2 minute read
You Can Have a New Body by First Changing Your Mindset

Serena Cooper, Womanpreneur of EmpowerYouChannel
Photo Credit: C. E. Photography
Serena Cooper candidly talks with Empowering Lives Business Magazine about how she began to get fit by changing her mindset through the power of self-love and self-discipline and setting boundaries.
We hone in on the value of self-love and motivating others that have a desire to change their bodies by looking inward first. The information that I am sharing with people around the world is what changed my life. So I am putting myself on the forefront showing my imperfections, my failures, the trials that I have gone through, and the journey of what it looks like from start to finish to achieve your fitness goal. It is ironic how I started out doing fitness training because, to be honest with you I am not a Certified Personal Trainer by the world’s standards. I’m not what the world would define as qualified, but people were coming to me and asking, “Do you train, do you train?”
So I decided to put the boot camp together to help those that were asking me to train them, and the rest is history. Besides, I enjoy physical fitness because I believe fitness teaches us a lot about life, and that is something I talk about when overcoming obstacles and challenges.
When working out, we get so wrapped up in the results, but I started seeing results the moment I started investing in myself, including things like learning to set healthy boundaries helped me to have a different relationship with food.
You want to have a strategy when you go to the gym, but something as simple as – well, I’m not going to say it is simple, but something as basic as getting up at 4:00 a.m. and getting up early before everybody else gets up. I’ll tell you why, in the Army, if I have formation at 6:30 a.m., I go to the gym at 5:00 a.m., and sometimes, I would simply walk. I will walk on the treadmill, and I will listen to a word from God, meditate, or I listen to different audiobooks to inspire me. Many of the ideas that I have about EmpowerYou started from me walking on the treadmill early in the morning.
We get so caught up on the things that we’ve accomplished, that we celebrate, and we never get out of that honeymoon phase and life goes on and we forget to keep working. For instance, when you work out, and you meet that goal, “Oh, wow! I’ve lost five pounds,” and so instead of having a cheat meal, you end up having a cheat day, and a cheat day turns into a cheat week. The triumph turns to tragedy. Likewise, you are working out, going hard in the gym, “Oh no! I have gained two pounds,” and now you’re going to throw the whole workout out the window, you don’t want to do it anymore because you’re so discouraged by the two pound gain.
We can’t get caught up on tragedies and triumphs. We bask in the moment, live in the moment, reflect, learn from it, and then move on.