Portfolio 2020

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E M R E T A Åž


who is this?

My name is Emre TaĹ&#x; and I was born in Yalova, Turkey. I completed my high school education here. During this period, I discovered my interest in art, design and architecture. So I decided to study achitecture. And I graduated with a bachelor's degree of Eskisehir Osmangazi University Department of Architecture in July 2020.

some interests

In my second year of architecture education, I was in Czechia as an exchange student in The Institute of Technology and Business in Ceske Budejovice. During my time in Europe, I created and photographed my trips through the cities, structures and experiences that I found valuable in architectural way. In addition to traveling and taking photographs, I am interested in painting, collage, short ďŹ lm, graphic design, and I would like to exhibit my works in the near future.


During my education in Eskisehir, I have been involved in some student initiatives: Bademlik Design Festival, Kayıt-sız Architecture and Design Club. We aimed to create a collective discussion and production environment by bringing different creative disciplines together within a theme determined each year by Bademlik Design Festival Team. Likewise, as Kayıt-sız Club, we aimed to enrich our design education habitat by organizing public events such as interviews, workshops and film screenings with people who are from related disciplines of architecture, design and art. I believe, my personal activities outside the school and all those informal communities that I get the chance to be included; are the source of learning in architecture education.

a point of view

I believe that the vast and dynamic design thinking, which cannot be reduced to the whole of some ossified paradigms, can only begin at the point where we bring our own restricted information areas together with other networks of information. I therefore find it worthwhile to be a participant of the collectives that allows us to share ideas and to create together. I believe that design thinking could allow metamorphosis, bifurcations and transformations at the point of our relations with the environment for a better common future. Thank you for your interest. Emre Taş

Emre TaĹ&#x;


PE R S O NAL I N F O R MATI O N birthdate

13 April 1996 | Yalova,Turkey


Eskisehir, Turkey +90 538 084 2153 emretas7753@gmail.com

social media


instagram | emretassss instagram | gecegezisi facebook | emretas7753 English - C1(Advanced) | Turkish (Native Language) German- A1(Starter)

Education Experiences Organizations Competitions Exhibitions Ateliers & Lectures

E D U CATI O N september 2015 Eskisehir Osmangazi University | Turkey june 2020 Faculty of Engineering and Architecture Department of Architecture january 2017 The Institute of Technology and Bussiness | Czech Republic july 2017 Faculty of Technology Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture

EXPERIENCES september 2020 Residency Programme | “Designing into the Future” Istanbul Design Biennial (İKSV) and Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands september 2018 Assistant, Tutor | POMİ ( Studio for Potential Architecture ) january 2019 Second Year Architecture Studio by Levent Şentürk Eskisehir Osmangazi University | Department of Architecture june 2019 Yalın Architecture september 2019 Internship, by Ömer Selçuk Baz | Istanbul, Turkey august 2018 Haydarpasha Train Station Building Restoration Project october 2018 Constuction Site Internship | Istanbul,Turkey

O R GAN I ZATI O N S february 2016 Bademlik Design Festival present 2016, 2017, 2018 | Organization Committee september 2016 ‘Kayıt-sız’ Architecture and Design Club present Eskisehir Osmangazi University 2016, 2017, 2018 | Team Member

COMPETITIONS may 2019 Istanbul Rotary Art Competition, Prizes and Exhibition with Tülay Haspulat november 2018 Drawing of the Year 2018 | Shaping New Realities | Aarhus School of Architecture, Denmark | with Tülay Haspulat april 2018 Mention | 48 Hours Architectural Idea Competition Architecture Foundation | with Tülay Haspulat december 2017 arcED 2. category | Assoc. of Architecture Education with Tülay Haspulat october 2017 Fourth Prize, Izmir Utopias ‘Formless’ Architectural Idea Competition | Izmir SMD | with Ezgi Yardımcı november 2016 IV. Zeki Yurtbay Design Awards | ‘Complexity and Order’ Ceramic Design Contest

