizations P a g e | 25 Campus Dining Services Food may be charged through Campus Dining if it is ordered in person at Campus Dining Services in Cox Hall at least 48 hours in advance or through a week in advance through Emory Catering (404-712-8948). Orders from other Campus food locations (Einstein’s, Dunkin Doughnuts, etc.) may also be charged. Again, you MUST take your Emory ID with you. Campus Services Work done by Campus Services (formerly known as FMD) during normal business hours (Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm) will generally not be charged if you identify yourself as a student organization. Work done on weekends and after hours will be charged to your Smartkey after you fill out a Work Request, which can be found at Look for the special student organizations work request and choose your group name from the drop down menu. Emory Document Services Emory's Document Services offers a full range of services including fast photocopying in black and white or color up to 11x17 in size, Letterhead, Business Cards, Stuffing, Labels and Labeling, Flyers, and many other specialty jobs. Contact them at 404-727-6859 (DUC Terraces). Emory Post Office In order to charge at the Post Office, you must fill out a postal charge form that can be picked up at the Post Office window. The SGA Business Manager must sign this. Enterprise Van Rental Emory University has a contract with Enterprise. Enterprise will have cars and 12 passenger vans on site at the Emory Conference Center. Per Emory policy, no 15 passenger vans are allowed. The hours of operation are 7:30am6pm Monday-Friday and 9am-noon on Saturday. If you have questions or wish to reserve a vehicle please contact 404-728-9911. Drivers must be at least 21 years old. *Remember, charging directly to your Smartkey is the best way to pay for your van rental, but requires the Enterprise Van Rental for SGA form be filled out and approved by the SGA business manager (see page 33). Also see the section on the Defensive Driving Program in the online Eagle Source for Presidents and Programmers. Business Use Account 03E0600 is available for student groups to use and includes a discount. Personal Use Account 03E0601 will allow for students, not renting for their club, to also get a discount. Network Communications Phone lines, voice-mail, data connections, and other services provided by Network Communications will be charged directly to student organization Smartkeys. *Please be aware that your club may have an ongoing network communications charge. Many groups are not aware that they have services through NetCom (i.e. voice-mail) or that they are being charged for them (even in the summer). If your club is being charged for voice mail or network services and you are NOT using them, please let NetCom know so they can discontinue the service and you won’t be charged for services you are not utilizing. Parking Validation Tickets If you plan ahead, you can arrange to have a parking validation ticket for your guest. Fill out the Parking Validation Form to request the ticket(s) and have them charged directly to your smartkey. Emory Conference Center/ Emory Inn Reservations can be made by calling 404-935-6449 and letting them know that it will be a department charge to a university smartkey.
The Eagle Source: A Guide for Student Organizations P a g e | 26 Travel Student travel, when sponsored by Emory, can be charged directly to the Smartkey. This process is handled by the president or treasurer through Travelocity Business. For specific instructions for booking airfare, go the Student Travel website found at and see page 23 as well as the form on page 35. Contact Meredith Honeycutt at 404-727-3515 or before making travel arrangements.
SPECIAL ISSUES – PURCHASES & RENTALS Gifts, Gift Cards, Flowers, and Prizes The Divisional and SGA VP for Finance must approve the purchase of flowers and gifts with the student activity fee. Self-generated money may be used without permission for these purposes. Flowers may be purchased for decoration and prizes may be purchased for contests/door prizes. Be aware- Gift card Because of tax policies, you must provide the Finance Division with the names and purchases may be Emory ID numbers of the recipients if they are affiliated with Emory in anyway using taxed the Gift Reporting Form. This policy does not include guest speakers who are not affiliated with Emory. If you are giving cash or gift cards/certificates, you have to submit the receiver’s information regardless of the gift amount and should use the National Gift Card Corporation in Emory Express. If you are giving a tangible gift (Emory blanket, iPod), you have to report it if the value is $75 or more. Be aware, students who purchase gift cards may be required to pay taxes on the gift card purchase amounts if you do not properly report to whom the gift card was given. Student groups that choose to purchase gift cards to use for club purchases WILL be taxed. Club purchases should either be made through Emory Express or reimbursed through Compass. Audiovisual and Computer Equipment Rental To rent audiovisual equipment contact Classroom Technologies at 727-5147. Reservations are subject to valid Smartkey numbers and all equipment must be picked up and returned by the organization. Equipment is rented on a first-come first-serve basis and can only be used for academic and non-commercial activities. Computer equipment is available through the Cox Hall Computer lab. Video Rental It is illegal to show a rented movie in a public setting. Because of this, films cannot be rented with University money and will not be reimbursed. See section on “movies and copyrighted materials” in the online Eagle Source for Presidents and Programmers. Alcohol/ Tobacco SGA and College Council do not allow clubs chartered under the College Council to purchase alcohol with club money (allocated or self-generated) and will not approve any reimbursement requests that include alcohol. All clubs must follow the alcohol policy. No university funds (allocated or self-gen) may be used to purchase tobacco. Food You must turn in itemized receipts and specify the number of people when reimbursing food. If less than 10 people, you must include their names. If Emory is paying directly for food brought onto campus, you must use Emory Catering or ATG.
