Faith Walk Spring Issue Vol. 2

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Faith Walk

contents SPRING 2021 In This Issue


Feature 08

Wife of Great Faith


Editor in Chief

Faith is the deciding force that brings the supernatural into the natural. Faith is the force that causes us to tap into the power and authority that God have given us..




A Day in the Life of an Overcomer

Being an overcomer is a lifestyle choice. Once you have decided that overcoming is a lifestyle you are ...


Wife of Great Faith

How can I hold on to my faith in God when things go wrong? As a Christian wife, I know that I’m supposed ...


Faith Walk Come





“Come,” said Jesus. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water, and came toward ...

Overcoming Life’s Challenges Life is like a roller coaster full of uncertainties. You can either accept it and enjoy the trip, learning from ...



I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul ...


Walk the Walk:Are You in Alignment?

When the wheels on your car are out of alignment, the car does not drive the way it is supposed ...


How Biblical Herbs Improve Your Health Without Expense or Harm

One morning I woke up to the Holy Spirit whispering one word…”Betony”. While I was mystified because ...


Growing & Caring for Hyssop

The hyssop is a beautiful perennial with distinctly gorgeous flowers. They’re easy to grow and ...


Meal Planning

Meal planning is the simple act of taking some time to plan any number of your meals for the week. Plan for ...


Empowering Wives International Kitchen

In this issue, Empowering Wives Kitchen will be highlighting 5 tasty dishes for ...

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Letter from the

Editor in Chief If we are going to have everything that God want us to have, we must first have FAITH! Faith is for things hope for, the evidence of things not seen. Faith is the deciding force that brings the supernatural into the natural. Faith is the force that causes us to tap into the power and authority that God have given us. The Apostle Paul tells us that we walk by faith and not by sight. Walking is a position which also signifies activity. As children of God our life in Him is a walk of faith. If faith is a problem for you then you should take time and invest in the building up of your faith. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Spend time in the word, listening to it, reading it, meditation on it. In this issue of Empowering Wives Magazine our highlight is “Faith Walk”. We want to empower and encourage our readers in the walk of faith. very area in our lives we will face difficulty, suffering or hardship. However, it is important that we learn how to persevere no matter what we are facing.

Faith is the deciding force that brings the supernatural into the natural. Faith is the force that causes us to tap into the power and authority that God have given us..



The theme for this issue is persevere which means to persist in a state, enterprise, or undertaking in spite of counterinfluences, opposition, or discouragement. As a Wife, a mother, a prophet and an entrepreneur I face challenges in every area sometimes simultaneously. During these challenges it is not the time to have a breakdown, complain or quit but it is time for me to persevere through whatever I am going through. Having an understanding that I may have the challenge now, I may be suffering now but I will get through it. Here is what I want you to take away from this issue “PERSEVERE”. Warmest Regards

Meltoria A. Woodside Editor in Chief Meltoria A. Woodside


Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you. 1. complete trust or confidence in someone or something. “this restores one’s faith in politicians”. synonyms: trust · belief · confidence · conviction · credence · reliance · dependence · optimism · hopefulness · hope · expectation

2. strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof. synonyms: religion  church  sect  denomination  persuasion  religious persuasion  religious belief  belief  code of belief  ideology  creed  teaching  dogma  doctrine

a system of religious belief. “the Christian faith”

synonyms: religion  religious belief(s)  religious persuasion  religious conviction  [more]

a strongly held belief or theory.

“the faith that life will expand until it fills the universe.”



A DAY IN THE LIFE OF AN OVERCOMER eing an overcomer is a lifestyle choice. Once you have decided that overcoming is a lifestyle you are ready to face your life challenges head on. I wrote my first book “Overcoming the Destiny Stealer” during one of the toughest times of my life. I starred at the fragility of life last year when my son was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer which I shared with you all in my last article. This season I want to share with you is how important it is to allow God to order our steps and make overcoming a lifestyle. Our Overcoming lifestyle is a faith walk that is unique and different to us all. My walk is tough however I followed these steps which led me to decide overcoming is lifestyle not a onetime event. Here are the ABC’S of my overcoming lifestyle.

Let’s walk it out together. • A is for Accountability. • B is for Belief and • C is for Confidence.

When you are accountable to someone you are required or expected to justify actions or decisions the person will question you on your responsibilities and ownership of a matter or situation. Accountability helps you own your actions and look at your own behavior regardless of being held accountable by my mentor helped me to identify the areas in my life that I was using as an excuse for not finishing things. I was devastated and shocked to own up to the fact that I was using having a large family, a husband and at that time a child who was unwell as a reason why I could not do the things that God required of me to do. When my mentor pointed this out to me and told me much is required from whom much is given. Being accountable helped me realize and believe in my God given purpose. My mentor said I am a trailblazer. I did not believe, and I struggled for a moment because then belief set in. Which brings me to the second letter in my ABC to an overcoming lifestyle is B.