SKILLS computer

my interests journeys

Autocad Sketchup Adobe Photoshop Corel Draw Vray Autodesk Fusion 360 Adobe Premiere Autodesk Revit Sketching | Photography | Painting | Collage | Graphic Design Art | Cinema | Travelling | Tennis | Piano Austria | Belgium | Czech Republic | France | Germany | Italy Netherland | Poland | Portugal | Spain | Ukraine

ATE LI E R S & LE CTU R E S september 2020 Residency Programme | “Designing into the Future” Istanbul Design Biennial by İKSV Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands september 2018 Participant | Betonart 2019 | Hadrian’s Regard january 2019 by Jorge Mealha december 2017 Speaker | PechaKucha ‘Snap to Point’ | Eskisehir, Turkey as Bademlik Design Festival Team | short and effective transfer of content | PechaKucha is organized in over 900 cities worldwide.

november 2017 Tutor | Kayıt-sız ‘Filmi Duymak’ Atelier| Eskisehir, Turkey at Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Dep. of Architecture october 2016 Tutor | Kayıt-sız Sketching Atelier II | Eskisehir, Turkey at Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Dep. of Architecture december 2016 Speaker | Açık Fakülte Seminerleri No:52 | Istanbul, Turkey Bademlik Design Fest. Team, at Bilgi University december 2016 Speaker | Praxis Lectures | Istanbul, Turkey Kayıt-sız Team, at Kadir Has University july 2016 Participant | Between Two Seas | Istanbul, Turkey by Serkan Taycan july 2016 Participant | ‘İstanbul’u Susmak’ | Istanbul, Turkey National Architecture Students Meeting (UMÖB 16) by Ozan Avcı and Aslıhan Şenel december 2017 Participant | Kayıt-sız ‘Automobile as an Object or Interface’ Atelier | Eskisehir, Turkey by Engin Tulay july 2016 Participant | ‘Bedende Yer’ | Istanbul, Turkey National Architecture Students Meeting (UMÖB 16) by Can Metin, Cansu Ekici, Orhun Cebeci july 2016 Participant | ‘Mukarnaslar’ | Istanbul, Turkey by Erdem Dilbaz


8UEDQ 3DWDSK\VLFV: The Archive of Thermal Anomalies


Alexandria Troas Excavation House and Research Center


City Construction Kit: The Endless City


on the Trail of the Water: From Paiku to Iku


Schizo-text of the City


urban 'pataphysics: archive of thermal anomalies

The project discusses the concept of 'pataphysics, coined by Alfred Jarry, at the urban level. An imaginary science of imaginary solutions, as well as a critique of modern science and its absolute rationality... Ludic ways of thinking, which are experimental, playful and based on risks, replaces the nomic production methods based on rules, reason, and logic. For the city of EskiĹ&#x;ehir, the concepts of industrial production and thermal consumption are chosen as two sides that deďŹ ne a nomic-ludic contrast. Pataphysical possibilities of "healing" as an ongoing motivation for thermal consumption within urban memory are explored by imagining the elements of an archive of anomalies.

In an exceptional future of the city, it is envisioned that a bathing industry will develop on the river and the human body will be delivered to the partial healing rituals of thermal waters. Objects of bathing cult, the ways of washing, common narratives, myths, medical techniques, prospectuses and clichĂŠs of urban memory get into the toolbox of a pataphysician architect and witness his incorrigible construction activities.

Archive of Thermal Anomalies

Knee Water

Tail Water

Achilles Cure


x 1098,9

Belly Water

Large Bathroom Breath Cure Eye Water

Large Bathroom

Eye Water

Eye Water

Breath Cure

Knee Water



alexandria troas excavation house and research center

Research, archaeological excavation and village life interaction on the border of Dalyan Village; was discussed in terms of contextual, formal and programmatic qualities within the framework of the 'excavation village' theme and a design suggestion was offered.