BOOKKEEPING ISSUES Relines Relines reallocate money that had been dedicated for one purpose to another. Use the reline form to move money from one account to another. The divisional treasurers and the SGA coordinate/approve relines. See page 31.
The Eagle Source: A Guide for Student Organizations P a g e | 27 Transfers Transfers occur when one organization agrees to pay an expense of another organization. Transfers move money from one student organization’s fund to another group’s fund. Internal Transfer forms must be filled out in order to transfer money. See page 32 and remember you cannot move allocated funds into a self-gen Smartkey nor can SAF money be transferred to a university department. Going in the Red If your organization goes into debt at the end of the academic year, it will be required to self-generate all overused funds by the end of the following fall semester. If the refund is not met, the organization’s charter may be revoked. Plan well- Do not Ever go into the Red! Rush Checks Payment Services will no longer rush a check.
FORMS Most Finance forms can be found at
Most every other form, including many finance forms, can be found electronically at where you can also find the entire Eagle Source online (the Program and Event Management Section as well as the Treasurer Handbook section)
The Eagle Source: A Guide for Student Organizations P a g e | 28
Sodexo Co-sponsorships for Student Organizations August 20, 2013 TO: RE:
Student Organization Presidents/Treasurers Sodexo Food Sponsorships
We have good news to share with you! Our colleagues at Sodexo have agreed to continue their increased level of cosponsorships on food related charges! Based on your application, we will distribute up to a $1000.00 credit for food purchases to chartered student organizations for programming within the University community. Each student organization may apply once per semester. Applications will be considered until the $20,000 fund has been exhausted. The application form is attached; contact Catering directly at least one week before your event to place the order. There is one hitch, PLEASE NOTE: YOU MUST PROVIDE THE EVALUATION COMMITTEE 3 WEEKS TO CONSIDER YOUR PROPOSAL. If it comes to us with less time, it will not be considered. This is an exciting opportunity provided by our food service provider (Sodexo) to assist student organizations in planning outstanding programs that benefit student organizations and the entire University by covering some of the associated costs. Simply submit your application and, if approved, catering will credit you with your co-sponsorship amount when you place your order by calling 404-712-8948. Student groups may also contact catering by emailing the catering sales manager, at Remember Emory Catering requires a seven (7) day notice to fulfill your catering order. Co-sponsorship levels are as follows: CLUB: Up to $250 for programming for your club. This is for small (mainly club members) events that are directly relevant to the mission of your student organization. CO-SPONSORED: Up to $500 for co-sponsored programs. These events must be sponsored by 2 or more chartered student organizations and fit the mission of participating clubs. UNIVERSITY WIDE: Up to $1000 for university wide programming. Programs must be applicable, open, and advertised to all students, graduate and undergraduate, without limitations on who can attend. Funding for a university wide event is more likely to be granted if you show co-sponsorship across several schools. These programs should promote the mission/vision of the university ( Please make sure that your student organizations are aware of this wonderful new service! Send applications or questions to Laura Reece ( in the Student Government Association office.
*Student groups may not apply for/receive both this grant and the Late Night at Emory food grant for the same event. Each event is only eligible for one food co-sponsorship.
The Eagle Source: A Guide for Student Organizations P a g e | 29 These funds are only available for events that are sponsored by University recognized student organizations. The funds can only be used for purchases from Emory Catering and cannot be used for alcohol purchases. You must submit this application at least three (3) weeks prior to your event or it will not be considered. Please provide detailed information for each question and submit your application by e-mail to or in person at the Student Government Association office room 211W on the 2nd floor of the DUC. If you have any questions please call (404) 727-6179. Organization(s) sponsoring event: Primary Contact’s Name:
Contact Phone:
Primary Contact’s E-mail Name of Event: Location of Event: Has your organization held this event or activity at Emory before
Event Date and Time: yes
Please describe the event (include purpose of the event and how that relates to the mission of your group as well as how many are expected to attend):
Please describe your marketing plan and attach a flyer to your submission. Be sure to explain in detail how you are reaching out to the entire university community if you are applying for the university wide event co-sponsorship level:
Co-sponsorship Level:
Amount Requested
CLUB: Up to $250 for programming for your club. This is for small (mainly club members) events that are directly relevant to the mission of your student organization. CO-SPONSORED: Up to $500 for co-sponsored programs. These events must be sponsored by 2 or more chartered student organizations and fit the mission of participating clubs. UNIVERSITY WIDE: Up to $1000 for university wide programming. Programs must be applicable, open, and advertised to all students, graduate and undergraduate, without limitations on who can attend. Funding for a university wide event is more likely to be granted if you show co-sponsorship across several schools. These programs should promote the mission/vision of the university ( Proposed Budget: How do you plan to use these funds? Please also attach a copy of your detailed budget
The Eagle Source: A Guide for Student Organizations P a g e | 30
Anything else we should know?