By Sukaena Callander

Belief! I had to believe my purpose and my calling, and I did not believe that until I became accountable. As I developed accountability I started to understand and believe in myself as well as believe what God had called me to which was intercession and teaching. I believed that I could do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I then developed strategic methods to cope with business motherhood, ministry marriage. I studied the word, I set alarms for everything so as not to miss an appointment, prayer time, quality time you name it, it has an alarm. The more I believed, the more I grew in confidence, which leads to the final C is confidence. Confidence is the feeling or belief that one can have faith in or rely on someone or something. AS accounta-bility became the norm, belief in my purpose grew, which led to me growing confidence in Christ Jesus and his word. This has led me to seek God at every hurdle, go into spiritual warfare if necessary and make overcoming a lifestyle choice and a power tool essential for my faith walk as an overcomer.




ow can I hold on to my faith in God when things go wrong? As a Christian wife, I know that I’m supposed to “give thanks in all things” and look to the Lord for my daily needs. Yet I’ve been through some devastating experiences over the past year. How can I be thankful and trust God at a time like this? God hasn’t promised us a rose garden. Not in this present world, anyhow. That misguided idea has no place in the message of the Christian gospel. When life seems full of pain, we need to remember what Paul said to Timothy about “enduring hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ” (2 Timothy 2:3). We should also bear in mind a couple of very broad principles that are fundamental to the biblical worldview.



First, we must never forget that we live in a fallen world. If things go wrong and trials beset us, this isn’t a reflection on the power and genuineness of God’s love. Nor does it necessarily imply that we have sinned against Him or displeased Him. It simply means that the world isn’t what it’s supposed to be. Genesis 3 tells the story of mankind’s fall from grace. This fall marred the original design of God’s creation in many ways. It separated us from our Creator and our true nature. It caused us to rebel against Him and engage in denial and self-deception. It affected our physical bodies, bringing sickness and death into the world. It threw a wrench into our relationships with one another. It introduced pain and suffering into our lives. Because of this the world in which we live today is not the world as God intended it to be. It is, in a very real sense, a defective and abnormal world. The Good News is that the Lord is not content to leave us there. This is the second thing we need to bear in



mind. Our Father in Heaven has a plan to fix the brokenness of the world and heal the pain in our personal lives. He loved us enough to send Jesus Christ, His only Son (John 3:16), to reverse the effects of the fall. Christ has come to reconcile us to God, to each other, and to our true human nature. Of course, the Bible never gives us any reason to suppose that these changes are going to take place overnight. On the contrary, it states very clearly that while we live in the flesh, we can expect to experience “groanings” within ourselves as we look forward to the final “redemption of our body” (Romans 8:23). Ultimately, a day is coming when there will be no more sickness, pain, or death, and when He will wipe away every tear from our eyes (Revelation 21:4). Meanwhile, there’s nothing wrong with being honest about our pain and frustration. The men and women of the Bible understood this. David poured out his heart to God in the Psalms. Job expressed deep anguish in the midst of incredible grief and suffering.

Hannah complained loudly about her childlessness. If you’re hurting, the Lord doesn’t expect you to cover it up with a plastic smile. Tell Him what you’re really thinking and feeling. He has promised never to leave you or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5). He hears your prayers even in the dark times when He seems absent and silent. Every couple eventually has to deal with problems in the home—there is no perfect marriage and family. Problems like finances, communication, and conflict resolution are all important to work through in order to cultivate strong, loving relationships. This is the basic issue at the heart of every problem in every marriage. No matter how hard you try, this is one problem that is too big for you to deal with on your own.

The secret Do you want to know the secret for building the type of marriage and family relationships you desire as a wife?

The secret is this: If you want to experience marriage the way it was designed to be, you need a vital relationship and have a deeper faith with the God who created you and offers you the power to live a life of joy and purpose. Jesus Christ said, “I came that they might have life, and have it abundantly.” And Psalm 16:11 tells us that in God’s presence is “fullness of joy.” God gives us a biblical plan for making family relationships work—and then He gives us the power to follow that plan through a relationship with Him. Deborah: Trusting God through the demands of life Difficulty comes in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes difficulty isn’t a drastic tragedy, but the busy chaos of managing life. With all that we want to accomplish on a weekly and daily basis we can end up worn out, disappointed, and never feeling like we’ve finished anything. My to-do list feels like it goes on forever. Deborah was one of those amazingly talented people who seemed to be able to do it all. She was a leader, a judge, a prophetess, a wife, and a mother. And along with that, she courageously led her people into battle. Though phenomenally inspirational, her life can leave me feeling like I can’t relate. How did she do it all? Every day we work demanding jobs and do what we can to help care for our families. We might not have the title Deborah did, but life demands a lot from us each day: settling disputes, helping people with marriages, finances, kids, and health. Deborah’s family (the people of Israel) had its dysfunctions just like many of ours do. Hers was just bigger. We can look to her as an example for how to handle the chaos of our daily lives. Then Deborah said to Barak, “Go! This is the day the LORD has given

Jesus Christ said, “I came that they might have life, and have it abundantly.” And Psalm 16:11 tells us that in God’s presence is “fullness of joy.” God gives us a biblical plan for making family relationships work— and then He gives us the power to follow that plan through a relationship with Him. Sisera into your hands. Has not the LORD gone ahead of you?” So Barak went down Mount Tabor, with ten thousand men following him. [15] At Barak’s advance, the LORD routed Sisera and all his chariots and army by the sword, and Sisera got down from his chariot and fled on foot. Judges 4:14-15 NIV Deborah believed and trusted God in a way that can be hard for us to do. God was real and present in her life. She believed that victory was already hers through God. If I had this strong of a belief that God’s hand was in every effort of my day, I would be a lot more content with each days’ accomplishments. I wouldn’t be so overwhelmed with the busy schedule of my life, but would believe that I can handle it because God is on my side.