N 39° 45' 06.098" E 26° 09' 29.717"


Dalyan Village

Project Site

Ancient Harbour

Stadion Gate










accomodation for excavation director

dining area

accomodation for professionals

accomodation for students ďŹ nds washing






living room

garden library

seminar room exhibition


ofďŹ ces

current publications

1:200 scale model


city construction kit: the endless city A city construction kit has designed in parallel

with the spoken language itself. This project is based on the work "kit-of-parts model for nine square problem" which is practiced in a design studio of John Hejduk (Cooper Union School of Architecture, 1976-77). The city has a complex structure, consisting of different structural complexes at each scale. That is, the simplest structural unit that constitutes the city should have possibilities of establishing relationships BASE STAND

with other units, and should have the ability to create poliforms. Language is also structured in voices to reach texts. Each parent unit creates a subunit context. As to the logic of establishment, city and text are interrelated. A person who reads and interprets a text multiplies its meaning in his memory. A person who has experienced the city recreates it in his own perception.

Conceptual City Section



1:100 scale model detail


suyun izinde: on the trail of water Paiku’dan İku’ya from Paiku to Iku

Paiku Gölü'nün kuzeydoğu kıyısında gölün

There is a tribe living on the northeastern

sığ suları üzerinde yüzyıllardır yaşamakta

shore of Lake Paiku. This tribe has been

olan Paiku kabilesinden bir çocuğa nasıl

inhabited for centuries on the shallow water

yüzeceği, nasıl balık avlayacağı, bambu

of Lake Paiku. A child from Paiku do not

kamışları sığ sularda nasıl dikeceği ya da

need to learn how to swim, how to fish, how

uzun mesafeleri kat eden tenteleri nasıl

to plant a bamboo straw in the shallow

gereceği öğretilmez, bunları zaten bilir.

water or how to strech the tents that cover

Bir Paiku genci on beş yaşına ulaştığında

long distances, they already know. When a

artık bir yetişkin olduğunu ispatlamak için bir

young member of Paiku who reaches

gün boyunca yüzer ve yanında götürdüğü

fifteen, he floats for a day to prove he is an

bambu kamışı Paiku Gölü'nün sığ sularına

adult. And he dig a bamboo stick into

gömer. Su üzerinde inşa kabiliyeti onları

shallow waters of Lake Paiku. The ability to

birbirine bağlar. Göl onların evidir, bir Paiku

build on water connects them. The lake is

insanı sudan öte bir yaşam şekli düşünemez.

their home, a Paiku cannot think of a life

Ta ki önceden vaha gibi, kurak topraklardan

other than water. Paiku Lake was like an

kaçan insanların sığındığı, bu bol bereketli

oasis of the people who is escaping from

göl kurumaya başlayana kadar... Güneş, bir çok küçük gölü kurutmuş, ve artık Paiku Gölü'nü besleyen akarsular da su

the arid lands , untill this abundant fertile lake begins to dry ... The climate is getting harder. The sun has

getiremez olmuştu. Bambu kamıştan

dried a lot of small lakes. So the rivers

iskelelerin köklerindeki su seviyesi azalıp

feeding the Lake Paiku no longer could

kurudukça, onları bozuyorlar ve suya

bring water. The water level in the roots of

yöneliyorlardı. İklim daha da sertleşti.

the bamboo straws decreased and dried. So

Bambuları söküp, tenteleri ve ipleri toplayıp,

they were unconstucking their habitats

bir zamanlar Paiku Gölü'nü besleyen İkupan

down and turning to water. They removed

Nehri' ne ulaştılar. Ulu İku Denizi'ne gitmenin

the bamboos, collected the awnings and

ve orada yeni bir hayat kurmanın tek yolu bu

ropes and reached the Ikupan River, which

Ikupan Nehri'ni takip etmekti. Ulu İku' ya

once fed the Lake Paiku. The only way to go

dökülen sular Paikuluların umudu olmuştu.

