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THE SELF Employed Juggle
hen circumstances dictated we stayed at home, we evolved our jobs, careers and systems. When purchasing was no longer an in-person process, we stepped up our online accessibility. And when the lonely became isolated, community spirit made an aggressive comeback.
Being thrown into a situation we weren’t prepared for was a logistical nightmare, but having now experienced such professional disturbance, we can’t help but be intrigued by the many possibilities not yet tapped into. People are questioning age-old processes, innovating traditional systems and pondering how we get better from each angle. “Making do” with what we’ve always known is no longer an option.
Work is what you make it
For so long, success in business has meant all work and no play. The generational concept that work was work, and enjoying it was simply a myth, is now outdated. As is the case with your spare time, your sense of style and the fitness journey you choose, ‘work’ is what you make it.
Many of us have limited expectations of a job, whereby you do as you are asked, when you are asked and where you are asked. It’s not until you become self-employed that you come to realise there are no limitations. You do you.
It takes time to adjust to the notion of planning your own day, structuring your time according to your goals, and creating a
Wwork-life balance to suit you. Once you have evolved your mindset, however, you never look back.
As self-employed individuals, we need to look at what is important to us. Is it imperative to be the person to take your children to school in the morning? Are Thursdays a day of no work to allow you to spend time with your significant other? Is sitting still for longer than an hour not part of your personality? Your success is dependent upon you and you only, and long-term success requires consistent positive action which only you can manufacture. If there’s ever been a time to frame your working world around your wants, wishes and requirements, it’s now. You have permission.
Our business is made up of entrepreneurs and forward-thinkers, those that break the mould with a glint in their eyes, and what a pleasure it is to observe. Of course, certain elements wouldn’t be wise to change; they are tried and tested. For example, when working with customers, there’s no use in trying to contact them when they’re generally uncontactable. Knowing your audience and working in harmony with them is a necessity.
There are, however, many ways to incorporate our individual needs into the work that we do. Work-Life integration is a priority. Here are just some of the examples we’ve seen come into play.
Our Extended Family
Work consumes a large part of every day, and it’s not unusual to then bring the topic home, relaying stories, giving updates on projects and divulging office gossip. Within our organisation, we’ve always had weekly social events, albeit going out for dinner, crazy golf or grabbing drinks as a team. What many have now begun to do is extend this activity to family members and loved ones; an inclusive environment for anyone who wants to be a part of it. The more the merrier we say.
Autonomy over Authority
We’re self-employed, you employ yourself to do a great job. There are of course standards to meet for our clients, but essentially, you get to choose how this role looks. What are your goals? Where do you hold team meetings? What are you going to learn this week? What income are you going to strive for? Are you going to travel for your development this month? Want to take a few days off to reward your hard work with a city break? Ask the boss.
Get your graft on
In business, and life, there are times to get your head down, and times to reap the rewards. To achieve anything worth having, you need to work hard, put in consistent effort, and focus.
The definition of an Entrepreneur is “a person who sets up a business, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit.” We’d like to acknowledge that these risks aren’t solely financial, however. They are social, interpersonal and directly related to your growth as an individual. So, although you may be investing your time and energy disproportionately at times, the potential profit is more time, more energy, and more wealth.
Input the Fun
Within our organisation, we are fully entitled, encouraged even, to make the working day fun. Let’s put the music on, run competitions, dress to impress and laugh till we cry. If you’re enjoying what you do, you perform better, that’s just the way it is. Interactions are more enjoyable, your authenticity is obvious and you’re exuding energy. What’s wonderful too is that you’re enticing others to do the same.
“You do not find the happy life. You make it."
—Thomas S. Monson
There’s never a bad time to enjoy life, and work is part of life. How can you upgrade today?
"In business, and life, there are times to get your head down, and times to reap the rewards. To achieve anything worth having, you need to work hard, put in consistent effort, and focus. "
“Your success is dependent upon you and you only, and long-term success requires consistent positive action which only you can manufacture. If there’s ever been a time to frame your working world around your wants, wishes and requirements, it’s now. You have permission."