There were no warriors in Israel until I, Deborah, arose, until I arose to be a mother to Israel. Judges 5:7 NCV Deborah described herself as a “mother” to Israel. We can learn from this: Deborah cared about the people she led like a mother cares for her children. She was motivated to serve no matter what the demands were because she cared about the people. Not about the title, or accomplishments, but about caring for others. When I get overwhelmed or worn out I want to quit, thinking about others I care about – my friends, my family, my neighborhood, helps me to keep going. Deborah was a great example of this. She had become their mother and that relationship helped her to keep going. Being a Godly Wife to an Ungodly Husband is Hard Work Let me repeat, being a godly wife to an ungodly husband is hard work. It doesn’t seem fair, and somedays, it might not even feel worth it. But I promise it is! Over time your behavior may win over your husband as 1 Peter 3:2 suggests. But even if it doesn’t, you can stand confidently in God’s presence and say, “I did my part. I followed your instruction and worked hard to be a biblical wife – to an ungodly husband – in whom you can delight.” Prayer invites God to work in our lives. Start by asking God to help change you into the biblical wife He desires you to be. Ask Him to reveal the areas you need to work on and to give you the discipline to achieve personal and spiritual growth. Also, pray for your husband. Only God can convict our husbands of their sin and mold them into godly men. But we can be our husband’s prayer warrior. Plead with God to work in your husband’s life and pray against attacks from the enemy.



In order to get up the staircase, you must take the first step.




Faith Walk

COME By Melinda Walker

“Come,” said Jesus. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water, and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” (NIV, Mathew 14:29,30) EMPOWERING WIVES



ow faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen [the conviction of their reality- faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by physical senses]. (AMP Hebrews 11:1) The epiphany of moments in my life, my light bulb moment, my, as Oprah Winfrey always say, my Aha Moment happened when I turned 40 years old. I had a sudden realization God created me for so much more than my present state. I got married at 19 and was thrust into adulthood without a thought of fulfilling the dreams I once had as a child. I found myself a wife and a mother with no skills for either. I knew my life did not belong to me and I put my entire life on hold to assure I learned my role as a mother and a wife. I did not complete college, therefore I had to find any type of job that would help ends meet in my home. I started a career as a factory worker that



required physical energy. I did that for 2 decades. I can remember loading my machine at work and God simply spoke to me and said, Lynn, there is so much more I have created you for. God said you have reached a milestone in life now; you have turned forty. I began to reflect and consider who I was at that time. I reflected on my job, my friendships, my family, and my entire life. I realized I had settled and gave up on every dream I once had and that aha moment inspired me to shift and take a leap of faith. Bear in mind, I only had one trade and that was factory work. I did not know any other trade to be able to do something different. I went back to school here and there, but it was an awfully slow process for me, and I needed to make a change right then. I decided to shift careers into customer service. My typing skills were below average, and I did not have customer service skills, but I heard the Lord say, it is time to shift. I was like Peter when Jesus told him to come. I took that leap of faith and completed my application. I was chosen and now they say, a typing test is required. My heart dropped, I began to get nervous and doubt my ability to be able to meet the standard. I started second guessing I heard the Lord. I started to change my mind about it all, but God said again, shift. I went in the room. I set the Lord before me. I began to take the typing test and just flowed the best I could. The timer went off. As I was getting up. I said, Lord you said shift so its all in your hand. I did my part now I am looking to you to complete the task. I walked out the door and was handed the paper to take with me to my new job. I had applied for one job and when I got

the paper it had another name on it. I asked the lady what job I got and the pay. When she told me, it was a government job and told me the pay, my eyes bulked because it was 4 dollars more than the job, I thought I applied for. This was the beginning of my faith walk. I went from there to working from home as a supervisor and from working from home to writing books, coaching others, and walking in my God given purpose. With every level I progressed, my faith was tested. God showed me he was my assurance and the word he spoke to me was my title deed. God said we walk by faith and not by sight. It is not in what I could see, feel, taste, hear or smell. It was not in what made sense, but it was in what he said to me. God said, Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. (NIV Isaiah 40:28). My encouragement to you, is to never give up on your dreams. God will bring a shift into your life and it is up to us to take that leap of faith and come when he calls us higher. I would not have imagined being where I am today. The walk of faith is not a cake walk and it is filled with so many experiences in the middle. I am too far from where God has brought me from, and I have not yet made it to the maximum of my potential. When the waves and the winds blow hard in my life, I too am a Peter, I cry out, Lord save me. Walk in your God given purpose and maximize your God given potential. walker.9085 comingfullcircle/

Overcoming Life’s Challenges

ife is like a roller coaster full of uncertainties. You can either accept it and enjoy the trip, learning from your experiences along the way, or you can rebel against all of life’s struggles, resenting every step of the way. The latter prevents you from growing or developing, while the former allows you to learn from your struggles and evolve as an individual as a result of them.

Loss is one of life’s most difficult challenges. Whether it’s a job, an opportunity, a relationship, or something you’ve really worked hard to get, loss is unavoidable.

Although the term “better” is subjective, one thing is certain: it means “improved.” There is always space for change, no matter where you are.

Losing everything you had or really wanted can be an eye-opening experience. When you suffer a loss, you are forced to ask yourself, “What about what I lost that was important to me?” “What am I ready to do to get what I want?” and “How far am I willing to go to get what I want?”

Life’s challenges are unavoidable, and you should use them to your advantage. Each one is a chance for personal development and change. At the end of the day, the intention is to use what you’ve learned to become the best version of yourself.