to the Great Sea of Iku was to follow the

İkupan nehrinin en verimli toprakları

Ikupan River.

besleyen suları da her geçen gün güneşin

The waters of the Ikupan River, which

kızgın sıcağıyla buharlaşmış ve çekilmeye

feeds the fertile lands, have also become

başlamıştı. Nehir suları çekildikçe suyun

vaporized and started to withdraw with the

olduğu yöne doğru Paiku halkının göçü,

hot heat of the sun every day. As the river

söküp inşa etmesi devam etti. Her gittikleri

waters were withdrawn, the migration of the

yerde yapılarını o coğrafyaya adapte ederek

Paiku people continued to the direction of

bambaşka biçimlerde kuruyorlardı. Bazen

water, and the construction continued. They

nehir onları şehirlerin ortasına getirirken,

set up their structures by adapting to that

tentelerini geren ipleri binaların

geography in a different way every time.

balkonlarındaki trabzanlardan geçirip, bazen

Sometimes the river brought them to the

saçakların ahşap kesmelerine doluyorlardı.

middle of the cities, the ropes stretching the

Bazen nehir onları uçsuz bucaksız

awnings passed through the trabzens on the

düzlüklerde yapayalnız bırakıyordu.Her

balconies of the buildings and sometimes

defasında geçici olarak kurdukları yapıları, suyu takip eden rotaları onları su gibi duraksayıp akar hale getirmişti. Paiku halkı artık sadece su üzerinde yaşamaz da suyun kendisi olmuştu.

they were filling the fringes of the eaves. Sometimes the river was leaving them alone in the vast plains. Each time they had temporarily set up their structures, the water-following routes made them pause and muddle. The people of Paiku lived on the water and became the water itself.


“Oiku Şehrindeki Paiku Insanlar ” 1: 100 ölçekli model, 2018 model fotoğrafı

“Paiku People in Oiku City” 1:100 scale model, 2018 model photography

“Oiku Şehrindeki Paiku Insanlar ” 1: 100 ölçekli model, 2018 model fotoğrafı

“Paiku People in Oiku City” 1:100 scale model, 2018 model photography

“Oiku Şehrindeki Paiku Insanlar ” 1: 100 ölçekli model, 2018 model fotoğrafı

“Paiku People in Oiku City” 1:100 scale model, 2018 model photography

5 kent için şizo-metin Kent üzerinde seçilen bir rotada rastlanan her tür metinel unsuru (afiş, ilan, tabela vb.) mekansal ilişkilerini gözardı etmeden (konum,ardışıklık) cümlede kullanarak metne dökme: kentin şiiri...

Vesikalık Optik Biliminin Doğuşu Vesikalık optik biliminin doğuşu telefon ve düz fotokopi gibi satılık değildir. Faks ile raks eden bir takım kimlik yoksunu kaplama taksiciler de şimdi kendilerine Riva' dan acele yer seçmeliler diye düşündü Seda. Daha 12 yaşında faturalı kontörlü tüm kredi kartlarına inancını yitirmişti. İletişime geçtiği ödeme noktaları acele 3 taksit izinde olduğu zamanlarda, Eskişehir' de bir klinikte biyometrik fotovizyon tedavisiyle hayatının kurtarılmasını dilerdi. İsterse Pasta Fırını Valiliği kan bankası aracını Karsuyu Belediyesine bağışlasın, şimdi Seda evinde cumhurbaşkanı hediyeli limitsiz internetinin keyfini çıkaracaktı. Unutmayınız ki ayvaların maliyede başkanlığa geldiği günde bile Optik biliminin doğuşu ancak resmi hizmete mahsustur. 24 Kasım'dan sonra öğretmenler bunu tüm sınıflarda bildirecektir.

