1 minute read
It’s Time to Shut Down Trenton Public High Schools
Part 2 (for the first part of this article go to page 4)
When we fail to protect and celebrate all lives then our lives and all lives are in danger. Our sacred history as Black people does not allow us to act as savageous and inhumane to others. Our sacred history does not permit us to cause pain, suffering and injustice to others because they speak a language different from us, hail from lands different from ours or any other meaningless considerations.
When we do we become no different than the pathic dehumanized slave owner, demented racist and deranged white supremacist. If we do, we shame our ancestors and negate their suffering, pain, injustice, blood, lives and legacy. To all parents, run. Don’t walk. Get your child, your children out of the Trenton public high schools. A little-known provision of the federal “No Child Left Behind Act” allows a student who is subject to violence or the threat of violence to be able to leave that school and attend any school of their choice.
The district from which the child is leaving is required to send the money which was used to educate the child to the new school district. Don’t worry about the Trenton school district losing money. Let it go broke. Let students who want to learn and better themselves go to other schools where they can learn and where they will be safe.
As for the parents of the two high school girls who were attacked at Trenton High School on December 8, 2022 you are encouraged to seek an attorney, an attorney like Ben Crump. An attorney who will sue for no less than two billion dollars. Have the attorney consider a federal hate crime as well as a civil rights violation case also. Go after the school district, its administrators and staff, the school board, the current Trenton municipal governing body as well as the teacher’s union, individually and collectively. Go after everyone. Leave no stone unturned.
Bankrupt the city and school district. Force them out of existence. Make them have to auction the few remaining assets of the city. Force them to have to auction off cars, desks, chairs, computers, paper clips and toilet paper, everything. Shut it down. Compel the state to create a State Complex district and manage it.
Take the remaining sections of the city and annex it to other municipalities. Trenton’s leaders have shown they just are incapable of running the city and the school district. Trenton residents, parents and students deserve better. Shut it down!!