Checklist: Form filled out completely Event more than 3 weeks away Attached Publicity Flyer Attached Detailed Budget Proposal Contact Catering at least one week before event Requestor’s signature:
Date submitted:
We also require the president and or treasurer of each sponsoring club sign off in the space below: Print Name
Club and Position
Do not write below this line Received by:
May 24, 2012
Thanks to Sodexo for providing the funds for this Co-Sponsorship
*Student groups may only apply once per semester *Student groups may not apply for/receive both this grant and the Late Night at Emory food grant for the same event. Each event is only eligible for one food co-sponsorship.
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Organization Name____________________________________Smartkey #____________________ Name and Title of Person Representing_________________________________________________ Email ___________________________________
Phone #_____________________________
Date________________________________Total Amount________________________
To Account#
To Account#
From Account# ___________________
From Account# ___________________
Amount to Reline___________________
Amount to Reline___________________
To Account#
To Account#
From Account# ___________________
From Account# ___________________
Amount to Reline___________________
Amount to Reline___________________
Reason for Reline: _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Signature of Club Treasurer_____________________________________________________Date_________ Signature of Graduate Assembly Treasurer (if applicable, not required)________________________Date_________ Signature of Divisional Treasurer_________________________________________________Date_________ Signature of SGA VP for Finance__________________________________________________Date_________
The Eagle Source: A Guide for Student Organizations P a g e | 32
Internal Transfer Form Requesting Organization (providing the funding)_______________________________________________________ Smartkey Number to Debit
Administrator of Debiting Smartkey_________________________________________________________________ Receiving Organization ___________________________________________________________________________ Smartkey Number to Credit (receiving the funding)_____________________________________________________ Administrator of Receiving Smartkey Amount of Transfer
_______________________________________________________________________ Organizational Treasurer’s Signature Date ________________________________________________________________________ Graduate Assembly Treasurer’s Signature (if applicable, not required) Date ________________________________________________________________________ Divisional Treasurer’s Signature Date ________________________________________________________________________ SGA Treasurer’s Signature Date ________________________________________________________________________ SGA Business Manager’s Signature Date Reason For Transfer [Print Below]: Please be specific. If charges are to offset another organizational or departmental Smartkey, we will need financial data from their ledgers.
Date on Excel___________
Date on PS___________
Emory University Student Government Association 2010
The Eagle Source: A Guide for Student Organizations P a g e | 33
SGA Reservation Rental Form Enterprise Rent -A-Car (Van Rental & Vehicle Rental) STUDENT COMPLETE THIS SECTION DEPARTMENT: ______________________
STUDENT ORGANIZATION: ___________________________________
EVENT: ______________________________SMARTKEY/ NUMBER: ______________________________________ TYPE OF VEHICLE: _______________________ NUMBER OF VEHICLES NEEDED: _____________________________ DATE NEEDED: _________________________ TIME OF DAY: ____________ RETURN DATE: ___________________ DESTINATION: ___________________________________________________________________________________ (List all states the Vehicle(s) will travel through) VEHICLE TO BE PICKED UP AT (LOCATION) _____________________________________________________________ VEHICLE TO BE RETURNED TO (LOCATION) _____________________________________________________________ PRIMARY DRIVER: _____________________ STATE/LICENSE#: _______________STUDENT ID#: ______________ (All drivers must be at minimum 19 years of age or older) ALTERNATE DRIVER: ___________________ STATE/LICENSE #: ________________ STUDENT ID#:_______________ EMORY AUTHORIZED EMPLOYEE COMPLETE THIS SECTION (P-CARD NUMBER ON-FILE WITH ENTERPRISE) Account to Use: 03EMOR1 (Meredith) or 03EMOR2 (Laura) or 03EMOR3 (Andre Moore) NAME ON CARD: ___________________________________________ (Same as authorized Emory employee) I AUTHORIZE THE USE OF MY EMORY P-CARD NUMBER AS PAYMENT FOR ANY AND ALL CHARGES THAT RESULT FROM THE RENTAL(S) REQUESTED ON THIS RESERVATION FORM. SIGNATURE OF EMORY AUTHORIZED EMPLOYEE: ______________________________________________________ This form must be signed by Emory Authorized Employee before it is presented to Enterprise Rent-a-Car at the Emory Conference Center location or Oxford Campus location
*include a confirmation of your defensive driving when you submit this form
The Eagle Source: A Guide for Student Organizations P a g e | 34
SmartKey Purchasing Form for Student Organizations
First Name _________________________________________ Last Name ___________________________________
University ID _______________________________________ Phone Number________________________________
Department/Club_______________________________________ Position in Club ____________________________
SmartKey _________________________________
Fund Amount _________________ Account Date Start_________________ Account Date End_________________
Authorized Signature _____________________________________________________________________________
Explain purchase(s):
This form can be completed for the president and/or treasurer of student organizations and approved by the SGA Business Manager to allow for direct charge at the Emory Bookstore. Form must be on file at the bookstore, and renewed annually, for purchase to be processed. Student listed on form must present their Emory ID at the time of purchase.