Fuzuli Motosikletli Şairler UKOME genel kurulu kararınca, fuzuli motosikletli şairler saat 09.00 ve 01.00 arası giremezler. Porsuk bulvarı trafiğe kapatılmışsa, aileniz ve sevdikleriniz için şimdi nadir ve saf olanı tercih etme zamanı. 444 0 743. Odunpazarı Belediyesi, İzmir sandviç işleri. Doğan Apartmanından çağdaş bir biçimde çıkar. Rumeli Çikolatacısında mangal sezonu açılır. Giriş için 495 kilogram kayısı...Dikkat edin de doğalgaza ateşle yaklaşmayın. Ada yaşamına dünya yemekleri, gezi kütüphanesi ve kahvaltı dahil edilir. Sufle dondurmalı ve kahveniz, waffle ve kahveniz, çilekli magnolya ve Türk kahveniz, filtre kahvenin çeşitleri ve limonatanız evde yapıldı, iki kişi için sınırsız serpildi. Aynı zamanda yıldızlı soğuk ve yoğun deneyim, doğal ve sağlıklı unlu poğaçalar ile duygulanır. Serinleten lezzetler çıkar. Nargile marpuçlar şahlarken canlı tavuklara monte müzik döner, et döner. Nehir tarafında kariyer eğitimi açık öğretilir. Ankara pidesinden fal bakılır. Sanatı merkezden estirmek için kayıttayız.

OTHER WORKS “Zenobia” from Invisible Cities | drawing “Matris" | drawing & text “Revisit of Invisible Cities” | drawing “Villa Tugendhat” | photography “Paspresent Presentfuture” | photography “Long Exposure in Urban Scale” | photography “ Deambulatio” | photography “Optical Surreal Details” | photography “in Barcelona Pavilion” | photography Bademlik Design Festival Posters | graphic design

Zenobia, Invisible Cities, Italo Calvino Fineline Pen on Paper and Watercolor ,29.7 x 63 cm, 2016 drawing

“Matris” | 2019 100 cm x 100 cm | Mixed Media on Paper drawing & text | with Tülay Haspulat


Sürreel sanat düşüncesinde, farklı gerçeklikler birbiriyle çarpışır ve yeni anlamlar yaratır. Yeni olanı yaratmak için matematiğin matris sistemi bir araç olarak kullanıldı ve seçilen kavramlar çarpıştırılarak hayali gerçekliklere ulaşıldı. Dinamik anlamlara sahip olan 7 + 7 adet kavram matris düzleminde çarpıştırılır ve 49 yeni olası gerçeklik keşfedilir. Bu görsel matris sistemi lineer olmayan bir zaman dizgesinde okunabilir ve sayısız senaryoya ulaşan sayısız rota oluşturulabilir. Bunlardan üçü, metin ve şema olarak gösterilmiştir. Bu metinler matrise dair kurgusal yaşam örüntüleri sunar ve bize daha çoğunu yaratma yeteneği verir.

“Revisit of Invisible Cities” Pen on Paper ,15x15 each, 2016 drawing

“Villa Tugendhat” Brno, Czechia ,2017 photography

“Pastpresent Presentfuture” Prague, Czechia ,2017 photography

Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, Spain, 2017 photography

“Long Exposure in Urban Scale” Turkey, 2018 photography

“Deambulatio� Amsterdam, Netherlands ,2017 photography

“Deambulatio� Amsterdam, Netherlands ,2017 photography

“Deambulatio� Amsterdam, Netherlands ,2017 photography

“Deambulatio� Amsterdam, Netherlands ,2017 photography

“Optical Surreal Details” Cologne, Germany, 2017 photography

Barcelona Pavilion, Barcelona, Spain, 2017 photography

Bademlik Design Festival Posters coated paper print 59,4x42 cm with BTF Team, 2018 graphic design

“Circulation� with Selin Sanal and Buket Yas, 2016 1:200 scale diagram model

“Circulation� with Selin Sanal and Buket Yas, 2016 1:200 scale diagram model



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