Death is one of life’s most difficult tasks, regardless of how it occurs. It can be jarring and upsetting. Loss, on the other hand, allows you to focus on what is really necessary in order to keep going forward.

By examining your loss through the prism of these questions, you will determine the true worth of what you’ve lost as well as why you value it.

Knowing what you value and why you value it is essential to being a better person because it gives your words and behavior credibility. There isn’t one person alive who hasn’t failed at anything. You must fail in order to rise. Failure serves as a normal checkpoint on your trip, allowing you to assess your recent behavioral decisions and make adjustments. When you lose, you have the opportunity to reflect on your actions and attitudes, just as an athlete does between games when reviewing filmed video. Examining the choices and actions that led to your failure is a priceless practice. Understanding how your choices led to specific attitudes and actions will help you avoid repeating the same mistakes. An analysis like this will also uncover crucial information you missed the first time around, allowing you to tackle



the situation in a better and more educated manner the next time. Failure leads to the development of compassion, empathy, and sympathy. Your experience gives you something in common with someone who has been through something similar. Since they help you to feel secure and are seen around you, those three emotions are important tools on the path to being a better person. Mistakes, monkey wrenches, and unexpected occurrences are all names for setbacks. However, setbacks are unavoidable on our path to becoming better individuals. On our path, we’ve all encountered one stumbling block or another. The problem is figuring out why the delay occurred. What happened to cause our development to slow down or stop? You may know all the right things to do or say mentally, but there are times when your humanity gets the best of you. You do or say something you regret in your best attempts to be a better person. Perhaps you respond negatively or in a way that is inconsistent with your desire to improve yourself. IT’S ALL OKAY! Setbacks provide opportunities for development. Knowing what types of items stifle your progress will help you to both prevent and anticipate them.

One of the optimistic side effects of overcoming losses is resilience. Mental toughness is needed for the path to becoming a better person. Setbacks are a natural way to develop mental resilience while retaining dignity in your behavior and an emotional maturity that fosters a safe atmosphere where others feel seen. No matter how much we try to regulate life, it is dynamic and full of continuous change. There’s a natural way of things to everything. It rips us apart and then rebuilds us. We will have several dynamic interactions along the way. We have feelings of



affection, sadness, pleasure, rage, and even loneliness at times. At times, we can experience all of these emotions at the same time. We are among the most complicated beings on the planet. When it comes to getting out of hard times, what works for one person can not work for another. The fact that everyone has an option is a constant. We have the option of allowing events have complete control over our thoughts and emotions. We may also choose to embrace and benefit from any given experience. There is no law that says we cannot allow a mistake or a bad period in our lives to define us. We are not obligated to keep it. That’s what there is to it. The majority of the time, it will not be convenient, but that is fine. This is how we learn from and flourish from these difficult situations. There will be moments when your emotions and perceptions get the best of you. This is completely natural, and it happens to everyone. It’s just part of the process of maturation. We may get trapped in negative self-talk and self-destructive thought processes. Before we really try to fix problems, we fail ourselves. The most difficult habit to break is this one. Old habits are very difficult to break, but they do! Allow yourself to be forgiven! I understand that this is better said than done. It’s best, to begin with, the basics in life. From there, work your way up. You will notice that as a result of doing so, old healing wounds will occur naturally over time. With each obstacle, you conquer, regardless of how big or small, your outlook and understanding of life shifts. Most significantly, you must grasp a few concepts. To begin with, you are neither broken nor useless. Second, regardless of what you’ve done or how you see yourself, you are deserving of love. The third point is that you can make mistakes, which is perfectly normal. No one is without flaws. What matters is how you own up to your mistake and react to the fallout. Whatever happens, any small or large decision has a significant impact on the world inside and around you. Make an effort to

react with love and compassion as much as possible. Others outside of your immediate domain, I’m sure, will find that difficult at times. Only try to take each day as it comes. Adopt any new routines. At first, it will seem absurd or strange. I’d like to reiterate that it’s fine to feel strange or silly. It’s just part of the process of maturation. Try meditating or doing breathing exercises. Keep a journal or a log of your actions and life events that have had a significant impact on you. You can look back to see where you can improve, or you can focus on occasions when you made the right decision to see how far you’ve come. Make an effort not to look too far into the future. Pre cognitive distortions and negative selftalk will result as a result of this. At times, it will be difficult. It is something that everybody does. Always keep in mind that you are not alone in your feelings and thoughts. These things happen to everybody. Finally, I’d like to emphasize the most critical point of all. That is everything you must adore. Your blunders are hilarious. Your trials are fascinating. Admire your achievements. Admire your progress and habit shifts. Respect those around you and, to the extent possible, do all with love and compassion. Above everything, LOVE yourself! You’ve earned it! You mayn’t know it, but you have the ability to inspire others. You will not only improve yourself, but you will also improve the world around you. Never surrender! With determination, you could do whatever you want. Consider the difficulties as opportunities! We’ve got this! Our quality of life and our perceptions, can improve over time. This will spread to others in your vicinity. On a conscious level, I believe we are all linked. We expand exponentially as we become aware of this. Do remember to go above and beyond! Be thankful for every day, even the ones when things aren’t perfect. Be careful not to focus only on the negative because the positive still exists. Work on the things that matter, and you’d be happy with your life.

Faith The Word of God says that— I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, 3 even as thy soul prospereth. By Kim P. Carroll EMPOWERING WIVES



n my last article, I addressed the problemwith putting ourselves last. Now, let’s tackle the lack of faith that we have in ourselves and in Godto accomplish our goals with health and wellness.

