1 minute read
Small Town Girl with Big City Dreams

Lakeisha Gilbert - Womanpreneur of F'yerce Elite Allstars
Photo Credit: Melanin Lens Photography
F'yerce Elite Allstars is based in Polk County, FL and made up of five teams. The co-ed team is made up of males and females from ages 4 - 17. I am the Executive Director of the program, but I definitely cannot do this alone. I have an awesome Executive Board member, a Director, an Assistant Director, and four dedicated Coaches.
I teach my girls to R.I.S.E. R is for respect, I is for integrity, S is for service and E is for excellence. It shows in the classroom, with their grades, their performance and not only that, in the community as well. So looking at them doing all of those things that I have taught them, is what makes me proud to see that I’m impacting their lives in a positive way.
I had the vision and the idea of launching my business three years ago but those years passed me by, and I never made the move. Truth be told, I didn’t have the funds to really do it, and I knew it was going to take money. I just didn’t do it. I was scared, and I had gotten comfortable with what I was doing.
Finally, with the help of an amazing support group of friends that saw the work that I was putting in daily, they are the ones that pushed me to start my business. That support group coached me; the same confidence that I have been giving my cheerleaders. They believed in me, so I stepped out on faith with not one dime.