The Eagle Source: A Guide for Student Organizations P a g e | 35
Form for Student Air Travel
Student Organization: __________________________________ Date Submitted: ____________
Payment from allocated or self-generated: __________________________
Estimated dates of travel: _______________________________________
Number of tickets purchasing: __________Estimated Cost per Ticket________________
Name of Traveler(s): ______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________
Signature of organization treasurer: _______________________________
Divisional Treasurer should fill out this section
Total amount not to exceed _________________
Signature of divisional treasurer: ____________________________ Date ____________
Signature of SGA Business Manager: ________________________ Date ____________
The Eagle Source: A Guide for Student Organizations P a g e | 36
The Eagle Source: A Guide for Student Organizations P a g e | 37
SGA DEPOSIT SLIP Club Name _________________________________________
Amount Smartkey Number Description
Smartkey Number
$ Description Smartkey Number
_______________ $
Smartkey Number
Total Deposit Total Checks
Total Cash
Prepared By Name
Tax letter required for donations ____Yes
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To Payment Services: This student is not being reimbursed the full amount of what appears on the receipt for this purchase. Please reimburse them only $_______________. Thanks,
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TREASURER’S TOP 10 1. Make sure to adhere to SGA deadlines! Expenses must be reimbursed during the same semester they were incurred. We will NOT reimburse expenses from the fall semester in the spring or vice versa.
2. Inform your club members on policy/procedures/deadline! You are the liaison between the SGA Business office and your club. Make sure you are involved with programming decisions and train your members on SGA policies and procedures.
3. Student Activity Fee may ONLY go into your allocated smartkey! You may not transfer SAF/Allocated funds to a department outside of SGA. Herein, if a campus department sponsors an event that your club is putting on, they must transfer their sponsorship funds into your Allocated smartkey. Page 3 4. You may NOT make money off the Student Activity Fee! If you receive allocated money for an event, you must deposit all profits from that event into your allocated smartkey until the funded amount is repaid. Page 1
5. Budgets/ Allocated funds DO NOT roll over from year to year! Clubs apply for an annual budget each spring semester (Feb-April). If funding is granted, money becomes available Sept 1st and rolls back to your division the day after graduation (year round graduate programs may apply to have their accounts stay open through Aug 1st but all accounts are closed Aug 1st-Sept 1st for fiscal year close out). If you do not use your allocated funds you lose them. Page 3
6. You MUST use Preferred Vendors! See the categories/list of preferred vendors on the University Finance website. Payment Services will not pay your vendor if they are not on this list. Page 8
7. How to Pay Cheat Sheet: Compass is for individuals- get profiles/proxy sheets from ALL members turned in NOW! Express is for companies- remember to use preferred vendors and get W-9 forms when necessary. Page 11
8. Small Dollar limit is $75! This is a per person limit; not a per receipt, per event, or per form limit. This means that the receipts you have for any one person may not add up to more than $75 if you are using the small dollar voucher. We cannot sign 2 vouchers (totaling more than $75) for the same person on the same day. Page 12
9. Contracts MUST be signed by OSLS- Students/Advisors CANNOT sign contracts. Only the Office of Student Leadership and Services is authorized to sign contracts on behalf of student organizations. Contracts should be submitted to OSLS 6 weeks prior to your event. Contracts must be fully executed (signed by both parties) before Payment Requests (on Compass) or Vendor Check Requests (on Express) can be submitted. Remember, it takes a minimum of 2 weeks to cut a check. Page 22
10. Keep track of your accounts- Get spreadsheets regularly! Get copies of your spreadsheet from Laura and make sure your records match our records. Address any discrepancies right away with Meredith.