First, when faith is mentioned, most people think about faith in God. Although, that is very essential, it’s not the only area in your lives that you need to have faith. You must have faith in yourself too, and faith that you will accomplish what you endeavor to do. This type of faith starts with envisioning yourself where you want to be. Faith starts with hope! And hope can only be realized when you see what you’re hoping for. Therefore, in the spirit of your mind, you need to visualize yourself being healthy and whole. Once you visualize that,then you must know that it’s for you. It’s critical to knowwithout a shadow of doubt, that what you desire is for you and that it’s the will of God. The Word of God says that “I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” 3 John 2. In Jeremiah 29:11, the Lord says His plans for us are for good. Part of that “good’ is your health and well-being. It is your portion in life to be whole—physically, mentally, and spiritually. Once these jewels of hope enter your mindset, then take thenecessary steps towards manifestation. Faith is the key ingredient in the certainty that what you set out to do, will be accomplished. Even though it may not be clear, by faith, it will “be” in the future. Your faith walk will give you the motivation, inspiration, and dedication that you need to start, continue, and finish.



Now that you know what it takes. Let us talk about practicality. The following are some steps that you can take on your journey to being healthy-well-and whole. 1.See what you want to be (Vision) For example: If you are a diabetic, envision yourself being healed from diabetes. 2. Know that it’s God’s will for you It is the will of God for you to be healed and whole. This concept must be anchor in your soul with belief. Never doubt it. 3. Speak the Word of God over yourself daily The Word of God is a tremendously powerful tool in our arsenal as believers. The Word of God coming from a vessel of faith is unstoppable. 4. Make some changes Changes do not always have to be big. Make some minor changes first. Make the type of changes that will get you closer to what you see. Then, before you know it, those minor changes will produce big results. 5. Prayer You will have times when you want to give up and go back to your old ways of doing things. During those times, lean on Jesus! Go to the Father in prayer. He will give you strength for the journey. FB: Website:




hen the wheels on your car are out of alignment, the car does not drive the way it is supposed to. Not completely. The car may swerve more to the left or to the right no matter how straight you hold the steering wheel. The tires will also experience more wear & tear because the balance is off. If you want to ensure your car operates at optimal performance, you have to make sure the tires are balanced and in alignment. In our faith walk, we must also be careful to maintain balance and stay in alignment. When we are out of alignment, our blessings cannot flow into our lives. We don’t drive or move the way we are supposed to. We experience more wear and tear. So how do you position yourself to stay in alignment? Below are four ways to encourage you to walk a solid walk of faith and stay in alignment with the will of God:



1. Stay prayerful. “Pray continually.” 1 Thessalonians 5:17 Prayer is the language of every believer. We should be praying and communing with God often. God created you and He has a plan for your life. If you do not spend time talking with Him to learn and understand that plan how will you know what to do? How can you stay in alignment without direction from your source of being? The way to get direction is to seek God, in prayer.

2. Forgive quickly. “For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.” Matthew 6:14-16

By Tanya DeFreitas Learn to let things go. Insults. Offense. Hurt. Disappointment. Let it go. Forgive others and do so quickly. Talk with God about any insult, offense, hurt, or disappointment that comes your way, then leave with Him. It sounds easier said than done but the more you practice letting things go and forgiving others the easier it will become. You do not need an apology or closure. Jesus did not receive an apology or get closure after Judas betrayed Him. He stayed in alignment and moved on to purpose. He let it go and set the example that you can let it go, too.

3. Read and obey the Word. “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God[a] may be complete, equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17

The Bible is our guide. It serves as an instructional manual for believers. But if you are not reading it how will you know what to do when faced with different kinds of situations and when navigating life? Read the Word and do what it says. There is no better way to ensure balance in your life and to stay in alignment than to read the Word and do what it says.

4. Pursue peace. “Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.” Hebrews 12:14 Make it a point to be a peacemaker and to pursue peace. To pursue means to go after, to try to achieve, and to chase something. We are called to live in peace and to pursue it. We should be going after peace, chasing it! We shouldn’t be at odds with anyone to our fault and we should not leave situations alone without having attempted to make peace. Even in the case of dealing with an enemy,

the Word says when our ways are pleasing to God, He will cause our enemies to be at peace with us. Peace is important to staying in alignment. Go after it! The Bible says without faith it is impossible to please God. Faith is the evidence of things not seen but hoped for. Most of our journey as believers requires a faith walk. In order to be successful on that walk we must have balance and stay in alignment. No matter what life brings or throws your way, stay in alignment before God. Remember, you were created by God and for God. You are not your own; you were bought with a price. There are blessings assigned to you. Your faith will activate the blessing, your obedience to God will help usher the manifestation of the blessing on your life. Each day strive to employ the steps above. Also be sure to go to God and ask for forgiveness. Do everything you

can to make sure you are in alignment with God’s will for your life. Do not give room to the enemy or allow him to have anything to use against you. Ask others to forgive you, too, if you are made aware that you’ve hurt, offended, or disappointed them. Purpose in your heart to strive to maintain a right standing with God. We are not perfect yet the God we serve is. We must remain humble however and asking for forgiveness involves humility. Taking the steps above and being sure to ask for forgiveness each day will ensure we are not the ones holding up our blessings or answers to our prayers. Daughter of the Most High, walk your walk of faith and stay in alignment with God’s will. Stay prayerful. Don’t get out of character. Remain kind and peaceful. Forgive quickly. Read and obey the Word. Don’t become vengeful. Pursue peace. Keep yourself in position to receive all that God has for you - walk the walk...stay in alignment!



