Importance Of Company Culture Culture sets the tone. Whether that’s within a business, relationship or family dynamic, the culture you create can be for your benefit or detriment. We spoke with Matt Nicholson, Managing Director of Monument Promotions in Swindon, about the value of good company culture, and how he has injected the positive synergy throughout his business.
omething that’s crystal clear
This self validation is perhaps something that has
is the appreciation Matt has
come with time and experience for Matt, but is now
for his team, providing them
a focal point for development within Monument
with the space to develop
Promotions from the get go.
who they want to be, taking
When asked what he believes to be the top three
charge of their own teams
areas of focus for a fantastic company culture, Matt
in ways which are right for
zero'd in on his love of sports, drawing parallels with
them. When asked about his influences for making
pre-match dressing rooms.
sensible business decisions, Matt touched upon the
fact that as a young business owner, it’s quite often
“Company culture breeds profitability. A football
the case that we emulate others. But having piloted
team that have a good team culture win games, who
Monument Promotions for five years, with several
then get promoted, get sponsors, win competitions
expansions in various cities, he has developed the
and consequently attract great players”.
confidence, know-how and trust in his business decisions to simply be his own self.
He believes that profit and culture are intertwined, and the way he put this into practice is by focusing
We’re part of a network but I’m running my own business, I can do this with my belief system, my strengths, and my personality”.
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