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Point of View - A Christmas Story 2022

Por Al Alatunji

It was the night before Christmas in 2022, when several busloads of individuals who recently came to the US seeking a better way of life for themselves and their children were dropped off in front of US Vice President Kamala Harris’ residence in Washington, DC. The individuals, many in t-shirts and sandals, had been rounded up in Texas and placed on buses without being told where they were going.


They thought those who were responsible for placing them on the buses had their best interest in heart. However, that was not the case. They ended up in Washington, DC in freezing temperatures and nowhere to go.

They had traveled hundreds if not thousands of miles to escape brutality, dictatorship, repression and inhumanity to come to the US. They came with nothing more than hope. They were told that the US was a place where people lived in freedom, dignity and respect. Where a person if they worked committedly, smartly and responsibly they could build a good life. A much better life than they had before.

America, they were told, was a land of opportunity. A place which welcomed people down on their luck with open arms. They had learned about the Statue of Liberty and the words associated with the monument “Give me your tired, your poor/Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”

Unfortunately, they were not told the whole story of America. The story about its overburdened, obnoxious people. Its whiners and complainers. It’s bigots and racists. Its true history of violence, hate, xenophobia, racism and pure evil.

They were not told that so many who live in the US were not willing to welcome them. Unwilling to help them pursue a better life in a new land. No one told them that too many who lived a blessed life in the US didn’t appreciate their blessings. Nor were they told there were so many who didn’t want others to have the chance to have a similar life as they themselves.

They were not told about pigheaded political leaders, like Texas Governor Greg “If I Only Had A Brain” Abbott and Florida Governor Ronnie “Little Fascist Boy” Dement DeSantis, in an attempt to turn away those who came in peace and hope seeking a new day and a new life.

It reminds one of that great story, perhaps the greatest story ever told, about a husband and his pregnant wife who had been traveling. They were unable to find a place to rest for the wife to give birth.

The expected parents were less than affluent. Since they had very little if any material wealth, clearly no generational wealth, they were turned away unable to find a suitable place to stay. The husband and wife were forced to stay in a stable among the animals. It was there their child was born.

They called him Jesus. Others would one day call him Savior, King of Kings, Immanuel, Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace and Son of God.

Often, as a child I was reminded of the story of the birth of Jesus. It was a wonderful story. It was a story of wonder, magic, joy, hope, peace and great love. It took place in a meager manger among animals and under the stars. It did not take place in some wealthy establishment with bright lights and cameras.

There were no celebrities, influencers, creators, and other self important types taking up space and air. It only served to make the story that much more relevant and special.

In my teen years, Jesus became one of my heroes. Other heroes included Malcolm X, Kwame Ture (Stokely Carmichael), H.Rap Brown, Patrice Lumumba, Che Guevera, Chairman Mao and Ho Chi Minh.

During my youth, the story of Jesus was the most important story of the Christmas season if not the entire year. In my home growing up the story of Jesus’ humble birth was not reserved only for Christmas.

My parents were born in the Jim Crow South and baptized in the righteous and powerful traditions and salvation of good old Southern Black Christianity. They believed that the Bible was the Word of God and Jesus died on the Cross. That He rode from the dead and one day as promised He would return to walk again with men and women. So, they opened their home to parents seeking a place for their children to be cared for while they worked. They charged them no thing. My dad would be off to work and my mother who had the title of housewife when that title was res pected and appreciated would watch over the children left at the house. My mother truly believed that it was her Christian duty to take care of tho se children. Heaven forbid if she said “sorry no room for your child” to one of those the parents and their child was the returned Jesus. I have lived a truly blessed life. I grew up during a very wonderful time. A much different time than now. It clearly was not a perfect world. Nowhere near perfect. However, it was still a very blessed time.

A huge part of my blessing was to have parents like my mother and father. I am more than certain that they would be nothing less than welcoming of those recent to this land. If not for any other reason than one of them might be the returned Jesus.


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