How Biblical Herbs Improve Your Health

Modern research backs the value of Betony suggesting that because of its mildly sedative and antiinflammatory action it can relieve nervous stress, emotional tension, anxiety and headaches.

WITHOUT EXPENSE OR HARM By Leah McCulloch centuries. Modern research backs the value of Betony suggesting that because of its mildly sedative and anti-inflammatory action it can relieve nervous stress, emotional tension, anxiety and headaches. It also improves digestive issues, boosts the functioning of the liver, plus helps relieve bloating and many other symptoms. Also because of its anti-bacterial and antioxidant effects it can help with infection, pain and swelling. Not to mention it may help with respiratory illness. Something we could all use right now! ne morning I woke up to the Holy Spirit whispering one word…”Betony”. While I was mystified because I had never heard that word before, in my spirit I sensed it was some sort of herb or plant. I immediately jumped out of bed and looked it up on the internet…and….yes! Betony (Stachys officinalis) is a type of mint. Apparently, it was once considered so important that there was a popular Italian saying “sell your coat and buy betony”. It was in medicinal and monastery gardens throughout Europe and was extensively valued and used for



So what happened? Why don’t we use it anymore? Where herbs used to be a valued part of our diet contributing taste and many medicinal benefits, now we opt for the three taste sensations of modern diet – sugar, salt and fat as well as the convenience of modern medicine. But I believe God is calling us back to using the herbs He created specifically for our use and health. They are less expensive and far gentler than most pills we take. I have planted Betony in my garden this year…I am excited to taste and use it!

Quick quiz…which Biblical herb was commanded by law to be used to cleanse people and homes? (Hint: Leviticus 14 and Numbers 19). And of which herb does it say in Psalm 51:7

Purify me with ???, and I shall be clean; Which herb was used by the Children of Israewl to dip in lamb’s blood and mark their door lintels and posts so the Angel of death would Passover them in Egypt (Exodus 12:22)? And finally, which herb branch was used to pass up the jar of sour wine to Jesus just before He said “It is finished” and died (John 19:28-29). If you said Hyssop to any of the above questions you are right! This remarkable herb was referenced many times in the bible regarding cleansing of sins. If the Bible says Hyssop will cleanse us and make us clean spiritually, can it help us physically as well? Well, yes. Extensive studies show that Hyssop is a powerhouse of goodness and antioxidant activity including over 20 compounds which help such diverse issues as healing respiratory infections (as an antiseptic and antibiotic it kills bacteria and heals cuts, wounds, and bites), increasing circulation, relaxing muscle pain and spasms, improving digestion, stimulating immune response, and

finally, improving skin health. Modern medicine would say that no one substance could produce that many outcomes…they try to focus on one result per medicine. But God’s intent is that we utilize the incredibly powerful and complex herbs he has given us as part of our daily diet before we get sick. I have learned that there are no frivolous words in the Bible, it’s not poetry it’s an instruction manual for living a profound life! I encourage you to experiment with reintroducing herbs into your daily diet in their fresh, dried or essential oil forms. Do you want to know How To Increase Your Mental Clarity, Memory, Alertness and Mental Health With One Simple Herb? Click here. (please link to Leah Catherine runs the Healthy. Holy.Healed Summitt which helps participants walk in optimal health, be holy and set apart for God, and healed of emotional trauma. She has dedicated her life to helping people radically alter their life and faith to walk in the fullness that God has called them to.



“The master of the garden is the one who waters it, trims the branches, plants the seeds, and pulls the weeds. If you merely stroll through the garden, you are but an acolyte.” — Vera Nazarian,

The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration





Growing & Caring for Hyssop The hyssop is a beautiful perennial with distinctly gorgeous flowers. They’re easy to grow and are the perfect companion plant to have in your garden. You too could have this iconic herb in your home garden! With these helpful tips, you can have a hyssop that is sure to turn heads. First, a little background about the star of our show. The hyssop originates from southern and eastern Europe, as well as parts of the Middle East. While easily identifiable by their unique beauty, hyssop is not just a pretty face. Rather, hyssop has been used as a cure-all medicine spanning all the way back to ancient times. Even today, hyssop is often brewed into tea and promoted as a natural medicine for digestive and respiratory illnesses. Hyssop is classified as a perennial, which means it is meant to live for multiple years (as opposed to annuals which only live for one growing season). During mid to late summer, they bloom beautiful flowers. Depending on the variety, these flowers can range from purple, blue, white, or pink. Hyssop typically grows to about 1 to 2 feet tall and spreads as wide as 1 to 3 feet long. However, with proper pruning, they can be easily managed into smaller sizes.

GROWING CONDITIONS Hyssop usually requires full sun, though it is tolerant of partial shade. If you’re planting hyssop in a hotter zone such as 9 or 10, it might be a good idea to plant it in a location that gets a little shade to cool it off during the blistering summers. It can be conveniently planted in a container and pruned to preserve a smaller shape, or it can be planted inground. They are hardy to zones 3 through 10. Though, in zones 6 or higher, it is managed as a semi-evergreen plant. Semievergreen plants undergo a rapid process in which they shed their foliage and regrow it within a short amount of time. When pruning a semi-evergreen plant, do not prune



them in the fall. Rather, wait until spring to begin trimming your plant to manage its size; you may continue to do so all throughout the growing season. When selecting an appropriate soil to grow your hyssop in, opt for a soil that is well-drained and on the drier side. Hyssop is tolerable of poor soil as well as drought. They have a preference for alkaline soil, though they can withstand a pH range between 5.0 and 7.5.

HOW TO PLANT HYSSOP Hyssop can be planted through either seeds, propagating cuttings, or division. Hyssop can also be purchased at your local plant nursery or home improvement store and transplanted in-ground or in a container. Hyssop seeds can be started 8 to 10 weeks before your final frost date, either indoors or outside in the garden. Hyssop seeds should be planted 0.25” (0.6 cm) beneath the surface, and individual plants should be spaced 6” to 12” (15 to 30 cm) apart. Typically, it takes between 14 and 21 days for the seeds to germinate. If you opted to plant indoors, you can transplant in the spring after the danger of frost has passed. For a stronger hyssop plant, you can start sewing your seeds in a cold frame or a greenhouse in the early spring. After, you can transfer your seedlings into their individual container and overwinter them in a cold frame or greenhouse. That following spring, your hyssop will be ready to be planted permanently after danger of frost has passed. If you’re planting via propagation, you can use either halfripe wood cuttings or greenwood cuttings. Half-ripe wood cuttings should be rooted in a cold frame or greenhouse during June/July. Propagating greenwood cuttings should be approached with the same method, during April/May.

growths) or swollen roots, then that’s even more evidence of a nematode infestation. Unfortunately, there is no chemical fix to rid your plant of nematodes. The only option you can take in this case is to destroy any plants that have been affected. Throughly cleansing your gardening tools is also effective in preventing the spread. Moving forward, you must replant any future hyssop in a new location of the garden to avoid the risk of repeat infection.


For those opting to plant via division, start by dividing the main hyssop in the early spring, when the new growth is just starting. Take your trowel and dig a clump of the plant, but still leave the primary hyssop intact. Gently loosen the roots with your fingers and replant your hyssop in a location with well-draining soil and full sun.

Growing hyssop in your garden can be a very gratifying experience. People of ancient civilizations saw the potential in hyssop and its legacy has carried on for thousands of years. Hyssop’s beneficial uses are endless. I implore that everyone gives hyssop a chance and add it to their garden because you won’t regret planting this beautiful herb! Works Cited

Dyer, M.H. “How to Divide Hyssop.” Garden Guides. https://www.gardenguides. com/ 100122-divide-hyssop.html. Accessed 19 April 2021. “Growing Guide: Hyssop.” Cornell University. http://www.gardening.cornell. edu/homegardening/scene825e.html. Accessed 19 April 2021.


Holmes, Kier. “Gardening 101: Hyssop.” Gardenista. https://www. Accessed 19 April 2021.

Hyssop, like many other plants, enjoy being watered regularly. Hyssop do however, prefer drier conditions, so opt for watering your hyssop plants about once or twice a week.

“How to Manage Pests: Nematodes.” University of California Agriculture & Natural Resources. html. Accessed 19 April 2021.

To prune your hyssop, trim your plant heavily, during the early spring. You can trim again after the flowers have developed on your plant. Not only does properly trimming your hyssop help keep it down to a manageable size, but it also helps your plant look bushier because it encourages new growth.

“Hyssopus Officinalis.” Missouri Botanical Garden. http:// PlantFinderDetails.aspx?kempercode=b939. Accessed 19 April 2021. Tilley, Nikki. “Tips For Growing Hyssop Plant In Your Garden.” Gardening Know How. hyssop/growing-hyssop-plant.htm. Accessed 19 April 2021.

Hyssop is best used when freshly cut. Though, it is totally possible to dry and freeze hyssop to use later on.

PESTS It’s not always pleasant to think about the possibility of your plants becoming sick or infested with pests, but keeping an eye out for any irregularities can help prevent future heartbreak. While hyssop is highly resistant to most pests and diseases, they can sometimes be affected by nematodes. Nematodes are a type of microscopic, eel-like roundworm that mainly attacks the roots of your plants. You might suspect your hyssop has been affected by nematodes if your hyssop has begun to wilt or the leaves have started yellowing. Take a trowel and dig up the roots and take a good look; if you notice any galls (abnormal EMPOWERING WIVES


Meal Planning

Meal planning is the simple act of taking some time to plan any number of your meals for the week. Plan for yourself or plan for your family. Plan to eat healthy and plan a night out. Plan every snack and meal, or simply plan your lunches so you don’t spend money on restaurant food during the week. It doesn’t really matter what you plan, as long as you thought about it. The goal is not to start from zero for every single meal. Meal planning is one of those things that you don’t really want to do, because it feels like it will take too much time and effort – but actually it can be a game changer when it comes to less stress and work in the kitchen each day.

Take a look at all the reasons you should be thinking about meal planning – and all the benefits you get. Looking at these will help you to decide if it’s worth it for you.



Here are 5 benefits of meal planning.

1 2

Helps you make good choices - Meal planning removes the need to make a choice when you’re hungry and/or tired and planning up front with a clear head means you are more likely to try and plan healthier foods most of the time. Provides Balance - meal planning means you are more likely to be able to create a more balanced week of food as you are thinking about it up front and can see any repetitions before they actually happen. Even though each meal you eat may be really healthy, if you only look at one meal at a time (which will happen if you don’t meal plan), then you can all too easily lose sight of the bigger picture and create a less balanced diet as a result.


Save more waste less - If you can create meal plans that use food wisely (what you already have, leftovers, freezing batches of food etc) then you will start to see a natural reduction in how much food you waste. Buying only what you need for your meals that are already planned out, and not being swayed by bulk special offers, can avoid throwing out lots of food you have not been able to eat in time (before the expiry date) – which will also save money over time.


Helps to reach health goals - You’ve probably heard that meals cooked at home are typically lower in calories compared to eating in or picking up from restaurants. But did you know that they also tend to have more fiber and vegetables, fewer carbohydrates, and less sodium, sugar, and saturated fat? In fact, overall diet quality increases as the number of weekly meals prepared at home goes up. Therefore,

individuals who regularly prepare meals at home are more likely to have less body fat, a lower risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, and even a longer lifespan! Cooking meals at home increases your chance of reaching health goals, no matter if those are to lose weight, improve heart health, or keep blood sugar in check. And meal planning is what gives you ingredients and resources to make this happen daily.


Reduces Stress - Have a written meal plan and place in a visible area in your kitchen and it will take out the stress and the uncertainty of – “What will I cook for dinner tonight.” When you have kids, you have to worry about what they will eat continually. With a simple meal plan system in place, you will not have to worry about that.



Empowering Wives


Kitchen In this issue, Empowering Wives Kitchen will be highlighting 5 tasty dishes for spring.






• • • • • •

1. Steam asparagus in a pan with shallow water until tender, 5-7 minutes. You may also in a covered bowl in a microwave with 1 T water for 5 minutes.

1 pound Asparagus 3 Eggs ½ cup Parmesan Cheese 3 teaspoons Olive Oil ½ teaspoon Salt ¼ teaspoon Pepper

2. Spray a skillet with nonstick spray. Heat over medium-high heat. Crack eggs into skillet and cook until egg yolk is partially cooked. 3. Place steamed asparagus on a plate and drizzle each portion with 1 tsp olive oil. 4. Remove egg from skillet with a spatula and place on top of the asparagus. Sprinkle each serving with 1 T parmesan cheese, salt and pepper. EMPOWERING WIVES


WHOLE WHEAT PAN CAKE Total Time : Ready in 30 minutes

Ingredients • • • • • •

1 cup Flour whole-wheat 2 teaspoons Baking Powder 1/4 teaspoon Salt 1 Egg 1 cup Milk 1 tablespoon Canola Oil optional or 1 tablespoon Butter melted, optional. • 1 cup Apples sliced, optional or 1 cup Berries fresh or frozen, optional or 1 cup Banana sliced, optional. • Oil for greasing the pan or Butter for greasing the pan.

Directions 1. Put oil or butter in skillet and heat for a moment on medium-low. Transfer to a greased 2-qt. baking dish. Cover and bake 1 hour. Uncover; bake 30-40 minutes or until the potatoes are tender. If desired, top with additional pepper. 2. In a bowl, mix dry ingredients. Whisk eggs and milk, then stir in 1 tablespoon melted butter or oil, if using. 3. S poon ¼ cup batter into the hot skillet. 4. O nce pancake is bubbling and dry around the edges, flip it. 5. C ook for about 3 minutes more, or until the center of the pancake is completely dry. 6. Repeat until the batter is finished.




Total Time : Ready in 20 minutes



• • • • • • • • •

1. Preheat the oven to 200°C.

240g radish, washed, trimmed, and halved. 2 teaspoons vegetable oil 1 lemon, juiced. ¼ teaspoon paprika 6 parsley leaves, chopped. ¼ teaspoon salt ¼ fresh pepper, diced. ¼ teaspoon dry chives ½ onion, sliced.

2. A dd the radishes in a clean bowl, add chives, onions, paprika, pepper, salt, half of the parsley leaves and lemon juice then toss well. 3. S catter the radishes in a greased baking dish and drizzle the vegetable oil over. 4. P lace in the preheated oven and roast until the radishes become soft, crispy, and brown in appearance around the edges. 5. B ring out from the oven, garnish with the remaining parsley leaves, and serve warm immediately.






• • • • • • • • •

1. Mix salad greens, tomatoes, onions, and cucumber in a large serving bowl.

6 cups Salad Greens torn or cut. 3 Tomatoes medium, chopped. 5 Green Onions chopped 1 Cucumber peeled and chopped. 2 tablespoons Lemon Juice 1/3 teaspoon Garlic Powder 1/2 teaspoon Black Pepper = 1/2 teaspoon Salt 1 Avocado large, peeled.

2. In a small bowl, mix lemon juice, garlic powder, ground black pepper, and salt; stir with fork or whisk. Pour over salad mixture and toss together. 3. Cut avocado in half lengthwise. Remove pit and peel avocado halves. Slice into thin wedges, about 1/8-inch thick. 4. Arrange avocado slices on top of salad and serve immediately.




A colorful mix of fresh fruit, drizzled with a delicious orange, lemon, and honey dressing.



• • • • • • • • • • • •

1. In a mixing bowl combine all fruit.

½ cantaloupe cubed 2 mangos cubed 1 lg. apple cubed 1 quart strawberries quartered 1 pear cubed 1 c. seedless red grapes halved 1 c. seedless green grapes halved 1 c. blueberries DRESSING : 1 lemon (juice only) 1 orange (juice only) ¼ honey

2. I n a separate bowl, whisk together lemon juice, orange juice, and honey. 3. Pour over fruit and gently toss together.



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